Independence - Freedom - Happiness
November 14, 2019
Pursuant to the Law on
Electricity dated December 3, 2004 and the Law on Amendments and Supplements to
certain Articles of the Law on Electricity dated November 20, 2012;
Pursuant to the Government's
Decree No. 98/2017/ND-CP dated August 18, 2017, defining the functions, tasks,
powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;
Pursuant to the Government’s
Decree No. 137/2013/ND-CP dated October 21, 2013 elaborating on the
implementation of certain articles of the Law on Electricity and the Law on
Amendments to certain Articles of the Law on Electricity;
Upon the request of the
Director of the Electricity Regulatory Authority,
Minister of Industry and
Trade hereby promulgates the Circular on amendments and supplements to several
articles of Circular No. 45/2018/TT-BCT dated November 15, 2018 of Minister of Industry
and Trade on operation of competitive wholesale electricity market, and
amendments or supplements to several articles of Circular No. 56/2014/TT-BCT dated
December 19, 2014 of Minister of Industry and Trade on methods of determination
of electricity generation costs, processes for inspection of power purchase agreement
1. Amendments and supplements to several Articles of Circular No.
45/2018/TT-BCT dated November 15, 2018 of Minister of Industry and Trade on operation
of competitive wholesale electricity market, and amendments or supplements to several
Articles of Circular No. 56/2014/TT-BCT dated December 19, 2014 of Minister of
Industry and Trade on methods of determination of electricity generation costs,
processes for inspection of power purchase agreement as follows:
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“13. Auxiliary services include
secondary frequency control, fast start and must-run operation reserve provided
in order to ensure power system security, voltage regulation and black
2. Amending clause 14 of
Article 3 as follows:
“14. Frequency control
reserve service refers to an auxiliary service provided to support
secondary frequency control in accordance with the Regulation on electricity
transmission system promulgated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.”.
3. Amending Article 7 as
“Article 7. Registration for
participation in the electricity market
1. Generating units
a) Any generating unit will
be eligible to participate in the electricity market if they fully meet the
following requirements:
- Their electricity activity
license in the power generation industry remains valid;
- They have completed the pre-acceptance
testing and commissioning of systems as provided in clause 5 of Article 4 of
this Circular;
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- They have agreed on a unit
representing a group of cascade hydropower plants to make price offers (in case
they are the representative for a group of cascade hydropower plants).
b) 07 working days before
the deadline for participation in the electricity market as prescribed in
Article 6 of this Circular, the generating unit shall send 01 registration
package for electricity market participation on behalf of each power plant to the
power system and market operating unit through the electricity market website. The
power system and market operating unit shall provide relevant units with
guidance on the components of the electricity generating unit's registration
package for participation in the electricity market.
2. Wholesale buyers
a) Any wholesale buyer will
be eligible to participate in the electricity market if they fully meet the
following requirements:
- Their electricity activity
license remains valid;
- They meet the regulations
on metering of electrical power at their prescribed measurement and delivery boundary
- They have completed the
acceptance testing, commissioning and operation of the remote measurement data
collection system at measurement boundary points within their remit, the local
area network for communication of information about the electricity market and their
digital signature.
b) 07 working days before
the deadline for participation in the electricity market as prescribed in point
b of clause 2 of Article 6 of this Circular, the power wholesale buyer shall
send 01 registration package for electricity market participation to the power
system and market operating unit through the electricity market website. The
power system and market operating unit shall provide relevant units with
guidance on the components of the power wholesale buyer's registration package
for participation in the electricity market.”.
4. Amending Article 16 as
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1. General provisions
a) The generating unit and
the electricity buyer shall be responsible for negotiating, agreeing about and
setting out terms and conditions of the power purchase agreement on the rate of
output quantity of power settled at the contractual price within the price
range specified at point b of this clause, or the contractual output produced
in a year (or each year of a multi-year period);
Based on the annual output
agreed upon in the power purchase agreement, the generating unit and the
electricity buyer shall calculate the contractual output and shall agree to
allocate them into specific months of a year. In case where contracting parties
do not agree on the monthly contractual output, the electricity system and
market operating unit shall calculate the monthly contract output under the
provisions of this Circular.
b) Rate of output quantity
of power settled at the contractual price shall not be greater than 100% and
not be less than 60%;
c) For power plants bound by
fuel underwriting arrangements and obtaining competent state agency's written
consent to the horizontal transfer of their fuel underwriting regulations in
the fuel supply agreement to the power purchase agreement: The generating unit
and the buyer shall be responsible for reaching an agreement on the annual
contract output under which the annual contract output must not be lower than
the power output quantity corresponding to the annual fuel underwriting amount
of the power plant with account taken of its usability during the year.
