Independence - Freedom - Happiness
July 25, 2009
Pursuant to the
Government’s Decree No. 178/2007/ND-CP dated December 03, 2007 on functions,
duties, powers and organizational structure of Ministries and ministerial-level
Pursuant to the
Government’s Decree No. 32/2008/ND-CP dated March 19, 2008 on functions,
duties, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and
Pursuant to the
Government’s Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006 detailing and
providing guidelines for a number of Articles of the Education Law;
Pursuant to the
appraisal record of the national council for appraisal of early childhood
education curricula dated 5/1/2009;
At the request
of the Director General of Early Childhood Education Department, the Minister
of Education and Training hereby decides:
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Article 2. This Circular comes into force from September
8, 2009 and supersedes Decision No. 5205/QD-BGDDT dated September 19, 2006 by
the Minister of Education and Training promulgating pilot early childhood
education curricula. The early childhood education curricula promulgated
together with this Circular are applicable to all early childhood education
institutions of the national educational system.
Article 3. Director General of Early Childhood Education
Department shall direct adoption of these early childhood education curricula
throughout the country.
Article 4. Head of Office of the Ministry of Education
and Training, Director General of Early Childhood Education Department, heads
of relevant affiliates of the Ministry of Education, Chairpersons of People’s
Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities and heads of Departments
of Education and Training shall implement this Circular./.
Nguyen Thien Nhan
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Part One
The objectives of early childhood education are to support the
physical, emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development of children, lay
the cornerstones for personality, prepare children for the first grade; form
and nurture basic physiological and psychological functions, capabilities and
values; and necessary life skills appropriate to their age group, unlock and
fully realize children’s potential, and build the foundation for learning at
the following educational stages and life-long learning.
- Ensure
reasonability, suitability and principle of concentric development from easy to
hard levels; ensure connection between different age groups and between the
junior kindergarten, senior kindergarten and primary stages; ensure that
educational content is relevant to real life and children’s life and experience,
prepare for children to gradually integrate into the outside world.
- Suit the
physiological and psychological development of children, harmonize nurturing
and care with education; promote balanced, healthy and fit physical development
in children; equip children with life skills suitable for their age; teach
children to respect, love and be polite to their grandparents, parents and
teachers; to love their siblings and friends; to be honest, brave and
confident; and to love beauty, seek knowledge and like learning.
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- Educational methods applicable to senior
kindergartens must enable children to experience, explore and discover the
surrounding environment in different ways to satisfy children’s needs and
interests according to the “playing is learning, learning is playing” motto.
Focus on renovating the educational environment to enable children to actively
explore, experiment and create in play corners happily. Harmoniously combine
group teaching with individual teaching and pay attention to each child’s
characteristics to choose a suitable educational method. Properly organize
individual, group and class activities as appropriate to each class’s age
group, each child’s ability, needs and interests and actual capacity of each
Assess child development (including
assessment by day and by stage) to monitor the child’s development and provide
the basis for planning and revision of education plans as suitable for the
child and local capacity. Child development assessment must employ different
assessment methods; place an importance on assessment of each child’s progress
and regularly evaluate the child by observing their daily activities.
Part Two
The junior kindergarten curriculum aims to support the harmonious
physical, cognitive, language, emotional - social and aesthetic development of
children from 3 months to 3 years of age.
- Be healthy with
normal weight and height for age.
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- Make movements
typical for their age.
- Have some basic
components of fitness (speed, agility, balance).
- Coordinate their hands
and fingers with dexterity.
- Do some activities
of eating, sleeping and personal hygiene independently.
- Like to explore the
- Have keen senses.
- Observe, comment, remember
and express their understanding using simple sentences.
- Have some early
understandings of themselves and familiar objects and phenomena.
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- Understand basic
verbal requests.
- Ask and answer some
simple questions with words and gestures.
- Use words to
communicate and express needs.
- Recognize the rhymes
and rhythm of poetry and intonation.
- Communicate
- Have a sense of self,
communicate with familiar people confidently.
- Have and express
feelings about familiar people and objects.
- Comply with some
simple rules in daily life.
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The curriculum is designed for 35 weeks, 5 working days a week, and
applicable to early childhood education institutions. Daily care and education
shall be planned according to the routine for each age and children’s
Summer vacation, national holidays, new year holidays and semester
breaks are provided for by general provision of the Ministry of Education and
A routine is a suitable arrangement of daily activities in early childhood
education institutions to meet the psychological and physiological needs of
children, which enables them to form good habits and adjust to junior
kindergarten. Each activity may take up 5 - 10 minutes.
1. 3 to
12-month-old children
to 6-month-old children
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- Sleeping: 3 naps (from 90 to 120
Routine for 3 to
6-month-old children
Child drop off
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Play - Exercise
Play - Exercise
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Child pickup
to 12-month-old children
- Breastfeeding and complementary feeding 2
- 3 times
- Sleeping: 2 - 3 naps (from 90 to 120
Routine for 6 to
12-month-old children
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Child drop off
Play - Exercise
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Play - Exercise
Napping for younger
children/ Playing for older children/ Child pickup
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to 18-month-old children
- Eating: 2 main meals and 1 complementary
- Sleeping: 2 naps (from 90 to 120
Routine for 12 to
18-month-old children
Child drop off
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Main meal
Play - Exercise
Complementary meal
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Main meal
Play / child pickup
to 24-month-old children
- Eating: 2 main meals and 1 complementary
- Sleeping: 1 nap (approximately 150
for 18 to 24-month-old children
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drop off
Play -
Main meal
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Play -
Main meal
Play /
child pickup
3. 24 to
36-month-old children
- Eating:
2 main meals and 1 complementary meal.
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for 24 to 36-month-old children
Child drop off
Play - Exercise
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Complementary meal
Play - Exercise
Main meal
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1. Feeding
- Decide on a type of feeding and serving size suitable for each age.
of feeding
caloric intake/day/child
caloric intake in early childhood education institution/day/child (60-70%
daily intake)
- 6 months old
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-388,5 Kcal
- 12 months old
+ infant cereal
- 497 Kcal
- 18 months old
+ breastfeeding
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- 24 months old
rice + breastfeeding
- 36 months old
- Number of meals in early childhood education institution: at least 2
main meals and 1 complementary meal.
+ Calorie distribution between meals: Lunch shall
account for from 30% to 35% of daily energy intake. Afternoon meal shall
account for from 25% to 30% of daily energy intake. Complementary meal(s) shall
account for from 5% to 10% of daily energy intake.
+ Recommended proportion of
energy-yielding nutrients:
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35 - 40% of caloric intake comes from
45 - 53% of caloric intake comes from
- Water: approximately 0,8 - 1,6 liter/child/day (including water in
- Create daily, weekly and seasonal menus.
2. Sleeping
Place children to sleep as needed for their age:
- For 3 to 12-month-old children: 3 naps, each lasting for 90 - 120
- For 12 to 18-month-old children: 2 naps, each lasting for 90 - 120
- For 18 to 36-month-old children: 1 noon nap lasting for approximately
150 minutes.
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- Personal hygiene.
- Environmental hygiene: clean classrooms, objects and toys. Keep water
source clean and handle waste and wastewater.
4. Healthcare and safety
- Perform periodic health checkup. Monitor
and assess growth of weight and height according to age. Prevent
undernutrition and obesity.
- Prevent common diseases. Monitor vaccination.
- Protect children’s safety and prevent some common accidents.
1. Education for physical development
a) Motor development
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- Make basic
movements and develop basic components of fitness.
- Move hands and
b) Nutrition and health education
- Form good daily
- Get used to doing
some activities and health protecting activities independently.
- Know and avoid
some risks.
a) Motor development
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to 24 months old
to 36 months old
to 6 months old
to 12 months old
to 18 months old
to 24 months old
1. Do exercise for muscle
group and respiratory development
Passive exercise:
Passive exercise:
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Respiratory exercise: breathe.
Respiratory exercise: inhale,
- Arm:
bend, stretch.
- Arm:
bend, stretch, raise up, cross in front of chest.
Arm: raise up, raise up in
front, raise to the side
- Arm: Rise
up, raise up in front, raise to the side, raise backward.
- Arm:
raise up, raise up in front, raise to the side, raise backward in combination
with shaking hands.
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- Back,
abdomen and sides: bend forwards, bend sideward.
- Back, abdomen
and sides:
bend forwards, bend sideward.
- Back,
abdomen and sides: bend forwards, bend sideward, twist from side to side.
- Leg: bend, stretch.
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- Leg:
bend, stretch, raise both legs with straight knees.
- Leg:
sit, spread, raise each leg, raise both legs.
- Leg: spread, sit down, stand up.
- Leg:
sit down, stand up, bend and stretch each leg.
2. Make basic movements and
develop basic components of fitness
- Practice
rolling over.
- Practice
commando crawling.
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- Practice
- Practice
commando crawling and crawling over obstacles.
- Practice crawling and commando crawling:
+ Crawl,
crawl on stomach to destination.
+ Crawl under objects (under ropes/ sticks placed
- Practice
crawling and commando crawling:
+ Crawl
in straight line with object on back.
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+ Crawl
on stomach, crawl over obstacles.
- Practice
- Practice
standing, walking.
- Practice
- Practice
rolling and throwing ball.
- Practice
walking, running:
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+ Walk on
narrow path.
+ Walk over obstacles.
- Practice
walking, running:
+ Walk on
cue, walk on narrow path.
+ Walk
while holding object in hand.
+ Run in
straight line.
+ Stand
with 1 knee bent.
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- Practice
walking up and down the stairs.
- Practice
+ Roll ball while sitting.
+ Throw ball while standing.
- Practice
+ Jump on
the spot.
+ Jump
over drawn line.
- Practice
throwing and catching:
+ Throw -
catch with teacher.
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+ Throw
ball into goal.
3. Coordinate hand -
fingers and hand - eyes
- Open
and clench hand.
- Hold and
shake objects and toys.
- Wave
hand, move fingers.
- Hold,
shake and hit objects.
- Put
objects in, take objects out, release and retrieve objects.
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- Twist
hand and move fingers.
- Hit,
hold and squeeze objects.
- Open
and close lids without screw thread.
- Disassemble,
assemble and place small box inside bigger ones.
- Stack
2-3 blocks.
- Curl,
straighten and weave fingers.
- Hold,
squeeze, knock on and hammer objects.
- Open
and close screw thread lids.
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- Stack 4-5 blocks.
- Draw
random lines with fingers.
- Rub hands, touch fingertips against each other,
pour, knead, mix, crumple, tear.
- Play
with hammer and peg board.
- Stand
on tiptoe to grab objects.
- Practice
threading, buttoning and lacing.
- Put
shapes together.
- Stack
6-8 blocks.
- Practice
holding pens to paint and draw.
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b) Nutrition and health education
to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
to 6 months old
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to 18 months old
to 24 months old
1. Form good daily habits
- Practice
drinking with spoon.
- Adjust to infant cereal mixed with different
- Adjust
to porridge cooked with different foods.
- Adjust
to mashed rice and different foods.
- Adjust
to rice and different foods.
- Practice
good eating habits.
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- Adjust
to 2-nap sleep schedule.
- Adjust to
1-nap sleep schedule.
- Practice
noon napping habit.
