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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 05/2021/TT-BLDTBXH

Hanoi, July 07, 2021  




Pursuant to the Law on Vocational Education dated November 27, 2014;

Pursuant to the Education Law dated June 14, 2019;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 14/2017/ND-CP dated February 17, 2017 on functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 15/2019/ND-CP dated February 01, 2019 elaborating and providing guidelines for implementation of the Law on Vocational Education;

At the request of Director General of Directorate of Vocational Training;

The Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs hereby promulgates a Circular on regulation on admission and determination of admission quotas for post-secondary programs and college programs.




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Article 1. Scope

This Circular provides for the regulation on admission and determination of admission quotas for post-secondary programs and college programs.

Article 2. Regulated entities

1. This Circular is applicable to post-secondary schools, colleges and universities granted certificates of vocational education registration (hereinafter collectively referred to as “schools”) and relevant regulatory bodies, organizations and individuals as per regulations.

2. This Circular is not applicable to schools admitting students to teacher training programs and persons applying for programs provided in cooperation with foreign countries or overseas.

Chapter II


Article 3. Admission time, eligibility and methods




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2. Admission eligibility:

a) For post-secondary programs:

Graduates of junior high schools and equivalent and institutions of higher levels.

b) For college programs:

- Holders of high school diplomas;

- Persons having a post-secondary diploma and certificate of completion of general education program or certificate of adequate upper secondary cultural knowledge or having learned adequate upper secondary education knowledge and passed an examination for such knowledge according to regulations.

Besides the abovementioned requirements, persons applying for healthcare, arts and national defense and security studies shall comply with regulations of relevant specialized law and guidelines of Ministries managing these fields.

c) Officials, public employees and workers of regulatory bodies, state units, state-owned enterprises, political organizations and socio-political organizations; active duty servicemen and members of public security forces, and foreigners meeting the following requirements may apply for post-secondary and college programs:

- The requirements in Points a and b Clause 2 herein;




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- Active duty servicemen and members of public security forces may apply for schools designated by the Ministry of National Defense or Ministry of Public Security after receiving permission from competent authorities; an active duty conscripted serviceman whose enlistment period is close to expiration per regulations, if permitted by the head of their regiment or someone higher, may apply for a school of their choosing, must enroll in such school if they are admitted and may not defer enrollment;

- For foreigner who wish to study at Vietnamese colleges and post-secondary schools, principals of their target schools shall consider admission based on each applicant’s junior high school or high school study results or study results at equivalent or higher level (transcripts, degrees and certificates), knowledge test results and Vietnamese proficiency test results (if necessary) according to school regulations.

3. Admission methods include:

a) Admission without examination (hereinafter referred to as “non-exam admission”);

b) Admission by examination;

c) Combination between non-exam admission and admission by examination.

4. Admission eligibility for college programs in healthcare

a) Applicants for college programs in traditional medicine (code: 67202); nursing - midwifery (code: 67203), traditional physician (code: 6720102) and prosthodontics technology (code: 6720605) according to Circular No. 26/2020/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 30, 2020 must meet the admission requirements provided in this Circular;

b) An average score of at least 5.0 shall be the admission score applicable to all admission methods provided in this Circular.




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Schools shall formulate their admission regulations, which shall include the following basic contents: vocational disciplines; admission time; admission eligibility; admission methods; admission priority policies (according to regulations in Appendix 01 enclosed therewith); admission requirements (if any); admission charges; conditions for admission plan adoption; admission plans; admission announcements; inspection and handling of complaints and denunciations; reporting requirements; commendation and discipline; and other relevant contents (if necessary).

Article 5. Applications and procedures for application for post-secondary and college programs

1. An application includes:

a) Vocational education application, which is made using the form in Appendix 02 enclosed therewith;

b) Certified true copies of other necessary documents according to non-exam admission or admission examination requirements and criteria of each school.

