- People’s Courts and Military Courts;
- Units affiliated to the Supreme People’s Court.
Through the review of judicial practice, the
Supreme People's Court has received reports from the Courts on a number of
problems when dealing with criminal and civil cases. To ensure uniform
application of the law, the Supreme People's Court hereby gives advisory
opinions as follows:
1. In a criminal case
involving an accomplice, the Court applies an aggravating circumstance of
criminal responsibility for "the crime of a gangster-like nature " or
an aggravating circumstance of determination of sentence bracket for “the crime
of a gangster-like nature" as prescribed in the Criminal Code; as for
other accomplices who play an insignificant role and do not directly
participate in the commission of crime, can they be given a suspended sentence
when they are tried?
According to the guidance in Clause 1, Article 3 of
Resolution No. 02/2018/NQ-HDTP dated May 15, 2018 of the Council of Judges of
the Supreme People's Court on guidelines for the application of Article 65 of
the Criminal Code on suspended sentences, a gangster-like offender shall not be
allowed to serve a suspended sentence. So, if the Court applies an aggravating
circumstance of criminal responsibility for "the crime of a gangster-like nature"
or an aggravating circumstance of determination of sentence bracket for “the
crime of a gangster-like nature" to the offender as prescribed in the
Criminal Code, he/she shall not be allowed to serve a suspended sentence.
However, as for a criminal case involving
accomplices, when adjudicating the case, the Court must consider and assess the
nature, role, and criminal behavior of each accomplice to determine whether
they fall under "the crime of a gangster-like nature".
2. Due to a conflict, P, L
fought with Y. Y used a razor blade to injure P 14%, L 44%. So will Y face a
criminal prosecution as prescribed in points c, d, clause 3, or either point c
or point d, clause 3, Article 134 of the Criminal Code?
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3. In a case where a
defendant committed a crime when he was under 70 years old. At the time of
trial, if the defendant is over 70 years old, whether the extenuating
circumstance of criminal liability for "the offender is 70 years of age or
older" may be applied under point o, clause 1, Article 51 of the Criminal
Code or not?
The provisions at point o, clause 1, Article 51 of
the Criminal Code do not take account of whether the offender is full 70 years
old or older at the time of commission of the crime or during the course of
criminal prosecution. Therefore, in case the defendant is under 70 years old
when committing the crime but during the trial he/she reaches full 70 years old
or older, the Court still applies the extenuating circumstance of criminal
liability for "the offender is full 70 years old or older" to him/her.
4. If the user of another
person's vehicle causes an accident, is the damage to this asset considered as
“damage to another person" specified in Clause 1, Article 260 of the
Criminal Code?
Damage to another person specified in Clause 1,
Article 260 of the Criminal Code is understood as damage excluding damage to
the person causing the accident and the vehicle used by that person. Therefore,
the above case does not consider damage to the vehicle which he/she drove as
"damage to another person" even though it is not his/her asset.
5. What is considered a
complete fulfillment of the obligation to compensate for damage in the case of
having to perform the support obligation under a court judgment or decision
when considering conditional parole?
Clause 1 Article 591 of the Civil Code stipulates “Damage
caused by harm to life shall comprise:… c) Support for the dependants of the
aggrieved person;…”. Thus, the
support obligation is also the obligation to compensate for damage. In the case
of having to perform the support obligation under a court judgment or decision
to be considered as a complete fulfillment of the obligation to compensate for
damage when considering conditional parole if it falls into one of the
following conditions:
- Having completely fulfilled the support
obligation under the court's judgment or decision;
- Having performed the lump-sum support obligation
and certified by a competent authority as having completed the support;
- Partially fulfilled the support obligation and
there is an agreement and certification of the legal representative of the
person receiving support on the continuation of performance or not having to
perform the support obligation according to the court judgment or decision and
certified by a competent authority;
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6. A drug addict leases a
place to other drug addicts or lets them use a place, or commits other acts to
conceal drug addicts in order to use narcotic substances illegally. Shall he
face a criminal prosecution for concealment of illegal use of narcotic
substances according to Article 256 of the Criminal Code?
According to the guidance at point b, section 7.3,
section 7, part II of the Joint Circular No.
17/2007/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP dated December 24, 2007 of the Ministry of
Public Security, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court,
the Ministry of Justice on guidelines for certain provisions in Chapter XVIII
"Narcotic crimes" of the Criminal Code 1999: "b) Drug addicts
who let other drug addicts jointly illegally use narcotics at a place under
their ownership, possession or management, they shall not be held criminally
liable for concealment of illegal use of narcotics; for those who have
sufficient elements constituting the crime of illegal use of narcotics, they
shall bear criminal liability for the crime of illegal use of narcotics
specified in Article 199 of the Criminal Code".
