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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 10/2021/TT-BXD

Hanoi, August 25, 2021




Pursuant to the Law on Construction dated June 18, 2014; the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Construction dated June 17, 2020; 

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021, elaborating on several regulations on management of quality, construction and maintenance of construction projects;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP dated March 3, 2021, elaborating on certain regulations of the construction project management;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 44/2016/ND-CP dated May 15, 2016 elaborating on several articles of the Law on Occupational Safety and Health on technical inspection of occupational safety, occupational safety and health training and workplace environment monitoring or observation; the Government’s Decree No. 140/2018/ND-CP dated October 8, 2018 on amendments and supplements to Decrees related to business investment conditions and administrative procedures under the state management of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 69/2021/ND-CP dated July 15, 2021 on renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 81/2017/ND-CP dated July 17, 2017, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;




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The Minister of Construction promulgates the Circular providing Guidance on implementation of several articles and measures for implementation of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021 and the Decree No. 44/2016/ND-CP dated May 15, 2016 of the Government.

Article 1. Scope and subjects of application

This Decree elaborates on several regulations on management of occupational safety and health, construction quality and maintenance of construction projects; applies to domestic authorities, entities and individuals, and foreign entities and individuals involved in management of occupational safety and health, construction quality and maintenance of construction projects.

Article 2. Management of construction testing activities

1. Tests performed during the construction process shall conform to regulations laid down in Article 4 and clause 7 of Article 13 in the Government’s Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021, elaborating on several regulations on management of quality, construction and maintenance of construction projects (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP).

2. Construction contractors shall be responsible for studying design documents, technical regulations and standards applicable to projects, technical instructions and terms and conditions of construction contracts to plan their construction tests or experiments. A construction test plan shall mainly comprise tested objects (e.g. building materials, components, structures and equipment), corresponding tests and expected testing time; dedicated construction laboratories in use. Construction contractors shall have the right to request investors and construction design contractors to provide information, documents and clarify issues concerning them during the process of planning construction tests or experiments.

3. Investors shall be responsible for considering and approving test plans submitted by construction contractors. Activities involved in tests must be carried out in accordance with test plans approved by investors. Before revising a test plan, the investor’s approval must be sought.

Article 3. Monitoring of construction projects in progress

1. Construction contractors may carry out the monitoring of construction projects in progress subject to Article 4 and clause 10 of Article 13 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP in the following cases:




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b) If a project shows any abnormal sign (for example, collapse, sliding, subsidence, tilting, cracking, etc.), it should be observed in order to assess and determine the causes to take measures to handle and prevent any construction incident.

2. An instrumentation plan for monitoring which is prepared and submitted by a contractor to seek approval from an investor must include the following main information: objects, scope, parameters, frequency and time of monitoring; monitoring personnel, equipment; monitoring process; data analysis and processing methods; evaluation and conclusion on monitoring results; requests or recommendations (if any).

3. Each construction contractor shall undertake monitoring activities and consolidate monitoring results in each cycle according to the approved instrumentation plan for monitoring. In case where monitoring results exceed allowable values of engineering limits or show other abnormal signs affecting the quality and safety of construction projects, construction contractors shall promptly report in writing to investors and/or construction design contractors to seek their judgements and timely actions.

4. In case where results of the monitoring conducted by a construction contractor show any sign of being dishonest or unreliable, the investor may choose an independent monitoring contractor to carry out several necessary monitoring requirements with the aim of re-evaluating these monitoring results. If independent monitoring results confirm that errors or violations are committed by a construction contractor, this contractor must promptly handle, correct these errors or violations, and pay the costs incurred from independent monitoring services.

5. In case where a project consists of multiple packages or is performed by multiple construction contractors, the investor and construction contractors may agree that a construction contractor has the burden of carrying out the general monitoring or can choose an independent monitoring contractor to carry out the monitoring.

Article 4. Monitoring of construction projects in use

1. Monitoring of civil construction projects, construction projects for production of building materials and products for light-industrial construction projects, and technical infrastructure construction projects, that is in use a specified in Appendix I to this Circular.