2. Application methods

a) Apply directly by filling in and submitting the vocational education application form to the junior high school, high school, continuing education center or vocational education - continuing education center or local Department of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs or the target school;

b) Apply online via the vocational education admission website of Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs at http://tuyensinh.gdnn.gov.vn or website of local Department of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs or website of the target school;

c) Apply online via the “Chọn nghề” (“Choose a career”) application on mobile devices (smart phones and tablets).




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a) Vocational education admission applications shall be submitted directly according to regulations in Point a Clause 2 of this Article or online according to regulations in Points b and c Clause 2 of this Article;

b) Certified true copies of other necessary documents according to non-exam admission or admission examination requirements and criteria of each school shall be submitted directly to target schools or by post at the request of target schools.

4. Schools shall announce the application submission methods and admission charges most favorable for applicants.

Article 6. Organizational structure, composition, duties and powers of admission councils

1. The school principal has the power to decide establishment of an admission council to direct tasks concerning admission.

2. Composition of the admission council:

a) Chairperson: principal or deputy principal;

b) Deputy chairperson: deputy principal or head of training division;

c) Standing member: head or deputy head of academic affairs office (or educational testing office or unit in charge of admission under the principal’s decision);




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3. Duties and powers of the admission council:

a) Launch the selected admission plans;

b) Settle questions and settle complaints and denunciation concerning admission;

c) Collect and use admission charges according to regulations;

d) Summarize admission tasks; decide rewards and penalties according to regulations;

dd) Organize use of the school’s unified admission software; promptly submit admission result reports according to regulations in Article 20 of this Circular.

4. Duties and powers of the admission council chairperson:

a) Organize and take responsibility for the admission process;

b) Establish the following assisting boards of the admission council to support the admission process:




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- Other boards (if any) shall be stipulated by the admission council chairperson based on opinions of admission council members.

Organizational structure, number of members, composition, functions, duties and powers of assisting boards of the admission council shall be stipulated by the admission council chairperson based on opinions of admission council members. Specialized boards of the school may perform their duties according to admission regulations promulgated by the school principal and published on the school’s website.

c) Comply with reporting requirements.

5. Deputy chairperson of the admission council shall perform duties assigned by the admission council chairperson and work on behalf of the admission council chairperson when authorized by the admission council chairperson.

Article 7. Organizational structure, composition, duties and powers of secretary boards of admission councils

1. Composition of the secretary board of an admission council:

a)  Board leader: part-time standing member of the admission council;

b) Members: some officials of the admission office or academic affairs office or educational testing office and relevant offices and information technology officials.

2. Duties and powers of the secretary board of the admission council if the school employs the non-exam admission method:




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b) Input and review application information into the admission software of the school;

c) Update and publish application information of applicants;

d) Propose admission scores to the admission council for decision;

dd) Draw up lists of successful applicants;

e) Print and send out letters summoning accepted applicants for enrolments;

g) Inspect documents of successful applicants according to regulations in Clause 3 Article 11 of this Circular;

h) Have the right to propose amendments to the school’s admission regulations to the principal and admission council chairperson as appropriate to actual admission situation;

i) Perform other tasks assigned by the admission council chairperson.

3. Duties and powers of the secretary board of the admission council if the school employs the admission by examination method or combines admission by examination with non-exam admission:




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b) Organize receipt of applications and application charges;

c) Input and review application information into the admission software of the school;

d) Update and publish application information of applicants;

dd) Print and send out exam notifications;

e) Carry out procedures for applicants to take exams, receive answer sheets of applicants from the exam invigilation board, preserve and count answer sheets and hand them over to the marking board;

g) Manage documents and records related to answer sheets or non-exam admission;

h) Propose admission scores to the admission council for decision;

i) Draw up lists of successful applicants;

k) Print and send out exam result notifications and letters summoning accepted applicants for enrolments;




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m) Have the right to propose amendments to the school’s admission regulations to the principal and admission council chairperson as appropriate to actual admission situation;

n) Perform other tasks assigned by the admission council chairperson.

