Independence – Freedom – Happiness
August 30, 2021
Pursuant to Education Law dated
June 14, 2019;
Pursuant to Law on Higher
Education dated June 18, 2012; Law on amendments to Law on Higher Education
dated November 19, 2018;
Pursuant to Decree No.
99/2019/ND-CP dated December 30, 2019 of the Government on elaborating to Law
on amendments to Law on Higher Education;
Pursuant to Decree 69/2017/ND-CP
dated May 25, 2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;
At the request of the
Director General of the Higher Education Department;
Minister of Education and
Training promulgates Circular on enrolment and training for master degree.
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2. This Circular comes
into effect from October 15, 2021 and applies to courses starting from
effective date hereof. This Circular replaces Circular No. 15/2014/TT-BGDDT
dated may 15, 2014 of Minister of Education and Training.
3. Chief of Office,
Director of Department of Higher Education, heads of relevant entities
affiliated to Ministry of Education and training; directors of higher education
institutions and academies; principals of universities; principals or directors
of other education institutions permitted to provide training for master
degree, and relevant organizations, individuals are responsible for
implementation hereof./.
Hoang Minh Son
(Attached to Circular No. 23/2021/TT-BGDDT dated August 30, 2021 of Minister
of Education and Training)
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1. Scope and regulated entities
1. These
Regulations prescribe enrolment, organization, and management of training for
master degree, and issuance of master degree.
2. These
Regulations apply to higher education institutions and other education
institutions permitted to provide training for master degree (hereinafter
referred to as “education institutions”); relevant organizations and
3. These
Regulations serve as the basis for enabling training facilities to develop and
issue specific provisions regarding enrolment, organization and management of
training for master degree, and issuance of master degree in education
institutions (hereinafter referred to as “regulations of education
4. These
Regulations do not apply to enrolment and training activities for master degree
issued by foreign education institutions (including all programs linked with
foreign training programs according to regulations on cooperation and
investment of foreign countries in education training).
2. Training program
1. Master
training programs shall be developed, appraised, and issued by education
institutions within research orientation or application orientation in a manner
that satisfies requirements of Vietnam education level framework and
regulations on standard training programs of Ministry of Education and
2. Training
programs shall be provided for issuance of master degree according to these
Regulations; no other higher education degree shall be issued.
3. Training
program applies to all training methods, training formats, and learners.
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a) List of major suitable
for learners who have graduated university level (or equivalent);
b) Foreign languages
accepted for enrolment and graduation; foreign language requirements for enrolment
and graduation for each learner must be of the same language.
5. Training
program must include mandatory contents according to regulations of Ministry of
Education and Training.
6. Training
programs delivered in foreign languages must comply with regulations of Prime
7. Changes
and revisions relating to training program shall conform to applicable law
provisions and must be publicized for learners prior to application.
3. Training format and duration
1. Formal
training format shall apply to research orientation program and application
orientation program. Part-time degree training format applies to application
orientation program. Teaching time for each training format shall conform to
Regulations on higher education training of Ministry of Education and Training.
2. For
each training method, education institutions must provide standard learning
plan for the entire course for each training program for learners. Training
duration is regulated as follows:
a) Duration based on
standard learning plan for the entire course must suit duration under National
education system framework while guaranteeing that the majority of learners
finish the training program;
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c) Maximum duration for
learners to complete a course shall be prescribed under regulations of
education institutions without exceeding twice the duration based on standard
learning plan for the entire course for each training format.
4. Acknowledgement of learning results and credit conversion
1. Learners
shall be considered for credit acknowledgement and conversion for certain units
of study when they have taken part in another master training program or have
graduated a specialized training program according to Article14 of Decree No.
99/2019/ND-CP dated December 30, 2019 of the Government. Number of credits
acknowledged and converted must not exceed 30 credits.
2. Students
who are pursuing university-level education program (or equivalent or higher)
and have good or higher grade point average and other requirements prescribed
by education institutions may register to take certain units of study of master
training program in advance in the same education institutions. Number
of credits acknowledged must not exceed 15 credits.