2. Monitoring of construction projects in use that is required according to the maintenance process shall comprise the following information:

a) Monitored objects, including main bearing structures (e.g. space frame structures, main bearing frame systems, stadium stands, chimneys, silos, etc.);




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3. Requirements for monitoring of construction projects in use:

a) The monitoring contractor must prepare a monitoring plan, containing the information specified in Clause 2 of this Article, for submission to the owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project to seek their approval;

b) The monitoring contractor carries out the monitoring according to the approved plan. Monitoring data must be analyzed and evaluated; Monitoring results must be compared with allowable design limit values ​​and those specified in relevant technical regulations and standards.

In case where monitoring data exceed the allowable design limit values or show any abnormal sign, the owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project shall take charge of reviewing and assessing the causes, and adopt timely remedial or handling measures.

Article 5. Construction testing

1. Testing procedures are regulated as follows:

a) Each investor, owner, manager, operator or user of a construction project, provincial housing management agencies prescribed in Article 7 of the Government’s Decree No. 69/2021/ND-CP dated July 15, 2021 on renovation and reconstruction of apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 69/2021/ND-CP) takes charge of formulating and approving testing tasks; selecting a construction testing organization that is qualified and suitable to the scope of testing activities;

b) The selected construction testing organization prepares a test plan for submission to the agency or organization specified at point a of this clause for approval, conducts the test according to the approved plan, and makes a report on the test results and submit them to the aforesaid agency or organization for its review and pre-acceptance testing in accordance with regulations.

2. A test plan shall be comprised of the following main information:




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b) List of applied technical regulations and standards;

c) Information on the capacity of the head and the individual conducting tests, dedicated construction testing laboratory (if any);

d) Processes and methods;

dd) Test schedule;

e) Cost estimate;

g) Other required information.

3. A test report shall be comprised of the following main information:

a) Rationales;

b) General information about the tested construction project and objects;




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d) Test, monitoring, measurement, analysis and assessment results;

dd) Conclusion and recommendations (if any).

4. In case where a test is performed at the request of the agency having competence in examining the pre-acceptance testing or the competent state management agency specified at point d of clause 2 of Article 5 and point d of clause 5 of Article 33 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP (collectively referred to as the requesting agency), the investor, owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project must submit the test plan to the requesting agency for its review and acceptance of the contents of the test plan prior to approval. In this case, the testing organization must be independent from the investor, owner or manager, operator or user of the construction project and contractors for construction survey, construction design, construction, supply of materials - equipment, project management and construction superintendence.

5. In case where the testing and assessment of the quality of an apartment building is carried out according to the provisions of Article 7 of Decree No. 69/2021/ND-CP, issuing test conclusions and notifications to owners of apartment units shall be subject to the provisions of clause 2 and 3 of Article 8 in the Decree No. 69/2021/ND-CP.

Article 6. Construction inspection

1. Inspection procedures are regulated as follows:

a) The authority having competence in leading the construction inspection (referred to as the inspection agency) notifies the investor, owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project of main information about the inspection, including rationales, subjects, time and requirements;

b) The investor, owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project is responsible for collecting documents, records and technical data related to the inspected object at the request of the inspection agency;

c) The inspection agency takes charge of carrying out construction inspection on the basis of relevant records, documents, technical data and existing inspection results (if any). In case where necessary for the inspection, the inspection agency may appoint an appropriate construction testing organization to conduct the test;




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2. A notification of inspection conclusion shall be comprised of the following main information:

a) Rationale for the inspection;

b) General information about the inspected object;

c) Inspection requirements;

d) Inspection procedures;

dd) Inspection results;

e) Determination of responsibilities of organizations and individuals concerned; remedial actions or sanctions (if any).

Article 7. Management of imported building materials, products, components and equipment used in construction projects

1. Requirements as to the type and origin of building materials, products, components and equipment imported for use in construction (if any) must be stated in the contract between the investor and the construction contractor (or the supply and manufacturing contractor), including the following main information: name of building materials, products, components, and equipment used for construction; main technical parameters conforming to design requirements; manufacturers, processors or producers; places of manufacturing and proof of origin.




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a) Certificates of origin of goods existing in writing or other forms having equivalent legality which is issued by competent agencies or organizations;

b) Proof of origin of goods issued by manufacturers or traders which must provide clear information about manufacturers, processors, producers and places of manufacturing.

Article 8. Application of information technology for construction management

1. An investor and contractors may agree to perform the following tasks:

a) Select information technology applications or solutions to be applied to construction management activities;

b) Use the electronic format of construction log, construction pre-acceptance test record and the digital signature on these documents in accordance with law on electronic transactions. When using the pre-acceptance test record in the form of an electronic file, the pre-acceptance test of construction must be carried out at the construction site and conform to the provisions of Article 21 of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.

