Independence - Freedom - Happiness
September 14, 2020
Pursuant to the Law
on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; the Law on Amending and
Supplementing certain Articles of the Law on Government Organization and the
Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22, 2019;
Pursuant to the Law
on Public Investment dated June 13, 2019;
Pursuant to the Law
on State Budget dated June 25, 2015;
Pursuant to the
Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14 dated July 8, 2020 of the National Assembly’s
Standing Committee;
Upon the request of
the Minister of Planning and Investment;
The Prime Minister
hereby issues the Decision elaborating on the implementation of several
Articles of the Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14 dated July 8, 2020 of the
National Assembly's Standing Committee, regulating the principles, criteria and
norms of distribution of the state budget’s public investment capital for the
period of 2021 – 2025.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. This
Decision specifies the implementation of several articles of the Resolution No.
973/2020/UBTVQH14 dated July 8, 2020 of the National Assembly's Standing Committee,
regulating the principles, criteria and norms of distribution of the state
budget’s public investment capital for the period of 2021 – 2025 (hereinafter
referred to as Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14).
2. Subjects
of application:
a) Ministries, central
and local authorities referred to in clause 4 of Article 4 in the Law on Public
b) Entities and
person involved in the formulation of midterm and annual plans for public
investment of the state budget’s capital for the period of 2021-2025.
Article 2. Principles
of application of criteria and norms of distribution of public investment
1. Principles,
criteria and norms of distribution of the state budget’s public investment
capital for the 2021-2025 period in conformance to regulations laid down in the
Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14 and this Decision shall serve as a basis for
the planning of midterm and annual public investment of the state budget’s
funds for the 2021-2025 period throughout the country, administrative levels and
sectors and units using the state budget’s funds; serve as a basis for the
management, supervision, inspection, examination and audit of the
implementation of midterm and annual public investment plans.
2. All-level
regulatory and sectoral authorities must strengthen the restructuring of public
investment activities, logically calculate the shares of capital sources of the
central and local government's budgets (hereinafter referred to as local
budget(s)) with a view to ensuring that the central government’s budget
(hereinafter referred to as central budget) must play its key roles.
Article 3.
Industries, sectors using the state budget’s public investment capital for the
2021-2025 period
The state budget’s public
investment capital is allocated to those prescribed in Article 5 of the Law on
Public Investment and is classified by sectors or industries stipulated in
Article 36 in the Law on State Budget, specifically including:
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2. Public
security, social order and safety: Tasks,
programs and projects in various sectors and industries that central and local
specialized units that are granted authorization carry out to achieve the
objectives of public security, social order, social safety, fire prevention,
firefighting, anti-crime investigation, execution of criminal judgements,
natural disaster response, emergency search and rescue.
3. Education,
training and vocational education: Tasks,
programs and projects for investment in construction of infrastructure,
facilities, equipment serving education, training and vocational education
purposes at all educational levels ranging from the early childhood education
to the higher education.
4. Science
and technology: Tasks, Investment projects
for construction of infrastructure, facilities, equipment, technologies serving
the purposes of scientific and technological development, laboratory testing or
testing in other forms, experiments, analyses, standards – metrology – quality,
intellectual property, designs specially used in natural science and technical
sectors, technology application and transfer, innovation centers, research and
development, support for industrial development, hi-tech zones, agricultural,
forestry and aquacultural areas applying high technologies.
5. Healthcare,
population and family: Tasks, programs and
projects for investment in construction of infrastructure, facilities,
equipment serving the purposes of healthcare (including preventive medicine;
medical examination, treatment, emergency care, post-treatment rehabilitation;
traditional medicine; medical expertise, forensic medicine, forensic
psychiatry, testing and assessment of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other
healthcare activities), population, family, reproductive health, food safety
and hygiene.
6. Culture
and information: Tasks, programs and projects
serving different purposes in the following sectors:
a) Culture:
Protecting and preserving the value of tangible and intangible cultural
heritages, national culture; developing literature, art, cinematography,
libraries, museums, grassroots culture and performing arts; developing the
system of cultural institutions and cultural works;
b) Information:
Infrastructure, facilities, equipment used in the State’s publishing and press
7. Radio,
television and news broadcasting: Tasks,
programs and projects for investment in construction of infrastructure,
facilities, equipment used in radio, television and news broadcasting
activities for the purposes of providing political, social and other essential
public services.
