Independence – Freedom – Happiness
No. 261/QD-BYT
Hanoi, January 31, 2022
Pursuant to the Law on
Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 2007;
Pursuant to the Law on
Medical Examination and Treatment 2009;
Pursuant to Decree No.
75/2017/ND-CP dated June 20, 2017 of the Government on functions, duties,
entitlements, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;
Pursuant to Resolution
No. 86/NQ-CP dated August 6, 2021 on urgent solutions for COVID-19 prevention
and control to implement Solution No. 30/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the 15th
National Assembly;
According to the
opinion of the Professional Council on the acceptance of the Guidelines on
management of persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 and mild COVID-19 patients at
home established in accordance with Decision No. 3838/QD-BYT dated August 10,
2021 of the Minister of Health;
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1. The “Guidelines on management of COVID-19 patients at home”
is promulgated with this Decision.
2. The "Guidelines on management of COVID-19 patients at
home" applies to grassroots level according to the directive of the
Departments of Health of provinces or centrally affiliated cities and Steering Committees
for COVID-19 Prevention and Control of localities.
3. Departments of Health of provinces or centrally affiliated
cities shall, in consideration of COVID-19 situation in their provinces,
provide guidelines on the management of COVID-19 patients at home of the
Ministry of Health in order to develop and implement this document in their
4. This Decision comes into force as of its date of signing.
This Decision replaces Decision No. 4038/QD-BYT dated August 21, 2021 of the
Minister of Health on the temporary guidelines on management of COVID-19
patients at home and Decision No. 4109/QD-BYT dated August 26, 2021 of the
Minister of Health on the list of medicines for outpatient treatment at home
for COVID-19 patients.
5. Chiefs of the Ministry Offices, Chief Inspectors of
Ministries, General Directors and Directors of Departments affiliated to the
Ministry of Health, Directors of Departments of provinces and centrally
affiliated cities, Directors of Hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health,
Healthcare Directors of Authorities shall implement this Decision ./.
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(Promulgated with Decision No. 261/QD-BYT dated January 31, 2022 of the
Minister of Health)
Compilation director
Assoc. Prof. PhD.
Nguyen Truong Son
Deputy Minister of
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Lead editor
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Luong
Ngoc Khue
Director of the Vietnam
Administration of Medical Services - Ministry of Health
Assoc. Prof. PhD.
Nguyen Lan Hieu
Director of Hanoi
Medical University Hospital
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Participants in
compilation and appraisal
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Pham
Thi Ngoc Thao
Vice Director of Cho
Ray Hospital
Specialist level II
Doctor. Nguyen Trung Cap
Vice Director of
Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases
PhD. Nguyen Van Vinh
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Specialist level II
Doctor. Nguyen Minh Tien
Vice Director of the
Children’s Hospital of Ho Chi Minh city
PhD. Nguyen Trong Khoa
Vice Director of the
Vietnam Administration of Medical Services
PhD. Vuong Anh Duong
Vice Director of the
Vietnam Administration of Medical Services
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Assoc. Prof. PhD. Do
Huy Cuong
Director of Tropical
Disease Center – Bach Mai Hospital
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Le
Thi Anh Thu
President of Ho Chi Minh
City Infection Control Society
Dr. Bui Nghia Thinh
Chief of Intensive Care
Department – Thu Duc District Hospital of Ho Chi Minh city
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Specilist of the Office
of WHO in Vietnam
PhD. Duong Huy Luong
Head of Quality Management
– Line Directive – Vietnam Administration of Medical Services
MD. Nguyen Thi Thanh
Person in charge of the
Department of Professional Competence – Inspection – Protection of Health of
Officers, Vietnam Administration of Medical Services
MD. Ha Thi Kim Phuong
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PhD. Ta Anh Tuan
Head of Department of
Internal Medicine Intensive Treatment – Central Children’s Hospital
Specialist level II
Doctor. Do Chau Viet
Head of Infection
Department – Children’s Hospital 2 of Ho Chi Minh city
Specialist level II
Doctor. Du Tuan Quy
Head of Neuro -
Infection Department – Children’s Hospital 1 of Ho Chi Minh city
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Specialist level II
Doctor. Bui Nguyen Thanh Long
Deputy Head of
Professional Medical Department - Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh city
PhD. Nguyen Quoc Thai
Tropical Disease Center
– Bach Mai Hospital
MD. Truong Le Van Ngoc
Deputy Head of the
Department of Professional Competence – Inspection – Protection of Health of
Officers, Vietnam Administration of Medical Services – Ministry of Health
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Specialist of the Department
of Professional Competence – Inspection – Protection of Health of Officers,
Vietnam Administration of Medical Services – Ministry of Health
Editor secretaries
PhD. Nguyen Quoc Thai
Tropical Disease Center
– Bach Mai Hospital
MD. Truong Le Van Ngoc
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Pharmacist. Do Thi Ngat
Specialist of the
Vietnam Administration of Medical Services – Ministry of Health
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1. Purposes
The “Guidelines on
management of COVID-19 patients at home” is developed in order to provide
guidelines and regulations on management, support, and care for persons
infected with SARS-CoV-2 and mild COVID-19 patients at home (hereinafter
referred to as “COVID-19 patients”).
