Independence - Freedom – Happiness
No. 188/2025/QH15
February 19, 2025
Pursuant to the Constitution of
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
Pursuant to the Law on
Promulgation of Legislative Documents No. 80/2015/QH13, as amended by Law No.
Article 1. Scope
This Resolution provides for the
pilot implementation of certain special mechanisms and policies for the
development of the urban railway network in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (hereinafter
referred to as the Cities).
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1. State agencies,
political organizations, and socio-political organizations.
2. Socio-political-professional
organizations, social organizations, and socio-professional organizations.
3. Other relevant
domestic and foreign organizations and individuals.
Article 3.
Interpretation of terms
For the purposes
of this Resolution, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
1. Transit-oriented
development (hereinafter referred to as TOD) is an urban planning,
investment, renovation, and development solution that takes urban railway
transit hubs as the core for residential areas, commercial services, and office
spaces within a walkable distance to public transport. This approach aims to
enhance land use efficiency, optimize public infrastructure, improve public
health, reduce private motor vehicle usage, lower environmental pollution
emissions, and integrate cultural heritage conservation and promotion.
2. TOD zone
planning refers to specialized planning that prioritizes public
transit-oriented mobility in areas that include urban railway stations or
depots and their surrounding areas, facilitating the construction of urban
railway lines in conjunction with urban renovation and development.
3. Urban
railway projects under the TOD model are investment projects that integrate
urban railway construction with urban development within the TOD zone.
Article 4.
Mobilization and allocation of investment capital
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a) Based on the feasibility of
balancing and allocating the medium-term and annual public investment plan, the
central budget shall provide targeted supplementary funding to the local
budget, with a maximum of VND 215,350 billion (two hundred fifteen thousand
three hundred fifty billion VND) for Hanoi and a maximum of VND 209,500 billion
(two hundred nine thousand five hundred billion VND) for Ho Chi Minh City in
the medium-term public investment plans for the periods 2026-2030 and
2031-2035. These funds shall serve as the basis for investment decisions and
project implementation.
The allocation of funds specified
in this clause shall be sourced from annual increases in revenue and savings in
central budget expenditures (if available), and other lawful funding sources.
In cases where increased revenue and savings from the central budget are
utilized, priority ranking requirements under the Law on State Budget shall not
b) Mobilization of official
development assistance (ODA) and preferential foreign loans for project
implementation shall not require the preparation of project proposals for ODA
and preferential loan usage under relevant regulations. The regulations of the
foreign donor shall apply in cases where Vietnamese law has no provisions or
differs from those of the foreign donor.
2. The People’s Council of the City
is responsible for balancing and allocating the medium-term and annual public
investment plans for local budget funds as a basis for investment decisions and
the implementation of proposed projects listed in the Appendix enclosed with
this Resolution from the following sources:
a) The local budget for medium-term
and annual periods, including foreign loans re-lent by the Government and
municipal bonds;
b) Annual increased revenue and
savings (if available), without requiring compliance with priority ranking
under the law on state budget;
c) Other lawful funding sources.
3. Projects listed in the Appendix
enclosed with this Resolution shall be allocated funding across multiple
medium-term public investment planning periods. The allocated capital for each medium-term
period shall align with the implementation progress of each project, without
limitations on the transfer of funds between successive medium-term planning
4. The People’s Committee of the
City shall have the authority to allocate local budget funds within the
medium-term and annual public investment plans before an investment decision is
made to carry out certain activities in service of urban railway projects and
urban railway projects under the TOD model, as follows:
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b) Payment for consultancy
c) Expenses for planning activities
related to the alignment of infrastructure, location of structures along the
urban railway, and planning of the TOD zone;
d) Implementation of compensation,
support, and resettlement;
dd) Implementation of communication
activities and other preparatory works for project investment.
5. To implement urban railway
projects and urban railway projects under the TOD model, the People’s Committee
of the City shall have the authority to:
a) utilize the annual local budget
contingency fund;
b) advance the next year's local
budget estimate, ensuring that the advance does not exceed 50% of the capital
construction expenditure estimate of the ongoing projects in the medium-term
public investment plan funded by the approved local budget.
Article 5.
Procedures for investment in urban railway projects and urban railway projects
under the TOD model
1. Urban railway projects and urban
railway projects under the TOD model shall proceed immediately to the
preparation, appraisal, and investment decision stages without requiring
procedures for investment policy formulation, appraisal, and approval, nor
other procedures related to investment policy decisions as stipulated by
relevant laws.
