Independence - Freedom – Happiness
May 30, 2019
Pursuant to the Law on atomic
energy dated June 03, 2008;
Pursuant to the Government’s
Decree No. 95/2017/NDD-CP dated August 16, 2017 on functions, tasks, powers and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
At the request of the
Director of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and the
Director General of the Department of Legal Affairs;
The Minister of Science and
Technology promulgates the Circular guiding security assurance for radioactive
1. Scope and regulated entities
1. This
Circular provides for the security assurance of Pu-239 and sealed radioactive
sources with activity subject to declaration and licensing (hereinafter
referred to as radioactive sources) according to the National technical
regulation QCVN 5:2010/BKHCN on Radiation protection - Exemption from
requirements of declaration and licensing enclosed with Circular No.
15/2010/TT-BKHCN dated September 14, 2010 by the Minister of Science and
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
a) Organizations and individuals
using, storing and transporting radioactive sources as prescribed in clause 1
of this Article in Vietnamese territory;
b) Relevant competent
authorities: Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (hereinafter
referred to as VARANS), province-level science and technology authorities and affiliates
of the Ministry of Public Security.
2. Definitions
In this Circular, the
undermentioned terms shall be defined as follows:
1. “security
assurance for radioactive sources" means implementing measures for
prevention of illegal access, theft, illegal possession, destruction,
transportation and transfer of radioactive sources; and measures regarding
confidentiality of information related to security assurance for radioactive
2. “sealed
radioactive source” means radioactive material enclosed in a container with
special structure or created in the form of a solid block, ensuring no leakage
of the radioactive material to the environment in normal working conditions and
in possible incidents.
3. "security
lock” means a type of lock designed with high reliability, meeting
requirements on security assurance for radioactive sources.
4. “security-controlled
area” means an area controlled to prevent unauthorized persons from
accessing and ensure security of radioactive sources through application of
technical measures such as use of security locks, intrusion detection and alarm
equipment, surveillance equipment and administrative control measures. Security-controlled
areas include rooms where radioactive sources are stored and their entryways, power
control rooms, security control rooms, water treatment tanks in service to
water tanks for storage of radioactive sources, and other areas that might
affect security of radioactive sources.
5. “tally”
means checking and confirming the existence and quantity of radioactive sources
in storage places by naked eye, by employing suitable radiation measurement
devices or other indirect checking measures.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Heads
of organizations or individuals possessing radioactive sources must hold the
highest responsibilities for security assurance for radioactive sources.
2. Requirements
on security assurance for radioactive sources must be appropriate to hazard
levels of radioactive sources.
3. Security
assurance for radioactive sources must be implemented throughout the life cycle
of the sources until the sources with activity exempted from declaration and
licensing begin their radiation work according to the National technical
regulation QCVN 5:2010/BKHCN on Radiation protection - Exemption from
requirements of declaration and licensing enclosed with Circular No.
15/2010/TT-BKHCN dated September 14, 2010 by the Minister of Science and
4. Measures
to ensure safety and security of radioactive sources must already be considered
when dossiers for radiation work licensing are being compiled so as to ensure that
those measures complement each other and have no adverse effect on each other.
4. Levels of security of radiation sources
1. Based
on hazards of radioactive sources and latent risks towards humans and the
environment, their security levels are divided into 4 levels A, B, C and D,
with level A applying to radioactive sources with the highest level of hazard
and latent risk and level D applying to radioactive sources with the lowest
level of hazard and latent risk.
2. Security levels A, B, C
and D correspond with groups of radioactive sources in accordance with the
National technical regulation QCVN 6:2010/BKHCN on Radiation safety -
Categorization and classifying radioactive source enclosed with Circular No. 24/2010/TT-BKHCN
dated December 29, 2010 by the Minister of Science and Technology.
a) Security level A is
applied to radioactive sources of group 1;
b) Security level B is
applied to radioactive sources of group 2;
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d) Security level D is
applied to radioactive sources of group 4, group 5.
5. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals in use and storage of
radioactive sources
1. Organizations and
individuals using and storing radioactive sources of security levels A, B and C
as prescribed in point a, b and c of clause 2 Article 4 of this Circular shall
be responsible for:
a) Formulating and
implementing security plans based on the forms corresponding with each security
level as prescribed in Appendix I enclosed with this Circular;
b) Attaching ionizing
radiation warning signs and supplementary radiation warning signs as prescribed
in Appendix II enclosed with this Circular;
c) In case of a mobile
radioactive source, plans for security during transportation must be formulated
and implemented (Appendix I enclosed with this Circular); province-level science
and technology authorities along the transporting route must be notified of the
estimated times of departure and arrival and locations of use and storage of radioactive
sources in those localities.
2. Organizations
and individuals using and storing radioactive sources of security level D as
prescribed in point d clause 2 Article 4 of this Circular shall be responsible
a) Keeping quarterly tallies
of radioactive sources; compiling tally dossiers detailing name of persons carrying
out tally, time and results of tally. In case of maintenance, reparation,
temporary stop of production lines for devices requiring the use of radioactive
sources on production lines, a weekly tally must be kept;
b) Attaching ionizing
radiation warning signs as prescribed in section 1 and 3 of Appendix II
enclosed with this Circular.
