November 11, 2011
Pursuant to the Education Law
dated June 14, 2005; the Law amending and supplementing some Articles of the
Education Law dated November 25, 2009;
Pursuant to the Decree
No.178/2007/ND-CP dated December 03, 2007 of the Government regulating
functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the ministries,
ministerial-level agencies;
Pursuant to the Decree
No.32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19, 2008 of the Government regulating functions,
duties, powers and organizational structure of Ministry of Education and
Pursuant to the Decree
No.75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006 of the Government detailing and guiding
the implementation of some Articles of the Education Law; the Decree
No.31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011 by the Government on amending and
supplementing some Articles of Decree No.75/2006/ND-CP;
Pursuant to the Decree
No.115/2010/ND-CP dated December 24, 2010 of the Government defining
responsibilities for state management on education;
Pursuant to the Decision
No.43/2008/QD-BGDDT dated July 29, 2008 of the Minister of Education and
Training issuing Regulations of vocational schools;
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Minister of Education and
Training specifies the conditions and dossiers, process to open the training
majors and suspension of enrollment and revocation of decision on opening the
training majors of professional intermediate level, as follows:
Article 1.
Scope of governing and application subjects
1. This document prescribes the
conditions and dossiers, process to open the training majors and suspension of
enrollment and revocation of decision to open the training majors of
professional intermediate level (hereinafter referred to as professional
intermediate level).
2. This document applies to the
vocational schools, institutions of education and training of professional
intermediate level (hereinafter referred to as training institutions) and
concerned organizations or individuals.
Article 2.
Competence to decide on opening the training majors of professional
intermediate level
1. The ministers, heads of
ministerial-level agencies decide on opening the training majors of
professional intermediate level for the training institutions under ministries,
ministerial-level agencies, the training institutions under the enterprises to
be conducted some rights and performed some obligations of owners for such
enterprises by ministries, ministerial-level agencies as prescribed by law.
2. Directors of Departments of
Education and Training decide on opening the training majors of professional intermediate
level for the training institutions under the respective provinces.
3. Minister of Education and
Training decide on opening the training majors of professional intermediate
level for the training institutions under the political - social organizations,
political schools, military schools of provinces and other educational
establishments having training of professional intermediate level.
Article 3.
Conditions for opening training majors of professional intermediate level
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1. Having full legal status and
satisfying the existing regulations on training of professional intermediate
2. The training major registered
for opening must be consistent with requirements on function, tasks, planning,
and development strategy of the school, planning for development of local
manpower and of its branch. Ensuring that there is no overlap the training
majors between the schools in the same area.
3. The training major registered
for opening must be in the list of training majors issued by the Ministry of
Education and Training.
In case the training major
registered for opening has not been named in the list of training majors, the training
institutions must present the scientific arguments of this training major,
needs for training local labor and of its branch, training experience of some
countries in the world (if any) and must be approved in writing by the Ministry
of Education and Training for this training major before sending documents to
the competent agency deciding on opening it.
4. Having teachers team to
implement training program, specifically:
a) Teachers participating in
teaching must ensure adequate standards as prescribed by law on education and
the regulations of vocational school; have qualifications and actual experience
in accordance with the requirements of credit that they will teach in the
training program;
b) Having the team of tenured
lecturers undertaking to teach at least 70% of the volume of training programs
corresponding to each block of knowledge and skill of the major registered for
opening, in which there are at least three teachers with university grade or
more appropriate to the major registered for opening.