2. Power plants already
entering into agreements with the Vietnam Electricity
a) Annual contractual
- If the generating unit and
the Vietnam Electricity agree on the rate of electricity settled at the
contract price for year N + 1 (except the annual contractual output and the
monthly contract output in year N + 1) according to point a of clause 1 of this
Article, by November 15 of year N, they shall provide these data to the
electricity system and market operating unit to calculate the contractual
output of year N + 1 according to clause 1 of Article 27 of this Circular;
- If the generating unit and
the Vietnam Electricity agree on the contractual output of year N + 1 according
to point a of clause 1 of this Article, by November 15 of year N, they shall
provide these data to the electricity system and market operating unit to
calculate the contractual output of specific months of year N + 1 according to
clause 2 of Article 27 of this Circular;
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b) Monthly contractual
output quantity:
- If the generating unit and
the Vietnam Electricity agree on the contractual output of specific months of
the year according to point a of clause 1 of this Article, by November 15 of
year N, they shall provide the data on the contractual output of specific
months of year N+1 for the electricity system and market operating unit to
allocate the contractual output over specific trading periods according to the
provisions of Article 38 of this Circular. In year N + 1, in case where the
generating unit and the Vietnam Electricity negotiate and agree on any
adjustment of the contractual output of month M, they shall be responsible for
providing these adjusted output data for the electricity system and market
operating unit by the 20th day of month M-1;
- If the generating unit and
the Vietnam Electricity agree on the contractual output of specific months of
the year, based on the annual contractual output quantity prescribed in point a
this clause, the electricity system and market operating unit shall calculate
the monthly contractual output according to the provisions of clause 2 of
Article 27 herein as a basis for implementation by the generating unit and the
Vietnam Electricity.
c) Contractual output
quantities of specific trading periods: The electricity system and market
operating unit shall calculate contractual output quantities of specific trading
periods according to monthly contractual output quantities under the provisions
of point b of this clause and in compliance with the principles specified in
Article 38 herein.
3. As for any power plant
that has signed agreements with the Vietnam Electricity, they shall be entitled
to allocate the following output quantities to electricity wholesale buyers and
power plants that have signed agreements with the electricity wholesale buyer:
a) Annual and monthly
contractual output quantities conforming to regulations laid down in clause 1
of this Article and calculated according to the principles stipulated in clause
2 of this Article;
b) If the generating unit
and the Vietnam Electricity fail to agree on the rate of electricity settled at
the contractual price and the annual contractual output quantities of power
plants, regulations laid down in clause 5 of this Article must be observed;
c) The contractual output
quantities in specific trading periods of the power plant that are determined
by the electricity system and market operating unit in the month-ahead
operational plan based on the distribution of the monthly contractual output quantities
into trading periods of the month shall comply with Article 40 herein;
4. As regards newly-built
power plants (put into commercial use after the effective date of this
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b) Monthly contractual
output quantities:
- If the generating unit and
the power buyer negotiate and agree on contractual output quantities of specific
months of the year in the power purchase agreement, by the 20th day
of month N, they shall provide data on the contractual output of month M+1 for
the electricity system and market operating unit to allocate contractual output
quantities into specific trading periods of month M+1;
- If the generating unit and
the power buyer fail to agree on the contractual output quantities of specific
months of the year, based on the annual contractual output quantity prescribed
in point a of this clause, the electricity system and market operating unit
shall calculate monthly contractual output quantities prescribed in clause 2 of
Article 27 herein.
c) Contractual output
quantities of specific trading periods: Unless otherwise agreed upon in the
power purchase agreement, the contractual output quantities of specific trading
periods of power plants shall be determined by the electricity system and
market operating unit in the process of formulation of the month-ahead
operation plan based on the distribution of the monthly contractual output
quantities into monthly trading periods in accordance with Article 38 and 40
5. If any power plant has
signed agreements, but failed to agree to the rate of output of power settled
at the contractual price or the contractual output quantity in year N + 1 with
the Vietnam Electricity or the electricity wholesale buyer as prescribed in
clause 1 of this Article to provide power quantity data to the electricity
system and market operating unit by November 15 of year N:
a) The generating unit and
the electricity buyer shall be responsible for reporting to the Electricity
Regulatory Authority and keeping the electricity system and market operating
unit updated with the followings by November 20 every year:
- Matters over which both units
disagree and each unit's argument on unanimous issues;
- Statistics of actual
generation output and contractual generation output recorded in the latest 5
- Any estimated
abnormalities arising in the upcoming year;
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b) Based on the reports of
the generating unit and the electricity buying unit, the electricity system and
market operating unit shall be responsible for putting forward plans on the
rate of output of power settled at the contractual price in the coming year as
prescribed at point b of clause 1 of this Article, and sending the final report
to the Electricity Regulatory Authority;
c) The Electricity
Regulatory Authority shall take charge of and collaborate with the generating
unit and the electricity buyer in enabling involved units to negotiate and
agree on the rate of output of electricity settled at the contract price or the
annual contractual output as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article;
d) In case where the
contracting parties keep on disagreeing the rate of output of electricity settled
at the contractual price or the annual contractual output, by December 10 of
year N, based on calculation results of the electricity system and market
operating unit specified at point b of this Clause, the Electricity Regulatory
Authority shall announce the rate of output of electricity settled at the
