Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No.: 432/QD-TTg
Ha Noi, April
12, 2012
PERIOD 2011-2020
Pursuant to the Law on organization of the
Government dated December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to Decision No. 153/2004/QD-TTg
dated August 17, 2004 of the Prime Minister promulgating the strategic
orientation for sustainable development in Vietnam (Agenda 21 of Vietnam);
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning
and Investment,
Article 1. Approving the sustainable Development Strategy for the
period 2011-2020 with the essential contents as follows:
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1. Viewpoint
- Human beings are at the centre of concerns for
sustainable development. Maximizing the human factor as the role of subject,
key resources, and the goal of sustainable development, meeting the growing
physical and spiritual demand for all strata; building a strong and rich
nation, a civilized, fair and democratic society, and an independent and
self-reliant economy and actively international integration for the country's
sustainable development.
- Sustainable development is required throughout
the development process of the country; closely, reasonably and harmoniously
combining between the economic development with social development and
protection of natural resources and environment, securing national
defense, security and social order and safety.
- Sustainable development is the cause of the
whole Party and the people, all levels of government, Ministries and local
authorities, agencies, enterprises, social organizations, communities and every
- Creating conditions for people and communities
in society to have equal opportunities for development and access to the common
resources, participation and contribution and benefit, creating the good
material, knowledge and culture for future generations. Thriftily and
efficiently using natural resource, particularly non-renewable resources,
preserving and improving the living environment, building a learning society,
an environmentally friendly lifestyle, sustainable production and consumption.
- Science and technology is the base and
motivation for sustainable development of the country. The modern, clean and
eco-friendly technology should be widely used with priority in manufacturing
2. Objectives
a) General targets
Sustainable and efficient growth coupled with
progress, social justice, protection of natural resources and the environment,
maintaining social and political stability, firmly protecting the independence,
sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country.
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- Ensuring stable macro economy, especially the
major balances; maintaining food security, energy security and financial
security. Converting the growth model to harmonious development between the
breadth and depth, step by step implementation of green growth, low-carbon economic
growth. Thriftily and efficiently using all resources.
- Building a civilized, fair, democratic,
disciplinary and unanimous society, an advanced culture imbued with national
identity; happy, comfortable and advanced families; people with comprehensive
development on intelligence, ethics, body, mind and creative capacity, civic
consciousness, observance
law. Education and training, science and technology as an
important developing motivation. Keeping social and political stability, firmly
protecting the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of
the country.
- Reducing the negative impacts of economic
activity on the environment. Reasonably exploiting and efficient using natural
resources, particularly non-renewable resources. Preventing, controlling and
remedying environmental pollution and degradation, improving environmental
quality, protecting and developing forest, conserving biodiversity. Limiting
effects of natural disasters, effectively adapting to climate change,
particularly sea level rise.
3. Indicators to monitor and evaluate
sustainable development in Vietnam for the period 2011 – 2020
a) General indicators
- Green GDP
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)
b) Economic indicators
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- Productivity of social labor
- Contribution proportion of productivity of
general factors in the overall growth rate
- Reduction in energy consumption to produce a unit
of GDP.
- Percentage of renewable energy in energy using
- Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
- Current account balance
- State Budget deficit
- Government Debt.
- Foreign debt
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- Poverty rate
- Unemployment rate
- Labor rate trained and working in the economy.
- Coefficient of inequality in income distribution (Gini coefficient).
- Sex ratio at birth.
- Number of students per 10,000 inhabitants
- Number of Internet subscribers per 100
- Ratio of people who receive social insurance,
health insurance and unemployment insurance.
- The number of traffic-related dead per
100.000 inhabitants
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d) Indicators on natural resources and
- Rate of forest cover
- Rate of land protected and maintained
- Area of land degradation
- Reduction of groundwater and surface water
- Rate of day with the concentration of toxic
substances in the air exceeding the permitted standards.
- Rate of urban centers, industrial zones,
export processing zones and industrial clusters treating solid waste and waste
water and conforming to the technical standards or regulations respectively.
- Rate of solid waste collected, treated in
conformity with the national technical standards or regulations respectively.
(Details of the monitoring and assessment
indicators of sustainable development in Vietnam during 2011-2020 are specified
in the Appendix issued together with this decision).
