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 Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 569/QD-TTg

Hanoi, May 11, 2022





Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015; the Law on amendments to some articles of the Law on Government Organization and Law on Local Government Organization dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Law on Science and Technology dated June 18, 2013;

At the proposal of the Minister of Science and Technology;


Article 1. The strategy for development of science, technology and innovation by 2030 (hereinafter referred to as “ the strategy), with the following contents, is promulgated:




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1. The development of science, technology and innovation are the top national policies; play the role in strategic breakthrough in the new period; are key motivation to promote growth, create breakthroughs in productivity, quality and efficiency; are the decisive factors in improvement of the competitiveness of Vietnam, socio-economic sectors, local authorities and enterprises; are platforms of implementation of national digital transformation; significantly contribute to improvement of the people's life, sustainable development, assurance about the national defense and security.

2. Develop in a synchronous, interdisciplinary manner with the focus on social sciences and humanities, natural sciences, technical sciences and technology. Develop the national and regional or field-specific innovation systems, in which the enterprises are center and the research institutes and universities are strong research institutes. The state directs, cooperates and creates an institutional environment and the policies that are favorable for the effective operation of the whole system.

3. Combine the development of endogenous capacity with taking advantage of opportunities and external resources in a harmonious and effective manner; prioritize the acquisition, absorption, mastery and application of achievements in advanced science and technology in the world in a rapid manner; in particular, actively approach and fully extract the opportunities and achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Promote research into practical applications that bring economic - social benefits; at the same time, focus on application-oriented basic research towards innovation, autonomy and competitiveness in technology in key sectors that Vietnam has needs, potentials and advantages.


1. General objectives

By 2030, the science, technology and innovation will be firmly developed; become motivation for growth; make a decisive contribution to the development Vietnam into a developing country with modern industry and high middle-income. The science, technology and innovation will contribute to the comprehensive development of culture, society and people, assurance about the national defense - security, environmental protection, sustainable development and improvement of Vietnam's international position and prestige. The potential and level of science, technology and innovation will reach advanced levels in many key sectors; be one of the top countries with high middle-income. The level and capacity for technology and innovation of enterprises will reach over average rate in the world. Some sectors of science and technology will reach international level.

2. Specific objectives:

a) Improve the contribution of science, technology and innovation to economic growth via scientific research and technological development activities of research institutes and universities, technological innovation; improve capacity for management and organization in enterprises. The contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to economic growth is above 50%.

b) Science, technology and innovation play an important role in the development of crucial industries, especially the processing and manufacturing industry; contribute to the restructuring of the economy towards modernity and the development of Vietnam into a country with modern industry by 2030; actively, effectively participate and take advantage of trade and opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By 2030, the proportion of the value of high-tech industrial products in the processing and manufacturing industries will reach at least 45%.




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d) The Global Innovation Index (GII) has been continuously improved. Vietnam has become one of the top 40 countries in the world.

dd) By 2025, the investment in science and technology is expected to be 1.2% - 1.5% of GDP, in which the total national expenditure on scientific research and technological development is expected to be 0.8% - 1% of GDP and the society's contribution to scientific research and technological development is expected to be 60% - 65%. By 2030, the investment in science and technology is expected to be 1.5% - 2% of GDP, in which the total national expenditure on scientific research and technological development is expected to be 1% - 1.2% of GDP and the contribution of society for scientific research and technological development is expected to be 65% - 70%.

e) By 2025, the number of human resources for scientific research and technological development (full-time conversion) will reach 10 people per ten thousand people and 12 people per ten thousand people (2030). In particular, focus on the development of human resources in the enterprises.

g) The science and technology organization system has been restructured in association with priority given to development of nation, industry and sector toward autonomy, linkage, and approach to international standards. By 2025, there are 25 - 30 science and technology organizations that have been ranked in the region and world. By 2030, there are 40 - 50 science and technology organizations that have been ranked in the region and world.

h) By 2030, the number of enterprises meeting the criteria for science and technology enterprises and the number of innovative start-up companies will double in 2020; the rate of enterprises with innovative activities is expected to be 40% of the total number of enterprises.

i) The number of international publications will increase by an average of 10% per year. The number of patent applications and granted protection titles will increase by an average of 16% - 18%/year. The number of applications for protection of plant varieties will increase by an average of 12% - 14%/year, 10% - 12% of these applications will be filed abroad. The rate of patents that are commercially exploited will reach 8% - 10% of the number of patents granted protection titles. Develop national quality infrastructure (NQI) to meet the requirements for international integration in terms of standards, measurement and quality. Vietnam will belong to the group of 50 leading countries in the world.


1. Orientation to key tasks in the development of science, technology and innovation

a) Focus on sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development and assurance about national defense and security. Promote restructuring of the economy towards increase in the proportion of the value of high-tech industrial products, sectors with high productivity and value added according to the application of advanced and modern technology in association with promotion of digital transformation in all sectors. Promote the development of processing and manufacturing industries, some crucial industries and sectors according to the technology platform of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - gradually reduce the proportion of industries with high labor productivity, low value added and use of outdated technology.