2. Users
a) Commune, ward, and
town-level healthcare stations; mobile healthcare stations; district health
centers and clinics; emergency transportation centers and facilities assigned
to participate in the management of COVID-19 patients at home (hereinafter
referred to as “management facilities”).
b) Steering Committees
for COVID-19 Prevention and Control of communes, wards, and towns; Steering
Committees for COVID-19 Prevention and Control of districts and towns.
c) Employees
involved in the management of COVID-19 patients at home.
1. Clinical criteria for
COVID-19 patients include the following 3 criteria:
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b) Do not have signs of
pneumonia or hypoxia; breathing rate < 20 times/minute; SpO2 > 96% when
breathing normally; do not have abnormal breathing such as groaning,
intercostal retractions, nose flaring, grunting, and wheezing during
c) Do not have underlying
conditions, or such conditions are under stable treatment.
2. The ability of
COVID-19 patients to take care of themselves
a) The patient can take
care of him/herself such as eating, bathing, washing, cleaning and self-monitor
his/her health under the guidance of medical staff.
b) The patient has the
ability to contact medical staff to be monitored and supervised. The patient
has the ability to communicate and means of communication such as cellphones,
computers, etc. in case his/her condition worsens.
c) In case a COVID-19
patient cannot take care of him/herself, his/her family must have a caretaker
who meets the criteria of sections a and b above.
1. Determine and make a
list of COVID-19 patients to manage at home
a) Management facilities
or facilities assigned by the Department of Health shall evaluate COVID-19
patients according to the criteria prescribed in Section 1 Part II.
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2. Provide guidance
on health self-monitoring for COVID-19 patients at home
2.1. Health monitoring
a) Management facilities
shall provide instruction for COVID-19 patients to self-monitor their health
and fill their information in the health monitoring sheet for COVID-19 patients
undergoing home treatment (according to the form prescribed in Appendix No. 2)
2 times/day in the morning and afternoon or when there are signs or symptoms
that require emergency hospitalization and treatment in accordance with
regulations prescribed in Section c Part 2.1.
b) Content of daily
health self-monitoring
- Indicators: breathing
rate, pulse, temperature, SpO2, and blood pressure (if possible).
- Symptoms: fatigue,
cough, cough with phlegm, chills/shiver, conjunctivitis (red eye), anosmia or
ageusia, diarrhea (loose stools/defecation); hemoptysis, dyspnea, panting,
prolonged chest pain, stupor, delirium; other symptoms such as pharyngitis,
cephalgia, dizziness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, etc.
c) If any of the
following symptoms are detected, immediately report to the management
facilities, healthcare stations of communes or wards, mobile healthcare
stations, emergency transportation centers, etc. for timely emergency care and
1) Dyspnea or children
with abnormal breathing signs: groaning, intercostal retractions, nose flaring,
grunting, wheezing during inspiration.
2) Breathing rate
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- Children from 1 to
under 5 years old: 40 times/minute
- Children from 5 to
under 12 years old: 30 times/minute
(Notes for children:
count enough breathing rate in a minute when they are lying still and not
3) SpO2 ≤ 96% (if the
SpO2 level is abnormal, it needs to be measured again after 30 seconds to 1
minute; when measuring, hold still the position of measurement).
4) Heart rate > 120
beats/minute or < 50 beats/minute.
5) Hypotension: maximum
blood pressure < 90 mmHg, minimum blood pressure < 60 mmHg (if it is
possible to measure).
