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Số hiệu: 43/2014/TB-LPQT Loại văn bản: Điều ước quốc tế
Nơi ban hành: Chính phủ Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, Chính phủ Hoàng gia Cam pu chia Người ký: Phạm Bình Minh, Hor NamHong
Ngày ban hành: 11/02/2014 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết
Ngày công báo: Đã biết Số công báo: Đã biết
Tình trạng: Đã biết


Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

Số: 43/2014/TB-LPQT

Hà Nội, ngày 30 tháng 06 năm 2014



Thực hiện quy định tại Khoản 3, Điều 47 của Luật Ký kết, gia nhập và thực hiện điều ước quốc tế năm 2005, Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng thông báo:

Biên bản kỳ họp lần thứ 13 Ủy ban hỗn hợp Việt Nam - Campuchia về hợp tác kinh tế, văn hóa, khoa học kỹ thuật, ký tại Phnôm-pênh ngày 11 tháng 02 năm 2014, có hiệu lực kể từ ngày 11 tháng 02 năm 2014.

Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng gửi bản sao Biên bản theo quy định tại Điều 68 của Luật nêu trên (kèm bản dịch tiếng Việt do Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư cung cấp để tham khảo)./.


Nguyễn Văn Ngự



(Phnom Penh, 10-11 February 2014)

The 13th meeting of the Cambodia-Viet Nam Joint Commission for Economic, Cultural, Scientific and Technological Cooperation was held, on 10-11 February 2014, in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.

The Cambodian Delegation was led by H.E. Mr. HOR Namhong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Vietnamese Delegation was led by H.E. Mr. Pham Binh Minh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The composition of the two delegations and the agenda appeared as Annexes A, B and C respectively.

The texts of the opening and closing remarks by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam are attached herewith as Annexes D and E respectively.

The Meeting emphasized that the relations of “good neighborliness, traditional solidarity, comprehensive cooperation and long-lasting friendship” between Cambodia and Viet Nam are of great significance and essential to peace, security and the socio-economic development of the two countries.”

The two sides noted with satisfaction the remarkable progress both in terms of scope and efficiency of the cooperation between the two countries and agreed to further enhance those ties for the mutual interests of the two countries and peoples.

Both sides expressed their satisfaction for the official visit to Viet Nam by Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia on 26-28 December 2013 and the working visit to Cambodia by H.E. Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on 12-14 January 2014. These visits have further deepened and strengthened the existing close friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

The Vietnamese side highly appreciated the successful holding of the recent free and fair General Election in July 2013 in Cambodia and the Cambodian side expressed its sincere thanks to the Vietnamese leaders for their congratulation for the re-appointments of Samdech Techo Hun Sen as the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, in the 5th Legislature of the National Assembly.

The two sides discussed and agreed on the following issues:

1. Education and Training:

1.1. The Meeting welcomed the signing of an education cooperation plan for 2014 between the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) of Cambodia and the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) of Viet Nam on 26 December 2013 in Hanoi, Viet Nam in which the Vietnamese side has agreed to provide 100 long-term scholarships and 450 short-term scholarships to the Cambodian officials and students to study in Viet Nam

1.2. At the request of the Cambodian side, the Vietnamese side will consider to provide short term vocational training courses for Cambodian educational institutions with a view to training students at technical colleges and high school (Dual System) in Cambodia.

1.3. The two sides agreed to take into consideration for the appropriate procedures in selecting Cambodian students to pursue undergraduate study in Viet Nam. The Ministry of Education and Training of Viet Nam works with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Kingdom of Cambodia to choose students and train them Vietnamese language prior to the departure date.

1.4. The Cambodian side agreed to provide 15 long-term scholarships in the areas of Viet Nam's needs and the Cambodian side provided Vietnamese Officials with 2 short term training courses on Khmer language improvement, each of which last for three to six months and offered 20 to 25 scholarships per training course for Vietnamese officials.

1.5. The Vietnamese side expressed its readiness to provide training courses for Cambodian officials and students pursuing under-graduate and post-graduate studies on the basis of self-financing and other sources of sponsorship.

1.6. The two sides agreed to continue further facilitating culture and sport exchanges between youth and student organizations of the two countries.

2. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:

2.1. The two sides agreed to strengthen the activities of the Sub-Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Agriculture and Forestry Business between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam, and encouraged them to work out scopes of cooperation and action plans to promote cooperation in these sectors.