8. Sports
and physical activities: Tasks, programs and
projects for investment in construction of infrastructure, facilities,
equipment serving sporting and physical activity development purposes.
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a) Environment: Infrastructure, facilities, equipment used for the
purposes of environmental monitoring, warning, natural resource protection,
environmental remediation, disposal of wastes, garbage, waste water, green,
adaptation to climate change and sustainable development;
b) Natural resources: Infrastructure, facilities, equipment used for survey,
mapping, meteorology, hydrology, geological survey, natural resource protection
10. Economic
activities: Tasks, programs and projects
serving different purposes in the following sectors:
a) Agriculture,
forestry, salt production, irrigation and fishery: Infrastructure,
facilities, equipment used in such activities as agriculture, forestry, salt
production, irrigation and fishery; rural economy (including innovation in
rural areas, introduction of new-style rural areas, provision of clean water and
assurance of environmental sanitation for rural areas, development of trades
and industries and trade villages based on family households, cooperatives,
re-arrangement or re-planning of rural residential homes, agricultural
settlement, residential settlement, stabilization of free migration condition
and resettlement); development of plant varieties and livestock breeds;
cultivation, protection and development of forests; prevention, control,
mitigation of consequences of natural calamities, wildfires and epidemics;
b) Industry: Supplying electricity to rural areas, mountains and
islands; tasks and projects in the gas and oil sector under the Prime
Minister’s decisions, infrastructure, banknote printing or coin casting
c) Transportation: Road, rail, inland waterway, sea and air
d) Industrial parks
and economic zones: Infrastructure of coastal
economic zones, border economic zones and infrastructure of industrial zones
and clusters;
dd) Commerce: Public
markets, wholesale markets, logistic centers, fair and exhibition centers,
export and import infrastructure;
e) Water supply and
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h) Tourism and
hospitality industry: Infrastructure used for
the purposes of sustainable tourism development at tourist attraction sites,
zones and locations;
i) Telecommunication: Infrastructure, facilities, supplies and equipment
used in telecommunication activities for the purposes of fulfilling the tasks
of political, social and other essential public services;
k) Postal service: Infrastructure, facilities, supplies and equipment
used in postal service activities for the purposes of fulfilling the tasks of
political, social and other essential public services;
l) Information
technology: Digital information, digital
economy infrastructure; modernization of information technology in Party and
State agencies; information technology and database application and
development; commonly shared national platforms, applications and services;
safety, network security;
m) Planning: Planning tasks;
n) Public works at
urban areas, technical infrastructure of new urban cities or towns.
o) Providing funds as
the charter capital for policy banks or non-budgetary state trusts; providing
funds used for offsetting against preferential interest on credit facilities,
management fees; support for development of enterprises making agricultural and
rural investments; support for medium and small enterprises under the Law on
Support for Small and Medium Enterprises; support for cooperatives under the
Law on Cooperatives.
11. Activities,
operations and services of state regulatory authorities, public service units,
political organizations and socio-political organizations: Tasks, programs,
projects serving the purposes of construction, renovation, improvement of
offices, official residences, procurement and shopping of equipment and
accessories of agencies in the political system and the State; projects for
procurement, construction and renovation of offices, renovation and improvement
of residential homes, shopping of equipment of Vietnam’s overseas
representative missions.
12. Society: Tasks, programs, projects for investment in
construction, renovation and improvement of infrastructure, facilities,
shopping of equipment of establishments providing care, nursing and functional
rehabilitation services for meritorious people; employment support; provision
of care and nursing services for workers and employees; construction,
renovation and improvement of martyr gratitude projects; drug rehabilitation
and other social assistance centers;
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With respect to
projects divided into multiple items in various sectors or industries, the
classification of these projects by sectors and industries will be based on
main goals of each project. With respect to projects divided into multiple
items in various sectors or industries, and serving the national defence and
security purposes which are not the main ones, they shall be classified by
national defence, security, social order and safety sectors.