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a) Economy
- Maintaining sustainable economic growth,
gradually implementing green growth and development of clean and renewable
Improving the quality of growth and ensuring macroeconomic
stability, especially financial and monetary policies. Converting the growth
model mainly by the width to harmonize between the width and the depth on the
basis of exploitation and efficient use of natural resources and the scientific
achievements and advanced technologies to increase labor productivity and
improve the competitiveness of products and services, improve the efficiency of
the economy in general and efficiency of the investment capital in particular.
Developing and implementing strategies for green
growth and ensuring economic development in low-carbon direction. Using energy
thriftily and efficiently; developing clean and renewable energy to ensure
national energy security. Gradually marketizing the price of energy, increasing
the proportion of clean and renewable energy in total energy consumption in
Vietnam. Developing the environmental economic accounting system and adding
environmental and social aspects into the framework of system of national
account (SNA).
Industrial sustainable development to industrial
structure, technology and equipment to ensure the eco- friendly principle,
positively preventing and treating industrial pollution, developing the
"green industry", prioritizing the development eco-friendly industries,
technologies and products; promoting high-tech development in large cities.
Gradually developing the environmental industry.
- Performing sustainable production and
Promoting widespread adoption of cleaner
production to improve the efficient use of natural resources, raw materials,
energy, water while reducing emissions and limiting the increasing degree of
pollution, protecting nature environmental quality, human health and ensuring
sustainable development.
Developing the civilized, harmonious and nature-friendly
consumption culture. Gradually implementing the eco-labeling, green
procurement. Developing eco-products market and community initiatives on
production and sustainable consumption. Applying the policies to adjust the
unreasonable consumption behavior.
- Ensuring food security and sustainable rural
and agricultural development.
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Agricultural and rural restructuring towards
industrialization, promoting the strength of each region, developing the
production of agricultural products and goods with quality and efficiency;
associating the production with the domestic and international market to
improve the efficient use of natural resources (land, water, forest, labor and
capital); increasing income per unit hectare of cultivated land for a workday,
improving the lives of farmers, sustainably developing the handicraft village.
Accelerating the application of scientific and technical and technological
advance in production, processing, preservation, especially biotechnological
application to create plant varieties and animal and production processes of
high productivity. Adjusting and supplementing the agricultural, forestry and
fishery development planning in each economic region and inter-region towards
sustainable development, linking production to markets, material area to
materials industry.
Sustainable rural development must include 4
processes: industrialization, modernization, urbanization, population control,
ecological and environmental protection. Focusing on the construction of
technical infrastructure and improving the quality of life of rural people
comment in terms of democratic, environmental, social, cultural and economic
aspects. The process of urbanization and modernization of rural areas must
conform with the criteria of new rural construction, reducing the gap between
urban and rural areas of the material and spiritual life.
- Sustainable development of regions and
Focusing on priority over the development of key
economic regions, with capacity of breakthrough and development leading while
paying attention to assisting the less developed regions with more difficult
conditions to create a certain balance in space development, gradually
narrowing the social gap and eventually reducing the economic disparities
between regions and localities. The key economic development regions shall play
a leading role to push the mountainous, deep-lying, remote, border and island
area with more difficult conditions. Developing appropriate mechanisms and
policies so that all regions in the country shall develop and promote the
advantages of each region and create regional link.
b) Society
- Speeding up the poverty alleviation in a
sustainable manner, creating sustainable jobs, making progress and achieving social justice;
performing the social security policies.
Prioritizing resources to reduce poverty and
improve living conditions for people in the most disadvantaged areas.
Supporting and create conditions for poor and poor households to have housing,
materials and means for production; economic development through the
transformation of economic structure as well as plant and animal structure with
high economic value, development of goods production; support for cultural and
vocational learning.
Transformation of economic structure as well as labor
structure associated with trade development to create sustainable jobs.
Supporting trade learning and creating jobs for beneficiaries of social welfare and the
poor, especially in rural and urban areas.
Making progress and social justice. Creating equal
opportunities to have access to development resources and enjoyment of basic
services, social welfare; adopting appropriate policies to limit the
differentiation between the rich and the poor, reducing the increase in
disparity in living standards of regions and social groups.
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- Stabilizing the scale and improving and
increasing population quality.
