Independence - Freedom - Happiness
October 25, 1999
Pursuant to September 30, 1992 Law on
Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government’s Resolution No.11/1999/NQ-CP of October
13, 1999 on its September, 1999 regular meeting;
At the proposal of the Minister-Head of the Government’s Commission for Organization and
Article 1.- To
promulgate together with this Decision the plan for realization of the
Resolution of the 7th plenum of the Party Central Committee (VIII congress)
titled: "A number of issues regarding the organizational apparatus of the
political system and wages as well as social allowances under the State budget."
Article 2.- This
Decision takes effect after its signing.
The ministers, the heads of the
ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the
Government and the presidents of the People’s Committees of the provinces and
centrally- run cities shall have to implement this Decision.
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Phan Van Khai
(Issued together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No.207/1999/QD-TTg of October
25, 1999)
In order to realize the Resolution of the 7th
plenum of the Party Central Committee (the VIIIth congress) titled "A
number of issues regarding the organizational apparatus of the political system
and wages as well as social allowances under the State budget", the
Government has studied and firmly grasped the objectives, viewpoints and tasks
regarding the perfection of the organizational apparatus of the political
system and the wage policy reform stated in the Resolution, and has decided on
the Plan for Realization of the Resolution of the 7th plenum of the Party
Central Committee (the 8th congress) as follows:
1. In furtherance of the
Resolutions on the Government’s regular meetings of August and
September, 1999 (No.10 of August 27, 1999 and No.11 of October 13, 1999), it is
necessary to study the amendment of the Law on Organization of the Government
and the Law on Organization of the People’s Councils and the People’s
Committees, clearly defining the functions and tasks of the Government
according to the new requirements and new tasks; clearly determining which
tasks to be concentrated to the Government or the Prime Minister, clearly
determining the organizational structure of the Government which consists of
ministries managing many branches or many fields and having the State
management functions in the entire society.
The Government’s Commission for Organization and
Personnel prepares the bill amending and supplementing the Law on Organization
of the Government and the bill amending and supplementing the Law on
Organization of the People’s Councils and the People’s
Committees; the time for submitting them to the Government shall be the middle
of the first quarter of the year 2000 in preparation for their submission to
the National Assembly under the Government’s Program on Making Laws and Ordinances in
the year 2000.(1)
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- The review is carried out according to the
following requirements:
+ Clearly defining the State management function
of each ministry, each ministerial-level agency and each agency attached to the
Government (both the State management and guiding non-business activities)
throughout the country;
+ The functions, tasks and powers of such
ministry must demonstrate correctly the level of State management, not taking
on the work of the grassroots level; further clarifying the assignment of the
tasks and powers to the local administration, to non-business units as well as
State enterprises under the ministry’s management;
+ Pointing to the overlappings and coincidences
in functions and tasks between such ministry and other ministries and branches,
ensuring that one task shall be performed by one agency that assumes the prime
responsibility; overcoming the situation that many agencies are jointly
responsible for one thing; at the same time pointing to domains and tasks,
which have been left without any ministry or branch undertaking them;
+ Adding and adjusting the functions, tasks and
powers of such ministry in a way suitable to the new managerial requirements
(it is necessary to clearly determine the new functions of the ministry, the
functions and tasks to be transferred from other ministries or branches to such
ministry and its functions and tasks to be transferred to other ministries,
+ Clearly determining the relations among the
ministries and branches as well as between the ministries or branches and the
local administrations in performing the common functions and tasks of the State
administrative apparatus;
+ Clearly determining the competence and
collective responsibility of the organization and the competence and
responsibility of the head of such organization.
- The adjustment of functions, tasks and powers
of the ministries is closely related to the tasks of restructuring the
apparatus of the ministries and streamlining the payroll (stated at Points 3
and 4 below). Therefore, each ministry, each ministerial-level agency and each
agency attached to the Government shall have to draw up its plan for addition
of functions, tasks and powers in close association with its organizational
restructure and payroll streamlining.
The Government determines that the Ministry of
Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance (including the General
Department of Tax under the Ministry of Finance), the Government’s
Office and Commission for Organization and Personnel, the Ministry of Trade,
the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the General
Department of Customs are the key agencies for pilot implementation, which must
quickly prepare plans for submission to the Government within the first quarter
of the year 2000.
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3. To review and reorganize the
apparatus inside the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the
agencies attached to the Government.
- The general requirement is that on the basis
of clear and correct determination of the functions, tasks and powers of the
ministries, to adjust the organizational structures of the ministries, making
them more rational and operate more efficiently, and at the same time to
streamline unnecessary organizations.
