Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Hanoi, August 29,
Pursuant to Law on Road Traffic No.
Pursuant to Decree No. 12/2017/ND-CP dated
February 10, 2017 of Government on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational
structure of Ministry of Transport;
At the request of Director General of Transport
Infrastructure Department and Director General of the Vietnam Road
Minister of Transport promulgates Circular on
speed and safety distance of road vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic.
Chapter I
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This Circular prescribes speed and safety distance
of road vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic, except prioritized
vehicles while on mission as per the law.
Article 2. Regulated entities
This Circular applies to drivers, operators of
heavy-duty vehicles, entities and persons relating management and
implementation of decision on speed and safety distance of road vehicles and
heavy-duty vehicles in road traffic.
Article 3. Term interpretation
In this Circular, terms below are construed as
1. “A crowded road” refers to a road in
urban city, urban commune, urban town, and roads where many people live nearby
and affect traffic safety; indicated by traffic signs signaling beginning of
crowded area.
2. “Road vehicles” include cars; tractors;
trailers and semi trailers towed by cars and tractors; motorcycles; motorized
tricycles; mopeds (including electric mopeds) and similar vehicles.
3. “Heavy-duty automobiles”
include automobiles designed and equipped to perform specific functions,
including: street sweepers; watering trucks; waste vacuum trucks, garbage
compactor trucks; mortar mixer vehicles; cement mixer vehicles; concrete
pumping vehicles; cranes; stair trucks; drilling vehicles; traffic rescue
vehicles; television production vehicles, signal coverage measurement vehicles;
bridge inspection and maintenance vehicles, tunnel cable inspection vehicles,
x-ray trucks, mobile surgery units and similar vehicles.
4. “Heavy-duty machines”
include construction machines, agricultural and forestry machinery and other
heavy-duty machines used national defense and security participating in road
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6. “A dual carriageway”
refers to 2 roads of opposing directions separated by a central reservation (a
road will not be classified as a dual carriageway if it is separated by road
7. “A one-way street”
refers to a street facilitating one-way traffic.
8. “A two-way street”
refers to a street allowing travel in both directions on the same carriageway,
not separated by a central reservation.
9. “Payload” refers to
the permitted gross weight, determined according to Certificate of technical
and environmental safety inspection of road vehicles.
Article 4. Rules on compliance
with regulations on speed and distance during participation in road traffic
1. While participating in road
traffic, vehicle operators must stringently comply with regulations on minimum
speed and safety distance between 2 vehicles (classified as road vehicles,
heavy-duty vehicles) that are prescribed by road signs.
2. With respect to roads that
are not installed with speed limit signs or signs prescribing minimum safety
distance between 2 vehicles, the vehicle operators participating in road traffic
must comply with regulations in Articles 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 of this Circular.
3. The vehicle operators
participating in road traffic must control their vehicles at such speed that
when taking into account conditions of bridges, roads, traffic density,
terrain, weather and other factors will ensure traffic safety.
Article 5. Cases of slowdown
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1. He/she encounters a warning
sign or obstacle on the road; or
2. He/she changes in travel
direction or has limited vision; or
3. He/she arrives at an
at-grade intersection; at a level crossing; at a road curve; at a road with
hairpin turns or steep slopes; at a narrow or bumpy road; or
4. He/she crosses a narrow
bridge or culvert; crosses an overflowing damp, underground or tunnel; reaches
near the peak of a slope, when descending it; or
5. He/she passes an area with
schools, hospitals, bus stations, crowded public constructions; an area with
large population, with factory or office situated along the road; road
construction sites; traffic accident scene; or
6. He/she approaches a
pedestrian or a person with disability confined to a wheelchair crossing the
road; or
7. He/she encounters livestock
walking or herded along the road; or
8. He/she avoids a vehicle
from the opposite direction or gives way to a vehicle behind; receives a turn
signal or an emergency flasher of a leading vehicle;
9. He/she approaches a bus
stop or a parking spot with passengers getting on or off of a vehicle; or
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11. He/she operates the
vehicle in the rain, fog, dust; on slippery, muddy road or road with lots of
scattered rocks and debris;
12. He/she controls the
vehicle through vehicle weigh stations, police stations or tollbooths for road
Chapter II
Article 6. Maximum allowed
speed of road vehicles travelling in crowded area (except on expressway)
Type of road
Maximum speed
On dual
carriageways; one-way streets with at least 2 lanes for road vehicles
On two-way
streets; one-way streets with 1 lane for road vehicles
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Article 7. Maximum allowed
speed of road vehicles travelling outside of crowded area (except on
Type of road
Maximum speed
On dual
carriageway; one-way street with at least 2 lanes for road vehicles
On two-way
streets; one-way streets with 1 lane for road vehicles
Cars and passengers vehicles capable of up to 30
passengers (except transit buses); trucks with payload of up to 3.5 tonne.