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a) Take timely response
measures, investigate causes and find resolutions;
b) Within 08 hours after
detection: notify VARANS and province-level science and technology authorities
where the incident took place and the nearest public security affiliates via
documents, fax or telephone;
c) Within 05 days after
detection: submit a written report to VARANS, province-level science and
technology authorities where the incident took place and the nearest public
security affiliates. The report must provide details on the causes, events, applied
response measures, consequences, measures for dealing with the consequences and
plans to prevent similar situations from occurring.
6. Responsibilities of organizations and individuals in transportation of
radioactive sources
1. Organizations
and individuals transporting radioactive sources by land, railroad and inland
waterway shall be responsible for:
a) Complying with
regulations on safe transportation of dangerous goods according to Vietnamese
law and international conventions to which Vietnam is a signatory;
b) Formulating and
implementing plans for security assurance for radioactive sources during
transportation based on the corresponding form in Appendix I enclosed with this
2. Organizations
and individuals transporting radioactive sources by air shall be responsible
for complying with regulations on safe air transportation of dangerous goods
according to Vietnamese law and international conventions to which Vietnam is a
3. In
case any incident happens during transportation of a radioactive source,
organizations and individuals must:
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b) Within 08 hours after
detecting the incident: notify VARANS, province-level science and technology
authorities where the incident took place and the nearest public security
affiliates via documents, fax or telephone;
c) Within 05 days after
detecting the incident: submit a written report to VARANS, province-level
science and technology authorities where the incident took place and the
nearest public security affiliates. The report must provide details on the causes,
events, applied response measures, consequences, measures for dealing with the
consequences and plans to prevent similar situations from occurring.
7. Implementing organization
shall be responsible for providing guidance and organizing the implementation
of this Circular.
2. Province-level
science and technology authorities shall provide guidance on the implementation
of this Circular to organizations and individuals possessing radioactive
sources in localities.
8. Effects
1. This
Circular takes effect from July 15, 2019.
2. Circular
No. 23/2010/TT-BKHCN dated December 29, 2010; Circular No. 13/2015/TT-BKHCN
dated July 21, 2015; Circular No. 05/2017/TT- BKHCN dated May 25, 2017 are
nullified from the date on which this Circular comes into force.
3. In
case the legislative documents and technical regulations cited in this Circular
are amended or replaced, the amended or replaced documents shall supersede.
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Pham Cong Tac
USE, STORAGE AND TRANSPORATION (Enclosed with Circular No.
01/2019/TT-BKHCN dated May 30, 2019 by the Minister of Science and Technology)
1. Format
of plan for security assurance for radioactive sources
a) Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources shall include a title page, secondary title
page, main contents of the plan and enclosed documents (if any).
b) Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources and documents enclosed with the plan (if any)
must be compiled into a book.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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for security assurance for radioactive sources
Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources during use and storage
Title page
Form No. 01/PLI
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Form No. 02/PLI
Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources
Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources of security levels A and B during use and
Form No. 03/PLI
Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources of security level C during use and storage
Form No. 04/PLI
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Plan for security
assurance for mobile radioactive sources of security levels B and C
Form No. 05/PLI
Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources during transportation
Title page
Form No. 06/PLI
Secondary title page
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Plan for security
assurance for radioactive sources during transportation by land, railroad and
inland waterway.
Form No. 08/PLI
Form No. 01/PLI
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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and date]
Form No. 02/PLI
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Number of pages:
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of planning unit
of approving organization
name/ Position
[Location and date]
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name/ Position
of administrative department
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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Form No. 03/PLI
Part I
1. Information
on facility
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- Address
of headquarters:
- Postal
address (if different from address of headquarters):
- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
- Address
of storage of radioactive source:
2. Information
on head of organization
- Full
- Position:
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
3. Information
on person in charge of radiation safety
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- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
- Decision
on appointment of person in charge of radiation safety: no. …, [date]
- Radiation
worker certificate of person in charge of radiation safety: no …, [date]
4. Organizational
structure and responsibilities of relevant individuals
a) Stipulating organizational
structure and diagram of organizations involving in security assurance for
radioactive sources in the facility;
b) Stipulating responsibilities
of each individual and unit in the facility involving in security assurance for
radioactive sources, including:
- Head
of the organization;
- Persons
in charge of radiation safety of the facility;
- Security
force and guards;
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- Relevant
affiliates (if any).
Part II
I. Establishment of security-controlled
Each facility must set up security-controlled
areas for radioactive sources and describe these areas in details in terms of:
1. Information
on facility and surrounding areas
- Location
of the facility: Full and clear description of facility location amidst the
surrounding residential community, especially factors that might affect
security such as commercial, political or social centers, major routes leading
to the facility, public security posts, army barracks etc. in areas surrounding
the facility.
- Description
of common working areas, including areas outside of security-controlled areas
such as administrative area, reception area, etc., point out areas with heavy/light
passenger traffic.
- Ground
plans related to security assurance: Overview ground plan of the facility and
surrounding areas; detailed ground plans of the facility and of areas
containing radioactive sources.
