Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 04/2023/TT-BXD
Hanoi, June 30,
Pursuant to the Law on Standards and Technical
Regulations dated June 29, 2006;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree
No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 on elaboration of some
Articles of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No.
78/2018/ND-CP on amendments to the Government's Decree No.
127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 on elaboration of some Articles of
the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree
No. 52/2022/ND-CP dated August 08, 2022 defining the functions, tasks,
powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;
At the request of the Director General of the
Department of Science Technology and Environment;
The Minister of Construction hereby promulgates
a Circular promulgating National technical regulations on products and goods of
building materials.
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Article 2. QCVN 16:2023/BXD comes into force
from January 01, 2024.
Article 3. QCVN 16:2019/BXD National
technical regulations on products and goods of building materials QCVN
16:2017/BXD promulgated together with the Circular No. 19/2019/TT-BXD dated
December 31, 2019 of the Minister of Construction is superseded.
Article 4. Grandfather clauses
1. Where a manufacturer or importer of goods of
building materials has been issued with a certificate of conformity in
compliance with QCVN 16:2019/BXD and it remains effective, they may use the
certificate of conformity and respective conformity mark until the expiry of
the certificate.
2. Any body which has been designated to certify
conformity and test products and goods of building materials in accordance with
QCVN 16:2019/BXD may continue to certify conformity and test products and goods
of building materials included in the designation decision and the list of
products and goods of building materials under QCVN 16:2023/BXD under QCVN
16:2023/BXD until the expiry of the designation decision.
3. If the designation decision expires after this
Regulation is promulgated but before it officially takes effect, an extension
may be granted provided that it does not go beyond the effective date of this
Nguyen Van Sinh
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QCVN 16:2023/BXD
QCVN 16:2023/BXD supersedes QCVN 16:2019/BXD.
QCVN 16:2023/BXD is developed by the Vietnam
Institute for Building Material, appraised by the Ministry of Science and
Technology, submitted by the Department of Science Technology and Environment -
Ministry of Construction for approval and promulgated together with the
Circular No. ……../2023/TT-BXD dated ……, 2023 of the Minister of Construction.
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1.1.2. This document shall not apply to products,
goods of building materials imported in the form of samples for advertising
purpose only that have no use value; samples serving research; samples for
testing; temporarily imported goods for displaying at a trade fair or
exhibition; goods which are temporarily imported for re-export, and not
consumed and used in Vietnam; goods exchanged between residents of bordering
areas, gifts or donations within the duty-free allowance; goods in transit,
merchanting trade or transshipment; goods serving emergency demands according
to the Government’s directives and goods serving national defense or security
1.2. Regulated entities
1.2.1. Manufacturers, importers, traders and users
of products, goods of building materials.
1.2.2. Testing bodies and certification bodies that
assess and grant certificates of conformity to products, goods of building
1.2.3. Relevant regulatory bodies responsible for
quality of products, goods of building materials.
1.3. Definitions
For the purposes of this Regulation, the terms
below shall be construed as follows:
1.3.1. “regulatory inspecting authority for
quality of products, goods of building materials” refers to an
authority assigned or decentralized to perform state inspection of quality of
products, goods of building materials under management of the Ministry of
Construction (hereinafter referred to as “inspecting authority”). The local
inspecting authority is the Department of Construction.
1.3.2. “category 2 products, goods of building
materials” refers to the products or goods which are transported, stored,
preserved and used reasonably and for their intended purposes but still
potentially cause harm to humans, animals, plants, assets and environment.
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1.3.4. “batch” combines one type of products or
goods of building materials having similar specifications and produced at once
through one production line.
1.3.5. “lot” combines one type of products or goods
of building materials, in a defined quantity, which have similar label content,
are produced or imported by one manufacturer or importer at one location and
are distributed and sold on the market.
1.3.6. “representative sample of products or
goods of building materials” refers to a sample representing a specific type of
product or good manufactured in similar design, under similar condition
regarding production line and technology and with similar type of material.
1.3.7. “representative sample of batch and
lot” refers to the sample that is taken in a certain ratio and randomly from
the same lot in a manner that the representative nature for entire lot is
ensured, and used for conformity assessment and certification.