2.2. The Meeting agreed to further strengthen animal health cooperation to curb smuggling of animal and animal products and to control animal disease(s) a long the Cambodia-Viet Nam border as well as to discuss further the issue of the export and import of live animal and animal products between Cambodia and Viet Nam.

2.3. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation to combat illegal trade in timber, wildlife, natural rubber products across the border of the two countries, through regular exchange of information.

2.4. The two sides agreed to encourage the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam to conduct the discussion and conclude a fishery cooperation Agreement between the Governments of the two countries.

2.5. The two sides highly appreciated and greed to support the investment projects of Cambodian and Vietnamese enterprises in the fields of agriculture, especially in rice, processing, sugar and ethanol manufacturing, and will consider to sign a governmental agreement between the two countries, in this regard. The two sides highly valued the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on investment cooperation in rubber planting between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Viet Nam signed in September, 2009.

2.6. At the request of the Vietnamese side, the Cambodian side will task the authorities concerned to grant land-use rights certificates to Vietnamese investors, as soon as possible, according to the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

3. Environment and Hydro-Meteorology:

3.1. The Cambodian side requested the Vietnamese side to revise the project on strengthening the Hydro-Meteorological Station Network and Hydro-Meteorological Communication of Cambodia funded by the Government of Viet Nam in 2014.

3.2. The two sides highly valued the exchange of data and information on weather and flood forecast between the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology of Cambodia and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam.

3.3. The two side agreed to task their respective National Mekong Committee to coordinate exchange of information on development, operations and environment impact assessment of hydropower plants on the Se San and Sre Pok rivers, as well as measures to minimize the negative impacts in downstream Cambodia. Both sides agreed to support their National Mekong Committees to co-initiate their work for the development of transboundary water resources cooperation framework to identify benefit sharing from the Mekong development.

3.4. The two sides agreed to encourage the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) of Cambodia and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Viet Nam to expedite the convening of the 10th Meeting of the Joint Expert Group (JEG) in 2014 in order to finalize the Regulations on the utilization of the Water Resources along the border between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

4. Mines and Energy:

4.1. The Cambodian side expressed its sincere thank to the Vietnamese side for providing electricity supply up to 200 MW to Cambodia as agreed by the Prime Ministers of the two countries. The Vietnamese side agreed to task authorities concerned to consider buying the electricity up to 100 MW from Cambodia during the rainy season.

4.2. The two side agreed to expand energy cooperation and encourage Vietnamese enterprises to invest in hydropower plants in Cambodia based on a principle of sustainable development and with minimum negatives impacts.

4.3. Both sides agreed to facilitate cooperation between Cambodian and Vietnamese enterprises in the exploration and development of mineral resources in Cambodia. The Cambodian side will facilitate procedures for surrey and exploration projects in Cambodia, including the import and re-export of machinery and equipment.

4.4. Cambodian side expressed satisfaction over the successful completion of seismic acquisition campaign of Petro Viet Nam (PVN) for Block XV onshore Cambodia. The Cambodian side encouraged Petro Viet Nam to speed up the study of the acquired seismic data in order for interpreting and processing these data. The Cambodian side also agreed to facilitate PVN to continue implementing the Petroleum Agreement in the subsequent stages.

4.5. Both sides agreed to strengthen close cooperation in the field of oil and gas through the exchange of experience, knowledge, expertise and technology between their respective authorities.

4.6. The Vietnamese side welcomed Cambodia's interest in exchanging experiences on the construction and operation of oil refinery.

5. Cooperation on Land Management and Construction:

5.1. The Cambodian side will facilitate related administrative procedures to the Vietnamese side to build a branch of an annex of Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture in Cambodia.

5.2. Both sides agreed to select Kandal and Takeo Provinces for the development of Provincial Spatial Planning. The Vietnamese side expressed its readiness to assist the Cambodian side in Spatial Planning development for another province in Cambodia.

5.3. The two sides expressed their satisfaction over the result of the Phase I of the project on Restoration and Improvement of the Cambodian National Leveling Network, and task the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction of Cambodia and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam to proceed to Phase II according to the Agreed Minutes signed, on 21 June 2012, in Phnom Penh.

6. Trade and Investment

6.1. The two sides welcomed the signing of the Protocol to Amend the Agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam concerning the Promotion and Protection of Investments on 24 June 2012 in Kien Giang province of Viet Nam in addition to the existing of the Agreement signed in 2001. Both sides also agreed to expedite their internal legal requirements for the entry into force of this protocol.