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- Working
hours of the facility and operating time of radioactive sources.
2. Information
on radioactive source
- Name
of radioactive isotope.
- Source
activity and date of activity measurement.
- Type
of radioactive source and corresponding security level.
- Model
and serial number of source and of source container.
- Signs
for detection and pictures of source.
- Physical
and chemical forms of source.
- Radioactive
dose rate in non-operating condition.
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This section provides for
description and evaluation of risks to radioactive source security in the facility
with the following contents:
- Analysis
of locations in the facility related to possibilities of illegal access, possession
or damage to the facility and radioactive sources;
- Analysis
of state of social order and security of areas surrounding the facility;
- Analysis
of latent risks or past incidents related to use and storage of radioactive
sources such as:
+ Perpetrator causing damage
to radioactive source storage using explosives, flammables or physical
+ Perpetrator stealing property,
unauthorized person illegally accessing a security-controlled area;
+ Loss of the radioactive
source during use or storage;
III. System for security
assurance for radioactive sources in facility
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- Security
force: Provide quantity and positions of security guards for each shift during
and outside of working hours; patrol frequency, number of patrolling guards.
- List
of security equipment, including name, quantity, characteristics and technical
specifications of each piece of equipment, plan for placement of security equipment.
To be specific:
+ Equipment in service of
detection, including CCTV systems, to evaluate status of security-controlled
areas and to control entrances and exits of security-controlled areas. For
sources of security level A, must equip sensor systems to detect unauthorized
access, detecting systems at entrances and exits to radioactive source storage
+ Equipment for the purpose
of delaying, including surrounding walls, doors, locks1,
fences and cabinets. A source container could become a delay measure if that container
is immobile or requires a lot of time to remove the radioactive source.
IV. Procedure for security
assurance for radioactive sources
1. General
- Each
facility must establish detailed procedures to ensure security for radioactive
- Each
procedure shall be provided to individuals involving in that procedure.
Individuals implementing procedures shall be responsible for smoothly operating
those procedures and keep confidential information related to them
- Procedures
for security assurance for radioactive sources must be implemented during
periods of production suspension/maintenance of the facility.
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2. Detailed
2.1. Procedure for operation
during working hours and break time
Procedure for operation
during working hours and break time shall include:
- Determination
of working hours and break time, and establishment of corresponding security
systems during working hours and break time;
- Description
of steps for handover at end of shift (if any).
- Step-by-step
instructions for locking and unlocking entry, activating or pausing sensor systems
for detecting unauthorized access and CCTV systems during working hours or
break time in the facility.
2.2 Procedure for
maintenance of security equipment
Procedure for periodical
maintenance of security equipment shall include:
- Individuals/units
in charge of maintenance;
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- Maintenance
- Measures
to ensure security for radioactive sources applied during maintenance and in
case of sudden breakdown of security equipment;
- Maintenance
activities include: checking operation of equipment and accuracy of equipment
in normal working condition.
2.3. Procedure for lock and
key management
Procedure for lock and key
management shall include:
- Individuals/units
in charge of lock and key management;
- Type
of lock being used;
- Frequency
and schedule of periodical stocktaking and checking of locks and keys in the
2.4. Procedure for checking
staff identity
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- Individuals/units
in charge of checking;
- Measures
taken to check staff identity: curriculum vitae, working history and police
record for individuals with authorized access to radioactive sources and/or
sensitive security information;
- Schedule
and frequency of checking to ensure trustworthiness of staff during working
process. Checking shall be performed in advance and periodically as long as
staff are granted access to radioactive sources, security-controlled areas
and/or sensitive security information related to security assurance for
radioactive sources.
2.5. Procedure for entry and
exit control
Procedure for entry and exit
control to ensure only authorized personnel may access security-controlled areas
and radioactive sources are applied as follows:
- Persons
granted authorized and unaccompanied access: are employees of the organization
licensed to carry out radiation work and authorized via documents by the head
of this organization, must carry ID card;
- Other
persons entering security-controlled areas: need to be accompanied by person in
charge of radiation safety or head of the organization licensed to carry out
radiation work.
Procedure for entry and exit
control shall include:
- Administrative
procedures for individuals working in the facility and other individuals and
step-by-step instructions;
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2.6. Procedure for operation
of security guards
Each facility must have a
separate security room with supervising officials to ensure control and protection
of radioactive sources.
Procedure for operation of
security guards shall include:
- Responsibilities
and duties of security guards for operating security and patrol equipment,
managing systems of cameras, sensors, alarms, etc. during and outside of
working hours.
- List
of means of communication that security guards are equipped with to ensure
timely provision of information to responding units upon radioactive source
security breach.
2.7. Procedure for
responding to nuclear security breach (during and outside of working hours)
Procedure for responding to
security breach shall include:
- Security
breach situations (unauthorized access/destruction to security-controlled
areas, fire, explosion, etc.);
- Allocation
of responsibilities of Board of Directors of the facility, security guards,
responding teams;
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- Telephone
numbers of relevant individuals;
- Step-by-step
instructions upon incident;
- Frequency
of practice/ drills for responding to nuclear security breach.