- The principles guiding the review and
reorganization of apparatuses of the ministries are:
+ Clearly determining the State management
functions of the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the
heads of the agencies attached to the Government (hereafter referred to as the
ministries for short), which includes the study and elaboration of management
policies and regimes as well as the legal documents falling within the
responsibility and competence of the ministries; the direction, administration
and coordination in implementing and supervising the observance of the
policies, regimes and laws by grassroots units under the ministries’
+ Appropriate organizations shall be set up
correspondingly to the functions, tasks and work volumes, not formulating many
strata and many levels within the ministries’ offices;
+ Generally speaking, from now to the IXth
Congress, no new organizations under the ministries shall be additionally set
up; in case of urgent necessity, the adjustment shall be made under the
principle of not increasing the number of organizations in the ministries.
The Government’s Commission for Organization and
Personnel shall draw up plans to organize the apparatus assisting the ministers
to perform their State management functions and plans to organize specialized
bodies under the provincial and district People’s Committees for submission to the
Government in November 1999.
4. Streamlining the payroll
- The general objective is to reduce around 15%
of the payroll by the end of the year 2000. Subject to such reduction shall be
the staffs in the State administrative bodies, the staffs in non-business units
and State enterprises. No equal rate of staff reduction shall be set; staff
reduction shall not be carried out all and sundry in a rigid and egalitarian
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+ Clearly distinguishing the payroll in the
administrative bodies from the payroll in the non-business, economic and
public-services units so as to work out plans for directing the staff reduction
suitable to each kind of organization;
+ The payroll of each agency and unit of the
ministries, branches and localities must be based on the determination of the
specific work contents and volume as well as the criteria, titles and rational
structure of officials and employees. There must be appropriate mechanisms to
determine the allocation of funds for the operations of agencies instead of the
current fund allocation according to the number of staff members;
+ From now till the complete determination of
the specific plans for staff reduction, the 1999 payroll of the administrative
and non-business sector shall comply with Official Dispatch No.400/TCCP-TCCB of
December 29,1998 of the Government’s Commission for Organization and
+ Quickly elaborating and promulgating specific
policies to facilitate the staff streamlining (the policies towards the early
retirers and staff leavers, the policies on employee transfer and
job-arrangement waiting; the policies on sending employees to training,
fostering courses....);
+ Directing the pilot realization and gradual
expansion of the socialization of medical, educational, scientific, cultural
and sport services, first in cities and industrial zones. Alongside the process
of expansion of the socialization, the adjustment of payroll in non-business
and public-service units shall be made.
For all the three tasks: Reviewing and adjusting
the functions and tasks; reorganizing the apparatus; and staff streamlining,
each ministry, each ministerial-level agency and each agency attached to the
Government shall draw up its own plan to report to the Prime Minister in strict
accordance with the spirit of the Resolution of the 7th plenum of the Party
Central Committee. The Government’s Commission for Organization and
Personnel shall, together with the Government’s Office, sum up and report them to the
Government in the second quarter of the year 2000.
The People’s Committees of the provinces and
centrally-run cities shall draw up plans for the review and adjustment of their
functions, tasks; the reorganization of their respective apparatuses and their
own staff streamlining for submission to the Government in the second quarter
of 2000. The Government’s
Commission for Organization and Personnel shall direct this work.
5. To restructure the agencies
under the Government and the consultancy organizations set up under the Prime
The restructure of agencies under the Government
shall be considered and decided in close combination with the review and adjustment
of the functions, tasks and powers of the ministries.
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- To dissolve the consultancy organizations
which have fulfilled their duties;
- To merge organizations with similar functions
and tasks and with members from a number of the same ministries and branches;
- To dissolve and transfer the tasks of the
consultancy organizations whose functions and tasks have been concentrated in a
number of ministries and/or branches;
- The consultancy organizations continuing to
exist shall be organized with a simple and light standing and assisting
section, not after the organizational structure in the ministries and the
ministerial-level agencies.
The Government’s Commission for Organization and
Personnel shall draw up plans to reorganize the consultancy organizations set
up under the Prime Minister’s decisions and the Regulations on the
establishment and dissolution of the consultancy organizations; the time for
submitting them to the Government is in November 1999.
6. The tasks regarding the
policies on wages and social allowances under the State budget
The 7th plenum of the Party Central Committee
has decided: From now to the year 2001, to make full inflation subsidy to
wages, as from January 2000, the base wage level of 180,000 VN dong shall apply
and as from January 2001, it will be 210,000 VN dong; to re-establish order and
discipline in wage management, overcoming irrationalities in the current wage
mechanism and wage scales; to prepare conditions for further reform of the wage
regime in subsequent years, and elaborate a number of social policies for the
subjects entitled thereto.