- Practice
some good hygiene habits:
+ Wash
hands before a meal and after using the toilet.
+ Tell teacher if getting wet or dirty.
- Practice some good daily habits such as eating cooked
food, drinking boiled water, washing hands before a meal, washing face,
washing mouth, and drinking water after a meal, and discard litter properly.
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- Practice
eating with spoon and drinking with cup independently.
- Practice
sitting at eating table.
+ Practice
expressing the need for food, napping and toilet.
- Practice
doing the following activities independently:
+ Eat,
+ Wear clothes and shoes, use the toilet, get out
of dirty or wet clothes.
+ Prepare sleeping place.
- Practice
expressing the need for food, napping and toilet to adults.
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Practice sitting on potty when
using the toilet.
- Practice
sitting on potty when needing to use the toilet.
- Practice
using the toilet properly.
- Get
used to washing hands and wiping face.
- Practice
some simple hand washing and face wiping movements.
3. Know and avoid some
- Know
some dangerous objects and dangerous places that cannot be touched or
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2. Education for cognitive development
a) Sensory
exercise and coordination
Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
- Names and
functions of some parts of the human body.
Names, remarkable characteristics and uses of and how to
use some familiar objects, toys and vehicles.
- Names and remarkable
characteristics of some familiar animals, flowers and fruits.
- Some basic colors
(red, yellow, blue), sizes (big - small), shapes (round, square), quantity (one
- multiple) and spatial relationships (above - below, in front - behind) in
relation to the child.
- The child’s own
self and persons familiar to them.
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to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
1. Sensory exercise and
Sight, hearing, touch, smell
and taste.
- Track moving people/objects
- Look at
colorful objects and pictures.
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- Find toys recently hidden.
- Listen
to sounds and find the source of sounds.
- Find objects recently
- Listen
to and recognize the sounds of some objects and familiar animals.
- Touch,
feel, look, smell, etc. objects, flowers and fruits to identify their
remarkable characteristics.
- Touch
and shake toys, listen to sounds.
- Touch, feel,
shake and knock on toys, listen to sounds.
- Touch
and feel objects and toys to identify whether they are hard - soft, smooth -
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- Some
parts of the human body
- Names
of some parts of the body: eyes, nose, mouth.
- Names
of some parts of the body: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, legs.
- Names
and main functions of some parts of the body: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms,
- Some
objects and toys
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- Some
familiar vehicles
- Names of
familiar objects and toys.
- Names
and remarkable characteristics of some familiar objects and toys.
- Names,
remarkable characteristics and uses of and how to use some familiar objects
and toys.
- Names
of familiar vehicles.
- Names, remarkable
characteristics and uses of some familiar vehicles.
- Names
of some familiar animals, flowers and fruits
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- Names
and some remarkable characteristics of familiar animals and fruits.
- Names
and remarkable characteristics of familiar animals, vegetables, flowers and
- Some basic colors,
sizes, shapes, quantity and spatial relationships
- Red,
- Big -
- Red,
yellow, blue.
- Big -
- Round,
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- Know
“one” and “multiple”.
- The child’s own self
and persons familiar to them
- The
child’s own name.
- The
child’s own name.
- The
child’s own image in the mirror.
- The
child’s toys and things.
- The
child’s name and some characteristics of their appearance.
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- Names
of some familiar family members and persons in class.
- Names
and jobs of some familiar family members.
- Names
of teachers, friends and the class.
3. Education for language development
a) Hearing
- Hear different voices.
- Hear and understand words and sentences referring to familiar objects
and actions and some simple types of questions.
- Hear age-appropriate stories, poetry and folk poetry.
b) Talking
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- Answer and ask some simple questions.
- Express needs, emotions and understanding verbally.
c) Introduction to books
- Open books, look at and name objects and actions of characters.
to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
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- Hear
voices portraying different emotions.
- Hear names
of familiar objects and actions.
- Hear
simple sentences used in daily conversation.
- Hear
Where questions (e.g., where is your arm/leg/nose?).
- Hear
and comply with some verbal requests.
- Hear Where,
What animal, How (e.g., how does the rooster crow?), What, and What… doing
- Hear
and comply with verbal requests.
- Hear
What, What… doing, For what, Where and How questions.
- Hear
songs and folk poetry.
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- Hear
poetry, folk poetry, riddles, songs and short stories.
2. Talking
- Babble
different speech sounds.
Make different speech sounds.
- Imitate
different speech sounds made by adults.
- Name
familiar objects, animals and actions.
- Use
words referring to familiar objects, animals, characteristics and actions in
- Speak a
few simple words.
- Answer
and ask What animal, What and What… doing questions.
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- Express
needs by babbling or using simple words in combination with gestures.
- Express
needs and wishes using simple sentences.
- Express
needs, wishes and understanding using 1-2 simple sentences and long
- Say the
last morpheme of a poetic line with the teacher.
- Read
short poems and stanzas containing 3- or 4-morpheme sentences.
- Retell
a story part heard multiple times with support.
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- Use
words showing respect when talking with adults.
3. Introduction to books
Open books, look at
pictures and point at characters and objects in pictures.
- Listen
to adults reading books.
- Look at
pictures and name familiar characters, objects and actions.
4. Education for emotional, social skills and
aesthetic development
a) Emotional development
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- Recognize and
express some emotions.
b) Social skills development
- Have positive
relationships with familiar people and objects.
- Have civilized
behaviors and comply with some simple rules in conversation and daily life.
c) Aesthetic development
- Listen to music,
sing and move to music.
- Draw, play with clay,
create torn paper art, put shapes together, view art.
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to 24 months old
to 36 months old
1. Emotional development
Have a sense of self
Play with their own hands
and feet.
Recognize their own name
and pictures of themselves.
- Recognize
their own name and some characteristics of their appearance.
- Recognize
some favorite objects and toys.
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- Recognize and express
some emotions
Practice expressing
affection, laughing and joking with teachers.
Express different
emotions towards other people.
- Recognize
and express some emotions such as happiness, sadness and anger.
2. Social skills development
- Have positive
relationships with familiar people and objects
- Communicate
with teachers using sounds, actions and gestures.
- Communicate
with teachers and friends.
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- Communicate
with other people.
- Play with
friends in a friendly way: sit next to friends, not fight over toys with
- Play
with toys/objects.
- Practice
using objects and toys.
- Pay
attention to pets.
- Practice
using objects and toys.
- Pay
attention to pets.
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Imitate teachers: hello,
Practice some
communication behaviors such as saying hello, goodbye and thank you. Say “ạ”
and “dạ” (words showing respect).
- Show
some civilized behaviors such as saying goodbye, thank you, “dạ” and ‘vâng ạ”
(words showing respect); playing next to friends and not pinching friends.
- Comply with some simple rules in daily life in
class such as queuing and placing toys in designated places.
3. Aesthetic development
- Listen to music, sing
and move to music
- Hear
the sounds made by some objects and toys.
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- Listen
to singing, music and sounds made by musical instruments.
- Sing
along and practice simple moves to music.
- Listen
to singing and music with different melodies; listen to sounds made by
musical instruments.
- Sing
and practice simple moves to music.
- Draw, play with clay,
create torn paper art, put shapes together, view art
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- View
- Draw
different lines, paint, tear, crumple, put shapes together.
- View
a) Motor development
to 12 months old
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to 36 months old
to 6 months old
to 12 months old
– 18
to 18 months old
– 24
to 24 months old
1. Do exercise for muscle
group and respiratory development
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React positively when
doing exercise for muscle group and respiratory development with the teacher.
Do exercise actively.
Can do some simple steps with the teacher such as raising arms, sitting and
bending forwards, sitting and raising legs.
Imitate the teacher to
raise arms up - up in front - to the side.
Can do all steps of the
exercise: breathing, arms, back/abdomen and legs.
2. Make basic movements and
develop basic components of fitness
2.1. Roll over by themselves.
2.1. Sit up and lie down by
2.1. Walk towards the teacher
(when called) or where they want to go by themselves.
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2.1. Maintain balance while
walking/running at different speeds with the teacher or walk on a narrow path
while holding something.
2.2. Put hands on hips and
puff chest out, twist body in different directions.
2.2. Crawl in different
2.2. Crawl behind rolling
balls/toys for 2,5 - 3m.
2.2. Hand - eye coordination:
roll - catch ball with the teacher.
2.2. Hand - eye coordination:
throw - catch ball with the teacher, who is 1m away; throw ball in a goal
1-1,2m away.
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2.3. Make movements requiring
coordination: roll - catch ball with the teacher.
2.3. Coordinate arms, legs and
body when crawling/ commando crawling to go through rings and over obstacles.
2.3. Coordinate arms, legs and
body when crawling to carry object placed on back.
2.4. Display muscular strength
in movements: lean on elbows, push body forward.
2.4. Display muscular strength in rolling and catching balls: sit,
roll ball forward for about 2,5m hard; can throw ball upwards/ forwards for
about 70cm.
2.4. Display muscular strength in throwing and kicking balls: throw
ball with one hand for about 1,2m; kick ball forwards for at least 1,5m.
2.4. Display muscular strength
in throwing and kicking balls: throw forwards using one hand (for at least
3. Move hands and fingers
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3.1. Imitate waving/ waving
hello/ goodbye.
3.1. Move hands and fingers
when holding, knocking on, squeezing or hitting something.
3.1. Grab small objects with 2
3.1. Move wrists, hands and
fingers – dance with dexterity.
3.2. Hold and shake toys, move
objects from one hand to the other.
3.2. Put 2-3 small boxes
inside bigger ones, stack 2-3 cubes.
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3.2. Dissemble, put 3-4 small
round boxes inside bigger ones, stack 2-3 cylinders.
3.2. Coordinate hands and fingers as well as hands and eyes in playing
with clay; drawing bird nests; and making bead bracelets and necklaces.
b) Nutrition and health education
to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
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to 12 months old
to 18 months old
to 24 months old
1. Form good daily
1. 1. Adjust to infant cereal.
1.1. Adjust to porridge.
1.1. Adjust to mashed rice and eat different foods.
1.1.Adjust to rice and eat
different foods.
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1.2. Have 3 naps according to routine.
1.2. Have 2 naps according to
1.2. Have 1 nap at noon.
1.2. Have 1 nap at noon.
1.3. Use potty.
1.3. Express toilet need to adults.
1.3. Use the toilet properly.
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Do some tasks with adult’s support (sit at eating table,
use spoon to eat and cup to drink).
2.1. Do some tasks with adult’s
support (get water to drink, use toilet, etc.).
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3. Know and avoid some
3.1. Know that they should avoid
dangerous objects and places (hot water containers, irons, burning stoves,
etc.) when reminded.
3.1. Know that they should avoid
some dangerous objects and places (burning stoves, hot water containers,
water buckets, wells) when reminded.
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3.2. Know that they should not
do some dangerous actions (touching sockets, climbing up tables and chairs,
etc.) when reminded.
3. 2. Know that they should not
do some dangerous actions (climbing onto railings, playing with sharp objects,
etc.) when reminded.
3 to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
3 to 6 months old
to 12 months old
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1.1. Track moving people or
1.1. Track and grab for
moving, colorful and noise-making toys.
Touch, feel, look, hear,
etc. to identify an object’s remarkable characteristics.