2.8. Procedure for keeping
tally of sources
Keep daily tally for
radioactive sources of security level A. Keep weekly tally for radioactive
sources of security level B.
Procedure for keeping tally
of sources shall include:
- Detailed
information on person in charge of keeping tally;
- Schedule,
frequency and methods of keeping tally.
2.9. Procedure for transfer
of radioactive sources within facility
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- Allocation
of responsibilities of individuals involving in transfer of radioactive sources
in the facility;
- Delivery
record (including time of delivery and participants).
2.10. Procedure for
evaluation of security state in facility
Annually, each facility must
evaluate its security state in terms of:
- Performance
of security systems;
- Compliance
of individuals and units involving in security assurance for radioactive
sources in the facility;
- Efficiency
of and compliance with procedures for radioactive source security assurance in the
- Awareness
of radioactive source security assurance from individuals involving in radioactive
source security assurance in the facility.
Procedure for evaluation of
security state in facility shall specify:
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- Evaluation
- Contents
of evaluation and step-by-step instructions.
2.11. Procedure for updates
and changes to security plans
Updates and changes to
security plans must be based on risks to security of radioactive sources
(established in section II) and results of periodical evaluation of security
state in the facility. Procedure for updates and changes to security plans must
- Individuals/units
in charge of changing and updating security plans;
- Cases
needing changes/updates to security plans;
- Steps
for approval and implementation of updated plans.
2.12. Procedure for
information confidentiality
List of sensitive contents
and information includes:
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- Radioactive
source containers;
- Plans
for transportation of radioactive sources;
- Types
of security equipment in use and their locations;
- Security
plans; authorized personnel and their time of accessing security-controlled
- Assignment
and placement of security guards;
- PINs
and passwords of door locks, key containers, security equipment;
- List
of personnel with authorized access to radioactive sources and/or security-controlled
- Plans
for maintenance of security equipment;
- Results
of periodical evaluation of security state in the facility.
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- Applied
measures of information confidentiality;
- Information
on individuals/units involving in information confidentiality in the facility
and corresponding responsibility allocation;
- Regulations
on confidentiality of information related to radioactive source security
assurance from individuals with authorized access to sensitive information;
- Regulations
on responsibilities and handling measures in case of unauthorized disclosure to
other individuals/organizations.
V. Training on security
assurance for radioactive sources in facility, dossier retention and reporting
1. Training
on facility security assurance
This content provides for:
- Individuals
requiring training;
- Training
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- Frequency
of training for individuals: training on security assurance for radioactive
sources must be implemented when relevant individuals begin working; and
re-training is required to take place three times per year.
2. Dossier
Dossier retention shall
- List
of individuals/units responsible for compiling and retaining dossiers.
- The
following information must be compiled into dossiers and retained in the
+ Information on radioactive
+ Information on security
+ Results of maintenance of
security equipment;
+ Results of lock and key stocktaking;
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+ Entry and exit history of
security-controlled areas;
+ Source tallies;
+ Dossiers of transfer of
radioactive sources within the facility;
+ Results of evaluation of
security state.
+ Updates and changes to
security plans;
+ Dossiers on security
breaches in the facility;
+ Training dossiers.
3. Internal
This section provides for
types of report within the facility (may include annual internal reports and
irregular internal reports upon incidents related to radioactive source
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Form No. 04/PLI
Part I
1. Information
on facility
- Name
of facility:
- Address
of headquarters:
- Postal
address (if different from address of headquarters):
- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
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2. Information
on head of organization
- Full
- Position:
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
3. Information
on personnel in charge of radiation safety
- Full
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
- Decision
on appointment of person in charge of radiation safety: no. …, [date]
- Radiation
worker certificate of person in charge of radiation safety: no …, [date]
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a) Stipulating
organizational structure and diagram of organizations involving in security
assurance for radioactive sources in the facility;
b) Stipulating responsibilities
of each individual and unit in the facility involving in security assurance for
radioactive sources, including:
- Head
of the organization;
- Persons
in charge of radiation safety of the facility;
- Security
force and guards;
- Radiation
workers and other staff with authorized access to the radioactive source;
- Relevant
affiliates (if any).
Part II
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Each facility must set up security-controlled
areas for radioactive sources and describe these areas in details in terms of:
1. Information
on the facility and surrounding areas
- Location
of facility: Full and clear description of facility location amidst the
surrounding residential community, especially factors that might affect
security such as commercial, political or social centers, major routes leading
to the facility, public security posts, army barracks etc. in areas surrounding
the facility.
- Description
of common working areas, including areas outside of security-controlled areas,
point out areas with heavy/light passenger traffic.
- Ground
plans related to security assurance: Overview ground plan of the facility and
surrounding areas; detailed ground plans of the facility and of areas
containing radioactive sources.
- Description
of working areas inside security-controlled areas, including specific locations
of radioactive sources (location of storage building, specific location of
source inside building).
- Working
hours of the facility and operating time of radioactive sources.
2. Information
on the radioactive source
- Name
of radioactive isotope.
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- Model
and serial number of source and of source container.
- Signs
for detection and pictures of source.
- Physical
and chemical forms of source.
