Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 32/2010/TT-BCT
Hanoi, July 30, 2010
Pursuant to Decree No. 189/2007/ND-CP
dated December 27, 2007 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers
and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Pursuant to the Electricity Law dated December 3,
Pursuant to Decree No. 105/2005/ND-CP dated August 17, 2005
of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some provisions
of the Electricity Law;Pursuant to Decision No. 26/2006/QD-TTg dated January 26,
2006 by the Prime Minister on approval of roadmap and the formation
development conditions of levels of
electricity market in Vietnam;
The Ministry of Industry and Trade
provides for the distribution power system as follows:
Chapter I
This Circular provides for:
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Investment and development of distribution
power grid.
3. Forecasting of electrical load demand;
4. Conditions and procedures for connection
to the distribution power grid.
5. Dispatch and operation of distribution
power system;
6. Metering of power at the point of delivery
between the distribution power grid and power plants connected to the
distribution power grid not involved in competitive electrical generation
markets and customers using the distribution power grid.
This Circular applies to the following
1. Power distribution units;
2. Customers using the distribution power
3. Vietnam Electricity Group.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Voltage level is one of the values of the
nominal voltage used in the power system, including:
a) Lower voltage is the nominal voltage of
below 1000V;
b) Medium voltage is the nominal voltage from
1000v to 35kV;
c) High voltage is the nominal voltage from 35kV to 220kV;
d) Ultra high voltage is the nominal voltage
of over 220kV;
2. Current transformer (CT) is the current
transformation equipment expanding the scope of current measurement and power
for the metering system.
3. Voltage transformer (VT) is voltage
transformation equipment, expanding range of voltage and power measurement for
the metering system.
4. Available power of generating unit is the
actual maximum generation output of generating units which may generate power
stably and continuously in a defined period.
5. Voltage oscillation is the change of voltage
amplitude compared with the nominal voltage during the time longer than one
(01) minute;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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7. Power distribution unit is the power unit
issued with the power operation permit in the field of power distribution and
receives the power directly from the electric transmission grid to sell power
to power user or other power distributing and retailing units;
8. Power distributing and retailing unit is the
electricity unit issued with the power operation permit in the field of power
distribution and retailing or wholesaling purchase from the power distribution
unit for retail sale to power user;
9. Power transmission unit is a power unit
licensed to operate the electricity in the field of transmission and is
responsible for managing the operation of the national transmission grid.
10. Power market and system operating unit is the
unit steering and controlling the process of generation, transmission and
distribution of power in the national power system; managing and coordinating
the transaction of power sale and purchase and ancillary services in the
electricity market;
11. Fault factor is the
ratio between the value of voltage of phase without break-down after an earth
fault short circuit with the voltage value of previous phase prior to earth
fault short circuit (applying to cases of earth fault single phase short
circuit (01) or two –phase short-circuit ).
12. Distribution power system is the power system
including the distribution power grid and power plants connected to the distribution
power grid;
13. Metering system is the system including the
metering devices and integrated circuits for metering and determining the
amount of power transmitted through a metering position.
14. SCADA (Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition)
system is the data collection system to serve the monitoring, control and
operation of the power system.
15. Power users are organizations or individuals
purchasing power from the distribution power grid for use, not for re-sale to
other organizations or individuals;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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a) Electricity users;
b) Organizations or individuals possessing the
generating units connected to the distribution power grid;
c) Power distributing and retailing units;
17. Power electricity users of distribution power
grid with separate station are the electricity users having separate substation
and power grid connected to the distribution grid at medium-voltage level and
18. Large electricity users of distribution power
grid are the ones using the distribution power grid and possessing generating
units with scale of installed capacity and the power electricity users with
scale of power consumption provided for by the Electricity Regulatory
19. Distribution power grid is the power grid
including transmission lines and substations with voltage level from 35 kV or
less, the transmission lines and substations with 110kV voltage having power
distribution function.
20. Transmission power grid is the grid including
transmission lines and substations with voltage level from 220 kV or more, the
transmission lines and substations with voltage of 110kV having transmission
function to receive power from the power plants into the national electricity
21. Typical day is the day which is selected and
has mode of typical power consumption of power substation. The typical day includes
the typical day of working day and weekends for years, months and weeks.
22. Stoppage or reduction in power supply as
planned is the stoppage of power supply for the electricity users to do the
repair, maintenance, overhaul, construction and installation of power works;
regulation and restriction of load due to shortage of power under the load
restrictions plan notified by the power market and system operating unit;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Pst95% is the value
threshold of Pst so that in approximately 95% of the measurement period (at
least a week) and 95% of number of measured positions Pst shall not exceed this
24. Level of long-term voltage flicker (Plt) is calculated from
12 consecutive Pst measurement result
(during a period of approximate two (02) hours) by the following formula:

Pst95% is the value
threshold of Plt so that in
approximately 95% of the measurement period (at least a week) and 95% of number
of measured positions Plt shall not exceed this value.
25. Blackout is the loss of connection between power
plants and electric power substation resulted in power failure of a part or a
whole of regional power system or national power system;
26. Operation boundary is the boundary
determining the responsibility for operation of power grid or electrical equipment
between the power distribution unit and electricity users of distribution power
grid or other power distribution units;
27. Load shedding is the cut-off of load out of
power grid when there is break-down in the power system or short-term local
overload in order to ensure the safe operation of power system. This is done
through the automatic load shedding system or dispatch order;
28. Harmonics is the voltage wave and sinusoidal
current having frequency as multiple of the fundamental frequency.
29. Separation of connection is the separation of
power grid or electrical devices of electricity users of distribution power
grid from the distribution power grid at the Point of connection.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
31. Connection Agreement is the written agreement
between the power distribution unit and electricity users of distribution power
grid with separate station for connection the electricity users’ electrical
devices to the distribution power grid;
32. IEC standard is the standard of electrical
technique issued by the International Electrotechnical
33. Metering position is the physical position on
the first circuit, in which the power sold and purchased is metered and
Chapter II
Rated frequency in the national power system
is 50Hz. In normal
conditions, the power system frequency may oscillate within ± 0.2 Hz compared
with the rated frequency. In case of unstable power system, power system
frequency may oscillate within ± 0.5 Hz compared with the rated frequency.
1. Nominal voltage
Levels of nominal voltage in the distribution
power system include 110kV, 35kV, 22kV, 15kV, 10kV, 6kV and 0,4kV.
2. In the mode of normal operation, the
voltage operated at the Point of connection may oscillate compared with the
nominal voltage as follows:
a) At the point of connection with the
electricity users is ±5%;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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3. In the mode of single break-down or during
the restoration of stable operation after break-down, the rate of voltage
oscillation at the Point of connection with the electricity users directly
affected by the break-down may be from +5% and –10% compared with the
nominal voltage;
4. In the mode of serious break-down of power
transmission systems or break-down recovery, the voltage oscillation may be
±10% compared to the nominal voltage
5. Where the electricity users of
distribution power grid require the higher quality of voltage than specified,
the electricity users of distribution power grid may agree upon the voltage
oscillation value at other Point of connections with the values specified in
Clause 2 of this Article;
In the mode of normal operation, negative
sequence component of phase voltage shall not exceed 3% of nominal voltage for
the voltage level of 110 kV or 5% of nominal voltage for the medium or
low voltage level;
1. Total harmonic distortion (THD) is the
ratio of the effective value of voltage of harmonics with the effective value
of the fundamental voltage, expressed in units of percent (%), by the following

In which:
Total harmonic distortion of voltage;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Voltage composition in the harmonics of
level i;
Voltage composition in the fundamental
frequency (50Hz).
2. Total harmonic distortion of voltage at
all Point of connection must not exceed the value specified in Table 1 as
Table 1: Harmonic distortion of
harmonic distortion
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Medium and low
3. Allowing the abnormal voltage peak on the
distribution power grid during short time to exceed the total harmonic
distortion specified in Clause 2 of this Article but not cause damage to the
electrical devices of the electricity users of distribution power grid;
1. In the conditions of normal operation, the
rate of voltage flicker at all Point of connection must not exceed the limit
specified in Table 2 below:
Table 2: Rate of voltage
Voltage level
Permitted rate of
voltage flicker
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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= 0.80
= 0.60
Medium voltage
= 1,00
= 0.80
Low voltage
= 1,00
= 0.80
2. At the Point of connection of medium, the
short-term rate of flinker (Pst) must not exceed 0.9
and the long-term rate of flinker (Plt) must not exceed 0.7
based on IEC1000-3-7 standard;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Table 3: Permitted
ultimate short circuit current and the time of eliminating break-downs
Ultimate short
circuit current
Time of elimination
of break-downs (ms)
Endurance time of
equipment (s)
Medium voltage
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. In special cases, the power distribution
unit is responsible for proposal to have permission for application of rate of
ultimate short circuit current for a certain areas in the distribution power
system higher than the rate specified in Table 3;
3. The power distribution unit is responsible
for prepare documents including the evaluation of effect of applying the value
of ultimate short circuit higher than the specified rate in Table 3 to the
electricity users of distribution power grid directly affected, and submit them
to the Electricity Regulatory Department for consideration and approval;
4. The power distribution unit shall notify
the value of permitted ultimate short circuit at the Point of connection for
the large electricity users using the distribution power grid for coordination
during installation of equipment;
The neutral earthing mode in the distribution
power system is specified in Table 4 as follows:
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Direct earthing
35 kV
neutral or earthed through impedance
15, 22 kV
Direct earthing
(3-phase 3-wire) or multiple earthing (3-phase 4-wire)
6, 10 kV
Below 1000V
Direct earthing
(neutral earthing, multiple earthing, combined neutral earthing)
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Indexes of reliability of distribution
power grid include:
a) System Average Interruption Duration
Index - SAID
b) System Average Interruption Frequency
Index - SAIFI
c) Momentary Average Interruption
Frequency Index - MAIFI
2. Indexes of reliability of distribution
power grid is calculated as follows:
a) SAIDI is calculated by the total outage
time of electricity users and power distributing and retailing units purchasing
power from the power distribution unit in a quarter divided by total number of
electricity users and power distributing and retailing units purchasing power
from the power distribution unit in that quarter by the following formula:

In which:
Ti: i th
outage longer than 5 minutes in quarter j;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
n: A number of times of outage longer than 5
minutes in quarter j;
K: Total electricity users and power
distributing and retailing units purchasing power from the power distribution
unit in quarter j;
b) SAIFI is calculated by the total times of
outage electricity users and power distributing and retailing units purchasing
power from the power distribution unit in quarter divided by the total
electricity users and power distributing and retailing units purchasing power
from the power distribution unit in that quarter, by the following formula:

In which:
n: A number of outage longer than 5 minutes
in quarter j;
K: Total electricity users in quarter j of power
distribution unit
c) MAIFI is calculated by a number of
transient outages of electricity users and power distributing and retailing
units purchasing power from the power distribution unit in quarter divided by
the total electricity users and power distributing and retailing units
purchasing power from the power distribution unit in that quarter, by the
following formula:

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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
m: a number of transient outages in quarter j;
K: Total electricity users and power distributing
and retailing units purchasing power from the power distribution unit in
quarter j;
1. Electricity users of distribution
electricity grid propose the power outage;
2. Devices of electricity users of
distribution power grid do not meet the technical standards and safety
standards for restoration of power supply;
3. Due to equipment malfunction of
electricity users of distribution electricity grid;
4. Due to power outage from transmission
5. Load shedding by the dispatch order of
power market and system operating unit;
6. Power outage occurs when there is
possibility of causing serious unsafety for people and devices during the
operation of power system;
7. Due to electricity users’ violation of
regulation of law on power activities and power use specified in Article 6 of
Decision No. 39/2005/QD-BCN dated December 23,
2005 of the Ministry of Industry stipulating the conditions, order and
procedures for stoppage or reduction in power supply (hereafter referred to as
Decision No. 39/2005/QD-BCN).
