Independence - Freedom - Happiness
December 31, 2015
Pursuant to the Law on
Technical Regulations and Standards dated June 29, 2006;
Pursuant to Decree No.
127/2007/ND-CP dated August 01, 2007 of the Government elaborating the Law on
Technical Regulations and Standards;
Pursuant to Decree No.
107/2012/ND-CP dated December 20, 2012 of the Government on functions, tasks,
powers, and organizational structures of Ministry of Transport;
At request of Director of
Science -Technology and Environment Department and Director of Vietnam
The Minister of Transport
promulgates Circular on National Technical Regulation on technical safety and
environmental protection for automobiles.
1. The National
Technical Regulation on technical safety and environmental protection for
automobiles is attached hereto.
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2. This Circular comes
into force from July 1, 2016. Annul Clause 1 Article 1 of Circular No.
56/2011/TT-BGTVT dated November 17, 2011 of the Minister of Transport.
3. Chief of Ministry
Office, Chief Ministry Inspectorate, directors, Director of Vietnam Register,
heads of agencies, relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for
the implementation of this Circular./.
Dinh La Thang
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The QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT
replaces QCVN 09:2011/BGTVT.
1.1. Scope
This Regulation provides for
requirements in technical safety and environmental protection inspection for
manufactured, assembled, and imported automobile types defined under the TCVN
6211 “Road vehicles - Type - Terminology and definition” and the TCVN 7271
“Road vehicles - Automobiles - Classification by use purpose” (hereinafter
referred to as “vehicles”).
1.2. Regulated entities
This Regulation applies to
facilities manufacturing, assembling, organizations and individuals importing vehicles,
parts thereof, other agencies, organizations, and individuals relevant to
management, inspection, testing, and certification of technical safety and
environmental protection of vehicles and parts thereof.
1.3. Definitions
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1.3.2. Terminologies
pertaining to vehicular weight are defined under the TCVN 6529.
1.3.3. Articulated bus: Refers
to a vehicle consisting of at least two rigid sections connected by pivoting
joints. Passengers are able to move from one section to another. The coupling
or decoupling of sections shall only be implemented at factories.
1.3.4. Double-deck vehicle: Refers
to a passenger vehicle consisting of two levels which can facilitate passenger
1.3.5. Seat other than
driver’s seat: Refers to a seat for passengers other than the driver’s seat.
1.3.6. Individual seat: Refers
to a seat designed and manufactured to facilitate one passenger.
1.3.7. Double seat: Refers
to a seat designed and manufactured to facilitate two passengers sitting side
by side. Two unconnected adjacent seats considered two individual seats.
1.3.8. Bench seat: Refers
to a seat designed and manufactured with frames and cushion to facilitate at
least two passengers.
1.3.9. Seat-back: Refers
to a vertical part of a seat designed to allow passenger’s back, shoulders, and
possibly even head to rest.
1.3.10. Seat-cushion: Refers
to a horizontal part of a seat designed to provide support for sitting
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restraint: Refers to a head restraint formed by the top section of a
seat-back. The type of head restraint conforming to definitions under
and that can only be removed from the seat or vehicle structures by
using tools or by partially or entirely disassembling the seat shall also be
considered integrated head restraint. Detachable head
restraint: Refers to a head restraint that can be detached from the
seat, is designed to be inserted to and/or secured to seat-back. Separate head
restraint: Refers to a head restraint that is a separate part of the
seat, designed to be inserted to and/or secured to vehicle structure.
1.3.12. Gangway: Refers
to a space where passenger can move from any seat or seat row to any other seat
or seat row or gangway to enter or exit through any service door. Gangway does
not include:
- Legroom
of sitting passengers;
- Space
above the surface of stair landings or treads;
- Space
provided for the sole purpose of accessing a seat or a seat row.
1.3.13. Service door: Refers
to door which passengers use in normal conditions when driver has taken the
driver’s seat.
1.3.14. Single door: Refers
to a door for one person or equivalent to an entrance or exit.
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1.3.16. Emergency door: Refers
to a door for use by passengers as an irregular door and only in case of
emergency and does not include service door.
1.3.17. Emergency window: Refers
to a window for use by passengers only in case of emergency (such window is not
required to be fitted with glass).
1.3.18. Emergency exit: Refers
to emergency door, emergency window, and emergency shutter.
1.3.19. Single axle: Refers
to one axle.
1.3.20. Tandem axle group: Refers
to an axle group consisting of two axles where the spacing between two axles
does not exceed 2 m.
1.3.21. Tri-axle group: Refers
to an axle group consisting of three axles where the spacing between the two
outermost axles dos not exceed 3,2 m.
1.3.22. Steering axle: Refers
to an axle fitted with wheel control mechanism in order to change the direction
of motion of the vehicle and controlled by the driver.
1.3.23. Twin steer axle
group: Refers to an axle group consisting of two single-tyre steering
axles where spacing between two axles does not exceed 2 m, these axles are
connected to the same driving mechanism that controls the steering wheels.
1.3.24. Lift axle: Refers
to an axle fitted with mechanism or equipment that allows adjustment of load of
the axle or lifting and lowering of wheels by the driver.
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1.3.26. Symbols
regarding vehicle groups are defined under the TCVN 8658.
1.3.27. Terminologies
regarding lights and signal lights of vehicles are defined under the TCVN 6978.
General requirements
2.1.1. Basic technical
specifications Maximum
dimension of vehicles:
a) Length: Maximum vehicle
length is specified under Schedule 1.
1 - Overall length limit for automobiles
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length (m)
Dump truck
Two axles
Gross vehicle mass not
exceeding 5 tonne
Gross vehicle mass of at
least 5 tonne and not exceeding 10 tonne
Gross vehicle mass of at
least 10 tonne
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3 axles in total
4 axles in total
5 axles in total
Articulated bus
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Other vehicles
b) Width: Maximum width is
2,5 m.
c) Height:
- Not
higher than 4,2 m for double-deck vehicles;
- Not
higher than 4,0 m for other vehicles.
In addition, if gross
vehicle mass does not exceed 5 tonne, vehicle height, other than projection of
antenna or equipment of similar structure that does not affect stability of
special-use automobiles as defined under the TCVN 6211 shall satisfy the
requirement below:
Hmax ≤
1,75 WT
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WT: Spacing
between contact points created by two rear wheels and road surface if the rear
axle consists of single-tyre wheels (Figure 1a) or Spacing between center
contact points created by each rear wheel set and road surface if the rear axle
consists of dual-tyre wheels (Figure 1b).
d) Rear overhang (ROH)
refers to distance between the vertical plane passing through the centrer of
the axle (single axle) or axle group (ROH line) and the rearmost point of the
vehicle. ROH of vehicles other than chassis cabs and special-use vehicles
defined under the TCVN 7271 shall satisfy requirements below:
- Not
exceeding 65% of wheelbase (Lcs) in case of passenger vehicles
(wheelbase of articulated bus is calculated for the first section).
- Not
exceeding 60% of wheelbase (Lcs) in case of trucks.
Where: Wheelbase (Lcs)
is the distance from the ROH line to the center of the center of the frontmost axles;
Identification of ROH line shall conform to the following principles:
- If
rear axle is single axle, the ROH line shall cross the center of the axle;
- If a
vehicle consists of two rear axles or a tandem group axle where both axles have
similar tyre number, the ROH line shall cross the middle point of both axles;
where one axle consists of twice as many tyres as the other axle, the ROH line
shall cross the point located at two-thirds (2/3) of the distance from the
center of axle with fewer tyres to the center of axle with more tyres;
- If a
vehicle consists of tri-axle groups, the ROH line shall cross the middle of 2
centers of the rear most axles;
- If
rear axle groups consist of steering axles, self-steering axles, lift axles in
combination with other axles (non-steering axles), only non-steering axles
shall be taken into account for the purpose of identifying ROH line.
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1 - Maximum permissible height of vehicle with gross mass not exceeding 5,0
e) Ground clearance: Not
lower than 120 mm (except for special-use vehicles). In respect of vehicles
where adjustment of ground clearance is possible, ground clearance shall be
measured at the highest position.