- Radioactive
dose rate in non-operating condition.
II. Evaluation of risks to
security of radioactive source
This section provides for
description and evaluation of risks to radioactive source security in the
facility with the following contents:
- Analysis
of locations in the facility related to possibilities of illegal access,
possession or damage to the facility and radioactive sources;
- Analysis
of state of social order and security of areas surrounding the facility;
- Analysis
of latent risks or past incidents related to use and storage of radioactive
sources such as:
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+ Perpetrator stealing property,
unauthorized person illegally accessing a security-controlled area;
+ Loss of the radioactive
source during use or storage;
III. System for security assurance
for radioactive sources in facility
System for security assurance
of radioactive sources must include the following contents:
- Security
force: : Provide quantity and positions of security guards for each shift
during and outside of working hours; patrol frequency, number of patrolling
- List
of security equipment, including name, quantity, characteristics and technical
specifications of each piece of equipment, plan for placement of security
equipment. To be specific:
+ CCTV system (if any) to
evaluate status of security-controlled areas and to control entrances and exits
of security-controlled areas.
+ Surrounding walls, doors,
locks, fences, radioactive source cabinets and containers if those containers
are immobile or require a lot of time to remove the radioactive sources.
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1. General
- Each
facility must establish detailed procedures to ensure security for radioactive
- Each
procedure shall be provided to individuals involving in that procedure.
Individuals implementing procedures shall be responsible for smoothly operating
those procedures and keep confidential information related to them
- Procedures
for security assurance for radioactive sources must be implemented during periods
of production suspension/maintenance of the facility.
- Procedures
shall be separately formulated as appendixes and enclosed with security plans.
2. Detailed
2.1. Procedure for operation
during working hours and break time
Procedure for operation
during working hours and break time shall include:
- Determination
of working hours and break time, and establishment of corresponding security
systems during working hours and break time;
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- Step-by-step
instructions for locking and unlocking entry, activating or pausing CCTV
systems during working hours or break time in the facility.
2.2. Procedure for lock and
key management
Procedure for lock and key
management shall include:
- Individuals/units
in charge of lock and key management;
- Type
of lock being used;
- Frequency
and time of periodical stocktaking and checking of locks and keys in the
2.3. Procedure for entry and
exit control
Procedure for entry and exit
control to ensure only authorized personnel may access security-controlled areas
and radioactive sources are applied as follows:
- Persons
granted authorized and unaccompanied access: are employees of the organization
licensed to carry out radiation work and authorized via documents by the head
of this organization, must carry ID card;
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Procedure for entry and exit
control includes administrative procedures for individuals working in the
facility and other individuals and step-by-step instructions.
2.4. Procedure for operation
of security guards
Each facility must have a
room for CCTV system management equipped with officials to ensure control and
protection of radioactive sources during and outside of working hours.
Procedure for operation of
security guards must stipulate responsibilities and duties of each guard in
operating security and patrol equipment, managing camera systems and other duties
during and outside of working hours.
2.5. Procedure for
responding to nuclear security breach (during and outside of working hours)
Procedure for responding to
nuclear security breach shall include list of relevant individuals/units and
contact numbers, responsibility allocation and step-by-step instructions during
security breach.
2.6. Procedure for keeping
tally of sources
Keep monthly tally for
radioactive sources of security level C. Procedure for keeping tally of sources
shall include:
- Detailed
information on person in charge of keeping tally;
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2.7. Procedure for transfer
of radioactive sources within facility
Procedure for transfer of
radioactive sources within the facility shall include:
- Allocation
of responsibilities of individuals involving in transfer of radioactive sources
in the facility;
- Delivery
record (including time of delivery and participants).
V. Dossier retention and
1. Dossier
Dossier retention shall include:
- List
of individuals/units responsible for compiling and retaining dossiers.
- The
following information must be compiled into dossiers and retained in the facility:
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+ Information on security
+ Results of lock and key stocktaking;
Entry and exit history of security-controlled
+ Source tallies;
+ Dossiers of transfer of
radioactive sources within the facility;
+ Updates and changes to
security plans;
+ Dossiers on security
breaches in the facility.
2. Reporting
This section provides for
types of report within the facility (may include annual internal reports and
irregular internal reports upon incidents related to radioactive source
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Form No. 05/PLI
Part I
1. Information
on facility
- Name
of facility:
- Address
of headquarters:
- Postal
address (if different from address of headquarters):
- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
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2. Information
on head of organization
- Full
- Position:
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
3. Information
on person in charge of radiation safety
- Full
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
- Decision
on appointment of person in charge of radiation safety: no. …, [date]
- Radiation
worker certificate of person in charge of radiation safety: no …, [date]
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a) Stipulating
organizational structure and diagram of organizations involving in security
assurance for radioactive sources in the facility;
b) Stipulating
responsibilities of each individual and unit in the facility involving in
security assurance for radioactive sources, including:
- Head
of the organization;
- Persons
in charge of radiation safety of the facility;
- Officials
in charge of security assurance for radioactive sources at the worksite;
- Officials
in charge of continuous supervision of areas where the radiation work is being
conducted at the worksite;
- Security
force and guards;
- Radiation
workers and other staff with authorized access to the radioactive source;
- Relevant
affiliates (if any).
