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No. 29/2012/TT-BKHCN

Hanoi, December 19th 2012




Pursuant to the Law on Atomic Energy dated June 03rd 2008;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 28/2008/NĐ-CP dated March 14th 2008, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 70/2010/NĐ-CP dated June 22nd 2010, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Atomic Energy applicable to nuclear power plants 

At the proposal of the Director of the Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety;

The Minister of Science and Technology issues a Circular specifying the contents of the preliminary safety analysis report in the application for the approval for the nuclear power plant site as follows:

Article 1. Scope of regulation




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Article 2. Subjects of application

This Circular is applicable to the investors and organization participating in the formulation, verification, and approval of the preliminary safety analysis reports; and the relevant advisory organizations.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In the Circular, the terms below are construed as follows:

1. Nuclear power plant site include the entire area that have the containment buildings, the turbine buildings, the important safety systems, and some other ancillary constructions. The usual area is 01 – 02  km2, surrounded by security fences.

2. The vicinity of the nuclear power plant is the area around the nuclear power plant, usually a circle of which the radius is 08 km from the containment building; the vicinity of the nuclear power plant may be expanded where necessary in order to cover all the phenomena and processes that need surveying and researching for the purpose of serving the assessment of the site safety.

3. Sub-region is the area around the nuclear power plant, usually a circle of which the radius is 40 km from the containment building; the vicinity of the nuclear power plant may be expanded where necessary in order to cover all the phenomena and processes that need surveying and researching for the purpose of serving the assessment of the site safety.

4. Inter-regional area is the area surrounding a sub-region, usually a circle having a radius of 320 km from the containment building; the size of the inter-regional are may be changed depending on the geological and tectonic characteristics; the shape of the inter-regional area may not be symmetrical in order to cover all the earthquake sources that need considering.

Article 4. Contents of the preliminary safety analysis report




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2. The contents of the preliminary safety analysis report are specified in the Annex enclosed with this Circular.

Article 5. The documents, order, procedure, time limit for verifying and reporting the result of the verification of the preliminary safety analysis report

1. The investor shall submit 05 dossiers in Vietnamese (01 original, 05 photocopies) and 05 dossiers translated into English of the preliminary safety analysis report, and a written request for the verification, to the Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety – the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The investor shall make a written commitment and take responsibility before the law for the accuracy of the English translations.

2. The Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety shall examine the validity of the dossiers within 15 days from the date the dossiers are received, and may request the investors to provide necessary documents.

3. The Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety shall verify the preliminary safety analysis report within 06 months from the date on which the complete and valid dossiers or additional documents are received as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.

4. Where necessary, the Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety shall make a plan for hiring Vietnamese or foreign independent advisory organizations or experts to assist in the verification, then send that plant to the Minister of Science and Technology for considering and sending reports to the Prime Minister.

5. The Vietnam Agency for radiation and nuclear safety shall report the result of the verification of the preliminary safety analysis report to the National Nuclear Safety Council, request the Minister of Science and Technology to approve the result of the preliminary safety analysis report verification, and notify the verification result to the investor.

Article 6. Effects




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2. Organizations and individuals are recommended to send feedbacks on the difficulties arising during the course of implementation to the Ministry of Science and Technology for amendment and supplementation./.




Le Dinh Tien




(Enclosed with the Circular No.  29/2012/TT-BKHCN dated December 19th 2012 of the Minister of Science and Technology)

1. General introduction




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1.1. Primary objectives of the PSAR

The objectives of the formulation of the PSAR during the approval of the nuclear power plant site.

1.2. The legal basis for making the PSAR

The legal basis for making the PSAR serving the approval for the nuclear power plant site include the brief information about the official decisions made by competent State agencies and local authorities.

1.3. The information about the investor, the contractors, the organizations that survey and assess the site

The information about the investor, the contractors, the organizations carry out the surveys and assessment serving the selection of the nuclear power plant site.

1.4. General information about the nuclear power plant project

The general information about the nuclear power plant project includes:

- The estimated total power, the number of generating units, the technologies;




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- The information about similar generating units verified and licensed by Vietnamese or foreign competent agencies.

1.5. The information about the organizations that makes the PSAR

The information about the organization in charge of making the PSAR, about the organizations that compile the chapters of the PSAR, including the information about the experience in relevant disciplines, the licenses to do relevant jobs related to the safety analysis.

1.6. The format of the PSAR

The format of the PSAR includes:

- The main parts of the report;

- The purposes and scope of each part;

- The connection among the parts in the report.

