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Số hiệu: 41/2006/QĐ-BXD Loại văn bản: Quyết định
Nơi ban hành: Bộ Xây dựng Người ký: Nguyễn Văn Liên
Ngày ban hành: 29/12/2006 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết
Ngày công báo: Đã biết Số công báo: Đã biết
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Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Số 41 /2006/QĐ- BXD

Hà Nội, ngày  29 tháng   12   năm 2006





Căn cứ Nghị định số 36/2003/NĐ-CP ngày 4/4/2003 của Chính phủ quy định chức năng, nhiệm vụ, quyền hạn và cơ cấu tổ chức Bộ Xây dựng;
Xét đề nghị của Vụ trưởng Vụ Khoa học Công


Điều 1. Ban hành kèm theo quyết định này 01 Tiêu chuẩn xây dựng Việt nam :

 TCXDVN 371 : 2006 " Nghiệm thu chất lượng thi công công trình xây dựng"

Điều 2. Quyết định này có hiệu lực sau 15 ngày, kể từ ngày đăng công báo.

Điều 3. Các Ông Chánh Văn phòng Bộ, Vụ trưởng Vụ Khoa học Công nghệ và Thủ trưởng các đơn vị có liên quan chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Quyết định này./.


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Nguyễn  Văn  Liên






Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 41/2006/QĐ-BXD

Hanoi, December 29, 2006





Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 36/2003/NĐ-CP dated April 4th 2003, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Construction;

At the proposal of the Director of the Department of Science and Technology,


Article 1. Promulgate a Vietnam’s Construction Standard together with this Decision:

 TCXDVN 371 : 2006 “Acceptance inspection of constructional quality of building works”




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Article 3. The Chief of the Ministry Office, the Director of the Department of Science and Technology and Directors of relevant organizations shall implementation this Decision./.




Nguyen Van Lien



TCXDVN 371 : 2006






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The Construction standard TCXDVN 371 : 2006 “Acceptance inspection of constructional quality of building works” is issued by the Ministry of Construction together with the Decision No. .41/2006/QĐ-BXD dated December 29th 2006. 




1. General provisions:

1.1       This Standard deals with the content and order for inspecting the quality of finished civil constructions and industrial constructions (new or renovated)

1.2       Only take the finished part of work (construction items or work) into use after the acceptance inspection in accordance with this Standard.

1.3       Only accept the installation, the structural parts, equipment, machinery, construction parts, the construction stages, construction items, and constructions that are consistent with the approved design, comply with this Standard and the relevant normative Standards of construction and technical inspection.

1.4       For the finished works having quality defects that do not affect their durability and normal condition may be accepted, and the following tasks must be performed:




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-                                  The relevant parties shall monitor and inspect the rectification of such defects;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection after the quality defects are rectified.

1.5       Comply with the technical regulations on the operation, safety, and hygiene of the producers when inspecting renovation works having working machinery and equipment.

1.6       The acceptance inspection record during the construction and the acceptance inspection record when putting the work into use are the basis for making payments for the installation, and finalize the work price after the construction is done.

1.7       If the accepted works are rebuilt or the installed equipment is replaced, the acceptance inspection must be carried out again.

1.8       If the construction works, construction stages, or construction parts are transferred to another contractor for further construction after the acceptance inspection, such contractor must participate in the inspection.

1.9       The construction works, structures, and construction parts must be inspected before being covered.

1.10     If the construction works, construction structures, or construction parts are repaired or reinforced, the acceptance inspection must be carried out again according to the technical measures approved by the designing unit and the investor.

1.11     Do not accept the construction items, constructions, and construction works that do not meet the requirements of durability and normal condition after being repaired or reinforced.




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1.13     The investors or their supervisors must regularly inspect the construction quality control at the construction site of the constructional contractor. The inspection results shall be written using the form in Annex A of this Standard.

1.14      The quality of building works must be controlled as follows:

a.             Inspect all the prefabricated components, equipment, and materials at the site before using them for the construction;

b.            The quality of all building works must be inspected and controlled during the construction and after they are finished;

c.             The constructional contractor must not move on the next work, the next part, or the next stage without the inspection and acceptance from the investors or their supervisors.

1.15     The investors shall organize the acceptance inspection of the construction items or constructions to put them into use.

2. Interpretation of terms

2.1      The construction quality: are all the characteristics showing that the built construction satisfies the requirements of the design, the regulations and standards of construction and technical inspection, and the agreements in the contract on the appearance, the durability, the features, and the environment protection that are revealed or hidden in the structure or part of the construction.

2.2      Construction: are the building and installation of equipment of new constructions, repair, renovation, move, restoration, dismantlement, and maintenance of constructions.   




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2.4      Internal inspection: is the contractor’s inspecting the finished subjects before sending the written request for the acceptance inspection to the investor.

2.5      Testing: is measuring and testing the characteristics and features that reflect the quality of the inspected subjects;

2.6      Samples: are samples taken from the subjects of inspection for testing. The test results are the basis for assessing and giving the conclusion about the quality of the subjects of inspection.