1.3.8. “circulation of goods” involves displaying,
promoting, transporting or storing goods in the process of goods sale and
purchase, except the transport of goods by importers from a checkpoint to a
1.4. General
1.4.1. Products, goods of building materials
must be transported, stored and used in a manner that does not represent any
safety hazard. Upon circulated on the market, domestically manufactured
products and goods must have the certificate of conformity and notification of
receipt of application for declaration of conformity declaration issued by the
local inspecting authority; imports must have the certificate of conformity.
1.4.2. Manufacturers, importers, traders and users
of products must accurately declare types of products, goods of building
materials in accordance with product list in Table 1 Part 2 of this
Regulation. Otherwise, it is required to cooperate with a conformity
certification body or testing body to identify the products.
1.4.3. Domestically manufactured and imported
products and goods of building materials specified in Table 1 Part 2 of this
Regulation shall be subject to management measures according to the
certification result given by the certification body registered or recognized
as prescribed by law.
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1.5. Normative references
The following referenced documents are
indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only
the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies. In the cases where any
of the standards, regulations or documents referred to in this Regulation is
amended or replaced, the regulations laid down in the newest one shall prevail.
TCVN 141:2023, Portland
cements - Methods of chemical analysis.
TCVN 1450:2009, Portland cements -
TCVN 1451:1998, Solid clay bricks
TCVN 1452:2023, Clay roofing tiles and
accessories - Specifications
TCVN 1453:2023, Concrete tiles and accessories
TCVN 2090:2015, Paints, varnishes and raw
materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling
TCVN 2097:2015, Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut
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TCVN 3113:2022, Hardened concrete - Test method
for water absorption
TCVN 3118:2022, Hardened concrete - Test method
for compressive strength
TCVN 4313:2023, Clay roofing tiles and
accessories - Method of test
TCVN 4315:2007, Granulated blast furnace slag
for cement production
TCVN 4434:2000, Asbestos-cement corrugated
sheets - Specifications
TCVN 4435:2000, Asbestos-cement corrugated
sheets - Method of test-
TCVN 4732:2016, Natural stone facing slabs
TCVN 6016:2011 (ISO 679:2009), Cement - Test
methods - Determination of strength
TCVN 6017:2015 (ISO 9597:2008), Cements - Test
methods - Determination of setting time and soundness
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TCVN 6067:2018, Sulfate resistant portland
TCVN 6149-1:2007 (ISO 1167-1:2006), Thermoplastics pipes, fittings
and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids - Determination of the
resistance to internal pressure - Part 1: General method
TCVN 6149-2:2007 (ISO 1167-2:2006), Thermoplastics
pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of
fluids - Determination of the resistance to internal pressure - Part
2: General method
TCVN 6149-3:2007 (ISO 1167-3:2006), Thermoplastics
pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids - Determination of the
resistance to internal pressure - Part 3: Preparation of components
TCVN 6260:2020, Blended portland cements -
TCVN 6355-2:2009, Bricks - Test methods - Part
2: Determination of compressive strength
TCVN 6355-3:2009, Bricks - Test methods - Part
3: Determination of bending strength
TCVN 6355-4:2009, Bricks - Test methods - Part
4: Determination of water absorption
TCVN 6415-3:2016 (ISO 10545-3:1995), Ceramic
floor and wall tiles - Test method - Part 3: Determination of water absorption,
apparent porosity, apparent relative and bulk density
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TCVN 6415-6:2016 (ISO 10545-6:2010), Ceramic
floor and wall tiles - Test method - Part 6: Determination of resistance to
deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
TCVN 6415-7:2016 (ISO 10545-7:1996), Ceramic
floor and wall tiles - Test method - Part 7: Determination of resistance to
surface abrasion for glazed tiles
TCVN 6415-8:2016 (ISO 10545-8:2014), Ceramic
floor and wall tiles - Test method - Part 8: Determination of linear thermal
TCVN 6415-10:2016 (ISO 10545-10:1995), Ceramic
floor and wall tiles - Test method - Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion
TCVN 6415-11:2016 (ISO 10545-11:1994), Ceramic
floor and wall tiles - Test method - Part 11: Determination of crazing
resistance for glazed tiles
TCVN 6476:1999, Interlocking concrete bricks
TCVN 6477:2016, Concrete bricks
TCVN 6882:2016, Mineral admixtures for cement
TCVN 7218:2018, Sheet glass for construction -