5. Having material facilities
and equipment guaranteed to meet requirements of the major registered for
opening, namely:
a) Having adequate classrooms
meeting training scale as specified. The classrooms must be ensured lighting,
ventilation, hygiene safety, fire, and basic equipment for teaching and
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For the practice establishments
outside the schools, the training institutions must be approved in writing by
the practice establishments outside the schools;
c) Library must have room for
looking up information and other equipment to serve the borrowing, reference of
documents; have enough textbooks, learning-teaching materials, and reference
books for students and teachers at request of the major registered for opening;
d) The college's website must be
updated regularly, announced commitment of education quality, education quality
in reality, the conditions to ensure the quality and financial revenues and
6. Having training program and
detailed program of credits in the training program to meet the following
a) The program must ensure that the
current provisions on professional intermediate level training, in which the
plan to implement training program must be shown allocation of time for the
activities, the credits and learning duration consistent with trainees,
ensuring learning load spread out throughout the course. Training programs are
set up in accordance with provisions in Form 1 of Appendix II attached to this
b) Detailed program of each
credit is set up as prescribed in Form 2 of Appendix II, in which:
- Name of the credit, credit
duration, the time to implement the credit program should be consistent with
the training program;
- The objective of the credit
must be determined according to the output standard of the credit (requirement
on knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that students must meet after the
end of credit) and consistent with the objective of training program;
- Detailed program of credit
must specify prerequisites (if any) to require students to meet before studying
the credit;
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- Assessment of learning
outcomes must be consistent with current regulations on training professional
intermediate level and objectives, the nature of the credit;
- The detailed contents of the
credit contain the knowledge, specific skill of the credit which are specified
in sections, chapters or lessons and the main contents for each chapter, the
lesson. These contents must meet the credit’s objective, consistent with the
duration of credit and learning-teaching load of teachers and students. The
contents of general credits must be consistent with the content that the
Ministry of Education and Training was provided for;
- For the practices in the
laboratory or in the establishments outside school, it must be clearly stated
objective, content of practice, plan, time, conditions for ensuring quality of
practices and other requirements for students during the practice.
- Teaching equipment must be
stated clearly the name, quantity of equipment, facilities, main materials for
the teaching and learning (theory and practice);
- Requirements for school
teachers must be clearly stated the requirements for professional
qualifications, teaching qualifications, teaching experience, actual
professional experience;
- Reference source used for
credit must be clearly stated the document name, author, year of publication,
publisher. If the reference source is taken from internet, it must be clearly
stated address to access the Website. References must be updated materials
associated with the content of the credit (may be in Vietnamese or foreign
c) Council building the programs
includes the lecturers, teachers with experience in the related contents in the
program and professional intermediate level teaching experience; the
educational managers; experts on building the program, representatives of the
units using employees of the training major. Total number of teachers and
lecturers of the training institutions to join the Council does not exceed two
thirds of the total members of the Council;
d) Training program and detailed
program of credits must be passed by the appraisal Council of training program
of the training institutions (for the training institutions that are allowed to
self-evaluate training programs) or of a training institution appointed by the
authorities that are competent to decide on opening the majors (for the
training institutions that are not allowed to self- evaluate training programs)
or have the written approval of the Ministry of Education and Training ( for
special cases prescribed at Point a, Clause 3, Article 4).
7. Having the management
apparatus and organizational regulations and activities of the school to ensure
implementation of training majors.
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9. For some training majors of
the group of special majors (Health; Sport And Fitness; Art; Teacher Training),
in addition to the conditions of opening the majors as specified in this
document, the training institutions must also meet the conditions prescribed by
the Ministry, governing branch of this area.
Article 4.
Appraisal of training programs
1. The training institutions are
allowed to evaluate the training program if they meet the following conditions:
a) Having been established and
organized to train for more than 3 years;
b) Having at least 5 tenured
teachers with university degrees or higher in accordance with the major
registered for opening, in which there is at least one teacher with master
degree or higher;
c) The training major registered
for opening must be in the list of training majors issued by the Ministry of
Education and Training;
d) Having no violation in the
process of self-evaluation of previous training programs or evaluation of
training programs for other training institutions.
2. The training institutions
that are decided on opening training majors by the competent authorities shall
appoint the evaluation of training programs of professional intermediate level
for other training institutions if they meet the following conditions:
a) Having at least 5 tenured
teachers with university degrees or higher in accordance with the major
registered for opening, in which there is at least one teacher with master
degree or higher;
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c) Having no violation in the process
of self-evaluation of training programs or evaluation of training programs for
other training institutions;
d) Having no violation of
current regulations on enrollment, organization, and management of training and
other relevant provisions of law for a period of three consecutive years to the
date of being appointed the evaluation of training program of the professional
intermediate level for the training institutions with the major registered for
3. Process for evaluation of
training programs
a) Before filing dossiers to
register for opening a training major, the training institutions send an
official dispatch to the agencies that are competent to decide on opening the
major to propose for self-assessment of training program (Appendix VII) or
request the competent agencies to appoint an reputed training institution for
appraising the training program. Within a period of not more than 5 working
days after receiving the written request of the training institutions on
permitting them to self-evaluate training program or appointing an reputed
training institution to evaluate, the agencies that are competent to decide on
opening the major must send written reply.