2 - Illustrations of methods for identifying wheelbase (Lcs) and
rear overhang (ROH)
2 - Some cases in identifying ROH
for identifying ROH
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If a vehicle only consists
of one rear axle, the ROH line shall cross the center of the axle

If a vehicle consists of
rear tandem axle group that are non-steering axles and each axle consists of
equal number of tyres, the ROH line shall cross the middle of the centers of
aforesaid axles.

If a vehicle consists of
rear tandem axle group that are non-steering axles where one axle consists of
twice as many tyres as the other axle does, the ROH line shall cross the
point located at two-thirds (2/3) of the distance from the center of the axle
with fewer tyres to the center of the axle with more tyres

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If a vehicle consists of
one steering axle at the rear with one non-steering axle, the ROH line shall
cross the center of the non-steering axle.

If a vehicle consists of
one or two steering axles at the rear with two non-steering axles, the ROH
line shall cross the point located between the centers of non-steering axles.

If a vehicle consists of
one or two lift axles at the rear with one or many non-lift axles, the ROH
line shall cross the point located between the centers of non-lift axles.
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If a vehicle consists of
four axles with equal number of tyres
- Without
steering axles:

With steering axles: Maximum
axle load:
- Single
axle: 10 tonne.
- Tandem
axle group: dependent on spacing between the centers of axles d:
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1,0 ≤ d < 1,3 m: 16
d ≥ 1,3m: 18 tonne.
- Tri-axle
group: dependent on the smallest spacing between the centers of adjacent axles d:
d ≤ 1,3 m: 21 tonne;
d > 1,3 m: 24 tonne. Maximum
gross vehicle mass:
Maximum gross vehicle mass
of all vehicle types shall conform to Schedule 3 below.
3 - Maximum gross vehicle mass
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gross vehicle mass (tonne)
Vehicles with 2 axles in
Vehicles with 3 axles in
Vehicles with 4 axles in
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Vehicles with 5 axles in
total or more
Vehicles where distance
from the center of the first axle to the center of the last axle ≤ 7m
Vehicles where distance
from the center of the first axle to the center of the last axle > 7m
2.1.2. Other requirements
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distributed on steering axle(s) shall satisfy requirements below when vehicles
are laden and not laden (in case of articulated bus, the percentage requirement
applies to the first section):
- Not
lower than 25% in case of passenger vehicles (other than urban passenger
- Not
lower than 20% in case of other vehicle types. Angle
of the static lateral stability of an unladen vehicle shall not be lower than:
- 28°
for double-deck vehicles;
- 30°
for vehicles whose gross mass does not exceed 1,2 times the kerb mass;
- 35°
for other types of vehicles. Systems
and assemblies of vehicles shall ensure technical functions when the vehicles
operate on the road during normal operating conditions. Vehicles
transporting people, cargo (for trucks) with liquid fuel tank shall satisfy requirements
under the QCVN 52:2013/BGTVT or the UNECE No. 34 of equivalent edition or
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weight of a person shall conform to regulations of manufacturers and shall not
be lower than 65 kg/person (including 3 kg of carry-on). Passenger
capacity (including driver and attendant) (N) of passenger vehicles in all
situations shall satisfy requirements below:
≤ (Gtbmax - G0
- L* V )/ Gn
Gtbmax = Maximum
gross vehicle mass (the maximum vehicle weight stipulated by competent
authority) (kg);
G0 = Unladen
vehicle mass (kg);
L = Mass of cargo identified
by volume of cargo space (kg/m3) (L = 100 kg/m³);
V = Total volume (m3)
of cargo space (if any);
Gn = Calculated mass of a
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- Position
and format of chassis number shall conform to requirements under the TCVN 6580.
- Content
and structure of chassis number shall satisfy requirements applicable to VIN
under the TCVN 6578. The tenth (10th) digit of chassis number shall
indicate manufacturing year of vehicles (the calendar year which vehicles are
manufactured, assembled).
Engine and transmission system
2.2.1. Engine
capacity corresponding to each tonne of maximum gross vehicle mass shall not be
lower than 7,35 kW. This requirement does not apply to chassis cabs,
special-use automobiles, electric vehicles, and vehicles whose maximum gross
vehicle mass is at least 30 tonne.
2.2.2. During
laden test on dry and even road, vehicles (other than special-use trucks and
special-use automobiles) shall satisfy requirements below: Acceleration
duration from the start to the moment where the vehicles have travelled 200 m shall
satisfy requirements below:
t ≤
20 + 0,4G
t - Acceleration duration
from the start to the moment where the vehicles have travelled 200 m (in
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speed is not lower than 60 km/h.
2.2.3. While
laden and moving on dry road, in the forward direction of motion, vehicles
shall be capable of moving forward on a 20% slope (or 12% slope in case of
articulated bus). During slope test, engine and transmission system shall
operate normally.
2.3.1. Having
rigid structure and installed properly.
2.3.2. Tyres
on the same axle in normal operating conditions shall be of the same types. Tyres
shall be of adequate quantity, pressure, technical specifications (size, speed
or velocity grade, load or load capacity of tyres) conformity to technical and
design dossiers of the vehicles.
Tyres used for each vehicle
type shall satisfy requirements under the QCVN 34:2011/BGTVT or the UNECE No.
30 or the UNECE No. 54 of equivalent edition or higher.
2.3.3. Vehicles
shall be fitted with wheel guards where wheels or axle groups are located. Wheel
guards can be parts of a vehicle body, mudguards, or other similar parts and
shall satisfy requirements below:
- Width
of wheel guard shall be sufficient to cover the wheels.
- In respect
of M1 passenger vehicles, distance from the lowest point of wheel guards of the
rearmost axles to the horizontal plane crossing the center of the rear axles
shall not exceed 150 mm; in respect of other vehicle types, ground clearance of
wheel guards of the rearmost axles, including mudguards (if installed) shall be
lower than 230 mm.
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2.3.5. Light
alloy wheels fitted to cars, trucks with maximum gross vehicle mass of 3,5
tonne shall satisfy requirements under the QCVN 78:2014/BGTVT or the UNECE No.
124 of equivalent edition or higher.
Steering system
2.4.1. Capable
of accurately changing direction of the vehicles, smoothly and safely
controlling the vehicles at all velocity and load within the permissible
technical capability of the vehicles.
2.4.2. Turning
wheels shall maintain a forward direction of motion of the vehicle when the
vehicle is moving on a straight line or return to a forward direction of motion
when the steering wheels are left free.
2.4.3. During
operation, all moving parts of driving system shall not make contact with other
vehicle parts such as frame and body.
2.4.4. Steering
wheels shall not become entangled with clothing and equipment of the driver
when turning.
2.4.5. The
difference in force necessary for turning the steering wheel to the left and to
the right shall be insignificant.
2.4.6. Deadzone
of steering wheel:
- For
cars and passenger vehicles of up to 12 seats, including driver’s seats, trucks
of maximum load capacity of 1500 kg: no more than 10o.
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2.4.7. Lateral
slip of turning wheels shall not exceed 5 mm/m.
2.4.8. Minimum
turning radius determined by the outer front wheel of the vehicle shall not
exceed 12 m.
Brake system
2.5.1. Vehicles
shall be equipped with primary brake system and parking brake system.
2.5.2. Primary
brake system and parking brake system shall operate independently of one
another. Primary brake system shall be at least dual-circuit. Primary brake
system shall be equipped to all wheels.
2.5.3. Brake
fluid or compressed gas in brake system shall not leak. Oil or gas pipes shall
be firmly secured and not fractured.
2.5.4. Mechanical
transmission of primary brake and parking brake shall operate flexibly,
smoothly, and securely. Free travel shall conform to manufacturer’s
2.5.5. Primary
brake system shall be structured and installed in a way that the driver can
operate the brake while sitting on the driver’s seat and without removing
his/her hand off the steering wheels.
2.6.5. When
engaged, parking brake system shall be able to maintain its activation without
force continuously applied by the driver.
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- All
valves shall operate normally;
- After
8 activations of full travel of primary brake system, pressure drop in
compressed gas container shall not exceed 392 kPa. Testing shall fulfill
requirements below:
- Initial
energy level (compressed gas pressure) in compressed gas container shall be
regulated by manufactures. Initial energy level shall be sufficient to achieve
brake effectiveness stipulated for primary brake system;
- Compressed
gas container shall not be refilled during tests. In addition, compressed gas
containers serving primary brakes shall be isolated from compressed gas
containers serving auxiliary equipment.
2.5.8. Primary
brake effectiveness Primary
brake effectiveness when tested on test bench:
- Test
mode: unladen vehicle (with one driver);
- Total
braking force shall not be lower than 50% of unladen mass;
- Difference
in braking force of one axle (between left wheel and right wheel):
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KSL shall not be
greater than 25%.
KSL: difference
in braking force on one axle;
PFlớn: the larger
braking force;
PFnhỏ: the lower
braking force. Primary
brake effectiveness when tested on road:
a) Unladed test (with one