Stabilizing the scale of population at a
reasonable level, proactively adjusting the speed of population growth,
maintaining low fertility rate and well resolving the problems of population
Raising the quality of the population, improving
reproductive health, mother and child health, developing physical strength and
stature of Vietnamese people to improve the quality of human resources in
service of the industrialization modernization of the country; gradually
improving the race quality and increasing healthy life expectancy of Vietnamese.
- Developing culture in harmony with economic
development, building and developing Vietnamese families.
Promoting these good values of national culture, while absorbing
the quintessence of human culture, dealing with the relationship between the
economic and cultural relation so that the culture is really the social
spiritual foundation and a driving force of social and economic development and
international integration. Building lifestyles and healthy cultural
environment. Building Vietnamese human personality, especially among the
younger generation of the ethics, lifestyle, intelligence, bodyl, ethnic
self-esteem, social responsibility and sense of law observance. Effectively
preventing some social evils such as drugs, prostitution.
Building Vietnamese family progressively and
happily to be a real home for everyone, a healthy cell of society. Well
performing guidelines, policies and laws on marriage and family, gender
equality, preventing domestic violence and the penetration of the social evils
into families. Inheriting, preserving and promoting good traditional values of Vietnamese families associated with
building advanced values of family in a developed society.
- Sustainably developing urban centers, building
new rural areas, reasonably distributing inhabitants and labor in the region.
Gradually building a Vietnamese complete urban
system under the urban network model with social and technical infrastructure
which is appropriate, synchronous and modern; with good environment and quality
of urban life, advanced urban architecture, rich national character, preserving
and promoting the traditional cultural values in line with each stage of
development of the country. Stably and sustainably developing urban center on
the basis of suitable space organization; rationally using natural resources,
land, energy saving, protecting environment and balancing ecology.
Building and consolidating the countryside under
new rura criteria in accordance with the characteristics of each region;
preserving and promoting the unique culture of Vietnamese rural areas.
Appreciating the urban-rural linking. Encouraging the development of medium and
small-sized cities; reducing the differences between rural areas and regions
with urban centers, between residential communities and creating sustainable
social inclusion.
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- Improving education and training quality to
enhance the intellectual and professional level in line with to the development
requirements of the country, regions and localities.
Basically and comprehensively renovating
Vietnamese education towards standardization, modernization and international
integration. Synchronously Implementing solutions to improve the quality
of education and training, renovating programs, contents and methods of
education and training at all educational levels in order to improve the
quality of comprehensive education for the younger generation, strengthening
practicality, practice skills, self-learning ability, respecting human and
social knowledge, supplementing scientific achievements and modern technology
in line with absorptive capacity of students and reaching the general education
level in countries in the region and the world.
Focusing on training of human resources to meet
the diverse and multi-layer requirements of technology and the level of
development of the sector, industry, manpower training to develop the
intellectual economy.
Well performing the strategies of educational
and vocational development; strategy and planning for human resource
development for the period 2011 - 2020 with the concretization in line with
sectors, regions and localities. Building a learning society, mobilizing and
efficiently using all resources in society to develop education and training.
- Developing the number and improving the
quality of health services, health care, ensuring food safety, improving
conditions and hygiene of working environment.
Speeding up health care in the direction of
comprehensiveness, focusing on the proactive and active prevention, promptly
preventing and well controlling diseases, screening for early detection and
timely treatment of diseases. Consolidating and strengthening health systems
towards diversifying types of services and socializing participants, including
public health facilities which shall play a key role. Establishing a
comprehensive health care services supply system, focusing on providing basic
health services and initial health care services. Improving the quality of
medical examination, treatment and rehabilitation at all levels; reducing
overcrowding in hospitals of upper levels. Improving and upgrading facilities,
working conditions of ward and communal health stations. Speeding up the
development of medical human resources and social workers in both quantity and
quality; training community health workers, medical technicians to ensure that
they have the ability to conduct the healing, health care and implement
preventive health activities.
Gradually forming a system of management and
control of hygiene, food safety in order to protect health and interests of
Improving working conditions, reducing working
environmental pollution, labor accidents and occupational diseases, health care
for laborers and enhancing labor safety and hygiene assurance.
- Maintaining social-political stability, firmly
protecting the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of
the country, positive and proactive international integration.