Clear float glass - Specifications
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TCVN 7305-2:2008 (ISO 4427-2 : 2007), Plastics
piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part
2: Pipes
TCVN 7305-3:2008 (ISO 4427-3: 2007), Plastics
piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply - Part
3: Fittings
TCVN 7364 - 4: 2018, Glass in building - Laminated
glass and laminated safety glass - Part 4: Test methods for durability
TCVN 7364 - 5: 2018, Glass in building -
Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 5: Dimensions and edge
TCVN 7368:2012, Glass in building - Laminated
safety glass - Test methods for impact resistance
TCVN 7417-1:2010 (IEC 61386-1:2008), Conduit
systems for cable management - Part 1: General requirements
TCVN 7455:2013, Glass in building - Heat treated
TCVN 7528:2005, Glass in building - Solar
reflective coated glass
TCVN 7529:2005, Glass in building - Heat
absorbing tint glass
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TCVN 7572-2:2006, Aggregates for concrete and
mortar - Test methods - Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution
TCVN 7572-8:2006, Aggregates for concrete and
mortar - Test methods - Part 8: Method for determination of content of dust,
mud and clay in aggregate and content of clay lumps in fine aggregate
TCVN 7572-9:2006, Aggregates for concrete and
mortar - Test methods - Part 9: Determination of organic impurities
TCVN 7572-14:2006, Aggregates for concrete and
mortar - Test methods - Part 14: Determination of alkali silica reactivity
TCVN 7572-15:2006, Aggregates for concrete and
mortar - Test methods - Part 15: Determination of chloride content
TCVN 7737: 2007, Glass in building - Method for
determination of light transmittance, light reflectance, total solar energy
transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance
TCVN 7753:2007, Fibreboards - Dry process boards
TCVN 7959:2017, Lightweight
concrete - Autoclaved aerated concrete products - Specifications
TCVN 8256:2022, Gypsum board - Specifications
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TCVN 8257-5, TCVN 8257-5:2009, Gypsum
boards - Test methods - Part 5: Determination of humidified deflection
TCVN 8257-6, Gypsum boards - Test methods - Part
6: Determination of water absorption
TCVN 8260:2009, Glass in building - Sealed
insulating glass
TCVN 8261:2009, Glass in building - Test method
for non-destructive photoelastic measurement of surface and edge stresses in
flat glass
TCVN 8262:2009, Fly ash - Methods of chemical
TCVN 8265:2009, Granulated blast furnace slag -
Methods of chemical analysis
TCVN 8491-2:2011 (ISO 1452-2: 2009), Plastics
piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U) - Part 2: Pipes
TCVN 8491-3:2011 (ISO 1452-3: 2009), Plastics
piping systems for water supply and for buried and above - ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure - Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 3:
TCVN 8652:2020, Well emulsion paints -
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TCVN 8653-5, Wall emulsion paints - Test methods
- Part 5: Determination of heat sock resistance of paint film
TCVN 8877:2011, Cement - Test method for
autoclave expansion
TCVN 9030:2017, Lightweight
concrete - Test methods
TCVN 9133:2011, Glazed
ceramic roof tiles
TCVN 9188, Chrysotile asbestos for asbestos -
cement corrugated sheets
TCVN 9205:2012, Crushed sand for concrete and
TCVN 9339:2012, Concrete and mortar - Method for
determination of pH by pH meter
TCVN 9349:2012, Coating for construction structures - Pull-off text
method for determination of adhesive strength
TCVN 9562:2017 (ISO 10639:2017), Plastics piping
systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply - Glass-reinforced thermosetting
plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin
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TCVN 9900-2-11:2013 (IEC 60695-2-11:2000), Fire
hazard testing - Part 2-11: Glowing/hot-wire based test methods -
Glow-wire flammability test method for end-products
TCVN 9900-11-2:2013 (IEC 60695-11-2:2003), Fire
hazard testing - Part 11-2: Test flames - 1 kW nominal
pre-mixed flame - Apparatus, confirmatory test arrangement and guidance
TCVN 10097-2:2013 (ISO 15874-2: 2013), Plastics
piping systems for hot and cold water installations - Polypropylene (PP)
- Part 2: Pipes
TCVN 10097-3:2013 (ISO 15874-3: 2013), Plastics
piping systems for hot and cold water installations - Polypropylene (PP) - Part
3: Fittings
TCVN 10177:2013 (ISO 2531:2009), Ductile
iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water
TCVN 10302:2014, Activity
admixture - Fly ash for concrete, mortar and cement
TCVN 10369:2014 (ISO 17895:2005), Paints and
Varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC
emulsions paints (tin - can VOC)
TCVN 10370-1:2014 (ISO 11890 -1:2007), Paints
and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content - Part