2.7      Repair: is repairing, adjusting, and completing the construction works, machinery and equipment  when discovering minor defects that are not consistent with the standards or designs.

2.8      reconstruction: is rebuilding or replacing the construction works, machinery and equipment that must be dismantled or discarded when discovering major defects that are not consistent with the standards or designs.

2.9      As-built drawing is the drawing of the finished construction or part of the construction, showing the actual measurements compared to the design, based on the approved design drawing. All changes compared to the approved design must be demonstrated in the as-built drawing. In case the actual measurements and specifications of the construction or part of the construction are consistent with the design drawing, then the design drawing is considered a as-built drawing.

3. The order for inspecting the quality of constructions.

Take the following inspection steps during the construction of new or renovated works.

-                                  Inspect the prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before using them for the construction.




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-                                  Inspect the construction part and construction stage;

-                                  Inspect the completion of the construction or construction item for handing over and putting into use.

4. The content of construction quality inspection.

4.1         Inspection of the prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before using them for the construction

4.1.1       The participants in the acceptance inspection

-                                   The supervisors of the investor, or the supervisors of the general contractor, applicable to general contractor agreements;

-                                   The person in charge of the construction technique of the constructional contractor.

For a general contractor agreement, the supervisors of the investor shall inspect the acceptance of the general contractor and sub-contractors.

4.1.2       The responsibility of participants in the acceptance inspection:




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-                                  The prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before being used for the construction

-                                  The machinery and equipment before being installed in the construction;

4.1.3       Conditions for acceptance inspection:

-                                  The technical documents about the release, the history of equipment, the written insurance and warranty (if any) the technical instructional documents, technical standards of the operation of machinery and equipment from the producers;

-                                  The test result of the samples taken at the site (if required by the design, investor, standards, or regulations)

4.1.4       The content and order for acceptance inspection:

a)             Inspect the subjects at the site ;

b)            Inspect the technical documents about the release, the history of equipment, the written insurance and warranty (if any) the technical instructional documents, technical standards of the operation of machinery and equipment from the producers;

c)             Inspect the testing documents;




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-                                  Request the contractor to take samples for additional testing;

-                                  Retest the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Verify the legitimacy of the test results related to the quality of the subjects of inspection provided by the contractor.

e)             Compare the results with the approved design, the standards, other relevant technical regulations, the instructional documents, or the technical standards of the operation of machinery and equipment for quality assessment.

f)             Based on the quality assessment, the inspectors shall:

-                                  Accept the subjects of inspection and make the record using the form in Annex C of this Standard; or

-                                   Not accept if the subjects of inspection are inconsistent with the approved designed, or fail to satisfy the requirements of the construction assessment standards, and other requirements of relevant technical standards. The inspectors shall make a record (in the construction logbook), specifying:

+ The name and quantity of rejected subjects;

+ The time when the contractor has to take the rejected subjects away from the construction site.




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4.2.1       The participants in the acceptance inspection

-                                  The supervisors of the investor, or the supervisors of the general contractor, applicable to general contractor agreements;

-                                  The person in charge of the construction technique of the constructional contractor.

For a general contract, the supervisors of the investor shall inspect the acceptance inspection of the general contractor and sub-contractors.

4.2.2       The responsibility of participants in the acceptance inspection:

Directly carry out the acceptance inspection during the building and installation of the following construction works after receiving the written request of the contractor:

-                                  The finished construction works;

-                                  The finished installation of static equipment;

-                                  The structures and parts of construction to be covered;




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a)             Inspected subjects are finished;

b)            The documents and materials are adequate;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of the prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before being used for the construction;

-                                  The sheet of the test result of the samples taken at the site;

-                                  The results of the tests, measurements, and observations carried out by constructional contractors at the site for determining the quality and amount of subjects of inspection;

-                                  The as-built drawing;

-                                  The construction logbook and supervision logbook of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection that have been made during the building and installation

c)             The internal inspection record and the written request for the acceptance inspection from the constructional contractors.

4.2.4       The content and order for acceptance inspection:




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b)            Inspect the documents in Paragraph 4.2.3;

c)             Perform the following tasks during the acceptance inspection if necessary:

-                      Inspect the conformity of the amount and quality of the finished works with the specifications in the documents submitted for acceptance inspection;

-                      Request the contractor to take samples at the construction site for additional testing;

-                      Retest the subjects of inspection;

-                      Verify the legitimacy of the conclusion in the minute of acceptance of the materials, equipment, and prefabricated components, and the test result  related to the quality of the subjects of inspection  provided by the contractors.

d)            Compare the results with the approved design, the standards, other relevant technical regulations, the instructional documents, or the technical standards of the operation of machinery and equipment for quality assessment.

e)             Based on the quality assessment, the inspector shall:

-                      Accept the inspected subjects and make a record using one of the forms in Annex D and Annex E of this Standard, or




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+ The works to be redone;

+ The equipment to be reinstalled;

+ The defects or damage to be rectified or repaired;

+ The time limit for repair;

+ The date of reinspection.

f)             After the subjects are accepted, the next construction works must be carried out at once. If it is suspended, depending on the nature and period of suspension, the investor or his supervisor may consider and decide the reinspection of such subjects.