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Strengthening international cooperation,
responsibly implementing international commitments; positively and proactively
integrating to build an independent and self-reliant economy and raising
Vietnam's position in the international arena.
c) Natural resources and environment
- Preventing degradation and sustainably and
efficiently using land resources
Enhance the efficiency of land use. Ensuring the
harmonious balance of land use needs of the industries and sectors and ensuring
food security. Developing land fund for sustainable social and economic
development. Renovating the land use plan and planning to ensure land use
planning synchronously and in line with the social and economic development to
avoid overlap between urban planning, the planning rural residential,
industrial park planning with land use planning, planning to avoid overlapping
of solid building planning on the land area containing mineral resources.
Building systems of land and financial policies and transparent and efficient
Increasing productivity of land ecosystems and
placingn the sustainable agricultural production as a priority issue through
the poverty reduction support policies based on the standpoint to adapt to
climate change and protect biodiversity, applying measures of cultivation
techniques to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection
chemical in agriculture. Strengthening scientific research and technology
combined with the preservation of indigenous knowledge in land degradation and
improvement of soil degradation. Building plant and animal structure to suit
each priority area, ensuring the sustainable use of land resources, forest
protection and development.
- Protecting water surface and sustainably using
water resources.
Protecting and effectively exploiting and
sustainably using national water resources on the basis of integrated and
unified management of water resources, ensuring water security for social
economic development and promoting cooperation with neighboring countries in
the sharing of transboundary water resources. Thriftily using and increasing
the economic efficiency in the use of water resources. Water is considered as
important national asset and increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the
management of water resources. Focusing on environmental protection of the
river basins. Developing and implementing programs and projects of integrated
management of river basins, watershed and groundwater.
Strengthening the building of wastewater
collection and treatment system in urban areas and industrial zones.
Strengthening the research of methods of wastewater treatment from activities
of agricultural production and aquaculture. Preventing degradation and
restoring the quality of water resources, especially water quality restoration
in the main river basins.
- Rationally mining and using mineral resources
thriftily and sustainably
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Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of
the State management of minerals, promoting environmental protection and
restoration in mining. Eliminating the ask-give mechanism in mining, implementing the
management of mineral resources under the market mechanism through
"auction" or "tender" of mineral mines. Enhancing the
search and discovery of new mineral mines and the possibilities to replace
resources of depletion risk.
- Protecting marine, coastal, island environment
and developing marine resources
Protecting and sustainably using natural
resources and the marine environment to strive to make our country a strong and
rich country from the sea by 2020, firmly ensuring national sovereignty at sea,
importantly contributing to the industrialization, modernization and
sustainable development of the country.
Ensuring resources and marine environment to be
managed totally, unifiedly and effectively through the establishment of
appropriate and adequate legal grounds,, especially the Law on Natural
Resources and Marine Environment, Resources and Strategy of Natural Resources
and Marine Environment and the conditions necessary for the management,
exploitation, utilization and sustainable protection of natural resources and
marine environment.
Promoting research and basic surveys of natural
conditions, natural resources and environment of our country’s waters;
establishing scientific arguments to strengthen state management, promoting
potential and advantages of sea , coastal areas and islands.
- Protecting developing forests
Determining forest protection as protecting an
ecosystem constantly developing and also ensuring the optimal reproduction and
utilization of forest. Appreciating the propagation and raising awareness for
all levels and sectors and people of the policies and laws on forest
protection, resolutely and strictly punishing acts of sabotage causing serious
consequences for the environment and state assets. Developing forest ecological
services and enhancing the application of payment mechanism of forest
ecological services to ensure benefits to both users and providers of
ecological services.
Planning, classifying and having development
plan of 3 types of forest (special-use forests, protection forests and
production forests); combining conservation, protection with eco-tourism,
resort and other environmental services development. Applying scientific
achievements and advanced technologies to inherit forestry production
experience of local people. Performing research on forest development in two
main directions such as improvement of forest plant varieties breeding and
application of silvicultural measures. Rationally exploiting and using forests
to regenerate and improve forest quality.
- Reducing air pollution and noise in large
urban centers and industrial zones
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Completing functions, tasks and organizational
structure of the environmental management of urban air and industrial zones.