Article 8. Admission by examination or combination between non-exam admission and admission by examination

Requirements for admission by examination or combination between non-exam admission and admission by examination:

1. Requirements for exam questions:

a) Exam questions must be suitable for the general level of applicants and classify applicants’ learning capacity and be appropriate to the allotted exam time of each subject;

b) Exam questions must meet requirements in terms of basic knowledge, skills and abilities of applicants within the high school curriculum or curriculum learned by each applicant group and be decided by the school principal as suitable for actual circumstances of the school.

c) Exam questions must be scientifically sound, accurate, consistent, understandable and without error;

d) Talent tests and other special tests shall take place in compliance with the school’s admission regulations promulgated by the principal.




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Article 9. Result reexamination organization

1. Time limit for result reexamination

a) The admission council may receive applications for reexamination of non-exam admission results from applicants within 15 days after the date of announcement of non-exam admission results. The admission council must reply the applicant within 10 days after the date of receipt of an application;

b) Applicants who file a complaint about exam results shall pay fees according to regulations of the school. If an error made during the marking process is detected via result reexamination, the admission council shall refund the fees to the applicants.

2. Result reexamination organization

a) The admission council chairperson shall direct result reexamination directly. Members having participated in result input and examination may not join result reexamination; reexamination time and location shall be decided by the admission council chairperson;

b) Before result reexamination, the secretary board (consisting of at least 02 members) shall perform the following tasks:

- Check admission applications of applicants; if detecting anything unusual in an application, make a record and report to the admission council chairperson;

- Record handover of admission applications of applicants applying for result reexamination to the admission council chairperson in writing.




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- Inspect admission applications of applicants;

- Compare non-exam admission or admission exam results notified by the school to applicants applying for result reexamination and the applicants’ admission applications;

- Report to the admission council chairperson after comparing non-exam admission or admission exam results of applicants applying for result reexamination.

d) Process result reexamination results;

- If the reexamination result is similar to data in the admission application of the applicant, transfer the result to the head of the result reexamination board to have the official result countersigned;

- If the reexamination result is different from data in the admission application of the applicant, transfer the admission application to the head of the result reexamination board to consider and revise the result as appropriate to the admission application, make a record and retain the admission application;

- In case where, after result reexamination, if the applicant becomes eligible for admission or vice versa, the admission council chairperson shall determine the cause of the error and, if finding any sign or evidence of a violation, handle it according to regulations of this Circular.

dd) Result reexamination conclusion

- Reexamination results countersigned by the head of the result reexamination board shall be the official results;




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Article 10. Successful applicant selection

1. Based on the admission quota determined according to regulations, after deducting the number of applicants directly admitted or recommended for admission (if any); based on admission result statistics; based on bonus points granted as priority (if any), the secretary board of the admission council shall propose some selection plans to the principal and admission council chairperson for consideration and decision. Schools may formulate selection standards for the whole school or each vocational discipline, which shall be stipulated by the admission council chairperson.

2. If some successful applicants do not enroll, the school may lower the selection standards or admit additional applicants in the following admissions until the admission quota is achieved. Lowering of selection standards and additional admission shall be decided by the principal and admission council chairperson based on opinions of admission council members and must be published on the school's website or via mass media.

3. If sufficient successful applicants have enrolled according to the predetermined quota after the following admission, the school may not receive applications for the notified subsequent admissions and must announce on the school’s website and via mass media. Admissions may have different selection standards, which shall be decided by the principal and admission council chairperson based on opinions of admission council members.

4. For any vocational discipline not yet meeting its admission quota, if the quota remains unfulfilled after the selection standards are appropriately revised according to training requirements of the school, the school may admit unsuccessful applicants of other vocational disciplines to this vocational discipline if they meet admission requirements and selection standards of this discipline and wish to enroll in this discipline. If the number of these applicants exceeds the quota, select these applicants in descending order until the quota is reached in a transparent manner.

5. Based on plans for determining selection standards proposed by the secretary board of the admission council and opinions of admission council members, the principal and admission council chairperson shall decide, take responsibility for and approve admission conditions by signing. Selection standards and lists of successful applicants must be published on the school's website or via mass media.