Where the majors need to be
appraised are not in the list of branches issued by the Ministry of Education
and Training or within the jurisdiction of the ministries, branches and
localities, there is no any training institution that is eligible in accordance
with provisions for evaluation of the training programs of the major registered
for opening and other special cases, the competent agency deciding on opening
the major sends a written request to the Ministry of Education and Training for
single settlement.
b) After receiving the opinions
of the competent authorities for permission to self-evaluate training program
or appointing a reputed training institution to evaluate training programs, the
training institutions conduct to perform the following tasks:
- If the training institutions
are allowed to self-organize the evaluation of training programs, heads of the
training institutions make the decisions to establish the Appraisal Council and
organize the appraisal Council meetings to appraise the training programs of
their institutions.
- If the training institutions
are not allowed to self-organize the evaluation of training programs, after
receiving the opinions of the competent authorities decided on opening the
major, the training institutions send the training programs to the training
institutions appointed by the competent agency for the appraisal. Heads of
training institutions that were appointed to appraise shall make decisions on
establishment of appraisal council and organize the appraisal Council meetings
on the training programs for a period of not more than 20 working days from the
date the competent agencies decided on opening the majors send official
dispatches to appoint the training institutions to conduct the function of
evaluation and have received training programs of the training institutions
requesting for evaluation.
- Composition of the appraisal
council, content, and method to conduct the meetings of the appraisal Council
shall comply with regulations on evaluation of current vocational education
programs. After evaluation of training programs has been completed, heads of
the training institutions doing appraisal confirm in the minutes of the
appraisal Council (Appendix VI) and in the training programs.
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4. Funding to evaluate training
programs shall be paid by training institutions registered for opening the
training majors in accordance with current regulations.
Article 5.
Dossier of registration for opening training major of professional intermediate
Dossier of registration for
opening training major shall be made by the training institution, to be
bound and sealed, including:
1. Statement of registration for
opening training major (Appendix I).
2. Scheme of registration for
opening training major, including the following contents:
a) Training and detailed
programs of credits;
b) Capacity of training
- List of teachers (Form 1,
Appendix III);
- List of material facilities
(Form 2, Appendix III);
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- Decision to establish a
council of building training program;
- Decision to establish an
appraisal council attached to evaluation minute of training program of the
appraisal council by the training institution established by the training
institution (for training institutions allowed to evaluate training programs)
or of the training institutions appointed by the competent authorities decided
to open the majors (for the training institutions that are not allowed to
self-evaluate training programs), or other documents on the evaluation of
training programs (for single case).
- Curriculum Vitae of teachers
of the major registered for opening (Appendix IV);
- Valid copies of professional
qualifications together with the signatures of the qualifications’ owners,
teaching certificates of teachers (except teachers who have graduated from
education university);
- Evidence for the conditions
specified at Point b, Clause 5, Article 3 of this document;
- The minute confirming the
conditions on the team of teachers, material facilities, equipment for training
together with a written opinion of the Department of Education and Training,
where the school is based on needs of human resource in the area (except for
training institutions directly under the province).
Article 6.
The process for opening the training major of professional intermediate level
1. For the training institutions
directly under the provinces
a) Training institution makes 05
sets of dossiers as prescribed in Article 5 of this document and sends to the
Department of Education and Training:
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- If dossier of registration is
inadequate or does not satisfy the conditions for opening the major as
prescribed, the Department of Education and Training shall send written
notification on the status of the dossier and recommends the training
institutions to continue to prepare the conditions.
- Time limit for inspection of
dossier is not more than 5 working days after receipt of dossier of
registration for opening the major of the training institution.
b) Actual inspection at the
training institutions
- Members of an inspection team
compose of representative of the leaders of Department of Education and
Training (Team Leader), 01 representative of the unit directly managing
professional intermediate level of the Department (Secretary), 01
representative of the Office of Testing and quality assessment, 01 representative
of the relevant local department, branch, and 01 expert having knowledge and
experience in training.
- Inspection contents include:
The necessity of major opening; compare the contents of the declaration in
dossier with the current regulations and actual conditions such as the plan to
assign teachers for teaching during the course, the payroll of school,
insurance books of teachers, material facilities, equipment in reality, the
data of the training institutions which were publicized on the website and
other materials of evidence.