Touch, feel, look, hear,
smell, taste, etc. to identify an object’s remarkable characteristics.
1.2. Hear and react to
familiar sounds.
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2. Show understanding of
familiar objects and phenomena using gestures and words
2.1. Imitate some simple gestures
and actions of family members.
2.1. Imitate some simple
actions of family members.
2.1. Imitate some familiar
actions of familiar people. Use some familiar objects and toys.
2.2. Use gestures or point at
body parts, objects and toys when asked.
2.2. Point at or name
themselves and familiar people when asked.
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2.3. Point at or name some
body parts when asked.
2.3. Tell names and functions
of some body parts when asked.
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2.4. Tell names and some remarkable
characteristics of familiar objects, fruits and animals.
2.5. Point at or grab red or
blue toys at an adult’s request or suggestion.
2.5. Point at/name or grab or
put away the right red/yellow/blue toy when requested.
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to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
3 to 6 months old
to 12 months old
to 18 months old
to 24 months old
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1.1. React to sounds: turn head to the direction where a sound is coming;
stare at the speaker’s face, etc.
1.1. Understand some simple and familiar words.
1.1. Understand some words
referring to familiar people, toys and objects.
1.1. Comply with simple
requests such as: come here, go wash your hands, etc.
1.1. Complete tasks containing
2-3 actions. E.g., place your toy on the shelf and go wash your hands.
1.2. Smile, wave arms, kick
legs and babble when talked to.
1.2. Follow some simple
actions: clap, wave hello, etc.
1.2. Comply with some simple
requests: hello - cross arms; hurray - clap; goodbye - wave, etc.
1.2. Understand “no”: stop
doing something when hearing “Don’t grab!”; “Don’t touch", etc.
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1.3. Understand Where questions (where are your arms/legs?, etc.)
1.3. Understand Where questions (where is mom/grandma/duck?, etc.)
1.3. Answer simple questions such as “Who is this?”, “What animal is
this?”, “What is this?”, etc.
1.3. Understand simple short stories: answer questions about the story’s
name, names and actions of characters.
2. Hear and repeat speech
sounds, morphemes and sentences
Imitate and repeat
simple sounds made by adults: măm măm (eating sound), ba ba, ma ma, etc.
2.1. Imitate different sounds:
ta ta, meo meo, bim bim, etc.
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2.1.Pronounce morphemes
2.2. Repeat some monomorphemic
words: mẹ (“mom”), bà (“grandma”), ba (“dad”), gà (“chicken”), tô (“bowl”),
2.2. Say the last morpheme of
a poetry line when hearing familiar poems.
2.2. Read poems and folk poems
with teacher’s help.
3. Use language for
Make ư, a, etc. sounds
when adults are talking.
Babble (măm măm (eating
sound), ba ba, etc.) and gesture (pointing, raising body up; changing
expression, etc.) to express needs.
3.1. Use monomorphemic words
when communicating such as calling mẹ (“mom”), bà (“grandma”), etc.
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3.1. Use simple sentences and
5- to 7- morpheme sentences containing common words referring to familiar
objects, actions and characteristics.
3.2. Use 1- or 2-word sentences:
“bế” (“pick up”, when wanting to be picked up); “uống” (“drink”) or “nước”
("water”) (when wanting to drink water); “măm măm” (eating sound, when
wanting to eat); “đi, đi” (“go, go”, when wanting to go play), etc.
3.2. Proactively speak out their
needs and wishes (I drink, I want...).
3.2. Use words for different
- Greet,
- Express
- Ask
about matters of interest such as what is this animal?, what is this?, etc.
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3.3. Speak loudly, audibly and
to 12 months old
to 24 months old
to 36 months old
to 6 months old
to 12 months old
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Turn head towards sounds
or calls.
Recognize their own name
(react when someone calls their name).
Recognize themselves in
the mirror and pictures (point at themselves in the mirror when asked).
1.1. Tell some information
about themselves (name, age).
Express what they like and do
not like.
2. Have and express feelings about familiar people and objects
2.1. Like to know what
is happening.
2.1. Like to communicate with
familiar people using sounds and gestures.
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2.1. Like to communicate with
other people using gestures and words.
2.2. Express feelings using
face, voice and gestures towards the teacher (smiling, laughing).
2.2. Express feelings towards
other people (brightening up when seeing mom, afraid and refusing to follow
2.2. Feel and express
happiness, sadness and fear towards other people.
2.2. Recognize happiness,
sadness and fear.
2.3. Express happiness,
sadness and fear through expressions and gestures.
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2.3. Like to play with moving,
colorful and noise-making toys.
2.3. Like to play with toys,
have favorite toys and observe some animals.
Be friendly to some familiar
animals: imitate sounds made by these animals.
3. Have simple social
Respond positively to
other people’s communication.
Imitate some simple acts
of affection.
3.1. Goodbye when prompted.
3.1. Say hello, goodbye, thank
you and words of respect.
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3.2. Imitate some social
behaviors (hold doll, feed doll, pick up the phone, etc.).
3.2. Display some simple
social behaviors during pretend play (holding doll, making infant cereal for
baby, pick up the phone, etc.).
3.3. Comply with some simple
requests from adults.
3.3. Play with other children
in a friendly way.
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3.4. Comply with some requests
from adults.
4. Express feelings via
singing, moving to music/ painting, drawing, playing with clay, putting
shapes together, viewing art
React positively to
singing and sounds (laughing, moving arms and legs, listening attentively).
React to singing and
sounds (jumping, clapping, laughing, etc.).
4.1. Like to listen to songs
and move to music (stomping, moving to music, clapping, etc.).
4.1. Sing and move to some
familiar songs.
4.2. Like to draw and view
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1. Emotional exchange
This activity fulfills the child’s need for bonding with their family,
brings happiness to the child, helps exercise and develop the senses, and forms
a relationship between the child and people close to them. This is the main
activity of children under 12 months of age.
2. Play with objects
This activity fulfills the child’s need to explore their surroundings,
know the uses of and how to use some objects and toys, helps develop their
speech, senses, etc. This is the main activity of children from 12 to 36 months
of age.
3. Play
This activity fulfills the child’s need to move and explore their
surroundings, and helps the child bond with people close to them. At this age,
children can participate in pretend play, physical games and folk games.
4. Intentional play - exercise
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5. Eating, sleeping and personal hygiene
These activities fulfill the child’s biological needs, help form some
good daily habits and make the child feel happy and comfortable.
1. Based on the educational content and
purpose, educational activities may be organized in the following ways:
- Organize activities according to the teacher's intention and children's
- Organize festivals and celebrations of holidays and important events in
the year that are related to children, are educationally meaningful and bring
happiness to children (Mid Autumn Festival, Lunar New Year, Children's Day
(June 1), etc.).
2. Based on location, educational
activities may be organized in the following ways
- Room activities.
- Outdoor activities.
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- Individual activities.
- Small group activities.
- Large group activities.
Individual activities and small group
activities should be prioritized for junior kindergartens students.
1. Emotional impact method
Use affectionate gestures, expressions and words to make children feel
safe, gain their trust, fulfill their needs for communication, bonding and
contact with familiar people and the surroundings.
2. Visual method
Let children observe visual media (real objects, toys, pictures,
movies) and example actions (words and gestures) to train their senses and
fulfill their need for information from the outside world. Visual media and
example actions should be employed at the right time and in combination with
appropriate words and illustrations.
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a) Interact with objects and toys
Let children directly interact with objects and toys following the
teacher's instructions (touching, holding, shaking, opening, closing, placing
side by side, stacking) for them to receive information, obtain knowledge and
shape behaviors and skills.
b) Games
Employ suitable simple games and play
elements to encourage children to be active, explore the surroundings and
develop their speech and movements as appropriate.
c) Practice
Have children repeat sentences, moves, behaviors and gestures according
to requirements of education content and their interest. The teacher should use
their words to facilitate the children’s practice.
4. Verbal method (talking, storytelling, explaining)
Use words, emotive storytelling and suggesting questions in combination
with suitable gestures to encourage children to interact with objects and
communicate with other people; express their wishes and share their feelings
with other people through words and actions. Adults should use concise and
understandable words and questions that are appropriate to the children’s
Junior kindergarten children should be communicated with using their
mother tongue.
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At this young age, children mostly require praise and encouragement for
their good behaviors and words and examples from adults. Adults can express
their disapproval and give children reminders where necessary but it must be
done with tact.
Teachers shall combine these methods to
make an impact on all aspects of their students’ development, encourage
students to use their senses (sight, hearing, touch, etc.), use words and keep
active to promote growth; communicate with and give instructions to each child
using words, gestures and actions; and focus on employing the emotional impact
and practice methods. Teachers must set examples for their students.
1. Physical environment
a) Classroom
- Provide objects and toys that have diverse
and attractive colors and shapes, make noises and can move.
- Arrange
objects in a safe, suitable, aesthetic and education-appropriate manner.
- Have eating and sleeping areas that meet requirements.
- Organize activity areas in a suitable and flexible way, enabling
children to choose and use objects/toys and join play corners easily while
facilitating teacher’s observation.
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+ For children from 12 to 24 months of age, there is an area for them
to interact with things, picture books, crayons, papers and simple exercise
toys and objects.
+ For children from 24 to 36 months of age, there is an area for pretend
play, play with clay and pens.
b) Environment
for outdoor activity
- Playground and outdoor toys are appropriate to junior kindergarten age
and near classrooms.
- There are a garden, flower/ornamental plant beds and an area where
animals are kept.
2. Social environment
The care and education environment in early childhood education
institutions must ensure psychological safety and facilitate social skills
development of children. Teachers must have appropriate behaviors, gestures,
words and attitudes towards their students and other people to set examples for
their students.
Child development assessment is a process where information on each
child is collected systematically, analyzed and compared with the expected outcomes
of the curriculum to monitor the child’s development and revise the care and
education plan.
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1. Assessment purposes
Assess daily physiological and psychological development of the child during
activities to detect positive or negative behaviors and promptly revise the
care and education plan for the child.
2. Assessment items
- Health condition.
- Attitude, mood and behaviors.
- Knowledge and skills.
3. Assessment methods
Use one or more than one of the following methods to assess the child:
- Observe.
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- Analyze products from the child's activities.
- Talk with the child’s parents.
On a daily basis, the teacher shall observe the child during their
activities, record remarkable progresses and noteworthy matters into the
education plan book or the class’s diary to revise the education plan and
1. Assessment purposes
Determine the child’s achievement in each development area at each
stage, which serves as the basis for revision of the care and education plan
for the next stage.
2. Assessment items
Assess the level of physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social
skills and aesthetic development of the child at each stage.
3. Assessment methods
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- Observe.
- Talk and communicate with the
- Assess via assignments.
- Analyze products from the child’s activities.
- Talk with the child’s parents.
The teacher shall
record the assessment results into the child’s file.
4. Time and basis of assessment
- Make
an assessment at the end of each stage (6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months of age)
based on child development indicators.
Part Three
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The senior kindergarten curriculum aims to support the harmonious
physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social skills and aesthetic
development of children from 3 to 6 years of age and prepare them for primary
- Be healthy with
normal weight and height for age.
- Do basic movements
with stability and accuracy.