According to the guidance at Article 3 of the Joint
Circular No. 08/2015/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP dated November 14, 2015 of the
Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme
People's Court, the Ministry of Justice on amendments to the Joint Circular No.
17/2007/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP dated December 24, 2007 of the Ministry of
Public Security, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court,
the Ministry of Justice on guidelines for certain provisions in Chapter XVIII
"Narcotic crimes" of the Criminal Code 1999: “…Annul the
instructions at point dd. 3.7 Section 3 Part II; point b, Item 7.3, Section 7,
Part II; Section 8 Part II of Joint Circular No. 17/2007/TTLT”. So far,
there has been no legal document guiding the replacement of this content of the
Joint Circular No. 08/2015/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP.
According to Clause 1, Article 256 of the Criminal
Code: “A person who leases, let others use a place or engages in any other
act of concealing the illegal use of narcotics, if not in the cases specified
in Clause 1 of this Article. prescribed in Article 255 of this Code…”. This
provision does not preclude criminal prosecution of drug addicts who conceal
illegal use of narcotics. Therefore, for cases where drug addicts lease a place
to other drug addicts or let them use a place in order to use narcotics
together, if they do not fall into the cases specified in Article 255 of the
Criminal Code, they shall be imposed criminal prosecution for concealment of
illegal use of narcotics as prescribed in Article 256 of the Criminal Code, if
there are sufficient elements to constitute a crime.
7. A bought narcotics back
home (B did not know A bought narcotics). A and B went to C's house to hang
out. When they came to C's house, A took out the narcotics and said "let's
do drugs". At that time, all three people used narcotics together, then D
went to C's house and saw narcotics on the table, so he used them himself. A,
B, C and D are all drug addicts. So, shall A be criminally prosecuted for the
crime of organizing the illegal use of narcotics?
According to Official Dispatch No. 89/TANDTC-PC
dated June 30, 2020 of the Supreme People's Court on replies to inquiries
related to practices: “Organization of illegal use of narcotics is
understood to commit one of the acts of arranging and managing people and
instruments; supplying narcotics, arranging places, means, instruments, etc.
for the illegal use of narcotics”.
In this case, A is a narcotics supplier to B, C,
and D so that they can illegally use narcotics. The act of providing narcotics
for other people to use is one of the acts of "organizing illegal narcotics
use". Therefore, A shall be imposed the criminal prosecution for
organization of illegal use of narcotics according to Article 255 of the
Criminal Code.
1. The People's Procuracy
of the same level breaches the time limit for issuing a decision on prosecution
of the accused and the time limit for handing over the indictment as prescribed
in Clauses 1 and 2, Article 240 of the Criminal Procedure Code, or there is a
suspicious correction of the date of recording the minutes of handing over the
case files from the investigating agency to the Procuracy to conform to the
statutory time limit. Will the Court return the case file for additional
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If the Court fails to return the case file, when
adjudicating and issuing a judgment, the Court must evaluate and analyze the
legitimacy of the procedural actions and decisions of investigators and
procurators in accordance with regulations at point e, clause 2, Article 260 of
the Criminal Procedure Code.
2. Because the prison term
is equal to or shorter than the time the defendant has been detained, the Trial
Panel has announced the release of the defendant right at the court hearing. In
this case, does the Court have to issue a decision to impose the prison
sentence on the convict?
In the above case, the Court does not have to issue
a decision to impose the prison sentence but a decision to release the accused
at the court hearing. When the judgment takes legal effect, the Court shall
enclose with the judgment the decision to release the accused at the court
hearing to the criminal judgment enforcement agency as prescribed.
3. How is the Court's
jurisdiction over combination of multiple sentences specified in Clause 3,
Article 56 of the Criminal Code?
The Court's jurisdiction over combination of
multiple sentences specified in Clause 3, Article 56 of the Criminal Code is as
- As for legally effective judgments of the same
Court, the Chief Justice of that Court shall issue a decision to combine the
- As for the legally effective judgments from
different courts but at the same level (same district level in the same
province or different province; the same area level in the same military zone
or different military zones; the same first instance level of province, the
same military zone level, and the same appellate court at the Superior People's
Court), the Chief Justice of the Court that issues the final judgment (in terms
of time) shall issue a decision to combine the sentences.