2. When performing tasks specified in clause 1 of this Article, the investor and contractors must satisfy the following requirements:

a) Make a full record of matters that need to be managed during the construction process in accordance with law on construction;

b) Ensure accuracy and authenticity of relevant documents and records;




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d) Comply with regulations of law on electronic transactions;

dd) Comply with regulations on security and safe storage of electronic records and documents concerning their assigned tasks.

3. The dossiers specified at point b of clause 1 of this Article shall constitute the entire completion dossier as prescribed in Appendix VIb to the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP. When necessary or at the request of a competent state agency, they can be extracted, printed out and certified by the investor.

Article 9. Construction management of detached houses

1. The design and construction of detached houses must comply with the provisions of applied technical regulations, standards and other relevant regulations promulgated by competent state agencies.

2. Organizations that provide construction design, construction design review, construction and supervision of construction of detached houses according to the provisions of points b, c of clause 2 and point b of clause 3 of this Article 9 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP must have capacity appropriate to the grade of construction project as prescribed in the Circular on decentralization of construction projects and guidance applied in management of construction investment activities of the Minister of Construction.

3. In order to build detached houses, construction permits must be granted, except if they are exempted from construction permits as prescribed in Article 89 of the Law on Construction dated June 18, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 50/2014/QH13) which is amended and supplemented by clause 30 of Article 1 in the Law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Construction Law dated June 17, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 62/2020/QH14). Agencies having competence in issuing construction permits shall be responsible for examining the conditions for eligibility for granting permits for construction of detached houses as prescribed in Article 93 of Law No. 50/2014/QH13 amended and supplemented in clause 32 of Article 1 in the Law No. 62/2020/QH14.

4. The construction of detached houses belonging to construction investment projects, detached houses used for mixed residential and other civil purposes (e.g. commercial, service business, etc.) must be subject to regulations of law on management of construction investment projects and other relevant laws.

5. In case where the owner of the house changes part or all of the purposes of the detached house:




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b) If such change does not involve repair or renovation, then the homeowner must comply with the provisions of the law on fire and explosion prevention and control, the law on the environment and other relevant laws (if any).

Article 10. Database of technical inspection of occupational safety

1. Address to access online software for management of the inspection database (hereinafter referred to as software):


2. Database of technical inspection of occupational safety, including:

a) Information about organizations granted certificates of eligibility for technical inspection of occupational safety, including name, address, number of registration for certification of the organization; list of machinery and equipment subject to strict occupational safety requirements for construction (hereinafter referred to as machinery and equipment) within the scope of inspection; date of issue, expiry date of the certificate; violations (if any);

b) Information about individuals who are granted Certificates of inspector, including:  full name and number of the inspector; list of machinery and equipment falling within the inspection scope; date of issue and expiry date of the certificate of inspector; violations (if any);

c) Information of machinery and equipment tested for conformance to occupational safety requirements which is prescribed in clause 3 of this Article.

3. Organizations and individuals carrying out occupational safety inspection shall assume the following responsibilities:




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b) Send inspection reports of machinery and equipment under the management of the Ministry of Construction via software.

Article 11. Occupational safety inspection training, coaching and testing

1. Professional training in occupational safety inspection shall be provided to persons who hold at least undergraduate degrees in technical majors, have not yet been granted certificates of inspector or have had their certificates revoked.

2. Professional coaching in occupational safety inspection shall be provided to inspectors. Inspectors must attend coaching courses on technical inspection of occupational safety at least once within a period of 30 – 36 months from the date of issuance of the certificate of inspector.

3. Persons participating in occupational safety inspection training and coaching activities subject to regulations of clause 1 and 2 of this Article shall be tested in accordance with regulations.

Article 12. Occupational safety inspection training and coaching agenda

1. Occupational safety technical inspection training shall be divided into theoretical and practical sections which are specified in the framework program for occupational safety inspection training released by the Ministry of Construction.

2. Occupational safety technical inspection coaching shall provide updated information and knowledge about legal documents related to occupational safety technical inspection, national technical regulations, procedures for technical occupational safety inspection, information about state management of technical inspection of occupational safety in construction; shall help exchange skills and experience on technical inspection of occupational safety and other necessary related contents.