4.3         Inspection of construction parts and construction stages

4.3.1       The participants in the acceptance inspection

a)             The supervisors of the investor, or the supervisors of the general contractor, if the supervision of construction parts or construction stages are done by sub-contractors;




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      For general contracting, the supervisors of the investor shall inspect the acceptance inspection of the general contractor and sub-contractors.

c)             For the constructions participated by foreign experts, the representatives of designers and builders must participate in the acceptance inspection. These representatives are suggested by the agency in charge of the management of foreign experts at the construction site, and decided by the investor.

4.3.2       The responsibility of participants in the acceptance inspection:

a)             Depending on the scope of the construction and the Annex 2 to divide construction parts and construction stages;

b)            Directly carry out the acceptance inspection within 01 day as from receiving the written request for the acceptance inspection from the main contractor, applicable to the following subjects:

-                                   The finished construction parts;

-                                  The finished construction stages;

-                                  The equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs;

-                                   The equipment undergoing no-load multiple-action test runs;




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a)             The subjects of inspection are finished;

b)            All construction works of the inspected subjects are inspected as prescribed in Article 4.2 of this Standard;

c)             The following documents are presented:

-                                  The record  of the acceptance inspection of the prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before being used;

-                                  The record  of the acceptance inspection of relevant construction works;

-                                  The record  of the acceptance inspection of relevant static equipment installation;

-                                  The record  of the acceptance inspection of covered construction parts and structures;

-                                  The sheet of the test result of the samples taken at the site;

-                                  The results of the tests, measurements, and observations carried out by constructional contractors at the site for determining the quality and amount of subjects of inspection;




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-                                  The construction logbook and supervision logbook of the investor, and other documents related to the inspected subjects that have been made during the building and installation

d)            Having the internal inspection record and the written request for the acceptance inspection from the constructional contractors;

4.3.4       The content and order for acceptance inspection:

a)             Inspect the following subjects at the site: the construction parts, construction stages; the equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs, the equipment undergoing no-load multiple-action test runs;

b)             Inspect the documents in Paragraph 4.3.3;

c)             Perform the following tasks during the acceptance inspection if necessary:

-                      Inspect the conformity of the amount and quality of the subjects of inspection with the specifications in the documents submitted for acceptance inspection;

-                      Request the contractor to take samples at the construction site for additional testing;

-                      Retest the subjects of inspection;




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d)             Compare the results with the approved design, the requirements of other relevant technical standards, the instructional documents, or the technical standards of the operation of machinery and equipment for quality assessment.

e)             Based on the quality assessment, the inspector shall:

-                      Accept the inspected subjects and make a record using one of the forms in Annex F, G, and H of this Standard, or

-                       Not accept if the subjects are not finished, not properly built, not consistent with the approved designed, or fail to satisfy the requirements of the construction assessment standards, and other requirements of relevant technical standards. The inspectors shall make a record (in the construction logbook), specifying:

+ The works to be redone;

+ The equipment to be reinstalled;

+ The equipment to be retested;

+ The defects or damage to be rectified or repaired;

+ The time limit for repairing and retesting;




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4.4         Final acceptance inspection of the construction or construction item for putting into use.

4.4.1       The participants in the acceptance inspection:

a)             The investor’s party :

-                                  The legal representatives and the person in charge of the supervision department of the investor;

-                                  The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the advisory and supervisory contractor;

b)            The constructional contractor’s party:

-                                   The legal representative and the person in charge of the construction of the constructional contractor;

-                                   The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the general contractor (applicable to general contracting).

c)             The designing contractor’s party that participates in the acceptance inspection at the request of the investor:




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-                                   The designing executive.

d)            For the constructions participated by foreign experts, the representatives of designers and builders must participate in the acceptance inspection. These representatives are suggested by the agency in charge of the management of foreign experts at the construction site, and decided by the investor.

e)             The constructions that require greater fire safety or face the risk of environmental pollution, the participation of the representative of the State agencies in charge of fire safety and environment is compulsory.

f)             Other participants in the acceptance inspection (requested by the investor)

4.4.2       The responsibility of participants in the acceptance inspection:       Directly carry out the acceptance inspection for handing over and putting the following subjects into use:

a)             The equipment undergoing loaded multiple-action test runs;

b)            The finished construction items;

c)             The finished constructions;




Please sign up or sign in to your Pro Membership to see English documents.       The acceptance inspection must be carried out within 3 days as from receiving the written request for the acceptance inspection from the main constructional contractor, or from the investor (applicable to the subjects prescribed in Paragraph        The acceptance inspection be done within the period requested by the investor.