- Effectively managing solid waste and hazardous
Improving the efficiency of solid waste
management and hazardous waste in order to improve the environmental quality
and ensure public health. Reducing solid waste generation and minimizing the
volume of waste to be buried in order to save land resources and limit
environmental pollution. Strictly controlling hazardous waste generated in the
manufacturing sectors and the health sector.
Building the integrated management system of
solid waste which can be sorted at source, collected, reused, recycled and
thoroughly treated with the appropriate advanced technologies. Building
infrastructure, finance and human resources for the implementation of
integrated management of solid waste.
Strengthening waste inventory and monitoring,
gradually auditing waste in waste management in production facilities and
industrial parks. Effectively implementing the national target program on reducing pollution and improving
- Conserving and developing biodiversity
Conserving and developing biodiversity.
Harmoniously combining between conservation and exploitation, rational use of
biodiversity and poverty alleviation. Developing eco-tourism and ensuring
stability of the lives of people legally living in the reserve, sustainably
developing the buffer zone of the reserve. Applying scientific and technological
advances, traditional knowledge and payment mechanisms for ecosystem services
in conservation and sustainable development of biodiversity. Ensuring the
participation of local people in the process of implementation of biodiversity
conservation planning.
- Mitigating and adapting to climate change and
natural disaster prevention
Developing and strengthening the capacity of
response and positive adaptation of people and natural systems to protect
natural resources in the context of climate change and improve the quality of
life, ensuring environmental security and the sustainable development.
Developing the monitoring system of climate change and sea level rise.
Modernizing the monitoring system and technology of meteorological forecasting
to ensure warning, early forecasting of extreme climate events. Organizing the
implementation of the national strategy on climate change, developing and
promulgating the Law
on natural disaster prevention and mitigation.
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1. Further improving the institutional system of
sustainable development, improving the quality of national governance for
sustainable development of the country.
- Continuing to improve the legal system,
mechanism and policies towards adjustment, supplementation and new promulgation
to ensure regulatory framework for the implementation of the Strategy for
Sustainable Development in Vietnam for the period 2011 - 2020 (hereinafter
referred to as the Strategy). Focusing on the completion of policies and laws
on environmental protection, first of all amending the Law on Environmental
Protection 2005.
- Enhancing the efficiency of state management
towards administrative reform, improving transparency, of national governance
and corruption prevention. Strengthening collaboration between the parties
concerned in the implementation. Strengthening the system of organizational
structure of all levels to undertake the management of sustainable development.
- Integrating the viewpoints and principles of
sustainable development in strategies, policies, planning and plans of
development, ensuring the development and implementation of national target
programs must be linked to strategy approved by the Government and must be
inspected, assessed according to the criteria and indicators for sustainable
development regularly and closely.
- Developing programs / action plans at all
levels to implement the strategy.
- Continuing research, supplementation and
update to improve the monitoring and evaluation indicators of sustainable
development to suit each stage of development.
- Strengthening the leadership of the Party and
state management in the implementation of the strategy, regular inspection,
testing, monitoring of the implementation of policies, objectives and
indicators for sustainable development.
- Strengthening and strictly applying criminal
and administrative sanctions with the content of sustainable development
assurance; focusing on sanctions of violations of environmental laws, having
clear rewarding policies for organizations and individuals seriously performing regulations on
sustainable development assurance.
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- Increasing investment and effectively using
funds from the state budget for implementation of the strategy. Enhancing
expenditure from the state budget for the construction and completion of
institutional system, laws and policies for sustainable development; developing
programs / action plans to implement the strategy; Performing scientific and
technological research related to sustainable development, education and
communication to raise awareness of sustainable development, performing the
training and practice to improve management capacity and implementing
sustainable development.
- Mobilizing and efficiently using resources of
official development assistance (ODA), the resources of social investment and
funding from organizations and individuals in the country or abroad for
implementation of sustainable development.
- Developing mechanisms and policies to
encourage financial institutions, enterprises of all economic sectors and
individuals to provide funding and investment for activities to implement the
objectives of sustainable development.
- Strengthening the application of financial
instruments (taxes, fees ...) to increase financial resources for the
implementation of sustainable development goals of the country.
