Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 21/2014/TT-BXD
December 29, 2014
Pursuant to the Government’s
Decree No.62/2013/ND-CP dated June 25, 2013 defining
functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry
of Construction;
Pursuant to the Government’s
Decree No. 127/2007/ND-CP dated
August 01 providing guidelines for some Articles of the Law on Technical
Standards and Regulations; At the request of the Director
General of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment,
The Minister
of Construction hereby adopts a Circular on “National technical
regulation on construction for disabled access to buildings and facilities” -
Number. QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
1. “National technical
regulation on construction for disabled access to buildings and facilities” -
Number. QCVN 10:2014/BXD is promulgated together with this Circular.
2. This Circular comes into force
from July 01, 2015.
3. Minister, heads of ministerial agencies,
Governmental agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated
cities and relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for the
implementation of this Circular./.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Nguyen Dinh Toan
QCVN 10:2014/BXD
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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1.2 Regulated entities
1.3 References
1.4 Definitions
2.1 Parking lots and bus stops
2.2 Road to construction works
2.3 Entrance
2.4 Doors
2.5 Lifts
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2.7 Emergency exits
2.8 Roads and
2.9 Recognizable warning signs
2.10 Signs
QCVN 10:2014/BXD is
drafted by Vietnam Institute of Architecture, submitted by Department of
Technology and Environment for approval, appraised by the Ministry
of Science and Technology and promulgated together with the Circular No. 21/2014/TT-BXD dated
December 29, 2014 of the Minister of Construction.
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1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This document provides for technical
requirements that must be complied with when building or renovating works to ensure
accessibility to disabled persons.
1.1.2 The construction works accessible to disabled
persons include:
- Apartment
- Public works: office
buildings of regulatory authorities; health facilities; educational and
vocational training institutions; cultural and sporting buildings; hotels,
commercial buildings;
- Railway stations, docks,
bus stations, roads, sidewalks, foot tunnels, overpasses, and technical
infrastructure and other urban utilities (funeral homes, cemeteries, public restrooms,
bus stops, automatic teller machines, public internet access points, etc.).
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This document applies to organizations and
individuals related to the construction of the works mentioned in 1.1.2.
1.3 References
The following documents must be complied with
upon application of this document. In the cases where the documents
are amended or replaced, the latest one shall apply.
QCVN 06:2010/BXD, National
technical regulation on fire safety of buildings.
1.4 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the
terms below shall be construed as follows:
1.4.1 “disabled person” is a
person who has defects in one or more organs or suffers functional decline
characterized by a type of disability, making it difficult to work, carry out
normal day-to-say activities and study.
1.4.2 “mobility
impairment” refers to a reduction in or loss
of movement of the head, neck, legs,
arms or body, leading to physical limitations.
The person with mobility
impairment is able to walk himself/herself with the help
of assistive devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, canes, and walking
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There are different degrees of hearing
impairment, such as complete deafness, ability to hear
certain frequencies and occasional hearing loss.
1.4.4 “visual impairment” refers to
a reduction or loss of the ability to see and feel the light, colors, images
and things under normal lighting and environmental conditions.
There are different degrees of visual
impairment such as inability to differentiate between light and dark
(completely blind); low vision: inability to see anything either side, above or
below eye level; limited visibility; severe myopia; color blindness, glare.
1.4.5 “accessibility” means the
ability of disabled persons to access a public work, means of transport,
information technology, cultural, sporting and tourist services and other
services in order to integrate into the community
1.4.6 “accessible
work” refers to the architectural environment where disabled persons are
able to access and use its utilities.
1.4.7 “entrance” means the
main entrance to a construction work.
1.4.8 “recognizable
warning sign” refers to a characteristic sign of a standardized surface that is
placed in or attached to the surface of the walkway or other
structures to inform the disabled persons of obstacles on the pathway.
2.1 Parking lot and bus stop
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Table 1 -
Number of parking spaces for persons with mobility impairment in
parking lots
number of parking spaces
Between 5 and 50
From 51 to 100
From 101 to 150
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Over 300
+ 1 space for every additional 100 vehicles
1) The parking
spaces for persons with mobility impairment include spaces for three-wheeled
motorcycles and wheelchairs;
2) If the
parking lot has no more than 5 parking spaces, no
parking space for persons with mobility impairment is
At least 2% of parking spaces of an
apartment building must be reserved for persons with mobility
impairment is required. The
minimum size of a parking space designated
for persons with mobility impairment is 2.35
m2 for a vehicle.
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2.1.3 If the parking
space is designed at different elevations, the parking space designated
for persons with mobility impairment must be at the
same height as the entrance.
2.1.4 There must be a ramp and tactile paving
or contrasting markings at elevations in the waiting area in order for disabled
persons to access the bus.
2.1.5 At bus stops, there must be a seating
area for disabled persons and wheelchair space.
2.1.6 International signs or recognizable
warning signs must be put up in the areas designated for disabled persons.
2.2 Road to construction
2.2.1 Inside an area, work or work item,
there must be at least a road accessible to disabled persons.
