Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, December
28, 2018
Pursuant to the Law on Accounting No.
88/2015/QH13 dated November 20, 2015;
Pursuant to the Law on Support for Small- and
Medium-sized Enterprises No. 04/2017/QH14 dated June 12, 2017;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree
No.174/2016/ND-CP dated December 30, 2016 elaborating certain articles of the
Law on Accounting;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No.
39/2018/ND-CP dated March 11, 2018 elaborating on certain articles of the Law
on Support for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No.
87/2017/ND-CP dated July 26, 2017, defining the functions, tasks, powers and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;
Upon the request of the Director of the
Department of Accounting and Audit Management and Supervision,
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Chapter I
Article 1. Scope
This Circular provides instructions for
bookkeeping, formulation and representation of financial reports of extra-small
enterprises. Determination of tax obligations of these enterprises to the State
Budget shall be subject to provisions of laws on taxes.
Article 2. Subjects of
1. Subjects of application to this Circular are
extra-small enterprises, including those paying corporate income taxes (CIT) by
using the method of calculation of CIT based on assessable income and the
method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio (%).
2. Criteria for determination of extra-small
enterprises adopting accounting regimes prescribed herein shall be subject to
legislation on taxes.
Article 3. Application of
accounting regimes
1. Extra-small enterprises paying their CIT
calculated according to the method of calculation of CIT based on assessable
income shall apply the accounting regime specified in Chapter II herein.
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3. Extra-small enterprises may opt to apply the
accounting regime to medium and small enterprises which is enshrined in the
Circular No. 133/2016/TT-BTC dated August 26, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance
provided that such regime is appropriate for business characteristics and
managerial requirements of these enterprises.
4. Extra-small enterprises shall have the burden of
applying the uniform accounting regime in a financial year. Change of the
applied accounting regime may only be made in the beginning of the following
financial year.
Article 4. Accounting documents
1. Contents of accounting documents, formulation
and signing of accounting documents of extra-small enterprises shall be subject
to provisions laid down in Article 16, Article 17, Article 18 and Article 19 of
the Law on Accounting and specific instructions given herein.
2. Contents and forms of invoices, procedures for
formulation, management and use of invoices (including electronic invoices)
shall be subject to laws on taxes.
3. Extra-small enterprises may design forms, charts
and templates of accounting documents appropriate of their own accord for their
business activities provided that they ensure clarity, transparency, and are
easily checked or controlled (except for sales invoices). In case
where extra-small enterprises do not autonomously design these forms, charts or
templates for their own use, they may use those and methods of design of
accounting documents according to the instructions given in the Appendix 1
Article 5. Accounting books
1. Contents of accounting books, financial
accounting systems, opening, recording of entries into, closure, storage and
custody of, and correction of data in, accounting books of extra-small
enterprises shall be subject to provisions of Article 24, Article 25, Article
26 and Article 27 of the Law on Accounting, and specific instructions given
2. Extra-small enterprises may, of their own
accord, design forms, charts and templates of accounting books appropriate for
their business activities provided that they ensure clarity, transparency, and
are easily checked or controlled. In cases where extra-small
enterprises do not autonomously design these forms, charts and templates for
their own use, they may use those and bookkeeping methods according to the
instructions given in an Appendix hereto.
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Extra-small enterprises shall apply regulations on
accounting currency units prescribed in Article 10 of the Law on Accounting and
Article 4 of the Government’s Decree No. 174/2016/ND-CP dated December 30, 2016
elaborating on certain articles of the Law on Accounting.
Article 7. Regulations on
archival, custody and safekeeping of accounting records
1. Accounting documents, accounting books and other
accounting records shall have to be deposited with enterprises for posting
entries on daily basis; determine tax obligations of extra-small enterprises to
the state budget, and inspection and control tasks of these enterprises’
owners, tax authorities and other relevant competent authorities.
2. Storage, custody and archival of accounting
records by extra-small enterprises shall be subject to the provisions of the
Law on Accounting and the Government’s Decree No. 174/2016/ND-CP dated December
30, 2016 elaborating on certain articles of the Law on Accounting.
3. Extra-small enterprises may store and archive
accounting documents, accounting books and other accounting records by
electronic means as per the Law on Accounting.