contractual price of year N + 1 in order for contracting parties to comply
during the period of pending agreement in the power purchase agreement, subject
to the following regulations:
- The rate of output of
electricity settled at the contractual price announced by the Electricity
Regulatory Authority falls within the range referred to in point b of clause 1
of this Article;
- Based on the rate of
output of electricity settled at the contractual price announced by the
Electricity Regulatory Authority, the electricity system and market operating
unit shall have the burden of calculating the annual and monthly contractual
output quantities prescribed in Article 27 in this Circular and notifying the
generating unit and the electricity buyer to act in accordance with electricity
market operation regulations laid down herein;
dd) During the period of
application of the rate of output of electricity settled at the contractual
price announced by the Electricity Regulatory Authority, the generating unit
and the electricity buyer shall continue to reach agreement on the contract
output quantities of the residual months in the year. In case where the
generating unit and the power buyer have reached agreement on contractual
output quantities of the remaining months of the year, and informing these
output data to the power system and market operating unit, they shall be
responsible for reporting on agreed-upon contractual output quantities and
implementation schedule to the Electricity Regulatory Authority;
e) By June 15 of the year of
operation, the Electricity Regulatory Authority shall take charge of and liaise
with the generating unit and the electricity buyer, both of whom fail to agree
on the contractual output, in clarifying options of both parties, negotiating
and agreeing on a the contractual output quantities of the remaining months of
the year. If the generating unit and the electricity buyer continue to
disagree, the following actions shall be taken:
- The rate of output of
electricity settled at the temporary contractual price announced by the
Electricity Regulatory Authority at point d of this Clause shall remain in use
until both parties reach agreement or until the end of the year of operation,
whichever comes first;
- Agreement on the rate of
output of power settled at the contractual price and the contractual output
shall continue to be sought. If both parties reach agreement, they shall
notify the electricity system and market operating unit according to the
schedule of operation of the monthly electricity market operation plan and
report to the Electricity Regulatory Authority.”.
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a) Adjustment of monthly
contractual output quantities:
- If the generating unit and
the electricity buyer agree on the monthly contract output, or clauses
regarding adjustment of the monthly contract output (cases of adjustment,
adjustment principles) in the power purchase agreement before the month of
operation, the adjustment of the monthly contract output shall adhere to terms
and conditions of the power purchase agreement, not falling within the scope of
application of this Circular. The involved units shall be responsible for
informing the electricity system and market operating unit of the agreed-upon
clauses to support electricity market operation activities;
- If the monthly contractual
output is calculated by the system and market operating unit in accordance with
clause 2 of Article 27 herein, and unless otherwise agreed upon in terms of
adjustment of the monthly contractual output in the power purchase agreement,
contractual output adjustment shall be subject to the principles prescribed in Article
37 herein.
b) Adjustment in contractual
output quantities of specific trading periods:
- If the generating unit and
the electricity buyer agree on the contractual output quantities of specific trading
periods, or clauses regarding adjustment of the contractual output quantities
of specific trading periods (e.g. cases of adjustment, adjustment principles)
in the power purchase agreement, the adjustment of the contractual output quantities
of specific trading periods shall adhere to terms and conditions of the power
purchase agreement. The involved units shall be responsible for informing the
electricity system and market operating unit of the agreed-upon clauses to
support electricity market operation activities;
- If the contractual output
quantities of specific trading periods are calculated by the system and market
operating unit in accordance with Article 38 and Article 40 herein, and unless
otherwise agreed upon in terms of adjustment of the contractual output quantities
of specific transaction periods in the power purchase agreement, the adjustment
of contractual output quantities of specific trading periods shall be subject
to the principles prescribed in Article 39 herein.
5. Amending clause 1 of
Article 20 as follows:
“1. Types of auxiliary
services rendered to operate the electricity system in the power market,
a) Secondary frequency
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c) Voltage regulation;
d) Black start;
dd) Must-run operation
reserve rendered for electricity system security purposes.”.
6. Amending clause 2 of
Article 23 as follows:
“2. The price ceiling of
electricity market for year N is not higher than 115% of the highest price
ceiling amongst quotations that thermopower generating sets are directly
providing in the electricity market.”.
7. Amending clause 1 of
Article 27 as follows:
“1. Determination of the
annual contractual output quantity
Aggregate annual contractual
output of the power plant shall be determined according to the following steps:
a) Formulating the next
year’s plan for operation of the electricity system according to the approach
to the conditional generation scheduling. Input parameters used for planning
the formulation of the next year’s electricity system are variable prices of
thermal power plants, hydrological characteristics and technical specifications
of power plants;
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AGO = EGO if a x GO ≤ EGO ≤ b
x GO
AGO = a x GO if EGO < a x
AGO = b x GO if EGO > b x
AGO: Year-N aggregate annual
planned output of the power plant (kWh);
EGO: Year-N estimated
generation output of the power plant specified in the plan for operation of the
next year’s power system which is converted at metering points (kWh);
GO: Average multi-year
generation output of the power plant which is regulated in the power purchase
agreement (kWh);
a, b: Variable coefficient
of annual generation output announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade,
unless otherwise agreed upon by the generating unit and the electricity buyer
in the power purchase agreement.
c) Aggregate annual
contractual output of the power plant shall be calculated according to the
following formula:
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Qc: Year-N gross
contractual generation quantity of year N (kWh);
AGO: Year-N aggregate annual
planned output of the power plant (kWh);
Rate of output of electricity settled at the contractual price in year N (%).”.