6.2. The Meeting welcomed the signing of the Arrangement for Bilateral Trade Enhancement for the period of 2014-2015 and the Agreement on the Transit of Goods between the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, on 26 December 2013, in Hanoi, Viet Nam.

6.3. Both sides are committed to reach USD 5 billion in bilateral trade by 2015, as it was pledged by the Prime Ministers of the two countries.

6.4. The two sides agreed to task the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam to:

1) Further coordinate in preventing cross border smuggling, such as production and trafficking in counterfeit and low quality products;

2) Continue to implement and complete the amendment and supplement of the Trade Agreement and the Agreement on Purchase and Exchange of Commercial Goods and Services at border areas between the two countries in 2014;

3) Continue to working together to finalize the planning of border market network development until 2020 in older to submit to the Governments of both countries for consideration and approval, coordinate in studying and making a master plan for Cambodia-Viet Nam border trade development until 2020 with a vision to 2030, and continue to study the regulations on the management of joint border markets between Cambodia and Viet Nam;

4) Coordinate in the development of a joint regulation for border market management between Cambodia and Viet Nam;

5) Conduct a feasibility study on the planning of border marker network between Kep province of Cambodia and Kien Giang province of Viet Nam until 2020; and

6) Jointly organize annual exhibitions and trade fairs in each country, as well as to promote investment activities at both national and local levels.

6.5. Upon the consent reached by the two governments on 26 December 2013, the Vietnamese side agreed to finalize the internal procedures to start the construction of the border model market at Thary Tbanng Khmum Special Economic Zone (SEZs) located in Da Kandorl Village, Da Commune, Memot District, Tbaung Khmum Provice in 2014.

6.6. The Meeting welcomed the results of the 4th Conference on Investment Cooperation between Cambodia and Viet Nam held, on 13 January 2014, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and urged the ministries concerned of both sides to promote trade and investment between the two countries.

6.7. The both sides welcomed the decision of the two governments to task the ministries concerned of Cambodia and Viet Nam to commence the consultation on the Agreement of the Avoidance of double Taxation as soon as possible between the two countries.

6.8. Both sides agreed to assist businesses of each country through providing market information, business and investment opportunity.

6.9. The two sides agreed to task relevant ministries and local authorities in the two countries to work together for developing a joint program on the “Two Economies' Connectivity” with focus on the following fields: (i) transportation, including aviation, marine, waterway, road and railway; (ii) telecommunications; (iii) finance and banking; (iv) agriculture; (v) tourism; and (vi) connectivity among border provinces.

7. Customs Cooperation:

The two sides agreed to intensify the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in the field of customs and the endeavours of the Customs Administrations of the two countries in accelerating the process of implementation of the Single Window Inspection (SWI) at the Bavet-Moc Bai border checkpoints under the GMS Agreement.

8. Transportation:

8.1. The two sides agreed to task the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Ministry of Transport of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to formulate the Master Plan for the construction of transport networks in the border areas between Cambodia and Viet Nam.

8.2. At the request of the Cambodian side, the Vietnamese side agreed to construct the remaining section of the National Road No. 78 from Oyadav border checkpoint of Cambodia to Le Thanh border checkpoint of Viet Nam as agreed by the two Prime Ministers, on 26 December 2013 in Viet Nam, and 14 January 2014, in Cambodia.

8.3. Both sides welcomed the Ground Breaking Ceremony of the construction of Chrey Thom-Long Binh bridge which was presided over by the Prime Ministers of the two countries on 14 January 2014.

9. Civil Aviation:

9.1. The two sides expressed satisfaction of the initial development of Cambodia Carrier-Angkor Air and agreed to speed up the implementation of the second phase of the Cambodia Angkor Air project with financial contributions form both sides, in order to develop and expand the Cambodia Angkor Air into a good national carrier in the region. The two sides agreed to encourage the establishment of the air routes connecting well-known Cambodian and Vietnamese tourism sites.

9.2. At the request of the Cambodian side, the Vietnamese side agreed to provide long term training in civil aviation for Cambodian officials for 2014.

9.3. The two sides agreed to further facilitate for overfly and operation of any Airlines of both countries over their respective air space. They will consider the participation of services cooperation between Cambodia and Viet Nam in providing technical check up for Aircraft, ground handling and air catering in their respective countries.

9.4. The two sides agreed to maintain the operation of the VAST satellite station in Phnom Penh to ensure uninterrupted communication between the Area Control Centre (ACC) of Ho Chi Minh City and the Area Control Centre (ACC) of Phnom Penh.