- Coordinate the
senses and movements; move nimbly, have spatial orientation.
- Be skillful in some
activities requiring manual dexterity.
- Have certain knowledge about food and benefits of eating to health.
- Have some good
habits and skills in relation to eating, health protection and assurance of
their own safety.
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- Be inquisitive,
like to explore the surrounding objects and phenomena.
- Observe, compare,
sort, judge, pay attention and memorize with intention.
- Detect simple
problems and produce different solutions.
- Express their
understanding in different ways (using actions, pictures, words, etc.), mostly
with words.
- Have some basic
knowledge about humans, objects and phenomena around them and math.
- Hear and understand
speech used in daily conversations.
- Express themselves in
different ways (words, expressions, gestures, etc.).
- Express themselves
clearly and communicate in a civilized manner in daily life.
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- Recognize the rhymes and rhythm of age-appropriate
poetry and folk poetry.
- Have some basic
skills in reading and writing.
- Have a sense of self.
- Recognize and express their feelings
towards people, objects and phenomena around them.
- Have some virtues: confidence and independence.
- Have some life skills: respect, cooperation, friendliness, concern and
- Comply with some rules in the family, school and communities familiar
to the child.
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- Express their emotions and creativity in
musical and creative activities.
- Like to participate in art activities.
The curriculum is designed for 35 weeks, 5 working
days a week, and applicable to early childhood education institutions. Daily
care and education shall be planned according to the daily routine.
Summer vacation, national holidays, new year holidays and semester
breaks are provided for by general provision of the Ministry of Education and
A routine is a suitable arrangement of daily activities in early
childhood education institutions to meet the psychological and physiological
needs of children, which enables them to form good habits, have good attitude
and acquire positive life skills.
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- 90 minutes
Drop-off, playing, morning
- 40 minutes
- 50 minutes
Playing in activity corners
- 40 minutes
Playing outdoor
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Main meal
- 30 minutes
Complementary meal
- 80 minutes
Free playing
- 70 minutes
Preparation for pickup and
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1. Feeding
- Decide on a type
of feeding and serving size suitable for each age:
+ Recommended daily caloric intake of 1 child is: 1470 Kcal.
+ Recommended daily caloric intake
of 1 child at school (accounting for 50 - 60% of total daily intake) is: 735 – 882 Kcal.
- Number of meals in
early childhood education institution: at least 1 main meal and 1 complementary
+ Calorie distribution between meals: lunch shall account for from 35% to
40% of daily energy intake. The complementary meal shall account for from 10%
to 15% of daily energy intake.
+ Proportion of energy-yielding nutrients:
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20 - 30% of
caloric intake come from lipid.
55 - 68% of caloric intake come from carbohydrates.
- Water:
approximately 1,6 - 2,0 liter/child/day (including water in food).
- Create daily,
weekly and seasonal menus.
2. Sleeping
Place children to
sleep at noon (approximately 150 minutes).
3. Hygiene
- Personal hygiene.
- Environmental
hygiene: clean classrooms, objects and toys. Keep water source clean and handle
waste and wastewater.
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- Perform periodic health
checkups. Monitor and assess growth of weight and height according to age.
Prevent undernutrition and obesity.
- Prevent common
diseases. Monitor vaccination.
- Protect children’s
safety and prevent some common accidents.
1. Education for physical development
Content of
education for physical development includes motor development and nutrition and
health education.
a) Motor development
- Do exercise for
muscle group and respiratory development.
- Practice basic
movement skills and develop components of fitness
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b) Nutrition and health education
- Know some common
dishes and food and their health benefits
- Do some activities
of daily living independently.
- Protect health and
a) Motor development
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
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1. Do exercise for muscle
group and respiratory development
- -
Respiratory exercise: inhale, exhale.
- - Arms:
Raise both arms up high, up in
front and to both sides.
+ Bend,
stretch, cross both arms in front of chest.
- - Arms:
+ + Raise
both arms up high, up in front and to both sides (combining with shaking,
opening and clenching hands).
+ + Bend
and stretch arms, clap (in front, behind, up high).
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+ + Raise
both arms up high, up in front and to both sides (combining with shaking
hands, twisting wrists and standing on tiptoe).
+ + Bend and stretch
each arm, combining with standing on tiptoe. Roll both arms in front of chest
- - Back,
abdomen and sides:
+ +Bend
+ +Turn
left, turn right.
+ +Bend
left, bend right.
- - Back,
abdomen and sides:
+ +Bend
forwards, bend backwards.
+ +Turn
left, turn right.
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- - Back,
abdomen and sides:
+ +Bend
backwards with arms raised up high, step right, step left.
+ +Turn
left, turn right with hands on hips or arms stretched to both sides, step
right, step left.
+ +Bend
to both sides with hands on hips or arms, step right, step left.
- - Legs:
+ +Step
forwards, step sideward; squat; stand up; jump up.
+ + Bend
and stretch legs.
- - Legs:
+ +Stand
on tiptoe.
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+ +Stand up,
raise and bend each leg.
- - Legs:
+ +Lift
forwards, sideward and back.
+ +Jump up,
raise legs sideward; jump with one leg up in front and the other behind.
2. Practice basic movement
skills and develop components of fitness
- - Walk
and run:
+ +Walk
on tiptoe.
+ +Walk
and run at different speeds at command.
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+ +Walk
on narrow path.
- - Walk
and run:
+ +Walk
on heels, walk with bent knees, walk backwards.
+ +Walk
on gym chair, walk along straight line on the floor.
+ +Walk
and run at different speeds at command and in zig zags with markers.
+ +Run
15m in approximately 10 seconds.
+ +Run
60-80m slowly.
- - Walk
and run:
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+ +Walk on
rope (rope placed on floor), walk on slanted board.
+ +Walk
heel to toe.
+ +Walk
and run at different speeds and in zig zags at command.
+ +Run
18m in approximately 10 seconds.
+ +Run
100-120m slowly.
- -
Crawl, commando crawl and climb:
+ +Crawl,
commando crawl in straight line and in zig zags.
+ +Crawl
through gate.
+ +Commando
crawl forwards.
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- -
Crawl, commando crawl and climb:
+ +Crawl
3-4m with hands and feet.
+ +Crawl
in zig zags past 5 points.
+ +Crawl through 1,2m x 0,6m tunnel and gate.
+ +Commando
crawl in straight line.
+ +Climb
over a 1,5m x 30cm chair.
+ +Climb
up and down 5 rungs of the stall bars.
- - Crawl,
commando crawl and climb:
+ +Crawl
4m-5m with hands and feet.
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+ +Crawl
through 1,5m x 0,6m tunnel.
+ +Commando
crawl and climb over a 1,5m x 30cm chair.
+ +Climb
up and down 7 rungs of the stall bars.
- - Throw
and catch:
+ +Roll,
hit, throw and catch ball with the teacher.
+ +Throw
away with one hand.
+ +Throw
in goal with one hand.
+ +Pass
and catch ball in to and fro and side to side.
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- - Throw and catch:
+ +Throw
ball up and catch.
+ +Throw
and catch ball with someone on the opposite side.
+ +Hit and
catch ball while standing still.
+ +Throw
away with one and both hands.
+ +Throw
in goal with one hand.
+ +Pass
and catch ball above head and between legs.
- - Throw and
+ +Throw
ball up and catch.
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+ +Walk
and bounce ball.
+ +Throw
away with one and both hands.
+ +Throw
in goal with one and both hands.
+ +Pass
and catch ball above head and between legs.
- - Jump:
+ +Jump
on the spot.
+ +Jump
+ +Jump
20 - 25 cm forwards.
- - Jump:
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+ +Jump
35 - 40cm forwards.
+ +Jump
down from a height of 30 - 35cm.
+ +Jump
with legs apart and together over 5 squares.
+ +Jump
over obstacle 10 - 15cm high.
+ +Hop
- - Jump:
+ +Jump
continuously into ring.
+ +Jump 40 - 50cm forwards.
+ +Jump
down from a height of 40 - 45cm.
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+ +Jump
over obstacle 15 - 20cm high.
+ +Hop
3. Move hands and fingers, coordinate
hands - eyes and use some objects and tools
Curl and weave fingers, twist fingers and wrists, roll wrists.
Stack different types of blocks.
Create torn paper art.
Use scissors and pens.
Draw and paint randomly.
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Use hands and fingers to roll, twist, flick, draw, pinch, caress,
press and assemble.
Fold papers.
Put shapes together.
Tear and cut straight lines.
Paint and draw shapes.
Button, unbutton, thread and tie shoes.
Move hands, fingers and wrists.
Break, mold.
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Paint and trace lines.
Button, unbutton, zip up, thread, lace, tie strings.
b) Nutrition and health education
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Know some common dishes and food and their
health benefits
- Know some common dishes and food.
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- Know some
common food in food groups (in healthy eating pyramid).
- Know simple processing methods for some
dishes and food.
- Know and sort some common food into 4 food
- Get to know some simple food and drink
preparation steps.
- Know meals in the day and benefits of
eating adequate amount and nutrients.
- Know the relation between food and illness
(diarrhea, tooth cavity, undernutrition, obesity, etc.).
2. Do some activities of daily
living independently
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- Practice washing hands with soap.
- Express the need for food, napping and
toilet verbally.
- Practice brushing teeth and wiping face.
- Practice washing hands with soap.
- Use the toilet properly.
- Practice brushing teeth, wiping face and
washing hands with soap.
- Practice using the toilet and toiletries
3. Protect health and safety
- Practice some good health protecting
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- Know clothes for different kinds of
- Select clothing suitable
for each kind of weather.
- Benefits of wearing clothes suitable for
the weather.
- Select and wear clothing
suitable for each kind of weather.
- Benefits of wearing clothes suitable for
the weather.
- Know some signs of illness.
- Know some signs of illness and simple ways
to avoid being sick.
- Know some signs of illness, causes thereof
and how to avoid being sick.
- Know and avoid dangerous actions, unsafe
places and life-threatening objects.
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2. Education for cognitive development
a) Scientific exploration
- Parts of the human
- Objects.
- Animals and
- Some natural
b) Some basic math concepts
- Sets, quantity, serial
numbers and counting.
- Matching.
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- Measurement.
- Shapes.
- Spatial and
temporal orientation.
c) Social exploration
- The child’s own
self, their family, relatives and community.
- Early childhood education
- Some common jobs.
- Famous landscapes,
beauty spots and festivals.
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to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Parts of the human body
Functions of the senses
and some other parts of the human body.
Functions of the senses
and some other parts of the human body.
2. Objects:
Items of daily
living, toys
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Remarkable characteristics
and uses of and how to use some objects and toys.
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- Some simple connections between the composition
and use of familiar objects and toys.
- Compare
similarities and differences between 2 - 3 objects/toys.
- Sort
objects/toys based on 1 - 2 characteristics.
- Compare
similarities and differences between objects/toys and their diversity.
- Sort objects/toys based on 2 - 3
Names, remarkable
characteristics and uses of some familiar vehicles.
Characteristics and uses
of some vehicles and sort them based on 1 - 2 characteristics.
Characteristics and uses
of some vehicles and sort them based on 2 - 3 characteristics.
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- Remarkable
characteristics and benefits of familiar animals, plants, flowers and fruits.