3. Units
of study allowed for credit acknowledgement and conversion according to Clause
1 and Clause 2 of this Article when the following requirements are met:
a) Meet graduation
standards, lecturer requirements, workload, and other requirements of the units
of study in master training program;
b) Assessment score must be
C (or equivalent) or higher;
c) Completion date must be
within 5 years from the date on which acknowledgement, conversion is
4. Regulations
of education institutions prescribe:
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b) Eligibility and
procedures for registering for studying of students according to Clause 2 of
this Article;
c) Effective period of
studying results for credit acknowledgement and conversion;
d) Units of study and number
of credits shall be acknowledged and converted based on eligibility of learners
and training program.
5. Enrollees and enrolment eligibility
1. Eligibility
for enrolment:
a) Having graduated or
eligible for recognition as university graduates (or equivalent or higher) in appropriate
majors; in case of research orientation programs, graduating in good category
or higher or making scientific publication in major that learners will study
and/or conduct research;
b) Obtaining level 3 foreign
language proficiency according to Foreign Language Proficiency consisting of 6
levels in Vietnam;
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2. Appropriate
majors specified under Clause 1 of this Article and other Articles hereof mean
majors in university level (or equivalent or higher) that equip learners with
necessary specialized basis to pursue master training degree of the respective
majors and are specified in enrolment standards of master training degree;
education institutions shall prescribe cases where additional academic requirements
are to be satisfied prior to enrolment. For administration, management, and
training majors in oriented application master program, appropriate majors in
university level include majors directly related to administration and
management majors.
3. Enrollees
satisfying requirements under Point b Clause 1 of this Article when they obtain
any of the following:
a) University degree or
higher in foreign language majors; or university degree or higher in programs
delivered primarily in foreign languages;
b) University degree or
higher provided by education institutions within 2 years in which graduation
standards of the program satisfy foreign language level 3 in the Foreign
Language Proficiency consisting of 6 levels for Vietnam;
c) Any degree or certificate
for foreign language equivalent to level 3 in Foreign Language Proficiency
consisting of 6 levels for Vietnam under Annex hereof or other equivalent certificates
publicized by Ministry of Education and Training and valid by the date of enrolment.
4. Enrollees
who are foreigners and register for master training program delivered in
Vietnamese must meet Vietnamese level 4 or higher in the Vietnamese Proficiency
for foreigners or have graduated university (or equivalent or higher) where
training programs are delivered in Vietnamese; satisfy second language
requirements of education institutions (if any).
5. For
training programs delivered in foreign languages, enrollees must satisfy
foreign language requirements, to be specific, obtain any of the following
certificate or degree:
a) University degree or
higher in foreign languages used in teaching; or university degree or higher
where education program is provided primarily in languages used in teaching;
c) Any degree or certificate
for language used in teaching equivalent to level 4 in Foreign Language
Proficiency consisting of 6 levels for Vietnam under Annex hereof or other
equivalent certificates publicized by Ministry of Education and Training and
valid by the date of enrolment.
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1. Enrolment
shall be organized one or multiple times in a year when education institutions
satisfy quality assurance requirements for master training programs as per
applicable provisions.
2. Methods
of enrolment shall be decided by education institutions, including examination,
consideration, or a combination of both; guarantee transparent, fair,
objective, and truthful assessment of knowledge and capacity of enrollees. Education
institutions may organize online enrolment when satisfying quality assurance
requirements to guarantee reliable and fair assessment results.
3. Notice
of enrolment shall be publicized on website of education institutions at least
45 days before the date on which the education institutions cease to receive
application for enrolment and consist of:
a) Enrollees and eligibility
for admission;
b) Enrolment quotas by
training programs and training format;
c) List of appropriate
majors of each training program and cases where additional study is required;
d) Application for
dd) Enrolment plans and
e) Tuition, fees for
enrolment services, and fees for other services for each school year, and for
the entire course;
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4. Education
institutions shall issue decision acknowledging admitted learners when learners
satisfy all enrolment requirements of training program together with proof.