Article 11. Successful application notification

1. The school principal and admission council chairperson shall directly approve list of accepted applicants proposed by the secretary board and sign letters summoning accepted applicants for enrolment. The letters shall specify admission results of the applicants and requirements for enrolment.

2. Before officially enrolled, students must undergo a full health checkup organized by the health examination council of the school. If the school does not establish a health examination council, students shall undergo the health checkup at healthcare facilities eligible to issue health certificates according to regulations of the healthcare sector. Health certificates issued by healthcare facilities or school health examination council shall be added to student management dossiers.




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a) Certified true copy of diploma or certificate of completion of general education program or certificate of adequate upper secondary cultural knowledge or results of upper secondary education knowledge examination;

b) Temporary high school graduation certificate if the applicant successfully applies in the year where they graduate. They must submit a certified true copy of the high school diploma when the diploma is available;

c) Certified true copy of documentary proof of entitlement to priority according to regulations;

d) Letter summoning the applicant for enrolment.

4. Schools have the right to refuse applicants who fail to enroll within 15 days after the date stated in the summon letter. Schools may consider and decide to admit applicants who are late due to force majeure reasons such as illness, accidents and natural disasters and have a confirmation of a hospital at district level or higher or the district-level People’s Committee or record the admission results and admit the applicants to the following course.

5. Successful applicants who are not allowed to study by local government may file a complaint with competent authorities according to regulations of the Law on Complaints and Law on Denunciation.

Article 12. Inspection of non-exam admission or admission examination results and documents of successful applicants

1. After the admission period, schools shall inspect non-exam admission and admission examination results of all successful applicants at all stages and compare with original documents of applicants. If detecting violations against regulations or suspicious cases, propose verification and handling to the school principal and admission council chairperson in writing.

2. Upon successful applicants’ enrollment, schools shall inspect documents submitted by the applicants according to regulations in Clause 3 Article 11 of this Circular.




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Article 13. Use of information technology in admission process

1. Process online application data on the admission information page or the “Chọn nghề” (“Choose a career”) application of Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

2. Input data from applications and data on prequalification results (if any).

3. Organize and manage non-exam admission and admission by examination via computer software.

4. Print offers of admission for successful applicants, which must specify the applicant’s exam results.

5. Update application information and announce lists of accepted applicants on school websites and via mass media.

Article 14. Handling of reports on violations against admission regulations

1. Recipients of information on and evidences of violations against admission regulations

a) Admission councils of schools;




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2. Verified evidences of violations against admission regulations shall provide the basis for handling of violators.

3. Regulations on provision of information on and evidences of violations against admission regulations:

a) All citizens, including applicants and persons involved in the admission process, upon detection of any violation against admission regulations, shall provide information on such violation to the recipients mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article for timely handling according to regulations of laws on denunciation;

b) Providers of information on and evidences of violations against admission regulations shall take responsibility before the law for the accuracy of such information and evidences and shall not use such information and evidences to interfere with the admission process.

4. For recipients of information on and evidences of violations against admission regulations:

a) Receive the information and evidences as per regulations; maintain the original state of the evidences; and verify the information and evidences;

b) Promptly take measures against the misconduct and/or violation notified;

c) Handle intra vires or report to competent authorities and persons for handling and announce the handling result;

d) Keep the information and identity of information providers confidential.




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1. Persons having made a lot of contribution or completed assigned admission tasks excellently shall be commended by school principals and admission council chairpersons according to regulations of the Law on Emulation and Commendation based on their achievements.

2. Commendation funding shall be included in admission charges.

Article 16. Handling of officials involved in admission and committing violations

Persons involved in the admission process and committing a violation against admission regulations (found while they are on duty or after the admission process is completed), if there are sufficient evidences, depending on the severity of the violation, shall be handled by official management authorities according to regulations of the Law on Public Employees, Law on High-Ranking Officials and Officials; documents providing for disciplinary actions against officials and public employees, and relevant legal documents.

Article 17. Rights and responsibilities of school principals

1. School principals have the right to decide number of admission times in a year and admission methods.

2. School principals shall formulate and publish admission regulations of their schools on school websites and via mass media.