- External
characteristics, benefits and harmful effects of familiar animals, plants,
flowers and fruits to humans.
- Characteristics,
benefits and harmful effects of animals, plants, flowers and fruits.
- Plant and animal development, living
conditions of some plants and animals.
- Compare
similarities and differences between 2 animals, plants, flowers or fruits.
- Compare
similarities and differences between some animals, plants, flowers or fruits.
- Sort
animals, plants, flowers or fruits based on 1 - 2 characteristics.
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- Simple
connection between familiar animals/plants and their habitats.
- Observe
and judge the simple connection between animals/plants and their habitats.
- How to
care for and protect familiar plants and animals.
- How to
care for and protect familiar plants and animals.
4. Some natural phenomena:
Weather, seasons
Sunlight, rain, hot and
cold weather and their impacts on the child’s activities.
Some seasonal weather
phenomena and their impacts on human life.
- Some seasonal
weather phenomena and the order of the seasons.
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Day and night, the
sun, the moon
Some remarkable signs of day and night.
Differences between day
and night.
Differences between day
and night, the sun and the moon.
- Some
water sources in daily life.
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- Water
sources in living environment.
- Benefits
of water to humans, animals and plants.
- Some
characteristics of water.
- Causes
of water pollution and how to protect water sources.
Air, light
Some light sources in
daily life.
Air and light sources
and their necessity for humans, animals and plants.
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Some characteristics of
soil, rocks, sand and gravels.
b) Some basic math concepts
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Sets, quantity, serial numbers and counting
- Count
up to 5 objects and count number without objects as much as the child is able
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- Count up
to 10 objects and count number without objects as much as the child is able
- Know “one” and “multiple”.
- Know numbers, quantity and serial numbers up to
- Know
numbers, quantity and serial numbers up to 10.
- Add 2 groups
of objects together and count it.
- Add
groups of objects together and count it.
- Divide
a group of objects into smaller groups.
- Divide
a group of objects into two smaller groups using different methods.
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2. Matching
Match 1-1, match pairs.
Match related objects
into pairs.
3. Comparison,
arranging according to rules
- Compare
the size of 2 objects.
- Arrange
Compare, identify arrangement rules and arrange according to rules.
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- Create
arrangement rules.
4. Measurement
- Measure
the length of an object using a measurement unit.
- Measure
the length of an object using different measurement units.
- Measure
the length of different objects, compare and present measurement results.
- Measure
volume using a measurement unit.
- Measure
volume of different objects, compare and present measurement results.
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- Recognize
and name the square, triangle, circle and rectangular, and recognize these
shapes in real life.
- Compare
differences and similarities between the square, triangle, circle and
- Recognize
and name the sphere, cube, cuboid and cylinder, and recognize these
3-dimensional shapes in real life.
- Put
geometric shapes together.
- Put
geometric shapes together to create new shapes freely and as requested.
- Create some geometric shapes
using different methods.
6. Spatial and
temporal orientation
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- Identify
an object’s position relative to where the child or another child is (in
front - behind; above - below; left - right).
- Identify
an object’s position (in front - behind; above - below; left - right)
relative to where the child or another child is with an object serving as a
point of reference.
- Know
the morning, noon, afternoon and evening.
- Know
yesterday, today and tomorrow.
- Name
days of the week.
c) Social
to 4 years of age
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5 to 6 years of age
1. The child’s own self,
their family, relatives and community
- The
child’s name, age and gender.
- Names
of their parents and family members. Home address.
- The child’s
full name, age, gender, characteristics of their appearance and likes.
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- Names
and jobs of their parents and family members. Some needs of their family.
Home address.
- The
child’s full name, date of birth, gender, characteristics of their appearance,
likes and their position in their family.
- Family
members, their parents’ jobs; likes of their family members; family size (big
or small). Needs of their family. Home address.
- Name of
their class, name and job of the teacher.
- Names
of their friends, objects, toys and activities in school.
- Name
and address of their school. Names and jobs of their teacher and other staff.
- Full
names and some characteristics of their friends; activities in school.
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- Characteristics
and likes of their friends; activities in school.
2. Some jobs in the society
Names, products and
benefits of some common jobs.
Names, equipment, products,
activities and meanings of some common jobs and local traditional jobs.
3. Famous landscapes,
beauty spots, festivals and cultural events
The national flag, names
of local festivals, beauty spots, famous landscapes and monuments.
characteristics of some local and national monuments, famous landscapes,
beauty spots, festivals and cultural events.
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a) Hearing
- Hear words referring to people, objects,
phenomena, characteristics and activities,
expressive words and general words.
- Hear speech used in daily conversations.
- Hear age-appropriate
stories, poetry and folk poetry.
b) Talking
- Pronounce
Vietnamese morphemes clearly.
- Express their needs,
affection and understanding using different types of sentences.
- Use correct words
and sentences in daily conversations. Answer and ask questions.
- Read poetry and
folk poetry, and tell stories.
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c) Introduction
to reading and writing
- How to use books
and pens.
- Introduction to
some common signs.
- Introduction to
writing and reading
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
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- Understand
words referring to familiar people, objects, actions and phenomena.
- Understand
words referring to characteristics and uses and expressive words.
- Understand
general words and antonyms.
- Understand
and comply with simple requests.
- Understand
and comply with 2-3 requests.
- Understand
and comply with 2-3 successive requests.
- Understand
simple sentences and expanded sentences.
- Understand
simple sentences, expanded sentences and complex sentences.
- Understand
age-appropriate stories that they read or are told to them.
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2. Talking
- Pronounce
Vietnamese morphemes.
- Pronounce
morphemes containing difficult speech sounds.
- Pronounce
morphemes with similar initial and final consonants and tones.
- Express
their needs, affection and understanding using simple sentences and expanded
simple sentences.
- Express
their needs, affection and understanding using simple sentences and compound
- Express
their needs, affection and understanding clearly using different simple
sentences and compound sentences.
- Answer and
ask Who, What, Where and When questions.
- Answer
and ask Who, What, Where, When and What for questions.
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- Ask
Why?, How? and What is… made from? questions.
- Use
words showing respect.
- Use
words showing respect.
- Use
expressive and imagery words.
- Talk
and have gestures and expressions appropriate to the communication
requirements and setting.
- Read
poetry, folk poetry and riddles.
- Retell
stories they have just heard with help.
- Retell
stories they have just heard with help.
- Retell
stories they have just heard in the correct order..
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- Describe
objects, phenomena and pictures.
- Tell
stories with objects/pictures.
- Retell
- Retell
events with multiple details.
- Retell
events in the correct order.
- Role
play according to the teacher's narration.
- Participate
in plays.
3. Introduction to reading and writing
- Familiarize
themselves with some common signs seen in daily life (toilet, exit, dangerous
location, traffic signs: crosswalk sign, etc.).
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- Identify
some alphabetical letters.
- Identify
alphabetical letters.
- Practice
tracing letters.
- Copy some
signs and alphabetical letters; their name.
- View
and have different types of books read to them.
- Familiarize
themselves with how to read and write Vietnamese:
+ Reading/writing
direction: from left to right and downwards.
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- Hold
books the right way, open books, view pictures and “read” stories.
- Distinguish
the start and end of a book.
- “Read”
stories via pictures.
- Preserve
- Preserve
and protect books.
4. Education for emotional and social skills development
a) Emotional development
- Have a sense of
- Recognize and
express their feelings towards people, objects and phenomena around them.
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- Social behaviors
in the family, school and communities familiar to the child and rules thereof.
- Protect the
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Emotional development
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- Have a sense of self
- Name,
age and gender.
- Likes
and dislikes.
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- Likes and
- Likes
and abilities.
- Similarities
and differences between the child and other people.
- Position
and responsibilities of the child in their family and class.
- Perform
assigned tasks (cleaning duty, putting away toys, etc.).
- Do some
activities proactively and independently.
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- Recognize and express
their feelings towards people, objects and phenomena around them.
- Recognize
some emotions (happy, sad, scared, angry) based on facial expressions,
gestures and voices.
- Recognize
some emotions (happy, sad, scared, angry, surprised) based on facial
expressions, gestures, voices and pictures.
- Recognize
some emotions (happy, sad, scared, angry, surprised, embarrassed) based on
facial expressions, gestures, voices, pictures and music.
- Express
emotions through their facial expressions, gestures, voice; games; singing
and movements.
- Express
appropriate emotions through their gestures, voice; games; singing,
movements; drawing, playing with clay and putting shapes together.
- Express
emotions appropriate to another person’s mood in different conversation
- Relationship
between the child’s behaviors and other people’s emotions.
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- Respect
and love Uncle Ho.
- Take
interest in beauty spots and festivals of their hometown and Vietnam.
- Respect
and love Uncle Ho.
- Take interest
in monuments, beauty spots and festivals of their hometown and Vietnam.
2. Social skills
- Social
behaviors and rules thereof
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-Protect the
- Some regulations
in class and in the family (putting objects and toys in appropriate places).
- Some
regulations in class, the family and public (putting objects and toys in
appropriate places; behave when eating and sleeping, walking on the right
side of the road).
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- Wait
for own turn.
- Listen
to other people’s opinions, use polite words and gestures.
- Wait
for own turn, cooperate.
- Listen
to other people’s opinions, use polite and respectful words and gestures.
- Respect,
cooperate and accept.
- Love
their biological siblings and parents.
- Love
and care for family members.
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- Play
with friends nicely.
- Care
for and help friends.
- Care
for, share with and help friends.
- Know
“correct” - “wrong” and “good” - “bad” acts.
- Differentiate
“correct” - “wrong” and “good” - “bad” acts.
- Comment
on and express their feelings about “correct” - “wrong” and “good” - “bad”
- Save
electricity and water.
- Protect
the environment.
Protect and care for animals
and plants.
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Feel and express feelings before the beauty of nature and
life around the child and in artworks.
Some musical (listening, singing, moving to music) and
crafting (drawing, playing with clay, cutting, making torn paper art, putting
shapes together) skills.
Display artistic creativity (music, building shapes).
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
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Express feelings when listening
to emotive sounds and familiar songs and looking at the beauty of objects and
phenomena of nature and life and artworks.
Express suitable
feelings when listening to emotive sounds and familiar songs and looking at
the beauty of objects and phenomena of nature and life and artworks.
Express feelings when
listening to emotive sounds and familiar songs and looking at the beauty of
objects and phenomena of nature and life and artworks.
2. Some musical (listening,
singing, moving to music) and crafting (drawing, playing with clay,
cutting, making torn paper art, putting shapes together) skills
- Hear
songs (children’s songs and folk songs).
- Hear
and recognize different music genres (children’s songs and folk songs).
- Hear and
recognize different music genres (children’s songs, folk songs and classical
- Hear
and recognize emotions (happiness, sadness, passion) portrayed in songs.
- Sing
correct melodies and lyrics.
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- Make
simple movements to songs.
- Move to
the beat rhythmically.
- Move to
the beat rhythmically and express emotions appropriate to songs.
- Play rhythm
instruments to beats and tempos.
- Play
rhythm instruments to slow tempo.
- Play
rhythm instruments to fast, slow and mixed tempos.
- Use raw
materials to create products.
- Combine
different raw and natural materials to create products.