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Strengthen technological autonomy and progress towards the development of new technology of Vietnam in some key sectors which may be strong, potential; have great fiscal space. Master core technology, source technology, technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in order to quickly absorb and apply them to the development of new products, services, key products and national brands. Implement digital transformation of enterprises.

b) Renovate and complete the state management of science, technology and innovation

Complete the legal system of science, technology and innovation in conformity with the market mechanism and international practices; synchronize the regulations, policies on science, technology and innovation towards removal of bottlenecks and barriers, creation of the favorable conditions for the development of science, technology and innovation. Strengthen the breakthrough tools and policies in order to encourage and promote the application of new technology and innovation to improvement of the competitiveness of enterprises.

Complete national innovation system, regional or field-specific innovation systems, innovation systems of high-tech parks, innovation center network, innovation startup network, intermediaries and organizations that support promotion of innovation.

Improve the capacity for state administration for science, technology and innovation activities, especially the capacity to plan and organize the implementation of the policies on science, technology and innovation. Promote and complete the mechanism for distribution of power in the state management of science, technology and innovation to ensure simplification, effectiveness and efficiency.

c) Develop the potential for science, technology and innovation

Arrange the public science and technology organization system in conformity with priority given to science, technology and innovation, national and regional or field-specific socio-economic situations; connect research with training.

Focus on the development of domestic human resources, attraction for foreign and overseas Vietnamese experts with high qualifications and capacity for innovation in accordance with the requirements for industrialization in the new situation.

Continue to effectively invest and extract hi-tech parks, hi-tech applied agricultural parks, concentrated information technology parks, laboratories in association with prior research sectors; develop and improve the quality of the national science and technology information system towards digital transformation.




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Promote the development of the science and technology market, gradually increase the proportion of the domestic supply of technology and equipment, promote the intermediary activities of the science and technology market towards synchronization with markets in goods, labor and finance.

Focus on promotion of the transfer and application of advanced technologies and improvement of capacity for absorption and innovation in technology, management of enterprises, qualifications and skills of human resources; deploy digital transformation; innovate the process of production and the model of business of the enterprises in conformity with the process of technological innovation.

Increase the quantity, quality and efficiency of extraction of intellectual property, especially the development of intellectual property of the enterprises; strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Promptly formulate the national standards and basic standards for new technologies, products, exports and key products in order to meet requirements of market; ensure that the development of intellectual property; standards and quality of goods is an effective tool to promote innovation and application of new technology.

2. Orientation to development of scientific research

a) Social sciences and humanities

- Research and predict the development trends in the period up to 2030 and the following decades, including globalization and international integration; competition and conflicts in the international context; formation of new links in the world and in the region; sustainable development. Research and predict the impacts of global and regional trends on the model of development, institutions and security of Vietnam; research policies and solutions for Vietnam in order to take advantage of opportunities, overcome challenges for the purpose of development, assurance about security and improvement of Vietnam's position.

- Continue to summarize the practice of the process of national renewal, construction and development serving the plan for guidelines, strategies and policies on the national development and protection in each period; research the development theory in a new context to provide evidence for identification and clarification of the path to a developing country with modern industry and high middle-income in 2030 and a developed country with high income in 2045.

- Research on scientific and practical basis in order to innovate methods of leadership, improve capacity for leadership, power and fighting strength of the Communist Party; renovate state management, national governance; strictly improve the people's mastery; promote administrative reform, judicial reform; build and complete the Socialist Rule of Law of Vietnam in conformity with the new situation in each new stage of the development of the country. Research to innovate and strengthen the roles and responsibilities of organizations in the political system; reform and strengthen the effectiveness of socialist laws and legal; ensure human rights, citizenship, national defense and security.

- Research to fully complete the institution of market economy towards socialism in the new context; properly identify and maximize the role of all economic sectors, especially the individual economy in order to create new motivation for the development; predict and propose measures to improve resilience to the impact of internal and external challenges and risks, ensure macroeconomic stability; rapid, effective and sustainable development of the country, regions and local areas.




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- Research characteristics, structure and development trends of the Vietnamese society under the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the context of international integration and the non-traditional security challenges; research and innovate the methods of the social management in terms of digital transformation; identify the conditions, measures and roadmap to build a developed society and a “rich people, strong, democracy and civilized country” in 2045; the roadmap and specific steps for the next 10 years.

- Research the characteristics of the formation, promotion and development of culture, ethnicity and religion in Vietnam and the impact of new trends in the context of international integration; build innovation culture, digital culture and cultural industry serving the national development; build a great national unity block, an advanced culture imbued with national identity, absorbing the cultural quintessence of mankind; focus on ethnic minority communities, ethnic minority and mountainous areas, disadvantaged groups in society, areas with extremely difficult natural and socio-economic conditions to ensure the inclusive and harmonious development among residential communities.