9.5. At the request of the Cambodian side, the Vietnamese side agreed to consider supporting the Aviation Safety Oversight Capability Enhancement Project.

10. Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology:

10.1. The Vietnamese side considered to provide training courses and share experience on policy and regulation in the fields of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology.

10.2. The two sides agreed to support enterprise of both countries in their investment, operation and services supply in the areas of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology in their respective market according to their respective laws and regulations.

11. Publications, Press and Radio - Television:

11.1. The Cambodian side highly valued the support of Viet Nam for assigning the Voice of Viet Nam Radio to install and transfer eight provincial FM radio stations consisting of seven FM radio stations with 2 KW in Svay Rieng, Kampot, Preah Sihanouk, Steung Treng, Rattanakiri, Kampong Cham and Takeo provinces and one FM radio station with 5 KW in Siem Reap province.

11.2. The Cambodia side also expresses its highly appreciation to the government of Viet Nam for its readiness in installing and transferring seven more national and provincial FM radio stations, consisting of 5 FM radio stations with 2 KW in the provinces of Preah Vihear, Oddor Meanchey, Mondolkiri, Kampong Spen, Kandal, 1 FM radio station with 5 KW in Banteay Meanchey and 1 FM radio station with 10 KW + 10 KW for the Radio National of Cambodia in Phnom Penh capital city in 2014.

11.3. The Meeting took note with satisfaction on the fruitful bilateral cooperation in the field of information between the Ministry of Information of Cambodia and the Ministry of Information and Communication of Viet Nam and welcomed the signing of the Cooperation Plan 2014-2015, on 26 December 2013, in Hanoi, Viet Nam, between the two Ministries.

12. Finance-Banking:

12.1. Both sides committed to enhancing commercial banks of the two countries to use local currencies for border trade payments in conformity with the international laws and treaties that were signed by the two countries

12.2. The Central Banks of the two countries agreed to further strengthen the cooperation under the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and the State Bank of Viet Nam (SBV) through the exchange and sharing of information and experiences on banking inspection and supervision, money-laundering prevention and control, financing terrorism training and other technical assistance.

12.3. The Central Banks of the two countries agreed to further facilitate the commercial presence of credit organizations of Cambodia and Viet Nam in doing business in each respective country's territory.

12.4. The two sides agreed to encourage Vietnamese enterprises to participate in the development of the Cambodia Securities Market. The Cooperation between the Security and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) and State Securities Commission of Viet Nam is necessary in order to facilitate the investments from both countries in the securities market.

12.5. The two sides agreed to allow Vietnamese auditing agencies to audit Vietnamese businesses operating in Cambodia.

13. Culture, Sports and Tourism:

13.1. Both sides agreed to continue strengthening the implementation of the Cooperation Plan on Culture and Arts between the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for period of 2012-2017.

13.2. Both sides agreed to strengthen the Culture, Sports and Tourism Cooperation along the border provinces of both countries.

13.3. The two sides will organize friendly competitions for sports along the border provinces. At the request of the Cambodian side, the Vietnamese side will consider to provide training courses for the Cambodian coaches and athletes.

13.4. The two sides agreed to assign the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Viet Nam to identify the location and size of the project to build an Arts Performance Center to submit for the two Governments’ consideration and decision.

13.5. The Cambodian side highly appreciated the continuous flow-in of Vietnamese tourist into Cambodia, which is currently ranked top in number of foreign visitors to Cambodia.

13.6. The two sides agreed to strengthen collaboration and close coordination for their activities for sustainable tourism cooperation and development, in particular with the framework of sub-regional and international organizations and facilitation of travel to further promoting the “Three Countries-One destination scheme” with Lao PDR.

14. Labour and Social Affairs:

The two sides agreed to accelerate the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training of Cambodia and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Viet Nam signed on 25 May 2010. Both sides also agreed to negotiate the signing of an Agreement on Labour Cooperation between the two countries.

15. Narcotic and Drugs Control

15.1. Both sides agreed to hold regular meetings between border drug control forces of the Counter Narcotic Authorities of Cambodia and the Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation on Narcotic Drug of the Ministry of Public Security of Viet Nam and the Burean of Narcotic Drug Prevention and Control of the Viet Nam Border Guard Command.

15.2. Both sides agreed to strengthen Border Liaison Offices (BLO) in border provinces under bilateral and multilane framework through the assistance of the UNODC.