Article 4. General
principles and priority order for allocation of the state budget’s public
investment capital for the 2021-2025 period
1. General
principles and priority order for allocation of the state budget’s public
investment capital for the 2021-2025 period and each year shall be subject to
Article 4 in the Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14.
2. During
the process of regulation and administration of the state budget, the funds
obtained from the state budget’s increased receipts and saved expenditures
shall be used in accordance with Article 59 in the Law on State Budget while
portions of funds for capital investment purposes (if any) may be reported to
competent regulatory authorities to seek their consent to priorly using them to
pay off outstanding capital construction debts, or pay back advances stated in
midterm public investment plans of Ministries, central or local authorities as
legally prescribed.
Article 5.
Principles, criteria and norms of allocation and distribution of the central
budget’s public investment capital
1. Allocation
and distribution principles
a) Allocation and
distribution of the central budget’s public investment capital from shall
conform to the principles prescribed in clause 1 of Article 5 in the Resolution
No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14.
b) The central budget’s
public investment capital of ministries, central or local authorities shall be allocated
and distributed on the basis of sectors or industries under the provisions of
Article 3 herein.
2. Criteria
and norms of allocation and distribution of the central budget’s public
investment capital:
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b) Criteria and norms
of allocation and distribution of public investment capital derived from the
central budget’s domestic funds:
- Not
more than 30% thereof is used as goal-based supplementary funding for
localities and is allocated and distributed by sectors, industries, but does
not include funds for projects of National target programs.
- Residual
amounts thereof shall be allocated and distributed as follows:
+ Such amounts are
distributed to ministries, central authorities according to sectors or
industries. Ministries, central authorities
shall be responsible for distributing such amounts to specific programs or
projects in accordance with laws, principles and priority order prescribed
+ Such amounts are
distributed to tasks, programs and projects, specifically including: National target programs, projects of national
significance, inter-regional connection and influence programs or projects
playing important roles in promoting fast and sustainable socio-economic
development, public health protection and care, the implementation of tasks of
general national planning, national sea spatial planning, national land use
planning, national industrial planning, regional planning, payment obligations
of the central budget, other policies using the central budget’s public
investment capital under laws.
c) Criteria and norms
of allocation and distribution of ODA and other preferential borrowed funds of
foreign sponsors:
They shall be
allocated and distributed according to schemes for raising and using ODA and
preferential borrowed funds of foreign sponsors for the 2021-2025 period, and
demands of ministries, central and local authorities for funds for projects
under construction, projects in transition and those projects obtaining
investment policy decisions based on specific sectors or industries stipulated
in Article 3 herein.
Article 6.
Principles, criteria for allocating and distributing the central budget’s
public investment capital to ministries, central authorities
1. In
addition to conforming to the regulations laid down in Article 5 herein,
specific principles and criteria mentioned hereunder shall be applied:
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- Paying
back advance amounts falling within the central budget’s duties, and not yet
repaid due to any shortfall in funds though obtaining permission for deferral
in such payback during the 2016-2020 period.
- Amounts
of the central budget’s midterm public investment capital for the 2016-2020
period which have not yet been allocated according to annual budgets of
projects endorsed by competent regulatory authorities’ allocation of midterm
and annual public investment plans.
b) The residual
capital shall be made available for new projects in the sectors or industries
prescribed in Article 3 herein and distributed in the order of priority
referred to in clause 8 of Article 4 in the Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14.
2. The
central budget’s public investment capital shall be allocated and distributed
to the ministries, central authorities prescribed in clause 4 of Article 4 in
the Law on Public Investment according to the sectors or industries stated in
Article 3 herein.
Article 7.
Principles, criteria and norms of allocation and distribution of the central
budget’s public investment capital used as goal-based supplementary capital or
funding for localities
1. Allocation
and distribution principles: Allocating and
distributing the central budget’s public investment capital as goal-based
supplementary capital or funding shall conform to the principles prescribed in
clause 1 of Article 8 in the Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14 and clause 1 of
Article 6 herein.