8. Amending point b of
clause 2 of Article 29 as follows:
“b) Written confirmation in
electronic form or paper form (in case the electronic document management
system fails) of the annual and monthly contractual output quantities of the
power plant between the generating unit and the Vietnam Electricity.”.
9. Amending point b of
clause 3 of Article 29 as follows:
“b) The generating unit and
the wholesale buyer shall give written confirmation in electronic form or paper
form (in case the electronic document management system fails) of the annual
and monthly contractual output quantities of the power plant”.
10. Amending Article 36 as
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Except if the contractual
output is negotiated and agreed upon in the power purchase agreement, the
contractual output of the power plant newly entering into the electricity
market in the middle of the operation year shall be determined according to the
following steps:
1. By the 20th
day of month M, any generating unit that plans to put their power plant into
commercial operation in the month M + 1 shall be responsible for providing
economic and technical information of that power plant to the electricity
system and market operating unit to calculate the operational plans for the
next month and later in the year N.
2. The electricity system
and market operating unit shall be responsible for calculating the monthly
contractual output for the power plant (from the month of entrance to the
electricity market until the end of year N) in the month-ahead electricity
market operation plan.
3. The monthly contractual
output of this power plant shall be calculated according to the following

: Monthly
contractual output of the power plant (kWh);
: Planned
output determined according to the updated approach to operation of the
electricity system in the next month and the remaining months of year N of the
power plant, being converted at the delivery point (kWh);
Rate of output of electricity settled at the contractual price in year N (%).”.
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“3. Adjustment of monthly
contractual output quantities of hydropower plants with reservoirs storing
water for more than 1 week:
a) The monthly contractual
output of a hydropower plant with its reservoir storing water for more than 1
week may be adjusted if there is any variable in the following data:
- Historical average water
flow and forecasted water flow data used for formulating the next year's
operational plan;
- Actual generation output
of the power plant is converted at the delivery point and the contractual
- The proposed usable volume
at the beginning of the calculation period in the month M + 1 and the usable
volume of the reservoir at the beginning of the calculation month specified in
the annual plan;
- Monthly contractual output
of month M+1 and expected mobilized output converted at the delivery point in
the approved operation plan of month M+1;
- Estimated water level at
the beginning of the month M + 1 and the minimum water level specified in the
reservoir operation procedures issued by competent authorities.
b) Increasing adjustment of
the contractual output of the hydropower plant with its reservoir storing water
for more than one week may be made only if the aggregate monthly contractual
output of the power plant participating in the electricity market is lower than
95% of total planned generation output (converted at the delivery point) of
power plants according to the monthly operation plan;
c) Specific conditions for
consideration of contractual output adjustment and adjustment principles shall
conform to the provisions of the settlement calculation procedures in the
electricity market issued by the Electricity Regulatory Authority.”.
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“5. If the approved usable
monthly output of month M + 1 of the power plant does not correspond to the
monthly contractual output, the monthly contractual output may be adjusted to
be equal to the usable output of that month. The generating unit shall be
responsible for providing the electricity system and market operating unit with
information on the plan for supply of fuels (certified by the fuel supplier) to
the thermal power plant by the 20th day of month M in the coming
month as a basis for calculation of data for formulation of the month-ahead
operation plan and consideration of any contractual output adjustment in this
case (if necessary).”.
13. Supplementing point d of
clause 1 of Article 39 as follows:
“d) In case where the
coal-fired power plant suffers a shortage of fuel, resulting in the situation
where the power output corresponding to the capacity specified in the next
day's price offer of the power plant is lower than its contractual output.”.
14. Amending clause 4 of
Article 39 as follows:
“4. In the cases specified
at point c and d of clause 1 of this Article, the contractual output of gas
turbine and coal-fired thermal power plants in trading periods shall be
adjusted to be equal to the actual output at the delivery point of the power
15. Amending clause 1 of
Article 42 as follows:
“1. The electricity system and
market operating unit shall be responsible for calculating and announcing
weekly contractual output and distributing weekly contractual output quantities
into each week trading period of the hydropower plant with its reservoir
storing water for the period from 02 days to 1 week according to the following
a) By 15h00 Wednesday each
week, the electricity system and market operating unit shall be responsible for
calculating the weekly contractual output of the power plant with its reservoir
storing water from 02 days to 1 week according to the following formula:

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: Week-ahead contractual generation quantity
Week-ahead estimated output of the power plant according to the electricity
system and market operation plan (kWh);
Rate of output of electricity settled at the contractual price (%) of the power
plant which is agreed upon between the generating unit and the electricity
buyer in the power purchase agreement as specified at point b of clause 1 of
Article 16 herein. If the generating unit and the electricity buyer do not
reach any agreement, the rate of output of electricity settled at the
contractual price shall be determined according to clause 5 of Article 16 in
this Circular.”.
