Independence - Freedom - Happiness
January 18, 2010
Pursuant to the December 25,
2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the June 24, 2004 Bankruptcy Law;
Pursuant to the December 12, 1997 Law on Credit Institutions, and the June 15,
2004 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Credit
At the proposal of the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam,
Chapter I
Article 1.
Scope of regulation and subjects of application
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2. This Decree applies to credit
institutions established and operating under the Law on Credit Institutions.
Article 2.
Bankruptcy procedures
1. Except for the case specified
in Clause 2 of this Article, bankruptcy procedures applied to a credit
institution falling into bankruptcy include:
a/ Filing an application for
opening of bankruptcy procedures;
b/ Restoring business
c/ Liquidating assets and debts;
d/ Declaring a credit
institution bankrupt.
In case the State Bank of
Vietnam has issued a document terminating special control of or application of
solvency-restoring measures to a credit institution, after opening bankruptcy
procedures, judges shall decide to apply the procedure for liquidating assets and
debts under Point c of Clause 1 and declare the credit institution bankrupt
without applying the procedures for restoring business operations under Point
b. Clause 1 of this Article.
For cases not provided by this
Decree, matters related to credit institution bankruptcy procedures comply with
the Bankruptcy Law and its guiding documents.
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In this Decree, the terms below
are construed as follows:
1. Special control means the
placement of a credit institution under the direct control of the State Bank of
Vietnam as it is at risk of insolvency.
2. Mature debt means a sum of
money or an asset which a credit institution owes to another person (below
referred to as creditor) which is not secured or is partly secured (only the unsecured
amount or part is taken into account) and becomes mature as agreed upon or
provided by law.
Article 4.
Conditions for identifying a credit institution falling into bankruptcy
A credit institution that is
unable to pay mature debts upon request of creditors after the State Bank of
Vietnam has issued a document on the non-application or termination of
application of solvency-restoring measures or on the termination of special
control is regarded as falling into bankruptcy.
Article 5.
Jurisdiction of courts
1. People's Courts of provinces
and centrally run cities (below collectively referred to as provincial-level
People's Courts) have jurisdiction to carry out bankruptcy procedures with
respect to credit institutions that have registered business with business
registries in their respective provinces or cities.
2. Provincial-level People's
Courts of localities where Vietnam-based foreign-invested credit institutions
are headquartered have jurisdiction to carry out bankruptcy procedures with
respect to these credit institutions.
Article 6.
Asset management and liquidation teams
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2. An asset management and
liquidation team consists of:
a/ An enforcer of the judgment enforcement
agency at the same level with the Court with jurisdiction to receive the
application for opening bankruptcy procedures, as the team head;
b/ An officer of the Court with
jurisdiction to receive the application for opening of bankruptcy procedures;
c/ A representative of the
creditor that is the organization or individual with the biggest debt among
d/ A lawful representative of
the credit institution against which bankruptcy procedures are opened;
e/ A representative of the State
Bank of Vietnam;
f/ A representative of Vietnam
Deposit Insurance, in case Vietnam Deposit Insurance has paid deposit
insurances to clients of the credit institution;
g/ In case the credit
institution owes salaries and other debts to its employees, the judge shall
consider and decide whether the asset management and liquidation team has
trade union's and employees' representatives as its members.
3. The organizations mentioned
in Clause 2 of this Article shall appoint their representatives to join the
asset management and liquidation team at the request of the judge.
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The asset management and
liquidation team shall specify the composition, tasks and powers of its
Article 7.
Tasks, powers and working regime of the asset management and liquidation team
1. The asset management and
liquidation team shall perform the tasks and powers under Articles 10 and 11 of
the Bankruptcy Law.
2. The working regime of the
asset management and liquidation team is defined in Article 20 and Articles 22
thru 33 of the Government's Decree No. 67/2006/ND-CP of July 11, 2006, guiding
the application of the Bankruptcy Law to special enterprises and the
organization and operation of an asset management and liquidation team.
Chapter II
Article 8.
Persons with rights and obligations in filing applications for opening of
bankruptcy procedures
1. The following persons may
file applications for opening of bankruptcy procedures:
a/ Creditors of unsecured or
partially secured debts owed by credit institutions;
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c/ Owners of state-owned credit
institutions, shareholders of joint-stock credit institutions.
2. Lawful representatives of
credit institutions may file applications for opening of bankruptcy procedures
when realizing that their credit institutions fall into bankruptcy.