2. Criteria
and norms of allocation and distribution of the central budget’s public
investment capital used as goal-based supplementary capital or funding shall
conform to the regulations of clause 2 of Article 8 in the Resolution No.
3. Scoring
specific criteria one by one:
a) Population criteria: These criteria cover the average population and the
ethnic population indicators recorded in 2019. The calculation method is as
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Average population
Localities where the average population is
500,000 persons at maximum get
Localities where the average population
ranges from greater than 500,000 to 1,000,000 persons, or from 0 to 500,000
persons, get 10 points while, for each increase of 100,000 persons, getting
Localities where the average population
ranges from greater than 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 persons, or from 0 to
1,000,000 persons, get 20 points while, for each increase of 100,000 persons,
Localities where the average population is
greater then 2,000,000 persons, or ranging from 0 to 2,000,000 persons, get
30 points while, for each increase of 100,000 persons, getting
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The average
population of each locality used for scoring of this indicator is determined by
reference to the data and figures released by the General Statistics Office in
In particular, the
average population indicator of Hanoi capital and Ho Chi Minh city must get 10
(2) The score of the
ethnic population indicator
Ethnic population
Per every 100,000 ethnics, getting
The ethnic population
of each locality used for scoring of this indicator is determined by reference
to the data and figures released by the General Statistics Office in 2019.
b) Development level
criteria, comprising 04 indicators: Poverty rate, domestic collection rate
(exclusive of receipts or revenues earned from land use and lottery business
activities), rate of payments into the central budget and rate of the central
budget’s supplementary amounts to balances of local budgets Calculation method shall be as follows:
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Poverty rate
Per every 1% of poor households, getting
The poverty rate used for calculating
the score of such indicator is determined based on the data and figures
released by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in 2019.
(2) The score of the
domestic collection rate (exclusive of receipts or revenues earned from land
use and lottery business activities):
Amounts of domestic
Localities where the amount of domestic
collection ranges from 0 to 5,000 billion dong get
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Localities where the amount of domestic
collection ranges from 5,000 to 40,000 billion dong get
Localities where the amount of domestic
collection ranges from 40,000 to 80,000 billion dong get
Localities where the amount of domestic
collection ranges from 80,000 to 100,000 billion dong get
Localities where the amount of domestic
collection is over 100,000 billion dong get
Amounts of domestic collection
(excluding receipts or revenues earned from land use and lottery business
activities) used for scoring this indicator are determined by reference to the
2020 estimate of the state budget's receipts given by the Prime Minister.
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Rate of payments
into the central budget
Localities where the rate of payments into
the central budget ranges from over 0% to 5% get
Localities where the rate of payments into
the central budget ranges from over 5% to 20% get
Localities where the rate of payments into
the central budget ranges from over 20% to 50% get
Localities where the rate of payments into
the central budget is over 50% get
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The rate of payments into the central
budget used for scoring this indicator is determined by reference to the 2020
estimated central budget decided under the National Assembly's resolution.
(4) The score of the
indicator of the ratio of the supplementary amounts to balances of local
budgets to total expenditures of local budgets:
Rate of
supplementary amounts to balances of local budgets
Localities where the rate of supplementary
amounts to balances of local budgets ranges from over 0% to 10% get
Localities where the rate of the central
budget’s supplementary amounts to balances of local budgets ranges from
greater than 10% to 30%, or from 0% to 10%, get 10 points while, for each 2%
increase, getting
Localities where the rate of the central
budget’s supplementary amounts to balances of local budgets ranges from
greater than 30% to 50%, or from 0% to 30%, get 40 points while, for each 2%
increase, getting
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Localities where the rate of the central
budget’s supplementary amounts to balances of local budgets is greater than
50%, or from 0% to 50%, get 50 points while, for each 2% increase, getting
The ratio of the central budget’s
supplementary amounts to balances of local budgets to total expenditures of
local budgets used for scoring this indicator is determined by reference to the
2020 estimated central budget decided under the National Assembly's resolution.