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a) Organize the preparation, appraisal,
investment decision-making, and adjustments to urban railway projects and urban
railway projects under the TOD model in accordance with procedures similar to
those applied to Group A projects managed by local governments, as prescribed
by relevant laws;
b) Decide on the division of urban
railway projects and urban railway projects under the TOD model into component
projects and sub-projects at the time of investment decision. The division of
component projects and sub-projects shall not be subject to the provisions of
construction law;
c) Decide on the
extension of the implementation period for urban railway projects and urban
railway projects under the TOD model without requiring project adjustments,
provided that it does not increase the total investment amount;
d) Decide that urban railway works
(stations, intersections, bridges, and related works within urban railway
projects) shall not be subject to architectural design competition;
dd) Decide on the application of
direct contracting for the selection of consulting, non-consulting, and
construction contractors; EPC and turnkey contractors; and investors for urban
railway projects and urban railway projects under the TOD model, following the
procedures and regulations of bidding law;
e) Separate compensation, support,
and resettlement activities into an independent project based on the alignment
and location of structures along the urban railway route, as approved by the
competent authority, or the TOD zone planning, as approved by the competent authority.
The preparation, appraisal, and investment decision of the compensation,
support, and resettlement project shall comply with public investment law.
3. Urban railway projects and urban
railway infrastructure under urban railway projects following the TOD model
shall be designed using a front-end engineering design (FEED) to replace the
basic design in the feasibility study report. EPC contractor selection shall be
based on the approved investment project, and project owners shall have the
authority to approve subsequent design phases after the FEED design.
4. The preparation of total
investment and bidding package cost estimates shall be regulated as follows:
a) For project items that are
either absent from or not aligned with existing cost norms and unit prices for
construction, operation, and maintenance issued by the competent authority,
urban railway projects and urban railway infrastructure under urban railway
projects following the TOD model may apply cost norms and unit prices for construction,
operation, and maintenance published by international organizations or from
similar urban railway projects worldwide, converted to the calculation time;
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c) For cost items not yet
stipulated in Vietnamese law or those that exist in Vietnamese law but are not
suitable for urban railway projects with similar characteristics and
implementation conditions, cost estimates shall be applied in accordance with
cost items of similar urban railway projects worldwide.
5. Vietnam Electricity (EVN) shall
be responsible for organizing the relocation of electrical infrastructure with
a voltage of 110KV or higher to facilitate land acquisition, compensation,
support, and resettlement.
Article 6. On
urban development following the TOD model
1. The preparation, appraisal,
approval, and adjustment of project alignment plans, structure locations along
urban railway routes, and TOD zone planning shall be regulated as follows:
a) The People’s Committee of City
shall organize the preparation, appraisal, approval, and adjustment of project
alignment plans, structure locations along urban railway routes, and TOD zone
planning to determine land acquisition locations, boundaries, and areas. Within
the TOD zone, the People’s Committee of City shall have the authority to
determine economic-technical indicators and land-use planning indicators that
differ from those stipulated in national technical standards on urban and rural
planning, provided that technical and social infrastructure systems are
adequately ensured. It shall also have the authority to adjust land-use functions
within the TOD zone to maximize land resources and the added value of land,
support the development of urban railway lines, and foster urban development
within the TOD zone;
b) When preparing, appraising,
approving, and adjusting project alignment plans, structure locations along
urban railway routes, and TOD zone planning, the People’s Committee of City
shall be authorized to make decisions that differ from previously approved
urban and rural plans, land-use plans, and land-use planning without requiring
adjustments to such plans. After approval of the project alignment plans,
structure locations along urban railway routes, and TOD zone planning, land-use
plans and other relevant plans must be promptly reviewed, adjusted, updated,
and published.
2. Based on the approved TOD zone
planning, the People’s Committee of City shall have the authority to decide on
the transfer of land-use planning indicators among projects and structures
within the TOD zone.
3. The Province-level People’s
Council shall provide specific regulations on this Article.
Article 7.
Development of the railway industry, technology transfer, and human resource
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2. The development
of science, technology, and human resource training for urban railway projects
shall be regulated as follows:
a) Organizations
and individuals leading scientific and technological activities serving the
project shall be entitled to apply and enjoy the following policies:
a1) Decide on the
selection of restricted bidding, direct contracting, or ordering to select
contractors providing services and goods;
a2) Enterprises
shall enjoy incentives equivalent to those granted to high-tech enterprises as
prescribed by the law on high technology during the implementation of
scientific and technological tasks serving the project;
a3) The income of
enterprises and individuals derived from performing scientific and
technological tasks serving the project shall be tax-exempt;
b) Organizations
and individuals participating in the training and development of high-tech
human resources serving the project shall be entitled to preferential policies
as prescribed by the law on high technology.