3. School principals shall decide violation handling methods according to admission regulations of their schools and regulations of law.

Article 18. Responsibilities of applicants during admission




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2. For applicants taking talent tests, besides the applicant responsibilities provided in this Circular, they shall fulfill responsibilities given by the schools holding the talent tests.

3. Take responsibility for the accuracy of information in admission applications. Schools have the rights to reject or expel applicants who fail to meet all admission requirements upon comparison between information in their admission applications and original documents.

4. Detect and denounce violations against admission regulations for timely handling.

Article 19. Handling of applicants committing violations

Applicants committing violations shall have their violations recorded and, depending on the severity of the violations, be handled according to regulations of this Regulation and may be subject to other penalties as per existing law.

Depending on the severity of the violations, school principals shall decide whether to handle the violations by reprimand, warning, suspension or revocation of enrolment right according to admission regulations of their schools and existing regulations of law.

Article 20. Reporting requirements

1. Schools shall submit reports on admission results on the admission and graduation data management software at http://qltuyensinh.gdnn.gov.vn and to their supervisory authorities and Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs using the form in Appendix 03 enclosed therewith by the 25th of every month.

2. Based on reports on admission results from schools in their provinces, Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall submit reports via the admission and graduation data management software by the 30th of every month; submit biannual reports on admission and graduation results to Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs using the form in Appendix 04 enclosed therewith by the 15th of the last month of the reporting period.




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Schools must archive documents related to admission and admission results and dossiers and dispose of expired documents according to regulations of law on archiving.

Chapter III


Article 22. Criteria for admission quota determination

1. Maximum ratio of students to teachers/lecturers of each vocational discipline shall be calculated according to regulations in Point b Clause 6 Article 5 of the Government’s Decree No. 140/2018/ND-CP dated October 08, 2018 on amendments to some Decrees related to business conditions and administrative procedures under state management of the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs.

2. Training equipment and facilities suitable for each vocational discipline and training size and level shall be calculated according to regulations in Point a Clause 6 Article 5 of the Government’s Decree No. 140/2018/ND-CP dated October 08, 2018 on amendments to some Decrees related to business conditions and administrative procedures under state management of the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs.

3. Data used for calculation shall be collected on December 31 of every year.

Article 23. Rules for admission quota determination

School principals shall determine annual admission quotas based on the criteria provided in Article 22 of this Circular, which must not be contrary to existing regulations and admission regulations of their schools.




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Schools shall register their annual admission quotas with Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs and supervisory authorities (using the form in Appendix 05 enclosed therewith). Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs shall submit consolidated reports to Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs before January 15 of every year.

Chapter IV


Article 25. Responsibilities of Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

1. Provide detailed guidelines for admission to post-secondary and college programs; take charge of admission management, guidance and support for local governments and schools.

2. Inspect and supervise admission and determination and application of admission quotas by schools as prescribed by law.

3. Take charge and cooperate with ministries and People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as “provincial People’s Committees”) in inspecting result reexamination results of affiliated schools at applicants' requests.

Article 26. Responsibilities of Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies

1. Direct, provide guidance for, inspect and consolidate reports on implementation of this Circular within their competence.




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3. Submit periodic reports to the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs as per regulations of this Circular.

Article 27. Responsibilities of provincial People’s Committees

1. Direct Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs and Departments of Education and Training in providing guidance for junior high schools, high schools, continuing education centers and vocational education - continuing education centers on vocational education admission and classification besides university admission; assisting learners with applying for vocational education using the vocational education application form to meet post-junior-high classification requirements according to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 522/QD-TTg dated May 14, 2018 and submitting the applications to Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs, which will consolidate and send the applications to target schools of the applicants.

2. Direct Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs to cooperate with relevant regulatory bodies and units in organizing counseling days for vocational education admission. Local governments have the power to decide number of counseling periods in a year.