6) Frequent chest pain,
feeling of tightness in the chest, or increase of pain when taking a deep
7) Change of
consciousness: dementia, hypersomnia, stupor, fatigue/exhaustion; children with
constant crying, convulsions, or are hard to wake up.
8) Cyanosis in lips,
fingertips, fingernails, or skin; pale lips and coldness in fingertips or toes.
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10) Contracting other
acute diseases: Dengue fever, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, etc.
11) Any unusual condition
that the COVID-19 patient thinks it is necessary to report to healthcare
2.2. Guidance on diet and
COVID-19 patients should
rest and do light physical activities (suitable for their health condition);
practice breathing at least 15 minutes per day; regularly drink water and do
not wait until having thirst; do not skip meals; increase nutrition: eat
nutritional meals and fruits, drink juice, etc. and have positive thinking and
maintain a comfortable mental state.
2.3. Guidance on medical
isolation at home
Comply with guidelines of
the Ministry of Health and local regulations.
3. Provide
examinations and monitor the health of COVID-19 patients
3.1. Daily health
a) Record and update
information about the health condition of COVID-19 patients daily in the health
monitoring sheet for COVID-19 patients (Appendix No. 2); or the health
management software of COVID-19 patients.
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c) Receive phone calls
and provide counsel for COVID-19 patients or caretakers.
d) Employees of
management facilities have the duty to come to the house of a COVID-19 patient
to provide direct support in the following cases:
- The COVID-19 patient
needs emergency care.
- The employee does not
receive reports on the health condition of the COVID-19 patient and cannot
contact that patient or his/her caretaker.
3.2. Examination and
prescription for treatment at home
a) Symptom treatment: prescribe
and dispense medicines for the treatment
- Fever:
+ For adults with a fever
> 38,5oC or headache and body pain: take 1 antipyretic pill like
paracetamol 0.5g each time and may repeat every 4-6 hours and no more than 4
tablets per day; take ORESOL if appetite is poor/reduced and may use it as a
water replacement.
+ For children that have
a fever > 38,5oC: take antipyretic pills such as paracetamol at a
dose of 10-15 mg/kg/time, may repeat every 4-6 hours, and no more than 4 times
per day.
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- Cough: use cough
suppressants when having intense dry cough.
b) Prescription and
dispensing of medicines for outpatient treatment: comply with guidelines on the
diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 promulgated by the Ministry of Health.
c) Examination and
treatment at home by the mobile healthcare station or mobile healthcare team:
establish mobile healthcare stations or mobile healthcare teams for emergency
support for patients at home based on the number of infection cases and areas
with infection cases in the ward and commune.
d) The list of medicines
for outpatient treatment for COVID-19 patients at home is prescribed in
Appendix No. 3 promulgated with this Decision.
3.3. Detect and handle
abnormal development related to underlying diseases
a) After the examination
and evaluation on underlying diseases, if any abnormal development is detected,
advise the patient to transfer to the healthcare facility for management and
b) Consult with
upper-level healthcare experts for cases with difficult and complicated
underlying diseases and unavailability of immediate transfer to the healthcare
c) Provide guidance for
caretakers and COVID-19 patients on transferring patients to healthcare
facilities when there are emergency situations regarding other medical
conditions such as the risk of obstetric complications, trauma, stroke, etc.
while informing healthcare facilities that receive these patients of their
COVID-19 infection status.
4. Provide COVID-19 test
to end the medical isolation:
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b) Conduct tests or
provide guidance on self-testing at home for caretakers or housemates of =
COVID-19 patients (RT-PCR test or quick antigen test) when there are symptoms
of potential COVID-19 infection.
5. Handle emergency
situations and hospitalization
a) Management facilities
shall instruct COVID-19 patients when there are emergency signs or symptoms to
immediately contact them or emergency transportation centers for emergency
handling and timely hospitalization.
b) While waiting for the
hospitalization, management facilities shall instruct and provide emergency
handling for COVID-19 patients.