15.3. The Vietnamese side will provide training courses for drug control officers in the border provinces of Cambodia and Cedemex for drug treatment in Cambodia.

16. Health:

16.1. The two sides expressed their satisfaction for the inauguration of the annex Cho Ray Hospital project, which was presided over by the Prime Ministers of the two countries on 13 January 2014 and requested that the said hospital must be fully operational as soon as possible.

16.2. The Cambodian side highly appreciated Viet Nam for providing medical assistance and treatment for Cambodian patients in Vietnamese hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City.

16.3. The two sides agreed to establish an information exchange mechanism and intensify coordination to control cross-border epidemic diseases under the Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of the Agreement on Border Health Quarantine between the two Ministries of Health signed, on 27 July 2006, in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

17. Archives Cooperation:

17.1. The Cambodian side will speed up identification of an appropriate site in Phnom Penh for the construction of a National Archives Repository under the support from the Government of Viet Nam.

17.2. Both sides welcomed the signing of Cooperative Plan in the Field of Archives and Records between the Office of the Council of Ministers, Kingdom of Cambodia and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, on 26 December 2013, in Hanoi.

18. Border issues:

18.1. Both sides noted with satisfaction the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Modification of some remaining areas of the Land Boundary between Cambodia and Viet Nam on 23 April 2011. The two sides instructed the Joint Commission of Demarcation and Abornment for Land Boundary (JBC) to reinforce their cooperation in solving the remaining contents of the MoU 2011 and other related agreements in 2014. Furthermore, the two sides encouraged the JBC to accelerate and complete the border demarcation and marker installation process.

18.2. The two sides welcomed the signing of the Agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam on 14 March 2012 in providing aid for the Production of Topographic Map of the Border between the two countries.

18.3. The two sides encouraged the JBC to accelerate the transposition of the border line from the Bonne SGI map at the scale of 1/100.000 to UTM map at the scale of 1/50.000.

18.4. The two sides agreed to instruct border provinces of the two countries to closely coordinate with the Joint Commission on Demarcation and Abornment for Land Boundary to promote awareness among the people living in the border areas on the significance of the demarcation and abornment works, thus securing their cooperation in the implementation of the Agreements and other regulations on border management between the two countries.

18.5. Both sides expressed their desire to commence the discussion on delimitation of maritime boundary between the two countries at the earliest after the conclusion of land border demarcation and marker installation process between Cambodia and Viet Nam.

19. Cooperation in Security and Trans-national Crime Prevention and Control:

19.1. The two sides agreed to effectively implement the Plan of Cooperation signed, on 26 December 2013, in Hanoi, Viet Nam, between the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Ministry of Public Security of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

19.2. The two sides reaffirmed their policies of not allowing any hostile forces to use their respective territory to sabotage the security and intervene in the internal affairs of the other, and agreed to convene regular meeting and urgent meeting in case of need between the public security agencies of the two countries, to enhance mutual understanding and close and effective cooperation.

19.3. The two side would intensify cooperation and assistance in regional and international forums, such as INTERPOL, ASEANPOL, and coordination in addressing non-traditional security issues.

20. Defense:

20.1. Both sides expressed satisfaction over the cooperation in the field of National Defense in the past years and agreed to:

(a) Enhance exchange visits of all levels in order to share experience and promote good cooperation between the two armies,

(b) Pursue enhancing cooperation in the field of military training (Short term and Long term) to promote capacity building and skill,

(c) Further implement the Agreement on the Search, Excavation and Repatriation of the Remains of the Vietnamese Voluntary Soldiers who lost their lives during the war in Cambodia,

(d) Enhance information sharing and carry out joint border patrols and control, and organize annual consultations to ensure the security in the border area, and

(e) Promote coordination in conducting joint patrols in the historical water area in compliance with the signed Agreement between the two Governments.

20.2. The two sides expressed their satisfaction on the implementation of the Cooperation Plan on Ciphers for 2013 signed on 7 December 2013 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, between the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Ministry of National Defense of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

20.3. The two sides encouraged the Military Hospital 175 of Viet Nam to continue assisting the Military Hospital of Cambodia.

21. Legal, Judicial Cooperation:

21.1. The two sides welcomed the signing of the Agreement on Mutual Judicial Assistance in Civil Matters and the Treaty on Extradition between Cambodia and Viet Nam on 21 January 2013 and 26 December 2013 respectively in Hanoi, Viet Nam.