1.7. The list of acronyms, terminologies, and definitions.




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2. General description of the nuclear power plant

This section of the PSAR includes: the system of law documents and applicable standards; the fundamental technical specification of the nuclear power plant; the information about the construction conditions, the layout, and other aspects, the technical characteristics and operations of generating units, the characteristics of the power supply system; the references enclosed;

2.1. The system of law documents and applicable standards

All law documents and standards applicable to the survey and assessment of the site, the determination of technical characteristics of the nuclear power plant design must be enumerated. If the application of law documents and standards are not prescribed by competent agencies, it is necessary to prove the conformity of such documents and standards with the requirements for safety based on the practical experience, current international commitments and regulations.

2.2. Fundamental technical specifications.

Briefly present the information about the nuclear power plant, including the number of generating units, the industrial type of each generating unit, the cooling system, the type of steam supply system from the reactor, the structure of the containment building, the thermal power rate and corresponding electric power rate, the communication system, and other necessary specifications for understanding the primary technical processes in the design.

If there is a licensed similar design, the basic differences and foundations for assessing the safety of the changes in the new design must be compared.

2.3. The information about the construction conditions, the layout, and other aspects

2.3.1. Briefly assess the general characteristics of the site that might affect the safety of the nuclear power plant, including: earthquake, faults, volcanoes, meteorology, flooding, tsunami, geotechnical engineering, the human factors, the cooling water sources, and the power supply for the nuclear power plant.




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2.3.3. Describe the diagrams of the systems of the nuclear power plant, the connection to the grid, the connection to the railway system, road traffic system, and waterway system. The diagram must demonstrate the whole nuclear power plant as well as each generating unit, together with brief description of the primary system and devices, their purposes, and the interaction among the systems. The general layout of the whole nuclear power plant shall be demonstrate on a scale of 1:5,000 or bigger.

2.3.4. The information relevant to the protection of the nuclear power plant, including:

- The roads, railways, waterways, flight corridors, and residential areas that possibly affect the operation of the nuclear power plant;

- Describe the local factories and warehouses in the area, especially the places posing high risk of fire, explosion, and release of toxic waste into the environment.

2.4. The technical specification and operation mode of the nuclear power plant

2.4.1. Present the technical specifications of the nuclear power plant relevant to the safety analysis during the approval of the site.

2.4.2. Present the technical specifications of the nuclear power plant relevant to the safety analysis during the approval of the site.

The information about the safety system of generating units relevant to the site, especially under the impacts form the outside of which the frequency exceeds once every 100 years, or under the impact of earthquake, tsunami, plane crash.

2.5. The characteristics of the power supply system of the nuclear power plant




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2.6. Enclosed documents

The separate reports are considered part of the PSAR, including the reports on the site survey result, the quality assessment, analysis, and inspection.

3. Assessment of the site

This section of the PSAR includes the detailed info about the site; the general rules for assessing the hazards at the site; the activities of humans in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant, the tsunami, meteorological, hydrographical, geological, tectonic conditions, and other natural conditions that possibly affect the safety of the nuclear power plant; the radioactive sources outside the nuclear power plant; the issues related to the plan for managing and responding to emergencies; observations of the measurements related to the site; the site safety analysis.

3.1. Detailed information about the site

3.1.1. Location of the site

Provide the map, diagram of administrative areas, and specify the following information:

- Name of the locality (commune, district, province) where the plant is situated;

- Name of the city of town of the administrative agency of the province where the plant is situated




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- The distance from the site to the nearest commune or town;

- The distance from the site to the national border, and names of the adjacent countries.

The relative position of the site and the following areas:

- Residential areas, rivers, sea, airports, train stations, river ports, and sea ports;

- The perimeter of the important constructions relevant to the national security;

- The nearest industrial facility (factory, industrial chemical complex, oil and gas pipeline, food factories, and other facilities);

- The nearest military bases.

The distance from the site to the holiday destinations, wildlife sanctuaries, national historical and cultural remains

The information about the areas under the management of the investor in the nuclear power plant and the vicinity (including no-fly zone), the activities that possibly affect the operation of the nuclear power plant must be controlled.