- Conduct
test on flat and dry asphalt or concrete road where coefficient of kinetic
friction φ is not lower than 0,6;
- Brake
effectiveness (which is evaluated by either braking distance Sp or
maximum braking deceleration JPmax) in unladen test is specified
under Schedule 4;
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4 - Primary brake effectiveness in unladen test
of vehicle
at the start of braking (km/h)
distance (m)
deceleration (m/s2)
corridor (m)
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Truck, passenger vehicle
with maximum gross vehicle mass of 3,5 tonne
≥ 5,8
Other vehicle types
≤ 9
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b) Laden test:
- Conduct
test on flat and dry asphalt or concrete road where coefficient of kinetic
friction φ is not lower than 0,6;
- Brake
effectiveness (which is evaluated by either braking distance SP or
maximum braking deceleration JPmax) in laden test is specified under
Schedule 5;
- During
brake, the vehicle shall not deviate outside of braking corridor specified
under Schedule 5.
5 - Primary brake effectiveness in laden test
of vehicle
at the start of braking (km/h)
distance (m)
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corridor (m)
≤ 20
≥ 5,9
Truck, passenger vehicle
with maximum gross vehicle mass of 3,5 tonne
≤ 22
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Other vehicle types (1)
Note: (1)
Brake effectiveness requirement is not required when conducting laden test on
tractor units
2.5.9. Parking
brake effectiveness:
- Test
mode: unladen vehicle (with one driver);
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+ Total parking braking
force is not lower than 16% of unladen mass when tested on test bench; or
+ The vehicle is capable of
parking on a 20% slope (in both uphill and downhill direction), even and dry
asphalt or concrete surface with coefficient of kinetic friction φ not lower
than 0,6.
2.5.10. Passenger
vehicles fitted with beds shall be equipped with anti-lock braking system
Suspension system
2.6.1. Be
able to sustain load placed upon them, provide the necessary comfort when
operating on roads.
2.6.2. Components
of suspension system must be installed firmly and maintain vehicle balance. Compressed
gas (in case of compressed gas suspension system), hydraulic fluid (in case of
hydraulic suspension system).
2.6.3. Vibration
frequency of suspended sections of the vehicle when it is laden (determined
using method under Appendix 1 hereof) must not be greater than 2,5 Hz.
Fuel system
2.7.1. Requirements
of gasoline or diesel fuel system
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- Not
leak fuel; and
- Be
installed at least 300 mm away from outlets of tailpipes and at least 200 mm
away from electrical switches and open sockets; and
- Not
be installed in passenger cabin and cargo space. Materials
of fuel pipes shall be able to withstand the type of fuel used by the vehicle. Pipes
(other than soft pipes) shall be held in place by clips where the distance
between any adjacent clips does not exceed 1000 mm.
2.7.2. Requirements
of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel system General
- All
parts shall be accurately placed and firmly clipped;
leak is prevented;
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- All
parts of LPG system shall be at least 100 mm away from outlets or similar heat
sources unless these parts are adequately insulated. Requirements
of LPG tanks shall conform to Appendix 2 section 1 hereof.
2.7.3. Requirements
of compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system General
- All
parts shall be accurately placed and firmly clipped;
leak is prevented;
- All
parts of CNG system do not protrude from the exterior of the vehicle other than
gas inlet which may protrude up to 10 mm;
- All
parts of CNG system shall be at least 100 mm away from outlets or similar heat
sources unless these parts are adequately insulated;
- All
parts of CNG system installed in cargo space shall be tightly enclosed by
airtight cover;
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of CNG tanks shall conform to Appendix 2 section 2 hereof.
Electrical system
2.8.1. Electrical
wire shall be insulated. Electrical wire shall be able to withstand temperature
and humidity especially if it is located in engine compartment. Electrical wire
shall be protected and firmly clipped in place to prevent cutting, abrasion,
friction damage.
2.8.2. All
sockets, jacks, and electric switches shall be insulated.
2.8.3. Battery
shall be firmly secured. Battery compartment shall not be connected to passenger
cabin, driver cabin, and shall receive natural ventilation.
Chassis and body
2.9.1. Chassis
and body shall be firmly secured.
2.9.2. Cargo
racks shall not be positioned on top of passenger vehicle of all kinds. Carry-on
compartments in passenger cabin (if any) shall be firmly secured, able to
prevent luggage from falling out and have minimum load-bearing capability of 50
2.9.3. Trucks,
special-use vehicles, trailer tractor units, and tractor units whose gross
vehicle mass is at least 8 tonne shall be fitted with side fences that meet
requirements below:
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- Distance
from the lowest point of the fences to the road shall not exceed 500 mm;
- Distance
from the highest point of the fences to the road shall not be lower than 700
mm. If the distance between vehicle body and the road is lower than 700 mm,
fences are not required.
2.9.4. Vehicle
body shall not contain jagged edges or protrusions that can cause harm to other
road users. This requirement may not apply to specific types of special-use
2.10. Connecting, hauling equipment
Connecting and hauling
equipment shall be firmly secured. Ratchets and pawls must not disengage by
themselves. Chains or wires (if any) shall be of sufficient strength.
Driver cabin
2.11.1. Control mechanism,
indicators and signals All
mechanisms, equipment, and switches mentioned below (if any) shall be installed
within the space limited by two planes parallel to the longitudinal median
plane of the vehicle and 500 mm to the sides of the drive shafts and in a
manner that enables the driver to acknowledge and control them with ease from
the driver's seat:
- All mechanisms
and equipment for controlling the engine, transmission system such as switches
for starting, turning off the engine; controlling ignition time; fuel injection
time; gas pedal; clutch; gearbox;
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- All
mechanisms controlling lights, horn, blinkers, water nozzles, wipers,
windshield defrosters. All
mechanisms controlling the engines and transmission system (other than switches
for starting the engine, gas pedal, equipment controlling transmission system),
control mechanisms relevant to light system such as light, horn, water nozzle,
wiper, and windshield defroster systems shall be symbol-coded and located close
to control mechanisms in order to allow the driver to distinguish relevant
control mechanisms. Control mechanisms of blinkers shall be distinguishable by
symbols so that the driver can easily acknowledge the direction indicated by
the blinkers. Speedometer,
light indicating, signaling operating conditions of blinkers, headlights, fuel
system, engine coolant, engine oil, brake system, battery recharge, or other
indicator and signaling lights of other systems shall be positioned in a way
that the driver can observe and recognize at ease during daytime and even in the
lack of lighting.
2.11.2. Spring
mechanisms of gas pedal, brake pedal, clutch pedal (if any) shall be able to
return these pedals to starting position if the driver stops applying force.
2.11.3. Symbols
indicating position of gearstick shall be required.
2.11.4. Vehicles
fitted with automatic transmission shall prevent engine activation when the
gearstick is in drive gear or reverse gear. If gearstick is installed on drive
shaft, rotation direction of the gearstick from neutral gear to drive gears
shall be in clockwise direction.
2.11.5. Seating
arrangement in the cabin shall satisfy requirements below:
- Driver’s
seat shall satisfy requirements under 2.12;
- Width
and depth of seat-cushion of seats other than driver’s seat shall satisfy
requirements under 2.14.2;
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- Seating
arrangement in the cabin shall not affect driving capability of the driver and
reserve enough space to allow other people to rest their feet on the floor.
- In
all cases, the maximum number of people sitting in a cabin is 6 people.
Driver’s seat
2.12.1. Driver’s
seat shall be positioned in a way that guarantee visibility of the driver when
operating the vehicle.
2.12.2. Driver’s
seat shall be of sufficient space to allow the driver to operate controlling
equipment with ease. Misalignment between the center of driver’s seat and that
of driver shall not affect driving capability of the driver and shall not
exceed 40 mm. Dimensions and width of seat cushion shall not be lower than 400
2.12.3. Driver’s
seat in passenger vehicles shall be adjustable along the length of the
vehicles; seat back inclination angle shall be adjustable.
Passenger’s compartment
2.13.1. Passenger’s
compartment must be designed to ensure safety for passengers during vehicle
2.13.2. In
respect of passenger’s compartments that do not receive air-conditioning,
natural ventilation shall satisfy requirements below:
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- All
openings shall be able to adjust the air flow.
2.13.3. Gangway Gangway
of passenger vehicles with more than 16 seats shall have minimum clear width of
300 mm and minimum clear height of 1700 mm. The space along gangway must be
designed to facilitate movement of a gauge consisting of 2 concentric cylinders
connected by an inverse truncated cone. Dimension of the cylinder conforms to
Figure 3. In respect of vehicles where folding seats are allowed along the
gangway, the measurement shall be made while the seats are in folded
configuration. Steps
are allowed on gangway as long as their width is equal to that of the gangway
and satisfies requirements under Schedule 7 and Figure 6.

