Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 14/2021/TT-NHNN
Hanoi, September 07, 2021
to the Law on the State bank of Vietnam dated June 16, 2010;
to the Law on credit institutions dated June 16, 2010 and the Law on amendments
to the Government’s Decree No. 16/2017/ND-CP dated February 17, 2017 on
functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of State Bank of Vietnam;
reaching a consensus with the Ministry of Finance;
At the
request of the Chief Banking Inspector;
Governor of the State bank of Vietnam promulgates a Circular on amendments to
Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN dated March 13, 2020 of the Governor of the State
bank of Vietnam providing instructions for credit institutions and foreign
branch banks (FBB) on debt rescheduling, exemption or reduction of interest and
fees, retention of debt category to assist borrowers affected by Covid-19
pandemic (hereinafter referred to as Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN).
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Amendments to Article 4:
4. Debt rescheduling
outstanding debt, including the principal and/or interest (including the debts
regulated by the Government's Decree No. 55/2015/ND-CP amended)) may be
rescheduled by the credit institution or foreign bank branch (FBB) if it fully satisfies
the following conditions:
1. The
debt is a loan or finance lease that is granted before 01/8/2021;
2. The
principal and/or interest occur during the period from 23/01/2020 to 30/6/2022;
3. The
outstanding debt may be rescheduled in one of the following cases:
a) The
outstanding debt is undue or has been overdue for not more than 10 days
according to the concluded agreement, except the cases specified in Point b,
Point c, Point d of this Clause;
b) The
outstanding debt belongs to a debt that occurs before 23/01/2020 and becomes
overdue during the period from 23/01/2020 to 30/6/2020;
c) The
outstanding debt belongs to a debt that occurs during the period from
23/01/2020 to before 10/6/2020 and becomes overdue before 17/5/2021;
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4. The
borrower is assessed by the credit institution or FBB as incapable of paying
the principal and/or interest on schedule under the agreement due to decrease
in revenue or income caused by Covid-19 pandemic.
5. The
borrower applies for rescheduling of the debt and is assessed by the credit
institution or FBB as capable of fully paying the principal and/or interest
after the debt is rescheduled.
6. Credit
institutions and FBBs shall not reschedule debts that violate regulations of
7. The
rescheduling period (including debt deferral) shall be appropriate for the
impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on the borrower and shall not exceed 12 months
from the day on which rescheduling is granted by the credit institution/FBB, or
from the original deadline for payment of the outstanding debt.
8. Debt
rescheduling shall be carried out until 30/6/2022.”
2. Amendments
to Article 5:
5. Reduction and exemption of interest and/or fees
1. Credit
institutions and FBBs shall, according to their own rules and regulations,
decide reduction and exemption of interest and/or outstanding debts of the
debts that arise before 01/8/2021from extend credit (except purchases of
corporate bonds) whose principal and/or interest are due during the period from
23/01/2020 to 30/6/2022 but the borrowers are not capable of fully paying the
principal and/or interest by the deadline specified in the original agreement
due to decrease in revenue or income caused by Covid-19.
Reduction and exemption of interest and/or fees shall be carried out until
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Credit institutions and FBBs may retain the categories of the debts that occur
during the period from 23/01/2020 to before 01/8/2021 and have been categorized
in accordance with regulations of the State bank of Vietnam (SBV) regarding the
outstanding debts that have been granted rescheduling, reduction or exemption
of interest and/or fees as prescribed in Article 4 and Article 5 of this
Circular. To be specific:
a) Retain
the categories of debts that are categorized on the latest day before the first
rescheduling of the outstanding debts mentioned in Point a Clause 3 Article 4
of this Circular;
c) Retain
the categories of debts that are categorized on the latest day before the
outstanding debts mentioned in Point c and Point d Clause 3 Article 4 of this
Circular are categorized as overdue debts;
c) Retain
the categories of debts that are categorized on the latest day before the first
reduction or exemption of interests on the outstanding debts mentioned in
Article 5 of this Circular.”
Article 2. Replacement of the Appendix of Circular No.
Appendix of Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN shall be replaced with the Appendix of
this Circular.
Article 3. Organization of implementation
Chief of
Office, Chief Banking Inspector, heads of SBV units, credit institutions and
FBBs are responsible for the implementation of this Circular.
Article 4. Implementation clauses
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2. This
Circular annuls Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 6 Article 1 of Circular No.
03/2021/TT-NHNN dated April 02, 2021 of the Governor of SBV on amendments to
some Article of Circular No. 01/2020/TT-NHNN./.
Doan Thai Son
(Enclosed with Circular No.
14/2021/TT-NHNN dated September 07, 2021 on amendments to Circular No.
Name of credit institution/foreign bank branch: ...