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Before September 15 annually, Vietnam
Electricity Group shall summarize the calculation of reliability for the
subsequent year of power distribution units for submission to the Electricity
Regulatory Department for consideration and approval;
2. Before October 15 annually, the
Electricity Regulatory Department shall approve the criteria for the
reliability of the distribution power grid of each power distribution unit as a
basis for calculation of power distribution price to the power distribution
1. Before the 15th date of first
month of each quarter, the power distribution unit shall report in writing to
the Electricity Regulatory Department on implementation of power supply
reliability indexes of distribution power grid in the previous quarter
2. The Electricity Regulatory Department
stipulates the form of report on reliability of power distribution units;
The power loss of distribution power grid
1. Technical power loss: caused by power loss
due to loss of technical capacity on transmission line and electrical devices
on distribution power grid;
2. Non-technical power loss: is power loss
due to theft of power, due to the error of power metering device or error of
power metering system management;
1. Before September 15th annually,
the Vietnam Electricity Group shall summarize the calculation of power loss of
distribution power grid for subsequent year of power distribution units for
submission to the Electricity Regulatory Department for consideration and
2. Before October 15th annually,
the Electricity Regulatory Department shall approve the indicators of power
loss of distribution power grid for power distribution units as a basis for
calculation of power distribution price for power distribution units;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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1. Time to consider and sign connection
agreement and perform new connection or the time to adjust the connection for
electricity users;
2. Quality of response to complaints in
Contents of written response to electricity
users’ complaint include:
a) Clearly responding that the complaints are
accepted or not;
b) Clearly explaining that the settlement of
the complaint is accepted;
c) Where the complaints are not accepted, the
power distribution unit must clearly specifies the reasons and gives
instruction to the electricity users in each specific case;
d) Fully providing other necessary
information to help the electricity users evaluate the settlement;
dd) Written response in the time specified at
Point b, Clause 2, Article 19 of this Circular;
3. Quality of response to the electricity
users’ complaints through telephone is evaluated by the following criteria:
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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b) The time to respond to the calls in the
time specified at Point c, Clause 2, Article 19 of this Circular;
1. The power distribution unit must organize,
maintain and upgrade the information system to record all electricity users’
complaints in writing or through telephone;
2. The services quality standard is defined
as follows:
a) The time to consider and sign connection
agreement after receipt of connection dossier which is complete and valid as
prescribed in Article 47 and 48 of this Circular;
b) Quality of written response:
- There are over 85% of documents explaining
the stoppage of power supply to the electricity users within twenty four (24)
hours from the time of stoppage of power supply;
- There are over 95% of documents responding to
complaints in writing ( fax or official dispatches) within five (05) working
c) Quality of response to complaints through
telephone: there are over 85% of electricity users’ calls are responded within
thirty (30) seconds;
Before March 31st annually, the
power distribution unit shall report to the Electricity Regulatory Department
on the result of performance of services quality standard including the
following contents:
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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2. Explanation of cause in case of failing to
meet the services quality standards;
3. Plan for improvement of services quality
Chapter III
21. General provisions
1. Forecasting of power load demand of
distribution power system means the forecast of entire load provided with power
from the distribution electricity system, except for loads with separate power
supply source. The Forecasting of power load demand of
distribution electricity system is the grounds to formulate annual plans on
investment in development of distribution power grid, plans and methods of
operating the distribution power system.
2. Forecasting of power load demand of
distribution power system include the forecasting of power load demand for the
subsequent year, month and week.
3. Responsibility for making forecast of load
power demand of distribution power system:
a) Power distribution units shall make
forecast of load power demand of distribution power system under their
management and power load at all points of connection with transmission power
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Information and data which are used for
forecast of annual power load demand include:
a) Data of Forecasting of power load demand
in the master plan for power development of provinces, central-affiliated
cities and districts already approved;
b) Elements of power price, population
growth, orientation of economic development in geographical areas of the power
distribution units and other relevant socio-economic elements;
c) Changes of power load demand during the
last five (05) years;
d) Forecasting of power demand growth of the
existing power loads in subsequent years;
dd) Power demand of new loads, projects,
industrial zones – clusters which have had plan on construction investment and
progress of operation;
e) Programs on energy savings, management of
load demand and solutions to reduce the power loss;
g) Output and electricity production purchased
and sold at each point of connection with the grid of other power distribution
h) Output and electricity production imported
and exported (if any);
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Result of forecasting of annual power load
a) For the first year
- Data of power forecast, monthly maximum
output of the whole power distribution unit and at each point of connection
with the transmission power grid;
- Diagram of monthly typical day of the whole
power distribution unit and at each point of connection with the transmission
power grid.
b) For four (04) subsequent years;
- Data of power forecast, annual maximum
output of the whole power distribution unit and at each point of connection
with the transmission power grid;
- Diagram of annual typical day of the whole
power distribution unit and at each point of connection with transmission power
3. Responsibility for information provision
in service of forecasting of power load demand
a) Electricity users of distribution power
grid with separate station must provide the following information:
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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- Estimated maximum output and electricity production
registered for monthly use in subsequent year; estimated output and electricity
production registered for annual use in four (04) subsequent years;
- Additional parameters of power grid,
circuit breaker and diagram of protection lay-out for devices which are
directly connected or affect the distribution power grid.
b) Electricity users of distribution power
grid possessing a generating unit must provide the following information:
- Forecasting of monthly production and
output possibly generated into the distribution power grid;
- Technical parameter of new generating units
and progress of putting them into operation in five (05) subsequent years.
c) The power distributing and retailing units
must provide the following information:
- Total customers under statistics of five
- Forecast of output and power demand of five
customer components in five (05) subsequent years;
- Load diagram of monthly typical day at
point of connection for the subsequent year;
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d) Other power distribution units which have
connection to the power grid of power distribution units must provide information
on maximum output and estimated production of delivery at point of connection
in each month of subsequent year; maximum output and estimated production at
point of connection in each year of the period of four (04) subsequent years.
4. Process of implementation:
a) Before June 01st annually, the
subjects specified in Clause 3 of this Article must provide information to the
power distribution units in order to make Forecasting of power load demand for
next year and four (04) subsequent years;
b) Before July 01st annually, the
power distribution units must finish the forecast result of annual power load
demand as prescribed in Clause 2 this Article in order to provide to the power
market and system operating unit.
23. Forecast of monthly power load demand
1. Information and data which are used for
forecast of monthly power load demand:
a) Result of forecasting of annual power load
b) Statistical data of consumed power, day
and night peak output in corresponding month of previous year;
c) Other necessary information.
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a) Weekly maximum output and consumed power
of the whole power distribution unit and at each point of connection with the
transmission power grid;
b) Maximum output and the power weekly
delivered at the points of electricity sale with foreign countries through
power grid of power distribution unit;
c) Maximum output and the power weekly
delivered of large electricity users of distribution power grid;
d) Diagram of weekly typical day of the whole
power distribution unit.
3. The large electricity users of
distribution power grid must provide the power distribution unit with the
forecast of consumed electricity and maximum output in subsequent month at
points of connection in the following cases:
a) Difference of output of consumed power of
more than 2MW in comparison with data of corresponding month in the forecasting
of annual power load demand;
b) Generating outputs of electricity users as
power plants with difference of more than 1MW in comparison with the estimated
generating outputs of corresponding month in the forecast of annual power load
4. Process of implementation
a) Before the 15th date monthly, the
large electricity users of distribution power grid must provide the power
distribution units with information as prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article
to serve Forecasting of power load demand in subsequent month;
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Article 24.
Forecasting of weekly load power demand
1. Result of forecasting of weekly power load
demand includes the following parameters:
a) The maximum output and daily consumed
power of the whole power distribution unit and at each point of connection with
the transmission power grid;
b) The maximum output and power delivered
daily at the points of at the points of electricity sale with foreign countries
through the power grid of power distribution unit;
c) Diagram of daily load in week of whole
power distribution unit.
2. Before 11:00 PM of Thursdays weekly, the
power distribution units must finish and provide the Forecasting of power load
demand in two (02) subsequent weeks to the power market and system operating
unit in order to set operating mode for two (02) weeks.
1. The power distribution units shall do load
research in service of forecasting of power load demand and calculation of
power retail price.
2. The Electricity Regulatory Authority shall
formulate Circular on content, process and procedures for load research and
submit it to the Minister of Industry and Trade for promulgation.
Chapter IV
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2. Annual plan for investment and development
of distribution power grid shall be made based on the following grounds:
a) Result of annual power load demand
b) Being in line with the provincial
electricity development plan approved and connection agreements signed;
1. Ensuring the power supply for the load
demand of current electricity users and new ones and ensuring the connection of
new power sources to the distribution power grid;
2. Meeting the operational standards of
distribution power system specified in Chapter II of this Circular;
3. Proposing list and progress to put the
projects of distribution power system into operation in need of investment in
subsequent year and total volume of investment of works items for four (04)
subsequent years;
4. Proposing list and projects of
transmission power grid in need of investment and upgrade in order to meet the
requirements on progress of investment and development of distribution power
1. Evaluating the present condition of
distribution power system;
2. Forecasting the power load demand of
subsequent year of each point of connection with the transmission power grid
and forecasting the power load demand under the load compositions of the whole
power distribution unit for four (04) subsequent years.
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4. List of new points of connection with
large electricity users of distribution power grid together with the estimated
points of connection agreed;
5. The calculation, analysis, selection of
optimal grid connection diagram include:
a) Calculation of operation mode of
distribution power grid;
b) Calculation of voltage loss;
c) Calculation of short-circuit to the
medium-voltage busbar of 110kV stations;
d) Calculation of power loss on distribution
dd) Calculation of reactive power
e) Plan for reactive power compensation on
distribution power grid;
6. List of works of transmission line and
power distribution substation newly built or improved for the subsequent year
and the total volume of investment in new construction and improvement of
distribution power grid under voltage levels and work items for four subsequent
(04) years as prescribed in Annex 1 to this Circular.
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1. Documents of annual plan for investment
and development of distribution power grid submitted for appraisal and approval
a) Written proposal for approval;
b) The annual plan for investment and
development of distribution power grid under the contents complies with the contents
specified in Article 28 of this Circular;
2. Annually, the power distribution units
must submit documents of plan for investment and development of distribution
power grid to the Vietnam Electricity Group under their management for summary
and formulation of plan for investment in nationwide distribution power grid
for subsequent year;
3. Before August 31st annually,
the Vietnam Electricity Group shall submit the plan for investment in
nationwide distribution power grid and of each power distribution unit to the
Electricity Regulatory Department for subsequent year;
4. Before September 30th annually,
the Electricity Regulatory Department shall appraise and adopt the plan for
investment in nationwide distribution power grid and of each power distribution
unit as a basis for calculation and setting of electricity price;
Chapter V
1. Point of connection is:
a) Point connecting equipment, power grid and
power plant of electricity users of distribution power grid to the distribution
power to the distribution power grid of power distribution unit;
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c) Point of connection of power devices and
grid of electricity users to the distribution power grid of power distributing
and retailing units;
2. Point of connection must be described in
detail with drawings, diagrams and relevant explanation in the connection
agreement or power sale and purchase contract;
1. The asset delimitation boundary between
the power distribution units or power distributing and retailing units with the
electricity users of distribution power grid;
2. The assets of each party at the asset
delimitation boundary must be listed in detail together with the relevant
drawings and diagrams in the connection agreement or power sale and purchase
3. If the assets belong to any party, that
party shall take responsibility for investment, construction, management and
operation under the standards and regulations of law, unless otherwise agreed;
32. Compliance with power development planning
1. Plan for connection of new electrical devices,
power grid and power plant to the distribution power grid must comply with the
power development planning already approved by competent state authority.