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- Employ
some drawing, molding, cutting, tearing and shape-making skills to create
simple products.
- Employ drawing,
molding, cutting, tearing and shape-making skills to create products with
certain colors, sizes and shapes.
- Combine
drawing, molding, cutting, tearing and shape-making skills to create products
with certain colors, sizes, shapes and arrangements.
- Comment
on crafted products.
- Comment
on the color and shape of crafted products.
- Comment
on the color, shape and arrangement of crafted products.
3. Display artistic
creativity (music, building shapes)
- Move freely
when singing/hearing familiar songs.
- Choose
and make movements to music.
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- Think
of ways to create sounds and move to songs that the child likes.
- Create
lyrics based on the melody of familiar songs (one line or verse).
- Create
simple products freely.
- Select
tools and raw materials to create products freely.
- Find
and select suitable tools and raw materials to create products freely.
- Present
the idea behind the child’s craft.
- Name
their products.
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a) Motor
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Do exercise for muscle
group and respiratory development
Do all steps of an
exercise according to instructions.
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Do all steps of an
exercise correctly and neatly at command.
Do all steps of an
exercise correctly and skillfully at command or following the beats of a
song. Start and end a step on beat.
2. Display basic movement
skills and components of fitness
2.1. Maintain balance while:
- Walking
on a narrow path (3m x 0,2m).
- Walking
3m on tiptoe continuously.
2.1. Maintain balance while:
- Walking
continuously on gym chair or along straight line on the floor.
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2.1. Maintain balance while:
- Walking
up and down a slanted board (2m x 0,30m) with one end elevated to 0,30m.
- Walking
on the gym chair and not dropping object placed on top of head.
Standing on one leg and
keeping body straight for 10 seconds.
2.2. Maintain control while:
- Walking/Running
at different speeds at command.
- Running in zig
zags continuously without straying off (3 - 4 markers).
2.2. Maintain control while:
Walking/Running in zig
zags (4 - 5 markers).
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Walking/Running in
different directions at command (change direction at least 3 times).
2.3 Coordinate hands - eyes
- Throwing
and catching ball with the teacher: catch 3 times without dropping the ball
(2,5 m apart).
- Bouncing
and catching ball 3 consecutive times by themselves (ball with 18cm
2.3 Coordinate hands - eyes
- Throwing
and catching ball with someone standing opposite (teacher/friend): catch 3
times without dropping the ball (3 m apart).
- Throwing
in a goal placed vertically (1,5 m away x 1,2 m high).
- Bouncing and
catching ball 4-5 consecutive times by themselves.
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- Throwing
and catching ball with someone standing opposite (4 m apart).
- Throw
in a goal placed vertically (2 m away x 1,5 m high).
- Walking,
bouncing and catching ball 4-5 consecutive times.
2.4. Do the following general
exercise quickly, strongly and flexibly:
- Run 15
m in a straight line continuously.
- Throw
in a goal placed horizontally (1,5 m away).
- Crawl
on a narrow path without straying off (3 m x 0,4 m).
2.4. Do the following general
exercise quickly, strongly and flexibly:
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- Throw
in a goal lying flat on the ground (2 m away).
- Crawl in zig zags without straying off (3 - 4
markers 2 m apart).
2.4. Do the following general
exercise quickly, strongly and flexibly:
- Run 18
m in a straight line continuously in 10 seconds.
- Throw
in a goal placed vertically (1,5 m high x 2m away).
- Crawl
past 5 - 6 zig zag markers placed 1,5 m apart according to request.
3. Coordinate hands -
fingers and hands - eyes
3.1. Make the following
- Roll
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3.1. Make the following
- Bend -
roll wrists.
- Curl
and straighten fingers.
3.1. Make the following movements:
- Bend
fingers and hands; roll wrists.
- Curl
and straighten fingers one by one.
3.2. Coordinate hands and
fingers in the following activities:
- Draw a
circle following example.
- Cut a
10 cm straight line.
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- Button
and unbutton by themselves.
3.2. Coordinate hands -
fingers and hands - eyes in the following activities:
- Draw
human shapes, houses and trees.
- Cut
straight lines easily.
- Build
with 10 - 12 blocks.
- Braid 2
- Button,
unbutton and tie shoes by themselves.
3.2. Coordinate hands - fingers and hands - eyes in the following
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- Cut the
borders of shapes.
- Stack
12-15 blocks following example.
- Put and
glue cut shapes together following example.
- Button, unbutton, tie shoes, do up shoe straps,
zip and unzip.
c) Nutrition and health education
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
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1.1. Name some familiar foods
correctly when seeing these foods or their pictures (meat, fish, eggs, milk,
vegetables, etc.).
1.1. Know some foods of the
same food group:
- Meat, fish,
etc. have much protein.
Vegetables and ripe fruits
have many vitamins.
1.1 Select some foods when
given a food group:
- Foods
containing much protein: meat, fish, etc.
- Foods
containing many vitamins and mineral salts: vegetables, fruit, etc.
1.2. Know the names of some
daily dishes: fried egg, braised fish, vegetable soup, etc.
1.2. Name some daily dishes
and simple food processing methods: vegetables can be boiled or made into
soup; meat can be boiled, fried or braised; rice can be made into rice or
porridge, etc.
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1.3. Know that eating is
necessary for physical and intellectual development and can eat different
kinds of food to have a balanced diet.
1.3. Can eat different kinds
of food, know that eating cooked food and drinking boiled water is necessary
for health; and that drinking many soft drinks and eating many sweets can
cause obesity and are unhealthy.
2. Do some activities of
daily living independently
2.1. Do some simple tasks with
adult’s support:
- Wash
hands, wipe face, gargle.
- Remove
2.1. Do some tasks when
- Wash
hands with soap independently. Wipe face and brush teeth independently.
- Change
wet or dirty clothes independently.
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2.1. Do some simple tasks:
- Wash
hands with soap independently. Wipe face and brush teeth independently.
- Change
wet or dirty clothes and leave them in their designated place independently.
- Use and
flush the toilet properly.
2.2. Use bowls, spoons and
cups properly.
2.2. Eat with bowls and spoons
2.2. Use eating utensils with
3. Form good daily and
health protecting behaviors and habits
3.1. Have some good eating behaviors
when reminded:
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3.1. Have some good eating
- “Invite”
the teacher and friends to eat; eat calmly and chew thoroughly.
- Agree
to eat vegetables and different kinds of food.
- Not
drink tap water.
3.1. Have some good eating
behaviors and habits:
- “Invite”
the teacher and friends to eat; eat calmly.
- Not
joke around, not spill food.
- Agree
to eat different kinds of food.
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3.2. Have some good hygiene
and disease preventing behaviors when reminded:
- Agree
to practice dental hygiene, wear hat under the sun, wear jacket and socks
during cold weather, wear slippers/shoes when going to school.
- Tell
adults when hurting or bleeding.
3.2. Have some good hygiene
and disease preventing behaviors when reminded:
- Agree
to practice dental hygiene, wear hat under the sun, wear jacket and socks
during cold weather, wear slippers/shoes when going to school.
- Tell
adults when hurting, bleeding, having a fever, etc.
- Use the
toilet properly.
- Dispose
of litter properly.
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- Practice
dental hygiene after eating or before sleeping, after waking up.
- Wear
hat when under the sun; wear warm clothes when it is cold.
- Tell
adults when hurting, bleeding, having a fever, etc.
- Cover
mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Use the
toilet properly.
- Dispose
of litter properly; not spit in class.
4. Know and avoid some
4.1. Know and avoid dangerous
objects (irons, burning stoves, hot water containers, etc.) when reminded.
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4.1. Know and avoid irons,
burning stoves, hot water containers, etc. Know that they should not play
with sharp objects.
4.1. Know that irons, electric
stoves, burning stoves, hot water containers, etc. are dangerous and talk
about the danger posed by such objects; not play with sharp objects.
4.2. Know that they should
avoid dangerous places (ponds, lakes, water containers, wells, lime holes,
etc.) when reminded.
4.2. Recognize lakes, ponds,
ditches, streams, water containers, etc. as dangerous places that they should
not go near.
4.2. Know that lakes, ponds,
water containers, wells, bushes, etc. are dangerous and talk about the danger
posed by these places.
4.3. Know that they should not
do some dangerous actions when reminded:
- Not
laugh or make joke when eating, drinking or consuming stone fruits, etc.
- Not
take medication by themselves.
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- Not
laugh or make joke when eating, drinking or consuming stone fruits, etc.
4.3. Know the risk associated
with eating and how to avoid it:
- Know that
laughing or making joke when eating, drinking or consuming stone fruits can
easily lead to choking, etc.
- Not
climb on tables, chairs and balustrades.
- Know
that they should not play with sharp objects.
- Not
follow strangers out of their school and class.
- Not eat
foul-smelling food; not eat strange fruit, leaves, etc.; not drink alcohol or
coffee; not take medication without adult permission.
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- Know that
they should not take medication by themselves.
- Know
that eating foul-smelling food; or strange leaves or fruit can result in
poisoning; and that alcohol, coffee and tobacco are not good for health.
4.4. Recognize some dangerous
situations and call for help:
- Know
that they should inform an adult in case of emergency such as fire, seeing
someone fall into water, falling and bleeding.
- Know
that they should call for help when lost. Can tell names, home addresses and phone
numbers of family members where necessary.
4.4. Recognize some unsafe
situations and call for help.
- Know
that they should inform an adult in case of emergency such as fire, seeing
someone fall into water, falling and bleeding, etc.
- Know that they should avoid some unsafe
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+ Leave their house, school or
class without adult or teacher permission.
- Know home
address and phone number of family members and that they should ask or call
an adult for help when lost.
4.5. Comply with some safety
regulations in school and public places:
- Go home
immediately after class, not go play by themselves.
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- Not
climb on trees, balconies, fences, etc.
a) Scientific exploration
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Explore characteristics
of objects and phenomena
1.1. Be interested in familiar
objects and phenomena such as by focusing on observing objects and phenomena;
frequently asking questions about matters of interest.
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1.1. Explore objects and
phenomena around them such as by asking questions: Why is there rain?, etc.
1.2. Use the senses to observe
and explore something: look, hear, smell, touch, etc. to identify remarkable
1.2. Use multiple senses to
observe objects and phenomena such as looking, touching, smelling, tasting,
etc. to identify remarkable characteristics.
1.2 . 1.4 Use multiple
senses to observe and discuss about objects and phenomena such as using
different senses to observe leaves, flowers, fruit, etc. and discuss about
their characteristics.
1.3. Do simple experiments
with adult’s support to observe and explore things. E.g., drop an object into
water to know whether it sinks or floats.
1.3. Do experiments and use
simple tools to observe, compare and predict. E.g., add color/sugar/salt into
water and predict, observe and compare.
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1.3. Do experiments and use
simple tools to observe, compare, predict, comment and discuss. E.g., plant
seeds/trees and monitor and compare the growth of watered and unwatered ones.
1.4. Collect information on a
target in different ways with teacher’s suggestion such as reading books,
viewing pictures and talking about the target.
1.4. Collect information on a target
in different ways such as reading books, viewing pictures, commenting and
talking about the target.
1.4. Collect information on a
target in different ways such as reading books, viewing pictures and videos,
talking and discussing about the target.