- As for the legally effective judgments from
courts of different levels, the Chief Justice of the higher court which has the
legally effective judgment shall issue a decision to combine the sentences,
regardless of whether the judgment of the higher court has been issued before
or after the judgment of the lower court.
- In case among the legally effective judgments,
there are judgments of the People's Courts and judgments of the Military
Courts, the combination of sentence shall be carried out similarly to the cases
of legally effective judgments from different courts of the same level and in
the case of legally effective judgments are those of courts not of the same
level as above.
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1. The house and land are
owned by Mr. A and Mrs. B (married couple). Mr. A forged Mrs. B's signature to
transfer the house and land to C (the forgery of the signature has been proven
through the assessment). After the transfer, Mr. A and Mrs. B still own and use
the house and land. Then, C put this property up as collateral for a bank loan.
So, is this mortgage transaction at the Bank null and void? If it is null and
void, is it contrary to Section 1, Part II of Official Dispatch No.
64/TANDTC-PC dated April 3, 2019 of the Supreme People's Court on the
notification of online answers to a number of problems in criminal cases, civil
cases, administrative proceedings (hereinafter referred to as Official Dispatch
No. 64/TANDTC-PC)?
Article 123 of the Civil Code 2015 stipulates: “Civil
transactions with objectives and contents which breach legal prohibitions or
which contravene social ethics shall be declared null and void.
Legal prohibitions mean provisions of law which
do not permit entities to perform certain acts.
Social ethics are common standards of conduct as
between persons in social life, which are recognized and respected by the
Clause 2 Article 133 of the Civil Code 2015
stipulates: “In cases where a civil transaction is invalid but the
transacted property being a moveable property is not required to be registered
and such property has already been transferred to a bona fide third party
through another transaction, the transaction with the third party shall remain
valid, except for the case specified in Article 167 of this Code”.
In this case, the fact that Mr. A forged Mrs. B's
signature to transfer the house to C without Ms. B's consent, so based on
Article 123 of the 2015 Civil Code, the above house transfer transaction is
null and void.
After receiving the transfer, C put this property
up as collateral for the bank loan, but when signing the mortgage of property,
the Bank did not assess and verify it, so it did not know that Mr. A and Mrs. B
still managed and used the property or it has assessed but there are no
documents or evidence to prove that Mr. A and Mrs. B know the mortgage of this
property. In this case, the mortgagee (the Bank) is not a bona fide third party
as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 133 of the Civil Code 2015 and Section 1,
Part II of Official Dispatch No. 64/TANDTC. -PC, so the mortgage contract is
also void.
2. Mr. A borrowed 1
billion dong from the Bank, the loan term is 1 month from January 2, 2017, the
interest rate is 2% per month. After 1 month, Mr. A defaulted on the principal
and interest. Within 03 years from February 3, 2017 to February 3, 2020, the
Bank did not initiate a lawsuit to request Mr. A to repay the debt. Up to now,
if the Bank sues to request Mr. A to repay the debt, does Mr. A have the right
to request the application of the prescriptive period before the first-instance
court issues a judgment or decision to settle the case?
Article 429 of the Civil Code 2015 stipulates: “The
prescriptive period for initiating legal action to request a court to resolve a
dispute relating to a contract is three years from the date on which the party
entitled to request knows or should know that their lawful rights and interests
are infringed”.
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3. Regarding certain types
of civil contracts such as house leases, property leases, property loan
contracts between individuals and groups (not a credit contract), will the prescriptive
period for initiating lawsuits apply as prescribed in Article 429 of the Civil
Code 2015?
Clause 2 and Clause 3 Article 155 of the Civil Code
2015 stipulates: “A prescriptive period for initiating legal action for a
civil case shall not apply in any of the following cases:
...2. Request for the protection of ownership
rights, unless otherwise provided by this Code or relevant laws.
3. Dispute over land use right as prescribed in
the Law on land…”
According to Article 429 of the Civil Code 2015: “The
prescriptive period for initiating legal action to request a court to resolve a
dispute relating to a contract is three years from the date on which the party
entitled to request knows or should know that their lawful rights and interests
are infringed”.
According to Clause 2, Article 184 of the Civil
Procedure Code: “The Courts shall apply the regulations on prescriptive
period according to the requests for application of prescriptive period of one
or multiple parties, provided that such requests are made before the
first-instance courts issue the judgments/decisions on such cases.