Article 28. Responsibilities of Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs

1. Provide guidelines for vocational education admission at junior high schools, high schools, continuing education centers and vocational education - continuing education centers; announce procedures for vocational education application; cooperate with relevant regulatory bodies and units in organizing counseling days for vocational education admission.

2. Direct and organize issuance of vocational education application forms to junior high schools, high schools, continuing education centers and vocational education - continuing education centers in their provinces; receive vocational education applications from junior high schools, high schools, continuing education centers and vocational education - continuing education centers, consolidate and send these applications to target schools of the applicants; provide guidance and assistance for schools in admission.

3. Monitor, direct and provide guidance on admission and learner management for vocational education institutions as prescribed by law.

4. Submit periodic reports to Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs as per regulations of this Circular.




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Article 29. Responsibilities of schools

1. Formulate admission regulations according to regulations of this Circular; proactively cooperate with Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant regulatory bodies and units in issuing vocational education application forms to junior high schools, high schools, continuing education centers and vocational education - continuing education centers and on their websites.

2. Ensure honesty and accuracy of data on lecturers and teachers and on facilities in determination of annual admission quotas.

3. Provide sufficient information at the request of Directorate of Vocational Education, Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs to verify registered admission quotas.

4. Report on admission results of the previous year and register admission quotas for the next year by the given deadline.

5. Organize inspection of their admission processes according to their statutes.

Article 30. Effect

1. This Circular takes effect from August 22, 2021 and supersedes Circular No. 05/2017/TT-BLDTBXH and Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BLDTBXH.

2. In case the documents cited in this Circular are amended or superseded, the newest documents shall apply.




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Article 31. Implementing responsibilities

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities, socio-political organizations, Directorate of Vocational Education, Departments of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs, schools and relevant organizations and individuals shall implement this Circular./.




Le Tan Dung




(Enclosed with Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BLDTBXH dated July 07, 2021 by Minister of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs)




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a) Group 1:

- Subgroup 01: ethnic Vietnamese citizens with places of permanent residence in Zone I, II or III communes in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas according to existing regulations of the Minister, Chairperson of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs; communes with extreme difficulties in coastal areas and on islands; communes with extreme difficulties, border communes, and safety zone communes receiving investments under the sustainable poverty reduction program according to existing regulations.

- Subgroup 02: workers working for more than 5 consecutive years, 2 of which are awarded with the title of provincial model soldier or higher and certificates of merit thereof.

- Subgroup 03:

+ War invalids, sick soldiers and persons granted the certificate of entitlement to war invalid benefits;

+ Active duty servicemen and members of public security forces sent to study and serving for 12 months or more in Zone 1;

+ Active duty servicemen and members of public security forces sent to study and serving for 18 months or more;

+ Servicemen and members of public security forces having been discharged and recognized to have completed active duty conscription service per regulations;

+ Persons mentioned in Points i, k, l and m Clause 1 Article 3 of Ordinance No. 02/2020/PL-UBTVQH14  dated December 09, 2020 by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to revolutions.




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+ Children of martyrs;

+ Children of war invalids whose work capacity is reduced by at least 81%;

+ Children of sick soldiers whose work capacity is reduced by at least 81%;

+ Children of partisans exposed to toxic chemicals whose work capacity is reduced by at least 81%;

+ Children of persons whose work capacity is reduced by at least 81% and granted the certificate of entitlement to war invalid benefits;

+ Children of Heroes of the People's Armed Forces and children of Heroes of Labor;

+ Persons who are biological children of partisans exposed to toxic chemicals, have deformities due to toxic chemicals and currently receive monthly benefits;

+ Children of people with meritorious services to revolutions mentioned in Points a, b and d Clause 1 Article 3 of Ordinance No. 02/2020/PL-UBTVQH14.

b) Group 2:




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+ Rallied voluntary youth sent to study;

+ Active duty servicemen and members of public security forces sent to study and serving for less than 18 months outside of Zone 1;

+ Commanding officers and deputy commanding officers of commune-level military commands; hamlet leaders, commanders in chief of platoons of core militia and self-defense forces, and militia and self-defense forces having completed 12-month militia conscription service or longer and applying for grassroots military studies.