2. The power distribution unit shall notify
the electricity users of the distribution power grid in case where the
connection plan as suggested by customers is not consistent with the power
development planning approved.
3. In case where the plan on connection to
the 110kV voltage level or connection to the new power plant is not consistent
with the approved power development planning, the investor having plan on
connection shall prepare documents to report to the provincial People’s
Committee for submission to the Electricity Regulatory Authority for appraisal
and submission to the Minister of Industry and Trade to approve and adjust the
provincial power development planning.
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33. Responsibility for implementation coordination
1. The power distribution units shall
coordinate in implementing the connection plan when the electricity users have
valid documents for connection. The connection and adjustment of connection must
ensure the satisfaction of operational standards at the point of connection
specified in section 2 of this Chapter.
2. If the devices at point of connection of
electricity users of distribution power grid fail to satisfy the technical
standards and operational standards of distribution power grid, the power
distribution units shall notify and coordinate with the electricity users to
provide remedial measures. The electricity users of distribution
power grid must cover all costs for remedial measures.
34. Requirements on phase balance
In normal working mode, the electricity users
of distribution power grid must ensure that their devices do not cause the
negative sequence component of phase voltage at point of connection in excess
of 3% of nominal voltage for the 110 KV voltage level or in excess of 5%
of nominal voltage for voltage level of less than 110kV.
1. The permitted maximum value (under the
absolute value of electric current or % of load electric current at point of
connection) of total electric current deformation due to components of
high-level harmonics depending on voltage level defined as follows;
a) For point of connection to low voltage
level with output of 10kW:
- The electricity users are connected to in
1-phase low voltage level: the electric current value of high-level harmonics
does not exceed 5A;
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b) For connection to medium voltage level or
connection with output of between 10kW and 50kW: the electric current value of high-level
harmonics at high level does not exceed 20% of load current.
c) For connection to high voltage or
connections with output of 50kV or more: the electric current value of high-level
harmonics does not exceed 12% of load current.
2. Total deformation of harmonics measured by
the power distribution units at point of connection of electricity users of
distribution power grid metered under standard IEC1000-4-7, lasting at least 24
hours with cycle of 10 minutes/time. No later than six (06) months after
detecting the electricity users’ devices fail to reach the value specified in
Clause 1 of this Article, the electricity users must take remedial measures in
order to reach total deformation of harmonics within the permissible limits.
36. Requirements on voltage flicker
The permissible maximum voltage flicker at
point of connection with distribution power grid must comply with the Article 8
of this Circular.
1. The electricity users of distribution
power grid must use mode of neutral grounding in their power grid as prescribed
in Article 10 of this Circular, unless otherwise agreed.<0}
2. Where the electricity users are provided
with power from many parties, they shall install appropriate protective devices
in order to prevent and limit electric current to run through the neutral point
into the ground.
The electricity users utilize
production, business and services with the maximum utilization output of 80 KW
or transformers with capacity of 100kVA or more shall maintain the
output factor (cos) at point of connection not less than 0.85, unless otherwise
39. Requirements on low-frequency relay system
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1. The electricity users of distribution
power grid possessing the power plant connected into the distribution power
grid with output of more than or equal to 10MW and 110kV substations shall be installed with the information system under
their management and connect this system with information system of power
distribution units in service of communications and transmission of data in
operation of electricity system. The electricity users’ devices of
distribution power grid must be compatible with the existing information system
of the power distribution units.
2. The electricity users not subject to the
cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article are entitled to make an agreement
on installation of information system and it must be clearly stated in the
connection agreement;
3. The power distribution units shall invest
and manage the information system within their power grid management in service
of operating the distribution power system.
4. Power distribution units shall provide
necessary requirements on information data, data transmission and information
interface for the electricity users of distribution power grid and coordinate
with the electricity users in testing, inspection and connecting the
electricity users’ information system and data to the existing information and
date system under their management.
1. The power plant connected to the
distribution power grid with output of more than or equal to 10MW and 110kV substations must be equipped with the distributed
control system (DCS) or remote terminal unit (RTU) with two (02)
independent gates and connected directly to the SCADA/DMS system of power
distribution units.
2. For power plants with output of less than
10MW connected directly to 110kV power grid, the requirements on SCADA/DMS
system may be agreed between parties depending on each specific case and must
be clearly stated in the connection agreement.
3. The electricity users of distribution
power grid shall be responsible for purchase, installation and connection of
data transmission line of SCADA/DMS system from power grid within management to
the SCADA/DMS system of power distribution units.
4. The electricity users’ SCADA/DMS system
must have compatible technical characteristics and ensure the connection to the
SCADA/DMS system of the power distribution units.
5. The connection of electricity users’
SCADA/DMS system to the existing SCADA/DMS system of power distribution units
must be coordinated in implementation by the two parties. The power
distribution units shall provide transmission line to point of connection and
integrate the parameters of electricity users’ SCADA/DMS system with their
SCADA/DMS system.
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7. Requirements on list of data and technical
standards of equipment under DCS/RTU system are specified in the Regulation on
technical requirements and management of operation of SCADA/DMS system.
8. The Electricity Regulatory Authority shall
organize, formulate and promulgate Regulation on technical requirements and
management of operation of SCADA/DMS system.
42. Requirements on protection system
1. The protection relay system of electric
stations and 110kV voltage lines must comply with regulations on technical
requirements for the protective and automatic relay system in power plants and
substations promulgated by Electricity Regulatory Authority.
2. The power distribution units and
electricity power of distribution power grid with separate station must agree
upon requirements on protection system in the connection agreement.
3. The dispatch level which has the right to
control the distribution power grid shall issue slip of relay adjustment within
the distribution power grid and approve adjusted numbers related to the
distribution power grid for protective devices of relay electricity users of
the distribution power grid.
4. The electricity users of distribution
power grid with separate station must coordinate with the power distribution
units to design, install, test and operate the protection system on their power
grids to satisfy standards and technical requirements on duration of impact, sensitivity and selectivity against break-downs
to minimize influence on the distribution power grid.
5. The electricity users of distribution
power grid with separate station are prohibited from intentionally installing
devices to limit short-circuit electric current at busbar connected to the
distribution power grid, unless otherwise agreed with the power distribution
6. The power distribution units must provide
the electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station with the
parameters of protection relay system on the distribution power grid in
connection agreement.
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The generating unit connected to the
distribution power grid must satisfy the following requirements:
1. The circuit breaker of generating unit at
point of connection must be able to switch off the permitted maximum
short-circuit electric current and isolate the generating unit from the
distribution power grid in all operation mode.
2. Being able to generate the rated active
output continuously in frequency range of between 49Hz and 51Hz. In the
frequency range of between 47Hz and 49Hz, the output reduction level must not
exceed the value calculated at the required rate of frequency reduction level
of electrical system and must be in line with characteristic of relation
between active output and frequency of generating unit. In case where the
frequency is lower than 47Hz or higher than 51Hz, the electricity users of
distribution power grid with generating unit are entitled to the connection or
disconnection to the generating units from the electric distribution grid.
3. In conditions of normal operation, the
generating unit connected to the distribution power grid must be able to
generate the reactive
under the power characteristic of generating unit and keep the voltage deviation
in the range as specified in Article 5 of this Circular.
4. The power plant connected to the
distribution power grid being able to provide the reactive power must satisfy
the following requirements:
a) Being able to continuously adjust the
reactive power generated on the distribution power grid to adjust voltage on
the distribution power grid;
b) Having magnetic ignition system to ensure
the maintenance of stability of output voltage in operation range of generating
unit connected to the distribution power grid.
5. The generating units connected to the
distribution power grid must be able to withstand the loss of voltage symmetry
in electrical system specified in Article 6 of this Circular and withstand the
component of zero sequence current and negative sequence current not less than
the elimination time of phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground short-circuit nearby
the standby protection generator related to point of connection.
6. In case where point of connection is
equipped with automatically switching devices, the protection relay system of
power plant must ensure the coordination with automatically switching devices
of power distribution units and must be designed to ensure the disconnect the
generating unit from the distribution power grid right after the circuit
breaker or devices switches off automatically or segment knife of distribution
power grid opens for the first time and maintain insulation of generating unit
from the distribution power grid until the distribution power grid is restored
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44. Technical requirements at point of connection between the electricity users
and the power
distributing and retailing units
The electricity users
and the power
distributing and retailing units shall:
1. Ensure that equipment of the distribution
power grid satisfies the operational standards as prescribed in Section 1
Chapter II of this Circular.
2. Ensure that technical requirements at
point of connection satisfy the provisions in Articles 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 of
this Circular.
Section 3. THE
Article 45. Documents
for connection
1. In case of connection to the low-voltage
level, when having need for new connection to the distribution power grid or
changing the existing connection, the electricity users of distribution power
grid must send the power distribution unit documents specified in Annex 2A, 2B
and comply with Article 48 of this Circular.
2. In case of connection to the
medium-voltage and 110kV level, when having need of new connection into the
distribution power grid or change the existing connection, the electricity
users of distribution power grid must send the power distribution unit the
following documents:
a) Documents to request the connection under the
Forms specified in Annex from 2C to 2DD of this Circular;
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c) Technical documents of the equipment intended
for connection or expected changes in the existing points of connection,
estimated time to complete the project, technical and economic data of new
connection projects or change of current connection.
46. Process of agreement on connection to the medium-voltage and 110kV level
1. When receiving documents for connection,
the power distribution unit shall verify them and notify in writing of the
completeness and validity of documents.
2. After receiving complete and valid
documents for connection, the power distribution unit shall implement the
following steps:
a) Considering the requirements related to
estimated electrical devices expected at the Point of connection;
b) Assessing the effect of connection of
electrical devices, power grid and power plant of electricity users who request
the connection with the distribution power grid about load-bearing capacity of
existing transmission lines and substations; effect on short-circuit current
and power quality of distribution power grid after connection and the
coordination with protective systems;
c) Making and agreeing upon the one-wire
diagram with technical parameters, equipment and the plan diagram of points of
connection of power grid of electricity users to the distribution power grid to
use as the official diagram used in connection Agreement;
d) Drafting the connection Agreement under
the contents specified in Annex 3 of this Circular and it to the electricity
users requesting the connection;
3. The electricity users requesting the
connection shall provide necessary information for the power distribution units
in service of consideration and agreement on implementation of connection plan
and signing of connection agreement with power distribution units.
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47. Time limit for consideration and signing of connection agreement
The time limit for negotiation and signing of
connection Agreement is specified in Table 5 as follows:
Table 5.
Time limit for consideration and signing of connection agreement
Steps of preparing
and reaching connection agreement
Responsibility for
power grid
110kV power grid
Sending documents for connection
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Electricity users requesting the connection
Considering documents for connection
10 working days
20 working days
Power distribution unit
Preparing draft connection Agreement
10 working days
10 working days
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Conducting negotiation and signing of
connection Agreement
15 working days
20 working days
Power distribution unit and Electricity
users requesting the connection
48. Process of power supply to electricity users connected to the low voltage
1. In case of power supply for domestic
purposes, within seven (07) working days after receiving full and valid
documents from the electricity users, the power distribution unit or power
distributing and retailing units shall sign and send the electricity users the
power supply contracts.