5. Regulations
of education institutions prescribe:
a) Enrolment plan, enrolment
notice, and enrolment methods;
b) Procedures for organizing
enrolment exam, consideration, a combination of exam and consideration,
assessing foreign language proficiency for enrolment, and acknowledging
admitted learners;
c) Priorities in enrolment;
d) Storage and security
affairs in enrolment exam and consideration;
dd) Internal inspection,
examination, and monitor in enrolment;
e) Responsibilities of
organizations, entities, and individuals in enrolment;
g) Other regulations
relating to enrolment.
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7. Organization for training and assessment of studying results
1. Training
location shall be the head offices or branch offices of education institutions;
practices, internship, research, and field trips shall be organized outside of
education institutions without exceeding 20% of workload of training program. For
health majors, organization of training activities in practice facilities shall
conform to regulations of the Government, satisfy requirements of training
program, and must be clarified in teaching plans.
2. Standards,
responsibilities, and rights of lecturers teaching in master level education
must conform to Article 54, Article 55, Article 57, and Article 58 of Law on
Higher Education (with amendment thereto in 2018); regulations on standard
training program of Ministry of Education and Training, and other relevant law
3. Planning
and organization of teaching, assessment, and processing of learning results
shall conform to relevant regulations under Regulations on higher education
training of Ministry of Education and Training and regulations under Clause 4
through Clause 10 of this Article. Assessment
of thesis of research orientation program shall conform to Article 9 hereof and
assessment of study unit for graduation of application orientation program
shall conform to Article 11 hereof.
4. Timetable
must display time, location, teaching activities of each class in each course,
training format, and training program. Teaching plans for units of study in
training programs shall be distributed evenly in weeks of a semester. In case
study schedule is to be more densely packed, number of lecturing hours for each
unit of study must not exceed 15 hours per week and 4 hours per day.
5. Education
institutions shall regulate procedures for study registration for learners to
register at the beginning of each semester for each training program, maximum
and minimum credits in each semester that learners are allowed to register
while keeping the maximum credit in a school year does not exceed 45 credits in
case of formal format and 30 credits in case of part-time degree.
6. Results
of units of study in training program shall only be classified as qualified
when assessment score is at least C.
7. Education
institutions may organize online classes with workload not exceeding 30% of
workload of training program after satisfying applicable regulations on
application of information technology in management and organization of online
training; and guaranteeing quality no lower than physical classes.
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9. In
case of natural disasters, epidemic, and other force majeure, education
institutions shall provide training and conduct online assessment for units of
study according to guidelines of Ministry of Education and training.
10. Regulations
of education institutions shall prescribe:
a) Organization of teaching
and studying activities;
b) Assessment and
determination of scores of unit of study; organization of guidelines,
implementation, and assessment of practice, internship, and research topics;
c) Standards, responsibilities,
and rights of lecturers;
d) Tasks and rights of
learners, specialized entities, managing entities, and assisting entities as
per applicable law provisions;
dd) Collection of feedback
of learners and relevant provisions in organization of master degree training
of education institutions.
8. Guidelines on thesis
1. Learners
pursuing research orientation programs must conduct a research topic worth 12
to 15 credits whose results are displayed in form of thesis. Learners
shall produce the thesis for at least 6 months.
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a) Making contribution to
theories, academic sectors, or developing technology, enabling renovation;
showing research capacity of learners;
b) Meeting cultural, moral,
and traditional standards of Vietnamese people;
c) Complying with regulations
of education institutions regarding academic integrity and applicable law
provisions on intellectual property.
3. Each
student shall be assisted by one or two thesis instructors with at least one
thesis instructor is a full-time lecturer of education institutions. At any
given time, a thesis instructor shall not guide more than 5 individual learners
(including learners pursuing graduating units of study of application
orientation program); guiding 2 learners working together shall be equivalent to
guiding an individual learner.
4. Standards
of thesis instructors:
a) Having specialized doctor
degree suitable with training majors and thesis topic of learners;
b) Having foreign language
capacity and information technology application to conduct research and perform
international scientific exchange;
c) Having scientific
research results relating to the thesis topics within 5 years prior to the date
on which the instructors are assigned to guide learners;
d) Satisfying other
requirements as per standard training programs of the majors and regulations of
education institutions.