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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I. Establishment of security-controlled
area at worksite
Any facility using mobile
radioactive sources of security levels B and C must set up roadblocks and
assign personnel to continuously monitor the worksite; describe areas where the
radiation work is being conducted at the worksite in terms of:
1. Description
of facility and surrounding areas
- Work
location: Full and clear description of worksite location amidst the
surrounding residential community, especially factors that might affect
security such as commercial, political or social centers, major routes leading
to the facility, public security posts, army barracks etc. in areas surrounding
the worksite.
- Ground
plans related to security assurance: Overview ground plan of the worksite and
surrounding areas; detailed ground plans of the worksite, including locations
of roadblocks, of the radiation work and of temporary storage of radioactive
- Description
of areas with heavy/light passenger traffic.
- Working
hours at the worksite in general and operating time of radioactive sources in
2. Information
on radioactive source
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- Source
activity and date of activity measurement.
- Type
of radioactive source and corresponding security level.
- Model
and serial number of source and of source container.
- Signs
for detection and pictures of source.
- Physical
and chemical forms of source.
- Radioactive
dose rate in non-operating condition.
II. Evaluation of risks to security
of radioactive source
This section provides for
description and evaluation of risks to radioactive source security at the
worksite with the following contents:
- Analysis
of locations of the worksite related to possibilities of illegal access,
possession or damage to radioactive sources
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- Analysis
of latent risks latent risks or past incidents related to use and storage of
radioactive sources such as:
+ Perpetrator causing damage
to radioactive source storage using explosives, flammables or physical violence;
+ Perpetrator stealing property,
unauthorized person illegally accessing a security-controlled area;
+ Loss of the radioactive
source during use or storage at the worksite;
III. System for security assurance
for radioactive sources in facility
System for security assurance
for radioactive sources must include the following contents:
- Security
guards: Provide quantity and positions of security guards for each shift during
and outside of working hours; patrol frequency, number of patrolling guards at
the worksite. Must assign persons in charge of security assurance and
continuous supervision for radioactive sources during use at the worksite;
- Detailed
information on quantity, characteristics, technical specifications and plan for
placement of fence and lock systems for the purpose of controlling entry to
working areas and temporary storage at the worksite.
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1. General
- Each
facility must establish detailed procedures to ensure security for radioactive
sources at the worksite.
- Each
procedure shall be provided to individuals involving in that procedure.
Individuals implementing procedures shall be responsible for smoothly operating
those procedures and keep confidential information related to them.
- Procedures
for security assurance for radioactive sources must be implemented during
periods of production suspension/maintenance.
- Procedures
shall be separately formulated as appendixes and enclosed with security plans.
2. Detailed
2.1. Procedure for operation
during working hours and break time
Procedure for operation
during working hours and break time shall include:
- Determination
of working hours and break time, and establishment of corresponding lock and
fence systems during working hours and break time;
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2.2. Procedure for lock and
key management
Procedure for lock and key
management shall include:
- Individuals
in charge of lock and key management;
- Type
of lock being used;
- Frequency
and schedule of periodical stocktaking and checking of locks and keys.
2.3. Procedure for checking staff
Procedure for checking staff
identity shall include:
- Individuals/units
in charge of checking;
- Measures
taken to check staff identity: curriculum vitae, working history and police
record for individuals with authorized access to radioactive sources and/or sensitive
security information;
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2.4. Procedure for operation
of security guards
Each facility must assign
security guards at the worksite.
Procedure for operation of
security guards shall include:
- List
of security guards;
- Steps
and measures implemented by security guards during patrol and continuous
monitor of in-use radioactive sources during and outside working hours at the worksite;
2.5. Procedure for
responding to nuclear security breach (during and outside of working hours)
Procedure for responding to
security breach shall include:
- Possible
situations of security breach at the worksite;
- List
of relevant individuals and responsibility allocation upon security breach
incident at the worksite;
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- Step-by-step
instructions upon incident.
2.6. Procedure for keeping
tally of sources
Keep a tally of mobile
radioactive sources of security level B after each working shift and on a weekly
basis. Keep a tally of mobile radioactive sources of security level C after
each working shift and on a monthly basis. Procedure for keeping tally of
sources shall include:
- Detailed
information on person in charge of keeping tally;
- Schedule,
frequency and methods of keeping tally.
2.7. Procedure for transfer
of radioactive sources within facility
Procedure for transfer of
radioactive sources within facility shall include:
- Allocation
of responsibilities of individuals involving in transfer of radioactive sources
within the facility;
- Delivery
record (including time of delivery and participants).
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Must arrange storage for
radioactive sources at the worksite during non-operating time; storage must be
surrounded by roadblocks and equipped with security locks; provide step-by-step
instructions and information for locking and unlocking radioactive source
storage at the worksite.
Procedure for radioactive
source storage at the worksite shall include:
- Detailed
information on individuals in charge of radioactive source storage at
- Specific
responsibilities during and outside of working hours.
V. Dossier retention and
1. Dossier
Dossier retention shall
- List
of individuals/units responsible for compiling and retaining dossiers.
