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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 162/2010/TT-BTC

Hanoi, October 20, 2010




Pursuant to the Law on Accounting No. 03/2003/QH11 dated June 17th 2003;

Pursuant to the Law on Securities No. 70/2006/QH11 dated June 29th 2006;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 118/2008/NĐ-CP dated November 27th 2008, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 129/2004/NĐ-CP dated May 31st 2004 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Accounting applicable to trading;

The Ministry of Finance guides the amendment and supplementation of some accounting techniques that are not specified in the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC dated October 24th 2008 on accounting applicable to securities companies as follows:

Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application




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2. For accounting techniques not being guided in this Circular, securities companies shall comply with the Law on Accounting, the documents guiding the Law on Accounting, the Accounting regime applicable to enterprises, and the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC dated October 24th 2008, guiding the accounting of securities companies.

Article 2. Changing the Code 353– “Provision for paying compensation to investors” into Code 359  - “Provision for paying compensation for investors". The structure, content, and accounting method of Code 359 is not changed compared to Code 353 in the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC.

Article 3. The Government bonds shall be sold and repurchased in accordance with the Circular No. 206/2009/TT-BTC dated October 27th 2009, guiding the sale and repurchase of Government bonds.

Article 4. Amending and supplementing some items in Point 3.1 Part III – Financial statement – in the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC (The Balance sheet – Form No. B01-CTCK)

- The values of item 112 “Cash equivalents” are the Debit balance of Account 121 “Commercial securities” in the detailed book of Account 121 and the Debit balance of Account 128 “Other short-term investments” in the detailed book of Account 128 of the financial investments that shall be recovered or mature within 03 months, facing minor risks, and easy to be converted into cash from the date of purchase.

- The values of item 311 “Short-term debts and loans” are the Credit balance of Account 311 “Short-term loans” in the Ledger, and the Credit balance of Account 341 in the detailed book of Account 341 “Long-term loans” (the long-term loan payable in the next accounting year), and the Credit balance in the detailed book of Account 342 “Long-term debts” (the long-term debts payable in the next accounting year).

- The values of item 334 “Short-term debts and loans” are the total Credit balance of Account 341 “Long-term loans”, Account 342 “Long-term debts”, and Account 343 “Issued bonds” in detailed books of Accounts 341, 342, and 343, after deducting the short-term loans and debts recorded in Account 311.

- Item 339 – “Provision for paying compensation to investors” is changed into item 359. The values of item “Provision for paying compensation to investors” are the Credit balance of Account 359 “Provision for paying compensation to investors” in the ledger of Account 359.

- Item 328 “Other short-term payables" is changed into item 319.




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- Item 430 - “Bonus and welfare funds” is changed into item 323. This item reflects the bonus and welfare funds; the bonus funds for the board of directors that are not used at the time of reporting. The values of item “Bonus and welfare fund” are the Credit balance of Account 353 “Bonus and welfare funds” in the ledger.

-  Item 157 – “Repurchase of Government bonds” is added. This item reflects the value of Government bonds of the buyer before the expiry date of the sale contract at the reporting time. The values of item “Repurchase of Government bonds” are the Debit balance of Account 171 “Repurchase of Government bonds” in the accounting book of Account 171.

-  Item 327 – “Repurchase of Government bonds” is added. This account reflects the value of Government bonds of the seller before the expiry date of the sale contract at the reporting time. The values of item “Repurchase of Government bonds” are the Credit balance of Account 171 “Repurchase of Government bonds” in the accounting book of Account 171.

-  Item 328 “Short-term unrealized revenue” is added. This item reflects the unrealized revenue that shall be converted into realized revenue within the next 12 months from the reporting time. The values of item “Short-term unrealized revenue” are the Credit balance of Account 3387 - “Unrealized revenues” in the detailed accounting book of Account 3387 – the unrealized revenues that shall be converted into realized revenues within the next 12 months.

-  Item 338 “Long-term unrealized revenue” is added. This item reflects the unrealized revenue that shall be converted into realized revenue after 12 months from the reporting time. The value of item “Long-term unrealized revenue” is the Credit balance of Account 3387 - “Unrealized revenues” in the detailed accounting book of Account 3387 – the unrealized revenues that shall be converted into realized revenues after 12 months.

-  Item 339 - “Scientific and technological development funds” is added. This item reflects the Scientific and technological development funds that are not used at the reporting time. The values of item “Scientific and technological development funds” are the Credit balance of Account 356 “Scientific and technological development funds” in the accounting book of Account 356.

Article 5. Amending and supplementing some items in Point 3.3 Part III - Financial statement -  in the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC (Cash flow statement – Form No. B03 – CTCK)

- The revenues from selling Government bonds under repurchase agreements (Repo) shall be recorded in item 33 - “Short-term and long-tern loans received”;

- The payment for purchasing/repurchasing Government bonds under repurchase agreements (Repo) shall be recorded in item 34 - “Principal payment”.  




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Article 7. Adding the form of Report on the fluctuation of owner’s equity (Form No. B05-CTCK) in Annex 02 enclosed with this Circular. 

The content and method of making the Report on the fluctuation of owner’s equity:

This report is to reflect the fluctuation of the owner’s equity of a securities company.

Column A “Items” reflects the items of the owner’s equity

Column 1 and column 2 “Opening balance” reflects the balance of in the beginning of the year (last year and this year) according to each item of the owner’s equity.

The values in Column 1 “ Last year” are based on the values in Column 7 of the last year’s report.

The values of column 2 are based on the values in column 8 of that last year’s report, or the Accounts 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 418, 419 and 421 of the current accounting books.