The period in which these persons are entitled to admission priority is 18 months starting from the date on which the discharge decision is issued to the date of examination or application for non-exam admission.

- Subgroup 06:

+ Vietnamese citizens being ethnic minority members with places of permanent residence located outside Zone 01;

+ Children of war invalids, children of sick soldiers and children of persons entitled to benefits granted to war invalids whose work capacity is reduced by less than 81%;

+ Children of partisans exposed to toxic chemicals whose work capacity is reduced by less than 81%;

+ Children of revolutionary activists captured or exiled by the enemy during revolutions;




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+ Children of revolution supporters.

- Subgroup 07:

+ Persons with severe disabilities granted disability certificates by competent authorities according to regulations in Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BLDTBXH dated January 02, 2019 by the Minister of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs on determination of disability levels by disability level assessment council;

+ Outstanding workers in all economic sectors awarded the skilled craftsman or artisan title by provincial or ministerial-level regulatory bodies or higher or the innovative labor certificate or  badge of Vietnam General Confederation of Labour or Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union;

+ Nurses, pharmacists, orderlies, technicians, physicians and pharmacists having intermediate professional education diplomas having worked for at least 3 years and applying for healthcare or pharmacy studies.

c) The Ministry of Education and Training shall consider and decide granting of priority entitlements to other persons eligible according to regulations of existing legislative documents;

d) A person entitled to more than one priority shall enjoy the highest priority.

2. Individuals eligible for direct admission:

a) For Labor Heroes, Heroes of the People's Armed Forces, Labor Heroes having achievements during revolutions and national model soldiers, if they have a high school diploma or equivalent or higher, they may be admitted to college programs directly; if they have a junior high school diploma or high school diploma or equivalent, they may be admitted to post-secondary programs directly;




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c) Applicants winning consolation prizes or higher of Olympic competitions, science - technology competitions or competition for gifted students at provincial level or higher may be admitted to post-secondary programs directly and applicants winning consolation prizes or higher of national competition for gifted students or national science - technology competitions may be admitted to college programs in the subjects or close to the subjects of the competitions in which they won their prizes. Those who have not graduated from high school or junior high may have their results preserved until after they graduate;

d) High school graduates who are national team members and confirmed to have participated in official international competitions, namely world championships, world cups, Olympic Games, Asian Games (ASIAD), Asian championships, Asian cups, South East Asian championships, SEA Games and South East Asian cups, by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism may be directly admitted to college programs and winners of consolidation prizes or higher of sports competitions at provincial level or higher may be directly admitted to post-secondary programs in sports or sports studies programs of schools according to the regulations of each school;

dd) For arts school applicants who are graduates of high schools or post-secondary programs of arts schools, if they have won an official prize in international arts competitions, they may be directly admitted to suitable college programs; if they have won a consolidation prize or higher in arts competitions at provincial level or higher, they may be directly admitted to suitable post-secondary programs of arts schools according to each school’s regulations;

For winners of sports and art competitions offered admission priority, the date of admission exam or the date on which non-exam admission application is open must be within 4 years after they are granted such priority.

e) School principals shall consider admission of applicants with very severe disabilities confirmed by competent authorities in writing as per regulations based on high school study results (school report book) and health conditions of each applicant and requirements of the academic discipline;

g) For foreign applicants who wish to study at Vietnamese colleges and post-secondary schools, school principals shall consider admission of these applicants based on each applicant’s high school study results (transcript), knowledge test results and Vietnamese proficiency test results according to regulations of their schools;

h) Applicants who have permanently resided in poor districts for at least 3 years and have completed 3 years of high school in schools located in poor districts (students of boarding ethnic minority general education schools granted priorities based on their places of permanent residence) may be directly admitted up to the date on which their applications for non-exam admission are submitted as per regulations; applicants from ethnic minorities with very small populations may be directly admitted as per existing regulations of the Government;

i) Holders of intermediate professional education diplomas classified as very good or higher; and holders of good intermediate professional education diplomas with at least 02 years of experience in their trained professions who meet the requirements in Clause 2 Article 3 of this Circular may be directly admitted to college programs in the same professions;

k) Winners of first, second or third prize of national skill competitions meeting requirements in Clause 2 Article 3 of this Circular  may be directly admitted to college programs corresponding to the skills for which they won their prizes;




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+ Children of martyrs;

+ Children of war invalids, children of sick soldiers and children of persons entitled to benefits granted to war invalids whose work capacity is reduced by at least 81%;

+ Orphans without both parents.