2. In case of power supply other than
domestic purposes, within ten (10) working days after receiving full and valid
documents from the electricity users, the power distribution unit or power
distributing and retailing units shall check, survey and make plan for power
supply to the electricity users who request the power supply;
3. In case of failing to provide power for
the electricity users, the power distribution units or the power distributing
and retailing units electric shall notify the electricity users clearly stating
the reasons with the certification of competent state authority.
4. The Electricity Regulatory Authority shall
organize, formulate and promulgate the Regulations on order of power supply to
electricity users connected into the low voltage level.
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2. The electricity users have the right to
access the devices under their management at points of connection during the
building, installation, replacement, disassembly, inspection, testing,
maintenance and operation of these devices.
1. Before the estimated day of power
switching of point of connection, the electricity users have to send the power
distribution units two (02) sets of dossier for general inspection the
conditions for power switching of point of connection ( in Vietnamese or
English for technical documents with certification of electricity users
requesting the connection and copy of certified legal documents), including:
a) The technical design documents approved,
modified and supplemented (if any) compared with the initial design, including
general explanation, main power connection diagram, plan for electrical device
layout, principle diagram of protection and control system and other relevant
diagrams and technical parameters of main electrical devices;
b) Manufacturers’ materials guiding the
operation and management of devices;
c) The partial or full acceptance records of
connection devices of power plants, transmission lines and substations to the
distribution power grid must comply with Vietnam’s technical standards or
international standards which Vietnam has recognized and meet the technical
requirements of connection devices specified from Article 34 to 44 of this
d) Expected running trial and operation
2. Unless otherwise agreed, the electricity
users requesting the connection shall fully provide documents specified in
Clause 1 of this Article within the permitted time limit as follows:
a) No later than two (02) months before the
estimated day to put the power plant into the first trial operation;
b) No later than one (01) month before the
estimated day to put the transmission line and substation into the first trial
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a) Device numbering diagram;
b) Requirements for setting of electricity
users’ protection relay from point of connection on electricity users’ side;
slip of relay setting and relevant setting numbers for devices of protection
relay of electricity users requesting the connection are issued by the
dispatching level having the right to control the distribution power grid;
c) Requirements on testing and adjustment of
d) Requirements on modes of receipt of
dispatching order;
dd) Requirements on setting the
communications system for dispatch;
e) Requirements on collection and data
transmission of SCADA/DMS system (if any);
g) Mode of automatic control (if any);
h) Start-up mode (for power plant);
i) List of procedures relating to the
operation of national power system, the distribution power system and
procedures for operational coordination;
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4. No later than ten (10) working days before
the estimated day of power switching of point of connection, the electricity users
requesting the connection shall provide the power distribution units with the
following contents:
a) Schedule of trial running (for power
plants) and switching for operation of electrical devices;
b) Agreement to determine responsibilities of
each party upon management and operation of connection devices;
c) Internal rules for safe operation of
connection devices;
d) List of operation staff of electricity
users including full name, professional title, responsibility together with
telephone and fax number;
1. The electricity users requesting the
connection shall agree with the power distribution units upon the day for
actual inspection at point of connection;
2. Where the power distribution units
announce the ineligibility for power switching of the point of connection or
devices related to the point of connection of electricity users requesting the
connection, these electricity users must adjust, supplement or replace these
devices and make re-agreement with the power distribution units upon the time
for subsequent inspection;
3. The power distribution units and
electricity users requesting the connection shall simultaneously sign the
record of eligibility for switching of point of connection and agree upon the
time for switching of point of connection;
1. Before switching of point of connection,
the electricity users requesting the connection must complete and provide the
power distribution units with documents to certify that the works have adequate
legal and technical procedures as follows:
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b) The power metering system has been
perfected and the parameters of power meters have been recorded;
c) The power sale contracts have been signed;
d) Primary electrical devices have been
numbered in line with the primary diagram issued by the dispatching level
having the right to control.
dd) The protection and auto relay have been
set in line with the requirements of dispatching level having the right to
e) Operating staff have been trained as
qualified operators and have certificate of operation issued by the power
market and system operating units including full name, professional title and
g) Dispatching information means (information
duty, dialing telephone and fax) must be in good operation;
h) Finishing the connection with SCADA/DMS system;
2. The power distribution units shall prepare
and register mode of power switching of point of connection with the
dispatching level having the right to control the distribution power grid;
3. The power distribution units and
electricity users of distribution power grid shall perform the power switching
of point of connection by the mode approved by the dispatching level having the
right to control;
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2. During the time of
trial running for acceptance, the electricity users requesting the connection
shall coordinate with the power distribution units to ensure that the
operational parameters meet the technical requirements at the point of
connection within the permitted limit specified in Section 2 of this Chapter;
3. Upon the end of trial running for acceptance, the electricity users requesting the
connection shall confirm the actual operational parameters at point of connection
of electrical devices, transmission lines, substations and generating units.
Where the operational parameters at point of connection do not meet the
technical requirements specified in Section 2 of this Chapter due to the cause
of power grid or electricity users’ electrical devices, the power distribution
units shall have the right to disconnect the power plant or electricity users’
power grid from the distribution power system and require the electricity users
to take remedial measures;
4. The
power grid and power plant and electrical devices behind the point of the
electricity users requesting the connection are only allowed to be officially
put into operation after acceptance from partial and full trial running and
satisfaction of technical requirements at the point of connection specified in
Section 2 of this Chapter. During the trial running for acceptance and official
operation, the electricity users must comply with the Procedures for dispatch
of national power system and other related procedures;
1. The electricity users of distribution
power grid shall operate the devices to ensure the operational standards and
technical requirements at point of connection within the limit specified in
this Circular. Where the operational parameters of electricity users’
electrical devices do not meet the operational standards and technical
requirements at point of connection, the power distribution units shall have
the right to require the electricity users to re-inspect and test the devices
under their management in order to determine causes and take remedial measures;
2. Where the two parties cannot reach an
agreement upon the result of inspection and causes of violation, they have to
agree upon the scope of inspection so that the electricity users hire a third
party to independently perform the inspection and testing again. Where the
third party’s result of inspection finds that the violation is caused by the
electricity users’ devices but they do not accept the remedial measures, the
power distribution units have the right to disconnect the electricity users’
devices from the distribution power grid;
3. The electricity users of distribution
power grid shall bear the costs of additional inspection and testing in case
where the inspection result finds that the electricity users’ devices have
breached the operational standards and technical requirements at point of
connection. The power distribution units shall bear the costs of additional inspection
and testing in case where the inspection result finds that the electricity
users’ devices have not breached the operational standards and technical
requirements at point of connection.
4. Before the inspection of connection
devices in order to determine the violation of operational standards of point
connection, the power distribution units shall notify in advance the
electricity users of distribution power grid of the time of inspection and list
of inspectors. Where the inspection can cause the electricity users’ power
failure, the power distribution units must inform the electricity users of
distribution power grid at least fifteen (15) days in advance. The electricity
users of distribution power grid with separate station shall coordinate and create
necessary conditions to perform the inspection;
5. During the inspection, the power
distribution units are allowed to install electrical metering and testing
devices at connection devices but must not affect the safe operation of power
plant, power grid and electricity users’ devices of power distribution grid.
6. During the operation, if any risk found at
point of connection cannot ensure the safe operation for the power system due
to the electricity users’ devices, the power distribution units must immediately
notify the electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station
and require the time for remedy to eliminate the risk of unsafe operation for
power system. In case after the time of required remedy but the technical
causes have not settled down, the power distribution units have the right to
disconnect the point of connection and notify the electricity users who shall
perform the re-testing in order to put the devices behind the point of
connection under the provisions of Article 53 of this Circular;
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2. In case of failing to accept the
electricity users’ proposal, the power distribution units must inform the
electricity users in writing of other necessary additional requirements for new
devices expected to change;
3. All devices replaced at point of
connection must be examined, tested and accepted under the provisions from
Article 49 to Article 53 of this Circular;
1. In case of power supply for domestic
purpose, within seven (07) working days after fully receiving valid documents
from the electricity users, the power distributing and retailing units must
finish the installation and acceptance of power supply and metering system for
the electricity users;
2. In case of power supply other than
domestic purposes, within five (05) working days after the day of actual
inspection of point of connection under the provisions of Article 48 of this
Circular, the power distributing and retailing units must finish the
installation and acceptance of power supply and metering system for the
electricity users;
1. Cases of connection separation include:
a) Voluntary connection separation is the
connection separated at the proposal of electricity users of distribution power
grid, including permanent and temporary connection separation;
b) Compulsory connection separation is done
in case where the electricity users of distribution power grid violate the
connection Agreement or power sale contract or at the proposal of competent
authority when the electricity users of distribution power grid violate the
regulations of law;
2. The electricity users of distribution
power grid must bear all costs of connection separation and restoration;
1. Permanent connection separation
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b) When having need of permanent connection
separation from the distribution power system, the electricity users of
distribution power grid must inform the power distribution units in writing at
least one (01) month before the expected day of permanent connection
separation. In case where the electricity users of distribution power grid
possess the generating units connected to the distribution power grid, they must
inform in writing the power distribution units and related dispatching levels
at least three (03) months before the expected day of permanent connection
2. Temporary connection separation
The electricity users of distribution power
grid shall agree with the power distribution units upon the time for temporary
connection separation from the distribution power system;
The power distribution units have the right
to separate the connection of electricity users of distribution power grid from
the distribution power system in the following cases:
1. Upon the request for connection separation
of the competent state authority;
2. The cases of compulsory connection
separation are specified in the power sale contract or the connection
The power distribution units shall restore
the connection for the electricity users of distribution power grid in the
following cases:
1. Upon the request for connection
restoration of the competent authority or when the causes leading to connection
separation have been eliminated and the consequences have been remedied and the
electricity users have paid the related costs;
2. Upon the proposal for connection
restoration from the electricity users of distribution power grid and all
related costs have been paid by the electricity users in case of temporary
connection separation;
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2. Making annual, monthly, weekly and daily
plan for operation, maintenance and repair of electrical devices and power
grids under the provisions of Section 2 and 3 of this Chapter;
3. Operating and maintaining the quality
voltage of distribution power grid and ensuring the power supply to the
electricity users who meet the operational standards specified in Chapter II of
this Circular;
4. Purchasing, installing, managing,
operating and ensuring the SCADA/DMS system and protection relay system shall
work stably, reliably and continuously under their management. Preparing
methods and calculating the protection relay system for the protection system
of electricity users of distribution power grid at point of connection with the
distribution power grid to ensure the selectivity, sensitivity and the capacity
of break-down elimination;
5. Complying with the dispatch order of the
power market and system operating units except for cases where the
implementation is at risk of threatening human life or the electrical devices
or dispatch order violates the regulations issued;
6. Operating the distribution power system
and complying with the provisions in the Regulation on transmission power
system and Procedures for dispatch of national power system;
7. Coordinating with other power distribution
units and the electricity users of distribution power grid with separate
station during the operation of devices at point of connection with their power
8. Complying with regulations on electrical
safety, safety protection of power grid corridor and electrical works as
stipulated by law.
