Independence - Freedom – Happiness
March 22, 2010
Pursuant to the Law on State Bank
of Vietnam in 1997 and the Law on amendment, supplement of several Articles of
the Law on State Bank of Vietnam in 2003;
Pursuant to the Law on Credit Institutions in 1997 and the Law on amendment,
supplement of several Articles of the Law on Credit Institutions in 2004;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 96/2008/ND-CP dated 26/08/2008 of the Government
providing for functions, duties, authorities and organizational structure of
the State Bank of Vietnam;
The State Bank of Vietnam hereby provides for special control over credit
institutions as follows:
Chapter I
Article 1.
Governing scope
This Circular provides for
special control over credit institutions, which are established and operate in
accordance with the Law on credit institutions, including:
- State-owned Credit
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- Joint-venture Credit
- 100% foreign-owned Credit
Article 2.
Subjects of application
1. Credit institutions provided
for in Article 1 of this Circular.
2. Organizations, individuals
that are related to special control over credit institutions.
Article 3.
In this Circular, following
terms shall be construed as follows:
1. “Special control” means a
credit institution is put into the direct control of the State Bank of Vietnam
(herein after referred to as the State Bank) due to the risk of default or risk
of insolvency.
2. “Special Controllers
Committee” means an organization comprising members, established in accordance
with the Decision of the State Bank's Governor (herein after referred to as the
Governor) to directly control credit institutions which are put into special
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4. “Special control term” means the
period of time since the issuance of decision on putting a credit institution
into special control until the availability of the decision on stopping special
control over such credit institution.
5. “Representative of credit
institution” means a member of the credit institution which is put into special
control or an officer of the State Bank assigned by the Governor, on behalf of
credit institution, to administrate, control, manage the credit institution in
case of the vacancies for member of the Board of Directors, member of
Controllers Committee, General Director (Director).
6. “Plan of strengthening
organization and operation” means the plan of strengthening organization and
operation of credit institution which is put into special control.
Article 4.
Authority of the Governor
1. To make decision on special
control, term of special control, extension of special control term,
termination of special control term for credit institutions.
2. To make decision on the
establishment of the Special Controllers Committee and assign officers to
participate in Special Controllers Committee as provided for in this Circular.
3. To assign other credit
institution to participate in the special control over credit institution,
which is put into special control and at the same time to assign an officer of
such credit institution to take part in Special Controllers Committee.
4. To assign a representative
for the credit institution to participate in the administration, control,
management of credit institution in case provided for in Paragraph 9, Article 3
of this Circular.
5. To make decision on provision
of special loan by the State Bank to credit institution as provided for in
Paragraph 7, Article 3 of this Circular.
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1. File must be prepared in
Vietnamese. Copies in Vietnamese and translation versions from English into
Vietnamese must be certificated by competent agencies in accordance with
provisions of applicable laws.
2. Application for related issues
in this Circular by credit institution shall be signed by the Chairman of the
Board of Directors (in case of vacancy of Chairman, by one of the members of
the Board of Directors, Controllers Committee, or General Director) or
representative of credit institution as provided for in Paragraph 9, Article 3
of this Circular. Person who signs such application shall be responsible for
the accuracy, honesty of the file within his/her competence.
3. Files shall be sent to State
Bank, State Bank branches in provinces, cities where head offices of credit
institutions that are put into special control are located (hereinafter
referred to as State Bank branches) in one of following ways: directly, by
post; via fax or email (with confirmation by phone), then send the original
files to the State Bank for examination and storage.
Chapter II
Article 6.
Conditions to put a credit institution into special control
A credit institution may be put
into special control when it gets involved in one of or following cases:
1. It runs the risk of default
that is shown as follows: 03 (three) consecutive times of failure to ensure the
minimum ratio of the total current assets, which can be payable within the next
7 working days to the total current liabilities, which must be payable within
the next 7 working days to be 1, with regards to each currency, gold.
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3. The accumulative loss of the
credit institution is greater than 50% the total of actual charter capital and
Article 7.