- Research education, training, formation of Vietnamese people in the new era as a social subject. Vietnamese people have been comprehensively developed, imbued with humanity and good cultural values, had expertise, skills, capacity for creation and innovation in order to meet the increasing requirements for promotion of industrialization towards modernity in the context of international integration.

- Research green innovation strategy, focus on environmental aspects in combination with ecology and society in accordance with the context of globalization.

b) Natural science

- Build modern basic science; keep abreast of trends of the world. Promote basic research and application-oriented basic research in sectors which may have strengths and needs to attempt to achieve regional and international advanced levels including mathematics, physics, chemistry, life science, earth science and marine science.

- Research the scientific basis for the reasonable use of natural resources; research to identify the nature, causes and impacts of natural disasters; interactions between nature - people and society; the process of climate change in Vietnam as a scientific basis for the proposal and implementation of measures for reduction and response to natural disasters, climate change and sea level rise.- Promote interdisciplinary research between natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and technology on seas and oceans in order to establish scientific evidence for planning, making and completion of the policies on development, management and extraction of resources from the sea, response to climate change serving the sustainable development of the marine economy; provide the legal grounds and historical evidence serving the fight to protect the national sovereignty over seas and islands; interdisciplinary research between the natural sciences and social sciences, humanities on biodiversity conservation serving sustainable development.

- Focus on application-oriented basic research in order to acquire and master core and source technology to quickly, creatively, effectively apply and disseminate advanced technologies to production, service, business, life and social management in order to improve productivity, quality and competitiveness of enterprises, sectors and the economy, improve the people's life and ensure national defense and security.

3. Orientation to development and application of technology




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- Promote research and wide application of information and communication technology; focus on cloud computing technologies, Internet of things, artificial intelligence, block chain, virtual reality along with construction and formulation of large databases to serve as the core of promotion of digital transformation, development of digital economy, digital government, digital society, creation of smart products, equipment and utilities applied in production, services, business, management of society and life. Research to master the sectors of information security and cyber security to ensure national security, sovereignty, interests of organizations and people and effectively prevent cyber attacks.

- Transfer technology, improve the capacity for mastery, absorption and promotion of scientific research and technological development towards creation and autonomy in technology for design and manufacturing of equipment for telecommunications network, mobile network, 5G terminals and next-generation 5G network.

- Research and master quantum technology, terahertz technology.

b) Biotechnology

- Health care, disease diagnosis and treatment: research to apply gene technology and stem cells to treat dangerous diseases; research to promptly produce diagnostic biological products, vaccines and therapeutic drugs for the prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging diseases in humans; research and develop herbal sources, produce medicines and health foods according to regulations on food safety.

- Agriculture: create cultivar, livestock and aquatic products with high productivity, quality and added value in conformity with ecological conditions and climate change in Vietnam. Control and treat environmental pollution in cultivation, animal husbandry and aquaculture; produce vaccines, pharmaceuticals, veterinary drugs, diagnostic biological products, biological products serving the processing of animal feed, biological drugs for the purpose of prevention from pests and diseases, biological products serving the production of functional fertilizers, microbial organic fertilizers.

- Processing industry: research to manufacture biological products serving the processing of food in order to increase the added value of agricultural products; master the technological process, manufacture synchronous equipment in the biological industry.

- Environmental protection: gather and recycle all by-products, treat environmental pollution by biotechnology; conserve, store and extract rare and precious genetic resources in a reasonable manner; protect biodiversity.

c) New material technology




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- Research to master energy storage and conversion material technologies including batteries, high-performance fuel cells, hydrogen storage materials, PV materials, thermo-electric materials, photothermal materials, materials serving wind power production, biofuel.

d) Automation – manufacturing technology

- Acquire, master and develop advanced and intelligent manufacturing-automation technology including technology for design and manufacturing of compatible equipment and lines in petroleum, hydroelectricity, thermal power, shipbuilding, mineral extraction and processing; technology for manufacturing of energy-saving equipment systems; technology for manufacturing of complex, large-scale and highly reliable systems; advanced technology for 3D printing, reverse engineering and rapid prototyping used in manufacturing of all kinds of industrial equipment, electrical equipment, metal products and high-level composites; automation technology for measurement and processing of information, control of the processes of production; technology for production of important microcontroller chips, high-power semiconductor components used in automation devices; technology for production of basic auxiliary equipment in automation, robot technology, automated production line.

- Research and manufacture some new equipment combinations with high accuracy and integration and automation in national defense and security.

dd) Marine technology:

Research to master and apply advanced technology to management and extraction of seas, islands and oceans serving the planning and development of the marine economy; advanced technology for prospection and exploration of resources and minerals, effective and reasonable extraction of marine resources in Vietnam's seas and coastal areas according to platform of green growth, marine biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, assurance about the harmony between conservation and development, maintenance of the marine natural capital; advanced technology for warning and prediction of natural disasters and marine environmental incidents, response to climate change in Vietnam's seas and coastal areas.

e) Technology for prevention of natural disasters and response to climate change.