Column 3, 4, 5, and 6 “Increases and decreases” reflect the increase and decrease of the owner's equity according to each item.

The values of Column 3, column 4 “Increases” and “Decreases” of the last year are based on the values in Column 5 “Increases” and Column 6 “Decrease” of the last year’s report.




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Column 7 and column 8 “Closing balance” reflects the closing balance (last year and this year) of the owner’s equity according to each item. The values of Column 7 (Last year’s balance) of this year’s report are based on the values in Column 8 (This year’s balance) of the last year's report.

The values of Column 8 “This year’s balance” of this year’s report are based on the closing balance of Accounts 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 418, 419 and 421 of the reporting year.

Article 8. The items in each interim financial statement are similar to that of the annual financial statement provided in the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC and this Circular.

Article 9. Effects

This Circular takes effect on January 01st 2011.

Article 10. Responsibility for organizing the implementation

1. The Director of the Department of Audit and Accounting Regulation, the President of the State Securities Commission, the Directors of securities companies and directors of relevant agencies are responsible for organizing and guiding the implementation of this Circular.

2. The companies are recommended to send feedbacks on the difficulties arising during the course of implementation to the Ministry of Finance for consideration and settlement./.





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Tran Xuan Ha



(Enclosed with the Circular No. 162/2010/TT-BTC dated October 20th 2010, amending and supplementing the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC dated October 24th 2008)

Amending and supplementing some items of the Description of the annual financial statement in Annex 02 enclosed with the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC

1. Point 01 Section V – Cash and cash equivalents – is supplemented as follows:


Closing balance

Opening balance




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- Bank deposit




+ Deposits paid by investors




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- Transferring money






2. Point 04 Section V – Financial investment status – is amended and supplemented as follows:





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Value according to accounting books

Comparison to market prices

Total value according to market prices


Closing balance

Opening balance

Closing balance

Opening balance





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Closing balance

Opening balance

Closing balance

Opening balance

Closing balance

Opening balance

I. Commercial securities

- Stocks (detailed list of devaluated/ risky stocks)

- Bonds (detailed list of devaluated/ risky bonds)




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- Other securities (detailed list of devaluated/ risky securities)












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II. Investment securities

1. Sellable securities

+ Stocks (detailed list of devaluated/ risky stocks)

+ Government bonds

(detailed list of devaluated/ risky Government bonds)

+ Corporate bonds (detailed list of devaluated/ risky corporate bonds)

+ Fund certificates (detailed list of devaluated/ risky fund certificates)




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Value according to accounting books



Closing balance




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Closing balance

Opening balance

2. Held securities by the maturity date

+ Government bonds

(detailed list of devaluated Government bonds)

+ Corporate bonds (detailed list of devaluated/risky corporate bonds)

+ Fund certificates (detailed list of devaluated/risky fund certificates)

+ Other securities (detailed list of devaluated/risky securities)





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III. Contributions









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- Investment in joint ventures and partnerships (detailed investments in joint ventures and partnerships that suffer a loss)







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IV. Other financial investment






- Reasons for changing reasonable values: ……………………………………………….

-  Values of securities used as collateral for debts: ………………………………




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+ Value in books

+ Period

+ Repurchase value of Repo agreements

3. Point 13 Section V – Short-term loans – is supplemented as follows:

13. Short-term loan

Loan interest

Opening balance

Loaned amount in the period

Paid amount in the period




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- Bank loans (loan purpose/loan period)






- Personal loans (loan purpose/loan period)






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- Loans from other subjects (loan purpose/loan period)










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4. Point 13 Section V – “Other short-term payables” is changed into Point 14 Section V -  “Other short-term payables”, Point 14 Section V - "Internal long-term payables” is changed into Point 15 Section V – “Internal long-term payables”.

5. The content in Point 16 Section V “Increases and decreases of owner’s equity” is discarded

6. Point 15 Section V – “Long-term loans and debts” is changed into Point 16 Section V – “Long-term loans and debts” as follows:

16 – Long-term loans and debts

Loan interest




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Loaned amount in the period

Paid amount in the period

Closing balance

a – Long-term loans

- Bank loans (loan purpose/loan period)

- Loans from other subjects (loan purpose/loan period)







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b – Long-term debts

- Financial lease

- Other long-term debts









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7. Point 17 Section V – Payables in securities transactions – is added as follows:


Closing balance

Opening balance




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- Payables to the Payment Assistance Funds of other members

- Payables related to securities agents

- Payables to the Vietnam Securities Depository




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- Payables to other organizations and individuals

8. Point 18 Section V – The establishment of provisions for bad debts – is added as follows:


This year

Last year

- Opening balance




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- Used amount in the period

- Extracted amount in the period

- Closing balance




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9. Section VIII – Additional information for the Report on the fluctuation of owner’s equity – is added as follows:

1. The dividend suggested or announced after the Balance sheet is made and before the Financial statement is allowed to be published, and

2. The dividend value of the cumulative preference shares is not recorded

3. The incomes, expenses, profits or losses are directly recorded in the owner’s equity:

- Incomes:


- Expenses:

......................               (..........)

- Profit (loss):




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10. Section VIII “Other information” is changed into Section IX “Other information”.



(Enclosed with the Circular No. 162/2010/TT-BTC dated October 20th 2010, amending and supplementing the Circular No. 95/2008/TT-BTC dated October 24th 2008)

Securities company: ………………..

Address: …………………………………

Phone: ………… Fax: ………………..

Form No. B05 - CTCK




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Currency: ………………



Opening balance


Closing balance




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This year

Last year

This year

Last year

This year








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Table maker


Chief accountant

Date ……………………….


(Signature and full name)

(Signature and full name)




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