21.2. Both sides agreed to speed up the consultation among their respective competent institutions in order to conclude the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matter between the two countries as soon as possible.

22. Inspection Cooperation:

Both sides expressed their satisfaction over the outcomes of the implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation for Inspection, Complaint Handling, Denunciation, and Anti-Corruption, signed on 13 February 2012 between the Ministry of National Assembly-Senate-Relations Inspection of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government Inspectorate of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

23. Consular and Overseas residents:

23.1. The Vietnamese side highly appreciated the cooperation of the Royal Government of Cambodia in ensuring the legitimate rights of Vietnamese residents living in Cambodia in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations of Cambodia, in the spirit of good neighborliness of the two countries.

23.2. The two sides will enhance cooperation and regular exchange in Consular Affairs to improve the effectiveness of this cooperation based on the Bilateral Consular Convention in 1997.

24. Mekong River Sub-regional cooperation:

24.1. The two sides agreed to enhance coordination, information sharing and mutual assistance within the Mekong River Commission (MRC) actively cooperate with sub-Mekong regional countries to strengthen sustainable use and management of Mekong river's water resources in conformity with the 1995 Mekong Agreement.

24.2. The two sides agreed to work closely to ensure the successful 2rd Mekong Rirer Commission's Summit to be hosted by Viet Nam in April 2014.

24.3. The two sides will continue to coordinate with the Lao People's Democratic Republic to implement the joint projects to protect the wild fauna and flora, forest resources in the border and trans-boundary areas, management of cross-border transportation of wastes and toxic chemicals and management of cross-border water pollution and to ensure that the utilization of Mekong water will not negatively impact the environment, ecosystem and biodiversity on the downstream countries.

24.4. The two sides agreed to further strengthen coordination in the Mekong sub-regional cooperation program, such as the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), the Lower Mekong Initiative-US, Mekong-Japan, Mekong-RoK, and Mekong-Ganga cooperation.

24.5. The two sides expressed appreciation to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank for promoting the trans-boundary cooperation between Cambodia and Viet Nam on water resources management and development, and related resources in the Mekong Delta and in the basin of Se San and Sre Pok Rivers. The two sides also agreed to accelerate the above cooperation by sharing experiences between the two countries.

25. Cooperation for the CLV Development Triangle:

The two sides agreed to work with the People's Democratic Republic of Laos to accelerate the implementation of projects of priority within the Development Triangle through coordination in resources mobilization, facilitation of trade, investment, tourism and human resources development with a view to enhancing growth and narrowing development gap between these areas and other areas of each respective party.

26. Cooperation between Provincial and Municipal Authorities:

26.1. The two sides noted with satisfaction over the results of the cooperation and mutual assistance between their border provinces which have contributed actively to the socio-economic development and the maintenance of security, stability and order in the border areas between the two countries. The two sides highly valued the results of the 7th Meeting on Development and Cooperation between the border provinces of Cambodia and Viet Nam held, on 08-09 March 2012, in Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.

26.2. The two sides encouraged the local authorities of their border provinces to amicably settle local differences and to create favourable conditions for promoting economic and trade exchanges and other activities.

26.3. The Cambodia side will inform the Vietnamese side on the date of the convening of the 8th Meeting on the Development and Cooperation between the border provinces of Cambodia and Viet Nam in due course through diplomatic channel.

27. Date and Venue of the 14th Joint Commission Meeting:

27.1. The two sides agreed to convene the 14th Joint Commission Meeting in Viet Nam at a mutually agreed date to be communicated through diplomatic channels.

27.2. The Vietnamese side expressed its sincere thanks to the Cambodian side for the generous hospitality and excellent arrangements for the Meeting.

Done in Phnom Penh on 11 February 2014 in two original copies in the English language.


Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Văn bản này chưa cập nhật nội dung Tiếng Anh

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

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Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
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Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây

Thông báo hiệu lực của Biên bản về hợp tác kinh tế, văn hóa, khoa học kỹ thuật kỳ họp lần thứ 13 Ủy ban hỗn hợp Việt Nam - Campuchia

Bạn Chưa Đăng Nhập Thành Viên!

Vì chưa Đăng Nhập nên Bạn chỉ xem được Thuộc tính của văn bản.
Bạn chưa xem được Hiệu lực của Văn bản, Văn bản liên quan, Văn bản thay thế, Văn bản gốc, Văn bản tiếng Anh,...

Nếu chưa là Thành Viên, mời Bạn Đăng ký Thành viên tại đây


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