1. The electricity users of distribution
power grid with separate station shall:
a) Operate the electrical devices and power
grid under their management to ensure the accordance with the standards
specified in Section 2, Chapter V of this Circular;
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c) Correctly and promptly providing
information for the power distribution units to prepare the plan for operation,
maintenance and repair of distribution power system;
d) Coordinating with the power distribution
units to maintain the quality of power and economically operate the
distribution power system under the agreement with the power distribution
2. The electricity users of distribution
power grid possessing the power plant connected to the distribution power grid
a) Comply with the provisions in Clause 1 of
this Article;
b) Ensure the operation of power plant under
commitment in the connection Agreement and power sale contract;
c) Correctly and promptly providing the plan
and date of operation of power plant for the power distribution units;
3. The electricity users of distribution
power grid connected to the low-voltage level shall operate their electrical
devices and power grids to ensure the accordance with the standards specified
in Section 2, Chapter V of this Circular;
1. The power distribution units shall prepare
the annual, monthly and weekly plan for maintenance and repair including the
plan for maintenance and repair of distribution power grid and power plants
with the installed output of 30MW or less connected to the distribution power
grid to prepare plan for operation of distribution power system;
2. The plan for maintenance and repair of
distribution power system once prepared needs consideration of plan for
maintenance and repair of power grid and power plant of the electricity users
of distribution power grid with separate station. The power distributing and
retailing units must meet the following requirements:
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b) Optimizing the
coordination of maintenance and repair of power source and power grid;
3. In case of failing to implement the plan
for maintenance and repair of expected distribution power system, the
electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station and the
power distributing and retailing units must notify again and coordinate with
the power distribution units for adjustment;
1. Before July 01st annually, the
electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station and the
power distributing and retailing units shall provide the power distribution
units with information on the plan for maintenance and repair of the two (02)
subsequent years, including:
a) List of transmission line and electrical
devices related to point of connection to the power grid of power distribution
units for expected maintenance and repair;
b) Reasons for maintenance and repair;
c) Scope of power supply stoppage due to
maintenance and repair;
d) Amount of power and design output of load
are suspended from power supply stoppage;
dd) Amount of power and design output cannot
be generated to the distribution power grid of power plant;
2. Before August 01st annually,
the power distribution units must finish the draft plan for maintenance and
repair of the subsequent two (02) years on the basis of consideration of
following elements:
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b) Plan for maintenance and repair of the
electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station, the power
distributing and retailing units and requirements for change of maintenance and
repair schedule (if any);
c) Requirements for maintenance and repair of
transmission power grid;
d) Coordination with plan for maintenance and
repair of electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station
and the power distributing and retailing units in line with the conditions for
actual operation in order to optimize the technical economic operation of
distribution power system;
dd) Other
requirements related to the maintenance and repair;
3. In case of failing to agree upon the plan
for maintenance and repair of the power distribution units, before August 15th
annually, the electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station
and the power distributing and retailing units have the right to send the
written proposal to the power distribution units to adjust the annual plan for
maintenance and repair. The power distribution units shall consider and adjust
the annual plan for maintenance and repair in line with the electricity users’
request. In case of failing to adjust the plan for maintenance and repair at
the electricity users’ request, the power distribution units must inform the
electricity users in writing stating the reasons;
4. Before October 1st annually,
the power distribution units must finish and announce the plan for maintenance
and repair for the two (02) subsequent years on their websites including the
following contents:
a) List of electrical devices and transmission
lines in need of maintenance and repair;
b) Reasons for maintenance and repair of
electrical devices and transmission lines;
c) Main contents of work;
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dd) Other requirements related to the
maintenance and repair;
1. Where the plan for maintenance and repair
of the following month has changes compared with the annual plan for
maintenance and repair announced, the electricity users of distribution power
grid with separate station and the power distributing and retailing units must
provide the power distribution units with information specified in Clause 1,
Article 64 of this Circular before the 15th date monthly;
2. Before the 20th date monthly,
the power distribution units must finish the draft plan for maintenance and
repair of the following month on the basis of considering the following
a) Annual plan for maintenance and repair
b) Result of power load demand forecasting of
subsequent month;
c) Proposal for adjustment of plan for
maintenance and repair of the electricity users of distribution power grid with
separate station and the power distributing and retailing units;
d) Requirements for maintenance and repair on
transmission grid;
3. Before the 25th date monthly,
the power distribution units must finish and announce the plan for maintenance
and repair for the next month on their website, including the following
a) Name of electrical devices and
transmission lines in need of maintenance and repair;
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c) Main contents of work;
d) Expected time for starting and ending of
maintenance and repair;
dd) Other requirements related to the
maintenance and repair;
e) Estimated output and power cannot be
supplied due to maintenance and repair;
1. Every week, the power distribution units
shall prepare the plan for maintenance and repair for the third week from the
week preparing the plan for the two (02) subsequent weeks based on the
following grounds:
a) Monthly operation plan approved;
b) Result of load forecasting of two (02)
subsequent weeks;
c) Plan for maintenance and repair of power
source and power grid updated;
d) Request for adjustment of plan for
maintenance and repair of the electricity users of distribution power grid with
separate station and the power distributing and retailing units;
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3. In case of need for maintenance and repair
of power grid under their management, before 16:30 PM on Tuesday of every week,
the electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station
connected at medium-voltage level shall register the plan for maintenance and
repair with the power distribution units to coordinate the plan for maintenance
and repair of the subsequent week, including the following information:
a) List of electrical devices in need of
separation for maintenance and repair;
b) Reasons for separation of electrical
c) Expected time for starting and ending of
maintenance and repair;
4. Before 16:30 PM on Thursday of every week,
based on the monthly plan for maintenance and repair and information provided
by the electricity users of distribution power grid, the power distribution
units must finish and announce the plan for maintenance and repair for the two
(02) subsequent weeks on their websites, including the following contents:
a) Name of electrical devices and
transmission lines in need of maintenance and repair;
b) Reasons for maintenance and repair of
electrical devices and transmission lines;
c) Main contents of work;
d) Expected time for starting and ending of
maintenance and repair;
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e) Estimated output and power cannot be
supplied due to maintenance and repair;
5. Before 16:30 PM on Friday of every week,
based on the weekly plan for maintenance and repair announced by the power distribution
units, the power distributing and retailing units shall prepare the plan for
maintenance and repair of low-voltage grid under their management and inform
the electricity users affected under the provisions of Decision No. 39/2005/QD-BCN.
1. The power distribution units shall prepare
the operation plan of distribution power system for the subsequent year
including the following contents:
a) Power load demand forecasting of
subsequent year;
b) Plan for maintenance and repair of
subsequent year;
c) Forecasting of power generated in the
subsequent year of the power plants with the installed output of 30 MW or less
connected to the distribution power grid;
2. Before December 01st annually,
the power distribution units shall finish the operation plan of subsequent year
and announce it on their websites while announcing the operation plan of
subsequent year of 110 kV power grid, the generating units connected to the
distribution power grid and points of connection with the transmission power
grid to the power market and system operating units, the power transmission
units and other relevant power distribution units to coordination their
1. The power distribution units shall prepare
the operation plan for the distribution power system of subsequent month based
on the annual operation plan announced for the distribution power system,
including the following contents:
a) Power load demand forecasting of the
subsequent month;
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c) Forecasting of power generated of the
subsequent month of each power plant with the installed output of 30 MW or less
connected to the distribution power grid;
2. Before the 25th date of every
month, the power distribution units shall finish the operation plan of
subsequent month and announce it on their websites while announcing the
operation plan of subsequent month of 110 kV and medium-voltage power grid, the
generating units connected to the distribution power grid and points of
connection with the transmission power grid to the power market and system
operating units, the power transmission units and other relevant power
distribution units to coordination their implementation;
1. The power distribution units shall prepare
the operation plan for the distribution power system of two (02) subsequent
weeks based on the monthly operation plan announced, including the following
a) Forecasting of power load dement of two
(02) subsequent weeks;
b) Plan for maintenance and repair of two
(02) subsequent weeks;
c) Forecasting of time and scope of power
supply stoppage of two (02) subsequent weeks;
d) Forecasting of power generated of two (02)
subsequent weeks of each power plant with the installed output of 30 MW or less
connected to the distribution power grid;
2. Before 15:00 PM on Thursday of every week,
the power distribution units shall finish the operation plan of two (02) subsequent
weeks and announce it on their websites while announcing the operation plan of
two (02) subsequent weeks of 110 kV and medium-voltage power grid, the
generating units connected to the distribution power grid and points of
connection with the transmission power grid to the power market and system
operating units, the power transmission units and other relevant power
distribution units to coordination their implementation;
3. Before 15:00 PM on Friday of every week,
based on the weekly operation plan, the power distribution units and the power
distributing and retailing units shall finish the operation plan of low-voltage
power grid and inform the electricity users affected under their management;
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a) List of power source and power grid in
need of maintenance and repair;
b) Forecasting of time and scope of power
supply stoppage of subsequent day;
c) Forecasting of power generated hourly of
subsequent day of each power plant with the installed output of 30 MW or less
connected to the distribution power grid;
2. Before 15:00 PM of every day, the power distribution
units shall finish and announce the mode of operation of subsequent day on
their websites;
1. The power distribution units shall operate
the distribution power system by the mode daily operation announced and comply
with the Procedures for dispatch of national
power system and relevant regulations;
2. The electricity users of distribution
power grid with separate station must comply with the dispatch order of
dispatch level which has the right to control the distribution power grid,
coordinate and provide information for the power distribution units in service
of dispatch of distribution power system.
1. Emergency situation on the distribution
power system is the situation when the power outage of the whole or part of
transmission power system or distribution power system occurs and affects the
normal mode of operation or causing widespread power outage in the distribution
power system;
2. The emergency situations include:
a) Break-down or blackout of the whole or
part of transmission power system affects the normal mode of operation of the
distribution power system;
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c) Break-down on the transmission lines or
substation of 110kV voltage power supply
distribution causing widespread power outage in the distribution power system;
1. Where the break-down occurring on the
transmission power system affects the normal mode of operation or power outage
on the distribution power grid, the power distribution units shall:
a) Immediately contact the power market and
system operating units and the power transmission units to know the information
about the expected time for power supply stoppage and scope of effect on the
load of distribution power system from this break-down;
b) Take measures to control the load output
and other measures of operation to minimize the scope of effect due to
break-down on the load of distribution power system;
2. In case of blackout of the whole or part
of transmission power system affecting the normal mode of operation or power
outage on the distribution power grid, the power distribution units shall:
a) Comply with the Procedures for black start
and restore the national power system and Regulations on transmission power
b) Separate the distribution power grid under
the units’ management into separate loading area under the Procedures for dispatch of national power system;
c) Restore the load by the order of priority
and comply with the mode approved by the power market and system operating
units within the scope of distribution power grid managed by the power
distribution units;
d) Maintain the direct contact with the power
market and system operating units until the power system is completely
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Where one part of
distribution power system is inverted, the power distribution units must
consider and decide upon the operation of power plants connected with this part
of distribution power grid. The power distribution units must steer the
dispatch of power plants to operate in the mode of invert and ensure the
readiness for synchronizing with the power system upon the order from the power
market and system operating units;
2. Where the power plant is designed with the
mode of operation of independent invert separation and has the agreement with
the power distribution units, the power plant connected to the distribution
power grid may be operated with invert using the auxiliary and supplying power
to the load or other electricity users’ electrical devices with the following
a) The power plant is fully designed with the
protection relay system and has modes of control for the generating units in
both mode of invert and mode of operation connected with the distribution power
b) Ensuring the possibility of determining
and handling the break-downs during the operation of invert separation to
protect the generating units and power grids of the electricity users of other
distribution power grids in the distribution power grid inverted;
c) Ensuring the standards of neutral earthing
of the distribution power grid inverted;
3. Where the part of distribution power grid
inverted is unable to synchronize with the part of power system restored, the
power distribution units must separate the power plant connected with the part
of distribution power grid inverted to restore the power supply for the area
inverted from the power system restored and then restore the operation of power
plants inverted;
In case of occurrence of break-down on the
transmission lines or substation of 110kV voltage power supply distribution causing
widespread power outage in the distribution power system, the power
distribution units shall:
1. Expeditiously isolate and handle the break-down
and comply with the Procedures for handling of break-down of national power
2. Inform the break-down to the power market
and system operating units, the power transmission units and the large
electricity users of distribution power grid that are affected from the
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. When the distribution power system is
disintegrated and operated in the mode of invert or when there is major
break-down occurring on the distribution power grid, the power distribution
units shall coordinate with the power market and system operating units, the
power transmission units and the large electricity users of distribution power
grid and the related units to put the distribution power system back to the
normal mode of operation as soon as possible;
2. The power distribution units shall separate
the loading areas with the scale consistently with capacity of power plants
having black start and report to the power market and system operating units
and ensure the quick restoration of distribution power system;
3. The power plants connected to the
distribution power grid in the mode of invert and synchronizing operation must
comply with the dispatch order of the power distribution units;
4. Where the distribution power grid does not
have the power plants able to automatically start for invert operation and the
distribution power grid is only restored from the transmission power system,
then the power distribution units must restore the distribution power system by
the order of the power market and system operating units. The power
distribution units must restore the load by the priority order and plan
5. The power distribution units shall inform the
large electricity users of distribution power grid for coordination during the
handling of break-down and restoration of distribution power system;
The control of load includes measures of
stoppage or reduction in power supply, load shedding or control of reduced
active output of power load under the voluntary registration of electricity
users participating in programs of power demand management to avoid the
blackout or overload on the power grid;
1. The power distribution units shall
implement the stoppage and reduction in power supply as planned and comply with
the announced weekly operation plan specified in Article 69 of this Circular;
2. The power distribution units are entitled
to stop the power supply not as planned in the following cases:
a) At the proposal of the power market and
system operating units
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
c) Upon the unforeseen circumstances on the
distribution power grid;
3. In case of stoppage and reduction in power
supply, the power distribution units or the power distributing and retailing
units must perform the procedures for notifying to the electricity users
affected under the provisions in the Decision No. 39/2005/QD-BCN.