Article 8. Design of accounting
machinery and accountants
1. Extra-small enterprises shall be charged with
performing accounting duties without being bound to appoint the chief
accountant. Extra-small enterprises paying CIT in the CIT-to-sales ratio (%)
can, at their discretion, undertake accounting tasks under the provisions of
Chapter III herein.
2. Recruitment and appointment of a staff member as
an accountant for an extra-small enterprise shall be required not to violate
provisions laid down in Article 19 of the Government’s Decree No.
174/2016/ND-CP dated December 30, 2016 elaborating on certain articles of the
Law on Accounting.
3. Extra-small enterprises shall be entitled to
sign contracts with accounting service providers to hire accounting or chief
accountant services in accordance with legislation in effect. The list of
accounting service providers conforming to accounting service business
requirements shall be published and updated on a periodic basis on the Web
Portal of the Ministry of Finance.
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Article 9. Accounting documents
1. Extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on assessable income shall
use accounting documents listed hereunder:
Accounting documents prescribed herein
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Cash receipt
Form No.01-TT
Cash payment note
Form No.02-TT
Goods-received note
Form No.01-VT
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Form No.02-VT
Fixed asset handover and receipt report
Form No.01-TSCD
Wage, salary and other income payment worksheet
Form No.01-LDTL
Accounting documents prescribed by other laws
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VAT or sales invoice
Slip of payment of taxes to the State Budget
Bank’s Debit note
2. Forms, charts or templates of accounting
documents, contents and methods of formulation of accounting documents, referred
to in clause 1 of this Article, shall be subject to instructions given in the
Appendix 1 “Forms or templates and methods of formulation of accounting
documents” hereto attached.
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Article 10. Bookkeeping
Extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on assessable income shall
use the list of booking accounts, contents, accounting structure and
principles, methods of making entries to record certain major business
transactions according to the instructions given in the Appendix 2 "Chart
of accounts” hereto in order to record and reflect business transactions
classified by specific economic activities.
Article 11. Accounting books
1. Extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on assessable income may
use accounting books listed hereunder:
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General accounting books
Form No. S01-DNSN
Detailed accounting books
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Form No. S02-DNSN
Fixed asset book
Form No. S03-DNSN
Book of details of payments to buyers or sellers
Form No. S04-DNSN
Book of details of payments of liabilities
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Book of details of sales (applicable to
extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated according to the withholding
Form No. S06a-DNSN
Book of details of sales (applicable to
extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated according to the direct method)
Form No. S06b-DNSN
Book of business expenses
Form No. S07-DNSN
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Book of withholding VAT
Form No. S08-DNSN
Book of details of output VAT
Form No. S09-DNSN
Bank deposit book
Form No. S10-DNSN
2. Forms, charts or templates of accounting books,
contents and methods of posting of entries in accounting books, referred to in
clause 1 of this Article, shall be subject to instructions given in the
Appendix 3 “Bookkeeping forms or templates and methods” hereto attached.
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Article 12. Purposes of
financial reports
1. Financial reports are used for providing
information about financial and business situations of extra-small enterprises,
and for meeting managerial requirements of owners of these enterprises and
state regulatory authorities.
2. Financial reports shall provide data and
information about extra-small enterprises, including:
- Assets;
- Liabilities;
- Owner’s equity;
- Revenues and incomes;
- Expenses;
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Article 13. Financial
reporting system
1. On an annual basis, extra-small enterprises
paying CIT calculated according to the method of calculation of CIT based on
assessable income shall have to formulate financial reports and addenda thereto
listed hereunder:
Financial reports
Financial statement
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Income statement
Form No. B02 - DNSN
Addenda to financial reports
Balance sheet
Form No. F01-DNSN
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Form No. F02-DNSN
2. Forms and templates, contents and methods of formulation
of financial reports and addenda to financial reports, referred to in clause 1
of this Article, shall be subject to instructions given in the Appendix 5
“Forms and templates and methods of formulation of financial reports” hereto.
3. In addition to financial reports specified in
clause 1 of this Article, extra-small enterprises may have the option of using
financial reports stated in the Circular No. 133/2016/TT-BTC of the Ministry of
Finance dated August 26, 2016 in order to serve the tasks of managing their
business activities as well as determine tax obligations to the State Budget.
Article 14. Responsibilities
and duration of formulation and submission of financial reports
1. On an annual basis, extra-small enterprises
paying CIT calculated according to the method of calculation of CIT based on
assessable income shall have to formulate financial reports and addenda thereto
under the provisions of clause 1 of Article 13 herein.