Special supervision over credit institution
1. During the process of
management, inspection, examination and supervision over the operation or
through report of credit institutions, if seeing that credit institution is
likely to be put into special control or seriously violates provisions of
applicable laws on banking operation or other cases resulting in the unsafe,
instable operation of the credit institution, the Governor may apply measures
of special supervision to such credit institution.
2. The State Bank may apply the following
measures of special supervision:
a. To assign the State Bank’s
staff to directly come to the credit institution to supervise its daily
b. To direct the credit
institution to implement measures in line with provisions of applicable law in
order to overcome the weakness, unsafeness or instability of credit
c. To require credit institution
to make periodic or unexpected report on the implementation of contents
directed by the State Bank.
3. The Governor shall make
decision on the deadline to terminate the application of special supervision
Article 8.
Decision on special control
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2. Decision on putting a credit
institution into special control shall include following contents:
a. Name of the credit
institution which is under special control;
b. Reason for special control;
c. Full name, specific duty of
members of the Special Controllers Committee;
d. Term of special control.
3. The decision on special
control shall be informed to credit institution which is to be put into special
control, State Bank branch, Deposit Insurance of Vietnam and other specific
cases stipulated by the Governor.
4. Do not publicly announce the
Decision on putting credit institution into special control, except for case as
stated in Paragraph 3 of this Article.
Article 9.
Plan of strengthening organization and operation
The plan of strengthening
organization and operation shall include at least following contents:
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2. Name, address, telephone
number of member of Board of Directors, member of Controllers Committee, General
Director (Director) of credit institution or representative of credit
3. Summary of the actual
organization and operation situation of credit institution;
4. Reasons for which credit
institution is put into special control;
5. Measures to overcome the
special control situation and plan for implementation of such measures.
Article 10.
Responsibilities, authorities of credit institution to be put into special
1. In case of belonging to one
of the cases stated in Article 6 of this Circular, credit institution shall be
required to make a written report to the State Bank, through Banking Inspection
and Supervision Agency of the State Bank (herein after referred to as
Inspection and Supervision Agency). The report shall clearly state the actual
financial situation, reason and measure already applied or to be applied to
2. To set up an accurate,
sufficient, updated information channel to ensure the thorough operation of the
Special Controllers Committee during the term of special control over credit
3. The Board of Directors,
Controllers Committee, General Director (Director) of credit institution being
put into special control or representative of such credit institution as
provided for in Paragraph 9, Article 3 of this Circular, shall be responsible:
a. To set up a Plan of
strengthening organization and operation and submit to the Special Controllers
Committee for ratification; to implement the Plan of strengthening organization
and operation ratified by the Governor.
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c. To work regularly at credit
institution to implement the Plan of strengthening organization and operation.
d. To be responsible for issues
related to the organization and operation of the credit institution before,
during and after the period of special control.
dd. To seriously comply with
requirements of the Special Controllers Committee which are in relation with
the organization, administration, control and management of the credit
e. To make report on the
deployment and result of the implementation of special control measures as
required by the Special Controllers Committee.
g. To save the cost in order to
limit the financial loss.
h. To arrange place, means of
working for the Special Controllers Committee.
4. During the term of special
control, without the approval from the State Bank yet, it is strictly
prohibited for the credit institution to:
a. Allow the Chairman and
members of the Board of Directors, the Chief and members of Controllers
Committee, General Director (Director) to transfer shares (in respect of
joint-stock credit institutions).
b. Distribute dividends (if
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d. Refuse or reduce the rights,
obligations and responsibilities to customers.
Article 11.
Organizational structure of Special Controllers Committee
1. Special Controllers Committee
must contain at least 03 members, among which, 01 member shall be the
Committee’s Chief.
2. Members of Special
Controllers Committee shall be officers of related units of the State Bank,
State Bank branches, or officers of other credit institution assigned by the
Article 12.
Organizational mechanism of Special Controllers Committee
1. Members of Special
Controllers Committee shall work at credit institution under special control in
accordance with the plurality mechanism.