3 - Gangway
2.13.4. Standing
places are not allowed on passenger vehicles other than urban passenger
2.13.5. Specific
requirements of passenger vehicles with beds Beds
shall be firmly secured and positioned in the direction of motion of the
vehicle; each bed shall only facilitate one passenger and be fitted with safety
belts satisfactory to 2.16.
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- Distance
D1 between 2 beds shall not be lower than 1650 mm;
- Bed
cushion width R1 shall not be lower than 480 mm;
- Gangway
width R2 shall not be lower than 400 mm. The space along gangway
must be designed to facilitate movement of a gauge consisting of a cylinder of
Ф400 mm where the height of the cylinder is described under Figure 3.
- C1
shall not be lower than 750 mm;
- C2
shall not be lower than 780 mm.

4 - Bed arrangement on bus Parts
of bed frame that can make contact with or injure passengers shall be rounded
or curved accordingly; shall not contain sharp or pointy edges that potentially
harm users.
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shall be required between each row of bed, beds located in passenger
compartment shall not consist of more than two tiers. Seats
shall not be allowed on sleeper buses other than driver’s seat and attendant’s
seat (if any). Ladders
shall be required as access to upper tier bed. Ladders shall be sufficiently
rigid and secured to the vehicle accordingly in order to maintain safety during
use. The first rung shall be 250 mm to 350 mm away from the floor and
subsequent rungs shall be at most 250 mm away from the previous rung. At least
one handle shall be required at appropriate height to allow users to ascend to
the upper bed with ease. Handles shall rounded or curved and not contain jagged
edges. Beds
shall be fitted with parts and structures that prevent passengers from falling
out of the bed while vehicle is operating (commonly referred to as
“guardrails”). The guardrails shall be rigid and at least 200 mm tall from the
highest point of the beds (depending on where the measurement is made). Guardrails
shall be rounded accordingly, shall not contain jagged or pointy edges which
can harm passengers.
Seat other than driver’s seat
2.14.1. Seats
must be firmly installed in order to ensure safety for seated passengers in
normal operation.
2.14.2. Seat
dimensions Minimum
width of seat-cushion shall be 400 mm for one person. In respect of adjacent
seats on the same row of M1 passenger vehicles, width of seat-cushion for
individual seats in a row can be lower than 400 mm and shall not be lower than
380 mm in all cases. However, the width of space occupied by passengers when
measured at 270 mm to 650 mm above the seat-cushion shall not be lower than 400
mm for one passenger. Minimum
depth of seat-cushion shall be 350 mm for one passenger.
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respect of passenger vehicles, minimum gap between two rows of seats (L) shall
be 630 mm; minimum gap between two facing seats (L0) shall be 1250
mm (Figure 5).