1.5. Classify objects
according to a remarkable sign.
1.5. Classify objects
according to one or two signs.
1.5. Classify objects
according to different signs.
2. Recognize simple relationship between objects/ phenomena and solve
simple problems
Recognize some simple
relationships between familiar objects/phenomena when asked.
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2.1. Comment on some simple
relationships between familiar objects/phenomena. E.g., “Add more sugar/salt
to make water sweeter/saltier”
2.1. Comment on simple
relationships between familiar objects/phenomena. E.g., “The lid of the cup
has water drops due to hot water evaporation"
2.2. Produce a suitable
solution to a simple problem. E.g., tilt the board further to make a toy car
run faster.
2.2. Produce different
solutions to simple problems.
3. Demonstrate knowledge about things in different ways
3.1. Observe and describe
remarkable characteristics of a thing with teacher’s suggestion.
3.1. Comment on and talk about
characteristics and similarities of and differences between the things being
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3. 2. Show what they have
observed through play, music, shape making, etc. such as:
- Role play (imitate actions of familiar people such as
mom cooking, doctor examining patient, etc.)
- Sing songs about trees, animals, etc.
- Draw, make torn paper art about and/or mold clay into simple
vehicles, toys, objects, plants and animals.
3.2. Demonstrate some
knowledge about things through play, music, shape making, etc. such as:
- Role play with themes of family, health clinic, park
building, etc.
- Sing songs about trees, animals, etc.
- Draw, make torn paper art, put shapes together, etc. to
create trees, animals, etc.
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3.2. Demonstrate some
knowledge about things through play, music, shape making, etc. such as:
- Role play with themes of family, school, hospital, etc.;
imitate movements of animals.
- Sing songs about trees, animals, the rain, the sky, the
moon, the sun, the Earth, etc.
- Draw, make torn paper art about and/or mold clay into
animals, trees, the rain, the sky, the moon, the sun, the Earth, etc.
a) Some basic math concepts
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
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1. Know counting numbers
and quantity
1.1. Be interested in quantity
and counting such as liking to ask about quantity, counting by rote, using
fingers to show quantity.
1.1. Be interested in numbers and quantity such as
liking to count objects around them, asking How many?, What is this number?,
1.1. 1.3. Be interested in
numbers such as liking to talk about numbers and count, asking How many?,
What is this number?, etc.
1.2. Count similar objects and
count to 5.
1.2. Count up to 10 objects.
1.2. 1.7. Count up to 10 objects
and count as much as the child is able to.
1.3. Compare the quantity of
two groups of up to 5 objects in different ways and use the words
“equal", "more" and "less".
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1.3. Compare the
quantity of three groups of up to 10 objects in different ways and use the
words “equal", “most”, "less" and “least”.
1.4. Combine and count two groups of up to 5 objects of the same type.
1.4. Combine and count two
groups of up to 5 objects and announce the result.
1.4. Combine and count
groups of up to 10 objects.
1.5. Divide a group of up to 5
objects into two groups..
1.5. Divide a group of
objects into two smaller groups.
1.5. Divide a group of up to
10 objects into two groups using different ways.
1.6. Use numbers from 1 to 5
to indicate quantity and as ordinal numbers.
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1.7. Recognize meaning of
numbers used in daily life.
1.7. Recognize meaning of
numbers used in daily life.
2. Arrange objects
according to rules
Realize simple
arrangement rules (sample) and copy them.
Realize the arrangement
rule for at least three objects and copy it.
2.1. Know how to arrange
objects in given order.
2.2. Realize arrangement rules
(sample) and copy them.
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3. Compare two objects
Compare the size of two
objects and use the following words: bigger/ smaller; longer/ shorter;
taller/ shorter; and same.
Use tools to measure the
length/capacity of two objects, announce and compare the results.
Use some measurement
tools, compare and announce the results.
4. Recognize shapes
Recognize and name the
circle, square, triangle and rectangular.
4.1. Point out the similarities
and differences between two shapes (circle and triangle, square and
rectangular, etc.).
Name and point out the
similarities and differences between the sphere and the cylinder, the cube
and the cuboid.
4.2. Use different materials
to create simple shapes.
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Use words and actions to
refer to the spatial position of an object compared to the child.
5.1. Use words and actions to
refer to the position of an object compared to another person.
5.1. Use words and actions to
refer to the position of an object compared to a marker.
5.2. Describe events in a day
in chronological order.
5.2. Name days of the
week and seasons correctly.
c) Social
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
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1. Recognize the child’s
own self, their family, class, school and community
1.1. Know their own name, age and gender when asked
or talking.
1.1. Know their
own full name, age and gender when asked or talking.
1.1. Know their own full name, date of birth and
gender when asked or talking.
1.2. Know the names of their parents and family
1.2. Know the full names
and jobs of their parents and family members when asked, talking or seeing a
picture of their family.
1.2. Know the names, ages,
genders and jobs of their family members when asked, talking or seeing a
picture of their family.
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1.3. Know their home
address (house number, street, neighborhood) when asked or talking.
1.3. Know their home
address (house number, street, neighborhood), phone number (if any), etc.
when asked or talking.
1.4. Know the names of
their school/class, teachers, friends, objects and toys in class when asked
or talking.
1.4. Know the name and
address of their school/class when asked or talking.
1.4. Know the name and
address and describe some remarkable characteristics of their school/class
when asked or talking.
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1.5. Know the names and
work of their teachers and staff of their school when asked or talking.
1.6. Know the names and
some characteristics of their classmates when asked or talking.
1.6. Know the names and
characteristics of their classmates when asked or talking.
2. Know some local common
jobs and traditional jobs
Name products of
agriculture, construction, etc. when asked or viewing a picture.
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List characteristics
of and differences between some jobs. E.g., say “Farming produces rice,
building creates new houses, etc.”
3. Know some festivals,
famous landscapes and beauty spots
3.1. Name
some festivals such as academic year opening ceremony, Mid Autumn Festival, etc.
when talking or viewing pictures.
3.1. Name some festivals
and talk about their features.
3.1. Name some festivals and talk about remarkable activities of
festivals. E.g., say “On Independence Day (September 2nd), my neighborhood
hangs the flag, my parents have a day off and take me to the park, etc.”.
3.2. Name some local famous landscapes and beauty
3.2. Name some local beauty spots and monuments and talk about
their features.
3.2. Name some famous landscapes,
beauty spots and monuments of their hometown and Vietnam and talk about their
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to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
1. Understand speech
1.1. Comply with simple
requests such as “Take a ball and throw it into the basket.”.
1.1. Comply with 2-3 requests
consecutively. E.g., "Take the red circle and attach it onto the yellow
1.1. Comply with requests in
group activities. E.g., “Those whose names start with a T stand to the right,
those whose names start with an H stand to the left.”.
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1.2. Understand general words
such as vegetables, animals, woodworks, etc.
Understand general words such
as vehicles, animals, plants, objects (domestic appliances, stationery,
1.3. Hear and answer questions
of a conversation partner.
1.3. Listen to and converse
with a conversation partner.
1.3. Listen to and comment on
the opinions of a conversation partner.
2. Use speech in daily life
2.1. Pronounce morphemes
2.1. Pronounce words clearly
so that the listener can understand.
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2.2. Use common words
referring to familiar objects, activities, characteristics, etc.
2.2. Use words referring to
objects, activities, characteristics, etc.
2.2. Use words referring to
objects, activities, characteristics, etc. as suitable for the context.
2.3. Use simple sentences and
compound sentences.
2.3. Use simple sentences,
compound sentences, affirmative sentences and negative sentences.
2.3. Use simple sentences,
compound sentences, affirmative sentences, negative sentences, imperative
sentences, etc.
2.4. Retell simple events that
they experienced such as visiting grandparents, watching a movie, etc.
2.4. Retell events in the correct
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2.5. Recite poems, folk poems,
2.5. Recite poems, folk poems,
2.5. Read poems, folk poems,
etc. with emotions.
2.6. Retell simple stories
with adult’s support.
2.6. Tell stories with opening
and ending.
2.6. Tell stories while
changing some details such as character’s name, ending, adding or removing an
event, etc.
2.7. Imitate characters'
2.7. Imitate the voices and
bearings of characters in stories.
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2.8. Use "vâng",
"ạ", "dạ", "thưa", etc. (words showing respect)
in conversation.
2.8. Say thank you, sorry,
etc. in conversation
2.8. Say thank you, sorry,
“thưa”, “dạ”, “vâng”, etc. as appropriate to the context.
2.9. Speak audibly, not
2.9. Adjust the volume of
their voice as appropriate to the situation when reminded.
2.9. Adjust the volume of
their voice as appropriate to the situation.
3. Introduction to reading
and writing
3.1. Ask other people to read
books to them, open books to view pictures by themselves.
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3.1. Choose books to “read”
and view.
3.2. Look at illustrations and
say the names of the characters.
3.2. Describe actions of
characters in pictures.
3.2. Tell stories based on
illustrations and their experience.
3.3. Hold books correctly and
open each page to view pictures. "Read" books based on
3.3. Know how to “read” from
left to right, from top to bottom and from the first page to the last page.
3.4. Recognize common signs in
daily life such as signs for toilet, no fire, dangerous place, etc.
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3.5. Recognize letters of the
Vietnamese alphabet.
3.3. Like to draw and “write”
3.5. "Write” their name, train
tickets, congratulations cards, etc. using signs.
3.6. Paint and trace
letters, copy some signs, alphabetical letters and their name.
to 4 years of age
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to 6 years of age
1. Show a sense of self
1.1. Say their own name, age
and gender.
1.1. Say the names, ages and
genders of themselves and their parents.
1.1. Say the full names, ages
and genders of themselves and their parents, home address or phone number.
1.2. Say what they like and
1.2. Say what they like,
dislike and can do.
1.2. Say what they like,
dislike, can do and cannot do.
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1.3. Tell the similarities and
differences between themselves and their friends (appearance, gender, likes
and abilities).
1.4. Know that they are
a child/ grandchild/ sibling in their family.
1.5. Obey and help their
parents and teachers within their ability.
2. Show confidence and
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2.1. Choose toys and games that they like.
2.1. Do some simple daily
activities (personal hygiene, cleaning duty, playing, etc.).
2.2. Try to perform simple
tasks assigned (dividing drawing papers, putting away toys, etc.).
2.2. Try to complete assigned
tasks (cleaning duty, putting away toys).
2.2. Try to complete assigned tasks by themselves.
3. Recognize and express their
feelings towards people, objects and phenomena around them
3.1. Recognize happiness,
sadness, fear and anger based on facial expressions, voices and pictures.
3.1. Recognize happiness,
sadness, fear, anger and surprise based on facial expressions, voices,
gestures and pictures.
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3.2. Express happiness,
sadness, fear and anger.
3.2. Express some emotions
such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger and surprise.
3.2. Express some emotions
such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and embarrassment.
Console and share good news with
family members and friends.
3.3. Recognize Uncle Ho.
3.3. Recognize Uncle Ho and
Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum.
3.4. Recognize Uncle Ho and
some locations related to Uncle Ho’s activities (residence, workplace, etc.).
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3.4. Like to hear stories and
songs, read poems and view pictures about Uncle Ho.