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The information about the residents must include the latest population survey result (within 5 years from the date of submission of the application for the approval for the site), the explanation of the mechanical growth of population, the feasibility of the emergency response plan available to local residents and non-local residents. The following information must be specified:

- The population density in the area within the radius of 30 km form the nuclear power plant site before commencing the construction, during the construction, and during the entire operation of the plant;

- The distance from the cities of which the population exceed 100,000 people within the radius of 100 km from the nuclear power plant site;

- The population distribution on the map in the area around the nuclear power plant site within the radii of 10, 10 – 15, 15 – 20, and 20 – 30 km, in 8 directions;

- The information about the particular groups of permanent and temporary residents, their ages (children, elders), the people hard to evacuate (patients, prisoners, and other people);

- The portions of residents, the ratio of local food and imported food;

- The demand for tap water, the water supply sources;

- The duration of staying outdoors and indoors (applicable to rural and urban residents) in a day;

- The average number non-local residents in a day, during holidays, festivals, and other special activities;




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3.1.3. The geotechnical characteristic of the ground, the hydrography, and underground water, Including:

- The information about the survey for designing the foundation of the nuclear power plant, and the assessment of the interaction between the constructions and the ground;

- The plan for building the overground and underground constructions, the solutions for the weakness of the ground at the site.

3.1.4. Information about the site, the tolerances calculated in the fundamental design, and the possibility of radioactive dispersion, including:

- Reports on the historical data sources; technical reports on the detailed description of the survey, research, and data collected;

- The designs of the constructions (if any) and the measures for ensuring the safety of relevant constructions;

- The documents forecasting the changes related to the information above, the possibility of affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant over a period equal to at least the anticipated operating time of the plant.

3.1.5. Information about the topographical conditions of the inter-regional areas, sub-regions, vicinity of the nuclear power plant and the nuclear power plant site, including:

- The points marking the maximum and minimum altitudes of the areas where the generating units of the nuclear power plant are located;




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- The special topographical features (cracks, cliffs, depressions, karst funnels, and other forms);

- Swamps;

- Forests, farmland, and other types of land.

Provide the following documents about sub-regions:

- The above-water topographic map on the scale of 1:5,000 or larger;

- The bathymetric map on the scale of 1:10,000, together with the diagram of the cross-section of the continental shelve and the topographical map of the vicinity of the nuclear power plant;

- The list of the instruments for observing the movements of the earth's crust, together with a diagram showing the observation results.

Provide the following documents about nuclear power plant site:

- The above-water and underwater topographic maps map on the scale of 1:1,000 or larger;




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3.2. The general rules for assessing the hazards at the site

3.2.1. The assessment of the hazards from natural and human factors at the site.

When taking administrative measures for minimizing the hazard, especially the hazards caused by human factors, it is necessary to provide information about the implementation, the roles, and responsibility of each person and organization for the implementation of such measures.

3.2.2. The criteria for filtering the hazards, including the thresholds of the probability of events, together with the possible impacts of each hazard, including the sources, the transmission mechanism, and possible impacts at the site.

3.2.3. The target probabilities that the design must reach in order to prevent the external hazards, and the conformity with the acceptable limits.

3.2.4. The information about the periodic update of the hazard assessment according to the measuring instruments and the observations.

3.3. Activities of humans in the vicinity of nuclear power plant

3.3.1. Information about the activities of humans that possibly affect the operation of the nuclear power plant, including:

- The method and data for quantitative determination of the characteristics and measurements of the factors that may have an impact on the nuclear power plant from the outside;




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3.3.2. The result of the detailed assessment of the impacts of the emergencies that might arise at the industrial facilities, traffic facilities, other existing facilities and future facilities in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant.

The risks that might affect the safety of the nuclear power plant must be included in the list of events as the basis for diminishing the impacts of the possible emergencies, and forecasting the changes relevant to the events that might lead to hazards.

3.4. Activities at the site

3.4.1. The activities at the site that might affect the safety of the nuclear power plant, including the activities of the vehicles in the plant perimeter, the storage and transport of fuel, gases, and other chemicals that might cause fire, explosion or contamination, the ventilation capacity.

3.4.2. The protective constructions include dykes, dams, drainage system, and other factors that might affect the site such as: replacing the ground, changing the altitude of the site, and other activities.  Assessment of the efficiency of these constructions, factors, and activities in relation with the fundamental design

3.5. The hydrography

Assessment of the hydrographic features of the site relevant to the selection of that location, and the technical protective measures against the hazards, including the following information:

3.5.1. The impacts of the hydrographic conditions at the site on the nuclear power plant (on the design and safe operation of the plant).

The analysis of the impacts of unusual phenomena such as monsoons, flooding, (on account of the rivers, reservoirs, provisionary drainage area, and drainage system as the site); especially the negative phenomena that affect the cooling water sources.




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If the site is near the coast or estuary, it is required to examine the possibility of tsunami, assess the overall impacts upon the occurrence of earthquake and tsunami, or high tide and strong wind.