4.4.3       Conditions for acceptance inspection.

a)             The subjects of inspection are finished;

b)            All construction works, construction parts, and construction stages of the subjects of inspection are inspected as prescribed in Article 4.2 and 4.3 of this Standard;

c)             Having the results of the testing, calibration, and loaded multiple-action operation of technological equipment;   

d)            Having the written approval from the State management agencies in charge of fire safety, environmental safety, and operation safety as prescribed;

e)             Having all documents about the completion related to the subjects of inspection made and provided by the contractor for the investor, together with the written request for the acceptance inspection; the list of the documents about the inspection provided in Annex Q of this Standard.

f)             Having the legal documents of the subjects of inspection made by the investor according to the list of legal documents provided in Annex Q of this Standard;




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h)             Having a list of changes compared to the approved designs, made in accordance with the form in Annex L of this Standard;

i)              Having the internal inspection record of the constructional contractor;

j)              It is required to have the investor’s written decision on requesting the acceptance inspection, enclosed with the list of unfinished works, using the form in Annex M of this Standard, when carrying out acceptance inspections for putting the unfinished constructions and construction items into use; 

4.4.4       The content and order for acceptance inspection:       Inspect the finished constructions or construction items at the site;       Inspect the documents in Paragraph 4.4.3;       Inspect the loaded multiple-action test runs of equipment ;       Check the conditions for putting the constructions into use;       Inspect and assess the quality of the construction and installation of machinery, equipment, materials, and prefabricated components used for the construction based on the assessment of the overall building quality of the subjects of inspection.




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-                      Request the constructional contractors to take samples from the subjects of inspection at the construction site for additional testing or retesting;

-                                  Request the investor to test the machinery and equipment for inspection;

-                                  Establish specialized committees to inspect each work, equipment, construction item, and construction expenses;       . Compare the results with the approved design, the requirements of other relevant technical standards, the instructional documents, or the technical standards of the operation of machinery and equipment for quality assessment.       . Based on the quality assessment, the inspector shall:

-                                  Accept the inspected subjects and make a record using one of the forms in Annex J and Annex K of this Standard, or

-                      Not accept the construction or item when discovering the defects in the construction quality that affect the durability, safety, and appearance of the construction, or obstruct the normal operation of equipment during the production.

                       If necessary, the investor may hire an independent advisor for reinspecting the rectification.




Please sign up or sign in to your Pro Membership to see English documents.         After the acceptance inspection, the investor shall send an application to the competent authorities for handing over and putting the finished constructions and items into use. The application shall be considered and approved within 10 working days after receiving all the documents about the completion as prescribed.          The investor must hand over to the owners or users of constructions and items as prescribed in TCVN 5640 : 1991 after having the decision on the acceptance for handing over and putting the finished constructions and items into use.         All documents about the completion of constructions and construction items prescribed in Annex Q of this Standard must be made into 6 sets as prescribed. 2 sets are kept by the investor, 1 set is kept by the agency that manages the construction, 2 sets are kept by the main constructional contractors, and 1 set is kept by a State archiving agency.

Annex A


The form of “Record of the inspection of construction quality at the construction site”

Name of investor:

Independence - Freedom - Happiness





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1.     Construction: .......................................................................................................

2.     Location: ................................................................................................

3.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: Full names and positions

-                                   The person in charge of the supervision department of the investor or the supervisors of the general contractor (for general contractor agreement)

-                                   The person in charge of construction techniques of the constructional contractor.

4.     Time of acceptance inspection:

Starting :             ....... 





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5.     Inspection content and result.


Inspection content

Inspection result


System of relevant technical regulations and standards  







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The regime for responsibility and construction quality




Capability of managers





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Capability of constructional technicians




Vocational certificates of major workers







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Status of drawings




The table of overall construction progress





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Construction method




Regime for inspecting construction quality  







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Capacity of constructional equipment




Conditions for the storage of materials and equipment at the site





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The regime for making and depositing documents about construction quality control











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6.      Conclusion : ................................................................................................

7.      Participants in the acceptance inspection: (signatures, full names, and positions of all participants)    

Annex B

(For reference)

Dividing construction parts and construction stages

The parts and stages of civil and industrial constructions shall be divided depending on their scale and progress. In particular:


Construction parts and construction stages





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Base and foundation (covered under the datum)


Soil preparation, making foundation, pile foundation, foundation framework, house  foundation, underground waterproofing, flooring, etc.


Bearing structure (from the datum to the roof)


Columns, bars, floors, walls, partitions…





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Ground, floor, roof surface; waterproofing, thermal insulation, architectural shaping, plastering, internal and external finish, doors…


Technical system


Water supply and drainage, heating; electricity, smart architecture; ventilation and air conditioning…



Installation of the elevator cabin, hoisting system, electricity, automatic controlling system…




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Equipment fabrication and installation


Fabrication and static installation of each equipment.