- Establishing the sustainable development Fund
to raise and receive capital resources from the State budget, resources of
fundings, contributions and entrustment of the international organizations,
non-governmental organizations, institutions and individuals in the country and
abroad to provide financial support for projects, activities, initiatives and
sustainable development model of sectors, localities and communities
3. Propagating, educating and raising awareness
of sustainable development.
- Promoting the education and communication to
raise awareness of the entire society about sustainable development. Developing
and implementing communication programs with appropriate contents and forms of
propagation for each target groups in society. Promoting the role and
responsibilities of the communication agencies like television, radio, press in
raising people's awareness of the guidelines, policies and strategies for
sustainable development of the country; disseminating the contents and
information on sustainable development. Mobilizing the participation of
organizations such as the Fatherland Front, Women's Union, Youth Union,
Veterans Association, Farmers’ Union, Students’ Association ... in
communication on sustainable development.
- Updating and introducing the educational
contents on sustainable development into the curriculum of all educational
levels of the education and training system.
4. Strengthening management capacity and
implementation of sustainable development.
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- Strengthening capacity for research agencies
on sustainable development.
- Developing systems of information and database
in service of management for sustainable development.
- Developing system of monitoring and evaluation
of implementation of sustainable development.
5. Enhancing the role, responsibilities and
strengthening the participation of the business community, the social
-political organizations, the social - professional organizations, the
non-governmental organizations and residential communities in the
implementation of sustainable development.
- Strengthening the role, responsibilities and
participation of businesses, the social - political organizations the social -
professional, the non-governmental organizations and residential communities in
the implementation of sustainable development and also in consultation,
counter-argument, policy proposal for sustainable development and monitoring of
implementation of sustainable development.
- Enhancing the role and participation of
business community in the social-economic development, poverty reduction,
management and thrifty use of natural resources and environmental protection
and response to climate change, focusing on:
+ Improving technology and applying cleaner,
environmentally friendly, energy saving production technology;
+ Raising accountability and mobilizing the
resource contribution of enterprises in management and thrifty use of natural
resources, maintaining biodiversity and environmental protection, proactively
preventing and remedying environmental pollution;
+ Promoting the implementation of social responsibility
of enterprises, implementing business models for the poor, creating of living
and raising living standard for farmers and people in remote areas;
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6. Developing resources for implementation of
sustainable development
- Deploying and concretizing Strategy and
Planning for Vietnamese human resource development period 2011 - 2020 with the
motto to place an importance on human resource development, regarding it as a
key and decisive step in transformation of growth model and sustainable
development, synchronously developing a workforce of high quality in all areas
to meet the requirements of sustainable development with rational structure of
types of workforce by sectors and development area.
- Rapidly developing human resources,
particularly high-quality human resources, closely linking the development of
human resource with the development and application of science and technology
for economic restructuring, transforming model growth, contributing to increase
in productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy.
Speeding up the implementation of basic and comprehensive renovation of
Vietnamese higher education, strengthening the investment and construction of
excellent universities and major universities. Implementing programs and
schemes of training high-quality human resources for the key and essential
sectors and areas. Focusing on detection, training, promoting of talent,
training of human resources for development of knowledge-based economy.
7. Strengthening the role and impact of science
and technology, speeding up technological innovation in implementation of
sustainable development.
- Attaching the scientific and technological objectives
and tasks to the objectives of sustainable development, ensuring that science
and technology are the foundation and driving force for development activities.
Focusing on development of scientific and technological sectors and areas as a
foundation for sustainable development.
- Strongly concentrating on research and
application of science and technology associated with sustainable development
objectives. Speeding up scientific and technical research and technology
transfer for sustainable development. Encouraging the development of
environmental technologies, clean technologies, and environmentally friendly
products, saving raw materials and energy. Effectively controlling the import
and transfer of unadvanced, fuel and energy consuming technologies; applying
approaches and advanced methods in management of development activities for the
purpose of sustainable development. Enhancing application and development of
information technology.
- Speeding up technological innovation,
improving production technology level, particularly focusing on technological
innovation towards thrift and efficient use of raw material and energy with
less waste and increase in high value-added.
- Forming and developing system of research,
training, consultation, scientific and technological services for sustainable
8. Expanding international cooperation
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- Proactively and actively participating with
the international community to deal with issues related to sustainable development;
coordinating to deal with global and regional issues (transnational): reducing
carbon emissions, contaminated water and air, forest harvesting, hydroelectric
dams, social issues such as immigration, labor export and so on ...