b) By 15h00 Wednesday every
week, the electricity system and market operating unit shall be responsible for
allocating weekly contractual output quantities of power plants with their
reservoirs storing water from 02 days to 1 week according to the following

i: Trading
period i within week;
I: Total
number of trading periods within week;
: Contractual output of the power plant in the
trading period i (kWh);
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: Weekly contractual output of the power
plant calculated at point a of this clause (kWh).
c) If the contractual output
of hydroelectric plants is smaller than the lowest stable generation capacity,
it may be adjusted to 0 MW or the lowest stable generation capacity;
d) During the flood control
and irrigation period, in case where the contractual output of the hydropower
plant in the trading period i is lower than the generation capacity to ensure
the minimum water release requirement, the contractual output of the power
plant in these periods may be adjusted accordingly so that the hydropower plant
ensures the fulfillment of requirements regarding flood prevention and
dd) The aggregate output
difference due to adjustment prescribed at point c of this Clause shall be
allocated in ratio to power demand according to the principle of ensuring that
the weekly contractual output is kept unchanged.”.
16. Amending Article 43 as
“Article 43. Price ceilings
of quotations/quoted price ceilings of hydropower plants
1. Except for the case
specified in clause 3 of this Article, the price ceiling of quotation of the
hydropower plant with its reservoir storing water for over 1 week shall be
determined based on the week-ahead water value of that power plant which is
announced in accordance with the provisions of Article 41 in this Circular,
specifically as follows:
a) Quoted price
ceiling/price ceiling of quotation equals the greatest value of:
- 120% of water value of the
hydropower plant;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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b) Every month, the
electricity system and market operating unit shall be responsible for
announcing the average price of price ceilings of quotations of thermopower generating
sets in the next month to hydroelectric plants and the schedule of announcement
of price ceilings of thermopower plants in the next month.
2. Except for the case
specified in clause 3 of this Article, the price ceiling of quotation of the
hydropower plant with its reservoir storing water from 2 days to 1 week shall
be equal to the greatest value of:
- 120% of the greatest water
value of the hydropower plant participating in the electricity market;
- Average price of price
ceilings of quotations of thermopower generating sets participating in the
electricity market specified in the monthly operation plan.
3. Price ceilings of
quotations of hydropower plants determined in special cases
a) The price ceiling of
quotation of the hydropower plant in the cases specified at points b and c of
this clause shall be determined according to the following formula:
= 1.2 x max (Pgtn ; PDOmax)
Ptr: Price
ceiling of quotation of hydropower plant applied in special cases (VND/kWh);
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PDOmax: Variable
cost of the most expensive DO-engine thermopower generating set (d/kWh).
b) In case where the
reservoir of the hydropower plant violates the water level limit of the first
week, the price ceiling of quotation of this hydropower plant applying in the
next week shall be determined according to point a of this clause. When
ensuring that the weekly water level limit is not violated, the power plant may
continue to apply the price ceiling of quotation as prescribed in clause 1 or
clause 2 of this Article from Tuesday of the following week. Every month, the electricity
system and market operating unit shall be responsible for announcing the
variable cost of the most expensive DO-engine thermopower generating set in the
electricity system;
c) In case where the
hydropower plant is located in an area with the power reserve of less than 5%
as announced under the provisions of the Procedures for medium and short-term
electricity system security assessment issued by the Electricity Regulatory
Authority for the purposes of guiding the implementation of the Regulation on
electricity transmission systems promulgated by the Ministry of Industry and
Trade, the price ceiling of quotation of any hydropower plant in this area
within the assessment week shall be determined under the provisions of point a
of this clause. When the power reserve of an area is equal to or higher than
5%, the power plant in this area continues to apply the price ceiling of
quotation prescribed in clause 1 and clause 2 of this Article.
4. Every week, the
electricity system and market operating unit shall assume the following
a) Calculating the price
ceiling of quotation of generating sets of power plants participating in the
electricity market in accordance with clause 1, clause 2 and clause 3 of this
b) Announcing the results of
calculation of the price ceiling of quotation of each generating set of the
hydropower plant participating in the electricity market applicable for the
coming week and input data used for calculation, including those data regarding
water value, variable cost of the most expensive DO-engine thermopower set
within the power system, average price of price ceilings of quotations of
thermopower generating sets participating in the electricity market according
to the monthly operation plan.