No-load single-action test runs


Single-action test runs of each equipment.




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No-load multiple-action test runs


No-load multiple-action test runs of each equipment cluster.



Loaded multiple-action test runs

Loaded multiple-action test runs of each equipment cluster and each production line.






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Lightning conducting and earthing system.


Annex C


Input inspection form

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

[Location and date]

No. ………………..




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1. Subjects of inspection: (specify the prefabricated components, equipment, and materials that need inspecting)

-                                   The supervisor of the investor or the supervisor of the general contractor (for general contractor agreement)

3. Time of acceptance inspection:       



a)             The documents as the basis for inspection

-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)




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-                                  The documents about the origins, the release certificate, the results of quality testing;

-                                  The list of technical features of the subjects of inspection; 

-                                  The construction log and supervision log of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection;

-                                  The record of internal inspection of the subjects of inspection;

b)             The prefabricated components, equipment, and materials: (compare to the design, standards, technical regulations, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the constructions related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.1 of this Standard;

-                                  Assess the quality of the subjects of inspection.

c) Other opinions if any.




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-          Specify the names and quantity of unaccepted subjects. The constructional contractor remove the unaccepted subjects from the construction site.

-          The record of acceptance inspection of prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before use, and the annexes enclosed in any;

-          The documents as the basis for acceptance inspection

Annex D


Form of the record of acceptance inspection of construction works

Independence - Freedom - Happiness


[Location and date]




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1.     Subjects of inspection: (Specify the name of finished works that need inspection, and the location in the item or construction)

2.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions of individuals)

-                                   The supervisor of the investor or the supervisor of the general contractor (for general contractor agreement)

-                                   The person in charge of construction techniques of the constructional contractor.

3.     Time of acceptance inspection:



4.     Assessment of finished works:




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-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The contracting dossier and the construction contract;

-                                  The record of acceptance inspection of prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before use;

-                                  The documents about the experiments, observations, the results of samples testing of the subjects of inspection (if required by relevant standards and regulations)

-                                  As-built drawing;

-                                  The construction log and supervision log of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection;

-                                  The record of internal inspection of the subjects of inspection.




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-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.2 of this Standard;

-                                  Assess the quality of the subjects of inspection.

c)              Other opinions if any.

-                                  The subjects are accepted or not accepted, the next construction works are allowed or not allowed to be carried out. Specify the reasons for not accepting.

-                                  The remaining defects that need repairing. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

6.  Participants in the acceptance inspection: (signatures, full names, and positions of all participants)

-                                  The inspection record of construction works and the annexes enclosed therewith if any;

-                                  The documents as the basis for inspection




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 Form of the record of static installation inspection

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

[Location and date]


Static installation inspection  

1.     The inspected equipment/equipment cluster: (Specify the equipment/equipment cluster installed in the construction)

2.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions of individuals)

-                                   The supervisor of the investor or the supervisor of the general contractor (for general contractor agreement)




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3.  Time of acceptance inspection:



4.   Assessment of finished works:

a)             The documents as the basis for inspection:

-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The contracting dossier and the construction contract;




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-                                  The documents about the experiments, observations, the results of samples testing of the subjects of inspection (if required by relevant standards and regulations)

-                                  As-built drawing;

-                                  The construction log and supervision log of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection;

-                                  The internal inspection record;

-                                  The preparation for carrying out the next construction works

b)             For the quality of static installation: (compare to the design, standards, technical regulations, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the constructions related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.2 of this Standard;

-                                  Assess the quality of the subjects of inspection. 




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-                                  The subjects are accepted or not accepted, the next construction works are allowed or not allowed to be carried out. Specify the reasons for not accepting.

-                                  The remaining defects that need repairing. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

-                                  Other requirements if any.

- The acceptance inspection record of static installation and the annexes enclosed therewith if any;

- The documents as the basis for inspection

Annex F


Form of acceptance inspection of construction parts and construction stages

Independence - Freedom - Happiness




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1.     Subjects of inspection: (Specify the inspection construction part or construction stage, the position in the construction).

2.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions of individuals)

a) The investor’s party:

-                                   The person in charge of the supervision department of the investor; (for internal supervision without hiring advisors);

-                                   Or the person in charge of the supervision department of the advisory and supervisory contractor;

b)            The constructional contractor’s party:

-                                   The person in charge of the construction of the contractor;

-                                  The person in charge of the supervision department of the general contractor (applicable to general contractor agreements).




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At: .......................................

a)              The documents as the basis for inspection:

-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The contracting dossier and the construction contract;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before use;




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-                                  The documents about the experiments and observations at the site (if required by the relevant standards and regulations)

-                                  The sample testing results;

-                                  The as-built drawing;

-                                  The construction log and supervision log of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection;

-                                  The internal inspection record;

-                                  The preparation for carrying out the next construction parts or construction stages.

b)              For the quality of construction parts or construction stages: (compare to the design, standards, technical regulations, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the constructions related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.3 of this Standard;




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c)              Other opinions if any.