3. The development
of the railway industry and technology transfer shall be regulated as follows:
a) The Government
shall prescribe the criteria for selecting state-owned organizations and
enterprises assigned tasks or Vietnamese organizations and enterprises
contracted to provide railway industrial services and goods, conduct research,
apply, and receive technology transfer;
b) The Prime
Minister shall decide on the list of railway industrial services and goods
assigned to state-owned organizations and enterprises or contracted to
Vietnamese organizations and enterprises;
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d) For packages
subject to international bidding, the bidding documents must include a
commitment from the general contractor and foreign contractors regarding
technology transfer and training of human resources for Vietnamese partners to
master management, operation, exploitation, and maintenance, gradually taking
control of the technology.
Article 8.
Policies on construction materials and disposal sites
1. The extraction
of group IV minerals and ordinary construction materials belonging to group III
minerals under the provisions of the Law on Geology and Minerals (hereinafter
referred to as ordinary construction materials) for urban railway projects and
urban railway structures under TOD railway projects shall be regulated as
a) For licensed
mining sites that are operational, still within their permitted mining period,
or have expired but retain reserves without completing the mine closure
procedures, the province-level People’s Committee shall decide on:
a1) Adjusting the
mining reserves, extending the mining period, and increasing capacity according
to project needs without requiring adjustments to provincial planning; without
requiring the preparation of an adjusted mining investment project to carry out
the procedures for investment decision or investment policy approval; without
requiring environmental impact assessment approval, environmental permit issuance,
or environmental registration, provided that labor safety and environmental
protection requirements in mining activities are ensured;
a2) Ceasing mining
capacity increases once the project's material needs have been met;
b) For mining
sites listed in the construction material survey dossier for the project but
not yet licensed for extraction:
b1) The
province-level People’s Committee shall issue mining licenses for ordinary
construction materials without requiring mineral exploitation rights to be auctioned.
For ordinary construction material mines included in the mineral exploitation
rights auction plan, adjustments shall be made to remove them from the auction
plan and issue mining licenses without requiring an auction of mineral
exploitation rights. The licensing process shall be carried out similarly to
group IV mineral mining licensing as stipulated in point a, clause 2, Article
72, and points c and d, clause 2, Article 73 of the Law on Geology and
b2) The
province-level People’s Committee shall decide on adjustments and additions of
these mineral mines into the geological and mineral management plan within the
provincial planning framework without requiring provincial planning
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b4) The
province-level People’s Committee shall be responsible for managing and
supervising implementation and post-project management;
b5) Organizations
and individuals engaged in mineral extraction for the project shall be
responsible for paying taxes, fees, and fulfilling other financial obligations
as prescribed by law;
b6) The extraction
and use of minerals shall continue until project completion and must be subject
to management and supervision in accordance with legal regulations.
c) In cases where
the mineral reserves at mining sites listed in the construction material survey
dossier for urban railway projects and urban railway structures under TOD
railway projects have been fully extracted but still fail to meet the demand
for construction materials, the project owner shall take the lead in conducting
surveys and proposing that the province-level People’s Committee decide to supplement
new mineral mines into the construction material survey dossier for the
projects. The management, extraction, and use of minerals at newly supplemented
mining sites shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of point b
of this clause.
d) Based on actual
conditions, the province-level People’s Committee shall consider and guide
organizations and individuals engaged in mineral extraction for urban railway
projects and urban railway structures under TOD railway projects to conduct
self-assessments of impacts on riverbeds, banks, and floodplains for sand and
gravel mines located in river and stream sections with a high risk of erosion.
This shall ensure compliance with regulations on riverbed and gravel management
as well as riverbank and floodplain protection. The province-level People’s
Committee shall also inspect and monitor the use of minerals in accordance with
legal regulations.
2. Regarding
disposal sites for construction waste and the topsoil layer from paddy fields
serving urban railway projects and urban railway structures under TOD railway
projects, the city-level People’s Committee shall decide or propose that the
relevant province-level People’s Committee decide on the following matters:
a) Reclaiming
land, compensating, supporting, and resettling the area designated as a
construction waste disposal site in the project survey dossier, and handing
over the site to the contractor for the disposal of the project's construction
b) Managing the
project's construction waste disposal site in accordance with the laws on land,
environmental protection, and other relevant legal regulations;
c) Developing a
plan for utilizing the topsoil layer from paddy fields reclaimed from projects.