5. Hydropower plants
participating in the electricity market shall assume the following
a) Making price offers in
compliance with regulations of quoted price ceilings and price floors;
b) Meeting requirements for
downstream water demand constraints and other hydrological constraints”.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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“d) Contain information
about technical parameters of a generating set, including:
- Announced generation
capacity of the generating set for day D;
- Lowest stable generation
capacity of the generating set;
- Speed of
increase and decrease of the maximum capacity of the generating set;
- Technical restrictions in
case of concurrent operation of generating sets;
- Fuel condition of the
thermopower plant.”.
18. Amending point g of
clause 1 of Article 46 as follows:
“g) Hydropower plants can make
quotations including the first capacity ranges of 0 MW in each trading period. As
for hydropower plants with water-regulating capacity of more than 02 days, the
last quoted capacity range must be equal to the announced capacity. If the
water level of the hydropower reservoir falls to the dead water level, they can
adjust the announced capacity to 0 MW;”
19. Amending point b of
clause 2 of Article 46 as follows:
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- The portion of output
corresponding to the demand for downstream water supply at the request of the
competent authority may be quoted at the floor price.
- The residual output may be
quoted at the price ceiling of the quotation applied to the hydropower plant
that violates the water level limit for 02 consecutive weeks as provided at
point a of clause 3 of Article 43 herein.”.
20. Amending point c of
clause 1 of Article 47 as follows:
“c) If generating sets face
any breakdown that stops or reduces the usable capacity, or are serviced or
repaired off the plan approved by the electricity system and market operating
unit according to the Regulation on transmission electricity systems
promulgated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the bidding unit may make
adjustment to reduce the announced capacity and resubmit the price quotation
for these generating sets;”.
21. Amending clause 1 of
Article 54 as follows:
“1. Estimated mobilized
capacity, including the capacity mobilized for frequency control reserve
service of generating sets in each day-ahead trading period, and the area-specific
margin prices in specific day-ahead trading periods.”.
22. Amending Article 59 as
“Article 59. Adjustment of announced
generation output quantities of power plants
Before the scheduling of
mobilization of output quantities in the next trading period, the electricity
system and market operating unit may adjust the generation quantities of the
multi-purpose strategic hydropower plant and the power plants that automatically
control the active generation output in accordance with the provisions of the national
electricity system dispatch procedures issued by the Ministry of Industry and
Trade for the next trading period which has been announced under clause 1 of
Article 54 in this Circular.
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a) Any hydrological anomalies
b) Any warnings about
shortage in capacity compared to the day-ahead mobilization schedule are
c) Written directives issued
by competent state authorities for regulating reservoirs of multi-purpose
strategic hydropower plants to serve flood control and irrigation purposes.
2. The range of adjustment
of the announced output of a multi-purpose strategic hydropower plant in the
cases specified at points a and b of clause 1 of this Article is ± 5% of total
installed capacity of multi-purpose strategic hydropower plants in the power
system, exclusive of the capacity portion intended for frequency control
reserve service.
3. For power plants carrying
out self-control of generation of active power as prescribed in the national electricity
system dispatch procedures issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the
announced output shall be adjusted to suit the actual operating conditions of these
power plants and the power system.”.
23. Amending point a of
clause 2 of Article 60 as follows:
“a) The electricity system
and market operating unit shall set the schedule for mobilization of generating
sets in the following order:
- Quotations intended for
setting that schedule;
- Adjusted generation output
provided by multi-purpose strategic hydroelectric plants;
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- Generating sets providing
must-run operation reserve service for electricity system security purposes;
- Reductions in the capacity
of frequency control reserve service to the permissible lowest level.”.
24. Amending clause 3 of
Article 60 as follows:
“3. Scheduling of
mobilization of the next trading period in case of capacity redundancy
The electricity system and
market operating unit shall be responsible for adjusting the schedule of the
mobilization of generation output quantities for the next trading period by
taking measures in the following order:
a) Halting generating sets
voluntarily stopping power generation;
b) Minimizing the generation
capacity of generating sets providing frequency control reserve service;
c) Gradually decreasing the
generation capacity of generating sets appearing in mobilization order in the
list of generating sets that has been compiled in accordance with Article 53 in
this Circular;
d) Decommissioning
generating sets with slow start-up in mobilization order in the list of
generating sets that has been compiled in accordance with Article 53 in this
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“2. In case where the
reservoir of the power plant has violated the weekly water level limit for 02
consecutive weeks, starting from 00:00 a.m. of Tuesday in the next week, the
electricity system and market operating unit shall schedule mobilization of
this power plant based on the default quotation specified at point b of clause
2 of Article 46 in this Circular to bring the reservoir's water level to the
weekly water level limit.”.