Research to master and apply technology to prediction about the impact of climate change on natural and social systems, technology for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, technology for identification, prediction and warning about the types of natural disasters, especially dangerous ones in high-risk areas.

g) Energy technology




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- Research and apply atomic energy, nuclear and radiation technology in socio-economic sectors; measures to ensure the safety of radiation and nuclear, especially in healthcare, agriculture, industry and environment sectors.

h) Environmental technology

Apply and master cleaner production technology, environmentally friendly technology, technology for treatment for wastewater, solid waste, hazardous waste, exhaust gas, technology for recycling of waste with functions and price that are suitable with the conditions of Vietnam. Develop, apply and transfer advanced technology and modern equipment for waste recycling, sustainable use of resources and environmental restoration; technology for carbon capture and storage in thermal power plants and other production facilities that emit carbon.

i) Space techonology:

- Invest in some sectors of space technology with specific targets and focuses, promote exploration, exploitation and use of outer space for the purposes of peace including: earth science, earth observation and monitoring; space science; exploration systems; space activities and relevant sectors.

- Strengthen the capacity to manage natural resources and environment, supervise and assist in reduction of damage caused by natural disasters, ensure national defense and security and provide various services for people.

- Research, acquire and master technique and technology for design and manufacturing of some important devices used in small satellites, ground stations and terminals.

k) Advanced and intelligent technology for construction, transportation and infrastructure

Master advanced techniques for treatment for foundation, erosion. Research, acquire and master advanced technique and technologies for the design and construction of infrastructure, transportation, irrigation and smart cities.




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a) Agriculture:

Promote investment in breeding technology, care and monitoring technology according to the standards of the safety and traceability, preservation technology, processing technology of the large enterprises; focus on investment in hi-tech agricultural zones, large-scale projects, deployment of advanced and effective the models of culture according to standards in the world; develop new techniques for business into small and medium-sized enterprises in agriculture, forestry and fishery.

Focus on mastery of important combinations of technology for breeding through self-research, development as well as extraction of seed banks, purchase of seeds in foreign countries in order to decipher and master the technology. Focus on the application of biotechnology, information and communication technology and automation technology in order to build a smart, safe, circular, efficient and sustainable agriculture, promote the advantages of the tropical agriculture.

Create agricultural innovation systems in association with the economic models of agriculture, production chains, goods category-specific value chain and products with high economic value,... effectively contribute to connection between the development of agriculture, construction of new countryside and improvement of the mental and physical aspects of the farmers’ life.

b) Industries, construction and transportation:

Implement the process of restructuring with orientation towards science, technology and innovation. It is one of the breakthrough solutions, especially in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Continue to encourage large enterprises to heavily invest in innovation, absorption and mastery of technology, especially intelligent manufacturing and production technologies, innovation in the models of management, business and innovation in products, thereby both play the leading role and establish connection, creation of networks and promotion of innovation with small and medium-sized enterprises.

Strongly promote innovation in lines, equipment, machinery and technology, deploy training in capacity for management and extraction of technology; at the same time, apply the new models of business, innovation that have been successful to small and medium enterprises.

Create innovation systems in association with industrial clusters, domestic value chains and global value chains in industries with high revenue and high export value including textiles, footwear, electronics, machinery equipment, wood processing, agricultural product processing, mining, pharmaceuticals,... in order to promote the increase in productivity, quality and competitiveness of products, services and Vietnamese brands.

Focus on promotion of innovation in fundamental and crucial industries including energy, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemicals, fertilizers, materials, information and communication technology, electronics – telecommunication engineering, manufacturing of robot and automobile, integrated equipment for automatic operation, remote control, software manufacturing,...




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Widely and strongly applying technology platforms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new business models in service, business and public service activities. Develop standards, legal frameworks, mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for the development of business enterprises according to digital platforms, enterprises that apply digital technology and services.

Assist to train management and administration of technology, update new technology; advise selection for appropriate technology, assist to train operation and application to production and trade. Assist enterprises to connect, share infrastructure and data to optimize the business models according to technology platform.

d) Regions:

Promote innovation in key regions in association with the advantages of each region; in particular, the Red River Delta and the Southeast of Vietnam in association with industrial parks and hi-tech parks; the Northern Midlands and Mountains region in association with clean agricultural products and tourism; the North Central and Central Coast regions in association with agriculture and marine economy; the Western Highlands in association with agro-forestry products, processing of agro-forestry products and tourism; the Mekong Delta region in association with the strength of agricultural production, the development of processing of agricultural products, the breeding centers and technology transfer. Promote research on culture, religion, people and measures for response to climate change in association with the characteristics of regions and local areas.

Create innovation system in association with value chains, industry clusters and innovation startup ecosystems in regions and local areas that have all necessary conditions for human resources of innovation, education and training facilities, research institutes, material and technical facilities in association with the economic advantages of the regions and local areas.