5 - Seating arrangement In
respect of passenger vehicles, minimum vertical clearance in seat space and
seat access from the highest point of seat-cushion shall be 900 mm or 1350 mm
from the floor where the passengers rest their feet; the vertical clearance can
be reduced to a minimum of 1250 mm at fenders at the furthermost row of seats.
2.14.3. In
respect of vehicles transporting children, minimum width and depth shall be 270
mm for one person. Minimum gap between two rows of seats (L) shall be 460 mm.
2.14.4. The
height from the floor where passengers rest their feet to the surface of
seat-cushion (H) shall range from 380 mm to 500 mm. This height can be reduced
to a minimum of 350 mm at spaces above the fenders and engine compartment
2.14.5. Foldable
seats shall be allowed along gangway of passenger vehicles with up to 30 seats,
other than vehicles transporting children. Foldable seats shall only be allowed
for attendants on passenger vehicles with more than 30 seats. Width, depth of
seat-cushion, and height of seat-back of foldable seats shall not be lower than
75% of dimensions under 2.14.2.
Head restraint
Driver’s seat of cars and
passenger vehicles of up to 16 seats shall be fitted with head restraints.
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2.16.1. Driver’s
seat of all vehicles shall be fitted with at least three-point safety belts.
2.16.2. The
outermost seat other than driver’s seat on the first seat row and on the same
seat row as the driver’s seat (other than urban passenger automobiles) shall be
fitted with at least three-point safety belts. Seats located between driver’s
seat and the outermost seat of the same row shall be fitted with at least
two-point safety belts.
2.16.3. Seat
other than driver’s seat on the first row and on the same row as the driver’s
seat (other than urban passenger automobiles) and beds shall be fitted with at
least two-point safety belts.
2.16.3. Safety
belts shall be installed depending on whether the passengers sit or lie,
functional, highly reliable, and capable of minimizing risk of injury to users
in case of accident. Safety belts shall not contain features that harm users.
2.16.5. All
parts of safety belts shall satisfy requirements below:
- All
hard parts of safety belts such as locks and adjustable equipment shall not
contain sharp edges that corrode or damage the belt due to friction;
- Locks
shall be designed in a way that improper use such as closing the safety belt
half-way is not possible. Belt unbuckling shall done in a quick manner;
- Seat
belt adjuster shall automatically adjust the belt to firmly wrap around users
or, in the case of manual adjuster, allow users to adjust with ease after they
have sat down;
- Belts
shall not be twisted even when fully stretched and shall be capable of
absorbing and dissipating energy. Minimum belt width shall be 46 mm;
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2.16.6. Safety
belt instructions shall be required in vehicle instruction manuals.
2.17.1. Clear
dimension of service doors of passenger vehicles (not including vehicles
transporting children) shall satisfy requirements under Schedule 6.
6 - Minimum clear dimensions of doors
of vehicle
clear dimension of door (mm)
Passenger vehicles of 10
to 16 seats (including the driver’s seat)
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Passenger vehicles of more
than 16 seats (including the driver’s seat)
Note: (1) This
dimension can be lowered by 100 mm if the measurement is made at the handle.
2.17.2. At
least one door shall be required in passenger compartments on the starboard of
passenger vehicles (other than urban passenger vehicles such as the BRT - Bus
Rapid Transit or similar means of transport). Service doors shall be firmly
shut when vehicles are operating.
2.17.3. Height
of steps leading to service doors:
- Permissible
height and depth of steps leading to service doors, stairs and steps inside of
the vehicles (not applicable to urban passenger vehicles such as the BRT or
similar means of transport) shall satisfy requirements under Schedule 7 and
Figure 6 below.
- Surface
of the steps must be rough or covered with materials that have a lot of
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6 - Riser height and tread depth
7 - Permissible riser height and tread depth
first step (from near side)
Maximum height (D)
Minimum tread depth
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height (E)
Minimum clear depth
(1) 700
mm for emergency doors;
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(3) Riser
height along gangway shall not exceed 250 mm; or 250 mm in respect of
vehicles transporting up to 22 people; or 300 mm in respect of steps of doors
located after the last stairs;
- Riser
height from near side shall be determined when the vehicle is unladen; If the
vehicle height is adjustable, such measurement shall be made when the vehicle
is at its lowest position;
- Riser
height (E) between steps are not required to be uniform.
- Slope
of steps in any direction shall not exceed 5%;
- In
case of double doors, steps of each half of access passages must be considered
separate steps.
Emergency door
Passenger vehicles shall be
fitted with emergency doors that satisfy requirements below:
2.18.1. Dimension
- Emergency
doors that can be opened shall have minimum dimensions of: 550 mm wide x 1200
mm tall; Steps leading to emergency doors shall satisfy requirements under Schedule
7 and Figure 6.
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- Rear
windows shall be allowed as emergency doors if they can fit a rectangular gauge
that is 350 mm tall and 1550 mm wide where corners of the rectangle can be
rounded while maintaining a radius of 250 mm.
2.18.2. Minimum number of
emergency doors is specified under Schedule 8.
2.18.3. Phrases
that read “CỬA THOÁT HIỂM” and/or “EMERGENCY EXIT” shall be required at doors
used as emergency doors. Glass breakers shall be required in the vicinity of
emergency doors that are made of glass.
8 - Minimum number of emergency doors
Number of passengers(1)
÷ 30
÷ 45
46 ÷
61 ÷
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Minimum number of
emergency doors (2)
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(2) Service
doors shall not be counted as emergency doors
2.18.4. Access
to emergency doors and emergency windows Access
to emergency doors: Empty space between gangway and emergency doors shall fit a
1400 mm tall shape consisting of one cylinder of 550 mm in diameter on top of a
second cylinder of 300 mm in diameter and 700 mm tall. The base of the lower
cylinder shall be contained within the projection of the upper cylinder. If
foldable seats are located along such access, empty space reserved for the
aforesaid shape shall be determined when the seats are folded (see Figure 7).