Therefore, for disputes over ownership and property
reclaiming, the court does not apply the prescriptive period regardless of
whether or not one party or the parties have requested the application of the
prescriptive period. For disputes arising from civil transactions such as house
leases, property leases, property loan contracts between individuals and groups
(not a credit contract), will the prescriptive period for initiating lawsuits
apply as prescribed in Article 429 of the Civil Code 2015 and ?Article 184 of
the Civil Procedure Code.
4. According to Official
Dispatch No. 64/TANDTC-PC, in case the house and land transfer transaction is
null and void, the transferee has been granted a certificate of house ownership
and land use rights and has put up the house and land as collateral for the
Bank in accordance with the law, based on Article 133 of the Civil Code 2015,
the mortgage transaction is not null and void. So, does this guide apply to
mortgage transactions arising before January 1, 2017 that is now in dispute?
Clause 1, Article 156 of the Law on Promulgation of
Legal Documents in 2015 as amended and supplemented according to Law No.
63/2020/QH14 in 2020 stipulates: Legislative documents are applicable from
their effective date. Legislative documents shall be applied to the acts
committed at the time such documents are effective, except for those that have
retrospective effect.
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Pursuant to the above provisions, the guidance in
Part 1, Section I of Official Dispatch No. 64/TANDTC-PC is applicable to civil
transactions performed since January 1, 2017 but not to civil transactions
performed before January 1, 2017.
1. Mr. A must pay Mr. C an
amount of VND 500 million, but Mr. A does not voluntarily execute the judgment.
The judgment enforcement agency has determined that the married couple Mr. A
has the land use right of 156m2 together with property on land, but has not
made a notice as prescribed in clause 1 Article 74 of the Law on Enforcement of
Civil Judgments, or the judgment against Mr. A has not been enforced. Mr. C
initiates a lawsuit to request the Court to determine the part of Mr. A's
property ownership and land use rights in the common property. After accepting
the case, the People's Court of District H issued a decision to suspend the
settlement of the case on the grounds that Mr. C did not have sufficient
conditions to initiate a lawsuit. So, is this suspension decision of the
People's Court of District H correct?
According to point d clause 1 Article 7 of the Law
on Enforcement of Civil Judgments, the civil judgment creditor has the right
to: “Initiate civil lawsuits to protect his/her lawful rights and interests
if there is a dispute over assets related to judgment enforcement”.
Clause 1 Article 74 of the Law on Enforcement of
Civil Judgments stipulates: “In case of failing to identify the proportion
of asset ownership or land use rights of the judgment debtor in the common
assets for judgment enforcement, the enforcer shall notify the judgment debtor
and co-owners of assets or land use rights so that they reach an agreement on
division of common assets or request the court to settle the case according to
civil procedure.
Past 30 days after receiving the notification,
if no agreement is reached by the parties or their agreement violates the
provisions of Article 6 of this Law or they cannot reach an agreement or do not
request the court to settle the case, the enforcer shall notify the judgment
creditor of his/her right to request a court to identify the proportion of
asset ownership or land use rights of the judgment debtor in the common assets
according to civil procedure…”
Clause 12, Article 26 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “Disputes relating to properties forfeited to enforce judgments
in accordance with the law on enforcement of civil judgments” is one of the
civil disputes falling under the jurisdiction of the Court.
In this case, the judgment enforcement agency has
only determined that the married couple Mr. A has the land use right of 156m2
together with property on land, but has not made a notice as prescribed in
clause 1 Article 74 of the Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments. Mr. C (the
judgment creditor) has initiated a lawsuit to request the Court to determine
the part of Mr. A's property ownership and land use rights in the common
property. However, Mr. C has not enough grounds for doing so. Therefore, the
People's Court of District H issued a grounded decision to suspend the
settlement of the civil case.
2. According to Official
Dispatch No. 141/TANDTC-KHXX dated September 21, 2011 of the Supreme People's
Court on the jurisdiction to handle requests for return of the certificate of
property ownership, the certificate of land use right is not a valuable paper,
if there is a request to the Court to force the occupier to return this kind of
paper, the Court will not accept such a case. However, according to Clause 2,
Article 4 of the Civil Procedure Code, "the court may not refuse to settle
civil cases because there is no applicable law". So, can the Court handle
these cases?