- Inspection minute (Form 1,
Appendix V) must be recorded fully, honestly opinions of the members to be
present during the inspection of actual conditions, the ability to meet the
conditions for permission of training, opinions of leaders of the training
institutions and jointly sign into the minute. Conclusion of the minute have to
ensure sufficient basis to propose the competent agencies for decision: To
unify the approval for opening the major; not allowing opening the major and
need to supplement the missing terms; not unifying to open the major.
- Within 20 working days from
date of receipt of valid dossiers, the agencies deciding on opening the major
must complete the inspection at the school.
c) The decision to allow opening
the training majors
If the training institutions may
ensure the conditions of opening the major in accordance with provisions, the
Director of Education and Training shall sign the decision on approval of
opening the training programs within 10 working days from the date of
inspection results in reality.
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- If the training institutions
have ensured conditions and met the requirements as specified, within 10
working days from the date of receipt of the report of the training
institutions, the competent authorities shall decide whether to allow opening
the training majors;
- If after 30 days from the date
of actual inspection results, the training institutions have not met the
conditions for opening the majors as prescribed, it shall be after 3 months
from the date of the test results, the training institutions are allowed to
reapply a new registration dossier for opening the majors and must carry out
according to the processes in accordance with provisions in Clause 1 of this
d) The decision to allow opening
the major together with completed dossier of registration for opening the major
and inspection minute of conditions must be sent to the Ministry of Education
and Training by the agency deciding on opening the major for monitoring and
management within 5 working days from the date of signing.
2. For the training institutions
directly under ministries, branches and other training institutions
a) Before filing dossier to the
agency deciding on opening the major, the training institution makes dossier as
prescribed in Article 5 and sends 02 sets to the Department of Education and
Training where its head office is located together with written request for
inspection and verification of conditions of teachers, material facilities, and
equipment for training.
b) Inspection and verification
of conditions for opening the major
- The Department of Education and
Training where the head office is located shall preside over and coordinate
with the concerned units to organize the inspection. The composition of the
inspection team includes leader’s representative of the Department of Education
and Training (Team Leader), 01 representative of the unit directly managing
professional intermediate level of the Department (Secretary), 01
representative of the Office of Testing and quality assessment, 01
representative of the relevant local department, branch, and 01 expert having
knowledge and experience in training major.
- The inspection team carries
out the inspection and cross-check of the content declared in dossier compared
with practical conditions such as payroll of the school, insurance books of
teachers, material facilities, actual equipment and other material evidence and
establish inspection minute (Form 2, Appendix V).
- The deadline for completing
the inspection shall not exceed 20 working days from the date of receiving
valid dossier.
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c) The training institutions
send 02 sets of dossiers of registration for opening the majors together with
the minutes of the practical inspection and comments in writing on human
resource needs in the area of the Department of Education and Training to the
competent authorities deciding on opening the majors:
- If the dossiers of
registration for opening the majors of the training institutions ensure
conditions and meet requirements as specified, within 10 working days from the
date of receiving valid dossiers, the competent authority shall issue decision
on allowing opening the training majors of professional intermediate level.
- If the dossiers of
registration for opening the majors of the training institutions ensure
conditions as specified, but there are still some contents required for
completion, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of dossiers, the
agencies deciding on opening the training majors send written notice to the
training institutions on the contents required for completion. Within 10
working days from the date of receipt of completed dossiers of the training
institutions, if the training institutions meet the conditions as prescribed,
the competent agencies shall issue the decision to open the training majors of
professional intermediate level.
- If the dossiers of
registration for opening the majors of the training institutions have not
ensured conditions as specified, within 5 working days from the date of receipt
of dossiers, the agencies deciding on opening the training majors send written
notice on status of dossiers and suggest the training institutions continuing
to prepare conditions. In this case, it must be after 3 months from the date
the agencies deciding on opening the major send written notice, the training
institutions are allowed to re-submit their application for opening the majors
and must carry out the processes in accordance with provisions in Clause 2 of
this Article.
d) The decision to allow opening
the major together with completed dossier of registration for opening the major
and inspection minute of conditions must be sent to the Ministry of Education
and Training by the agency deciding on opening the major for monitoring and
management within 5 working days from the date of signing (unless the training
institutions decided on opening the training major by the Ministry of Education
and Training).