26. Amending clause 2 of
Article 64 as follows:
“2. In case of power market
interference, the electricity system and market operating unit shall be
responsible for mobilizing generating sets to ensure the targets in the
following priority order:
a) Ensuring the balance
between power generation and power demand;
b) Meeting frequency control
reserve service requirements;
c) Meeting voltage quality
27. Amending point c of
clause 2 of Article 74 as follows:
“c) Before 12:00 p.m. of the
day D + 4, the transmission network operator, the generating unit and the
electricity buyer shall check and reconcile power measurement data, detecting any
changes and events leading to differences in generation output quantities, and
sending confirmation about reconciled measurement data to the electricity
system and electricity market operating unit. After this time, the electricity
system and market operating unit will not receive any feedback on changes
related to the measurement data of day D. In case where there is no response
from the relevant units sent to the power market website before 12:00 p.m. of
day D + 4, it shall be considered that they have confirmed, and the electricity
system and market operating unit are not responsible for addressing any late feedbacks;”.
28. Amending clause 2 of
Article 92 as follows:
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i: Trading period i
belonging in the settlement period;
I: Total number of trading
periods in the settlement period;
g: Power plant entering into
the power purchase agreement with the electricity wholesale buyer;
TCm2(l,g,M): The cost of
electricity purchase in the spot electricity market of the electricity
wholesale buyer 1 in the settlement period M from power plants g entering into
the power purchase agreement with the electricity wholesale buyer (Vietnam dong);
Cm2 (l,g,i): The cost of
electricity purchase at the spot electricity buying price of the electricity wholesale
buyer 1 in the trading period i from the power plant g entering into the power
purchase agreement with the electricity wholesale buyer (Vietnam dong);
UpliftM(g): Variable share
of the spot electricity market price applicable to the wholesale buyer of the
power plant g in the settlement period M which is calculated by the electricity
system and market operating unit on the basis of data provided by the generating
unit after the month of operation according to the following formula:

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g: Power plant entering into
the power purchase agreement with the electricity wholesale buyer;
i: Trading period i
belonging in the settlement period M;
I: Total number of trading
periods belonging in the settlement period M;
L: Total number of wholesale
Rg (M): Total settlements
made at the system marginal price in the settlement period M of the power plant
g according to the monthly electricity market settlement statement issued by
the electricity system and market operating unit. This is calculated according
to the provisions of Article 88 of this Circular (Vietnam dong);
(M): Total revenue determined at the capacity-add-on price in the settlement
period M of the power plant g according to the monthly electricity market
settlement statement issued by the electricity system and market operating
unit. This is calculated under the provisions of Article 89 in this Circular
(Vietnam dong);
Cm2 (l,g,i): The
cost of electric power purchased at the spot electricity market price of the
electricity wholesale buyer 1 in the trading period i from the power plant g.
This is calculated according to point b of clause 3 of Article 91 in this
Circular (Vietnam dong);
Qm2 (l,g,i): The quantity
of electric power purchased at the electricity market price of the electricity
wholesale buyer 1 in the trading period i from the power plant g. This is
calculated according to point c of clause 2 of Article 91 in this Circular
29. Amending clause 1 of
Article 96 as follows:
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30. Amending clause 2 of
Article 97 as follows:
“2. If the thermoelectric
generator set has to stop as prescribed at point d of clause 3 of Article 60 in
this Circular, or a boiler of that set has to stop to reduce the capacity as
prescribed at point b of clause 3 of Article 60 in this Circular, start-up
costs under terms and conditions of the power purchase agreement between the
Vietnam Electricity and the generating unit shall be settled. The electricity
system and market operating unit shall confirm this event for the set announced
by the generating unit as a basis for the electricity buyer to settle start-up
31. Amending clause 7 of
Article 97 as follows:
“7. In case where the
hydropower generating set has to have the generation capacity greater than the
announced capacity specified in the quotation for scheduling of mobilization of
generation quantities for the next trading period at the request of the
electricity system and market operating unit for system security reasons. The
total output of the plant’s generation of power to the grid during this period
shall be paid in accordance with terms and conditions of the power purchase
agreement with the Vietnam Electricity.”.
32. Supplementing clause 9
of Article 97 as follows:
“9. In case where a gas
turbine plant operates in the simple-cycle process, or lacks main fuel, leading
to use of part or all of the auxiliary fuel as ordered by the electricity
system and market operating unit to ensure electricity system security,
settlements shall be made under auxiliary service agreements.”.
33. Amending point b of
clause 1 of Article 98 as follows:
“b) If the thermoelectric
generator set has to stop as prescribed at point d of clause 3 of Article 60 in
this Circular, or a boiler of that set has to stop to reduce the capacity as
prescribed at point b of clause 3 of Article 60 in this Circular, start-up
costs under terms and conditions of the power purchase agreement between the
electricity wholesale buyer and the generating unit shall be settled. The
electricity system and market operating unit shall confirm this event for the
set announced by the generating unit as a basis for the electricity buyer to
settle start-up costs;”.