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a) Standards,
responsibilities, and rights of instructors;
b) Assignment of topics and
thesis instructors; change of topics, instructors; time for implementing
c) Requirements for
specialized contents, structure, format, and academic integrity assurance for
the thesis.
9. Thesis assessment
1. Thesis
shall be assessed in form of defense in front of a committee. The defense
session shall be organized publicly except for fields that require
classification according to regulations of the Government.
2. Thesis
defense committee must satisfy the following requirements:
a) The committee must have
at least 5 members, including a chairperson, a director, 2 review members, and
other members; in which at least 1 review member must not be associated with
the education institutions;
b) Standards of committee
members must match standards of thesis instructors under Clause 4 Article 8
hereof; in which the chairperson must be full-time lecturer or full-time
researcher of the education institution;
c) Instructors can
participate in the committee as a member without being able to give assessment
score; parents, spouses, children, or siblings of learners are not allowed to
participate in the committee.
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a) Having completed all
units of study of training program;
b) Having submitted thesis
and receiving consensus from instructors to defend;
c) Having satisfied other
requirements of education institutions.
4. Thesis
defense session shall be organized when at least 2/3 of total committee members
are present which include a chairperson, a secretary, and at least a review
member. Online thesis defense may be implemented under consensus of
committee members and learners; all progression of the online thesis defense
session shall be visually and audibly recorded and stored at education
5. Thesis
score shall be the arithmetic mean of scores given my committee members present
at the thesis defense sessions on the scale of 10; learners shall be qualified
when their thesis score is at least 5.5.
6. In
case thesis is unqualified, learners may revise for the second assessment
within 3 months from the meeting date of the committee for the first
assessment; do not organize the third assessment.
7. After
successfully defending the thesis, the entirety of the thesis (which is revised
at request of the committee if any) must be submitted, stored at libraries of education
institutions, and publicized on website of education institutions in at least
30 days, except for topics that must be classified according to regulations of
the Government.
8. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on criteria and procedures for
assessing thesis; other contents relating to thesis assessment.
10. Thesis appraisal
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2. Thesis
appraisal committee shall have the similar composition and standards as thesis
assessment committee; members of thesis assessment committee must not
participate in thesis appraisal committee.
3. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on establishment of thesis appraisal
committee; procedures for organizing committee meeting and processing thesis
appraisal results.
11. Instruction, assessment, and appraisal of graduating units of study for
application orientation program
1. Learners
pursuing application orientation program must conduct a graduating unit of
study ranging from 6 to 9 credits in form of schemes, topics, or projects
(hereinafter referred to as "schemes"). Learners shall conduct the
scheme for at least 3 months.
2. Schemes
shall be assessed in form of defense in front of a committee. The defense
session shall be organized publicly except for fields that require
classification according to regulations of the Government.
3. Scheme
report shall a presentation of development, implementation, and implementation
results of the scheme that satisfy the following requirements:
a) Allowing proposition and
verification of new models and solutions for effectively dealing with
difficulties in practice; exhibiting capacity of applying science, technology,
and problem resolution of learners;
b) Meeting cultural, moral,
and traditional standards of Vietnamese people;
c) Complying with
regulations of education institutions regarding academic integrity and
applicable law provisions on intellectual property.
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5. Scheme
assessment committee shall have at least 3 members, including a chairperson, a
secretary, and a review member, In case the committee has more the 3 members,
instructors may participate in the committee as a member without being allowed
to give assessment scores. Defense session shall only be organized when the
chairperson, the secretary, and review member are present. Online defense may
be implemented under consensus of committee members and learners; all
progression of the online defense session shall be visually and audibly
recorded and stored at education institutions.
6. In
case the scheme is unqualified, learners may revise in order to attend the
second assessment within 45 days from the date on which committee meeting for
the first assessment is held; do not organize the third assessment.