1: Difference method
TCVN 10370-2:2014 (ISO 11890 -2:2007), Paints
and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC)
content- Part 2: Gas-chromatographic method
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TCVN 10769:2015 (ISO 7685:1998), Plastics piping
systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to
prove the resistance to initial ring deflection
TCVN 10967:2015 (ISO 8513:2014), Plastics piping
systems - Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test methods
for the determination of the initial longitudinal tensile strength
TCVN 11205:2015 (ISO 13609:2014), Wood-based panels - Plywood - Blockboards and
TCVN 11524:2016, Precast extrusion concrete
hollow core wall panels
TCVN 11586:2016, Ground granulated blast-furnace
slag for concrete and mortar
TCVN 11822:2017, Modified poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pipes for
pressure applications
TCVN 11833:2017, Phosphogypsum for cement
TCVN 11896:2017 (EN 233:2016), Wallcoverings in
roll form - Specification for finished wallpapers, wall
vinyls and plastics wallcoverings
TCVN 11898:2017 (EN 12149:1998), Wallcoverings
in roll form - Determination of migration of heavy metals and certain other
elements, of vinyl chloride monomer and of formaldehyde release
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TCVN 11899-4:2018 (ISO 12460-4), Wood-based
panels - Determination of formaldehyde release - Part 4: Desiccator
TCVN 11899-5:2018 (ISO 12460-5), Wood-based
panels - Determination of formaldehyde release - Part 5: Extraction method
(called the perforator method)
TCVN 11903:2017 (ISO 16999:2003), Wood-based
panels - Sampling and cutting of test pieces
TCVN 12003:2018, Test method for expansion of
hydraulic cement mortar bars stored in water
TCVN 12249:2018, Coal ash of thermal power
plant using as backfill material - General requirements
TCVN 12302:2018, Lightweight sandwich wall panel
TCVN 12304:2018 (ISO 8772:2006), Plastics piping
systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polyethylene
TCVN 12305:2018 (ISO 8773:2006), Plastics piping
systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - polypropylene
TCVN 12362:2018 (ISO 16893:2016), Wood-based
panels - Particleboard
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TCVN 12446:2018 (ISO 16978:2003), Wood-based
panels - Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending
TCVN 12447:2018 (ISO 16984:2003), Wood-based
panels - Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the
TCVN 12648:2020, Sanitary appliances - Wash
basins - Functional requirements and test methods
TCVN 12649:2020, WC pans and WC suites with
integral trap
TCVN 12650:2020, Sanitary ceramic wares -
Specification for quality of vitreous china sanitary appliances
TCVN 12651:2020, Wall-hung urinals - Functional
requirements and test methods
TCVN 12652:2020, Bidets - Functional
requirements and test methods
TCVN 12867:2020, Reinforced autoclaved aerated
concrete wall panel - Specification
TCVN 12868:2020, Reinforced autoclaved aerated
concrete wall panel - Specification
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TCVN 13560:2022, Fiber-reinforced gypsum panel
- Specifications
EN 1096-1:2012 (E), Glass in building - Coated
glass - Part 1: Definitions and classification
EN 12898:2019, Glass in building - Determination
of the emissivity
BS EN 14617-1:2013, Agglomerated stone - Test
methods - Part 1: Determination of apparent density and water absorption
BS EN 14617-2:2016, Agglomerated stone - Test
methods - Part 2: Determination of flexural strength (bending)
BS EN 14617-4:2012, Agglomerated stone - Test
methods - Part 4: Determination of the abrasion resistance)
BS EN 14617-10:2012, Agglomerated stone -Test
methods - Part 10: Determination of chemical resistance)
ISO 4435:2003, Plastics piping systems for
non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U)
ISO 15875-2:2003, Plastics piping systems for
hot and cold water installations - Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) - Part 2:
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ISO 22391-2:2009, Plastics piping systems for
hot and cold water installations - Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance
(PE-RT) - Part 2: Pipes
ASTM C471M-20a, Standard test methods for
chemical analysis of gypsum and gypsum products
2.1. Amphibole asbestos (or
amphibole) must not be used for making products of building materials. The
following 05 types of amiante amphibole are prohibited:
- Crocidolite (blue asbestos): HS code:
Fibrous, blue, chemical formula: 3H2O.2Na2O.6(Fe2,Mg)O.2Fe2O3.17SiO2;
- Amosite (brown asbestos): HS code: 2524.90.00
Fibrous, brown, chemical formula:
- Anthophilite: HS code: 2524.90.00
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- Actinolite: HS code: 2524.90.00
Fibrous, brown, chemical formula:
- Tremolite: HS code: 2524.90.00
Fibrous, colored, chemical formula: 2CaO.5MgO.8SiO2.H2O.