-                                  Accept or not accept the inspection, allow or not allow the next construction stages.

-                                  The remaining defects that need repairing. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

-                                  Other requirements if any.

-                                  The acceptance inspection records of construction parts and construction stages, and the Annexes enclosed therewith;

-                                  The documents as the basis for inspection

Annex G


Form of acceptance inspection record of equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs  




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[Location and date]



1.     The inspected equipment/equipment cluster: (Specify the equipment and their position in the construction)

2.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions of individuals)

a)             The investor’s party :

-                                   The person in charge of the supervision department of the investor; (for internal supervision without hiring advisors);

-                                   Or the person in charge of the supervision department of the advisory and supervisory contractor;

b)            The constructional contractor’s party:




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-                                  The person in charge of the supervision department of the general contractor (applicable to general contractor agreements).

c)             For the constructions participated by foreign experts, the representatives of designers and builders must participate in the acceptance inspection. These representatives are suggested by the agency in charge of foreign experts at the construction site, and decided by the investor.



At: .......................................

a)              The documents as the basis for inspection:

-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)




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-                                  The acceptance inspection record of prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before use;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of relevant installation of static equipment;

-                                  The documents about the experiments and observations at the site (if required by the relevant standards and regulations)

-                                  The as-built drawing;

-                                  The construction log and supervision log of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection;

-                                  The internal inspection record;

-                                  The preparation for the next no-load single-action test run.

b)             For the quality of equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs: (compare to the design, standards, technical norms, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the constructions related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;




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-                                  Assess the quality of the subjects of inspection. 

c) Other opinions if any.

-                                  Accept or not accept, allow or not allow the next construction works.

-                                  The remaining defects that need repairing. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

-                                  Other requirements if any.

- The acceptance inspection record of the equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs;

- The documents as the basis for inspection

Annex H





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[Location and date]

1.     The equipment system inspected includes: (specify the equipment system and testing time (starting and ending time), the position in the construction or construction item)

2.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions of individuals)

a)             The person in charge of the supervision department of the investor, or person in charge of the supervision department of the general contractor, if the supervision of construction parts or construction stages is done by sub-contractors;

b)            The person in charge of the construction of the constructional contractor;

      For general contractor agreement, the person in charge of the supervision department of the investor shall inspect the acceptance inspection of the general contractor and sub-contractors.

c)             For the constructions participated by foreign experts, the representatives of designers and builders must participate in the acceptance inspection. These representatives are suggested by the agency in charge of foreign experts at the construction site, and decided by the investor.

3.     Time of acceptance inspection:




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At: .......................................

4.     Assessment of the no-load multiple-action test runs performed:

a)              The documents as the basis for inspection

-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The contracting dossier and the construction contract;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before use;




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-                                  The acceptance inspection record of relevant equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs;

-                                  The documents about the experiments and observations at the site (if required by the relevant standards and regulations)

-                                  The as-built drawing;

-                                  The construction log and supervision log of the investor, and other documents related to the subjects of inspection;

-                                  The internal inspection record of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The preparation for the next no-load multiple-action test run of equipment;

b)             For the quality of equipment undergoing no-load multiple-action test runs: (compare to the design, standards, technical norms, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the constructions related to the subjects of inspection):

-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.3 of this Standard;




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c) Other opinions if any.

-                                  Accept or not accept, allow or not allow the next construction works.

-                                  The remaining defects that need rectification. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

-                                  Other requirements if any.

- The acceptance inspection record of equipment undergoing no-load multiple-action test runs, and the annexes enclosed therewith if any;

- The documents as the basis for inspection

Annex J


Form of acceptance inspection record of equipment undergoing loaded multiple-action test runs 




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[Location and date]

1.  The equipment system inspected includes: (specify the equipment system and testing time (starting and ending time), the position in the construction or construction item)

2.     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions of individuals)

a)             The investor’s party :

-                       The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the investor;

-                       The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the advisory contractor;

b)            The constructional contractor’s party:

-                       The legal representative and the person in charge of the construction of the constructional contractor;

-                       The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the general contractor (applicable to general contractor agreement).




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-                       The legal representative;

-                       The designing executive.

d)            For the constructions that require greater fire safety or face the risk of environmental pollution, the participation of the representative of the State agencies in charge of fire safety and environment at the same level is compulsory;

e)             For the constructions participated by foreign experts, the representatives of designers and builders must participate in the acceptance inspection. These representatives are suggested by the agency in charge of foreign experts at the construction site, and decided by the investor.

f)             Other participants in the acceptance inspection (requested by the investor)



At: .......................................

a)         Documents as the basis for inspection




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-                                  The construction drawing approved by the investor and the accepted changes in the design: (specify the names of drawings related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The contracting dossier and the construction contract;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of prefabricated components, equipment, and materials before use;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of relevant installation of static equipment;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of relevant equipment undergoing no-load single-action test runs;