2. Financial reports and addenda thereto used by
extra-small enterprises must be submitted to tax authorities having direct
authority over these enterprises and registration bodies not later than 90 days
from the end date of a financial year, and must be deposited with these
enterprises according to laws on accounting in order to serve inspection and
audit activities upon the request of competent regulatory authorities.
Chapter III
Article 15. Accounting
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Accounting documents prescribed herein
Cash receipt
Form No. 01-TT
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Cash payment note
Form No. 02-TT
Goods-received note
Form No. 01-VT
Goods dispatch note
Form No. 02-VT
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Form No. 01-LDTL
Accounting documents prescribed by other laws on
VAT or sales invoices
Slip of payment of taxes to the State Budget
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Bank’s Debit note
2. Forms, charts or templates of accounting documents,
contents and methods of formulation of accounting documents, referred to in
clause 1 of this Article, shall be subject to instructions given in the
Appendix 1 “Forms or templates and methods of formulation of accounting
documents” hereto attached.
In addition to accounting documents referred to in
clause 1 of this Article, extra-small enterprises may opt to use accounting
documents referred to in clause 1 of Article 9 herein or the Circular No.
133/2016/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance dated August 26, 2016 providing
instructions for accounting regimes of medium and small enterprises in order to
meet requirements concerning management of business activities of these
3. Sales invoices
- Sales invoice is an accounting documents recording
completed sales of goods or services. Sales invoices may be either VAT
invoices or sales receipts depending on legislative regulations on taxes
applied to specific methods of payment of VAT employed by extra-small
enterprises, including:
+ With respect to extra-small enterprises paying
VAT according to the withholding method, sales invoices issued to clients shall
be VAT invoices.
+ With respect to extra-small enterprises paying
VAT according to the income method, sales invoices issued to clients shall be
sales receipts.
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4. Documents evidencing payment of wages, salaries
and other incomes to employees shall serve as a basis for determining PIT
obligations of these enterprises’ employees to the State Budget.
5. Documents evidencing payment of taxes to the
State Budget shall serve as a basis for assessing fulfillment of tax obligations
of extra-small enterprises to the State Budget.
Article 16. Accounting methods
1. If extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio
(%) do not wish to open accounts, they shall not be bound to do so, but may
make entries by using the single-entry bookkeeping method in accounting books
(in a way of only recording business transactions into entries or accounts for
monitoring purposes and not needing to post corresponding and opposite entries
to different accounts) in order to keep track of revenues and incomes, taxes
payable to the State, salaries, wages or other amounts retained from salaries
or wages, etc. for the purposes of determining their tax obligations to the State
2. If extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio
(%) wish to use bookkeeping accounts like those paying CIT calculated according
to the method of calculation of CIT based on assessable income in order to meet
the demands of management of their business activities, they shall be entitled
to do so by applying regulations set forth in Chapter II hereof.
Article 17. Accounting books
1. Extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio
(%) shall be required to create accounting books to keep track of revenues and
other incomes, taxes payable to the State, salaries, wages and other amounts
retained from salaries and wages, etc., for the purposes of determining their
tax obligations to the State Budget according to the list hereunder:
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Book of details of sales
Form No. S1-DNSN
Book on monitoring of payment of salaries, wages
and contributions associated with salaries and wages of employees
Form No. S2-DNSN
Book of details of raw materials, instruments,
products and commodities
Form No. S3-DNSN
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Book on monitoring of discharge of tax
obligations to the State Budget
Form No. S4-DNSN
2. Forms, charts or templates of accounting books,
contents and methods of posting of entries in accounting books, referred to in
clause 1 of this Article, shall be subject to instructions given in the
Appendix 4 “Bookkeeping forms or templates and methods” hereto attached.
3. In addition to accounting books subject to
instructions given in clause 1 of this Article, extra-small enterprises paying
CIT calculated according to the method of calculation of CIT based on the
CIT-to-sales ratio (%) may opt to use detailed accounting books or other forms
of general accounting books referred to in the Circular No. 133/2016/TT-BTC of
the Ministry of Finance dated August 26, 2016, providing instructions for
accounting regimes of medium and small enterprises in order to meet
requirements concerning management of business transactions of these
enterprises and tax obligations to the State Budget.