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Clause 16 Article 3 of the Land Law 2013
stipulates: “Certificate of land use rights and ownership of houses and
other property on land is a legal certificate in which the State certifies the
lawful land use rights and ownership of houses and other property on land of
the person who has land use rights and ownership of houses and other property
on land”. Section 1, Part I of the Official Dispatch No. 02/GD-TANDTC dated
September 19, 2016 of the Supreme People's Court in reply to certain problems
in criminal civil cases, and civil procedures gives the guidance as follows: "The
certificate of land use right is an administrative decision; if it falls under
one of the cases specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of the 2015 Law on
Administrative Procedures, it shall be the subject matter of an administrative
lawsuit” . Accordingly, a land use right certificate is an administrative
decision, not the evidence of debt liability”. Therefore, it is not a valuable
paper. Therefore, the guidance in Official Dispatch No. 141/TANDTC-KHXX which
determines that a certificate of land use right is not a valuable paper is
still in accordance with the Civil Code 2015 and other laws in force.
Article 164 of the Civil Code 2015 stipulates: “Each
owner or holder of other property-related rights shall have the right to
request a court or another competent authority to compel the person infringing
upon their rights to return the property and terminate the acts of illegally
obstructing the exercise of their ownership rights or other property-related
rights, and to request compensation for any damage.”
Thus, if there is a request to the Court to force
the occupier to return the certificate of land use right, stop the act of
obstructing the exercise of the land user's rights, the People's Court will
accept such a case for settlement as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 26 of the
Civil Procedure Code.
3. In the course of
settling disputes over contracts on transfer of land use rights or contracts on
asset purchase and sale, on mortgage of assets, etc. Does the court have to
bring a notarial practice organization to the proceedings as a person with
related rights and obligations?
According to Points d and g, Clause 2, Article 17
of the Notary Law amended in 2018, notaries have obligations to explain to
notarization requesters their lawful rights, obligations and interests, and
legal significance and consequences of notarization; if refusing notarization
requests, to clearly state the reasons to notarization requesters and to take
responsibility before law and notarization requesters for documents they have
According to Article 38 of the Notary Law amended
in 2018:
“1. Notarial practice organizations shall pay
compensation for damage caused to notarization requesters and other organizations
and individuals due to faults of their notaries or employees or interpreters
being their collaborators in the process of notarization.
2. Notaries, employees or interpreters being
collaborators who cause damage shall indemnify the notarial practice organization
for the compensation amount already paid by this organization to the damage
sufferer in accordance with law; in case they fail to indemnify such amount,
the notarial practice organization may request a court to settle”.
Clause 4 Article 68 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “The persons with related interests and/or obligations in civil
lawsuits are those who neither initiate lawsuits nor are sued, but the
resolution of the civil lawsuits is related to their interests and/or
obligations and, therefore they themselves, or other involved parties, request
to include them in the proceedings in the capacity as the persons with related
interests and/or obligations and such requests are accepted by courts.
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Thus, based on the above provisions, depending on
the case, the Court considers whether to bring a notarial practice organization
to the proceedings as a person with related interests and obligations. Where
the settlement of a contract dispute is related to the notary's obligation to
explain according to point d, clause 2, Article 17 of the Notary Law amended in
2018, the responsibility to pay compensation for damage to the notarization requester,
the court shall consider bringing the notarial practice organization to the
proceedings as a person with related interests and obligations.
4. Vietnam Asset
Management Company (VAMC) bought non-performing loans of a credit institution,
then, VAMC re-authorized the credit institution to initiate lawsuits and
participate in legal proceedings at Court to request settlement of
non-performing loans. When accepting and settling the case, does the Court have
to summon and serve court papers to both VAMC and credit institutions?
Clause 1 Article 138 of the Civil Procedure Code
2015 stipulates: “Each natural or juridical person may authorize an another
natural or juridical person to enter into and perform a civil transaction”.
Clause 4 Article 85 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “The authorized representatives as defined in the Civil Code
shall be the authorized representatives in the civil procedures”.
Clause 2 Article 86 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “The authorized representatives in civil procedures shall
exercise the procedural rights and obligations of the involved parties
according to the written authorization”.
According to point b clause 1 Article 5 of the
Resolution No. 03/2018/NQ-HDTP dated May 15, 2018 on guidelines for implementation
of certain regulations in settlement of dispute over settlement of
non-performing loans, collateral associated with non-performing loans at
People’s Court, A juridical person is entitled to authorize another juridical
person or natural person to file a lawsuit at the competent court to settle a
dispute over settlement of non-performing loans or collateral associated with
non-performing loans.
In this case, VAMC bought non-performing loans of
the credit institutions, then VAMC gave a written authorization to the credit
institution with the content that the credit institution could initiate a
lawsuit and participate in court proceedings to settle a dispute over the
settlement of non-performing loans or collateral, the authorized credit
institution shall have the civil procedural rights and obligations of the
involved party. Therefore, when settling the case, the Court must summon and
serve the court papers to the authorized credit institution, not summon and
serve the court papers to VAMC.
