Independence – Freedom – Happiness
September 4, 2020
Pursuant to Education Law dated June 14, 2019;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 dated
November 28, 2014 of National Assembly on renovating formal education programs
and textbooks; Resolution No. 51/2017/NQ14 dated November 21, 2017 of National
Assembly on amending roadmap for implementing new formal education programs and
textbooks according to Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 dated November 28, 2014;
Pursuant to Decree 69/2017/ND-CP dated May 25,
2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure
of the Ministry of Education and Training;
At the request of the Director General of
Primary Education Department,
Minister of Education and Training promulgates
Circular on issuing Regulations on assessment of primary school students.
Article 1. Regulations on assessment of primary school students are
attached under this Circular.
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1. From 2020-2021 school year for
first grade.
2. From 2021-2022 school year
for second grade.
3. From 2022-2023 school year
for third grade.
4. From 2023-2024 school year
for fourth grade.
5. From 2024-2025 school year
for fifth grade.
Article 3. This Circular comes into effect from October 20, 2020 and
replaces Circular No. 30/2014/TT-BGDDT dated August 28, 2014 of Minister of
Education and Training on issuing Regulations on assessment of primary school
students and Circular No. 22/2016/TT-BGDDT dated September 22, 2016 of Minister
of Education and Training on amendments to Regulations on assessment of primary
school students attached under Circular No. 30/2014/TT-BGDDT dated August 28,
2014 of Minister of Education and Training.
Regulations on assessment of primary school
students attached to Circular No. 30/2014/TT-BGDDT dated August 28, 2014 of
Minister of Education and Training and Circular No. 22/2016/TT-BGDDT dated
September 22, 2016 of Minister of Education and Training on amendments to
Regulations on assessment of primary school students attached under Circular
No. 30/2014/TT-BGDDT dated August 28, 2014 of Minister of Education and
Training shall remain applicable until provisions under Article 2 of this
Circular comes into effect.
Article 4. Chief of Office, Director General of Primary Education
Department, heads of relevant entities affiliated to Ministry of Education and
Training, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and
central-affiliated cities and Directors of Education and Training Departments
are responsible for implementation of this Circular.
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Nguyen Huu Do
(Attached to Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT dated September 4, 2020 of
Minister of Education and Training)
Chapter I
Article 1. Scope and
regulated entities
1. This document prescribes
assessment of primary school students, including: organizing assessment; using
assessment results; organizing implementation.
2. This document applies to
primary schools; multi-level formal education institutions, specialized schools
and other education institutions providing formal primary education level;
organizations and individuals participating in primary education level
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1. “assessment of primary
school students” refers to the process of collecting and processing
information via observation, monitor, discussion, examination and commentary on
studying and training progress of students; consulting, guiding and motivating
students; interpreting quantitative or qualitative information on studying,
training results, formation and development of traits and capacities of primary
school students.
2. “regular assessment”
refers to assessment carried out during teaching process for requirements and
specific display of capacities of each subject, education activities and
traits, capacities of students. Regular assessment provides
feedback for teachers and students to promptly adjust teaching process, assist
and promote student’s progression according to education goals of primary
3. “periodic assessment”
refers to assessment of education results of students after a period of
studying and training to identify level of completion of studying and training
tasks of students according to requirements and specific display of capacities
in each subject and education activities prescribed under formal primary
education programs and formation, development of traits and capacities of
4. “consolidation of
education assessment results” refers to consolidation and record of
education assessment results of students in schedules for education assessment
results of classes and study records from time to time as per the law.
Article 3. Assessment
The assessment aims to provide information
accurately, promptly, identify studying and training results depending on
requirements on formal primary education program and progression of students to
guide academic activities, adjust teaching activities to improve education quality,
to be specific:
1. Assist teachers in
adjusting and renovating organization format and education methods in teaching
and academic processes; promptly acknowledge efforts and progress of students
to motivate, encourage and detect insurmountable obstacles of students to
guide, support in order to improve studying and training effectiveness of
students; in part to implement objectives of primary education
2. Help students develop ability
to self-reflect, reflect, self-study, adjust studying methods, communicate,
cooperate, interest in learning and training for improvement.