34. Amending clause 3 of
Article 109 as follows:
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35. Amending Article 124 as
“Article 124. Electricity
market operational reports
1. Monthly electricity
market operational reports of the electricity system and market operating unit:
a) Report title: Electricity
market operational report of month M;
b) Report contents: They
shall be subject to regulations laid down in Appendix 6 hereto;
c) Report maker: Electricity
system and market operating unit;
d) Report recipient: Electricity
Regulatory Authority;
dd) Submission method: Reports
are sent via emails;
e) Deadline: By the 20th
day of month M+1, reports on operation of electricity market for month M must
be sent;
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2. Monthly electricity
market operational reports of the electricity system and market operating unit:
a) Report title: Electricity
market operational report of year N;
b) Report contents: They
shall be subject to regulations laid down in Appendix 6 hereto;
c) Report maker: Electricity
system and market operating unit;
d) Report recipient: Electricity
Regulatory Authority;
dd) Submission method: Reports
are sent to receiving authorities via:
- Emails;
- Postal services.
e) Deadline: By the 1st
day of March of year N+1, reports on operation of electricity market for year N
must be sent.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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3. Yearly electricity market
operational reports of the directly-trading generating unit:
a) Report title: Electricity
market operational report of year N;
b) Report contents: They
shall be subject to regulations laid down in Appendix 6 hereto;
c) Report maker: Directly-trading
generating units;
d) Report recipient: Electricity
Regulatory Authority;
dd) Submission method: Reports
are sent to receiving authorities via:
- Emails;
- Postal services.
e) Deadline: By the 1st
day of March of year N+1, reports on operation of electricity market for year N
must be sent;
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4. Yearly electricity market
operational reports of the electricity buyer
a) Report title: Electricity
market operational report of year N;
b) Report contents: They
shall be subject to regulations laid down in Appendix 6 hereto;
c) Report maker: All
electricity buyers participating in the competitive electricity wholesale
d) Report recipient: Electricity
Regulatory Authority;
dd) Submission method: Reports
are sent to receiving authorities via:
- Emails;
- Postal services.
e) Deadline: By the 1st
day of March of year N+1, reports on operation of electricity market for year N
must be sent;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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5. Ad-hoc reports
a) Ad-hoc reports made in
case of any electricity market intervention
- Report title: Electricity
market intervention reports.
- Contents of reports on electricity
market interventions: Detailed reports on electricity market intervention
events (e.g. time, causes, intervention measures, impact assessment, etc.);
- Report maker: Electricity
system and market operating unit;
- Report recipient: Electricity
Regulatory Authority;
- Submission method: Emails;
- Time limit for sending
reports: 24 hours from the time of electricity market intervention.
b) The electricity system
and market operating unit, the generating unit and the electricity buyer shall
be responsible for sending ad-hoc reports on electricity market operation upon
the request of the Electricity Regulatory Authority.”.
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2. Entry into force
1. This Circular shall enter
into force on January 1, 2020.
2. In the course of
implementation of this Circular, if there is any difficulty that may arise, entities
concerned shall send feedbacks to the Electricity Regulatory Authority to seek
its decision within its jurisdiction or for its reporting to the Ministry of
Industry and Trade to consider any possible solutions./.
Tran Tuan Anh
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Monthly electricity market
operational report of the electricity system and market operating unit
Yearly electricity market
operational report of the electricity system and market operating unit
Yearly electricity market
operational report of the directly-trading generating unit
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Sample 01
- Freedom - Happiness
date (dd/mm/yyyy) …
Electricity market operational report of month …
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Report contents:
1. Proportion of power
plants’ participation in the electricity market.
2. Power market planning,
scheduling of mobilization of power plants and real-time dispatch.
3. Electricity market price
(power generation and purchase stages).
4. Calculation of settlement
and confirmation of electricity market settlement statements.
5. Market revenue of power
plants and purchase costs of wholesale buyers.
6. Situations of the
acquisition of metering data and operation of information technology systems serving
the electricity market and the electricity system, and the public disclosure of
electricity market information at the generation and purchase stages.
7. Issues and
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- As stated above;
and seal)
Sample 02
- Freedom - Happiness
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Electricity market operational report of year …
To: Electricity
Regulatory Authority
Report contents:
1. Proportion of power
plants’ participation in the electricity market.
2. Power market planning,
scheduling of mobilization of power plants and real-time dispatch.
3. Electricity market price
(power generation and purchase stages).
4. Calculation of settlement
and confirmation of electricity market settlement statements.
5. Market revenue of power
plants and purchase costs of wholesale buyers.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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7. Issues and
- As stated above;
and seal)
Sample 03
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
date (dd/mm/yyyy) …
Electricity market operational report of year …
To: Electricity
Regulatory Authority
Report contents:
1. Assessment of compliance
with electricity market regulations.
2. Results of generation
output and revenue.
3. Issues and
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- As stated above;
and seal)
Sample 04
- Freedom - Happiness
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
date (dd/mm/yyyy) …
Electricity market operational report of year …
To: Electricity
Regulatory Authority
Report contents:
1. Assessment of compliance
with electricity market regulations.
2. Provision and
confirmation of metering data.
3. Demand forecast.
4. Requirements concerning electricity
market settlement statements.
Bạn phải
đăng nhập hoặc
đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
6. Issues and
- As stated above;
and seal)