5. During the course of
settlement of a civil case, if the plaintiff fails to pay the valuation
expenses according to Point dd, Clause 1, Article 217 of the Civil Procedure
Code, the court shall issue a decision to terminate the settlement of the case.
So, in this case, does the plaintiff have the right to re-file the lawsuit as
if the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit petition?
Point dd Clause 1 Article 217 of the Civil
Procedure Code stipulates:
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...dd) Plaintiffs fail to advance the charges
for property price appraisal and other procedural charges prescribed in the
Clause 1 Article 218 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “When the decisions to terminate the resolution of civil
lawsuits are issued, the involved parties shall not be entitled to initiate
lawsuits to request the Courts to re-settle such civil lawsuits if the institution
of the subsequent cases does not bring in any difference from the previous
cases in terms of the plaintiff, defendant and the disputed legal relations,
except for cases prescribed in clause 3 Article 192, point c clause 1 Article
217 of this Code and cases otherwise provided for by law…”.
Thus, according to the above provisions, in case
the Court issues a decision to suspend the settlement of a civil case for the
reason "The plaintiff does not pay an advance for asset valuation cost and
other procedural cost", then the plaintiff does not have the right to
re-initiate lawsuits to request the Court to continue handling the case as in
the case of withdrawal of lawsuit petitions.
6. Mr. A transferred the
land to Mr. B for 02 billion VND, Mr. B paid Mr. A 500 million VND but then the
two parties had a dispute, Mr. B asked to declare the contract between him and
Mr. A. A null and void. The court declared that the contract for transfer of
land use right between Mr. A and Mr. B null and void and the parties shall
return to each other what they had received. So, in this case, does Mr. A have
to bear the court fee of the amount of VND 500 million to be paid to Mr. B?
According to Clause 3, Article 27 of Resolution No.
326/2016/UBTVQH14 dated December 30, 2016 of the Standing Committee of National
Assembly on collection, exemption, reduction, collection, payment, management,
and use of court fees and charges (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No.
"Regarding disputes over property purchase
and sale contracts, if the contract is null and void, the obligation to bear
the first-instance civil court fee is determined as follows:
a) In case one party requests the recognition of
the property purchase and sale contract or land use right transfer contract and
the other party declares such contract null and void and there is no other
claim; if the Court declares the contract null and void, the party requesting
recognition of the contract shall bear the same court fee as in non-monetary
claim; if the Court recognizes the contract, the party requesting the
declaration of the contract to be null and void shall bear the court fee as in
the non-monetary claim;
b) In case one party requests the recognition of
the property purchase and sale contract or land use right transfer contract,
and the other party requests to declare the property purchase and sale contract
or land use right transfer contract null and void and requests the court to
address the consequences following the contract declared null and void besides
bearing the monetary claim court fee specified at Point a, Clause 3 of this
Article, the person who has to perform property obligations or pay compensation
for damage must also bear the court fee as in the monetary claim related to the
value of the property to be executed.”
Pursuant to the above provisions, in case Mr. B
requests to declare the contract for transfer of land use right null and void,
and Mr. A and Mr. B have no other claims; if the Court declares the contract null
and void, Mr. A must bear the court fee as in the case non-monetary claim.
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7. Mr. D and Mrs. E had
two children, Mr. A and Mrs. B. Mr. A lived with Mr. D and Mr. E on the land
area created by them but they had not yet been granted a land use right
certificate. When the State had the policy of granting a certificate of land
use right under the Land Law 1993, Mr. A declared and registered the land use
right and was granted a certificate of land use right by the People's Committee
of district X; At that time, Mr. D and Mr. E were still alive and had no
objections. After Mr. D and Mr. E died, Mrs. B filed a lawsuit asking for the
division of the two's inheritance. So, will the case fall under the jurisdiction
of the People's Court of the district or the People's Court of the province?
Clause 5 Article 26 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates civil disputes falling under the courts' jurisdiction, including
disputes over property inheritance.
Clause 1 Article 35 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “1. People's Courts of districts shall have the jurisdiction to
settle according to first-instance procedures the following disputes:
a) Disputes over civil matters, marriage and
family, prescribed in Articles 26 and 28 of this Code; except for disputes
prescribed in clause 7 Article 26 of this Code;
b) Disputes over business/trade activities
prescribed in clause 1 Article 30 of this Code;
c) Labor disputes prescribed in Article 32 of
this Code”.
