Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 427/1997/QD-NHNN2
Hanoi, December 23, 1997
Pursuant to the
Ordinance on the State Bank of Vietnam dated May 23, 1990;
Pursuant to the
Government’s Decree No. 15/CP dated March 2, 1993 on tasks, entitlements and
state management responsibilities of Ministries and ministerial agencies;
At the request of the
Director of the Finance and Accounting Department and the Director of the Issue
and Vault Department - the State Bank of Vietnam,
1: “Regulation on delivery and storage of important printed
documents of the State Bank” is promulgated together with this Decision.
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3: Chief of the Governor's Office, heads of affiliates of the
Central State Bank and Directors of branches of State Bank of provinces and
cities are responsible for the implementation of this Decision.
Le Duc Thuy
(Promulgated together with the Decision No.
427/1997/QD-NHNN2 dated December 23, 1997 of the Governor of the State Bank)
1. The State Bank’s important
printed documents refer to those that have not yet been used to carry out
relevant operations, including issuance orders, cheques, treasury bills, bonds,
bonds, exchange bills and physical inter-bank advice.
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2. Regulated entities:
This Regulation only
applies to all units of the State Bank (hereinafter referred to as “State Bank
3. The storage, transport and
delivery of important printed documents at State Bank units shall comply with
the following requirements:
1. Important printed
documents shall be carefully stored in the same manner as money is stored and
shall be placed in vaults or safes that meet standards for money vaults and
safes in accordance with regulations of the Governor of the State Bank.
Logbooks and vault tags should be in place to record quantity and serial number
of each important printed document.
There must be a vault
management board. Members of the board include the Director (or person
authorized by the Director), accounting manager (or authorized person) and
vault keeper. These members shall manage important printed documents such
as money and payment checks.
2. Important printed
documents shall be safely transported from the printery to a State Bank unit or
between State Bank units in the same manner as money is transported.
3. The delivery and
receipt of important printed documents shall comply with rules and procedures for
delivery and receipt of money. The delivery of important printed documents
shall comply with the following regulations:
- If they are transferred
between State Bank units, a written request for transfer made by the Finance
and Accounting Department is required.
- If they are delivered
for internal use or for sale, it is required to obtain approval from the State
Bank unit’s approval.
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- A goods received note
or delivery note shall be made upon receipt or delivery.
4. If State Bank units sell important printed documents to
customers, it is required to sufficiently carry out procedures in accordance
with applicable regulations, instruct and request customers to carefully store
such important printed documents in the same manner as money is stored.
5. On a periodic basis, the vault management board shall
inventory important printed documents against the vault tags and accounting
books. In the case of difference, it is required to find the cause, make a record
and take remedial actions to avoid loss.
6. Important printed documents shall be recorded in “Raw
materials” account in accordance with applicable regulations. Accounts and
vault keepers shall record quantity of important printed documents delivered,
received and left in accounting books and ensure that inventories recorded in
accounting books and vault tags are consistent with actual values.
7. Procedures for receipt and delivery of important printed
1. Receiving procedures:
a. Receiving important
printed documents from the State Bank unit’s printery:
- Under the contract for
printing of imported printed documents and invoice cum delivery note of the
State Bank unit's printery, the Department in charge of receipt shall check
quantity and quality of important printed documents in a proper manner. The two
parties (State Bank unit and State Bank unit’s printery) shall reach an
agreement on the delivery method and ensure that quantity delivered is
consistent with that on the invoice cum delivery note of the State Bank unit’s
printery as well as the actual quantity received.
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+ 1 copy of the goods
received note is the basis for the vault keeper to write in the vault tag in
accordance with applicable regulations and is archived by the Vault Department;
+ Copies of the goods
received note and invoice cum delivery note are the basis for the Accounting
Department to record entries in the "Raw materials" account and are
included in the document journal.
- If sealed packages are
received, re-check such sealed packages when documents are delivered for use or
sale. If serial numbers or their quantity or types are incorrect, make a check
record (Appendix No. 1) specifying incorrect quantity, etc. and send the record
to the State Bank unit’s printery together with seals of bundles of repeated or
skipped serial numbers, incorrect types/serial numbers.
b. Receiving important
printed documents from the superior State Bank unit or other branches:
According to the delivery
note of the delivering party and goods received note of the receiving State
Bank unit’s Accounting Department, the vault keeper shall check and receive the
important printed documents. The goods received note shall specify types,
quantity, quality and serial numbers (if any) of important printed documents.