c) Land area
criteria: Including the natural land area
indicator and forest cover rate indicators of localities. Calculation method
shall be as follows:
(1) The score of the
natural land area indicator:
Area of natural
Localities where the area of natural
land is 2,000 at maximum get
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Localities where the area of natural land
ranges from greater than 5,000 km2 to 10,000 km2, or
from 0 to 5,000 km2, get 20 points while, for each increase of
1,000 km2, getting
Localities where the area of natural land
is greater than 10,000 km2, or from 0 to 10,000 km2,
get 30 points while, for each increase of 1,000 km2, getting
The area of natural land of each
locality used for scoring this indicator is determined by reference to the data
and figures released by the General Statistics Office in 2019.
(2) The score of the
forest cover rate indicators of localities:
Forest cover rate
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Localities where the forest cover rate is
from 10% to 50%
Localities where the forest cover rate is
greater than 50%
The forest cover rate of each locality
used for scoring this indicator is determined by reference to the data and
figures released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2019.
d) District-level
administrative unit criteria, including 04 indicators:
District-level administrative units (including the number of urban
districts, rural districts, towns and provincial cities); mountain districts;
high-land, island districts; land border districts.
(1) The score of the
district-level administrative unit indicator:
administrative units
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Per a district, getting
The number of
district-level administrative units used for scoring this indicator is
determined based on the data and figures released by the Ministry of Home
Affairs till August 31, 2020.
(2) The score of the
mountain district indicator:
Mountain districts
Per a district, getting
The number of mountain districts used
for scoring this indicator is determined based on the data and figures released
by the Committee for Ethnic Affairs till August 31, 2020.
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High-land or island
Per a district, getting
The number of high-land, island
districts used for scoring this indicator is determined based on the data and
figures released by the Committee for Ethnic Affairs till August 31, 2020.
(4) The score of the land border district
Land border
Per a district,
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The number of land border districts
used for scoring this indicator is determined based on the data and figures
released by the Ministry of Home Affairs till August 31, 2020.
e) Other additional criteria
Per each island commune, getting
Per each land border commune (between
Vietnam and China; Vietnam and Laos; Vietnam and Cambodia), getting
Per each commune in a revolutionary base
zone ATK (historically, safety war zone), getting
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Mekong Delta’s localities get
Localities of mountainous areas in the
North get
Localities of Central Highlands get
Localities of the North Central Coast and
Central Coast get
Red River Delta’s localities get
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Localities of the East of the South get
Localities of key economic regions
The number of island communes used for
scoring this indicator is determined by reference to the data and figures
provided by Ministry of Home Affairs by August 31, 2020.
The number of land
border communes (communes located at borders between Vietnam and China; between
Vietnam and Laos; between Vietnam and Cambodia) used for scoring this indicator
is determined by reference to the data and figures released by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs till August 31, 2020.
The number of
district-level administrative units used for scoring this indicator is
determined based on the data and figures released by the Ministry of Home
Affairs till August 31, 2020.
Where there is any
change in regional division, the Ministry of Planning and Investment must seek
the Prime Minister’s decisions to make adjustments to scores of region
4. Methods
for calculation of allocated capital amounts
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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- Score
of the population criteria:
+ Assuming total
score of the population criteria of the province i is Ai
+ Assuming the score
of the average population indicator of the province i is hi
+ Assuming the score
of the ethnic population indicator of the province i is ki
Total score of the
population criteria of the province i will be defined as:
Ai = hi + ki
- Score
of the development level criteria:
+ Assuming total
score of the development level criteria of the province i is Bi
+ Assuming the score
of the poverty rate indicator of the province i is ni
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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+ Assuming the score
of the indicator of the rate of payments into the central budget by the
province i is qi
+ Assuming the score
of the indicator of the ratio of the supplementary amounts to balances of local
budgets to total expenditures of local budgets by the province i is ri.