1. The power distribution units shall prepare
the plan for load shedding under their management based on the following:
a) Requirements for safe operation of power
b) Plan for stoppage of power supply due to
threat of power supply security of the power market and system operating units;
c) Priority order of loads;
d) Measures to minimize the effect to the
electricity users of distribution power grid having the same priority order of
power supply;
2. Plan for load shedding must include levels
of output, implementation order and time of load shedding;
3. Before 15:00 PM on Thursday of every week,
the power distribution units shall finish and announce the plan for load
shedding for the two (02) subsequent weeks;
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Load
shedding by the order is the shedding upon the requirement of the power market
and system operating units or the power distribution units in case of shortage
of power source or break-down on power system to ensure the power supply
1. The power distribution units must
implement the load shedding under the plan for load shedding prepared and
2. In case of load shedding by the order of
the power market and system operating units or for the protection of
distribution power grid, the power distributing and retailing units must notify
the electricity users under the provisions in the Decision No. 39/2005/QD-BCN.
3. After the automatic load shedding or load
shedding by the order of the power market and system operating units, the power
distribution units shall:
a) Report to the power market and system
operating units on the output, time, load area shed and load shedding levels
under the set impact value of frequency relay;
b) Restore the load shed upon the order of
the power market and system operating units;
4. Where the load under the management of
electricity users suffers from automatic load shedding or by the order from the
power distribution units, the electricity users shall:
a) Report to the power distribution units on
the output, time, load area shed and load shedding levels under the set impact
value of frequency relay;
b) Restore the load shed upon the order of
the power distribution units;
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. The electricity users of distribution
power grid shall coordinate the operation with the power distribution units to
maintain the voltage on the distribution power system as agreed;
1. The power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid must agree upon the mode of
supervision and control;
2. The power distribution units shall install
the telemetry stations and necessary integrated devices to supervise the
electricity users’ power grid upon the two parties’ agreement. In that case,
the power distribution units must install the necessary remote control
stations, including the control of circuit breaker and have the right to
control the system of circuit breaker within the electricity users’ power grid;
3. The large electricity users of
distribution power grid shall coordinate with the power distribution units in
installation and operation of remote supervision and control systems;
1. The power distribution
units, the large electricity users of distribution power grid and other the
power distribution units must agree upon the form of information exchange to
ensure the operation communication is continuously and smoothly for 24 hours
2. The
power distribution units and the large electricity users of distribution power
grid must appoint their officers in charge of operation communication and
exchange of list of officers in charge of communication and operators;
1. The power distribution units shall notify
the large electricity users of distribution
power grid if they find that the mode of operation of distribution power grid
may affect the mode of operation power grid or the electricity users’
generating units, including the following information:
a) The mode
of operation of distribution power grid and effects possibly occur to the power
grid or the electricity users’ generating units;
b) The cause of effect to the power grid or the electricity users’ generating
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
a) The cause of changing the mode of
operation of electricity users’ power grid;
b) The effects which possibly occur to the
power grid of the power distribution units;
1. Abnormal situation is the one where the
distribution power system has break-down or threatening break-down or the operation
parameters are outside the permitted range;
2. When there are abnormal situations on the
distribution power grid, the power distribution units shall:
a) Immediately notify the large electricity
users of distribution power grid of the possible effects to the electricity
users’ power grid;
b) Supplementing and clarifying the
information provided for the large electricity users of distribution power grid
possessing power plants upon requirement;
3. The large electricity users of
distribution power grid shall immediately inform the power distribution units
upon the abnormal situations on the electricity users’ power grid affecting the
distribution power system;
1. Serious break-down is the one causing the
separation of transmission lines or substation of 110kV voltage power supply
distribution from the operation resulted in widespread power outage in the
distribution power system;
2. The power distribution units or the large
electricity users of distribution power grid shall notify the break-down on
their power grids right after the serious break-down;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
a) Day and time of occurrence of break-down;
b) Duration of existence of break-down;
c) Location of break-down and affected areas;
d) Devices broken down;
dd) Brief description of break-down;
e) Cause of break-down (if any);
g) Expected time for remedy of break-down;
h) Measures of load shedding implemented (if
4. The power distribution units or the large
electricity users of distribution power grid shall supplement and clarify the
contents in the announcement of serious break-down upon requirement;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. The power distribution units shall make
the monthly and yearly report on the implementation and result of operation of
distribution power grid to assess the compliance with the standards of
operation specified in Chapter II of this Circular; assess the result of
operation of distribution power system, the overload, break-down of devices and
causes and propose the measures to ensure the safe, reliable and effective
operation of power grid;
2. Before January 31st of every
year, the power distribution units must prepare the report on the result of
operation of distribution power system of previous year; prepare the report on
the result of operation of distribution power system of previous month before
the 5th date of every month for submission to the Electricity
Regulatory Authority and the power market and system operating units;
3. In the extraordinary cases, the power
distribution units shall make a report on the result of operation of
distribution power system upon the requirement of the Electricity Regulatory
1. The power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station must agree
upon the responsibility and scope of operation control for the devices on the
relevant distribution power grid between the two parties and appoint persons
responsible for safe operation coordination of power grid and devices;
2. The power
distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid with
separate station must coordinate, formulate and maintain the implementation of
necessary safe measures upon implementation or testing under their management;
3. The power
distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid with
separate station must formulate the procedures for operation coordination to
ensure the safety for people and devices in operation and testing, including
the following contents:
a) Principles and procedures for operation
b) Responsibility and power in the control,
operation and testing of distribution power system;
4. The power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station shall agree
upon the operation coordination, storage, management and exchange of relevant
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. The power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid with separate station must
coordinate to install the signs, warning devices and safety instruction and
provide means in service of work consistently at the work positions to ensure
safety for work.
3. The inspection, supervision and control of
connecting devices at the operation boundary must be done by the persons
appointed by the power distribution units and the electricity users of distribution
power grid with separate station;
1. The testing on distribution power system
includes the testing on the power grid of the power and power grid distribution
units, the power plants or electrical devices of the electricity users of
distribution power grid;
2. The testing is only conducted within the
working capacity of electrical devices or generating units and during the time
of announced testing with the presence of representatives of parties concerned
and must comply with the existing procedures and regulations;
3. The power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid must ensure not to cause danger to
people and devices on the distribution power system during the testing;
4. The testing of electrical devices at the
point of connection with the transmission power grid must comply with the
Regulations on transmission power system;
5. The costs of testing shall be born by the
party proposing the testing if the result of testing proves that the power grid
or generating units have met the standards of operation specified in this
Circular or parameters stated in the connection Agreement. Where the result of testing
proves that the power grid or generating units have not met the standards of
operation specified in this Circular or are not in line with the parameters
stated in the connection Agreement, then the party possessing the power grid or
the generating units which do not statisfy the standards of operation shall pay
the costs of testing.
1. Periodic testing of devices on
distribution power grid;
2. Irregulat testing of devices on
distribution power grid in cases:
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b) When there are complaints of the
electricity users of distribution power grid related to the violation of
quality of power on distribution power grid specified in Chapter II of this
Circular or in the connection Agreement;
c) Upon the requirement of the power
distribution units when they find that the devices of the electricity users of
distribution power grid negatively affect the distribution power grid;
1. The power distribution units have the
right to conduct the testing of each generating unit connected to the
distribution power grid no more than two (02) times a year, except for the
following cases:
a) The result of testing has determined one or a
lot of operational characteristics of generating units are not in accordance
with the characteristics stated in the connection Agreement;
b) When the power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid possessing power plant do not
agree upon the parameters and operational characteristics of generating units
in the result of testing;
c) At the proposal of the electricity users
of distribution power grid possessing the power plant;
d) Testing on fuel conversion.