Follow the following instructions:
+ 1 copy of the goods
received note is the basis for the vault keeper to write in the vault tag in accordance
with applicable regulations and is archived by the Vault Department;
+ Copies of the goods
received note and delivery note of the delivering party are the basis for the
Accounting Department to record entries in the "Raw materials"
account and are included in the document journal.
The goods received note
shall bear signatures of the material accountant, accounting manager, delivery
person, recipient (vault keeper), and Director of the receiving State Bank
c. Receiving unused
important printed documents after use or sale:
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+ 1 copy of the goods
received note is as the basis for the vault keeper to write in the vault tag in
accordance with applicable regulations and is archived by the Vault Department;
+ Copies of the goods
received note and written request for receipt of unused important printed
documents are the basis for the Accounting Department to record entries in the
"Raw materials" account and are included in the document journal.
The goods received note
shall bear signatures of the material accountant, accounting manager, delivery
person, recipient (vault keeper), and Director of the State Bank unit.
d. During the delivery or
receipt, if any sheet, pack or volume of important printed documents is found
damaged and thus unusable, it shall be handled as prescribed in Clause 3
Article 9 of this Decision.
2. Delivering procedures:
Important printed
documents are delivered for internal use, sale, transfer between branches,
sampling or destruction.
a. In the cases where
important printed documents are delivered to be transferred to another branch,
the vault keeper shall deliver them according to the written request for
transfer of important printed documents made by the Finance and Accounting
Department and delivery note (Appendix No. 3) prepared by the Accounting
Department. Follow the instructions below:
+ 1 copy of the delivery
note is the basis for the vault keeper to write in the vault tag in accordance
with applicable regulations and is archived by the Vault Department;
+ 1 copy of the delivery
note and the written request for transfer are the basis for the Accounting
Department to record entries in the "Raw materials" account and are
included in the document journal.
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The delivery note shall
bear signatures of the material accountant, accounting manager, delivery person
(vault keeper), recipient, and Director of the delivering State Bank unit.
b. If delivered for
internal use or for sale.
The vault keeper shall
deliver important printed documents according to the written request approved
by the Director of the State Bank unit and delivery note prepared by the
Accounting Department. Follow the instructions below:
+ 1 copy of the delivery
note is the basis for the vault keeper to write in the vault tag and is
archived by the Vault Department;
+ 1 copy of the delivery
note and the written request (approved by the Director) are the basis for the
Accounting Department to record entries in the "Raw materials"
account and are included in the document journal.
The delivery note shall
bear signatures of the material accountant, accounting manager, delivery person
(vault keeper), recipient, and Director of the delivering State Bank unit.
8. Checking and comparing inventories and material accounting
1. On a monthly basis,
the vault management board and persons concerned shall check and compare the
vault tag and accounting books, inventory checking results and those in accounting
books. In the case of difference, find the cause. If the cause is an incorrect
entry, re-adjust it in accordance with regulations. In the case of
embezzlement, make a record and take prompt remedial actions.
- On a quarterly basis
(up to 24h on the first of January, April, July and October), the inventorying
council shall compile an inventory (each volume/pack/sheet) and make a record
of quantity and quality of all important printed documents reserved in a vault.
The record shall bear signatures of all members of the inventorying council.
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- Any member of the vault
management board is changed.
- The State Bank unit
dissolves, is consolidated or partially divided.
- A break-in happens or
is suspected.
- The vault key is lost.
- A fire or disaster
affects the important printed document vault or safes.
- An order is issued by
the Director of the State Bank unit.
- The inventory is
requested by a competent authority.
3. The inventorying
council shall be established under the decision of the Director of the State
Bank unit. The council includes the Director of the State Bank unit (or
authorized person), head of the Vault Department, accounting manager and some
assistants (if necessary).
9. The following important printed documents shall be
considered damaged and handled as follows:
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- complete packs of
important printed documents which contain repeated or skipped serial numbers or
incorrect forms or other forms are used.
- important printed
documents which, during the storage, have their color changed, are dirty,
decayed or torn or damaged by mites/rats/ cockroaches or fires/floods, holed,
stuck together or destroyed.
- important printed
documents that are falsified, smeared, bored, cut, torn or incorrectly drawn or
written, and thus unusable.
- blank cheques (which
have not yet been issued) which are returned by customers to the State Bank
unit for any reason.
2. Regarding important
printed documents in vaults, if any damage is found, the vault keeper is not
allowed to deliver such documents and shall store them separately, awaiting for
the destruction decision of the Director of the State Bank unit.
3. If any important
printed document that is being received/delivered or was already delivered is
found damaged, it is required to make a record specifying reason for damage,
put a cross (x) and write “Hỏng” (“Damaged”) on all sheets (copies). The record
shall bear signatures of the person causing the damage (or person finding it
damaged) and his/her manager. The record and damaged document shall be
carefully stored as prescribed.