Total score of the
development level criteria of the province i will be defined as:
Bi = ni + pi + qi+ ri
- The
score of the land area criteria:
+ Assuming total
score of the land area criteria of the province i is Ci
+ Assuming the score
of the indicator of the area of natural land of the province i is mi
+ Assuming the score
of the forest cover rate indicator of localities in the province i is li
Total score of the
land area criteria of the province i will be defined as:
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- The
score of the district-level administrative unit criteria:
+ Assuming total
score of the district-level administrative unit criteria of the province i is Di
+ Assuming the score
of the district-level administrative unit indicator of the province i is si
+ Assuming the score
of the district-level administrative unit indicator of the province i is ti
+ Assuming the score
of high-land, island district indicator of the province i is ui
+ Assuming the score
of the land border district indicator of the province i is vi
The score of the
district-level administrative unit criteria of the province i will be defined
Di = si + ti + ui +vi
- The
score of the additional criteria:
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+ Assuming the score
of the island commune indicator is Ei
+ Assuming the score
of the land border commune indicator is Fi
+ Assuming the score
of the indicator of communes in revolutionary base zones ATK (historically,
safety war zones) is Gi
+ Assuming the score
of the region indicator is Hi
Total score of the
additional criteria of the province i will be defined as:
Li = Ei + Fi + Gi + Hi
- The
aggregate score of the province i:
+ Assuming the
aggregate score of all criteria of the province i is Xi:
Xi = Ai + Bi + Ci + Di
+ Li
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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b) Capital limit per
every point of allocation or distribution of investment capital shall be
calculated according to the formula:
Assuming K is total
of the central budget’s domestic public investment capital used as goal-based
supplementary funding for local budgets.
Z is the capital
limit per every point of allocation or distribution of investment capital, then
the formula for calculation of Z shall be as follows:
c) Total of the
central budget’s domestic public investment capital used as goal-based
supplementary funding for each locality’s local budget shall be defined
according to the formula:
Assuming Vi
is total of the central budget’s domestic public investment capital used as
goal-based supplementary funding for local budgets, then
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Article 8.
Principles, criteria and norms of allocation and distribution of the local
budget’s public investment capital
1. The
local budget’s public investment capital shall be allocated or distributed
according to sectors or industries in conformance to Article 3 and the
principles prescribed in Article 4 herein.
2. The
budgetary plan for public investment capital of local budgets (exclusive of
receipts or revenues earned from land use, lottery business activities and
local budget deficits) for the 2021-2025 period will be formulated based on the
average growth rate ranging from 5% to 6% and, especially, that for the year
2021 will be subject to regulations of clause 2 of Article 9 in the Resolution
No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14.
This intention may be
applied to develop the plan for use of the local budget's public investment
capital for the 2021-2025 period; the actual amount of each local budget’s
public investment capital in specific years of the 2021-2025 period shall be
decided by the National Assembly according to the state budget's payment
Article 9.
Transitional provisions
Regulations of
Article 3 in the Resolution No. 973/2020/UBTVQH14 dated July 8, 2020 of the
National Assembly’s Standing Committee must be observed.
Article 10.
1. Based
on the principles, criteria and norms of allocation and distribution of the
state budget’s public investment capital for the 2021-2025 period which are
prescribed herein, Ministers, Heads of central authorities and People's
Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities must draw up their
midterm and annual plans for use of the state budget’s public investment
capital for the 2021-2025 period.
2. Based
on the principles, criteria and norms of allocation and distribution of the
state budget’s public investment capital for the 2021-2025 period which are
prescribed herein, financial capabilities and actual conditions of specific
localities, People's Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities
must seek consent of provincial People's Committees to ratifying and adopting
the principles, criteria and norms of allocation and distribution of local
budgets’ public investment capital for the 2021-2025 period.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Article 11. Entry
into force
This Decision shall
enter into force as of the signature date.
Article 12. Implementation
Minister of Planning
and Investment, other Ministers, Heads of Ministry-level agencies, Heads of Governmental
bodies and other central authorities, Presidents of People’s Committees of
centrally-affiliated cities and provinces, and Heads of entities or units using
the state budget’s public investment capital for the 2021-2025 period, shall be
responsible for implementing this Decision./.
Nguyen Xuan Phuc