Article 34 of the Civil Procedure Code stipulates:
“1. When resolving civil cases, the Courts may
revoke particular decisions of agencies or organizations or competent persons
of such agencies or organizations in particular cases which are obviously
unlawful, infringing upon the rights and legitimate interests of involved
parties in these civil cases.
2. Particular decisions specified in clause 1 of
this Article are decisions on particular matters that have been issued and
applied once to one or a number of particular entities. If the civil cases are
related to such decisions, they must be considered in such the same civil cases
by the courts.
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Agencies, organizations, competent persons who
have issued the decisions must participate in the procedures and present their
opinions about the particular decisions repealed by the courts.
4. Competence of Courts in charge of civil cases
subject to considering the repealing of particular decisions specified in
clause 1 of this Article shall be determined according to corresponding
provisions in the Law on administrative procedures about competence of People’s
Courts of districts/provinces”.
Clause 4 Article 32 of the Law on Administrative
Procedures stipulates jurisdiction of
provincial-level courts as follows: “Lawsuits over administrative decisions
or acts of district-level People’s Committees and district-level People’s
Committee chairpersons within the same administrative boundaries with the
Thus, in case the litigant initiates a lawsuit to
request the division of the inheritance and does not request to annul the land
use right certificate; pursuant to Clause 5, Article 26 and Clause 1, Article
35 of the Civil Procedure Code, the case falls under the jurisdiction of the
district-level People's Court.
Thus, in case the litigant initiates a lawsuit to
request the division of the inheritance and requests to annul the land use
right certificate; pursuant to Article 34 of the Civil Procedure Code, the case
falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial-level People's Court.
8. In a civil case, the
defendant makes a counter-claim and the person with related interests and
obligations makes an independent claim. After that, the defendant, the person
with related interests and obligations has an application to withdraw a part of
the counterclaim, the independent claim. Should the court issue a decision to
suspend the settlement of the withdrawn counterclaim or independent claim and
how will the court fee advance be handled?
Clause 2 Article 244 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “Where an involved party voluntarily withdraws part or whole of
his/her claim, the Trial Panel may accept such request and terminate the trial
regarding the withdrawn part or whole of the claim”.
According to Clause 3, Article 18 of Resolution No.
326/2016/UBTVQH14, “In case the court issues a decision to suspend the
settlement of a claim in a civil case because the defendant withdraws his/her
counterclaim, the person with related interests and obligations withdraws
his/her independent claim, the court fee advance will be returned to the
Thus, if the plaintiff still maintains the lawsuit
claim, and the defendant or person with related interests and obligations
withdraws part of the counterclaim or independent claim, the Court shall terminate
the settlement of the withdrawn counterclaim or the independent claim, and the
court fee advance shall not be returned to the involved parties. The suspension
and handling of the court fee advance will be assessed and decided by the Trial
Panel in the judgment. In case the defendant or person with related interests
and obligations withdraws the whole counterclaim or independent claim, the
court cost advance will be returned to the involved parties by the court.
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Point e Clause 1 Article 192 of the Civil Procedure
Code stipulates: “If in the petitions, the litigators have written
sufficiently and accurately the residential addresses of the defendants
and/or the persons with relevant interests and duties but such
persons change their residences regularly without notification to competent
agencies/persons according to law regulations on residence to evade obligations
towards the litigators, the Judges shall not return the lawsuit petitions but
regard the defendants/persons with related interests and duties as
purposely concealing their addressees and accept the petition and conduct
settlement according to general procedures.
Point a, Clause 1, Article 5 of Resolution No.
04/2017/NQ-HDTP dated May 5, 2017 on guidelines for Clauses 1 and 3, Article
192 of the Civil Procedure Code No. 92/2015/QH13 on return the lawsuit
petition, the right to re-file a lawsuit petition (hereinafter referred to as Resolution
No. 04/2017/NQ-HDTP) specifies: "Address is the residence of the
defendant, person with related rights and obligations” specified at Point e,
Clause 1, Article 192 of the Civil Procedure Code 2015 is determined as follows:
If the defendant, the person with related interests and obligations is a
Vietnamese citizen or an overseas Vietnamese who still retains Vietnamese
nationality and returns to Vietnam to live, his/her place of residence is the
lawful residential address where the defendant and the person with related
interests and obligations permanently or temporarily resides or lives in
accordance with the Law on Residence”.
Clause 2, Article 5 of Resolution No.