2. Special Controllers Committee
shall use the seal of State Bank branch (for joint-stock credit institution) or
of State Bank (for state-owned credit institution, joint venture credit
institution, 100% foreign owned credit institution) in documents, reports
signed by the Chief of Committee.
3. Special Controllers Committee
shall terminate its duties upon the availability of the decision by the
Governor to terminate the special control over the credit institution.
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1. To be an officer of the State
Bank, State Bank branch and other credit institution (if required).
2. To possess a University or
above University degree, specialized in economics, law area or professional
aspect that he shall undertake during the implementation of special control at
credit institution.
3. To have been working in the
banking area for at least 03 years.
4. Not to be a related person of
member of the Board of Directors, member of Controllers Committee, General
Director of the credit institution which is put into special control.
5. Besides provisions stated in
Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, the Chief of Special Controllers Committee
must be a leader of department level or above of professional departments,
bureaus of the State Bank or a leader of State Bank branch.
Article 14.
Responsibilities, authorities of Special Controllers Committee
1. Responsibilities, authorities
of Special Controllers Committee:
a. Responsibilities
(i) To take responsibility to
the law, the Governor for its decisions in the implementation of special
control over the credit institution;
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(iii) To instruct, supervise
credit institution which is put into special control in deployment of measures
stated in Plan of strengthening organization and operation;
(iv) On a monthly basis, to make
report, assessment of the implementation result of the Plan of strengthening
organization and operation and send to the State Bank (through Inspection and
Supervision Agency), State Bank branch;
(v) To report to State Bank on
unusual changes of credit institution which is put into special control,
inappropriate activities during the implementation of the approved Plan of
strengthening organization and operation.
(vi) To keep secret of the
actual situation of the credit institution under special control; only provide
information related to such credit institution upon written request by
competent agency.
b. Authorities:
(i) To request the credit
institution which is under special control to make report, provide documents,
information related to its organization and operation to Special Controllers
(ii) To request the credit
institution which is under special control to make inventory of all current
assets or perform the independent audit to assess the actual financial
situation of credit institution at the time it is put into special control;
(iii) To request the credit
institution which is under special control to invite borrowers and creditors to
come for public conciliation in order to determine the ability of debt recovery
and debt payment;
(iv) To draw up a file
requesting law agencies to deal with those who commit violation act in respect
of law or intentionally fail to make debt payment to the credit institution.
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(vi) To temporarily suspend the
right of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Chief and members
of Controllers Committee, General Director (Director), Deputy General Director
(Deputy Director) to administrate, control and manage the credit institution if
it is deemed to be necessary and immediately report to the Governor about this
(vii) To request the Governor to
suspend the right of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Chief
and members of the Controllers Committee, General Director (Director) to
administrate, control and manage the credit institution.
(viii) To request the Board of
Directors, General Directors (Directors) to dismiss, immediately suspend those,
who commit violation acts in respect of law, fail to comply with the Plan of
strengthening organization and operation, from work during the term of special
(ix) To propose the Governor to
extend or terminate term of special control over the credit institution.
(x) To propose the Governor for
the special loan to credit institution.
(xi) To propose the Governor for
settlement measures for credit institution which is put into special control in
accordance with provisions of current law.
(xii) To request the Governor to
make decision on arising issues which are not stated in the Plan of
strengthening organization and operation during the special control term.
2. For the Chief of Special
Controllers Committee:
a) To assign duties to members
of the Special Controllers Committee within the scope of stipulated duties and authorities;
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c) To be responsible to the
Governor for the management of the Special Controllers Committee and decisions
related to the special control over the credit institution.
3. For members of Special
Controllers Committee:
Members of the Special
Controllers Committee shall be responsible for performing the duties assigned
by the Chief and be responsible to the Chief for the implementation of their
Article 15.
Term of special control, extension of special control term
1. The maximum term of special
control is 02 years since the effective date of the Decision, by the Governor,
on putting credit institution into special control.