3. Assist student’s parents or
guardians (hereinafter referred to as “student’s parents”) in assessing studying,
training progress and results, processes of forming and developing traits,
capacities of students; actively cooperating with schools in educating
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5. Assist social organization
in acknowledging accurate and objective information, develop social sources for
investment in development of education.
Article 4. Assessment
1. Assess students via level
of satisfaction of requirements and specific display of capacities in subjects,
academic activities, traits and capabilities of students required by formal
primary education program.
2. Conduct regular assessment
by feedback, periodic assessment in form of scores in combination with
comments; combine assessment of teachers, students, students' parents in which
teachers’ assessment holds the highest priority.
3. Assess progression and do
so for the progression of students; emphasize encouragement and motivation of
efforts in studying and training of students; assist students in making the
best of their capabilities and efforts; guarantee timeliness, fairness and
transparency; refrain from comparing one student to another, refrain from
pressuring students, teachers or students' parents.
Chapter II
Article 5. Assessment criteria
and methods
1. Assessment criteria
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b) Assess formation and development of traits and
capacities of students via following primary traits and capacities:
- Primary traits: patriotism,
humane, diligence, honesty, and sense of responsibility.
- Primary capacities:
+) General capacities: self-control, self-studying,
communication, cooperation, problem resolution and creativity;
+) Specific capacities: language, calculation,
science, technology, computer, aesthetic, and physical attributes.
2. Assessment methods
Commonly used assessment methods for assessing
students are:
a) Assessment by observation: Teachers monitor and listen
to students when teaching in classes, employ observation cards, examination
boards and records of student's behaviors as proof for assessment of studying
and training processes of students.
b) Assessment by academic records, products and
activities of students: Teachers provide feedback and assessment regarding
products and activity results of students thereby assessing students based on
relevant assessment criteria.
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d) Assessment by writing: Teachers employ tests
consisting of questions and exercises designed according to levels and
requirements to be achieved of the program in form of multiple-choice questions
and writing tests to assess level of completion for academic assessment
Article 6. Regular assessment
1. Regular assessment for
academic contents of subjects and academic activities.
a) Teachers flexibly and appropriately employ
assessment methods, primarily by words to inform students about the right, the
wrong and remedial measures; specify feedback in notebooks or academic products
of students if necessary and provide timely assistance.
b) Students provide feedback on their work and
their peers’ work during execution of academic tasks for the betterment.
c) Students’ parents discuss student feedback and
assessment with teachers via appropriate means and cooperate with teachers in
motivating and assisting students in studying and training processes.
2. Regular assessment for
formation and development of traits and capacities
a) Teachers flexibly and appropriately employ
assessment methods; based on display of awareness, behavior and attitude of
students; compare with level of completion to be achieved of each primary trait
and capacity according to formal primary education programs in order to provide
timely feedback and assistance.
b) Students may provide feedback on themselves and
their peers regarding display of each primary trait and capacity for self
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Article 7. Periodic assessment
1. Periodic assessment for
academic contents of subjects and academic activities.
a) In the middle of the first semester, at the end
of the first semester, in the middle of the second semester and at the end of a
school year, subject specialist teachers rely on regular assessment, requirements
to be achieved, specific display of capacities of each subject and academic
activities to assess students in each subject and academic activity as
- Good completion: excellently
achieve academic requirements and regularly display specific capacities of
subjects or academic activities;
- Completion: achieve academic
requirements and display specific capacities of subjects or academic
- Incompletion: fail to
achieve any academic requirement or fail to display specific capacities of subjects
or academic activities;
b) At the end of the first semester and at the end
of a school year, organize periodic examination for compulsory subjects:
Vietnamese literature, Mathematics, Foreign language 1, History and Geography,
Computer and Technology;
For students in 4th grade or 5th
grade, organize additional periodic examination for Vietnamese literature and
Mathematics in between the first semester and the second semester.
c) Periodic exam questions must conform to
requirements to be achieved and specific display of capacities of subjects and
consist of questions and exercises designed in levels as follows:
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- Level 2: Connect and arrange
learned contents to deal with similar issues;
- Level 3: Apply learned
contents to deal with new issues or provide reasonable responses in learning
and life.
d) Exam papers shall be corrected, commented and
marked by teachers on a scale of 10 (no decimal allowed) and returned to
students. Scores of periodic exam cannot be used for comparison among
students. If results of exams taken place at the end of the first semester and
at the end of a school year show irregularities compared to regular assessment,
teachers shall request schools to organize additional examination for accurate
assessment of students’ academic results.