2. The electricity users of distribution
power grid possessing the power plant have the right to require the testing in
the following cases:
a) To re-inspect the operational
characteristics of generating units which have been set after each break-down
related to the generating units;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. The power distribution units are
responsible for:
a) Conducting the periodic testing of devices
on the distribution power grid under their operational management;
b) Conducting the irregular testing on the
distribution power grid in cases of necessity to ensure the distribution power
grid is operated safely and stably;
c) Conducting the testing on the electricity
users’ power grid at the request of the electricity users of distribution power
d) Coordinating with other power transmission
units and the power distribution units to conduct the testing of devices at
related points of connection;
dd) Giving prior written notice to the
electricity users of distribution power grid and other related units of the
testing schedule;
2. The electricity users of distribution
power grid are responsible for:
a) Conducting the testing of power grid and
generating units under their management;
b) Coordinating with the power distribution
units in the testing of electrical devices at the points of connection with the
distribution power grid;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
d) Organizing the periodic testing and
maintenance of electrical devices connected to the distribution power grid and
must annually send the records of testing to the power distribution units for
1. When in need of testing, the power
distribution units shall give a written notice to the large electricity users
of distribution power grid that suffer from the stoppage and reduction in power
supply due to the testing and the large electricity users of distribution power
grid that have the electrical devices at least fifteen (15) days in advance prior
to the expected day of testing. The notice includes the following contents:
a) Purpose of testing;
b) Position of testing;
c) Expected time of testing;
d) Expected items and order of testing;
dd) Plan for stoppage
and reduction in power supply due to the testing requirements (if any);
2. Where the testing is done under the
management of the large electricity users of distribution power grid, if
failing to agree with the testing notice from the power distribution units,
within seven (07) working days after receiving the notice, the electricity
users must reply and propose the settlement plan to agree with the power
distribution units upon the adjustment of testing plan;
1. When in need of testing, the power
distribution units shall send a written proposal for the testing to the power
distribution units, including the following contents:
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b) Reason for testing;
c) Positions and items of testing;
d) Expected time of testing;
2. In case of testing the gererating units,
the electricity users must supplement the following information:
a) Profile of generating units;
b) Characteristics of generating units;
c) Expected mode of operation of generating
units during the time of testing;
3. Within seven (07) days after receiving the
proposal for testing, the power distribution units shall review and request the
electricity users to supplement necessary information;
4. Within fourteen (14) days after receiving
the valid written proposal for testing, the power distribution units shall
inform in writing the electricity users requesting the testing and related
units of the testing plan;
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. The power distribution units must adjust
and upgrade the devices on the distribution power grid in case where the result
of testing finds that the devices on the distribution power grid under the
management of the power distribution units do not ensure the technical
standards specified in Section 2, Chapter II of this Circular;
2. The large electricity users of
distribution power grid must adjust and upgrade the devices within the time
limit agreed with the power distribution units grid in case where the result of
testing finds that the devices on the distribution power grid under the management
of the power distribution units do not ensure the technical standards specified
in Section 2, Chapter II of this Circular or the requirements in the connection
1. The main metering position identified to
be coincident with or adjacent to the point of connection;
2. In case of ineligibility for arrange the
power meering system under the provisions in Clause 1 of this Article or the
main metering position does not ensure the precise power metering delivered,
the power distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power
grid or other the power distribution units shall agree upon the alternative
power metering position while identifying the mode of power conversion from the
alternative metering position to the point of connection;
1. Where the electricity users of distribution
power grid are the power distributing and retailing units and the electricity
a) For the points of connection at 110kV voltage level, at
each point of connection, it is required to identify the main metering position
and one (01) alternative metering position;
b) For points of connection of voltage level
from 1000V
to 35 kV, the power
distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid may
agree upon the alternative metering position in case of necessity;
c) Point of connection of the power
distribution units’ substations:
- The main metering position is identified at
the outgoing feeders of transmission lines of the power distribution units’
substations, unless otherwise agreed;
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d) Point of connection of substations of the
electricity users of distribution power grid:
- The main metering position is identified at
the master circuit breaker or high-voltage terminal of transformer directly
connected to the distribution power grid unless otherwise agreed;
- The alternative metering position is
identified under the agreement between the power distribution units and the
electricity users of distribution power grid;
dd) Where the point of connection is
different from the provisions at Point c and d of this Clause, the main
metering position and alternative metering position are identified under the
agreement between the power distribution units and the electricity users of
distribution power grid;
2. Where the electricity users of
distribution power grid are the electricity users of distribution power grid
possessing the generating units:
a) For power plants connected at the voltage
levels of 110kV, at each point of connection, it is required to identify the
main metering position and two (02) alternative metering positions;
b) For power plants connected at the voltage
levels from 1000V to 35kV, at each point of
connection, it is required to identify the main metering position and one (01)
alternative metering position;
c) The point of connection of substation of
the electricity users of distribution power grid possessing the generating
- The main metering
position is identified at the master circuit breaker or high-voltage terminal
of the booster transformer directly connected to the distribution power grid
unless otherwise agreed;
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
- The second metering
position: in case where the point of connection at the voltage level of 110kV is identified under
the agreement between the power distribution units and the electricity users of
distribution power grid possessing the generating units;
d) The point of connection does not belong to
the substation of the electricity users of distribution power grid possessing
the generating units;
- Where the
substation of the electricity users of distribution power grid possessing the
generating units connected to the distribution power grid has a transmission
line related to the point of connection without power moving through the busbar
of electricity users’ substation, then the main metering position is coincident
with or adjacent to the point of connection;
- Where the
substation of the electricity users of distribution power grid has the
generating unit with two (02) transmission lines or more and the power moving
through the busbar of electricity users’ substations, then the main metering
position is selected under the provisions at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article;
- The alternative
metering positions are identified under the agreement between the power
distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid
possessing the generating units;
dd) Where the point
of connection is different from the provisions at Point c and d of this Clause,
the main metering position and alternative metering positions are identified under
the agreement between the power distribution units and the electricity users of
distribution power grid possessing the generating units;
3. Point of connection between two power
distribution units:
The main metering position and alternative
metering positions are identified under the agreement of the power distribution
4. The point of connection between the power
distributing and retailing units and electricity users:
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The metering position for the electricity
users of distribution power grid of low-voltage connection is identified at the
point of connection of the electricity users of distribution power grid, unless
otherwise agreed;
1. The power metering system must be arranged
at the main metering position to accurately and completely identify the
quantities of power metering and delivery through points of connection and
eliminate the elements affecting the metering results from the loop structure
of power system;
2. The alternative metering system is
installed at the alternative metering position to perform the following
a) Replacing the metering system at the main
metering position as a basis for calculating the quantities of power sale and
purchase in case where the metering system at the main metering position is
operated imprecisely or has break-down;
b) Supporting the supervision and inspect the
metering result of the metering system at the main metering position in case
where the metering system at the main metering position normally works;
c) Coordinating with the metering system at
the main metering position and other alternative metering systems to calculate
the power production delivered in a certain special cases;
1. The full configuration of the power
metering system consists of:
a) Current transformer;
b) Voltage transformer;
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d) Electrical circuit and secondary cable;
dd) Devices
collecting the metering data and data transmission line;
e) Safety devices, sealing and lead seal
g) Auxiliary devices,
switching devices of connection, insulation devices of metering circuit for
testing, logic devices for VT voltage switching, voltage and current testing
2. The specific configuration of a metering
system is determined by the voltage level and particularity of metering
Article 103. Metering
system of 110kV voltage level
1. Requirements for power meter:
a) As the 3 phase 4 wire type;
b) Type of electronic integrated and
programmable functions;
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d) Metering of active and reactive power by
two separate receiving and transmitting ways by four-quadrant;
dd) Having maximum
capacity metering functions and recording the total load diagram;
e) Having appropriate protocols for
collecting, reading data on the spot and from a distance;
g) Provided with source
from metering secondary voltage system and compulsorily ensuring the operation
upon the loss of any one or two phase voltage;
h) Having levels of
i) Having sealing and
lead seal positions to ensure no access to the wiring terminals and change of
set parameters without break of seal lead;
k) Having storage
functions of metered information and load diagram at least 60 days with the
cycle of recording the metered value not exceeding 30 minutes;
l) For the metering
system at the main metering position, the meter of active power must reach the
precision level of 0.2 by the IEC 62053-22 standard and the precision level of
2.0 by IEC
standard if metering the reactive power or other equivalent standards;
m) For the alternative
metering system at the main metering position, the meter of active power must
reach the precision level of 0.5 by the IEC 62053-22 standard and the precision
level of 2.0 by IEC
standard if metering the reactive power or other equivalent standards;
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a) Having the secondary metering coil used
for power meter;
b) Value of nominal secondary current is 1A or 5A;
c) Having the sealing and lead seal position
on the lid of wiring box of metering secondary coil for power meter to ensure
no impact on the connected circuit without break of seal;
d) Current transformer for main metering must
reach the exact level 0.2 by the IEC 60044-1 standard or other equivalent
dd) Current transformer for alternative
metering must reach the exact level 0.2 by the IEC 60044-1 standard or other
equivalent standards;
3. Requirements for voltage transformers used
for power metering:
a) Having the metering secondary coil
separately used for power meter;
b) The voltage value of nominal secondary
system is 100V or 110V;
c) Having seal position on the lid of wiring
box of metering secondary coil for power meter to ensure no impact on the
connected circuit;
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dd) Transformer for
alternative metering must reach the precision level of 0.5 by IEC 60044-2 for inductive
voltage transformer and the 60044-5 standard for the capacitive
voltage transformer
or other equivalent standards;
1. Requirements for power meter:
a) Meeting the requirements specified at
Points a,
b, c, d, dd, g, h, i, k, Clause 1, Article
103 of this Circular;
b) For the main metering system, the meter of
active power must reach the precision level of 0.5 by the IEC 62053-22 standard and the
precision level of 2.0 by the IEC 62053-23 if metering the reactive power or
other equivalent standards;
c) The precision level of alternative
metering system (if any) is determined under the agreement between the power
distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid;
2. Requirements for current transformer used
for power metering:
a) Having the metering secondary coils
separately used for metering devices and power meter;
b) Value of nominal secondary current is 1A or 5A;
c) Having the sealing and lead seal position
on the lid of wiring box of metering secondary coil for the metering devices
and power meter to ensure no impact on the connected circuit without break of
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e) The precision level of current transformer
for alternative metering (if any) is determined under the agreement between the
power distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid;
3. Requirements for voltage transformer used
for power metering
a) Having the metering secondary coils
separately used for metering devices and power meter;
b) The voltage value of nominal secondary
system is 100V or 110V;
c) Having seal position on the lid of wiring
box of metering secondary coil for the metering devices and power meter to
ensure no impact on the connected circuit;
d) The voltage transformer for main metering
must reach the precision level of 0.5 by the IEC 60044-2 standard for
inductive voltage transformer and the 60044-5 standard for the capacitive
voltage transformer
or other equivalent standards;
e) The precision level of voltage transformer
for alternative metering (if any) is determined under the agreement between the
power distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid;
1. Requirements for power meter:
a) As 3 phase 4 wire or 3
phase 3 wire type for 3 phase meter and 1 phase 2 wire type for 1 phase meter;
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c) For 3-phase meter and meter of active
power that must reach the precision level of 1.0 by IEC 62053-21 standard for
electronic meter, the IEC 62053-11 standard for inductive meter or other
equivalent standards. For 1 phase meter and meter of active power that must
reach the precision level of 2.0 by IEC 62053-21 standard for electronic meter and the IEC 62053-11 standard for
inductive meter or other equivalent standards;
2. Requirements for current transformer if
used for low-voltage metering:
a) Having the metering secondary coil
separately used for metering devices and power meter;
b) Value of nominal secondary current is 1A or 5A;
c) Having the sealing and lead seal position
on the lid of wiring box of metering secondary coil for power meter to ensure
no impact on the connected circuit without break of seal;
d) Reaching the precision level of 0.5 by the
standard or other equivalent standards;
1. The secondary cable of metering circuit must
be wired by the shortest way and the number of point of connection through the
clamp line is the least and there must be conditions for seal and lead seal of
metering circuit at points of connection;
2. For the metering system of 110 kV, the secondary coil
of CT,
VT and
secondary cable connected to the power meter of the main metering system are
not used for other purposes and must be independent from the alternative
metering system. The secondary cable of the main metering system must be wired
separately and connected directly from the wiring box of CT and VT to the meter
cabinet without passing the clamp line in the intermediate cabinet;
3. Where the meter is supplied with voltage
from one VT busbar through the voltage switch, the wiring connector of voltage
switch must ensure the conditions for seal and lead seal and the power meter
must be programmed to record the time and duration of voltage switch;
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5. Where the current circuit of the
alternative metering system is used in conjunction with the other metering
devices, it must ensure no effect to the precision degree of the metering
system and be eligible for seal and lead seal of the entire current circuit,
metering devices and power meter;
6. The testing junction box must be installed
for the inspection of metering devices and eligible for seal and lead seal;
1. The whole system of power metering
includes the wiring box of CT and VT, power meter, clamp line, connector,
current circuit, voltage circuit, auxiliary devices, switching logic circuit,
meter cabinet and information network must be sealed and sealed with lead to
prevent illegal intervention.
2. For the electric power meter, the software
of meter must have protection password with different access permission levels;
3. Where the power distribution units have
installed and used the automatic metering data collection system, they have to
ensure the following requirements:
a) The power metering data after being read
and transmitted to the server placed at the metering position must be encrypted
to prevent unauthorized changes;
b) Management software systems reading,
transmitting and integrating the power metering data must be secured with
multiple levels of password to ensure the security, accuracy and reliability of
the measured data.