7 - Access to emergency door Access
to emergency windows: The access shall ensure movement of inspection gauge from
gangway to the outside via each emergency window. The inspection gauge shall
simulate movement of passengers during evacuation and shall remain
perpendicular to the direction of motion. The inspection gauge shall be a thin
board of 600 mm x 400 mm in dimensions where corners are rounded with a radius
of 200 mm. In respect of emergency windows at the rear of the vehicle,
dimension of the gauge shall be 1400 mm x 350 mm and radius of the rounded
corner shall be 175 mm.
Cargo, luggage compartment
2.19.1. Cargo
compartments of vehicles shall be rigid, capable of ensuring safety for cargo,
and not be fitted with parts that increase cargo compartment volume except for
parts that fasten the top cover of cargo compartments.
2.19.2. Garbage
compartment of garbage trucks shall be fitted with top cover.
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2.19.4. Vans
shall satisfy requirements under the TCVN 7271. In respect of vans with at
least 2 rows of seats, ratio of cargo compartment to passenger compartment
determined in accordance with the TCVN 7271 shall not be lower than 1,8 tonne. Dimension
of passenger compartment shall be determined when the front seat row is located
at medium level with seat-back at 25o angle (if the seat-back is at
an angle below 25o, the measurement shall be made at a position
where seat angle is at the highest).
2.19.5. Overall
width of cargo compartment of trucks shall not exceed 10% of overall width of
the cabin.
2.19.6. Luggage
compartment (other than carry-on) of passenger vehicles (if any) shall be
located along the sides and/or rear of the vehicle under the floor together
with doors that are dust proof, waterproof, easy to operate, and able to
maintain integrity while the vehicle is operating. Luggage compartments shall
be further divided into sub-compartments whose maximum dimension lengthwise and
widthways of each compartment shall not exceed 1500 mm and 1225 mm
respectively; If luggage compartments are located at the rear of the vehicle,
dimensions of luggage compartments shall not exceed 1500 mm in any case. Partitions
of each luggage compartment shall be of sufficient strength to prevent
displacement of luggage while the vehicle is operating. Luggage compartment shall
be able to withstand a load equivalent to or greater than volumetric weight
where density of luggage compartment equals 100 kg/m3.
2.19.7. Requirements
of installation of fifth-wheel coupling in semi-trailer trucks: In
respect of tractor units designed to tow semi-trailers, height of the top plate
of fifth-wheel coupling (h) shall not exceed 1400 mm when the fifth-wheel
coupling is not connected to semi-trailers and shall not exceed 1150 mm to 1300
mm when the fifth-wheel coupling is laden. If a tractor unit is designed to tow
container semi-trailers where height exceeds 2900 mm, height of the top plate
of fifth-wheel coupling (h) shall not exceed 1150 mm when the fifth-wheel
coupling is not connected to semi-trailers and shall not exceed 1025 mm to 1100
mm when the fifth-wheel coupling is laden (see figure 8); Radius
of turning clearance between the fifth-wheel coupling and the cabin (d) shall
not be lower than 2040 mm (see Figure 8); The
distance I4 is a horizontal distance between a cylinder of radius d with the
same center as the lock jaw of the fifth-wheel coupling and a cone shape of
with same center. The cone is created by a vertical line inclining to the front
of tractor units at a 6o angle. This straight line shall be determined
so that the cone surface does not come into contact with any part of tractor
units located above the horizontal plane crossing the fifth-wheel coupling. The
X is identified on the horizontal median plane of tractor units where the
concerned horizontal median plane is parallel to and 250 mm above the
horizontal plane crossing the fifth-wheel coupling. At X, the distance I4
(Ix) shall not be lower than 80 mm; Radius
from the lock jaw of fifth-wheel coupling to the furthest point at the rear of
tractor units (d1) shall not exceed 2200 mm.