1. Renovate the mechanism for science, technology and innovation; improve the capacity for state management of science, technology and innovation.

a) Amend and complete the legal system of science and technology and relevant laws to suit the new requirements that are set out in the development of science, technology and innovation; promote innovation in association with science and technology; create a legal framework for implementation of pilot, experimental and specific mechanisms for new economic types/models according to science, technology and innovation. Research and renovate the legal mechanisms, policies on investment, public investment, public procurement, state budget, public property, tax in order to encourage and develop science, technology and innovation activities. Complete the law on intellectual property, effectively and reasonably protect and extract intellectual property of Vietnam.

b) Comprehensively renovate management activities, deploy scientific and technological tasks at all levels towards the publicity, transparency, objectivity, simplification of administrative procedures; digital transformation of the process of management, databases of resources of science, technology and innovation; renovate the regime for financial management, payment and settlement, accept the principle of risk and delay in science and technology activities; create favorable conditions for participation in the implementation of scientific and technological tasks of enterprises; review and amend regulations on management of scientific and technological tasks towards removal of difficulties and obstacles in the transfer of property formed from the scientific and technological tasks that use state capital.




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d) Unify the state management of science, technology and innovation, strongly promote innovation in association with science and technology, improve the efficiency of synchronous cooperation in the construction and implementation of mechanisms and policies on promotion of the development of science, technology and innovation; simplify the apparatus, focus on the planning for strategic mechanisms, policies and orientations, the planning and plans for training in order to improve the qualifications of managers of science, technology and innovation at all levels.

dd) Develop prediction systems of science and technology, formulate orientations towards the development of technology, technology maps, technological innovation roadmaps of some prior sectors, in which focus on some sectors including health technology, artificial intelligence, new materials, energy storage and some sectors in association with investment of the large enterprises.

e) Measure and evaluate the efficiency of science, technology and innovation activities of research institutes, universities and enterprises according to the international standards. The local authorities shall set up targets for the development of science, technology and innovation including the targets for the rate of enterprises that have innovation in the strategic contents, plans and planning for the development in each sector and administrative division.

2. Build a national innovation system

a) Develop a national innovation ecosystem closely linked with the region and the world. Develop innovation ecosystems in industries, agriculture and services in association with domestic and global value chains, industrial clusters; in which large enterprises act as a key role in leading innovation activities. State management agencies act as a key role in creation of a favorable institutional environment and policies in order to promote linkages between enterprises, research institutes, universities and organizations in research, application and innovation activities.

b) Develop the system of national and regional or field-specific innovation centers and start-up centers in order to develop, intergrade and create innovation hubs linking with high-tech zones, residential areas, financial centers, venture capital funds, universities and research institutes.

c) Effectively deploy innovation platforms and networks in order to attract all domestic and foreign investment resources to create new technologies, new products and new businesses.

d) Strengthen the linkages between innovation network, innovation start-up network, innovation centers and scientific research and technological development centers at home and abroad.

dd) Improve the system of organization, functions and tasks and increase investment in human resources, finance and infrastructure for public service providers that perform functions and tasks in application and transfer of the progress in science, technology and innovation under the Departments of Science and Technology to become the contact point that support and promote the transfer of technology and innovation in the local area.




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a) Ensure expenditure on science, technology and innovation that is from 2% or more of the total expenditure of the annual state budget and gradually increase according to the requirements for the development of science and technology. Ensure that the expenditures are used for the right purposes.

b) Review and remove barriers and limitations in order to increase the quantity and scale of the science and technological development fund of the enterprises; create favorable conditions in order to encourage enterprises to establish the funds, effectively use the funding of the fund for investment in science, technology and innovation; ensure the rate of deduction for the fund for the development and investment in science and technology of state enterprises according to the regulation of the Law.

c) Complete the mechanism for public-private partnership, legal corridors for angel investment, venture capital funds, community investment funds, digital technology platforms that mobilize capital for investment to mobilize more resources for investment in science, technology and innovation.

4. Develop research institutes, universities and other science and technology institutions into capable research institutes

a) Amend and complete regulations on the mechanism for autonomy of public science and technology organizations. Research and allocate funding to public science and technology organizations according to the periodic evaluation of the results and efficiency of operation in association with the implementation of the State's method of ordering and bidding for the performance of the scientific and technological tasks; and mechanism for provision of fixed funding for the final product according to the output results; assign autonomy and self-responsibility to public science and technology organizations in establishment of organizational structure, recruitment, use of human resources, funding and performance of the scientific and technological tasks.

b) Arrange and simplify the contract point of the system of public research institutes. Focus on construction of some research institutes of economic sectors and regions. The reseach institutes will become the centers for applied research and innovation serving the priorities in economic and technical development of the economic industries and regions. Carry out mergers and transformations into enterprises or equitization of research institutes that are no longer suitable for the conditions for investment priorities. Formulate and implement the project on the transfer of some public research institutes that are operating in the basic research into units affiliated to the universities and academies to promote the linkages between research and training. Improve the capacity of the policy research institutes of sectors and administrative divisions..