Article 13. Hosting of occupational safety inspection training, coaching sessions and tests




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2. Professional agencies shall assume the following responsibilities:

a) Design and request the Ministry of Construction to release the framework program on occupational safety inspection training, coaching sessions and tests;

b) Select the organization providing occupational safety inspection training, coaching sessions and tests. Selected organizations must be those that have been granted certificates of conformance to occupational safety and health training regulations and must have appropriate training and coaching materials and textbooks matching the framework program on professional occupational safety inspection training;

c) Publish information about organizations providing occupational safety technical inspection training, coaching sessions and tests on the website of the Ministry of Construction;

d) Examine occupational safety inspection training, coaching and testing activities.

Article 14. Responsibilities of organizations providing occupational safety inspection training, coaching and testing services

1. Design syllabuses and teaching materials for use in occupational safety inspection training and coaching activities in line with the framework program on occupational safety inspection training, and relevant to the characteristics, objects of inspection and actual requirements.

2. Devise the occupational safety inspection training, coaching and testing plan, containing the following main information:

a) Proposed training time and venue; number of participants;




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c) Schedule of the test to be taken after completion of the training.

3. Tests shall be given and taken according to the following regulations:

a) Participants will be eligible to take the test if they attend at least 80% of the prescribed training or coaching duration;

b) The test for completion of the occupational safety inspection training course is divided into the theoretical and practical tests. The test for completion of the occupational safety inspection coaching is divided into the theoretical session related to coaching requirements set out in clause 2 of Article 12 herein and the practical session (if any);

c) The test for completion of the occupational safety inspection training course is marked according to the 100-point scale, including 50 points for the theoretical session and 50 points for the practical session. Each participant can pass the test if he/she gets at least 40 points for the theoretical session and the practical session each;

d) The test for completion of the occupational safety inspection coaching course is marked according to the 100-point scale. A participant can pass the test if he/she gets at least 80 points. Results of the test for completion of occupational safety inspection coaching course shall be a prerequisite for re-issuance of the new certificate replacing the expired one.

4. Provide sufficient facilities and human resources to support training, coaching and testing activities.

5. Collect and use proceeds from occupational safety inspection training, coaching and testing activities according to regulations.

6. Keep and deposit documents and records related to occupational safety inspection training, coaching and testing activities according to legislative regulations.




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Article 15. Occupational safety and health costs and expenses

1. These costs and expenses shall be comprised of the following:

a) Costs incurring from formulating and implementing safety measures;

b) Costs incurred from occupational safety and health training activities; costs incurred from technical inspection of occupational safety for machinery and equipment; costs incurred from activities of communication and dissemination of information and public awareness about occupational safety and health;

c) Costs of provision of tools and personal protective equipment for employees;

d) Costs of fire and explosion prevention and control activities;

dd) Costs of prevention and control of dangerous and harmful factors and improvement of working conditions; costs of assessment of occupational safety risks.

2. Costs of occupational safety and health in construction stated in clause 1 of this Article constitute indirect costs included in construction costs of the construction cost estimate, and are determined according to the instructions given in the Circular elaborating on a number of regulations on determination and management of construction investment costs.

Article 16. Costs of inspection of the pre-acceptance testing or commissioning of construction projects




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a) Costs of inspection by specialized construction agencies, including business travel expenses as prescribed and other expenses paid for inspection activities;

b) Costs and expenses paid for hiring persons (experts) invited by specialized construction inspection agencies, including travel expenses, costs of renting accommodations at visiting places and remuneration paid to experts;

c) Costs of hiring of the organization participating in the pre-acceptance testing or commissioning of construction projects.

2. Costs of inspection of pre-acceptance testing or commissioning of a construction project are deemed as cost components classified into other cost items and included in total construction investment. 

3. The cost estimate specified in clause 1 of this Article shall be made based on the characteristics and nature of a construction project; project site; time, number of officials and experts (if any) participating in the pre-acceptance testing or commissioning and quantity of work. For construction projects funded by public investment capital or off-public investment capital, the costs specified at point c of clause 1 of this Article must not exceed 20% of the cost of construction supervision consultancy. Making, evaluating and approving the estimate of costs of the pre-acceptance testing and commissioning of constructions projects shall be subject to the clause 8 of Article 24 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.