2.2. Products, goods of building materials must
have their specifications examined according to the respective test methods
provided in Table 1 and reach the required value in this table.
Table 1 - List of
products and goods of building materials
Product name
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Test method
Sampling guidelines
HS code
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Cement, cement and concrete admixtures
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Portland cement
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PC 40
PC 50
TCVN 6016:2011
Take about 4 kg apiece from 10 different positions in
the same lot. Take 20 kg of samples on average.
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- 3 days ± 45 min
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- 28 days ± 8 h
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2. Volume stability
by Le Chatelier’s principle, mm, not more than
TCVN 6017:2015
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3. Content of
anhydrous sulfuric acid (SO3), %, not more than
TCVN 141:2023
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4. Content of
magnesium oxide (MgO), %, not more than
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5. Loss on
ignition, %, not more than
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- In the absence of
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- In the presence
of limestone
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6. Insoluble
residue content, %, not more than
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(*) An MgO
content of up to 6% is allowed if the autoclave expansion (determined
according to TCVN 8877:2011) of the cement is not more than 0.8%.
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Blended portland cement
1. Compressive
strength, MPa, not less than:
PCB 30
PCB 40
PCB 50
TCVN 6016:2011
Take individual samples from at least 10 different
positions in the same lot. Take 10 kg of samples on average.
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- 3 days ± 45 min
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- 28 days ± 8 h
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2. Volume stability
by Le Chatelier’s principle, mm, not more than
TCVN 6017:2015
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3. Content of
anhydrous sulfuric acid (SO3), %, not more than
TCVN 141:2023
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4. Autoclave
expansion, %, not more than
TCVN 8877:2011
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Sulfate resistant portland cement
As per Appendix A
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Phosphogypsum for cement production
1. Content of CaSO4.2H2O,
%, not less than
TCVN 9807:2013
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2. Content of
soluble phosphorus pentoxide (soluble P2O5), %,
not more than
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3. Content
of total P2O5, %, not more than
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4. Content
of water-soluble fluoride (F-soluble), %, not more than
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5. Content of
total fluoride (F-total), %, not more than
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6. pH, not less
TCVN 9339:2012
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7. Safety
radioactivity index (l), not more than
Appendix D - TCVN 11833:2017
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8. Difference
in setting time as compared to that of the control
cement, hour, less than
TCVN 6017:2015
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Granulated blast furnace slag
Granulated blast
furnace slag for cement production
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TCVN 4315:2007
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2. Strength
activity index, %, not less than:
TCVN 4315:2007
Take about 4 kg apiece from 10 different positions in
the same lot. Take 20 kg of samples on average.
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- 7 days
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- 28 days
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3. Content of
magnesium oxide (MgO), %, not more than
TCVN 141:2023
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4. Safety
radioactivity index, l1, not more than
Appendix A - TCVN 12249:2018
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granulated blast-furnace slag for concrete and mortar
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1. Strength
activity index, %, not less than
Appendix A - TCVN 11586:2016
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- 7 days
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- 28 days
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TCVN 8265:2009
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4. Content
of chloride ion (Cl-), %, not more than
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5. Loss on
ignition, %, not more than
TCVN 11586:2016
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6. Safety
radioactivity index, I1, not more than
Appendix A - TCVN 12249:2018
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Activity admixture - Fly ash for concrete, mortar and
As per Appendix A
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Crushed sand for concrete and mortar
1. Particle size
As per Table 1 of TCVN 9205:2012
TCVN 7572-2:2006
Take at least 5 kg apiece from 10 different
positions, mix samples then split the mixture in four parts then take one
20-kg part as the test sample
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2. Level of grains
whose size is below 75 µm(c)
As per Article 3.5 of TCVN 9205:2012
TCVN 9205:2012
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3. Level of clay
particles, %, not more than
TCVN 7572-8:2006
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4. Content of
chloride ion (Cl-), not more than(a)
As per Table 2 of TCVN 9205:2012
TCVN 7572-15:2006
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5. Alkali-silica
In innocuous range
TCVN 7572-14:2006
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Natural sand for concrete and mortar
1. Particle size
As per Table 1 of TCVN 7570:2006
TCVN 7572-2:2006
Take at least 5 kg apiece from 10 different
positions, mix samples then split the mixture in four parts then take one
20-kg part as the test sample
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2. Levels of
- Ball clay and
impurities in the form of pieces
- Levels of dust,
mud and clay
As per Table 2 of TCVN 7570:2006
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3. Organic
Not darker than the standard color
TCVN 7572-9:2006
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4. Content
of chloride ion (Cl-)(a)
As per Table 3 of TCVN 7570:2006
TCVN 7572-15:2006
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5. Alkali-silica
In innocuous range
TCVN 7572-14:2006
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Aggregates whose content of Cl- exceeds the regulated
value are permissible if the total content of Cl- from
all constituents in 1 m3 of concrete does not exceed 0.6 kg
for normal reinforced concrete or 0.3 kg for prestressed reinforced concrete.
