Independence– Freedom – Happiness
February 13, 2012
Pursuant to the December 25,
2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the November 26,
2003 Law on Fisheries;
Pursuant to the November 13, 2008
Law on Biodiversity;
At the proposal of the
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. General objectives
To conserve, protect and
regenerate aquatic resources with a view to restoring aquatic resources and
species of economic and scientific research value, especially coastal aquatic
resources; to effectively manage fishing activities with a view to developing a
sustainable fishing industry and concurrently preserving biodiversity of
Vietnamese marine bio-resources.
2. Specific objectives
a/ By 2015, to complete a
database on aquatic resources; to make forecast of resources, fishing grounds
and fishing seasons a routine duty of management and scientific research
agencies. In the immediate future, to give priority to forecasting resources,
fishing grounds and fishing seasons of some key resources in offshore areas;
b/ By 2015, to establish and put
into operation 10 marine conservation zones and 19 inland water area
conservation zones. By 2020, to complete and put into operation all
conservation zones under the master plan on the system of marine conservation
zones and inland water area conservation zones in Vietnam;
c/ By 2015, to complete the
planning of zones where fishing is banned and zones where fishing is banned for
given periods, and publicize a list of banned fishing trades and aquatic
resources banned from fishing;
d/ By 2020, to basically restore
coastal marine resources, especially those used as raw material for processing
products associated with famous traditional craft villages in Vietnam;
e/ To continue to disseminate
public information on and training in the protection of aquatic resources for
fishermen, especially fishermen fishing coastal aquatic resources and young
people, students and pupils nationwide.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Resource investigation
a/ To investigate aquatic
resources in offshore areas, giving priority to key aquatic resources which
have economic value and high output;
b/ To investigate and assess
coastal resources and sustainable fishing capacity, giving priority to
investigations in areas with concentrated breeding grounds of aquatic species;
c/ To investigate and assess
inland aquatic resources, giving priority to investigations in large river
basins and lakes with endemic aquatic species and high biodiversity;
d/ To build a database of
aquatic resources (both marine and inland aquatic resources) to serve
management and forecast work.
2. Prevention of resource
a/ To intensify examination and
control of and seriously and timely handle illegal fishing activities,
especially destructive fishing activities (using electricity and dynamite) or
fishing with banned fishing gear;
b/ Based on resource
investigations, to adjust and restructure fishing trades to suit allowable
fishing capacity in the direction of not developing and gradually reducing
non-selective fishing trades and fishing of young resources in coastal sea
areas. In coastal localities, to promote the role of fishermen in reorganizing
production toward developing forms of collective economy and raising the
community's responsibility in the management and protection of resources and
the habitats of coastal aquatic species and building of a new countryside.
3. Conservation of aquatic
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b/ To establish 3 marine animal
rescue stations in the northern, central and southern regions;
c/ To further study, review and
supplement the list of marine conservation zones and inland water area conservation
4. Restoration and regeneration
of aquatic resources and ecosystems
a/ To annually release
indigenous, rare and precious aquatic species and species of economic and
scientific research value into natural water bodies with favorable conditions
with a view to restoring resources, increasing population densities of
overexploited aquatic species, restoring eco-balance and stabilizing aquatic
biomes in water bodies;
b/ To rehabilitate some typical
ecosystems such as coral, seaweed and submerged forests in sea areas with
favorable conditions which are important to the protection of aquatic
resources; to place artificial reef and create habitats and breeding and
growing grounds for aquatic species in areas with favorable conditions;
c/ To restore and protect the
living environments of aquatic species, especially breeding grounds, areas
where young aquatic species are concentrated, and the habitats of aquatic
5. Priority projects (see the
1. Mechanisms and policies
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b/ To study and elaborate
mechanisms and policies to encourage community involvement in aquatic resource
protection, support livelihood change for fishermen, especially those who live
mainly on fishing coastal resources;
c/ To further improve the
collection and use mechanisms for the aquatic resource regeneration fund to
operate effectively.
2. Public information, awareness
raising and human resource training
a/ To further step up public
information and education about the purpose of aquatic resource protection,
responsibilities and interests of the community, especially fishermen as well
as young people, students and pupils in coastal localities; to involve social and
professional organizations in different public information activities for
gradually raising awareness of fishermen in aquatic resource protection;
b/ To use different forms of
public information appropriate to the practices, conditions and target groups
in localities such as production of television series and video clips,
broadcasts in local stations and articles in local newspapers; and contests
with the participation of large numbers of local fishermen;
c/ To study, compile and include
aquatic resource protection contents in extra-curricular activities of schools
at all levels, first of all secondary schools and universities;
d/ To focus on training a
contingent of officers with high professional qualifications for improving the
system of inspection, examination and supervision of aquatic resource
protection activities.