3.5.3. The impacts of the hydrographic conditions on the possibility of radioactive dispersion to the site and from the site into the environment.

3.6. The meteorology

Assessment of the meteorological features of the site relevant to the selection of that location, and the technical protective measures against the hazards, including the following information:

3.6.1. The impacts of the meteorological conditions at the site on the nuclear power plant (on the design and safe operation of the plant).

3.6.2. The description of the meteorological features relevant to the site and vicinity of the nuclear power plant, considering the regional and local climatic impacts.

Reports on the results of the meteorological observation at the site.

Assessment of the peak values of the meteorological measurements such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction, especially the extrema of storms and tornados.

3.6.3. Analysis of the impact of meteorological conditions on the possibility of radioactive dispersion to the site and from the site into the environment.




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3.7.1. Assessment of the geological and tectonic features relevant to the location of the nuclear power plant, and the technical protective measures against the hazards.

The scale (sizes and shapes) of the research areas must be founded on the subjects of research and the specific features relevant to the site.

3.7.2. Assessment of the dangerous geological processes (sliding, avalanche, karst, alluvium, streams, waterfalls, erosion, slope and river bed, , subduction, collapse, subsidence, abrasion, volcanic ash, volcanic eruption) and their combinations.

Forecast of the unfavorable changes that possibly increase the dangerous geological conditions during the construction and operation.

3.7.3. The assessment of the tectonic features of the site and vicinity of the nuclear power plant.

The detailed description of the assessment result used in the design of constructions (anti-earthquake design) of the nuclear power plant that serve the safety analysis.

3.7.4. The comprehensive and detailed analysis of the result of construction surveys for setting up the foundation for the nuclear power plant safety.

3.8. Radioactive sources outside the nuclear power plant

3.8.1. The description of the radioactivity at the site, considering the impact of the radioactivity from the existing generating units and other radioactive sources for assessing the radioactivity at the site.




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3.9. The issues related to the site in the plan for emergency response and emergency management

3.9.1. Specify the feasibility of the plan for emergency response, specifically the access to the nuclear power plant, the ability to transport, and the traffic assurance upon the occurrence of serious emergencies.

3.9.2. Prove the suitability of the off-site infrastructures for the emergency response.

3.9.3. Determine the necessity of administrative measures and responsibility of other organizations and individuals than the operators of the nuclear power plant.

3.10. The list of external impacts on the nuclear power plant site

Enumerate the external impacts on the nuclear power plant site taken into account in the nuclear power plant design.

3.11. Observation of measurements related to the site

3.11.1. The plan for the observation of the seismic, meteorological, hydrographic quantities, the factors of population, production, trade, and traffic related to the site.

The observation plan must sufficiently provide necessary information for the response actions outside the plant, assisting in the periodic assessment of the site safety for the purpose of developing the dispersion modeling of radioactive releases.




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3.11.2. The long-term observation program, including the collection of data from the measuring instrument at the site and the data from the specialized organizations for comparison.

The observation program must be able to detect the remarkable changes in the design, including the changes caused by the greenhouse effect.

3.11.3. The observation plan and program must be founded on the forecast about the impacts of relevant hazards on the site, assist the operators of the nuclear power plant and relevant organizations in preventing, minimizing, and managing emergencies.

4. Emergency response

This section of the PSAR includes the basic contents of the plans for emergency response; the ability to respond upon the occurrence of emergencies, the necessary actions for protecting the community, the radiological workers, and the plant.

4.1. The plan for emergency response

4.1.1. The plan for emergency response must have the following contents:

- The targets and actions for mitigating the consequences of the emergency, the actions for managing serious emergencies, the procedure for taking such actions;

- The foundation for the feasibility of those actions;




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- Taking into account the ability to cooperate and the coordination of all relevant organizations;

- The establishment of the emergency management board;

- The determination, classification, and notification of the emergencies to relevant organizations; the provision of information for the community, the scenario for responding upon the occurrence of earthquakes, tsunami, or both;

- The measures for protecting the workers participating in the emergency response;

- The measures for protecting the people within the radius of 30 km;

- The specific jobs including: planning the shelters, the locations, routes, vehicles, measures for ensuring the traffic during the evacuation, the medical works;

- The cycle of emergency response drills

4.1.2. Refer to other relevant sections of the PSAR where necessary.

4.2. Response center




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- Making decisions, take and manage all responding measures of the plant, except for the control of the plan, transmission of information about the plant condition to the off-site response center;

- Take appropriate measures for controlling the primary safety system from the backup control room;

- Forecast the possible emergencies; launch the plans for mobilizing manpower and vehicles to take the initial measures, help people, prevent the spread of emergencies, mitigate the consequences, isolate the hazardous zones, and control the safety and security.