Article 7.
Suspension of enrollment of training major of professional intermediate level
1. Training institutions shall
be suspended enrollment of training major in the following cases:
a) Failing to meet one of the
conditions to allow opening training major of professional intermediate level
specified in Article 3 of this document;
b) Organizing training outside
the places permitted training;
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d) Person who allows opening the
major is not in compliance with his/her competence;
đ) Violating the provisions of
education law sanctioned for administrative violations in the level of
e) Other cases prescribed by
2. The agencies that are
competent to decide on opening the training majors shall be competent to decide
on suspension.
3. The decision to suspend
enrollment of training majors must be clearly identified the reasons for
suspension of enrollment, clearly define the suspension period, measures to
ensure the interests of students and teachers. The decision to suspend
enrollment of training majors should be publicized in the mass media.
4. Order and procedures for
suspending enrollment or allowing re-enrollment:
a) When detecting the training
institutions to violate one of the cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article,
the agency deciding on opening the major shall organize the inspection to
assess the seriousness of the violation;
b) Based on the seriousness of
the violation of training institutions, the agency deciding on opening the
major shall issue decision on suspension of enrollment of training majors;
c) After the period of
suspension of enrollment, if the causes leading to the suspension of enrollment
are overcome and the training institutions send dossiers requesting for
re-enrollment, the competent agency deciding on suspending the enrollment shall
issue decision on allowing the training institutions to be re-enrolled.
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5. The decisions to suspend
enrollment of training major, allow enrollment must be sent to the Ministry of
Education and Training for monitoring within a period of not more than 5
working days from the signing date (unless the training institutions decided on
opening the training major by the Ministry of Education and Training).
Article 8.
Revocation of decision on opening training majors of professional intermediate
1. Training institutions are
revoked the decisions on opening training majors in the following cases:
a) Having any offense, evidence
of fraud in the declaration of conditions of ensuring quality of material
facilities, team of teachers, managers or copying the entire curriculum of
another training institution;
b) Seriously violating the
regulations on management, organization, training at the training institutions;
c) Expiry of enrollment
suspension of training majors but the cause of enrollment suspension may not be
d) Violating the provisions of
education law sanctioned for administrative violations at the level of
đ) Other cases prescribed by
2. The competent agency deciding
on opening training majors shall be competent to revoke this decision.
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4. Order and procedures for
revocation of the decision on open training major
a) When the training
institutions violate one of the cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article,
the agency deciding on opening training major shall organize to evaluate the
seriousness of the violation;
b) Based on the seriousness of
the violation, the agency deciding on opening training major shall make
decision on revocation of decision on opening training major.
5. Where the training
institutions violated the regulations on opening training majors that remain
the enrollment for training, the Ministry of Education and Training will
request in writing the agency deciding on opening training major to suspend
enrollment or revoke the decision on opening training major depending on the
seriousness of the violation. And, within 02 years from the date the Ministry
of Education and Training sends official dispatch to the agency deciding on
opening training major on the violation, the agency deciding on opening
training major is only allowed making decision on opening new training majors
after having written agreement of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Article 9.
Responsibilities of the Ministry of Education and Training
Department of Professional
Education shall preside over; coordinate with the Department of Planning -
Finance and concerned units to assist the Minister in:
1. Directing, guiding,
inspecting, and monitoring the implementation of regulations on opening
training major, enrollment suspension, and revocation of decisions on opening
training majors of professional intermediate level.
2. Organizing to review dossiers
and the conditions of registration for opening training majors of professional intermediate
level for the training institutions decided on opening the major by the
Ministry of Education and Training.
3. Every year, synthesizing to
report to the Minister on the status of opening training major at the school
under the ministries, branches, localities and other training institutions.
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1. To preside over and
coordinate with other concerned units to review dossiers and the conditions of
opening training major of professional intermediate level for training
institutions decided on opening the major in accordance with the provisions of
this document by ministries, ministerial-level agencies.
2. To monitor the training
implementation process of the training institutions for the majors registered
for opening.