3. Science, technology and
fishery extension
a/ To further study and select
parental breeds and improve the process of artificially producing breeds of
some aquatic species of economic value and indigenous and endemic aquatic
species with a view to increasing aquatic breeds for regeneration and
development of aquatic resources, restoring population densities of some
species which are overexploited and endangered;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
c/ To carry out scientific
research projects on endangered rare and precious aquatic species with a view
to adding information on their biological and ecological characteristics and
population changes, and proposing appropriate forms of protection;
d/ To rapidly and widely apply
research results on breed production, selective fishing trades and raise the
effectiveness of the fishing industry; models of production organization
associated with community-based management for protecting resources and
creating sustainable livelihoods for the community through different forms of
fishery extension.
4. International cooperation
a/ To enhance international
cooperation with countries in the Mekong River basin on investigation and
research of aquatic resources (both at sea and in the inland), management of
migratory fish species, management of transnational marine conservation zones
and inland water area conservation zones, prevention of illegal fishing, etc.;
b/ To proactively and actively
join such international organizations as the ASEAN, SEAFDEC, FAO, NOAA in
exchanging information, learning experience and calling for technical
assistance and funds;
c/ To organize study visits to
regional countries and other countries for sharing information and experience
on the management of conservation zones and investigation and research of
5. Financial mechanisms
a/ The central budget will
allocate funds for investigation and research of aquatic resources; building a
system of observation and supervision of changes in aquatic resources;
developing a database of aquatic resources; building centrally managed marine
conservation zones and inland water area conservation zones; assisting
difficulty-hit localities in building essential works of marine conservation
zones and inland water area conservation zones, and for activities of projects
and tasks under the Program implemented by central agencies;
b/ Local budgets, with central
budget supports, will allocate funds for activities of projects and tasks under
the Program implemented by localities; and construction and management of
conservation zones as decentralized;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. The Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Development shall:
a/ Establish the Program Steering
Committee as the focal point to assist the Minister of Agriculture and Rural
Development in directing the Ministry's functional units to draw up specific
activity plans and coordinate with related agencies and localities in
effectively implementing the Program;
b/ Guide localities in devising
specific plans for implementing the Program; build models of protecting and
developing aquatic resources with joint efforts of the State and people;
establish and manage conservation zones;
c/ Hold annual review meetings
to draw experience and widely apply good models; strengthen and enhance
operation capacity of research agencies and units functioned and tasked to
protect and develop aquatic resources.
2. Provincial-level People's
Committees shall direct local administrations at all levels and functional
agencies in formulating local specific activity plans; formulate and implement
specific projects; coordinate with ministries, central sectors and donors in
attracting capital and technical assistance for effectively implementing the
Program's activities.
3. The Ministry of Planning and
Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall assume the prime responsibility
for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in,
summarizing capital needs and allocating development investment capital from
the central budget's annual estimates for projects and tasks for implementing
the Program; elaborate a joint circular guiding financial mechanisms for
implementing the Program; and study and consider adding the Program to the list
of programs receiving target supports.
4. Related ministries and
sectors shall, within the ambit of their tasks and functions, take the
initiative in formulating specific activity plans and coordinate with the
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in organizing the implementation
of the Program's activities and tasks as assigned.
Article 2. This Decision
takes effect on the date of its signing.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Hoang Trung Hai
(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 188/QD-TTg of February 13, 2012)
of calculation: VND billion
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Building a national information
system and database of aquatic resources
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development
Development Investment capital
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Building on a pilot basis 2
marine conservation zones of Bach Long Vy and Nam Yet areas
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development and People's Committees of Hai Phong City and Khanh Hoa
Development Investment capital
of calculation: VND billion
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Investigation of marine
resources in Vietnamese seas
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development
Environmental non-business
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Investigation of coastal
marine resources
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development
Environmental non-business
Investigation of aquatic
resources in inland areas
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Public information and
education to raise public awareness of the protection of aquatic resources
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development and People's Committees of provinces
Environment 1 non-business
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development and People's Committees of provinces
Economic non-business capital