3. When performing their
functions and tasks, if finding that a credit institution falls into
bankruptcy, the State Bank of Vietnam and related agencies as defined by law
have the duty to notify the persons specified in Clause 1 of this Article for
consideration of the filing of applications for opening of bankruptcy
procedures. Notifying agencies shall take responsibility for the accuracy of
their notices.
4. Applicants for opening of
bankruptcy procedures specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article have the
obligations and responsibilities defined in Article 19 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 9.
Applications for opening of bankruptcy procedures
1. An application for opening of
bankruptcy procedures shall be made and filed under Articles 13 thru 17 of the
Bankruptcy Law.
2. An application for opening of
bankruptcy procedures shall be filed with competent courts defined in Article 5
of this Decree.
Article 10.
Bankruptcy charges
Payment of bankruptcy charges
and advance of bankruptcy charges comply with Article 21 of the Bankruptcy Law
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Receipt of applications for opening
of bankruptcy procedures complies with Article 22 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 12.
Notification of receipt of applications for opening of bankruptcy procedures
1. Within five (05) days after
receiving an application, the Court shall notify the State Bank of Vietnam
thereof. Within fifteen (15) days after receiving the notice of the Court, the
State Bank of Vietnam shall issue a written reply whether to apply the measure
for restoring the solvency of the credit institution or to terminate the application
of such measure or to terminate the application of special control.
2. If the applicant is not the
owner or lawful representative of the credit institution falling into
bankruptcy, within five (05) days after receiving the application, the Court shall
notify this credit institution thereof. Within fifteen (15) days after
receiving the notice of the Court, the credit institution shall produce to the
Court papers and documents specified in Clause 4. Article 15 of the Bankruptcy
Law; if the credit institution falling into bankruptcy acts as guarantee for
other persons, within five days after receiving the notice of the Court, it
shall notify related persons of such application.
Article 13.
Return of applications for opening of bankruptcy procedures
1. The Court shall issue a
decision to return the application for opening of bankruptcy procedures in the
following cases:
a/ The applicant fails to
advance a bankruptcy charge with the time limit set by the Court;
b/ The applicant is not entitled
to file such application;
c/ Another Court has opened
bankruptcy procedures for the credit institution falling into bankruptcy;
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e/ The credit institution is
currently under special control of the State Bank of Vietnam or subject to an
effective decision on the application of solvency-restoring measures;
f/ The credit institution is
able to prove that it does not fall into bankruptcy.
2. The applicant may complain
about the return of his/her/its application under Article 25 of the Bankruptcy
Article 14.
Suspension of settlement of requests for fulfillment of property obligations by
credit institutions falling into bankruptcy
Suspension of settlement of
requests for fulfillment of property obligations by credit institutions falling
into bankruptcy complies with Article 27 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 15.
Decision to open or not to open bankruptcy procedures
1. The Court shall issue a
decision to open bankruptcy procedures when all the following conditions are
a/ The State Bank of Vietnam has
issued a document on the non-application or termination of the measure for
restoring the solvency of the credit institution or on the termination of
special control.
b/ The credit institution
remains unable to pay mature debts.
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3. The Court shall issue a
decision not to open bankruptcy procedures when the conditions specified in
Clause 1 of this Article are not fully met. Complaining about such a decision
complies with Article 32 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 16.
Notification of decisions to open bankruptcy procedures
1. A court decision to open
bankruptcy procedures shall be addressed to the credit institution falling into
bankruptcy, the Procuracy of the same level, the State Bank of Vietnam and
Vietnam Deposit Insurance and published in the local newspapers of the places
where the credit institution is headquartered and its branches are opened and a
centrally daily for three consecutive days.
2. A court decision to open
bankruptcy procedures shall be notified to creditors and debtors of the credit
institution falling into bankruptcy.
3. The time limit for sending
and notifying a decision to open bankruptcy procedures under Clauses 1 and 2 of
this Article is seven (07) days from the date the decision is issued by the
Article 17.
Business operations of credit institutions following the issuance of decisions
to open bankruptcy procedures
1. All business operations of a
credit institution following the issuance of a decision to open bankruptcy
procedures shall be conducted under the supervision and examination by the
judge and the asset management and liquidation team. If bankruptcy procedures
are opened under Clause 2, Article 2 of this Decree, the credit institution
concerned may not conduct any business operations.
2. If considering that the
manager of the credit institution is unable to run its business operations or
his/her continued work would be unbeneficial to preservation of its assets, the
judge shall, at the proposal of the creditors' meeting, issue a decision to
appoint another manager who satisfies all conditions prescribed by the State
Bank to run its business operations.