2. In case of requesting the
Governor for extension of term of special control over credit institution in
accordance with provisions in Item (ix), Point b, Paragraph 1, Article 14 of
this Circular, Special Controllers Committee shall submit a Statement to the
Governor to request for extension of term of special control over the credit
institution or refusal to such extension (the reason thereof shall be clearly
3. Within the maximum period of
15 working days since the receipt of the request of Special Controllers
Committee, the Inspection and Supervision Agency shall collect opinions from
related units, summarize and submit to the Governor for his decision on
extension or refusal to extension of special control term over the credit
institution (reason thereof shall be clearly stated).
Article 16.
Termination of special control
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a) Where the term of special
control expires, and the extension is not approved.
b) Where credit institution has
overcome reasons for being put into special control and continue its normal
c) Credit institution is not
capable of overcoming reasons for being put into special control, resulting in
its bankruptcy.
d) Before term of special
control expires, the credit institution carried out reorganization in
accordance with related provisions of current laws.
2. In case of requesting the Governor
to terminate the special control over the credit institution in accordance with
provisions in item (ix), point b Paragraph 1, Article 14 of this Circular,
Special Controllers Committee must submit a Statement to the Governor for the
termination of special control over the credit institution.
3. Within the maximum period of
30 working days since the receipt of the request from Special Controllers
Committee as stated in Paragraph 2 of this Article, Inspection and Supervision
Agency shall collect opinions from related units, then summarize and submit to
the Governor for his decision on termination of the special control over credit
Article 17.
Inspection and Supervision Agency
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2. To assign staff to
participate in the Special Controllers Committee as requested by the Governor.
3. To act as a coordinator to
receive reports and requests from credit institutions, from the State Bank
branches, Special Controllers Committee, to collect opinion from related units,
then summarize and submit to the Governor for his decision on issues related to
special control over credit institutions as provided for in this Circular.
4. To take responsibility for
management and storage of file under a Secret Regime in relation with special
control over the credit institution.
Article 18.
Legislation Department
1. To assign officers to
participate in Special Controllers Committee as requested by the Governor.
2. Within a maximum period of 15
working days since the availability of the written request from Inspection and Supervision
Agency, the Legislation Department shall give out its written opinion about
legal issues during the special control over credit institution and send to the
Inspection and Supervision Agency.
Article 19.
Finance – Accountant Department
Within a maximum period of 15
working days since the availability of the written request from Inspection and
Supervision Agency, the Finance – Accountant Department shall give out its
written opinion about issues related to accounting mechanism and refund of special
loan to credit institution which is under special control.
Article 20.
Related units of the State Bank
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Article 21.
State Bank branches
1. To examine, detect and timely
make report to the Governor when credit institution is likely to get involved
in one of the cases stated in Article 6 of this Circular.
2. To suggest the settlement of
issues related to the special control, extension of term of special control,
termination of special control over the credit institution upon request by the
credit institution and Special Controllers Committee in accordance with
provisions in this Circular.
3. To assign officer to participate
in the Special Controllers Committee as requested by the Governor.
Chapter IV
Article 22.
Implementing effectiveness
1. This Circular shall be
effective since 06/5/2010.
2. The Decision No.
215/1998/QD-NHNN dated 23/6/1998 on the promulgation of Regulations on special
control over Vietnam joint stock credit institutions, Decision No.
1071/2002/QD-NHNN dated 2/10/2002 on the amendment, supplement of several
articles, paragraphs of the Regulations on special control over Vietnam joint
stock credit institutions issued in conjunction with the Decision No.
215/1998/QD-NHNN dated 23/6/1998, Decision No. 646/2002/QD-NHNN dated 21/6/2002
on the amendment of Article 14 of the Decision No. 215/1998/QD-NHNN dated
23/6/1998 of the Governor shall cease their effectiveness.
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The Director of Administrative
Department, Chief of Banking Inspection and Supervision Agency, Head of units of
State Bank of Vietnam, Managers of State Bank branches in provinces, cities,
Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Chief and members of
Controllers Committee, General Director of credit institutions shall take
responsibility for implementation of this Circular.
Tran Minh Tuan