c) Implement the policies and measures in order that the universities can become the scientific research and technological development centers and the universities is source of knowledge of innovation. Develop the strong research groups and some research groups at international level. The postgraduates and research students are important forces in the performance of scientific research and technological development; connect postgraduate education with research topics and projects; encourage and support the establishment of research centers and transfer of intellectual property. Research the mechanism that allows researchers and lecturers to participate in the establishment of innovative start-ups from the results of scientific research and technological development. Develop Hanoi National University, Ho Chi Minh City National University and some universities for technology into the core and driving force of Vietnamese education system. The universities shall reach the advanced level; become one of the top universities in Asia in terms of high-quality human resource training, scientific research and innovation. Develop regional universities into centers of training in human resource, research and transfer of knowledge serving regional and local innovation.

d) Focus on the development of some scientific and technological organizations that reach regional and world level. Organize evaluation, publication of rankings and selection of the science and technology organizations that are potential in order to focus on development investment; have the prior mechanisms and policies on the ordering and assignment of scientific and technological tasks Develop the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences into the foundation and core of science and technology of Vietnam. Encourage investment in the form of public-private partnership with large enterprises and foreign partners in order to develop the excellence centers for technology in universities and research institutes; attract the multinational corporations to establishment of the facilities of scientific research and technology development, international innovation centers that are located in Vietnam.

5. Develop human resources for science, technology and innovation with high qualifications and creative capacity.




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b) Invest in the development of human resources for science, technology with high qualifications. Quickly build up a team of leading scientists to step by step raise the standards of scientists in line with the standards in developed countries. Continue to develop the program for selecting and sending human resources for science and technology with high qualification in key sectors to the countries with advanced science and technology. Research the mechanisms for support and encouragement to domestic universities to cooperate with foreign universities in training in human resources for science and technology in Vietnam; the preferential policies on personal income tax for human resources for science and technology who participate in the performance of national scientific and technological tasks.

c) Implement measures for the improvement of the quantity and quality of human resources for science, technology and innovation in order to meet the needs of the business sector. Renovate the programs for training in human resources for science and technology in colleges and universities in order to meet the requirements of the labor market. Create the channel that connect between training institutions and enterprises to unify the needs for scientific research, technology development and innovation of the enterprises Establish the mechanism for encouragement to enterprises in the engineering and technology sector to receive interns from the universities. Diversify forms and materials of training in human resource for enterprises through digital technology, social networks and communication channels. Provide guidance notebooks regarding technology management and organize training programs for enterprises.

d) Encourage and support enterprises in the development of human resources for management of technology and enterprise. Promote the private sector involvement and diversification of the programs for training in human resources for management of technology and enterprises at different levels. Apply the knowledge about management and economy, innovation, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, standards, measurement, quality and productivity to training programs of vocational training colleges and universities. Promote expenditures on the development of human resource from the science and technology funds of enterprises, preference for credit for training in human resource.

did) Promote the attraction and transfer of human resources for science, technology and innovation according to review and amendment to regulations to encourage two-way human resource transfer between the public and private sectors; have the mechanisms and policies on support for funding and facilitate entry/exit procedures, visas, work permits, etc. to attract human resources with high qualification from abroad and overseas Vietnamese to participate in domestic science, technology and innovation activities; develop networks to connect Vietnamese talents, attract the participation and contributions of the overseas Vietnamese community of scientists; have the policy on sending Vietnamese people to work in multinational corporations and start-up companies abroad, then return to work at home; remove the policies to create favorable conditions for regular participation in science, technology and innovation activities of lecturers and researchers at enterprises.

6. Effectively develop and extract infrastructure of science, technology and innovation

a) Continue to strictly develop hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural zones and concentrated information technology zones. Review and evaluate to complete regulations towards the consistency between the Law on High Technology and the specialized laws on regulations regarding the specific mechanisms for investment in infrastructure, the development of human resource in hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural zones and concentrated information technology zones. Strengthen linkages and connection between the hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural parks with concentrated information technology zones and nurseries, co-working areas; promote trade, key laboratories, specialized laboratories in association with the development of infrastructure and ecosystems.

b) Develop a strong laboratory system Conduct evaluation and recognition for laboratories of institutes, universities and enterprises to serve as a basis for support for resources in association with strong research groups, excellent scientists and technologists. Increase investment from the state budget in maintenance of technical staff; maintenance and repair of equipment, machinery to operate laboratories invested by the State. Promulgate the mechanisms and policies that allow the laboratories to deploy services in order to offset costs and reinvest in regular upgrade; institutes, schools and enterprises to use and pay for the use of laboratories invested by the State.

c) Develop system of domestic journals of science and technology that reach international level. Adequately invest in the domestic journal system according to the balance among the sectors of science and technology, the subjects that are served or encouraged to apply digital technology; cooperate with publishers and journals that have reputation in the world. Improve the qualifications of the editorial staff; increase the international diversity of the editorial board; attract and encourage the domestic and foreign scientists to publish the good articles in domestic journals. There are regulations that require topics from the state budget to be published in domestic journals.

d) Strongly develop the national quality infrastructure towards centralization, unity from central authorities to local authorities, synchronicity, modernity, in association with Industry 4.0, meeting the requirements for international integration and improvement of the productivity according to the platform of science, technology and innovation. Develop the National Quality Infrastructure Index (NQI) in the system of statistic indicators for science and technology sector.