3. From the date of receiving
the decision to open bankruptcy procedures, the credit institution is prohibited
from carrying out the following activities:
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d/ Converting unsecured debts
into ones secured with enterprise assets.
4. After receiving the decision
to open bankruptcy procedures, the credit institution shall obtain written
approval of the judge before carrying out the following activities:
a/ Pledging, mortgaging,
transferring, selling, donating and leasing assets:
b/ Receiving assets from
transfer contracts;
c/ Terminating performance of
valid contracts:
d/ Borrowing money;
e/ Selling, converting shares or
transferring ownership of assets;
f/ Paying debts newly arising
from its business operations and paying salaries to its employees.
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Article 18.
Identification of property obligations
Property obligations of a credit
institution falling into bankruptcy shall be identified under Article 33 of the
Bankruptcy Law.
Article 19.
Handling of immature debts and debts secured with mortgaged or pledged assets
Immature debts and debts secured
with mortgaged or pledged assets shall be handled under Articles 34 and 35 of
the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 20.
Return of assets
A credit institution which has
received special loans from the State Bank of Vietnam or other credit
institutions or financial supports from Vietnam Deposit Insurance for restoring
its business operations before the Court receives the application but cannot
restore its business operations and are still applied liquidation procedures,
shall return the value of special loans to the State Bank of Vietnam and other
credit institutions and financial supports to Vietnam Deposit Insurance before
implementing the provisions of Article 21 of this Decree on asset division.
Article 21.
Order of asset division
1. The order of asset division
complies with Article 37 of the Bankruptcy Law.
2. Vietnam Deposit Insurance
shall become creditor of the credit institution participating in deposit
insurance with the paid insurance money and be divided an asset value in the
order of payment like depositors in case the credit institution becomes
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Non-monetary obligations shall
be identified under Article 38 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 23.
Property obligations in case of joint or guaranteed obligations
Property obligations in case of
joint or guaranteed obligations comply with Article 39 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Guaranteed amounts under this provision include guarantee commitments and
commitments to pay immature letters of credit, excluding certified letters of
Article 24.
Return of assets after credit institutions are applied liquidation procedures
1. Return of leased or borrowed
assets of a credit institution to which liquidation procedures are applied
complies with Article 40 of the Bankruptcy Law. This provision is also
applicable to payment of sums of money and assets consigned, held or trusted at
the credit institution under asset consignment, trust or management contracts.
Deposits on payment accounts shall be also regarded as consigned assets under
this provision.
2. In case assets specified in
Clause 1 of this Article are insufficient for return, owners may claim
compensation for insufficient parts like secured debts. This provision is also
applicable to the return of assets to debtors with secured assets at the credit
Article 25.
Prohibited re-claim of assets
Prohibited re-claim of assets
complies with Article 41 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 26.
Receipt back of sold goods
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Chapter IV
Article 27.
Transactions considered invalid
1. Transactions are considered invalid
under Article 43 of the Bankruptcy Law, except for the case specified in Clause
2 of this Article.
2. If during three months before
the Court receives an application for opening of bankruptcy procedures, the
credit institution is placed under special control by the State Bank of
Vietnam, is applied solvency-restoring measures or receives financial supports
from Vietnam Deposit Insurance, the payment of immature debts, mortgage or
pledge of assets for debts, payment of deposits and inter-bank clearing payment
under the control of the Vietnam State Bank are not governed by regulations on
invalid transactions.
3. Creditors of unsecured debts
and the asset management and liquidation team have the right to request a Court
to declare transactions invalid under Article 44 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 28.
Termination of performance of valid contracts
Termination of the performance
of valid contracts complies with Articles 45, 46 and 47 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 29.
Obligation clearing
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Article 30.
Assets of credit institutions falling into bankruptcy
Assets of credit institutions
falling into bankruptcy shall be identified under Article 49 of the Bankruptcy
Assets disposed of under Article
24 of this Decree shall not be regarded as those of credit institutions.
Article 31.
Inventory of assets of credit institutions falling into bankruptcy
1. Assets of credit institutions
shall be inventoried under Article 50 of the Bankruptcy Law.
2. The asset inventory table of
a credit institution must indicate assets of the credit institution, assets
consigned or trusted by clients at the credit institution and mortgaged and
pledged assets of clients.
3. After inventorying assets,
the asset management and liquidation team shall return assets trusted at the
credit institution to clients on the basis of their title deeds before dividing
other assets according to bankruptcy procedures.