4. The investor shall be responsible for paying costs and expenses specified at point a of clause 1 of this Article at the end of the inspection. In case where the specialized construction agency invites an organization or individual having appropriate capacity to participate in the inspection, the investor shall sign the contract and make legally prescribed payments for the costs and expenses mentioned in point b and c of clause 1 of this Article.

Article 17. Construction safety assessment

1. Organizations eligible to conduct safety assessment of construction projects are inspection organizations that satisfy competent requirements prescribed in clause 1 of Article 97 in the Government’s Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP dated March 3, 2021, elaborating on a number of regulations on construction investment project management (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP). The scope of their business shall be the same as that of inspection organizations specified in clause 2 of Article 97 in the Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP.

2. Assessment of construction safety shall follow the procedures issued by the Ministry of Construction.




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a) The first construction safety assessment shall be carried out 10 years from the time the construction project is put into operation or use according to the provisions of law;

b) The next assessment of safety of a construction project shall be carried out every 5 years.

4. The list of construction projects subject to the requirement of the competent authority’s review and notification of opinions on assessment results is regulated in Appendix III hereto.

5. After receipt of the report on assessment results, competent state authorities specified in clause 4 of Article 39 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP shall assume the following responsibilities:

a) Check competency requirements of organizations and individuals participating in construction safety assessment; 

b) Check the compliance with the provisions of the law on construction safety assessment, including application of technical regulations, standards and procedures for construction safety assessment; contents, order, objects and time of construction safety assessment; results of construction safety assessment and other relevant regulations (if any);

c) Notify opinions on the results of the construction safety assessment according to the provisions of clause 3 of Article 39 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.

Article 18. Construction safety assessment costs

The costs of construction safety assessment which are a component of consultancy costs for maintenance of construction projects, including: 




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2. Costs of construction safety assessment activities. 

3. Costs incurred from hiring an organization to review the construction safety assessment plan, costs incurred from hiring a supervision consultant organization to perform the construction safety assessment (if any).

4. Other associated costs.

Article 19. Announcement of construction projects of which designed useful life expires

1. The owner, manager, operator or user of a construction project shall prepare and submit the report prescribed in clause 2 of Article 41 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP.  Each report shall contain the following main information: name of the construction project; type and grade of the construction project; name and address of the owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project; main technical parameters of the construction project; the designed useful life and the expiry date; proposed treatment plan for the construction project after the expiry date.

2. Competent state authorities specified in clause 4 of Article 39 in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP shall perform the following tasks:

a) Consider relevance and accuracy of information provided in a report;

b) Make an announcement of the expired construction project on the list posted on the website under their management, including the following main information: name of the construction project; project site; type and grade of the construction project; name and address of the owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project; main technical parameters of the construction project; the designed useful life and the expiry date of the construction project; requirements concerning the demolition and the time of demolition prescribed in Article 42 of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP in the case where the owner, manager, operator or user of the construction project does not need it any longer.

Article 20. Transitional provisions




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2. If a construction project commencing before the effective date of the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP are subject to the inspection of pre-acceptance testing or commissioning activities as prescribed in the Decree No. 06/2021/ND-CP and the Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP dated May 12, 2015 on quality management and maintenance of construction projects, the authority to inspect pre-acceptance testing or commissioning activities shall be subject to the regulations of the Government’s Decree No. 46/2015/ND-CP dated May 12, 2015 on quality management and maintenance of construction projects.

Article 21. Entry into force

1. This Circular shall enter into force as from October 15, 2021 and replace the following Circulars:  Circular No. 26/2016/TT-BXD dated October 26, 2016 of the Minister of Construction, elaborating on a number of regulations on quality management and maintenance of construction projects; Circular No. 04/2019/TT-BXD dated August 16, 2019 of the Minister of Construction, amending and supplementing a number of regulations of the Circular No. 26/2016/TT-BXD dated October 26, 2016 of the Minister of Construction, elaborating on a number of regulations on quality management and maintenance of construction projects; the Circular No. 04/2017/TT-BXD dated March 30, 2017 of the Minister of Construction, setting out regulations on occupational safety management in construction; the Circular No. 03/2019/TT-BXD dated July 30, 2019 of the Minister of Construction, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Circular No. 04/2017/TT-BXD dated March 30, 2017 of the Minister of Construction, stipulating occupational safety management in construction.

2. In the course of implementing this Circular, if there is any difficulty that arises, persons and entities may send feedbacks to the Ministry of Construction to seek its action./.




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