-                                  The acceptance inspection record of relevant equipment undergoing no-load multiple-action test runs;

-                                  The documents about the experiments and observations at the site (if required by the relevant standards and regulations)

-                                  The as-built drawing;




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-                                  The written approval from the State management agencies in charge of fire safety, environmental safety, and operation safety as prescribed;

-                                  The record of the inspection of the documents about the completion of the equipment installation issued by the State management agency; 

-                                  The internal inspection record of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The preparation for the loaded multiple-action test run of equipment;

b)        The installation progress:

-                                  Commencement date:

-                                  Completion date

c)         The operating capacity

-                                  In the design (or the bidding document)




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d)        The measures for labor safety, fire safety, environmental pollution prevention, and use safety:

e)         Amount

-                                  The approved design:

-                                  In reality:

f)           For the quality of equipment undergoing loaded multiple-action test runs: (compare to the design, standards, technical regulations, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the constructions related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  Provide the technical contents that need testing as the basis for assessing the quality of the subjects of inspection;

-                                  Carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.4 of this Standard;

-                                  Assess the quality of the subjects of inspection.

g)        All changes during the construction compared to the approved design.




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b)              Accept or not accept, allow or not allow the next construction works.

c)              The remaining defects that need repairing. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

d)              Other requirements if any.

e)              The parties that directly carry out the acceptance inspection are responsible before law for this decision on acceptance inspection.


 (Signature, full name, position, and stamp)


(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)





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(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)


Notes:  Other participants in the acceptance inspection (requested by the investor) shall sign and specify their names and positions in this Record.


-                          The acceptance inspection record of equipment undergoing loaded multiple-action test runs, and the annexes enclosed therewith if any;

-                          The documents as the basis for inspection

Annex K




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Form of the record of  acceptance inspection finished constructions or construction items for putting into use.

Name of investor

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

[Location and date]


1,     Construction/construction item: .......................................................................................................       ................................................................................................

2,     Location: ................................................................................................

3,     Participants in the acceptance inspection: (specify the organization, full names and positions)

a)             The investor’s party :




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-                                  The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the advisory contractor;

b)            The constructional contractor’s party:

-                                         The legal representative and the person in charge of the construction of the constructional contractor;

-                                         The legal representative and the person in charge of the supervision department of the general contractor (applicable to general contractor agreements)

c)             The designing contractor’s party that participates in the inspection at the request of the investor:

-                                   The legal representative;

-                                   The designing executive.

d)            For the constructions that require greater fire safety or face the risk of environmental pollution, the participation of the representative of the State agencies in charge of fire safety and environment at the same level is compulsory;

e)             For the constructions participated by foreign experts, the representatives of designers and builders must participate in the acceptance inspection. These representatives are suggested by the agency in charge of foreign experts at the construction site, and decided by the investor.




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4,     Time of acceptance inspection:     



At: .......................................

5,     Assessment of the construction or construction items):    

a)     The documents as the basis for inspection;

-                                  The written request for the acceptance inspection of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The applied construction standards and regulations: (Specify the name of standards, regulations, technical instructional documents related to the subjects of inspection)

-                                  The dossier of the construction completion according to the list in Annex 10 of this Standard;




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-                                  The record of the inspection of the documents about the completion of the construction or construction item made by a State management agency; 

-                                  The internal inspection record of the constructional contractor;

-                                  The conditions for putting the construction or construction item into use.

b)    The construction progress:

-                                  Commencement date:

-                                  Completion date:

c)     The capacity of the construction or construction item:

-                                  The approved design:

-                                  The actual result:




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-                                  The approved design:

-                                  The actual result:

e)     Amount:

-                                  In the design (or the bidding document)

-                                  The actual result:   

f)     The quality of the construction or construction item (carry out the acceptance inspection as prescribed in Article 4.4, compare to the design, standards, technical regulation, technical instructions, and technical requirements of the construction for quality assessment)  

g)    The changes during the construction compared to the approved design.

h)     Other opinions if any.

6,      Conclusion :




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-                                  The quality defects that need rectification. The time limit for finishing the rectification.

-                                  Other requirements if any.

7,      Participants in the acceptance inspection: (signatures, full names, positions, and stamp)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)




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(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)


Notes: Other participants in the acceptance inspection (requested by the investor) shall sign and specify their names and positions in this Record.

-                          The inspection record of the completion of the construction or construction item, the annexes enclosed therewith if any;

-                          The documents as the basis for inspection

Annex L




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The form of the List of changes compared to the approved design

Construction: ........................

Item: .............................

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Changed contents and number of approved drawings

Reasons for changes




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Name, number, and date of the written approval











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 (signature, full name, and position)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)





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(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)


Annex M


List of unfinished works

Construction: ........................

Item: .............................

