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Đăng nhập


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No.: 30/2017/TT-BTTTT

Hanoi, November 15, 2017




Pursuant to the Law on Postal Services dated June 17, 2010;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 17/2017/ND-CP dated February 17, 2017 defining Functions, Tasks, Powers and Organizational Structure of Ministry of Information and Communications;

At the request of the Director of the Department of Posts;

Minister of Information and Communications promulgates a Circular to provide for installation of public post boxes at urban areas, residential areas and cluster mailboxes at apartment buildings and office buildings.

Article 1. Scope and regulated entities

1. This Circular introduces regulations on installation of public post boxes at urban areas, residential areas and cluster mailboxes at apartment buildings and office buildings.




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Article 2. Interpretation of terms

For the purpose of this Circular, terms herein shall be construed as follows:

1. “public post box” refers to a point of postal service of a public postal network installed by a public postal service provider so as to accept basic mails.

2. “cluster mailbox” refers to a mailbox containing multiple individually locked mailboxes installed in an apartment building or an office building at a place convenient to send and receive mails, newspapers and magazines.

Article 3. Installation of public post boxes at urban areas and residential areas

1. Pursuant to the National technical regulation on quality of public postal service and public service in newspaper distribution, public postal service providers shall determine urban areas and residential areas where public post boxes should be installed and request investors or units in charge of managing such urban areas or residential areas to designate locations for installing public post boxes.

2. At the request of the public postal service provider, the investor or the unit in charge of managing the urban area or the residential area shall designate appropriate location for installing a public post box as regulated. Location of a public post box must be easily visible, accessible and convenient for people to send basic mails and for the public postal service provider to collect mails.

3. Public postal services providers are responsible for installing, managing and operating public post boxes in accordance with applicable regulations.

Article 4. Installation of cluster mailboxes at apartment buildings and office buildings




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2. With regard to an operating apartment building or office building where cluster mailboxes are not yet installed, the managing board or the unit in charge of managing and operating such apartment building or office building shall designate locations and facilitate the installation of cluster mailboxes.

3. The investor, the managing board or the unit in charge of managing and operating the apartment building or office building shall decide the quantity and locations for installing cluster mailboxes in such apartment building or office building in conformity with actual demand; manage and operate cluster mailboxes within the scope of its assigned functions and duties.

Article 5. Implementation organization

1. The Department of Posts shall inspect the implementation of regulations herein.

2. Department of Inspectorate affiliated to the Ministry of Information and Communications shall be responsible for conducting inspection and handling violations against regulations herein nationwide.

3. Departments Information and Communications of provinces or central-affiliated cities shall:

a) take charge and cooperate with relevant local agencies to review and evaluate the installation of public post boxes and cluster mailboxes in such province or city; request investors or units in charge of managing urban areas or residential areas, managing boards or units in charge of managing and operating apartment buildings or office buildings to comply with regulations herein;

b) Inspect and take actions against violations committed in the province or city; and

c) Provide advice for Provincial-level People's Committees about contents concerning postal infrastructural facilities of projects on construction of urban areas, residential areas, apartment buildings or office buildings.




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1. This Circular shall come into force as from January 01, 2018.

2. The Decision No. 31/2008/QD-BTTTT dated May 08, 2008 by Minister of Information and Communications providing for design and installation of post boxes containing multiple individually locked mailboxes in multistoried buildings shall be null and void as of the date of entry into force of this Circular.

3. Chief of the Ministry’s Office, Director of Department of Posts, heads of relevant agencies/units affiliated to the Ministry of Information and Communications, Directors of Departments of Information and Communications of provinces or central-affiliated cities, and relevant organizations and individuals shall implement this Circular.

4. Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be promptly reported to the Ministry of Information and Communications for consideration./.




Truong Minh Tuan



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