The development of such a plan shall be carried out in accordance with the
legal provisions on crop cultivation.
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1. Within
TOD areas, the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee is entitled to collect and
utilize 100% of the following revenues for the development of the urban railway
system, public transportation system, and technical infrastructure connecting
to the public passenger transport system:
a) Revenue generated from the
increased floor area of civil construction projects due to higher land use
coefficients and other planning indicators within TOD areas;
b) Revenue from the monetization of
added land value within TOD areas;
c) Infrastructure improvement fees.
2. The Ho
Chi Minh City People’s Council shall specify the methods for determining the
amount of revenue, the authority, procedures, and implementation of revenue
collection under Clause 1 of this Article, avoid double taxation or overlapping
3. The Ho
Chi Minh City People’s Committee is allowed to borrow funds through the issuance
of local government bonds, loans from domestic financial institutions, other
domestic entities, and on-lending from the Government’s foreign loans, as well
as other lawful capital mobilization forms, with a total outstanding loan
balance not exceeding 120% of the budget revenues allocated to Ho Chi Minh City
under fiscal decentralization. If this limit exceeds 120%, the National
Assembly shall consider and approve an increase in the borrowing limit based on
the actual financial needs of Ho Chi Minh City.
Annually, during budget execution,
the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council shall have the discretion to determine
specific sources of domestic loans and on-lending from the Government’s foreign
loans, ensuring they remain within the total outstanding loan balance and
budget deficit approved by the National Assembly and assigned by the Prime
4. The Ho Chi Minh City People’s
Committee shall conduct appraisal and approve the environmental impact
assessment report; issue environmental permits before the trial operation of
urban railway projects and TOD railway projects (if the project is subject to
the environmental permit requirement); and register environmental compliance
(if the project is not subject to the environmental permit requirement).
Article 10. Implementation
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2. The Government shall be
responsible before the National Assembly for:
a) Organizing the implementation
and management of investment in the urban railway network in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City in accordance with this Resolution and relevant legal regulations;
b) Managing and utilizing funds and
resources efficiently, ensuring cost savings, preventing corruption,
wastefulness, and negative practices; and providing complete and transparent
information to secure public understanding and consensus on the development of
the urban railway network in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
c) Decide on adjustments to the
projected project list in the Appendix enclosed with this Resolution based on
the proposal of the People’s Committee of the City;
d) Stipulate the assigned contents
and provide guidelines for the implementation of certain provisions of this
Resolution within its authority.
3. Regarding the
selection of investors and contractors for EPC packages and consulting service
packages involving foreign contractors, the Ministry of National Defense, the
Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of
Finance, the Government Inspectorate, and the State Audit Office of Vietnam
shall assign representatives to participate in the appraisal committee when
invited by the competent authority
4. The State Audit
Office of Vietnam is responsible for auditing the finalized total investment
estimate based on the appraisal report from the investment decision-making
authority as a basis for approving the urban railway project and TOD urban
railway infrastructure. The audit results shall be submitted to the investment
decision-making authority within no more than 30 days from the date of receipt
of the complete audit request dossier.
5. The People’s Council of the City
shall be responsible for:
a) Specifying the detailed
provisions assigned in this Resolution;
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6. The People’s Committee of the
City shall be responsible for:
a) Directing and organizing the
implementation of this Resolution to ensure transparency, efficiency,
feasibility, and adherence to the timeline, preventing policy exploitation,
losses, and wastefulness; directing departments, sectors, and localities to
ensure coordinated and effective implementation;
b) Mobilizing enterprises to invest
in transportation means; continuing to restructure and develop a unified,
modern, and efficient infrastructure management and maintenance model;
participating in the development of the railway industry;
c) Strengthening the organization
responsible for managing and implementing investment in urban railway projects
and TOD urban railway projects to ensure competency and experience as required
by construction laws and other relevant regulations;
d) Coordinating with province-level
People’s Committees in implementing the provisions of Article 8 of this
dd) Conducting a mid-term review of
the implementation of this Resolution after two years.
7. The Standing Committee of the
National Assembly, the Council for Ethnic Affairs, and the Committees of the
National Assembly, the National Assembly delegations, National Assembly
deputies, province-level People’s Councils, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and
its member organizations shall, within their respective duties and authorities,
oversee the implementation of this Resolution.