(Promulgated with Decision No. 261/QD-BYT dated January 31, 2022 of the
Minister of Health)
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Year: 202…
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Full names of COVID-19 patients
Date of birth
Phone numbers of COVID-19 patients
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Right page
Full names of relatives
Phone numbers of relatives
Date of confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19/date of onset
End date of management at home
Date of hospitalization and place of hospitalization
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(Promulgated with Decision No. 261/QD-BYT dated January 31, 2022 of the
Minister of Health)
Full name: :
_________________________________ Born on: ___/___/_____
Sex: Male Female, Phone
number: ____________________
Full name of the
caretaker: __________________________________
Born on: ___/___/____
Phone number: ___________________
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↓ Content of a monitoring day
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contact medical staff if there is one of the following signs: SpO2 ≤96%, breathing rate ≥20
times/minute, pulse <50 or >120 times/minute, blood pressure
<90/60 mmHg
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temperature (Celsius)
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blood pressure (mmHg) (if
it is possible to measure)
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blood pressure (mmHg) (if
it is possible to measure)
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attention to your health. If you have any symptom, write (C) for YES or (K)
for NO below for each daily symptom.
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with phlegm
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(red eyes)
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or ageusia
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contact medical staff if you have one of the following symptoms
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or panting
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chest pain
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Other symptoms: pharyngitis,
cephalgia, dizziness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, etc. should be added
in the “Ghi chú” (Note) session
(Promulgated with Decision No. 261/QD-BYT dated January 31, 2022 of the
Minister of Health)
1. Groups of medicines
in the List include:
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Medicine name
Antipyretics and
- For children: powder
package or pellets mixed with oral suspension with 80 mg, 100mg, 150 mg, or
250 mg;
- For adults: 250 mg or
500 mg tablet.
Antiviral drugs: select one of the following medicines:
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Favipiravir 200 mg, 400
mg (tablet).
Molnupiravir 200 mg,
400 mg (tablet).
anti-inflammatory medicine for oral administration: Medicines shall not be provided for COVID-19 patients
right away but prescribed by doctors according to regulations of the guideline
on COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment promulgated by the Ministry of Health.
Doctors shall only prescribe medicine within 1 day during the wait for the
transfer to a facility that treats COVID-19 patients. Select one of the
following medicines:
- Dexamethasone 0,5 mg
- Methylprednisolone 16
mg (tablet)
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Anticoagulant for
oral administration: Medicines shall not
be provided for COVID-19 patients right away but prescribed by doctors
according to regulations of the guideline on COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment
promulgated by the Ministry of Health. Doctors shall only prescribe medicine
within 1 day during the wait for the transfer to a facility that treats
COVID-19 patients. Select one of the following medicines:
- Rivaroxaban 10 mg
- Apixaban 2,5 mg
2. Notes on antiviral
drugs, corticosteroid anti-inflammatory medicines, and anticoagulants:
a) Prescribe medicines
for treatment in accordance with regulations of Circular No. 52/2017/TT-BYT
dated December 29, 2017 of the Ministry of Health on prescription of
pharmaceutical drugs and biological products in outpatient treatment and
Circular No. 18/2018/TT-BYT dated August 22, 2018 of the Ministry of Health on
Amendments to Circular No. 52/2017/TT-BYT.
b) Use antiviral drugs as
soon as possible after receiving confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. It is best to
use antiviral drugs within five days from the date of onset. Prioritize
antiviral drugs for cases with symptoms or high risks of severe disease
progression, such as people above 65 years old, people who have yet to be fully
vaccinated, people with unstable underlying diseases, etc.
c) Designate
treatments combined with corticosteroid anti-inflammatory medicines and
anticoagulants when a COVID-19 patient show one of the early signs of
respiratory failure; only prescribed medicines for treatment within 1 day
during the wait for the transfer to a facility that treats COVID-19 patients.
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(1) Dyspnea or dyspnea that
increases when exercising (standing up, walking in the house) or abnormal
breathing signs in children: groaning, intercostal retractions, nose flaring,
grunting, wheezing during inspiration, and/or
(2) Breathing rate (for
children: count adequate breathing rate in a minute when they are lying still
and not crying):
≥ 20 times/minute in
≥ 30 times/minute in
children from 5 to below 12 years old;
≥ 40 times/minute in
children from 1 to below 5 years old;
(3) SpO2 ≤ 96% (if the
SpO2 level is abnormal, it needs to be measured again after 30 seconds to 1
minute; when measuring, hold still the position of measurement).
d) When prescribing
medicines, carefully check the contraindications and utilize information about
medicines the patient is using to avoid serious drug interactions. Advise
patients or caretakers on how to identify some important side effects of
medicines for timely detection and handling during use.
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