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Unit: billion VND, borrower
Outstanding debt affected by Covid-19
Debt rescheduling and retention of debt
Exemption, reduction of interests and
retention of debt category
Total outstanding debts of borrowers
eligible for
debt rescheduling, exemption, reduction of interests at the end of
reporting period
New loans granted
Debts with retained category (not bad
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Off-balance sheet Interests receivable
according to Clause 5 Article 6 of this Circular
End of reporting period
End of reporting period
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Total rescheduled debt
Quantity of borrowers granted debt
(principal and/or interest)
Outstanding debts rescheduled at the end
of reporting period
Quantity of borrowers granted debt
rescheduling at the end of reporting period (principal and/or interest)
Total debts granted interest
Interest reduced/exempted
Quantity of borrowers granted interest
Outstanding debts granted interest
exemption/ reduction at the end of reporting period
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Accumulated revenue
Outstanding debts at the end of reporting
Borrowers with outstanding debts at the
end of reporting period
Total outstanding debts granted
rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction and not converted into bad debts
Quantity of borrowers whose debts are not
converted into bad debts at the end of reporting period
Additional provisions to be made at the
end of reporting period
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Outstanding debts granted rescheduling,
interest exemption/reduction and not converted into bad debts
Additional provisions made
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Sorted by type borrowers
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Cooperatives, cooperative unions
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Sorted by 21 economic sectors
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Agriculture, forestry and aquaculture
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Mineral extraction
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Processing, fabrication
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Water supply, management and treatment of wastes and wastewater
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Wholesaling and retailing; repair of motor vehicles, motorbikes and
other motorized vehicles
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Transport and warehousing
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Information and Communications
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Finance, banking and insurance
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Real estate business
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Specialized activities, science and technology
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Activities of Communist Party, socio-political organizations,
state management, defense and security; compulsory social security
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Education and training
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Healthcare and social assistance
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Arts and entertainment
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Domestic workers, household production for own consumption
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Activities of international agencies and organizations
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Total (= I = II)
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- Prepare
the report on the centralized reporting and statistics system of SBV, including
consolidated data and data of each credit institution/FBB.
- Credit
institutions and FBBs shall report monthly. Data in Column 22, 23, 24 shall be
reported on every March, June, September, December.
- Column
(3): Estimated outstanding debts affected by Covid-19 according to evaluation
of the credit institution/FBB.
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- Column
(5): Accumulated interest from 13/3/2020 of debts that have been rescheduled
according to this Circular.
- Column
(6): Accumulated quantity of borrowers granted debt rescheduling (principal
and/or interest) and retention of debt category from 13/3/2020.
- Column
(7): Principal of debts that are due during the period specified in Clause 2
Article 4 of this Circular and have been rescheduled and have debt categories
retained (only report principals that are due during the period specified in
Clause 2 Article 4 of this Circular, not the total outstanding debt). In case
the borrower fails to pay the rescheduled debt by the end of the rescheduling
period, the credit institution shall report the outstanding debt after
restructuring that remains at the end of the reporting period.
- Column
(8): Rescheduled interest at the end of the reporting period. (In case the
borrower fails to pay the rescheduled interest by the end of the rescheduling
period, the credit institution shall report the outstanding interest after restructuring
that remains at the end of the reporting period).
- Column
(9): Quantity of borrowers that are granted debt rescheduling and debt category
retention (principal and/or interest) at the end of reporting period
(corresponding to Column 7 and 8).
- Column
(10): Accumulated debts granted interest exemption/reduction from 13/3/2020
according to this Circular.
- Column
(11): Accumulated interest granted exemption/reduction from 13/3/2020 according
to this Circular.
- Column
(12): Accumulated quantity of borrowers granted interest exemption/reduction
from 13/3/2020 according to this Circular.
- Column
(13): Outstanding debts granted interest exemption/reduction and debt category
retention at the end of reporting period (In case the borrower fails to fully
pay outstanding debts at the end of exemption/reduction period, the credit
institution shall report the outstanding debts that remain at the end of the
reporting period).
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- Column
(15): Total outstanding principals borrowers whose outstanding debts are
granted rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction according to this Circular
(corresponding to Column 9 and 14).
- Column
(16): Accumulated new loans granted from 23/01/2020 to borrowers affected by
Covid-19 (including borrowers granted new loans after debt rescheduling,
interest exemption/reduction, and other borrowers in any business sector affected
by Covid-19); separate new loans granted Total outstanding principals borrowers
whose outstanding debts are granted rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction
according to this Circular (corresponding to Column 9 and 14). Separate new
loans granted under preferential credit packages/programs registered with SBV.
- Column
(17): New outstanding debts of borrowers affected by Covid-19 at the end of
reporting period (corresponding to Column 16).
- Column
(18): Quantity of borrowers that are affected by Covid-19 and granted new loans
with outstanding debts at the end of reporting period (corresponding to Column
16 and 17).
- Column
(19): Total outstanding principals of borrowers whose outstanding debts have
been granted rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction in accordance with this
Circular and are categorized into Group 1, 2 but will have to be moved to Group
3, 4, 5 if re-categorized according to regulations of SBV at the end of
reporting period.
- Column
(20): Total outstanding principals of borrowers whose outstanding debts have
been granted rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction in accordance with this
Circular, are specified in Column 9 and Column 14, categorized into Group 1, 2
but will have to be moved to Group 3, 4, 5 if re-categorized according to
regulations of SBV at the end of reporting period.
- Column
(21): Quantity of borrowers whose outstanding debts are specified in Column 19
at the end of reporting period.
- Column
(22): Total additional provisions to be made for borrowers whose debts are
granted rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction and debt category retention
according to Clause 3 Article 6a of this Circular at the end of reporting
- Column
(23): Total additional provisions that have been made for borrowers whose debts
are granted rescheduling, interest exemption/reduction and debt category
retention according to Clause 4 Article 6a of this Circular at the end of
reporting period.
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- Line
II: sort data by 21 business sectors according to the Prime Minister’s Decision
No. 27/2018/QD-TTg dated 06/7/2018 on Vietnam Standard Industrial