3. Applicants who do not claim their right to direct admission may be granted priority for non-exam admission to college programs as follows:

a) School principals shall consider and decide admission of winners of national competitions for gifted students, national skill competitions and national science - technology competitions who have graduated high school;

b) Gold, silver and bronze winners of annual national championships and level-1 national athletes recognized by General Department of Sports and Physical Training who have graduated high school may be prioritized for admission to college programs in sports or appropriate sports programs;

c) Applicants for art schools who have graduated high school or post-secondary programs of arts schools and won an official prize in official national singing, dancing or music competitions may be prioritized for admission to college programs according to each school’s regulations;

For winners of sports and art competitions offered admission priority, the date of admission exam must be within 4 years after they are granted such priority.

d) On an annual basis, applicants eligible for direct admission may prepare and submit their applications for direct admission (including an application for direct admission and documentary evidences of eligibility for direct admission) to their target schools directly within the application period.




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On an annual basis, applicants eligible for direct admission may prepare and submit their applications for direct admission (including an application for direct admission and documentary evidences of eligibility for direct admission) to their target schools directly within the application period according to regulations of the schools.

5. Zone-based priority policy

a) An applicant is entitled to the priority given to the zone where they study continuously and receive a high school diploma. If they change to another high school or post-secondary school during 3 years of high school or post-secondary school, they are entitled to the priority given to the zone where they study longer. If they study in 3 schools located in zones with different priority levels or 2 different schools, they are entitled to the priority given to the zone where they receive the high school diploma. These regulations are applicable to all applicants, including those graduating before the admission year;

b) The following cases are entitled to zone-based priority based on place of permanent residence:

- Students of boarding general education schools for ethnic minorities;

- Students of preparation schools and courses;

- Students of classes for special groups opened under decisions of Ministries, ministerial-level agencies or provincial People's Committees;

- Students whose places of permanent residence are located (during the time they are in high school or post-secondary school) in Zone III communes and communes having villages with extreme difficulties in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas according to regulations from the Minister, Chairperson of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs, communes with extreme difficulties in coastal areas and on islands; communes with extreme difficulties, border communes, and safety zone communes receiving investments under the sustainable poverty reduction program according to existing regulations and whose high schools or post-secondary schools are located in districts having at least one of the abovementioned types of communes;

- For servicemen and members of public security forces sent to sit admission exams, they are entitled to the priority granted to the zone where they are stationed for 18 months or more or the zone where their place of permanent residence is located before they are enlisted, whichever has a higher priority level; if they are stationed for less than 18 months, they are entitled to the priority granted to the zone where their place of permanent residence is located before they are enlisted.




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- Zone 1 consists of Zone I, II or III communes in ethnic minority areas and mountainous areas the classification of which is applicable while the applicant is in high school or junior high school or post-secondary school; communes with extreme difficulties in coastal areas and on islands; communes with extreme difficulties, border communes, and safety zone communes receiving investments under the sustainable poverty reduction program according to existing regulations;

- Zone 2 - rural areas consists of localities outside of Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3;

- Zone 2 consists of provincial-affiliated towns and cities and suburban districts of central-affiliated cities (excluding communes in Zone 1);

- Zone 3 consists of metropolitan districts of central-affiliated cities. Applicants from Zone 3 are not eligible for zone-based priority.

6. Bonus point framework

The difference in admission scores between two consecutive groups of individuals given priority shall be 1,0 (one) point and between two consecutive admission zones shall be 0,25 (one fourth) point on a 10-point scale./.  

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