(b) Crushed
sand whose level of fractions passing 140 µm and 75 µm sieves does not
comply with the requirement is permissible if test results indicate no harms
against the quality of concrete and mortar.
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Ceramic floor and wall tiles
As per Appendix C
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Natural stone facing slabs
As per Appendix D
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Artificial stone slabs based on organic binders
As per Appendix E
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Interlocking concrete bricks
1. Compressive
strength, N/mm2
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TCVN 6476:1999
Take 15 random bricks from the same lot
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2. Water
absorption, %
TCVN 6355-4:2009
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3. Abrasion, g/cm2
TCVN 6065:1995
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Clay bricks
As per Appendix F
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Concrete bricks
As per Appendix G
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Autoclaved aerated concrete products
As per Appendix H
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Wall panels
extrusion concrete hollow core wall panels
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1. Water
absorption, %, not more than
TCVN 3113:2022
Take 03 test samples cut from a panel at 28 days of
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- Normal panel
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- Soundproof panel
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2. Class of impact
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TCVN 11524:2016
Take 03 test samples cut from a panel at 28 days of
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500 mm
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1500 mm
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- High - C1
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- Medium - C2
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- Low - C3
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3. Tensile
strength, N, not less than
Take 01 test sample from the product with
satisfactory water absorption
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4. Compressive
strength of concrete at 28 days of age, MPa, not less than
TCVN 3118:2022
03 test samples 150 x 150 x 150 mm
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sandwich wall panel
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1. Class of impact
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TCVN 11524:2016
Take 03 test samples cut from a panel at 28 days of
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1000 mm
1500 mm
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Load, N, not less than
Maximum deflection, mm
Maximum residual deformation, mm
TCVN 12302:2018
Take 03 test samples cut from a panel at 28 days of
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Level 1
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Level 2
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Level 3
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3. Adheshive
strength between panel and core layer, MPa, not less than
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TCVN 9349:2012
Take 01 sample from the product satisfying the
requirement concerning size and appearance
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4. Compressive
strength of lightweight sandwich wall panel, MPa, not less than
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TCVN 9030:2017
03 test samples (100 x 100 x thickness) mm cut from
03 lightweight panels
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autoclaved aerated concrete wall panel
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1. Compressive
strength and density
Table 3.
TCVN 12867:2020
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Take 02 test samples cut from a panel at 28 days of
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2. Drying
shrinkage, mm/m, not more than
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Take 01 test sample cut from a panel at 28 days of
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Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets
1. Permeability,
hour, not less than
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Take 3 whole corrugated sheets that have been cured
for at least 28 days from the date of manufacture
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2. Breaking
load per width of the corrugated sheets, N/m, not less
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Roofing tiles
Clay roofing
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1. Water
- Mean value, not
more than
- Water
permeability of each sample tile, not more than
Class 1
Class 2
TCVN 4313:2023
Take 20 random whole pieces from the same lot
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Roofing tiles
2. Breaking
strength, N, not less than
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- For flat tiles
TCVN 4313:2023
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- For flat tiles
with groove
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- For yin-yang
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Glazed ceramic
roof tiles
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1. Water
absorption, %
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2. Breaking
load for roofing tiles, per width of tiles, N/cm
TCVN 4313:2023
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3. Crazing
resistance, determined according to the appearance of craze patterns after
TCVN 6415-11:2016 (ISO 10545-11:1994)
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Concrete tiles
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