2. Periodic assessment for
formation and development of traits and capacities
In the middle of the first semester, in the middle
of the second semester and at the end of a school year, class mentors shall
cooperate with other teachers teaching in their classes in providing assessment
as follows according to feedback and display during regular assessment for
formation and development of primary traits and capacities of students:
a) Good: Satisfy academic requirements well,
display clearly and frequently.
b) Satisfied: Satisfy academic requirements, be
able to display but not frequently.
c) Further efforts required: Fail to adequately
satisfy academic requirements, be able to display but not clearly.
Article 8. Assessment for
students in schools and classes for persons with disabilities
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2. Students with disabilities
following special education shall be assessed according to regulations on
special education or at request of personal education plans.
3. For students participating
in classes for persons with disabilities: teachers shall assess students based
on regular feedback and assessment via classes for persons with disabilities
whereas periodic assessment results of Mathematics and Vietnamese literature
shall conform to Article 7 of these Regulations
Article 9. Consolidation of
academic assessment results
1. In the middle of the first
semester, at the end of the first semester, in the middle of the second
semester and at the end of a school year:
a) Subject teachers shall rely on periodic
assessment and level of completion of periodic assessment of subjects and
academic activities to consolidate and record academic assessment results in
records for class academic assessment results.
b) Class mentors shall rely on regular assessment
results and level of completion from periodic assessment regarding primary
traits and capacities of students to consolidate and specify academic
assessment results of students in records for class academic assessment
2. At the end of a school
year, based on consolidated assessment results of each subjects, academic
activities and primary traits, capacities, class mentors shall:
a) Assess academic results of students by 4 levels:
- Excellent completion:
Students who achieve excellent scores in assessment results of subjects,
academic activities; good in traits and capacities; at least 9 score in
periodic final exams of subjects;
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- Completion: Students who
fail to achieve excellent and good completion but achieve good or completion
scores in assessment results of subjects, academic activities; good or
satisfied in traits and capacities; at least 5 score in periodic final exams of
- No completion: Other
b) Specify feedback, academic assessment results
and achievements of students receiving appraisal in a school year in study
Article 10. Assessment
1. Assessment documents shall
serve as proof for learning, training processes and learning results of
students; as the basis for increasing cooperation between teachers, schools and
students’ parents in educating students.
2. Assessment documents in each
school year of a student consist of study records (under Annex 1 attached
hereto) and Schedules for consolidated academic assessment results (under Annex
2 attached hereto).
a) Schedules for consolidated academic assessment
results of classes shall be stored in schools as per the law.
b) Study records shall be stored by schools
throughout the period in which students study in the schools and handed to the
students when they finish primary education programs or move to other schools.
Chapter III
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Article 11. Consideration for
completion of class programs or primary education programs
1. Consideration for
completion of class programs:
a) Students receiving verification for completion
of class programs are students who receive academic assessment results of:
Excellent completion, Good completion, Completion.
b) For students who have not received verification
for completion of class programs, teachers prepare plans, guidance and
assistance; such students shall also receive additional consideration for
completion of class programs.
c) For students who remain ineligible for
completing class program despite receiving guidance and assistance, depending
on level of incompletion of subjects, academic activities, level of formation and
development of traits and capacities, teachers prepare list and report to
principals in order to organize inspection, assessment and consideration and
decide whether the student move on to the next grade or not.
2. Consideration for completion
of primary education programs:
Students completing the 5th grade shall
be verified and recorded in their study records as “Hoàn thành chương trình tiểu
học” (Completed primary education program).
Article 12. Inspection for
acceptance and transfer of student academic results
1. Conduct inspection for
acceptance and transfer student academic results to ensure fairness and
responsibility of teachers regarding student assessment results; assist
teachers in admitting students in the next school year with adequate
information to develop effective education plans, measures.