2.2.2 The following regulations shall be
complied with when designing a ramp:
- Slope must not be greater
than 1/12;
- Width must be at least
1,200 mm;
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- There must be a 1,400
mm x 1,400 mm empty space at the start and the end of the ramp to allow for
wheelchair movement..
- The surface of the ramp
must be hard and must not be rough and slippery.
2.2.3 Railings and handrails should continue
uninterrupted on both sides of the ramp. If one side of the ramp
has an empty space, a safety bump or barrier must be installed at the foot of
the railing or handrail.
- The handrail must be
installed at a height of 900 mm above the floor level. In case
of two-story handrail, the lower handrail must be installed at a height of
700 mm above floor level.
- At the start and the end
of the ramp, the handrail must be extended 300 mm. The space
between the handrail and the wall must be at least 40 mm.
2.3 Entrance
2.3.1 There must be at least one entrance
accessible to disabled persons in a work or work item. The
entrance designated for disabled persons must lead to the reception and main
spaces of the work.
2.3.2 For the entrance with a ramp: slope,
size and surface of the ramp must be compliant with regulations specified in
2.3.3 For the
entrance with steps, the following regulations must be complied with:
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- The width of the tread
must be at least 300 mm;
- Open risers and protruding
nosings should be avoided;
- In case the entrance has
more than 3 steps, handrails must be provided on both sides as prescribed in
2.3.4 In case of entrance door designed for disabled
persons, thresholds and turnstiles should not be used.
2.3.5 At the entrance, there must be signs, audio
signaling system and paving showing the directions to lift and services
provided for disabled persons.
2.3.6 If for architectural or technical
reasons the main entrance cannot be made accessible, mechanical lifts and ramps
must be provided.
2.4 Doors
2.4.1 The opening width of the main door of a
work opening must be at least 900 mm. For interior doors, the opening width must be at least 800
2.4.2 The opening space in front of and
behind the door must be at least 1,400 mm
wide and 1,400 mm long.
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2.5.1 The opening
width of the lift door must be at least 900 mm. The lift car must have inside opening dimensions of at least 1,100
mm x 1,400 mm.
2.5.2 The waiting area
in front of the lift must be at least 1,100 mm wide and
1,400 mm long.
2.5.3 The lift door must be equipped with
re-opening activators. The door opening and
closing interval must be greater than 20
seconds to ensure safety of disabled persons. Handrails
must be provided inside the lift as prescribed in 2.2.3.
2.5.4 The control panel inside the lift car
must be mounted 900 mm to 1,200mm from the floor to the center of the highest
call button. The call buttons must have letters in contrasting colors or tactile
warnings and braille system.
2.5.5 The floor
indicator or audio signaling system shall be installed both inside and outside
of the lift. Braille floor indications must be available on both sides of the
door jamb of the lift entrances on all floors.
2.6 Public spaces in works
2.6.1 Reception and lobby The areas such as waiting areas, queue
areas, sales counters, areas for money change, cash withdrawal, telephone booths,
recreational areas, catering service areas or work surfaces in public works
must be accessible to disabled persons. There must be at least one accessible
reception or lobby corresponding to each type of service.
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2.6.2 Seats In the works with auditoriums,
classrooms, meeting rooms, lounges, shops and stadiums, seats must be provided
for wheelchair users. The minimum number of seats for a wheelchair user is 1 and must be
at least 5% of total number of seats in the work. The seat for wheelchair user must be
near the entrance. The minimum
number of seats designated for wheelchair
users shall be estimated according to Table 2.
Table 2 -
The number of seats for wheelchair users
of seats
number of seats for wheelchair users
- From 5 to 30
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- From 51 to 100
- From 101 to 300
- From 301 to 600
- Over 600
+ 1 for every additional 200 seats
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2.6.3 Restrooms In any restroom in public works,
there must be at least 01 compartment for disabled persons but not less than 5
% of the total number of restrooms. In any public restroom, there must be at
least 01 compartment for disabled persons.
NOTES: Installation of a separate unisex unit
is always desirable in public works so as to allow a disabled person to be
assisted by an attendant of the opposite sex. At least one in every 6 urinals is accessible
to disabled persons. Inside the accessible compartment,
the opening space must be at least 1,400 mm wide and
1,400 mm long to allow for wheelchair movement. The restroom
door must be opened outward without blocking the emergency exit and with an
opening width of at least 800 mm. The mounting
height of accessible sanitary equipment from the floor level is specified as
- Bidet: not
higher than 450 mm;
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- Urinal:
not higher than 400 mm; The mounting height of handrails
inside the areas where the bidet and urinal are installed must not be greater
than 900 mm and 800 mm respectively. The restroom must have a non-slip
surface. In
accessible restrooms, there must be international signs and audio
signaling system.
2.6.4 Clinics and patient rooms in health
facilities The minimum ratio of accessible clinics
and patient rooms in a health facility must be compliant with following
- Hospitals: 10 % of total
number of patient rooms and clinics;
- Orthopedic and rehabilitation
centers: 100 % of number of the monitoring rooms and examination rooms;
- Nursing centers: 50
% of number of rooms.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Handrails must be provided along both
sides of corridors and aisles leading to clinics and patient rooms. Handrails must be installed as
prescribed in 2.2.3.