Independence - Freedom - Happiness




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Unfinished work

Estimated (bidden) value

Executing unit

Time of completion






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 (signature, full name, and position)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)



  (signature, full name, and position)






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Annex N


List of quality defects






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[Location and date]




Part (equipment)



Repairing unit

Completion date




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 (signature, full name, and position)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)




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 (signature, full name, and position)



(Signature, full name, position, and stamp)



Annex P


List of documents serving the acceptance inspection of construction or construction item for handing over and putting into use




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Item: .............................

Independence - Freedom - Happiness

[Location and date]




List of documents

Preparing unit





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 (signature, full name, and position)


  (signature, full name, and position)


 (Signature, full name, position, and stamp)





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Annex Q


Name of investor


A. Legal documents

1.             The decisions on approving the project of investment in the construction, each component project or sub-project, issued by competent authorities.

2.             the written approval issued by specialized managing agencies for the use of technical constructions outside the fence:

-                                   The electricity supply;

-                                   The use of water sources




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-                                   The extraction of minerals;

-                                   The water drainage (connected to the common drainage system);

-                                   Road traffic and waterway traffic;

-                                   The dyke safety (construction under dykes, near dykes, or within the protection range of dykes…);

-                                   Traffic safety (if any).

3.             The contract (number, date of contract) between the investor and the advisory contractor, designing contractor, and constructional contractor, construction supervision, quality assessment, inspection and certification of the quality conformity, as well as the contract between the main contractor (advisory, constructing contractor), and sub-contractor (advisory, constructing sub-contractors)

4.             The documents proving the capability of the advisory contractor, constructional contractors, including foreign contractors (designing, constructing, supervising, inspecting and certifying the conformity of quality…)

5.             Result of the assessment of the fundamental design of approved by competent authorities, enclosed with the fundamental design as prescribed.

6.             The result of the assessment and approval of the technical design and construction drawing of the investor, enclosed with the design dossier;




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1.             The as-built drawings of the items and the entire construction with regard to the architecture, structure, equipment installation, technical system, finish… (enclosed with the list of drawings).

2.             The release certificates that certify the quality of materials used for leveling, ground reinforcement, piles, pile foundations, underground structure, body structure, electricity, and finish…

3.             The written certification of the quality of materials used for leveling, ground reinforcement, piles, pile foundations, underground structure, body structure, electricity, and finish… issued by a specialized organization or a capable scientific organization that has legal status and qualified laboratories.

4.             The written certifications of the category and quality of the equipment serving the production, and the technical system installed in the construction such as electricity supply, water supply, gas supply, etc. issued by the producers

5.             The result of the quality inspection of imported materials and equipment used for the construction items issued by the advisory organizations of which the legal status is recognized by the State.

6.             The documents and records of acceptance inspection of the construction and installation quality. Each record is enclosed with the inspected and accepted as-built drawings (with a list of acceptance inspection records).

7.             The acceptance inspection records of equipment undergoing no-load single-action and multiple-action test runs, equipment undergoing loaded multiple-action test runs, the reports on the results of the inspection, calibration, and test running of equipment (under load and no load)

8.             The records on the testing and inspection of communicative and protective devices.

9.             The records on the testing and inspection of fire and explosion prevention and fighting devices.




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11.          The report on the test results at the site (ground reinforcement, the load capacity of piles; the quality of pile concrete, well flow rate, resistance of lighting conducting systems, bearing structure, the load of reservoirs and the water-liquid pipeline…).

12.          The reports on the quality inspection of the welds on the piles, metal structures, gas/liquid pressure pipes, metal reservoirs, etc.

13.          The documents about the measurements and observations of the subsidence and deformation of the construction items or the entire construction and the adjacent constructions affected by the subsidence during the construction (the subsidence level, the tilt, the horizontal displacement, rotation angle, etc.)

14.          The construction log.

15.          The history of the machinery and equipment installed in the construction, the instruction or the process of operation of the construction, the warranty and maintenance process of the construction and equipment thereof.

16.           The record on the inspection and acceptance of the technical system issued by the competent State agency, including:

-                                   The electricity supply;

-                                   The quality of tap water;

-                                   The use of waterproof substances during the construction of waterproofing works




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-                                   The lightning conduction system;

-                                   The environment protection;

-                                   The labor safety and operation safety;

-                                   The construction license (if required)

-                                   The landmark;

-                                   The connection to the infrastructure (electricity supply, water supply, water drainage, the traffic, etc.)

-                                   The dyke safety and traffic safety (if any);

-                                   The communication (if any).

17.          The certificates of conformity of each work (design, construction) of the construction items, and the entire construction, issued by independent inspecting organizations before the investor carries out the acceptance inspection of the construction items and the entire construction (if any).




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19.          The documents about the settlements of construction accidents (if any);

20.          The report from an inspecting advisory organization on the parts, constructions, or construction items that are suspected of inferior quality before the investor carries out the acceptance inspection (if any)

21.          The acceptance inspection record of construction stages

22.          The acceptance inspection records of finished constructions or construction items for handing over and putting into use.


 (Signature, full name, position, and stamp)


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