- The
following information must be compiled into dossiers and retained in the facility:
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+ Information of work
schedule at the worksite;
+ Diary on use of
radioactive sources, including information on using purpose, location and time,
and user of radioactive sources;
+ Results of lock and key stocktaking;
+ Source tallies;
+ Dossiers of transfer of
radioactive sources within the facility;
+ Updates and changes to
security plans;
+ Dossiers on security
breaches at the worksite;
2. Reporting
This section provides for
types of report within the facility (may include annual internal reports and
irregular internal reports upon incidents related to radioactive source
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Form No. 06/PLI
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and date]
Form No. 07/PLI
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of planning unit
of approving organization
name/ Position
[Location and date]
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name/ Position
of administrative department
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Form No. 08/PLI
Part I
1. Information
on organization/individual applying for license
1.1. Information on
- Name
of organization/individual:
- Address
of headquarters:
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- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
1.2. Information on head of
- Full
- Position:
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
2. Information
on organizations/individuals with relevant responsibilities in transportation
of radioactive sources
2.1. Information on organization/individual
sending radioactive source (the sender)
- Name
of organization/individual:
- Address
of headquarters:
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- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
2.2. Information on organization/individual
transporting radioactive source (the transportation unit)
- Name
of organization/individual:
- Address
of headquarters:
- Postal
address (if different from address of headquarters):
- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
2.3. Information on
organization/individual receiving radioactive source (the recipient)
- Name
of organization/individual:
- Address
of headquarters:
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- Telephone,
fax, e-mail:
3. Information
on persons participating in transportation of radioactive source
3.1. Information on escort
- Full
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
- Managing
- Certificate
of radiation safety training (number, place of issuance and date of issuance):
3.2. Information on
- Full
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- Managing
3.1. Information on driver2
- Full
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
- Managing
3.4. Information on public
security official participating in transportation3
- Full
- Contact
(landline number, mobile phone number, fax, address, e-mail):
- Managing
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4.1. General provisions
- Organizations/individuals
licensed to transport radioactive sources shall be responsible for cooperating with
relevant parties in formulating and implementing plans for security assurance
for radioactive sources during transportation; and appointing supervisors for
the package throughout the transportation process. Checking, changing and
updating plans for transporting security assurance upon recommendations from
competent authorities or experience from prior incidents.
- Organizations/individuals
licensed to transport radioactive sources of security level A shall be
responsible for negotiating with public security affiliates appointment of
officials escorting the shipment so as to receive priority while traveling on
road and be ready to respond to any security breach related to the package.
- Ensuring
trustworthy identity of transporting participants.
- Implementing
security measures as prescribed while a radioactive source is under one’s
control and responsibility.
- Transferring
responsibilities for security assurance between the sender, transportation unit
and recipient at time of sending and receiving radioactive sources.
4.2. Responsibilities of the
- Complying
with requirements prescribed in section 4.1. of this plan.
- Checking
the locks and seals of the package containing the radioactive source before
handing over to the transportation unit.
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4.3. Responsibilities of the
transportation unit
- Complying
with requirements prescribed in section 4.1. of this plan.
- Selecting
the suitable transporting route, avoiding traffic congestion, traffic risks,
security-compromised areas, ensuring minimal time of transportation; identifying
stops and parking spots on transporting route; formulating back-up plan and
route in case the main route is unavailable4.
- Attaching
ionizing radiation warning signs and supplementary radiation warning signs as
prescribed in Appendix II enclosed with this Circular.
- Taking
measures to identify location of the vehicle transporting the radioactive
- Providing
guidance on security assurance requirements, responsibilities and responding
procedures to all transporting participants, including responsibilities for
regularly checking the package during transportation; appointing one member of
the transportation unit to act as escort throughout the transportation and at
stops and parking spots on the transporting route; equipping ID cards for all
transporting participants.
- Checking
and confirming time and place of delivery with the sender, the recipient,
contact addresses in case of emergency and information on the transporting
route (traffic congestion, rain, floods, temporary road blockage due to other
reasons) before implementing plan for security assurance during transportation
of the radioactive source.
- For
transportation by railroad, using a railroad car with locks for transportation
and taking measures to attach the package to the railroad car so as to prevent
illegal transportation.
- Checking
the locks and seals of the package containing the radioactive source before
receiving from the sender and handing over to the recipient.
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- Complying
with requirements prescribed in section 4.1. of this plan.
- Checking
the locks and seals of the package containing the radioactive source before
receiving the package from the transportation unit.
- Fulfilling
responsibilities for receiving the radioactive source according to the informed
transportation plan.
- Informing
the sender whether the package is delivered according to the estimated
4.5. Diagram of implementing
organizational structure of transportation process
Formulate the diagram, modus
operandi and list of relevant organizations during transportation. The diagram
shall be formulated as the following example:

- List
divisions, units, and affiliates responsible for security assurance.