4.2.2. The off-site response center shall direct the implementation of the provincial and national response plan, including:

- Assessing the information receive from the emergency response center at the nuclear power plant site; provide recommendations and assist in controlling the plant and protecting the workers where necessary, cooperate with all organizations in responding to the emergency, providing information and protecting the community where necessary;

- Run the off-site observation systems in order to transmit data and information to the governing body where necessary;

- Anticipate the possible emergencies; launch the plans for mobilizing manpower and vehicles to take initial measures, help people, prevent the emergency from spreading, mitigate the consequences, isolate the hazardous zones, and control the safety and security.

4.3. The ability to anticipate the emergencies, radioactive dispersion, and emergency consequences

4.3.1. The foundation for the ability of the operating organization to anticipate the emergencies, the possibility of radioactive dispersion, and emergency consequences.




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4.3.3. The assessment prescribed in Clause 4.3.1 in this Annex must be able to:

- Continuously monitor the on-site and off-site radioactive conditions;

- Anticipate the radioactive dispersion that exceeds the permissible limits;

- Constantly assess the condition of the plant, especially the possible damage and plan the next emergency actions.

4.3.4. The foundation for the ability to run normally of the safety equipment and systems; may be referenced to other relevant sections of the PSAR.

4.3.5. The forecast of the complete emergency recovery; the standards of emergency recovery.

The plan and instruments for decontaminating the radioactively contaminated areas; the standards of emergency recovery, and the conditions for normal operation.

4.4. Emergency response drill

The program, methodology, method of training and practicing emergency response, the technical instruments (including practicing instruments) for the training.




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The measures for treating, controlling, managing radioactive waste and non-radioactive waste that suit the chemical – physical properties of the waste and the amount of waste in over various period (construction, normal conditions, and decommissioning).

5.1.  Radiological impacts

5.1.1. The measures for treating and controlling the radioactive waste before it is discharged into the environment. The measures for treating and controlling that depend on the state of the waste (solid, liquid, gas; high, medium, and low activity).

5.1.2. The explanation for the conformity of the release with ALARA rules, including:

- The reasons and limits on the release of solid, liquid, and gas waste during the operation, and the measures for ensuring such limits;

- The plan for monitoring the level of radioactive contamination and the level of off-site radiation;

- The method for measuring, recording, and retaining the measurements about radioactive release from the site;

- The plan for monitoring the environment, and the system for detecting unplanned radioactive release, and the devices for automatically stopping the release (where necessary);

- The solutions and process of information provision for the governing body and the public.




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5.1.4. The measures for managing the radioactive waste at the nuclear power plant site.

5.2. Non-radiological impacts

Description of the measures for treating, controlling, and managing non-radioactive waste similar to that of radioactive waste prescribed in Clause 5.1 of this Annex.

5.3. Assessment of the impact of the nuclear power plant on the agriculture, forestry, aquiculture, and the public

5.3.1. Analyze the sources of radioactive nuclei that might affect the agricultural, forestry, and aquiculture.

5.3.2. Anticipate the amount radioactive nuclei that might significantly affect the biological aspect of plants, animals, and aquatic organisms.

5.3.3. Assess the exposure to radiation of plants, animals, aquatic organisms, and the public; assess the possible impacts.

The analyses, forecasts, and assessments prescribed in Clause 5.3 must cover the usual operation of the nuclear power plant and the occurrence of emergencies (including the planned and unplanned emergencies).

5.4. The impacts of the nuclear power plant on the social environment




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5.4.2. Assess the people's health

5.4.3. Assess the total exposure to radiation.

5.4.4. The positive and negative impacts of the nuclear power plant on the social environment.

5.4.5. Explain the measures for overcoming the negative impacts of the nuclear power plant on the everyday social conditions of the public.

The analyses, assessments, and explanations prescribed in Clause 5.4 must cover the residents in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant.

5.5. Assessment of the impacts of the nuclear power plant on the traffic, the industrial constructions, and civil constructions

5.5.1. Assess the impacts of the nuclear power plant on the traffic, the industrial constructions, civil constructions, architectural, historical, and cultural constructions.

5.5.2. Analyze the possible negative impacts of the traffic, production, and trade on the nuclear power plant; suggest method and instruments for diminishing such impacts.

5.5.3. Explain the measures for ensuring the safety of industrial constructions, civil constructions, and transport.


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