4. On a biannual or
annual basis (depending the quantity of damaged important damaged documents),
the State Bank unit shall destroy damaged important printed documents. The
Director of the State Bank unit shall establish a council in charge of
destroying such damaged important printed documents. The council should be
composed of the Director of the State Bank (or Deputy Director), head of the
Vault Department, accounting manager and material accountants. Upon
destruction, it is required to make a record enclosed with detailed lists.
10. In case of change of a member of
the vault management board (the Director of the State Bank unit, accounting
manager or vault keeper), it is required to carry out a handover of
The handover procedures
shall be carried out under applicable regulations in a manner that ensures
asset safety.
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11. Responsibilities of members in
charge of managing or directly performing vault work and recording entries in
accounting books
1. The Director of a
State Bank unit shall manage vaults of important printed documents according to
the unit's regulations on delivery, receipt, storage and transport of important
printed documents.
2. Accounting Department
a. An accounting manager
- organize the
performance of accounting procedures for delivery, receipt, storage and
transport of important printed documents in accordance with regulations imposed
by the Governor of the State Bank.
- provide guidance and
inspect the recording of entries in accounting books by the Accounting Department
or vault keepers. Inspect each delivery/receipt. Regularly compare accounting
books and vault tags.
- join the important
printed document inventorying council.
b. A material accountant
- closely monitor
quantity of reserved important printed documents, and notify the accounting
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3. Vault Department
a. A head of the Vault
Department shall:
- organize the delivery,
receipt and storage of important printed documents.
- inspect the storage of printed
documents in vaults and safes; facilitate inventories of important printed
b. The vault keeper or
officials of vault division assigned to store important printed documents
- store important printed
documents in the same manner as money is stored in their vault and comply with
rules for and regulations on delivery, receipt and storage of important printed
- check quantity, quality
and types of important printed documents prior to receipt. Be entitled to
refuse to deliver important printed documents against the delivering
- arrange documents by
their types and in numerical order in accordance with accounting books, thereby
facilitating the receipt, delivery and inspection.
- sufficiently record
entries in books and archive books and documents about vaults in a sufficient,
clear and accurate manner.
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12. The Director of the Finance and
Accounting Department and the Director of the Issue and Vault Department
- the State Bank of Vietnam shall provide guidance, organize and supervise the
implementation of this Regulation by State Bank units.
13. Any person misuses
important printed documents for embezzlement shall, according to the severity
of the violation, incur penalties as prescribed by law.
In the case of loss made
by the person in charge of managing important printed documents, he/she shall incur
penalties as prescribed by softlaw.
14. The amendments to this Decision
shall be decided by the Governor of the State Bank.
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
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(Place name), date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
The check board
consisting of:
- Mr.
(Mrs.):............... Position
- Mr.
(Mrs.):............... Position
- Mr.
(Mrs.):............... Position
has conducted a check of
important printed documents received from the State Bank unit’s printery under
the printing contract No. ..... dated........ and invoice cum delivery note of
the bank’s printer No. ... dated........ To be specific:
Important printed document
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Printed ordinal number from... to...
After checking important
printed documents: (contained in a complete pack whose seal remains intact, and
packaged according to regulatory specifications), we have opened the pack,
counted and checked serial numbers and ordinal numbers printed on the documents
and have come to a conclusion as follows:...................................
Regarding the quantity
and quality in general:
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Regarding the quantity in
Important printed document
Volume No. (repeated/skipped/damaged)
Serial number (repeated/skipped/damaged)
Printed ordinal number from... to...
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We have handled the
repeated, skipped or damaged documents,
documents.............. have been transferred to Mr. (Mrs.)................ for
storage and destruction purposes.
The record is made into 3
1 copy is sent to the
State Bank unit’s printery;
2 copies are kept by the
bank together with the receipt documents and serve as the basis for recording
Check board Offical in
charge of storage Director of the State Bank unit
important printed documents…
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Debit account number:
Credit account number:
Full name of the delivery
to............No. .../.../.... of ..............
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Serial number
Printed ordinal number
Unit price
Amount (according to actual value)
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Actual value
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Amount in
..., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
Accountant Accounting
manager Delivery person Recipient Director of the State Bank unit
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Credit account number:
Full name of the
to............No. .../.../.... of ..............
Reason for
Important printed document
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Printed ordinal number
Unit price
Amount (according to actual value)
Book value
Actual value
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Amount in
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..., date (dd/mm/yyyy) ….
Goods accountant
Accounting manager Delivery person Recipient Director of the State Bank unit