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8 - Height of fifth-wheel coupling and radius of turning clearance between the
fifth-wheel coupling and the cabin of semi-trailer tractor units
Safety glass
Windshield shall be multilayered
safety glass. Glass fitted to doors shall be safety glass. Glass fitted to
emergency doors and emergency windows shall be highly durable safety glass These
types of safety glass shall satisfy requirements under the QCVN 32:2011/BGTVT
or the UNECE No. 43 of equivalent edition or higher.
2.21.1. Outlet
of tailpipe shall not aim at the front or the right of vehicle.
2.21.2. Tailpipe
shall not be located at positions where it can ignite the vehicle or
commodities thereon and interfere in operation of other systems.
Lights and signals
2.22.1. Vehicles
shall be equipped with: headlamps consisting of high beam and low beam,
blinkers, hazard lights, daytime running lamps, brake lights, reverse lights,
license plate light.
2.22.2. Headlamps
shall satisfy requirements under the QCVN 35:2010/BTGTVT or any UNECE below of
equivalent edition or higher:
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+ UNECE No. 05;
+ UNECE No. 08;
+ UNECE No. 20;
+ UNECE No. 98;
+ UNECE No. 112;
+ UNECE No. 123.
2.22.3. Lights
and signal lights shall be firmly secured and able to maintain their
photometric characteristics while the vehicle is operating.
2.22.4. The
following lights shall be installed in pairs: headlamps, blinkers, daytime
running lamps, brake lights (at least 2 brake lights are installed in pairs). Lights
that are installed in pairs shall:
a) be installed in a
symmetrical manner on both sides of median plane of the vehicle;
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2.22.5. Installation
location of lights are specified under Schedule 9.
9 - Installation locations of lights
of light
from near side
between inner edges of symmetrically installed lights
from outer edges of lights to the outer edges of the vehicle
lower edges of lights
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Low beam
≥ 500
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600 (400)
≤ 400
≥ 350
1500 (2100)
600 (400)
≤ 400
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≥ 350
1500 (2100)
600 (400)
≤ 400
Brake light
≥ 350
1500 (2100)
600 (400)
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Reverse light
≥ 250
- Values contained in
brackets in column (4) apply to special circumstances where vehicle body or
structure does not permit installation of the lights within the permissible
height limit.
- Values contained in
brackets in column (5) apply to circumstances where overall width of vehicles
is lower than 1300 mm.
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10 - Color, minimum quantity, luminous intensity, and visual inspection
criteria of lights
of light
intensity or visual inspection criteria
intensity (cd)
inspection criteria
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or yellow
≥ 12000
Light strips have length ≥
100 m, width of 4 m(1)
Light strips have minimum
length of 50 m and allow observation of obstacles 40 m away.
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÷ 700
The blinkers can be seen
at 20 m away during daytime
Rear blinkers
÷ 400
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Brake lights
20 ÷
Reverse lights
1 (2)
÷ 600
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Front daytime running
lamps (3)
or yellow
2 ÷
The light can be seen at
10 m away during daytime
Rear daytime running lamps
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Rear license plate lights
2 ÷
(1) Inspection
is conducted when vehicle is unladen and has one driver with equipment:
+ In respect of high beam:
Vertically, the beam shall not angle upwards more than 0%; shall not angle
downwards more than 2% if the lights are installed at 850 mm or less from
ground level or shall not angle downwards more than 2,75% if the lights are
installed above 850 mm from ground level. Horizontally, the beam shall not
angle rightwards more than 2% and shall not angle leftwards more than 0%;
+ In respect of low beam
inspected by equipment: Vertically, if headlamps are located at a height
equal to or lower than 850 mm from ground level, the intersection between the
cutoff line and the upper kink of the beam shall not angle upwards more than
0,5% from the horizontal plane and shall not angle downwards more than 2%
from the horizontal plane; if headlamps are located at a height greater than
850 mm from ground level, the intersection between the cutoff line and the
upperkink of the beam shall not angle upwards more than 1,25% from the
horizontal plane and shall not angle downwards more than 2,75% from the
horizontal plane. Horizontally, the intersection between the cutoff line and
the upper kink of the beam shall not angle rightwards more than 2% and shall
not angle leftwards more than 0%.
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Front lights can be used in combination with other lights.
2.22.7. Other
requirements Lights
of red color and reflective strips shall not be installed at the front of the
vehicles. Lights of white color shall not be installed at the rear (other than
reverse lights). In
respect of headlamps:
+ When low beam is turned
on, all high beam shall be turned off;
+ High beam indicator shall
be required. Reverse
lights shall be turned on when the gear stick is in reverse gear and ignition
switch is at a position where the engine can operate. Reverse lights shall be
turned off if any of the conditions above is not met. License
plate lights shall be turned on when headlamps are turned on and cannot be
turned on and off by separate switches. In
respect of brake light:
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+ If brake lights are used
in combination with rear lights, luminous intensity of brake lights shall be
stronger than that of rear lights. In
respect of blinkers:
+ All blinkers on the same
side shall flash at the same intervals. Flashing frequency is 60 ÷ 120
+ The maximum interval
between the moment in which the switch is turned on and the blinkers start to
flash is 1,5 seconds. Hazard
lights shall flash simultaneously and at the same frequency. Hazard lights can
be used in combination with blinkers.
Reflective strips
2.23.1. Vehicles
shall be fitted with rear reflective strips.
2.23.2. The
reflective strips shall not be triangle in shape.
2.23.3. Lights
from headlamps of other vehicles reflected by rear reflective strips shall be
clearly visible from 100 m away.
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Rear-view mirrors
2.24.1. Vehicles
shall be fitted with rear-view mirrors that allow driver to register traffic at
the rear and to the sides of the vehicles.
2.24.2. Exterior
rear-view mirrors shall be positioned in a way that allows the driver to view
through side windows or windshield area wiped by wipers.
2.24.3. Rear-view
mirrors shall satisfy requirements under the QCVN 33:2011/BGTVT or the UNECE
No. 46 of equivalent edition or higher. Installation of rear-view mirrors shall
conform to Appendix 3 hereof.
Windshield wipers
Vehicles shall be fitted
with windshield wipers to ensure driver’s visibility. The windshield wipers
shall satisfy requirements below:
+ A minimum of 2 wiping
frequencies is required;
+ One of the wiping
frequencies shall not be lower than 45 times/minute;
+ One of the wiping
frequencies shall range from 10 to 55 times/minute;
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2.26.1. Horn
consisting of multiple separate equipment each of which emits a sound signal
and operates independently of one another by separate switches shall be
considered a horn system. Horn (or horn system) shall emit sound continuously
at a steady volume.
2.26.2. Horn
volume (when measured at 7 m away from the front by a micro located at a height
ranging from 0,5 m to 1,5 m and close to the median plane of the vehicle) shall
range from 93 dB(A) to 112 dB(A).
2.27.1. Vehicles
shall be equipped with speedometer.
2.27.2. Unit
displayed on speedometer shall be km/h.
2.27.3. Tolerance
of speedometer shall range from -10% to +20% when the measurement is at 40
Fire extinguishers and first-aid kit
2.28.1. Fire
extinguishers: Vehicles transporting combustible commodities and passenger
vehicles of 16 seats or higher shall be equipped with fire extinguishers.
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Regulations on environmental protection
2.29.1. Emission
limit Vehicle
emission shall satisfy requirements under the QCVN 05:2009/BGTVT and the QCVN
86:2015/BGTVT. Emission
inspection conducted by rapid test (which is depicted under the TCVN 6438)
shall satisfy regulations below:
+ In respect of vehicles
with positive ignition engines, in unladen test, vehicle emission shall satisfy
requirements below:
- Carbon
monoxide CO (% volume): ≤ 3,0;
- Hydrocarbon
HC (ppm volume): ≤ 600 in respect of four-stroke engines, ≤ 7800 in respect of
two-stroke engines, ≤ 3300 in respect of specialized engines.
+ In respect of vehicles
with compression-ignition engines, smoke level when tested with free
acceleration shall be ≤ 50% HSU.
2.29.2. Noise
produced by parking vehicles as measured in accordance with the TCVN 7880 shall
not exceed the maximum limit specified under Schedule 11.
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of vehicle
noise limit
Trucks, special-use
vehicles, and passenger vehicles having G ≤ 3500 kg
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Trucks, special-use
vehicles, and passenger vehicles having G > 3500 kg and P ≤ 150 kW
Trucks, special-use
vehicles, and passenger vehicles having G > 3500 kg and P > 150 kW
Note: -
P refers to the highest engine capacity;
G refers to gross vehicle mass.
2.29.3. The
use of CFC in vehicle air-conditioning system is prohibited.
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2.30.1. Control
mechanisms of vehicles operated by persons with disabilities shall be
appropriate with mobility of the persons with disabilities.
2.30.2. Adapted
vehicles shall be marked as adapted vehicles in appropriate positions for easy
2.31. Specialized
mechanisms installed on vehicles (if any) shall be firmly secured and
accompanied by instructions or guidance on using, operating specialized
mechanisms for the purpose of safety.
3.1. Inspection, testing,
and certification
3.1.1. Inspection,
testing, and certification shall conform to Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BGTVT dated
April 15, 2011 of the Minister of Transport and Circular No. 54/2014/TT-BGTVT
dated October 20, 2014.
3.1.2. Technical
dossiers and test samples: Manufacturing and assembling facilities, importing
organizations and individuals are responsible for submitting technical dossiers
and test samples for testing in accordance with applicable regulations of the
Ministry of Transport.
3.1.3. Calculation
method is allowed for the purpose of inspecting uphill capability in accordance
with section 2.2.3 of special-use vehicles and tractor units and inspecting
angle of the static lateral stability of vehicle types in accordance with
3.1.4. Testing
for effectiveness of primary brake and parking brake during road test shall be
conducted during sample product inspection and testing. Testing for
effectiveness of primary brake and parking brake during bench test shall be
conducted during factory-release inspection of mass manufactured products.
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3.1.6. Manufacturing
facilities shall be responsible for inspecting mass manufactured and assembled
products in order to satisfy regulations regarding lateral slip in accordance
with 2.4.7, brake effectiveness in accordance with 2.5.8, intensity and
deviation of headlamps in accordance with 2.22.6, tolerance of speedometer in
accordance with 2.27.3, emission in accordance with, noise level in
accordance with 2.29.2. Noise inspection of mass manufactured and assembled
products shall be conducted via probability sampling. Manufacturing facilities
shall register sampling method and ratio to quality control authority.
3.1.7. Inspection,
testing, and certification of vehicles whose dimensions or axle load is greater
than the limit according to 2.1.1: In
respect of vehicles whose weight exceeds the limit under 2.1.1, inspecting and
testing entities shall calculate and adjust in order to record values
satisfying weight requirements of vehicles permissible for road traffic. In
respect of vehicles whose dimensions and axle load exceeds the limit under
2.1.1, test and inspect in accordance with this Regulation and record vehicle
technical specifications at request of test applicants. Inspection, testing,
and certification results shall only allow these vehicles to operate in a
limited setting and not participate in traffic. In special cases where traffic
participation is required such as: moving from manufacturing, import location
to depots; moving to maintenance and repair facilities; moving to register
facilities; transporting goods that cannot be disassembled, permission granted
by road authority and compliance with relevant regulations shall be required.
3.1.8. In
respect of vehicles with novel structures or utilizing novel materials,
documents relating to design, test and inspection results, or documents on
transfer of relevant technology shall be provided.
3.2. In
respect of vehicle types that have been inspected and tested in accordance with
3.1 and conform to this Regulation, test result report shall be issued for
these vehicles.
4.1. The
Vietnam Register is responsible for the implementation of this document during
technical safety and environmental protection inspection of vehicles.
4.2. Roadmap
for implementation
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4.2.2. This
Regulation shall apply to manufactured, assembled vehicles for which the
certificate of technical safety and environmental protection is issued for the
first time and imported vehicles which have not been examined nor certified for
technical quality and environmental protection from January 1, 2017.
4.2.3. In
respect of request for testing interior materials (, tyres (2.3.2),
light alloy wheels (2.3.5), automobile glass (2.20), headlamps (2.22.2),
rear-view mirrors (2.24.3), installation of liquid fuel tank ( of
vehicle types that have not been approved and licensed for sale by competent
authority, roadmap under respective Technical Regulations shall be complied
4.2.4. Inspection,
testing, or exemption from testing of emission under shall conform to
provisions under legislative documents. Emission level under according
to QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT shall apply from January 1, 2017. In respect of vehicles
manufactured and/or assembled from vehicle types that have been inspected and
certified for emission, emission level of the manufactured and/or assembled
vehicles shall be similar to that of the vehicle types that have been inspected
and certified.
4.2.5. Provisions
under 2.29.3 shall conform to roadmap of the Government for eliminating,
reducing Ozone depleting substances.
4.3. Provisions
under do not apply to imported vehicles; calculation formula for
determining permissible number of passengers under does not apply to
vehicles manufactured and assembled in foreign countries whereas maximum gross
vehicle mass defined under TCVN 6529 where weight of a person is calculated in
accordance with shall not be greater than maximum gross vehicle mass
published by foreign vehicle manufacturers.
4.4. Provisions
under 2.19.7 do not apply to tractor units that only tow special-use
4.5. If
standards referred to under this Regulation are superseded by newer
Regulations, the new versions shall prevail. If regulations referred to under
this document are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail. Roadmap
for implementation shall conform to roadmaps specified under respective
Appendix 1
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1. Scope
and regulated entities
This Appendix provides for
method for determining suspension frequency and damping ratio of suspension
system of vehicles of at least 2 axles.
2. Test
2.1. Test equipment and
2.1.1. Measuring
instruments with measurement range from 0,3 Hz to 100 Hz.
2.1.2. Testing
tools: vehicle scales, measuring instruments for temperature and humidity, tire
pressure gauge, rulers, and other assisting tools.
2.2. Sample
2.2.1. Vehicles
shall be adequately laden as per design.
2.2.2. Suspension
system shall conform to vehicle design.
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2.3. Test
Non-rainy day, temperature
ranging from 1 oC to 50 oC, relative humidity ranging
from 0% to 85%.
3. Method
for inducing vibration
The following methods for
inducing vibration are depicted below:
3.1. Method
1 (only applicable to vehicles with 2 axles):