Article 32.
Sending of debt-reclaiming papers, making and posting of lists of creditors and
1. The sending of
debt-reclaiming papers and making of lists of creditors and debtors comply with
Clause 1. Article 51; Clause 1, Article 52; and Clause 1, Article 53, of the
Bankruptcy Law.
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Article 33.
Registration of secured transactions of credit institutions falling into
Secured transactions of credit
institutions falling into bankruptcy shall be registered under Article 54 of
the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 34.
Application of provisional urgent measures
1. Provisional urgent measures
shall be applied under Article 55 of the Bankruptcy Law.
2. Persons to whom provisional urgent
measures arc applied may lodge complaints under Article 56 of the Bankruptcy
Article 35.
Termination of enforcement of civil judgments or settlement of cases
Enforcement of civil judgments
or settlement of cases shall be terminated under Article 57 of the Bankruptcy
Article 36.
Settlement of court cases terminated in bankruptcy procedures
Court cases terminated in
bankruptcy procedures shall be settled under Article 58 of the Bankruptcy Law.
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The obligations of banks with
which credit institutions falling into bankruptcy have accounts comply with
Article 59 of the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 38.
Obligations of employees
The obligations of employees of
a credit institution falling into bankruptcy comply with Article 60 of ihe
Bankruptcy Law.
Chapter V
Article 39.
Creditors' meetings
1. Except for the case specified
in Clause 1, Article 40 of this Decree, the judge shall decide to convene a
creditors' meeting when the State Bank of Vietnam has issued a document on the
non-application of measures for restoring the solvency of the credit
institution under Article 98 of the Bankruptcy Law.
2. Matters related to creditors'
meetings comply with Articles 61 thru 77, and Articles 79 and 80 of the
Bankruptcy Law.
Chapter VI
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Article 40.
Decision to open asset liquidation procedures in special cases
1. In case a credit institution
has been placed by the State Bank of Vietnam under special control or has
applied solvency-restoring measures but is still unable to restore its solvency
and to pay mature debts upon request of creditors, the Court shall decide to
open procedures for liquidating its assets without convening a creditors'
meeting to consider application of restoration procedures.
2. The State Bank of Vietnam
shall hand over results of special control or results of application of
solvency-restoring measures and Vietnam Deposit Insurance shall hand over results
of financial support (assets and related dossiers and documents) to the asset
management and liquidation team upon its establishment.
3. After the asset management
and liquidation team receives results of special control or results of
application of solvency-restoring measures from the State Bank of Vietnam and
results of financial support from Vietnam Deposit Insurance, the Court shall
issue a decision to open procedures for liquidating assets of the credit
Article 41.
Details of a decision to open asset liquidation procedures
1. A decision to open asset
liquidation procedures must contain principal details specified in Clause 1,
Article 81 of the Bankruptcy Law.
2. A credit institution falling
into bankruptcy and its creditors and debtors have the right to complain and
the People's Procuracy of the same level has the right to protest the decision
to open asset liquidation procedures under Articles 83 and 84 of the Bankruptcy
3. A decision to open asset
liquidation procedures with respect to a credit institution falling into
bankruptcy shall be circulated and publicly announced under Article 16 of this
Article 42.
Operation of credit institutions in the process of asset liquidation
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Article 43.
Termination of asset liquidation procedures
The judge may issue a decision
to terminate asset liquidation procedures in the following cases:
1. The credit institution has no
assets for implementing the asset division plan;
2. The asset division plan has
been completely implemented.
Article 44.
Decision to declare a credit institution bankrupt
1. The judge shall issue a
decision to declare a credit institution bankrupt and a decision to terminate
asset liquidation procedures simultaneously.
2. Matters related to the
declaration of a credit institution to be bankrupt comply with the provisions
in Chapter VII of the Bankruptcy Law.
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Article 45.
Handling of violations
Violations in the course of
carrying out bankruptcy procedures shall be handled under Articles 93 and 94 of
the Bankruptcy Law.
Article 46.
1. This Decree takes effect on
March 15, 2010.
2. While the Courts consider and
settle credit institution bankruptcy procedures, the State Bank of Vietnam,
Vietnam Deposit Insurance and related organizations shall supply necessary
dossiers and documents at the request of the Courts.
3. The Governor of the State
Bank of Vietnam, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of
government-attached agencies, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and
Director General of Vietnam Deposit Insurance, and chairpersons of People's
Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall implement this Decree.-
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