3.4. Express affection for
Uncle Ho through singing, reading poems and telling stories about Uncle Ho
with the teacher.
3.5. Express affection for
Uncle Ho through singing, reading poems and telling stories about Uncle Ho
with the teacher.
3.5. Know some beauty spots
and festivals of their hometown and Vietnam.
3.6. Know some beauty spots,
monuments, festivals and some traditional cultural features (costumes, food,
etc.) of their hometown and Vietnam.
4. Social behaviors and
rules thereof
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4.1. Comply with some
regulations in class and the family: putting toys away properly after
playing, not making noises during nap time and listening to their parents and
4.1. Comply with some
regulations in class, the family and public: putting toys away properly after
playing, not making noises in public, listening to their parents,
grandparents and siblings, and asking permission when going out to play.
4.2. Greet, say thank you and sorry, etc. when reminded.
4.2. Say thank you and sorry,
greet politely.
4.2. Say thank you and sorry,
greet politely.
4.3. Pay attention when the
teacher or a friend is speaking.
4.3. Pay attention when the
teacher or a friend is speaking.
4.3. Pay attention when the teacher
or a friend is speaking and not interrupt someone when they are speaking.
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4.4. Wait until their turn.
4.4. Play with friends when
playing games in a small group.
4.5. Discuss and negotiate
with friends when doing activities together (playing, cleaning duty, etc.).
4.5. Listen to opinions,
discuss, negotiate and share experience with friends.
4.6. Find solutions to
conflicts (talking, asking other people to intervene, agree to concede).
5. Protect the environment
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5.1. Like to observe nature and take care of plants.
5.1. Like to take care of
familiar plants and animals.
5.2. Dispose of litter
5.2. Dispose of litter properly.
5.2. Dispose of litter
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5.3. Remind other people to
protect the environment (not litter around, break tree branches, pick
flowers, etc.).
5.4. Not let water spill over the
sink when washing hands, turn off fans and power when leaving a room.
5.4. Be thrifty in daily life:
turn off power and fans when leaving a room, turn off the tap after using,
not leave leftover food.
to 4 years of age
to 5 years of age
to 6 years of age
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1.1. Be happy, clap and express
their feeling when hearing emotive sounds and looking at the remarkable
beauty of objects and phenomena.
1.1. Be happy, clap, imitate
and use emotive words to express their feeling when hearing emotive sounds
and looking at the remarkable beauty of objects and phenomena.
1.1. Praise, explore, imitate
sounds and bearings and use emotive words to express their feeling when
hearing emotive sounds and looking at the remarkable beauty of objects and
1.2. Listen with focus and like
to sing along, clap and move to music and songs.
1.2. Listen with focus and like to sing along, clap and move to music
and songs.
Listen with focus and respond
with emotions (sing along, move and dance suitable) to music. and songs.
1.3. Be happy, point at,
touch, look and express their feeling before the remarkable beauty (color,
shape, etc.) of craftworks.
1.3. Like, look, point at,
touch and use emotive words to express their feeling before the remarkable
beauty (color, shape, etc.) of craftworks.
1.3. Like, look and use emotive words to express their feeling about
craftworks (color, shape, layout, etc.).
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2.1. Sing naturally, sing
melodies of familiar songs.
2.1. Sing correct melodies and
lyrics, sing lyrics clearly and express emotions of songs through their
voice, facial expression and gesture.
2.1. Sing correct melodies and
lyrics, express emotions of songs through their voice, facial expression,
gesture, etc.
2.2. Move to the beat (clap to
the beat, move to music).
2.2. Move to the beat
rhythmically and perform (clap to the beat, dance).
2.2. Move rhythmically as appropriate
to the emotions and beats of songs and perform (clap to the beat, dance).
2.3. Use raw materials to
create suggested products.
2.3. Combine raw materials to
create products.
2.3. Combine and choose different
raw and natural materials to create products.
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2.4. Combine vertical,
diagonal, vertical and curved lines to create paintings with color and
2.4. Combine drawing skills to
create paintings with harmonious colors and layout.
2.5. Tear paper into strips
and scraps to create simple products.
2.5. Tear and cut paper into
straight, curved, etc. strips to create products with color and layout.
2.5. Combine cutting, tearing
and gluing skills to create artworks with harmonious colors and layout.
2.6. Roll clay into strips and
balls and flatten clay to create products with 1 or 2 blocks.
2.6. Make holes in clay,
flatten, curve and sharpen clay to create intricate products.
2.6. Combine clay molding
skills to create products with harmonious layout.
2.7. Stack high, stack side by
side and stack apart to create products with simple structure.
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2.7. Combine skills in putting
shapes together to create products with harmonious shapes, colors and layout.
2.8. Comment on crafted
2.8. Comment on the color, line
and shape of crafted products.
2.8. Comment on the color,
shape and layout of crafted products.
3. Display artistic
creativity (music, building shapes)
3.1. Move freely to familiar
3.1. Choose and make movements
to music.
3.1. Think of ways to create
sounds, move and sing to songs that the child likes.
3.2. Choose and play an
instrument to tempo.
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3.2. Create simple crafted
products freely.
Express their ideas and create
simple crafted products freely.
3.3. Name crafted products.
3.4. Name crafted products.
1. Play
Play is the main activity of senior kindergarten children. The children
can play the following types of simple games:
- Themed role play.
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- Dramatic plays.
- Learning games.
- Physical games.
- Folk games.
- Play with modern gadgets.
2. Learning
Learning shall be organized with intention, according to plans and with
direct instruction from the teacher. Learning in senior kindergartens mostly
takes the form of play.
3. Working
Senior kindergarten children work not to create products but to learn.
Working for senior kindergarten children include independent activities of
daily living, cleaning duty and group work.
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These activities help form some good daily habits, fulfill the child’s biological
needs and make the child feel happy and comfortable.
1. Based on the educational content and purpose, educational activities
may be organized in the following ways:
- Organize activities according to the teacher's intention and children's
- Organize festivals and celebrations of holidays and important events in
the year that are related to children, are educationally meaningful and bring
happiness to children (Mid Autumn's Festival, celebration of the first day of
school, Lunar New Year, the child’s birthday, Women's Day (March 8), Children's
Day (June 1), Graduation Day, etc.).
2. Based on location, educational activities may be organized in the
following ways
- Room activities.
- Outdoor activities.
3. Based on number of children, educational activities may be organized
in the following ways:
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- Group activities.
- Class activities.
1. Experiential learning
- Interact with objects and toys: the child uses and coordinates their
senses to interact with objects and toys according to the teacher’s instruction
(hold, touch, open, close, stack, thread, etc.) so as to develop their senses
and practice thinking.
- Play games: organize games with appropriate play elements to encourage
the child to play voluntarily and take an interest in actively performing
cognitive tasks and educational tasks assigned.
- Present problems: present specific problems to encourage the child to
explore and think based on what they know to solve them.
- Practice: the child repeats movements,
speech and gestures according to the teacher’s request to boost knowledge and
skill retention.
2. Visual - demonstration method (observe, demonstrate)
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3. Verbal method
Use language in different ways
(conversation, storytelling, explanation) to deliver information to the child,
stimulate their thinking, encourage them to share their ideas and feelings and
remind them of images and events with words. The teacher should use sentences
and questions that are short, specific and relevant to the child's experience.
4. Emotional impact and encouragement method
This method employs gestures in combination with
appropriate language to encourage the child to be active, bring happiness to
them and gain their trust while they participate in activities.
5. Assessment and example method
- Provide examples: praise and reprimand the child suitably at the right
time and in the right place. This method mostly involves commendation but it
should not be overdone.
- Assessment: adults and friends express their approval or disapproval
towards the child’s actions and gestures and give comments or let the child
make their own comment depending on each specific situation. Do not use
punishments that affect the child's physiological and psychological
1. Physical environment
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- Decorate the classroom in an
aesthetic, friendly and education-appropriate manner.
- Provide diverse objects, toys and raw materials that are appealing to
- Arrange objects and toys in a safe, suitable and education-appropriate
- Have eating and sleeping areas that meet requirements.
- Organize activity areas in a suitable, flexible and open way (fixed or
movable), enabling children to choose and use objects/toys and participate in
activities easily while facilitating teacher’s observation.
- Activity areas of children include a role play area; shape making area;
library (books, pictures); building area; natural and scientific exploration
area; music area and quiet rest area. The rest area shall be located far away
from noisy areas. Activity areas shall have simple names that are suitable for
their respective themes and introduce children to writing.
b) Environment
for outdoor activity, including:
- Playground and outdoor play equipment.
- Play area with sand, soil, gravels and water.
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2. Social environment
- The care and education environment in early childhood education
institutions must ensure psychological safety and facilitate social skills
development of children.
- Children
have many chances to communicate, showing the friendly relationship between
children and between a child and people around them.
- Teachers must have appropriate behaviors, gestures, words and attitudes
towards their students and other people to set examples for their students.
Child development assessment is a process
where information on each child is collected systematically, analyzed and
compared with the expected outcomes of the curriculum to monitor the child’s
development and revise the care and education plan.
1. Assessment purposes
Assess daily physiological and psychological development of the child
during activities to detect positive or negative behaviors and promptly revise
the care and education plan for the child.
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- Health condition.
- Attitude, mood and behaviors.
- Knowledge and skills.
3. Assessment methods
Use one or more than one of the following methods to assess the child:
- Observe.
- Talk with the child.
- Give situations.
- Assess via assignments.
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- Talk with the child’s parents.
On a daily basis, the
teacher shall observe the child during their activities, record remarkable
progresses and noteworthy matters into the education plan book or the class’s
diary to revise the education plan and measure.
1. Assessment purposes
Determine the child’s achievement in each development area upon
completion of a learning topic and at each stage, which serves as the basis for
revision of the care and education plans for the topic and the next stage.
2. Assessment items
Assess the level of physical, cognitive, language, emotional - social
skills and aesthetic development of the child upon completion of a learning
topic and at each stage.
3. Assessment methods
Use one or more
than one of the following methods to assess the child:
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- Talk with the child.
- Give situations.
- Assess via assignments.
- Analyze products from the child’s activities.
- Talk with the child’s parents.
The teacher shall record the assessment results into the child’s file.
4. Time and basis of assessment
- Assess upon completion of a learning topic based on the objectives of
the topic.
- Assess at the end of each stage (end of 3,
4 and 5 years of age) based on the child's development indicators.
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Based on the early childhood education curricula
promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, Departments of Education
and Training and district-level education and training authorities shall provide
early childhood education institutions with guidelines for formulation of the
academic year plan and curricula adoption as appropriate to the situation in
each locality.
Based on the early childhood education curricula, teachers
shall proactively formulate an education plan suitable for their classes, their
students’ capacity and the situation of the localities where their schools are
Content of educational topics shall be delivered mostly by
integrating with familiar themes via diverse activities that are suitable for
the children and the situation in each locality.
Teachers shall regularly monitor and assess the
development of their students and review objectives and expected outcomes of
the curricula to ensure that the activity plans are suitable for the
development of each individual child and the whole class.
Teachers shall detect their students’ talent, facilitate
development thereof and pay attention to early intervention and inclusive
Early childhood education institutions shall closely
cooperate with families and communities in providing the best care and
education for children.