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a) For students in the 1st grade, 2nd
grade, 3rd grade or 4th grade: class mentors discuss
notable characteristics or limits of the students with teachers who will admit
students in the following year and transfer student assessment documents
according to Clause 2 Article 10 of these Regulations.
b) For 5th grade students: organize
invigilating and scoring exams with participation of teachers of lower
secondary schools in the same administrative divisions; class mentors finalize
assessment documents of students and transfer to the schools.
c) Specialized teams shall produce questions for
periodic examination for all grades.
3. Directors of Education and
Training Authorities shall direct schools within the same administrative
divisions to organize inspection for acceptance and transfer academic results
of students completing primary education program and moving on to the 6th
grade satisfactory to eligibility of schools and administrative divisions.
Article 13. Commendations
1. Principals shall award
certificates of achievement for students:
a) End-of-year commendation:
- Award Excellent student
title for student achieving Excellent completion;
- Award Student with good
completion in study and training title for students achieving Good completion
and earning excellent achievement in at least 1 subject or show clear
development in at least 1 trait or capacity and receive recognition by the
whole class.
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2. Students with special
achievements considered and requested for commendation by the schools.
3. Managing officials and
teachers may send commendation letters to students with achievements and
efforts during studying, training processes or students with good deeds.
Chapter IV
Article 14. Responsibilities
of Departments of Education and Training and Education and Training Authorities
1. Departments of Education
and Training are responsible for:
a) directing Education and Training Authorities in
organizing assessment of primary school students within the administrative
b) providing guidelines on use of assessment
documents and study records of students in case of implementing electronic
assessment documents and study records.
c) once a year when a school year ends, produce
reports on implementation of assessing primary school students and submit to
Ministry of Education and Training.
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3. Departments of Education
and Training and Education and Training Authorities are responsible for
monitoring, examining and dealing with difficulties and issues that arise
during implementation of these Regulations.
Article 15. Responsibilities
of principals
1. Being responsible for
directing organization and publicizing student assessment according to this
Circular; guaranteeing assessment quality; submitting reports on implementation
results to Education and Training Authorities
2. Respecting teacher’s rights
in implementation of regulations on student assessment.
3. Directing preparation of
periodic examination questions; developing and implementing plans for improving
and assisting students; conducting acceptance inspection and transferring
student education results; verifying final student assessment results;
considering grade progression; managing student assessment documents.
4. Explaining and dealing with
difficulties and propositions regarding student assessment within rights and
obligations of principals.
Article 16. Responsibilities
of teachers
1. Class mentors are
responsible for:
a) assessing and consolidating academic results of
students in class; finishing student assessment documents as per the law;
conducting inspection for acceptance and transferring student academic results
to the next grade.
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c) guiding students to provide feedback on
themselves and their peers. Informing students’ parents about assessment
criteria and methods according to these Regulations; cooperating and guiding
students’ parents to participate in assessment process.
2. Subject specialist teachers
are responsible for:
a) assessing studying and training processes and
academic results of students for subjects and academic activities as per the
b) cooperating with class mentors, other teachers
teaching in the same classes and students’ parents in assessing students;
finalizing student assessment documents; conducting inspection for acceptance
of student academic results.
c) Guiding students to provide feedback on
themselves and their peers.
3. Teachers shall monitor
progression of students, record notes for students with incomplete contents or
students with progression in studying and training.
Article 17. Rights and
responsibilities of students
1. Provide feedback and
receive guidance, explanation of teachers and principals regarding assessment
2. Positively provide feedback
on themselves and their peers according to guidelines of teachers.
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(Attached to Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT dated September 4, 2020 of
Minister of Education and Training)
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School: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Commune (Ward, Town):
District (Townlet, District):
Province (City):
Study records are for final assessment results of
students. When filling in study records, teachers must refer to Circular No.
27/2020/TT-BGDDT dated September 4, 2020 of Minister of Education and Training
on regulations on assessing primary school students.
1. Page 3, specify information
according to birth certificates of students.
2. Section “1. Các môn học
và hoạt động giáo dục” (Subjects and academic activities)
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- In the column “Điểm KTDK”
(Periodic examination score) of subjects with periodic exams: specify
scores of final exams; for students benefiting from second examination, specify
scores of the later exams.
- In the column “Nhận xét”
(Feedback): Specify notable points regarding progression, talents and interest
in studying subjects and academic activities; contents and skills that have not
been completed in each subject, academic activities to be remediated or
assisted (if any).