3. To report the Ministry of
Education and Training as the training institutions have the changes on
subjects of enrollment, training time, and place of enrollment and other
4. To send the decisions on
permission of opening training majors of professional intermediate level,
enrollment suspension of training majors, revocation of decision on opening
training majors to the Departments of Education and Training in the localities
where the schools are located their head offices for monitoring.
5. To publicize the decisions on
permission of opening training majors of professional intermediate level,
enrollment suspension of training majors, revocation of decision on opening
training majors on the Website of the unit.
6. To review and inspect the
conditions of ensuring training quality for the training majors of the
subordinate training institutions that were permitted training enrollment
before this Circular takes effect. To issue the decision to suspend enrollment
for the training majors that it is no longer satisfaction of the conditions of
ensuring the prescribed quality.
Article 11.
Responsibilities of the Departments of Education and Training
1. To preside over and
coordinate with other concerned units to review dossiers and the conditions of
registration for opening training major of professional intermediate level for
training institutions decided in accordance with the provisions of this document
by the Departments.
2. To monitor the training
implementation process of the training institutions for the majors registered
for opening.
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4. To publicize the decisions on
permission of opening training majors of professional intermediate level,
enrollment suspension of training majors, revocation of decision on opening training
majors, inspection team list attached to the minutes of inspection of the
conditions of opening the majors (of all the training institutions in the area)
on the Website of the unit.
5. To inspect and confirm the
actual conditions of teachers, material facilities, equipment for training for
the training institutions that are not under the jurisdiction of decision on
opening the majors of the Department of Education and Training when the
training institutions propose.
6. Directors of Departments of Education
and Training are responsible for the observance of regulations, the
truthfulness, and accuracy of actual inspection results of the training
7. To review and inspect the
conditions of ensuring training quality for the training majors of the
subordinate training institutions that were permitted training enrollment
before this Circular takes effect. To issue the decision to suspend enrollment
for the training majors that it is no longer satisfaction of the conditions of
ensuring the prescribed quality.
Article 12.
Responsibility and competence of the training institutions to be appointed the
appraisal of training programs
1. To evaluate the training
programs of training institutions under the provisions of this document and the
current regulations on the evaluation of educational programs of professional
intermediate level when being appointed by the competent agencies deciding on
opening the majors.
2. To be entitled to review the
dossiers and documents relating to the formation of training programs and to
request the training institutions to provide concerned documents and
3. To evaluate objectively and
truthfully; to be responsible for the results of evaluation of training
4. To submit to the examination,
inspection and supervision by the competent agencies deciding on opening the
majors and functional agencies which are competence on evaluation results of
training programs.
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Article 13.
Responsibilities of the training institutions
1. To comply with regulations on
conditions, dossiers, process of registration for opening training majors of
professional intermediate level.
2. To ensure the truthfulness
and accuracy of registration dossiers for opening training majors.
3. To be responsible for
supplying sufficient information, documents and evidence as the inspection team
or appraisal Council requests.
4. To publicize the list of
teachers, material facilities of the majors registered for opening on the
Website of the unit prior to the date filing dossier of registration for
opening the majors.
5. To strictly conduct training
program’s content and the conditions of ensuring the training quality as agreed
in the registration documents for opening the training majors after being
approved for opening the majors and must be adapted for the following courses
to ensure the current provisions on training of professional intermediate
6. During the training, if wishing
for adding more objects for enrollment (change of training time) or enrollment
and training at the new branch (new school branch), the training institutions
must adjust training programs, prepare the conditions to ensure the output of
training majors and report to competent agencies deciding on opening the major.
The training institutions are only allowed to enroll, train for these cases as
not violating the current provisions on training of professional intermediate
level at the time of registration for additional adjustments and were approved
in writing by competent agencies.
7. For the training majors that
the training institutions have not enrolled for 5 consecutive years, before
re-enrollment is conducted, the training institutions must report in writing to
the competent authorities deciding on opening the majors on the conditions of
ensuring quality for these training majors.
Article 14.
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The previous regulations
contrary to the provisions of this Circular are hereby annulled.
Article 15.
Organization of implementation
Chief Office of the Ministry,
Director of Professional Education, heads of concerned units under the Ministry
of Education and Training, heads of ministries and branches having professional
secondary schools and other units training professional intermediate level,
directors of departments of education and training, the principals of
professional secondary schools, heads of other units training professional
intermediate level shall implement this Circular./.
Bui Van Ga