04/2017/NQ-HDTP stipulates: “The petitioner has provided the address of the
“place of residence, workplace of head office” of the defendant, the person
with related interests and obligations to the Court in accordance with law and
instructions in Clause 1 of this Article at the time of filing a lawsuit petition,
which is certified by a competent agency or organization or has other grounds
to prove that it is the address of the defendant and the person with related
interests and obligations. Such address shall be considered correctly written
as prescribed in Point e Clause 1 of Article 192 of the Civil Procedure Code
Clause 1, Article 6 of Resolution No.
04/2017/NQ-HDTP stipulates: “In case in the lawsuit petition, the plaintiff
has fully and correctly written the address of the defendant and the person with
related interests and obligations according to the guidance in Article 5 of
this Resolution, the Court must receive the lawsuit petition and consider
accepting the case according to general procedures”.
Pursuant to the above provisions, if the plaintiff
has fully and correctly written the addresses of the places of residence,
workplaces or head offices of the defendant and persons with related interests
and obligations according to the addresses stated in the written transaction or
contract, the court has to accept the case without any request for additional
documents verifying the residence of the defendant and persons with related
interests and obligations.
Following the acceptance of the case, if the court
fails to serve the court papers or verifies that they have left the place of
residence 6 months ago, this is determined to be the case where the defendant
and the person with related rights and obligations hide their address.
According to Points a and b, Clause 2, Article 6 of Resolution No. 04/2017/NQ-HDTP
to continue to settle the case according to general procedures without issuing
a decision to terminate the settlement of the case.
10. A sues B to pay an
amount of VND 10,000,000 and 20 maces of gold. When the Court conducts the
mediation, A only asks B to repay VND 10,000,000, not mentioning 20 maces of
gold. So, how does the judge make a decision to recognize the agreement of the
involved parties and handle the court fee advance for 20 maces of gold?
The Civil Procedure Code does not stipulate how to
settle the case if the involved parties withdraw part of their lawsuit claims
before the opening of the court sessions, but only stipulates how to settle the
case if the involved parties withdraw the entire lawsuit claims at Point a,
Clause 2. Article 210, Point c Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 Article 217, Clause 1 Article
29, Article 244 of the Civil Procedure Code. In specific, Clause 2 Article 244
of the Civil Procedure Code stipulates: “Where an involved party voluntarily
withdraws part or whole of his/her claim, the Trial Panel may accept such
request and terminate the trial regarding the withdrawn part or whole of the
In this case, A's withdrawal of the request for 20
maces of gold must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting to check the
handover, access and disclosure of evidence and mediation. The Court shall,
based on Article 212 of the Civil Procedure Code, issue a decision to recognize
the agreement of the involved parties.
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Therefore, the involved parties must bear 50% of
the court fee for the amount of VND 10,000,000. Regarding the court fee advance
paid for the monetary claim of 20 maces of gold, the involved parties will not
have to bear this court fee, so they will be refunded.
11. In a marriage and
family case, before the trial is opened, the involved parties voluntarily
divorce but cannot agree on common children and common property. Because the
involved parties could not reach an agreement on the settlement of the whole
case, the Court decided to bring the case to trial and issued a first-instance
judgment. In this case, how should the court decide on the court fee?
Clause 4 Article 147 of the Civil Procedure Code
stipulates: “The plaintiffs in divorce cases must pay first-instance Court
fees, without depending on whether the Courts accept their petitions or not. In
cases where both parties voluntarily agree on their divorce, each involved
party must bear half of the first-instance Court fees”.
Point a Clause 5, Article 27 of Resolution No.
326/2016/UBTVQH14 stipulates: “The plaintiffs in divorce cases must pay
first-instance Court fees, without depending on whether the Courts accept their
petitions or not. In cases where both parties voluntarily agree on their
divorce, each involved party must bear half of the first-instance Court fees”.
Pursuant to the above provisions, in a divorce
case, the plaintiff must bear the entire first-instance civil court fee, in
case of consent to divorce, the involved parties must bear 50% of the statutory
court fee (each must bear 25% of the statutory court fee).
In this case, because the involved parties could
not reach an agreement on the settlement of the whole case, the Court decided
to bring the case to trial and issued a first-instance judgment. Because the
involved parties have agreed to voluntarily divorce, the involved parties only
have to bear 50% of the statutory court fee for the divorce petition (each
party must bear 25% of the statutory court fee); in terms of property
relations, the amount of court fee each party must bear is based on the value
of the property that each party is divided according to the law on court fees.
The above provisions are answers to a number of
problems in the adjudication of the Council of Judges, the Supreme People's
Court to the Courts for study and reference in the process of settling cases
under your jurisdiction.
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