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7. Promote science, technology and innovation activities in enterprises

a) The State assists enterprises to improve their access to information about the domestic and international technology. Develop and provide tools and services for analysis of patent information and prediction of trends in the development of technology in order to guide science, technology and innovation activities. Build the centers for service of science, technology and innovation; the brokerage consulting centers for technology established by the State or promote connection between the private advisory centers and enterprises.

b) Synchronously review and amend the regulations of the law on tax, finance, credit, science and technology in order to effectively deploy the incentive mechanisms for enterprises for investment in scientific research and technological innovation. Shorten the amortization time of machinery and equipment for scientific research and technological development. d) Develop and implement the annual tax incentive mechanism for enterprises according to the actual revenue generated from activities in the list of science, technology and innovation activities. Operate the mechanism for withholding income tax for individuals and enterprises for the funding for science, technology and innovation activities of research institutes and universities.

c) Promote the formation and development of the departments of scientific research and technology development in enterprises. Support the development of a number of domestic enterprises that reach the leading technology level of region. Review, adjust and complete the legal corridor letting the use of the results of science and technology/intellectual property in order to contribute capital to establishment of enterprises.

d) Promote the knowledge transfer and human resource training in science, technology and innovation through the foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises. Review and complete the preferential policies for FDI enterprises that employ Vietnamese workers with high qualifications and conduct scientific research and technological development in Vietnam in order to promote the target for dissemination of information about the technology. Have the policies in order to encourage the domestic enterprises to enter into joint ventures with FDI enterprises. Establish research institutes next to FDI enterprises in order to learn.

dd) Focus on the implementation of measures to develop science and technology market, promote the output of products of enterprises. Continue to improve the competitive environment in trade, raise standards in goods and services that are circulating in the country, support the widespread deployment of tools and methods of management of intellectual property, promptly issue new standards corresponding to new technologies, innovation in support for technical barriers to trade (TBT) in order to promote science, technology and innovation activities in production and trade. Research and propose adjustment in the policies on public procurement to create incentive for the use of products and services that are the result of scientific research and technological development in Vietnam. Continue to support, develop and promote the digital transformation of the system of intermediaries that provide services of search, evaluation, pricing, brokerage, testing and transfer of technology. Connect technology exchanges with centers of application and transfer of the progress in science and technology in local areas in order to create an unified and comprehensive network to support the enterprises in innovation in technology. Review, evaluate and complete the policies on import of technology (tax incentives, credits, support, ...) in order to promote the transfer of advanced technology from abroad.

e) Continue to review, adjust and implement mechanisms and policies in order to strongly develop the science and technology enterprises, high-tech enterprises and innovation start-ups. Encourage enterprises to invest in research and use of high-tech solutions, new technologies and digital transformation of the domestic enterprises instead of import from abroad.

g) Strengthen support for the activities of the business associations in order to promote linkages of science, technology and innovation activities among enterprises. Build a network of consultants to directly advise enterprises to manage technology and enterprises through associations.

8. Actively promote international cooperation and integration in science, technology and innovation




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b) Actively expand international cooperation towards support for some science and technology sectors in order to reach the international level. Strengthen international cooperation in order to learn and transfer the models of management of advanced science, technology and innovation serving improvement of the capacity of management apparatus at all levels.

c) Actively participate in effective contribution to the building of international frameworks and laws on science, technology and innovation. Actively participate in international research alliances on new issues including COVID vaccines, climate change, etc. The State creates favorable conditions for encouragement to enterprises to participate in international research alliances. Introduce and guarantee Vietnamese enterprises to participate in research and transfer of technology,...).

9. Strengthen activities to honor, communicate and raise awareness of science, technology and innovation

a) Continue to maintain and develop the national research awards for outstanding researchers. Create more awards for innovation for enterprises with innovation activities.

b) Encourage and support young people in improvement of their understanding of science and technology and orientation to their careers in the science and technology sectors. Invest in some television channels, publications and social media channels of science, technology and innovation, especially for children and teenagers. Expand, improve the quality; strengthen communication, encourage social investment for competitions for science, technology and innovation for children and young people.

c) Continue to promote communication about science, technology and innovation. Diversify types of communication on digital platforms and social networks. The results of scientific and technological tasks funded by the state budget shall be widely disseminated in the mass media. Promote communication about enterprises with revenue generated from production and trade formed from the results of scientific and technological activities to raise the brand value, prestige among consumers, improve the competitive advantage for science and technology enterprises and high-tech enterprises. Promote communication and support the State in technical innovation and improvement. Build exhibitions and museums of science, technology and innovation serving all subjects in the country.