1. Responsibilities of the National Council on
improving competitiveness and sustainable development
Advising and assist the Government, the Prime
Minister in directing and guiding the implementation of Strategy and monitoring
and evaluating objectives and indicators specified in the Strategy; proposing
measures, solutions, policies and mechanisms to ensure coordination of
activities of ministries, sectors and localities, social-political
organizations, social-professional organizations and business community
to implement strategy effectively.
2. Responsibilities of Ministries, sectors,
localities and agencies and organizations concerned.
a) Ministry of Planning and Investment
Assuming the prime responsibility and coordinating
with the Ministries, sectors, localities and agencies concerned to organize the
implementation of Strategy, focusing on the following contents:
- Developing programs/national actions plans for
sustainable development period 2011 - 2015 and 2016 – 2020, assigning specific
tasks to the Ministries, sectors, localities and agencies and organizations
concerned; ensuring resources to implement the objectives and indicators in the
- Developing mechanism, policies to manage,
guide and assist the implementation of Strategy;
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- Building information systems, database for
sustainable development
- Supplementing and adjusting the indicators of
national sustainable development in line with each development stage;
developing indicator of sustainable development at local level for unified
application nation-wide; monitoring and evaluating the implementation of
Strategy under objectives and indicators issued; integrating these objectives
and indicators of sustainable development in the guideline for developing and
implementing the social-economic development Plan of the Ministries, sectors
and localities.
- Urgently undertaking research, submitting for
establishment of the sustainable development Fund t;
- Performing annual assessment and partially
summing up the results of the implementation of Strategy, making a report to
the Prime Minister and the proposing the adjustments, supplementation of
necessary mechanisms and policies.
b) The Ministries, ministerial-level agencies,
government-attached agencies.
- Developing programs / action plans of sector;
establishing a steering committee for develop sustainable of sector; arranging
resources for effectively implementing the Strategy, actively participating in
activities of general coordination under direction of the Government;
- Integrating the contents of the Strategy
during the process of policy making; developing and implementing the strategy,
planning and plan for development of their sectors;
- Assuming the prime responsibility and
coordinating with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to develop indicators
of sustainable development of sector in line with conditions and particularity
of development of their sector on the basis of requirements of sustainable
development and indicators of monitoring and evaluation of national sustainable
development, organizing the monitoring and evaluation of objectives of
sustainable development under the management area.
- Organizing extensive propagation among
officials and public servants the spirit and content of the Strategy;
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c) People’s Committee of centrally-affiliated
cities and provinces
- Coordinating with the Ministries and central
sectors to develop program/ action plans of localities; establishing the local
steering Committee for sustainable development; arranging resources to
effectively implement the Strategy;
- Integrating contents of the Strategy in the
process of policy making; developing and performing the planning and plan for
development of localities.
- Organizing extensive propagation for cadres,
public servants, officials, enterprises and strata on the Strategy and
programs/action plans of the provinces and cities performing the Strategy.
- Organizing the monitoring and evaluation of
objectives and indicators of sustainable development in areas of cities and
- Developing and implementing the pilot models
on sustainable development at localities in line with characteristics, custom
and level of awareness of people for dissemination and replication.
- Making annual report on the result of
implementation of Strategy and indicators of sustainable development in areas
of cities and provinces for submission to the Ministry of Planning and
Investment and then for report to the Prime Minister.
d) Social-political organizations,
social-professional, non-governmental organizations, Viet Nam Business Council
for Sustainable Development under the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- Proactively developing action plans and
implementing the Strategy within their functions and operations.
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- Making annual report on the result of
implementation of Strategy for submission to the Ministry of Planning and
Investment for report to the Prime Minister.
3. Funding for implementation
- Funding for the implementation of sustainable
development strategy of Vietnam period 2011 - 2020 are allocated in the annual
budget estimate of Ministries, agencies, and organizations concerned and
localities according to the current decentralization of state budget.
- The Ministry of Planning and Investment,
Ministry of Finance shall balance and allocate annual funding as prescribed by
the Law on state budget to effectively implement the Strategy; guiding the
Ministries, sectors and localities to use the funding properly and effectively.