2.6.5 Hotel or motel rooms Regarding hotels and
motels with under 100 rooms, there must be at least 5 % of
accessible rooms. One more accessible room must be
available for every 100 additional rooms. In the
bedroom designated for wheelchair users, there must be a space
with minimum dimensions of 1,400 mm x
1,400 mm along one side of the bed to allow
for wheelchair movement. For the works without elevators, the
accessible rooms must be located on the ground floor.
2.7 Emergency
2.7.1 Alarm system Alarm systems shall be used to inform
and give instructions on the emergency areas and exits to disabled persons with
both audio and visual signals and include flashing lights in case of emergency. The alarm system must be installed in
the areas such as dwellings, meeting rooms, auditoriums, aisles, lobbies,
hallways and other public spaces.
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2.7.2 Exit route Emergency
areas must be made accessible for disabled persons. The
emergency area must be directly connected to the emergency exit stairs and
include signs and two-way communication system with visual and audio signals. The exit route leading to the emergency
exit stairs must be compliant with QCVN 06:2010/BXD.
2.8 Roads
and sidewalks
2.8.1 At the crossings of different heights
such as crosswalk and sidewalk, ramps must be provided.
2.8.2 At the intersection of walkway and
road, crosswalk or entrance where the vertical rise is greater than 150 mm, a ramp
and tactile paving indicating the intersection must be available. The slope
must not be greater than 1/12.
2.8.3 The outer edge of the walkway and walkway
around ponds and lakes in the park must include warning signs or a bump with a
minimum height of 150 mm to ensure safety of visually impaired persons.
2.8.4 The street furniture such as bus stops,
benches, lampposts, signboards, telephone booths, fixed poles, bollards,
mail boxes, public restrooms, newspaper kiosks, planting tubs and garbage bins
must not obstruct disabled persons and must be indicated by tactile paving or
marked with contrasting colors so that visually impaired persons may recognize.
2.8.5 Stand-alone furniture on walkway such
as poles, planting tubs and others must be at least 100 mm high and without
sharp angles.
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2.8.7 The stand-alone obstructions such as
advertising signs, mail boxes and telephone booths must be placed outside the walkway. The
distance between the lower edge and the ground must not be greater than 600 mm,
the protrusion must not exceed 100 mm and the opening height must be 2,000 mm to
allow for the free passage of disabled persons.
2.8.8 Regarding new, renovated and repaired works
adjacent to the walkway, there must be a protection barrier that has a height
of from 1,000 mm to 1,200 mm, is firmly erected so as not to be fallen and lit
at night. The scaffolding and protective structures must not be hazardous to
visually impaired persons.
2.8.9 If an
overpass or tunnel with a walkway has more than 3 risers, the
following regulations must be complied with:
- The height of the riser
must not be greater than 150 mm, the width of the tread must be at least 300
- Each section has 18 risers
at the maximum. In case of more than 18 risers, a landing must be provided;
- The width of the
landing must be at least 1,400 mm;
- Handrails
must be provided on both sides of the walkway as
prescribed in 2.2.3.
2.8.10 In case
of sudden change of height of the entrance to the overpass
and tunnel with a walkway, a ramp must be provided
as prescribed in 2.2.2.
2.8.11 The surface of walkway on the overpass
and in the tunnel must be non-slip.
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2.8.13 At intersections, entrances to tunnel
and stairs of the overpass, there must be traffic lights, signs and audio
signals or braille to guide visually impaired persons to cross the street.
Recognizable warning signs
2.9.1 Recognizable
warning signs include tactile paving or markings with contrasting colors.
2.9.2 The tactile
paving must be provided as follows:
- Paving indicating
intersection must be provided at the intersections between the walkway and
- Paving indicating limit must
be provided at the start and end of stairs; start and end of the ramp, where
the obstacles are present, and crosswalk;
- Directional paving shall
be used to guide visually impaired persons to the reception, ticket counters, ticket
checkpoints, automatic teller machines and to allow for avoidance of obstacles
in the areas without directional information and instructions;
- Positioned paving must be
provided in front of telephone booths, mail boxes, reception, ticket counters,
signboards (Braille or audio), automatic teller machines, restrooms,
waiting rooms and entrances to works.
2.10 Signs
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2.10.2 Signs or
recognizable warning signs must include international symbols and braille (see
Appendix A).
3.1 The Department of Science, Technology and
Environment (Ministry of Construction) shall disseminate and provide
guidelines for application of QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
3.2 The local authorities in charge of housing,
public work and technical infrastructure shall provide guidance and carry out
inspection of the compliance with regulations of QCVN
10:2014/BXD in construction within their area in accordance with applicable
regulations of law.
3.3 Difficulties that arise during the
implementation of this document should be reported to the Department of
Science, Technology and Environment (Ministry of Construction).