Article 18. Financial reports
1. Extra-small enterprises paying CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio
(%) shall not be required to submit financial reports to tax authorities.
2. Extra-small enterprises CIT calculated according
to the method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio (%) shall
implement reports required under laws on taxes. Duration and submission of
preparation of reports shall be subject to laws on taxes.
3. In addition to legislative regulations on taxes,
based on information about sales, salaries, wages and other contributions
associated with salaries and wages, etc., extra-small enterprises may prepare
accounting reports for business management and administration purposes.
4. If extra-small enterprises CIT calculated
according to the method of calculation of CIT based on the CIT-to-sales ratio
(%) choose to apply the accounting regime specified in Chapter II herein to
meet their demands of management of their business activities, they shall have
to prepare financial reports in accordance with regulations in force. Financial
reports shall not need to be submitted to tax authorities, but shall be
archived and deposited in accordance with regulations in force, and shall be
used by these enterprises for inspection and audit purposes upon the request of
competent authorities.
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Article 19. Carryforward of
balances in accounting books
1. If extra-small enterprises applying accounting
regimes specified the Circular No. 133/2016/TT-BTC change to the accounting
regime specified in Chapter II hereof, they shall be required to transfer
account balances as follows:
- Balances in A/C 112 – Bank deposits and A/C 1281
- Term deposits shall be carried forward to A/C 111 – Cash.
- Balances in A/C 1331 – Withholding VAT on goods
and services, A/C 1332 – Withholding VAT on fixed assets shall be carried
forward to A/C 1313 – Withholding VAT;
- Balances in A/C 136 - Internal receivables, A/C
138 – Other receivables, A/C 141 – Advances shall be carried forward to A/C
1318 – Other debts receivable;
- Balances in A/C 152 – Raw materials, A/C –
Instruments and devices shall be carried forward to A/C 1521 – Raw materials
and instruments;
- Balances in A/C 154 – In-progress production and
business costs shall be carried forward to A/C 1524 – In-progress production
and business expenses;
- Balances in A/C 155 – Finished products, A/C 156
– Goods and A/C 157 – Goods on consignment shall be carried forward to A/C 1526
– Finished products and goods including details provided to meet the managerial
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- Balances in A/C 334 – Payables to employees shall
be carried forward to A/C 3311 – Employee’s payables;
- Balances in A/C 3382 – Trade Union’s budget, A/C
3383 – Social insurance, A/C 3384 – Health insurance and A/C 3385 – Unemployment
insurance shall be carried forward to A/C 3312 – Amounts retained from salaries
and wages;
- Balances in A/C 331 – Payables to sellers, A/C
335 – Costs payable, A/C 336 – Internal payables, A/C 3381 – Other payables,
A/C 3386 – Acceptance of deposits or pledges, A/C 3387 – Unearned sales, A/C
3388 – Other payables, A/C 3411 – Borrowed funds and A/C 3412 – Finance lease
debts shall be carried forward to A/C 3318 – Other debts payable;
- Balances in A/C 33311 – Output VAT and A/C 33312
– VAT on imports shall be carried forward to A/C 33131 – VAT payable;
- Balances in A/C 3332 – Special consumption
duties, A/C 3333 – Import and export duties, A/C 3335 – PIT, A/C 3336 – Natural
resource taxes, A/C 3337 – Land levies and rents, A/C 33381 – Environmental
protection taxes and A/C 33382 – Other taxes, A/C 3339 – Fees, charges and
other payables shall be carried forward to A/C 33138 – Other taxes, fees,
charges and other payables to the State;
- Balances in A/C 4211 - Undistributed after-tax
profits in the preceding year and A/C 4212 - Undistributed after-tax profits in
the current year shall be carried forward to A/C 4118 - Undistributed after-tax
2. If other business transactions recorded in
detail to related accounts are in breach of this Circular, they must be
adjusted in accordance with provisions hereof.
Article 20. Entry into force
1. This Circular shall enter into force from
February 15, 2019 and apply in the financial year starting on or after April 1,
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3. Ministries, sectoral administrations, People’s
Committees, Departments of Finance, and Tax Departments of provinces and
centrally-affiliated cities, shall be responsible for instructing extra-small
enterprises to implement this Circular.
4. In the course of implementation hereof, if there
is any difficulty arising, the Ministry of Finance should be promptly informed
to find possible solutions./.
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