To perform the above-mentioned tasks, the
following things should be quickly done:
a) To promulgate the Decree adjusting the
minimum wage, the allowance levels and cost-of-living allowances under the
State budget.
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b) The Prime Minister shall issue the decision
on the regime of package allowances for telephone use, residence house and
house maids.
The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime
responsibility in drafting the decisions for submission to the Prime Minister
in November 1999.
c) To issue the decision on supplements to the
bonus regime for officials and employees of the State administrative sector.
The Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime
responsibility in drafting the decision for submission to the Prime Minister in
December 1999.
d) The Government’s Decree on the regime of lumpsum
preferential allowances to people with meritorious services and the pensions
for officials who had retired before August 1985.
The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social
Affairs shall take charge of amending a number of articles of the Ordinance on
preferences for revolutionaries, fallen combatants and their families, war
invalids, diseased armymen, resistance war activists and persons with
meritorious assistance to the revolution, and drafting the Decree for
submission to the Government in November 1999.
e) The Government’s Decree on residence house policy towards
officials and employees.
The Ministry of Construction shall take charge
of drafting such decree for submission to the Government in December 1999.
f) The Government’s Decree on financial policies and
mechanisms for non-business units with revenues.
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g) The Government’s Decree on the regimes of hiring, package
assigning or contracting a number of services in the administrative bodies.
The Government’s Commission for Organization and
Personnel shall take charge of drafting the Decree for submission to the
Government in January 2000.
h) The Government’s Decree on mechanism and policies for
implementation of the socialization of scientific and technological research.
The Ministry of Science, Technology and
Environment shall take charge of drafting the Decree for submission to the
Government in February 2000.
i) Circulars guiding the implementation of the
Decree No.73/1999/ND-CP of August 19,1999 on the policy of encouraging the
socialization of activities in the fields of education, health, culture and
The ministries of Education and Training;
Health; Culture and Information and the Sports and Physical Training Commission
shall take charge in drafting and promulgating circulars guiding the
implementation of this Decree in their respective fields in the first quarter
of 2000.
- Directing the enforcement of the Law Amending
and Supplementing the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law Amending
and Supplementing the Law on Organization of the People’s Councils and the People’s
Committees to be passed by the Xth National Assembly in 2000;
- Directing the implementation of the plan on
the functions, tasks and organizational structure of the Government and the
Councils as well as the People’s Committees according to the provisions
of new laws on organization of the State.
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1. The Prime Minister shall provide the general
direction for the implementation of the Government’s plan for realization of the Resolution
of the 7th plenum of the Party Central Committee (VIIIth congress). The
Deputy-Prime Ministers shall personally direct the ministries and branches
assigned to elaborate the above-mentioned plans and inspect the implementation
tempo. The Government’s
Board for Administrative Reform shall assist the Prime Minister in directing
the implementation of the Government’s plan for realiation of the Resolution of
the 7th plenum of the Party Central Committee ( the VIII congress).
2. The ministers, the heads of the
ministerial-level agencies and agencies attached to the Government shall have
to personally direct their respective ministries and branches in reviewing and
adjusting the functions, tasks, organizational structures of their ministries
and branches and determining the necessary payrolls therefor.
3. The plans to be submitted to the Government
must be carefully studied and prepared, and be commented by the Government’s
Steering Committee for Administrative Reform or the State’s
Steering Committee for Wages, ensuring the quality and time schedule.
4. The Ministry of Finance shall allocate fund
for the implementation of the above-mentioned plans.
5. The Government’s Commission for Organization and
Personnel and the Government’s Office shall have to monitor the tempo
of the implementation of the above-said plans, periodically reporting the
results thereof to the Government and the Prime Minister.
6. The ministries, branches and localities, in
the course of implementing the Government’s plans, shall continue furthering the
administrative procedure reform. Besides 7 key areas mentioned in the Government’s
Resolution No.38/CP of May 4, 1994, to continue expanding the administrative
procedure reform in such fields as land administration, construction, education
and public health; to improve the process of preparing and adopting legal
documents of the Government and the local administration of all levels; to
renovate the work style; clearly determine the responsibilities of collectives
and of the heads of agencies, thus making the State administrative agencies
operate more effectively and more efficiently. From now till the end of the
year, the Government shall discuss and adopt guidelines and measures to
continue the administrative reform in 2000.
7. The ministries, centrally-run branches and
Committees of all levels shall take initiative in coordinating with the
Fatherland Front organizations and mass organizations at all levels in the
implementation of this plan, contributing to the fruitful realization of the
Resolution of the 7th plenum of the Party Central Committee (the VIIIth
congress), and creating new favorable conditions for the cause of "doi
moi" (renewal) and national industrialization as well as modernization.
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