- Provide
list of officials related to the plan.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Information
on radioactive source/device
1.1. Description of
radioactive source
- Name
of radioactive isotope:
- Model:
- Serial
Activity (Bq or Ci):
of activity measurement:
- Brand,
country of production:
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Chemical components:
form (solid, liquid, gas):
- Form
of packaging:
- Number
of packages:
- United
Nations Code:
- Transport
1.2. Description of
accompanying device using the abovementioned radioactive source5
- Model:
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- Brand,
country of production:
- Year
of production:
- Mobile
or fixed device: □ Mobile □ Fixed
- Weight
of depleted uranium used as cladding for source (if any):
2. Analysis
and evaluation of risks to security during transportation
2.1. Evaluation of possible
risks during transportation
- Analysis
of possibilities of illegal access, possession or damage to radioactive sources
on planned route.
- Analysis
of security risks towards the means of transportation planned to use for
transporting radioactive sources.
2.2. Analysis of possible
scenarios of security breach during transportation
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- Perpetrator
seizing or destroying the vehicle transporting the radioactive source.
- Perpetrator
stealing property, unauthorized person illegally entering vehicle or temporary
source storage place.
- Loss
of the radioactive source during transportation.
- …
3. Security
assurance during transportation
3.1. Measures for security
assurance during transportation
- List
of security personnel and equipment during transportation.
- Description
of specifications on packing radioactive sources for transportation.
- Detailed
description of means of transportation specifically designed to transport the
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- Types
of locks for the package, package storage space and means of transportation6.
- Methods
of communication during transportation and substituting measures of
communication in case of need; and must include the communication between the
sender, transportation unit, recipient, public security affiliates and other supporting
authorities in case of emergency.
- Transportation
of radioactive sources of security level A must be accompanied by escort
- Description
of measures for tracking the location of the transporting vehicle.
3.2. Procedures
a) Procedure for sending –
receiving radioactive sources and transfer of responsibilities
Procedure for sending –
receiving radioactive sources and transfer of responsibilities shall include:
- Describing
transfer of responsibilities during sending – receiving process, time and
location for sending and receiving radioactive sources between the sender,
transporting unit and recipient;
- Checking
quantity and type of the transferred source;
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b) Procedure for temporary
storage during transportation
Procedure for temporary
storage during transportation shall include:
- Checking
quantity and type of source upon entering and exiting temporary storage;
- Implementing
measures to ensure temporary security for radioactive sources in temporary
place of storage;
- Allocating
responsibilities of relevant individuals;
- Keeping
records for entering and exiting temporary storage.
c) Drill procedure
Drill procedure shall
- Describing
training plans for transportation-related positions that require training and
training frequency for each position;
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3.3. Information management
Types of information related
to transportation of radioactive sources that need protection are:
- Information
on radioactive sources/devices;
- Transporting
- Timeline
of transportation;
- Locations
for sending - receiving;
- Personnel
directly sending or receiving, personnel participating in transportation;
- Applied
security measures.
Personnel directly sending
or receiving and personnel participating in transportation must ensure
confidentiality of information related to radioactive source security and be
responsible for information provided to other organizations and individuals.
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4.1. Communication upon
Provide a list of contact
points in case of security incidents related to radioactive sources, including:
- Escorts
and supervisors;
- Transporting
unit, sender and recipient;
- Authorities
involving in transportation;
- Responding
4.2. Incident response
- Need
to have mechanism for cooperation with responding units prior to
- Formulate
incident response scenarios in case of radioactive source security breach based
on the risks and scenarios analyzed and evaluated in section 2, part II of this
plan. Each scenario shall include details on the scenario, responding measures,
responding units, equipment, especially focus on neutralizing perpetrators to
regain control of the shipment, package and radioactive source.
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with Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BKHCN dated May 30, 2019 by the Minister of
Science and Technology)
1. Ionizing
radiation warning sign
1: Ionizing radiation warning sign used for all radioactive
sources and devices (radioactive sources and devices using radioactive
sources of security levels A, B, C and D) - The
warning sign is a equilateral triangle (size scale as picture). - D:
Diameter of the circle in the center of the three-blade fan symbol. - A
circle, three blades and a black frame on yellow background. ... ... ... Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN. Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 RADIOACTIVITY DEADLY 2. Supplementary
ionizing radiation warning sign 
2: Supplementary ionizing radiation warning sign for
radioactive sources of security levels A, B and C Size and colors of the supplementary
ionizing radiation warning sign shall comply with the National regulation TCVN
8663:2011 – ISO 21482:2007: Ionizing radiation warning - Supplementary symbol. 3. Attaching
ionizing radiation warning sign and supplementary ionizing radiation warning
sign Ionizing radiation warning
sign and supplementary ionizing radiation warning sign must be engraved or
printed so that they could be firmly attached to sources or containers of
radioactive sources, avoiding overlapping or hiding identification information
of sources/containers such as label, model, serial number etc. ... ... ... Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN. Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 2 Not applicable to
transportation by railroad 3 Applicable to transportation of
radioactive sources under security level A. 4 Applicable to
transportation of radioactive sources of security levels A and B by land 5 Applicable to
sources already installed on devices at the time of application for license 6 In case of
transportation of radioactive sources of security levels A and B, licensed
individuals/organizations should use at least 02 locks of different security
Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BKHCN dated May 30, 2019 guiding security assurance for radioactive sources
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