7. After
successfully defending, the entirety of the scheme report (which is revised at
request of the committee if any) must be submitted, stored at libraries of education
institutions, and publicized on website of education institutions in at least
30 days, except for topics that must be classified according to regulations of
the Government.
8. Regulations
of education institutions shall rely on Article 8, Article 9, Article 10
hereof, and this Article to elaborate on instruction, assessment, and appraisal
of the scheme.
12. Recognition of graduation and issuance of master degree
1. Eligibility
for graduation:
a) Having completed units of
study of training program and thesis, scheme defense sufficiently;
b) Having foreign language
proficiency satisfactory to graduation standard of training program prior to
being considered for graduation; obtaining proof thereof by any of the
certificate or degree under Annex hereof or other equivalent certificate publicized
by Ministry of Education and Training, or graduate degrees or higher in foreign
language majors, or graduate degrees or higher in programs delivered entirely
in foreign languages;
c) Fulfilling
responsibilities according to regulations of education institutions; not being
criminally prosecuted and not being placed under academic suspension or
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3. Education
institutions shall issue master degree for learners within 1 month from the
date on which decisions recognizing graduation is issued.
4. The
contents on degrees and degree annexes shall conform to regulations of Ministry
of Education and Training which specify research orientation program or
application orientation program.
5. For
learners ineligible for graduation after the learning period under Clause 2
Article 3 hereof, principals or directors of education institutions
(hereinafter referred to as "principals") shall issue certificate for
units of study accumulated by the learners during training program.
6. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on methods of calculating average
score of the entire course, procedures for considering and recognizing
graduation; retention and issuance of certificate for units of study
accumulated for learners who are ineligible for graduation.
13. Pausing study progress, and dropping out
1. Learners
may temporarily cease their academic progress and retain obtained results when:
a) they are enlisted in
armed forces;
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c) they are sick, pregnant,
or injured by accident which requires prolonged period of treatment where
written confirmation of competent medical examination and treatment
establishments is required according to regulations of Ministry of Health;
d) they have other personal
reasons as long as they have completed as lease one semester in the education
institution and are not enforced to drop out or receiving disciplinary actions.
2. Pausing
period for Point d Clause 1 of this Article must be included in the deadline
for completing the course under Clause 2 Article 3 hereof.
3. Learners
will be allowed to drop out by education institutions for personal reasons,
except for cases where learners are enforced to drop out or receiving
disciplinary actions.
4. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on eligibility, entitlement, and procedures
for applying for pausing study progress, resuming study progress and dropping
out; retaining and verifying accumulated study results for learners dropping
14. Transfer of education institutions, location of study, and training program
1. Learners
shall be considered for transfer of education institutions, location of study,
and training program if they:
a) satisfy qualification of
training program which they apply for transfer to and education institutions
where they apply for transfer to obtain all quality assurance requirements and
have not exceeded training capacity for training program and majors as per
applicable law provisions of Ministry of Education and Training;
b) obtain consent of
principals of education institutions which they apply for transfer from and
education institutions which they apply for transfer to;
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d) have sufficient time for
completing training program under Clause 2 Article 3 hereof and are not under
any disciplinary action at warning level or higher.
2. Acknowledgement
of study results and conversion of accumulated credits for learners in case of
transferring education institutions or training program must conform to Article
4 hereof.
3. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on eligibility, sequence, and
procedures for transferring education institutions, location of study, and
training program.
15. Learner exchange and cooperation in training
1. Education
institutions may exchange learners with domestic and foreign education
institutions (hereinafter referred to as "collaborating education
institutions") with the following requirements:
a) Domestic education
institutions must be allowed to provide training for the same majors in master
b) Foreign education
institutions must be higher education institutions, accredited by competent
authority for quality, and permitted to provide training and issue master
degree in respective majors.
2. Principles
for exchanging learners:
a) Principals of both
education institutions must agree;
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3. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on eligibility and procedures for
exchanging learners; acknowledging accumulated credits of learners when
providing training program in collaborating education institutions and
publicize on website of education institutions.