1-1 - Graph of principles of method 1
Allow the vehicle to free
fall from a height h which ranges from 60 mm to 120 mm so that when the wheels
touch the ground, vehicle frame does not come into contact with the blocks
limiting travel of suspension system (Figure 1-1).
In special cases, the height
may vary outside of the range 60 mm to 120 mm.
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Compress vehicle frame by 60
mm to 120 mm relative to original position so that the frame does not come into
contact with the limiting blocks. Lift compression force suddenly to generate
4. Test
4.1. Inspect
test sample in accordance with 2.2.
4.2. Determine
specifications of test sample.
4.3. Install
measuring instruments
4.3.1. Measurement
sensor placement
For non-suspended parts:
axles where measurement is required;
For suspended parts: vehicle
floor directly above the axle. If measurement sensor cannot be placed directly
on the floor, it can instead by placed in nearby position so long as the sensor
is capable of depicting vibration of the suspended part where measurement is
4.3.2. Requirements
for measurement sensor installation
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4.3.3. Connection
between measurement sensors and other parts of the instruments shall prevent
vehicle vibration from affecting instrument operation.
4.3.4. Following
installation, inspect operation of the instruments.
5. Testing
Carry out 3 tests in the
steps described below:
5.1. Bring
the vehicle to test position, turn off the engine, and return gear stick to
neutral gear.
5.2. Induce
vibration using any of the methods depicted under 3.
5.3. Record
and store measurement reading. Minimum duration of measurement reading shall be
3 seconds.
5.4. Process
test results in accordance with 6 and produce report on test results.
6. Processing
test results
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6.1. Calculate
vibration frequency of vehicle body and axle:

f1: vibration
frequency of vehicle body (Hz);
T1: vibration
interval of vehicle body (s);
f2: vibration
frequency of axle (Hz);
T2: vibration
interval of axle (s);
Z(t): damping deceleration
of vehicle body (m/s²);
x(t): damping deceleration of
axle (m/s²).
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6.2. Half-interval
damping ratio D of vehicle body:

Where: A1:
amplitudes of the second peak to the third peak;
A2: amplitudes
of the third peak to the fourth peak;
Damping ratio y of vehicle body:

Where: p =
natural logarithm.
If D is insignificant (A3
does not decrease dramatically), damping ratio of the entire interval D’:
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Where: A3:
amplitudes of the fourth peak to the fifth peak.
Damping ratio y of
vehicle body:

6.4. During
processing of test results, if irregular results are produced, such results
shall be cancelled and the test shall be repeated.
6.5. Test
results shall be mean value of 3 tests.
Appendix 2
1. LPG
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1.2. Container
installation shall satisfy requirements below:
+ Containers shall be firmly
secured to vehicle body, shall not be placed in passenger compartment or engine
compartment, shall be protected from external forces, and shall receive
reasonable natural ventilation.
+ Metal-to-metal contact is
eliminated other than installation points of the containers.
+ If containers and fuel
pipes are placed in a position where they can be affected by heat radiated from
tailpipe or noise mufflers, the containers and fuel pipes shall be protected by
corresponding insulated materials.
+ Vents of airtight cover of
containers that aim outside shall be directed downwards without introducing
ventilation to fenders or other heat sources such as tailpipes.
2. CNG
2.1. CNG
container shall be of adequate quantity and satisfy requirements under national
technical standards and regulations of Vietnam or the UNECE No. 110 or
equivalent standards of foreign countries.
2.2. Container
installation shall satisfy requirements below:
+ Containers shall be firmly
secured to vehicle body, shall not be placed in engine compartment, shall be
protected from external forces, and shall receive reasonable natural
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Appendix 3
1. General
A vehicle shall be fitted
with at least 2 main external rear-view mirrors (of type II or type III), one
on each side of the vehicle. In addition, type IV mirrors (external mirrors for
wider view) in quantity of choosing are also allowed; in respect of vehicles
whose gross vehicle mass is not greater than 7,5 tonne, type V mirrors
(external mirrors for closer view) in quantity of choosing are also allowed.
All rear-view mirrors shall
be adjustable.
2. Mirror
installation requirements
2.1. Mirrors
shall be placed in a way that the driver, while sitting on regular driver’s
seat, can clearly observe road to the sides and to the rear of the vehicle.
2.2. Mirrors
shall be visible through side windows or windshield area wiped by wipers.
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2.4. In
respect of type V mirrors: the entire mirrors and their cover shall not be more
than 2 m away from near side when the vehicle is laden.
3. Visibility
requirements of type II and type III mirrors
3.1. External
mirrors installed to the port side of the vehicle shall allow the driver to
observe a road segment that is at least 2,5 m wide from the left side of the
vehicle towards the middle of the road and at least 10 m away from the driver.
3.2. External
mirrors installed to the starboard of the vehicle shall allow the driver to
observe the road segment that is:
+ 4 m wide from a plane
parallel to the median plane of the vehicle and crossing the rightmost point of
the vehicle and 20 m away from the driver (Figure 3-1) in respect of cars and
trucks (gross vehicle mass not exceeding 2 tonne);
+ 3,5 m wide from a plane
parallel to the median plane of the vehicle and crossing the rightmost point of
the vehicle and 30 m away from the driver in respect of other vehicle types. In
addition, the driver must also be able to see a road segment that is at least
0,75 m wide from the vertical plane crossing the driver and 4 m away from the
driver (Figure 3-2).

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