Article 2. Implementation

1. Ministry of Science and Technology:

a) Take charge and make the action plans for the implementation of the Strategy of the science and technology sector; urge relevant central authorities and the People's Committees of provinces to implement this Strategy and annually report to the Prime Minister; organize the preliminary summing-up of the implementation of the nationwide strategy by the end of 2025 and the review by the end of 2030.




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c) Propose the structure of the state budget allocation for science, technology and innovation as a basis for making of the annual plan for budget.

d) Take charge, cooperate with relevant central authorities in reviewing and proposing; or request relevant agencies to formulate and amend in order to promulgate according to their competence; or submit to the competent authorities for promulgation of mechanisms and policies, especially mechanisms for interdisciplinary coordination, preferential policies in order to encourage the development of science, technology and innovation.

dd) Take charge, cooperate with relevant central authorities in reviewing and proposing; or request relevant agencies to formulate and adjust the unified and synchronous system of mechanisms and policies in order to promote innovation activities in association with science and technology.

e) Take charge of establishment of the scheme and submit it to the Prime Minister for decision on the establishment of the National Council of science, technology and innovation in order to promote the cooperation among agencies in making of the policies on science, technology and and innovation, improve the efficiency of operation between central authorities and authorities at all levels in the development and application of the results of science, technology and innovation to socio-economic development.

2. Ministry of Planning and Investment

a) Allocate resources for fulfilment in the objectives and orientation to the development of science, technology and innovation of the Strategy in the plan for socio-economic development of the whole country, each sector and administrative division.

b) Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology and relevant central authorities in attraction for the foreign enterprises and investment funds that invest in science, technology and innovation activities in Vietnam; develop the programs for supporting improvement of the capacity for management of technology and innovation for small and medium-seized enterprises.

c) Allocate resources for investment to prioritize the key projects for the development of potential for science, technology and innovation, research institutes, universities and laboratories that meet international standards, national, regional and local innovation centers.

d) Promulgate according to its competence, develop and submit to the competent authorities for promulgation of the mechanisms and policies on investment to create motivation for science, technology and innovation activities and apply science, technology and innovation to socio-economic development.




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a) Balance the annual state budget for science, technology and innovation according to the regulations of the law; ensure according to the annual plan to facilitate and improve the efficiency of science, technology and innovation activities.

b) Promulgate according to its competence, develop and submit to the competent authorities for promulgation of the mechanisms and policies on finance to create motivation for science, technology and innovation activities and apply science, technology and innovation to socio-economic development.

4. Ministry of Education and Training;

Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology and relevant central authorities in the deployment of activities of training in knowledge and skills in science, technology and innovation, STEM and STEAM in high schools, training and attraction for human resources for science, technology and innovation in universities, development of universities into strong research centers.

5. Ministry of Labor; War Invalids and Social Affairs

Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology and relevant central authorities in the deployment of activities of training in knowledge and skills in science, technology and innovation in vocational schools.

6. Ministry of Home Affairs

Promulgate according to its competence, develop and submit to the competent authorities for promulgation of the mechanisms and policies on organization and officials to create motivation for science, technology and innovation activities

7. Ministry of Information and Communications




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b) Take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Science in the development of platforms and measures for the information and communications technology in order to support for the development of science, technology and innovation.

8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology and relevant central authorities in promotion of international cooperation in science, technology and innovation, attraction and encouragement to high-quality human resources that are foreigners, overseas Vietnamese to participate in science, technology and innovation activities in Vietnam.

9. Ministers, ministerial-level agencies, governmental agencies, the People's Committees of provinces:

a) Specify and organize the fulfillment of the objectives, orientations to relevant the tasks and measures in the National Strategy for Development of Science, Technology and Innovation by 2030 into the 5-year, annual development strategy and plan in each sector and province.

b) Directly organize the fulfillment of strategic goals, tasks and solutions in the sectors under state management of central and local authorities.

c) Annually, submit the reports on the implementation of the Strategy to the Ministry of Science and Technology before December 15 to summarize and report to the Prime Minister.

10. Research institutes, universities, other science and technology institutions, enterprises

a) Organize the implementation of the Strategy within the scope of their functions and tasks that are assigned and in accordance with applicable regulations of the Law.




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11. Socio-political organizations, socio-political-professional organizations, socio-professional organizations, economic organizations, social organizations and other organizations according to their functions and tasks shall actively and effectively participate in the implementation of the Strategy.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect from the date on which it is signed.

The Ministers, Heads of the Ministerial-Level agencies, Heads of the governmental agencies, the Presidents of the People's Committees of provinces shall responsible for the implementation of this Decision.




Vu Duc Dam



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