3. Section “2. Những phẩm
chất chủ yếu” (Primary traits) and section “3. Những năng lực cốt lõi”
(Primary capacities)
- In column “Mức đạt được” corresponding
to each assessment criteria regarding traits and capacities: specify a “T” in
case of “Good”, a “D” in case of “Completion” or a “C” in case of “Further
efforts required”.
- In column “Nhận xét”
(Feedback) corresponding to assessment criteria regarding traits: specify
display, progression, advantages, disadvantages or recommendations (if any)
regarding formation and development of primary traits of students.
E.g. Punctuality, attendance; respect; helpful for
other people, etc.
- In column “Nhận xét”
(Feedback) corresponding to assessment criteria regarding capacities:
specify display, progression, advantages, disadvantages or recommendations (if
any) regarding formation and development of primary general and specific
capacities of students.
E.g. Personal hygiene, well-dressed; cooperation in
studying; self-learning, etc.
4. Section “4. Đánh giá kết
quả giáo dục” (Academic assessment results)
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5. Section “5. Khen thưởng”
Specify achievements earned by the students in a
school year.
E.g. Excellent student title, Student with good
completion in studying and training, etc.
6. Section “6. Hoàn thành
chương trình lớp học/chương trình tiểu học” (Completion of class programs or
primary education programs)
Specify Completion of ……… grade/primary education
program or Incompletion of ………grade/primary education program; Grade
progression eligible or ineligible.
- Completion of 2nd
grade; Progression to 3rd grade eligible.
- Completion of primary
education program.
Study records are preserved by schools and returned
to students once the students change schools or finish primary education
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Full name of students: …………………………………………………… Gender:
Date of birth: ………………………………………… Ethnic group: ……………
Nationality: ……………………
Place of birth:
Hometown: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Current residence:
Full name of father: ……………………………………………………
Full name of mother: ……………………………………………………
Guardian(s) (if any): …………………………………………………………………………
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......, (Location
and date)
(Signature, full name and seals)
School year
Date of
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- 20....
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- 20....
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- 20....
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Full name of students: ……………………………………………………
Class: ………………..
Height: ……………………………………………………… Weight:
Permitted leave: …………………………………………….. Non-permitted
leave: ………………………………
1. Subjects and academic
Subjects and
academic activities
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examination scores
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Foreign language 1
History and
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Computer and
Natural and social
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Physical education
Art (Music)
Art (Fine arts)
Field trip
Mother tongue
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School: …………………………………………………………………………… School
year 20… - 20....
2. Primary traits
Level of
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Sense of
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3. Primary capacities
3.1. General capacities
Level of
Self-control and
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Communication and
Issue resolution
and creativity
3.2. Specific capacities
Level of
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4. Academic assessment
results: …………………………………………………………
5. Commendation:
6. Completion of class
programs/primary education programs: ………………………………………….
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(Location and date)
(Signature, full name and seals)
(Signature and full name)
(Attached to Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT dated September 4, 2020 of
Minister of Education and Training)
1. Title section
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2. “Subjects and academic
activities” section
- For Form 1 and 4: In
columns corresponding to each subject or academic activities: Specify a “T” in case
of “Good completion”, a “H” in case of “Completion” or a “C” in case of
- For remaining form:
+) In column “Level of completion” corresponding to
each subject or academic activities: Specify a “T” in case of “Good
completion”, a “H” in case of “Completion” or a “C” in case of “Incompletion”.
+) In the column “Điểm KTDK” (Periodic examination
score) of subjects with periodic exams: specify scores of exams; for students
benefiting from second examination, specify scores of the later exams.
3. “Primary traits” and
“Primary capacities” sections
In columns corresponding to each primary trait and
capacity (general and specific capacities): Specify a “T” in case of
“Good”, a “D” in case of “Completion” or a “C” in case of “Further efforts required”.
4. “Academic assessment
results”, “Commendation”, “Grade progression ineligible” sections (In
Form 3, 6, and 9)
Specify an “X” in boxes corresponding to level of
completion regarding academic assessment results of each student and for each student
who receives commendation or student who is ineligible for grade progression.
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Specify special remarks (if any). Namely:
prioritized students; students with disabilities; etc.