1. For the points of connection between the
power distribution units and power distributing and retailing units and
electricity users;
a) The power distribution units shall:
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- Ensure the metering position is consistent
with the metering position agreement between the related units;
- Ensure the data metering and collection
system placed on the spot meets the technical requirements and is consistent
with the design of metering system agreed and the relevant legal regulations on
- Assume the prime responsibility for the
following tasks:
+ Initially testing and inspecting the
metering devices, programming and installing the working parameters of meter of
the metering systems;
+ Taking measures to seal or seal with lead
the metering devices including the meters, CT, VT, metering circuit, clamp line
and intermediate box to ensure the security of metering system;
+ Preparing the plan for acceptance of
metering system and making an agreement with the related units;
b) The electricity users and the power
distributing and retailing units shall coordinate with the power distribution
units to install and inspect the entire metering system in case where the
metering position is within the the electricity users’ power grid;
2. For the point of connection between the
power distribution units and power plants:
a) The electricity users of distribution
power grid possessing the generating units shall purchase and install the
metering system under the contents specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this
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3. For points of connection between two power
distribution units
The responsibility for investment in metering
system at the point of connection is done under the agreement between the power
distribution units;
4. For points of connection between the power
distributing and retailing units and the electricity users;
a) The power distributing and retailing units
are responsible for installing the power metering system under the contents
specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article;
b) The electricity users shall coordinate
with the power distributing and retailing units to install and inspect the
entire metering system in case where the metering position is within the
electricity users’ power grid;
1. The units investing and possessing the
metering system shall assume the prime responsibility in the management,
operation and implementation of periodical testing, inspection and maintenance
of metering system;
2. The power distribution units must agree
with the electricity users of distribution power grid and other power
distribution units to connect to their power grid for coordination of
management, operation, maintenance and replacement of metering systems in order
to ensure the metering systems work with precision, stability, reliability and
3. During the management and operation, the
power distribution units and the electricity users of distribution power grid
are responsible for regularly monitoring and inspecting the operational status
of meter system. In case of abnormal findings or break-down in the metering
system, they must immediately notify the parties concerned for coordination of
The Electricity
Regulatory Department shall organize, formulate and promulgate the Procedures
for delivery and operation of power metering system;
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1. Having had contracts signed before the
effective date of this Circular but these contracts have contents different from
the provisions of this Circular;
2. The application of this Circular have
increased the cost excessively and unreasonably for these units;
3. The units have proved that the exemption
is consistent with the principles of this Circular.
1. The Electricity Regulatory Department
shall consider and approve the cases of exempt implementation under the
provisions in Article 111 of this Circular;
2. The grounds for considering the exempt implementation
a) The right of parties in the power sale
contracts and the connection Agreement that have been signed before the
effective date of this Circular;
b) The costs incurred for the relevant units
to meet the provisions of this Circular;
c) Opinion of the power market and system
operating units on the effect of exempt implementation and the assurance of
standards of operation specified in Chapter II of this Circular;
d) Scope and time limit for requesting the
exempt implementation;
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Dossier for exempt implementation consists
1. Written request for exemption must be
accompanied with the contents specified in Clause 2, Article 112 of this
2. Valid copy of electricity operation Permit
of power units;
3. Detailed explanation of effect to the
operation of power system and commitments if exempted from implementation;
1. Within seven (07) days after receiving
dossier for exempt implementation, the Electricity Regulatory Department shall
inform in writing the units submitting dossier of its validity. Where the
dossier is not valid, the Electricity Regulatory Department shall inform the
contents in need of supplementation;
2. Within thirty (30) working days after
fully receiving valid dossier, the Electricity Regulatory Department must
finish the evaluation of dossier for exempt implementation and issue the written
permission for exempt implementation. In case of disapproval for the exempt
implementation, Electricity Regulatory Department shall issue a written notice
to the requesting units stating the reasons for disapproval;
3. Where the request for exempt implementation
has a lot of complex circumstances relating to other units, the extended
evaluation period is allowed but not exceeding fifteen (15) working days;
4. The units submitting dossier must pay the
costs of evaluation for exempt implementation as prescribed;
The power distribution units, the power
market and system operating units and the related units shall provide
information and give out their written opinion on the request for exemption and
comply with the requirements of the Electricity Regulatory Department;
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1. Detecting deception in request for exempt
2. The units having the exempt implementation
have failed to implement or improperly implement the conditions and committed
obligations and the time for implementation as prescribed in the Decision to
permit the exempt implementation
3. The conditions allowing the exempt
implementation no longer exist;
Where the disputes occur between the units in
relation to the implementation of this Circular, these units have the right to
refer the case to the Electricity Regulatory Department for settlement under
the provisions of the
order and
for settlement of dispute in electricity activities issued by the Ministry of
Industry and Trade
1. When detecting the acts of violation of
provisions in this Circular, the individuals and organizations have the right
to report them to the Electricity Regulatory Department;
2. Making a report on acts of violation must
state the following information:
a) Individuals and organizations committing
the violation of provisions of this Circular;
b) Acts of violation;
c) Time of violation;
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dd) Other relevant information (if any);
3. The Electricity Regulatory Department has
the right to require the parties concerned to provide information on acts of
violation during the inspection and handling of violation;
1. Within one (01) year after the effective
date of this Circular, the electricity users of distribution power grid are
responsible for investing and upgrading their devices to satisfy the standards
specified in this Circular;
2. Within two (02) years after the effective
date of this Circular, for the areas where the current distribution power grids
have not satisfied the standards specified in this Circular, the power
distribution units shall invest and upgrade the power grid to satisfy the
standards specified in this Circular;
1. The Electricity Regulatory Department
shall publicize, guide and inspect the implementation of this Circular;
2. Any problem arising during the
implementation should be promptly reported to the Electricity Regulatory
Department for considering and proposing the Ministry of Industry and Trade to
amend and supplement this Circular;
1. This Circular takes effect on September
15, 2010;
2. Annulling Decision
37/2006/QD-BCN dated October 16,
2006 of the Minister of Industry issuing the Decision on connection to the
national power system;
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Do Huu Hao
together with Circular No. 32/2010/TT-BCT dated July 30, 2010 on electricity
distribution system)
Information about
registration of connection for new connections or changes of old connections,
1. Name of customer:
2. Position:
3. Workplace:
4. Headquarters registed
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6. Tel:
7. Fax:
8. Email
1. Project description:
a) Name of project;
b) Business lines/forms
of production;
c) Estimated
production/production capacity;
d) Intended commencement
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e) Current connection
points (if any);
g) Connection point applied for;
h) Voltage level and number of lines applied
i) Intended date of electrification at the
connection point.
2. Map, diagram, and
a) A geographical map on
a scale of 1:50000 that marks the position of the ecustomer, the part of
distribution grid of the distributing unit, and position of the connection
b) A site plan on a
scale of 1:2000 or 1:5000 that specifies positions of generating units,
transformers, buildings, and connection points;
c) A plan for
construction of works in the surrounding areas of electrical substations,
generating units, construction works, and connection points on a scale of 1:200
or 1:500.
3. Legal documents
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together with Circular No. 32/2010/TT-BCT dated July 30, 2010 on electricity
distribution system)
Information about major
customers of the distribution grid that do not own power plants or generating
1. Electrical energy and
rated power
Active power
Reactive power
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2. Forecast about
electricity demand at the connection point
a) First year’s
electricity consumption
- The customer that
requests changes of connection must provide information about the electricity
consumption of existing loads at the connection point, load profiles of each
day in the latest year, including the following figures:
+ Active power and
reactive power received from the distribution grid;
+ Self-generated
active power and reactive power (if any).
- The customer that
applies for a new connection point must provide information about demand of
loads at the connection point, including maximum power, electrical energy, and
load profiles of typical days of each month of the commencement year, including
the following figures:
+ Active power and
reactive power received from the distribution grid;
+ Self-generated
active power and reactive power (if any).
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- The customer that
requests changes of connection must provide information about estimated load at
the connection point, including maximum power, electrical energy, and load
profiles of typical days of each month in the next 5 years. Demand for active
power and reactive power received from the distribution grid, self-generated
active power and reactive power must be specified.
- The customer that
applies for a new connection point must provide forecast about estimated
electricity demand, including maximum power, electrical energy, and load
profiles of typical days of each month of the next 5 years from the official
commencement date. Demand for active power and reactive power received from the
distribution grid, self-generated active power and reactive power must be
c) Forecast about
electricity demand (if any) includes figures related to electricity
consumption such as production, rate of electricity consumption per product,
mode of electricity consumption (shift, working days, and days off), total
installed power of electrical equipment, maximum power, power coefficient, etc.
3. Specifications of
equipment and electrical grid of load at the connection point
a) Electricity
of equipment distribution;
of electricity connections which specifies:
of busbar ;
(overhead lines, underground cables, transformers,etc.);
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of connection point;
of reactive power compensation devices
This diagram is limited to the electrical
substations connected to the the connecton points and other electrical
equipment of the customers to be connected that may affect the distribution
system; intended expansion and changes (if any) in the future must be
b) Electrical
(circuit breaker, isolator, etc.) of circuits related to the connection point:
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current (A);
3-phase short-circuit current (kA);
1-phase short-circuit current (kA);
3-phase no-load current (kA);
1-phase no-load current (kA);
3-phase short-circuit peak load current (kA);
1-phase short-circuit peak load current (kA);
insulation level (kV).
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power MVA of each coil;
division coil (underloaded or no-loaded), voltage division area (quantity of
outputs and length of voltage steps)
division cycle;
(direct earthing, no earthing, and earthing via the reactor);
sequence reactance and resistance of the transformer at the nominal, minimum,
and vaximum voltage step out of percentage of rated power of the transformer.
Provided the transformer has 3 coils that are connected to the outside, the
resistance and reactance between each couple of coils must be calculated with
the third coil as an opened circuit;
sequence reactance and resistance of the transformer at the nominal, minimum,
and maximum voltage steps (Ω);
insulation level (kV).
power compensation devices (capacitors, inductors):
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reactance, charged/discharged current;
controllable capacitors/inductors, it is required to provide detailed
specifications such as voltage, load, operating duration, and other
transformer/current transformer
of conformity with regulations on electricity measurement.
and control system:
system configuration;
installed value;
for resolving issues of the primary and backup protection systems;
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management and data transmission
lines and cables related to the connection point.
current and maximum current
c) Figures related to
short-circuit current (instantaneously occur at the point of breakdown and
after the transient breakdown) from the customer’s electricity system to the
distribution grid at the connection point.
of zero sequence reactance and resistance of the customer’s electricity system
at the connection point.
of voltage before breakdown that matches the highest breakdown current;
of negative sequence reactance and resistance of the customer’s electricity
system at the connection point.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
d) Required backup
Every customer that
uses electricity directly from the distribution grid and wishes to receive
electricity from 2 sources or more must specify:
backup sources;
backup power (MW and MVAr).
4. Load characteristics
Every customer that
uses electricity directly from the distribution grid must provide the following
about load components of the customer that uses electricity directly from the
distribution grid, especially information about the loads that can cause
fluctuation over 5% total power of the electricity received by the customer
directly from the distribution grid at the connecton point and the possibility
of causing voltage drop of such loads.
about load characteristic of load at each connection point:
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Power coefficient in reactive power mode
Sensitivity to voltage
MW/kV, MVAr/kV
Sensitivity to frequency
MW/Hz, MVAr/Hz
Maximum and average phase imbalance
Maximum harmonic wave possibility
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Short-term and long-term voltage drop
Load fluctuation, including both increase
and decrease
kW/s and kVAr/s
Shortest interval of load fluctuation
Highest change in electricity demand
kW and kVAr
5. Other requirements related
to load
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66