16. Taking actions against violations of learners
1. Learners
cheating in examination or assessment of learning results shall be met with
disciplinary actions for each unit of study in which the learners commit the violations.
2. Learners
taking the exam on behalf of other individuals or learners asking other
individuals to take the exam on their behalf shall be suspended for 1 year in
case of first-time violation and enforced drop-out for the second violation.
3. Learners
who commit the following violations shall be enforced drop-out and their issued
master degree shall be revoked and disposed (if any) as per regulations of Ministry
of Education and Training:
a) Commit frauds in
enrolment, studying, thesis defense, scheme defense, or during application for
issuance of degrees, certificates;
b) Illegally use results of
other individuals or illegally copies, excerpt in thesis, scheme and are
concluded by appraisal committee to be unqualified if said illegally copied,
excerpted, or used sections are to be removed;
c) Asking or hiring other
individuals to produce thesis or scheme.
4. Regulations
of education institutions shall elaborate on detail actions against violations
of learners.
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17. Development and implementation of regulations of education institutions
1. Based
on these Regulations and other relevant law provisions, education institutions
are responsible for:
a) Develop, issue, and
organize implementation of regulations of education institutions; specialize
equal or higher requirements without contradicting these Regulations;
b) Assume responsibilities
in guaranteeing education quality according to Article 50 of Law on Higher
Education (amendment thereto in 2018);
c) Promote academic
integrity; monitor and supervise anti plagiarism; develop policies and take
strict actions in case of violations; guarantee truthfulness of thesis,
schemes, and other research topics;
d) Develop policies
promoting gender equality in master training to implement national strategy
regarding gender equality in education and training.
2. Education
institutions shall:
a) Publicize and guide
enrollees to comply with regulations relating to enrolment policies of
education institutions;
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c) Inspect and examine
implementation of plans, programs, and regulations of education institutions
and other tasks relating to enrolment and training; comply with inspection,
examination, and supervision of Ministry of Training and competent authority as
per applicable law provisions.
18. Archiving, reporting, and publicizing policies
1. Education
institutions shall archive and preserve documents as per applicable law
provisions regarding deadline for preserving specialized documents of education
sector issued by Minister of Education and Training.
2. Education
institutions are responsible for completing database in education institutions
and fully, accurately updating data on master training onto national database
on higher education; extracting consolidated report data from the system, and
countersignature of education institutions and sending to Ministry of Transport
before December 31 each year.
3. Education
institutions shall publicize the following information on their website:
a) Overview on training
b) Time, location, and form
of training;
c) Entry requirements and
enrolment information;
d) Program structure
(together with number of credits for each unit of study, thesis, scheme, and
research topic);
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e) Studying and assessment;
g) Graduation standards,
career opportunity;
h) Tuition and scholarship
(if any);
i) Other information that
enrollees and learners need to know about training program.
4. Education
institutions shall publicize the following information on their website prior
to organizing enrolment:
a) Regulations of education
institutions, regulations on training management relating to enrolment,
training organization, and issuance of master degree;
b) Decisions on initializing
training major;
c) Quality assurance
requirements according to applicable regulations of Ministry of Education and
Training and other information as per the law.
5. Education
institutions shall regularly update the following information publicly on their
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b) Teaching plan, timetable
of each class; name of topic and summary of thesis, scheme containing
information on learners, instructors, and date of defense (except for topics
that require classification according to regulations of the Government)./.
(Attached to Circular No. 23/2021/TT-BGDDT dated August 30, 2021 of Minister
of Education and Training)
3 equivalent
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5.5 -6.5
Preliminary/B1 Business Preliminary/ Linguaskill.
B2 First/B2
Business Vantage/
Linguaskill. Score:
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TCF: 300-399
DELF B1 Certificate
Diplôme de Langue
TCF: 400-499
DELF B2 Certificate
Diplôme de Langue
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Goethe - Institut
The German
TestDaF language
TestDaF Level
(TDN 3)
TestDaF Level
(TDN 4)
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Hanyu Shuiping
Kaoshi (HSK)
HSK Level
HSK Level
Japanese Language
Proficiency Test (JLPT)
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