Article 11. Implementation
1. This Resolution
comes into force as of the date of adoption, except for the provisions set out
in Clause 2 of this Article, and shall remain in effect until the completion of
the investment in the projects listed in the Appendix enclosed with this
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3. For projects
listed in the Appendix enclosed with this Resolution that have had their
investment policies approved by the competent authority prior to the effective
date of this Resolution, the People's Committee of the City shall have the
following powers and responsibilities:
a) Decide on the
application of the provisions of this Resolution to subsequent activities that
have not yet been carried out without requiring re-approval of the project’s
investment policy;
b) Be responsible
for adjusting the investment decision without having to undergo investment
policy adjustment procedures in the event of project modifications.
4. The development
of the urban railway network system in Hanoi City under the project list in the
Appendix enclosed with this Resolution shall be implemented in accordance with
the provisions of this Resolution, without being subject to the provisions of Clause
2 and Clause 3 of Article 31, and Points a of Clause 2 and Clause 3 of Article
37 of the Law on the Capital.
5. In case of
discrepancies on the same matter between this Resolution and other laws or
resolutions of the National Assembly, the provisions of this Resolution shall
prevail, except for the provisions set out in Clause 6 of this Article.
6. If any law or
resolution of the National Assembly issued after the effective date of this
Resolution provides for preferential mechanisms or policies that are more
favorable than those stipulated in this Resolution, the application thereof
shall be decided by the People's Committee of the City.
This Resolution was passed by
the 15th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at the 9th
extraordinary session on February 19, 2025.
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(Enclosed with Resolution No. 188/2025/QH15 dated February 19, 2025, of the
National Assembly)
implementation schedule
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Section Ngoc Hoi - Yen Vien
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Section Gia Lam - Duong Xa
Line 2: Noi Bai - Thuong Dinh
- Buoi
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Section Nam Thang Long - Tran
Hung Dao
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Section Nam Thang Long - Noi Bai
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Extended section to Soc Son
Section Tran Hung Dao - Cho Mo -
Nga Tu So - Hoang Quoc Viet
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Line 2A: Cat Linh - Ha Dong -
Xuan Mai
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Extended section to Xuan Mai
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Line 3: Troi - Nhon - Yen So
Section Nhon - Hanoi Railway
Station (Nhon - Cau Giay operational since August 8, 2024)
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Section Hanoi Railway Station -
Yen So (Hoang Mai)
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Line 4: Me Linh - Sai Dong - Lien
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Line 5: Van Cao - Hoa Lac
Line 6: Noi Bai - Ngoc Hoi
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Line 7: Noi Bai - Me Linh - Ha
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Section Me Linh - Noi Bai
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Line 8: Son Dong - Mai Dich – Ring
Road 3 - Linh Nam - Duong Xa
Satellite line: Son Tay - Hoa
Lac - Xuan Mai
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Line 1A: Ngoc Hoi - Second
Southern Airport
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Line 10: Cat Linh - Lang Ha -
Le Van Luong - Yen Nghia
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Line 11: Ring Road 2 -
Southern Axis - Second Airport
Line 12: Extended satellite
line from Xuan Mai to Phu Xuyen
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Section Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien
(operational since December 22, 2024)
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Ben Thanh - An Ha
Line 2: Cu Chi - QL22 - An
Suong - Ben Thanh - Thu Thiem
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Ben Thanh - Tham Luong
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Tham Luong - Cu Chi
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Line 3: Hiep Binh Phuoc - Binh
Trieu - Nga 6 Cong Hoa - Tan Kien - An Ha
Line 4: Dong Thanh (Hoc Mon) -
Tan Son Nhat Airport - Ben Thanh - Nguyen Huu Tho - Hiep Phuoc Urban Area
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Line 5: Long Truong - Hanoi
Highway - Sai Gon Bridge - Bay Hien - Da Phuoc Depot
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Line 7: Tan Kien - Nguyen Van
Linh Street - Thu Thiem - Thao Dien - Thanh Da - Hi-Tech Park - Vinhomes
Grand Park
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Line 8: Da Phuoc - Pham Hung -
Ngo Gia Tu - Sai Gon Station - Quang Trung Software Park - Hoc Mon - Binh My
(Cu Chi)
Line 9: An Ha - Vinh Loc - Sai
Gon Station - Binh Trieu
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Line 10: Outer Ring Road
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