- The Ministry of Finance shall specify the
regular source of expenditure for the contents of the Strategy and guide the
making of estimate and use of funding under the provisions of law.
- The Ministries, agencies, and organizations
concerned and localities shall mobilize the funding of organizations and individuals
in the country and abroad as prescribed by law to implement the Strategy.
Article 2. This Decision shall take effect from its signing date.
Article 3. The Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies,
government-attached agencies, Chairman of People's Committees of
centrally-affiliated cities and provinces and the heads of the relevant
agencies are liable to execute this Decision.
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Nguyen Tan Dung
(Issued together with Decision No. 432/QD-TTg dated April 12, 2012 of
the Prime Minister)
responsible for collection and aggregation
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General indicators
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Ministry of
Planning and Investment (General Department of Statistics)
Human Development Index (HDI) (0-1)
Ministry of Planning
and Investment (General Department of Statistics)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Ranked in lower
middle group of the world
Ranked in upper
middle group of the world
Environmental sustainability index (0-1)
Ministry of Planning
and Investment (General Department of Statistics)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Economic indicators
Incremental Capital - Output Ratio (ICOR) Number
of investment capital implemented with increase in 1 dong OF GDP)
Ministry of
Planning and Investment (General Department of Statistics)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
< 5,0
< 5,0
Productivity of social labor (USD/laborer)
Ministry of Planning and Investment (General
Department of Statistics)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Proportion of contribution of total factor
productivity to the overall growth rate (%)
Ministry of Planning and Investment (General
Department of Statistics)
Rate of reduction in energy consumption to
produce a unit of GDP (%)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Percentage of renewable energy in energy
structure (%)
Ministry of Industry
and Trade
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Consumer price index (CPI) (%compared to
December of previous year)
Ministry of
Planning and Investment (General Department of Statistics)
Bình quân 5 năm
< 10
5 years on
average < 10
5 years on
average < 5
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Current account balance (billion USD)
State Bank
-3,524 (year
< -3,0
State budget deficit (%/GDP)
Ministry of
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< 4,0
Government Debt (%/GDP)
Ministry of Finance
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Foreign debt (%/GDP)
Assuming prime
responsibility: Ministry of Finance
State Bank
< 50,0
< 50,0
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Poverty Rate (%)
Ministry of
Planning and Investment (General Department of Statistics)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Giảm bình quân
1,5 – 2%/năm Average reduction from 1.5 to 2% / year
reduction from 1.5 to 2% / year
Unemployment rate (%)
Ministry of Planning and Investment (General
Department of Statistics)
< 3,00
< 3,00
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Labor rate trained and working in the economy
Ministry of Planning and Investment (General
Department of Statistics)
Coefficient of inequality in income distribution (Gini coefficient).
Ministry of Planning and Investment (General
Department of Statistics)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
< 5,0
< 5,0
Sex ratio at birth (Male/100 female)
Ministry of
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Số sinh viênNumber of student/10.000
Ministry of
Education and Training
Number of Internet subscriber
(subscriber/100 inhabitants)
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8,5 (Broadband)
20 (Broadband)
Percentage of inhabitants who receive social
security, health insurance, unemployment insurance (%)
Vietnam Social
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XH: 38
Health: 75
TN: 73
XH: 51
Health: 80
TN: 84,5
Number of traffic-related dead
(Person/100.000 inhabitants/year)
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Rate of commune recognized to achieve the new
countryside criteria (%)
Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development
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Indicators of natural resources and
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Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development
Rate of land protected and maintained
Ministry of
Natural Resources and Environment
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Land area degraded (million ha)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Rate of reduction of groundwater and surface
water (m3/person/year)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
2098 m3/ng/
1770 m3/ng/
Rate of day with the concentration of toxic substances
in the air exceeding the permitted standards (%)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
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Rate of urban centers, industrial zones,
export processing zones and industrial clusters treating solid waste and waste
water and conforming to the technical standards or regulations respectively.
- Assuming
prime responsibility: Ministry of Construction
- Coordinating:
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Ministry of Industry and
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Rate of solid waste collected, treated in
conformity with the national technical standards or regulations respectively
- Assuming
prime responsibility: Ministry of Construction
- Coordinating:
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
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** According to social-economic development
Strategy 2011 – 2020.