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Passenger vehicles capable of more than 30
passengers (except transit buses); trucks with payload exceeding 3.5 tonne
(except fuel trucks).
Buses; semi-trailer trucks; motorcycles;
heavy-duty automobiles (except mortar and cement mixer vehicles).
Trailer trucks; tow trucks; mortar and cement
mixer vehicles, fuel trucks.
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With respect to heavy-duty machines, mopeds
(including electric mopeds) and similar vehicles on the road, the maximum speed
must not exceed 40 km/h.
Article 9. Maximum speed of
road vehicles and heavy-duty machines on expressway
1. The maximum allowed speed
on the expressway must not exceed 120 km/h.
2. When participating in
traffic on an expressway, a driver or operator of heavy-duty machines must
comply with the maximum and minimum speed displayed on road signs and road
Article 10. Erection of speed
limit signs
1. The erection of speed limit
signs shall comply with road signal laws and take into account practical
conditions of routes and segments of the roads relating road infrastructure,
rate and type of vehicles and time frames within the day.
With respect to projects on new construction,
restoration or upgrade of road works, fully erect speed limit signs before
bringing such works into use. With respect to active routes within their
division, road authorities must promptly erect road signs as per laws on their
2. With respect to roads
leading to or away from the expressways, the speed limit displayed on the speed
limit signs must not be lower than 50 km/h.
3. Competent authorities
specified in Clause 4 of this Article shall decide to:
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b) erect speed limit signs applied to a specific
time in a day (additional panels, variable message signs);
c) erect speed limit signs applied to specific
vehicles posing high risk of causing unsafe traffic;
dd) erect speed limit signs displaying value
greater than 60 km/h (with respect to roads in crowded areas), greater than 90
km/h (with respect to roads outside of crowded areas) on routes having design
speed greater than the maximum speed specified in Articles 6 and 7 of this
Circular after ensuring traffic safety.
4. The competent authorities
deciding to erect road signs with respect to cases specified in Clause 3 of
this Article, including:
a) Ministry of Transport shall erect road signs on
b) Vietnam Road Administration shall erect road
signs on national highways and other roads under management of Ministry of
Transport (except expressways);
c) People’s Committees of provinces and
central-affiliated cities shall erect road signs on province-level,
district-level, commune-level, urban and private roads within their provinces
and cities.
Article 11. Safe distance
between 2 vehicles participating in road traffic
1. When participating in road
traffic, the operators and controllers of heavy-duty machines must maintain a
safe distance from the vehicle in their immediate front; keep the distance no lower
than the distance value displayed on the “Minimum distance between two
vehicles” sign.
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a) In dry road conditions, safe distance
corresponding to each speed is prescribed as follows:
Speed (km/h)
Minimum safe
distance (m)
V = 60
60 < V ≤ 80
80 < V ≤ 100
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When controlling a vehicle slower than 60 km/h, an
operator must maintain the appropriate safe distance from the vehicle in
his/her immediate front; this distance depends on actual vehicle density and
traffic to ensure traffic safety.
b) With respect to rain, fog, slippery road, roads
with hairpin turns, steep slopes or limited vision, the operator must adjust
the safe distance value to be greater than that displayed on the sign or the
value specified in Point a of this Clause.
Chapter III
Article 12. Entry into force
This Circular comes into force from October 15,
2019 and supersedes Circular No. 91/2015/TT-BGTVT dated December 31, 2015 of
Minister of Transport on speed and safe distance of road vehicles and
heavy-duty machines participating in road traffic.
Article 13. Implementation
Chief of the Ministry Office, Chief Inspector of
Ministry, Directors, Director General of Vietnam Road Administration, directors
of Transport Departments of provinces and central-affiliated cities; heads of
relevant entities and persons shall implement this Circular./.
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PP. Minister
Deputy minister
Le Dinh Tho