Independence – Freedom - Happiness
No.: 45/2011/TT-BGDDT
Hanoi, October 11, 2011
Pursuant to the Education Law dated June 14,
2005; the Law amending and supplementing some Articles of the Education Law dated
November 25, 2009;
Pursuant to the Decree No.178/2007/ND-CP dated
December 03, 2007 of the Government regulating functions, duties, powers and
organizational structure of ministries, ministerial-level agencies;
Pursuant to the Decree No.32/2008/ND-CP dated
March 19, 2008 of the Government regulating functions, duties, powers and
organizational structure of Ministry of Education and Training;
Pursuant to the Decree No.75/2006/ND-CP dated
August 02, 2006 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of
some Articles of the Education Law; the Decree No.31/2011/ND-CP dated May 11, 2011
of the Government amending and supplementing some Articles of Decree
No.75/2006/ND-CP dated August 02, 2006 of the Government detailing and guiding
the implementation of some Articles of the Law on Education;
At the proposal of the Director of Testing
and Education Quality Appraisal,
Minister of Education and Training decides:
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This Circular takes effect as from November 26, 2011.
Chief Office, Director of Testing and Education Quality
Appraisal, heads of concerned units under the Ministry of Education and
Training, Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and cities directly
under the Central Government, directors of Departments of education and
training are responsible for the implementation of this Circular./.
Nguyen Thi Nghia
(Issued together Circular No.: 45/2011/TT-BGDDT dated October 11, 2011 of
Minister of Education and Training)
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1. Scope of governing and application subjects
1. This document defines
on process and and cycle of quality appraisal of preschool education, including
self-assessment of preschool; registration for external assessment and
registration for accreditation of achieving standards of quality preschool education;
external assessment of preschools; accreditation of preschool achieving
standards of education quality and grant of certificates of education quality
2. This document
applies to the preschools, kindergartens and baby-farming houses (hereinafter
referred to as pre-schools) of all categories in the national education system,
concerned organizations and individuals.
2. Interpretation of terms
In this document, the
following terms below are construed as follows:
1. Quality
appraisal of preschool education means the assessment of preschools
(including self-assessment and external assessment) to determine the level that
schools may meet the standards of education quality assessment and accreditation
of the schools achieving the standards of quality education of the state
management agencies.
2. Self-assessment
of preschool means the activities of self review, self inspection,
and self evaluation of the preschools according to the standards of education
quality assessment.
3. External
assessment of preschool means the assessment activity of the State
management agencies in order to determine the level of achieving the standards
of quality assessment of preschool education.
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Appraisal of quality
of preschool education is to help the schools to determine the levels of meeting
educational objectives in each stage, to develop improvement plans, improve the
quality of care for and educating children; to inform publicly with the social
and state management agencies on the status of educational quality of the schools;
to let the state management agencies evaluate and accredit the schools
achieving standards of education quality.
4. Appraisal principles of preschool education quality
1. Independence,
objectiveness and lawfulness.
2. Honesty, openness
and transparency.
5. Process and cycle of quality appraisal of preschool education
1. Process of
appraising preschool education quality is as follows:
a) Self-Assessment of
b) Registration for
external assessment and registration for accreditation achieving standards of
preschool education quality;
c) External
assessment of preschool;
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2. Cycle of
appraising preschool education quality
a) Cycle of
appraising preschool education quality is 5 years from the date of signing the
decision to issue certificates of education quality appraisal;
b) Preschools that
achieve grade 1 as prescribed in Article 14 of this Regulation, after at least
2 years, are registered for assessment for upgrading to level 2.
6. Process of self-assessment
1. To establish a
council of self-assessment.
2. To build up the
self-evaluation plan.
3. To collect, handle
and analyze information and evidence.
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5. To write
self-assessment report.
6. To publicize the self-assessment
7. Council of self-assessment
1. Principal shall
make decision to establish a council of self-assessment of preschool. A council
of self-assessment comprises of at least 5 members.
2. Composition of the
council of self-assessment comprises of:
a) Chairman of
council is the principal of the school;
b) Vice-chairman of council
is the vice principal of the school;
c) Secretary of
council is the secretary of school council, or school’s qualified teacher;
d) The members
include representatives of the school council for public schools or management board
for private schools; the heads of expertise groups, heads of office groups;
representatives of the Party committee (if any) and other organizations,
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1. The council of
self-assessment has a function of implementing self-assessment and advising the
principal on the measures to improve the quality of the school activities.
2. Duties and powers
of the council of self-assessment
a) The council of
self-assessment is responsible for setting up the self-assessment plan; collecting
information and evidence, writing self-evaluation report; publicizing the
self-assessment report; storing database on self-assessment of the school;
b) The Chairman of
council is responsible for operating the Council's activities, assign tasks to
each member; approving self-evaluation plan; and setting up a group of secretariat
and the working groups to implement activities of self-evaluation; directing
the process of collecting, processing, analyzing information and evidence;
approving self-assessment report; solving the problems arising in the process
of implementing self-assessment;
c) Vice-chairman of
the council performs the tasks assigned by the council’s chairman, executes the
council as authorized by the chairman;
d) The council’s
secretary, the council’s members are responsible for performing the works assigned
by the council’s chairman and take responsibility for the assigned works.
3. The council of
self-assessment may request the principal to hire consultants to help the
council to implement self-evaluation if necessary. The consultants have to deep
knowledge of education quality appraisal and techniques of self-assessment.
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Dossiers of
registration for external assessment and registration for accreditation of
achieving quality standards of preschool education include:
1. Official dispatch
for registration for external assessment and registration for accreditation of
achieving education quality standards.
2. Self-Assessment
Report (2 copies).
10. Receipt and inspection of dossiers of registration for external assessment
and registration for accreditation of achieving quality standards of preschool
1. Offices of
education and training of districts, towns, and provincial cities (hereinafter
referred to as Offices of education and training) shall:
a) Receive and
examine dossiers of registration for external assessment and registration for
accreditation of achieving education quality standards of the preschools, notify
in writing to the preschools that dossiers are accepted or required to continue
to improve;
b) Submit dossiers of
registration for external assessment and registration for accreditation of
achieving education quality standards of the preschools that have been accepted
to the Department of education and training.
2. Departments of
Education and Training are responsible for receiving, inspecting dossiers of
registration for external assessment and registration for accreditation of
achieving education quality standards of the preschools from the Offices of
education and training, notifying in writing to the Offices of education and
training that dossiers are accepted or required to continue to improve.
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11. Process of external assessment
1. To research dossier
of assessment.
2. To survey preliminarily
in the preschool.
3. To survey officially
survey in the preschool.
4. To draft external assessment
5. To collect
feedback of the preschool on the draft of external assessment report.
6. To complete the
external assessment report.
12. The team of preschool external assessment
1. The organizational
structure of the preschool external assessment team
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a) Team leader is the
principal or vice principal of the preschool;
b) The secretary and the
members of the team are managers, preschool’s teachers having experience in
implementing education quality assessment.
2. Standards of the
external assessment team’s members: have good moral character, honesty and
objectivity; not working for the preschool to be externally assessed in the
past and present; have at least 5 years of experience in the education sector,
have completed the training program on external assessment organized by the
Ministry of Education and Training or a unit to be authorized by the Ministry
of Education and Training.
3. The mission of the
external assessment team
a) The external
assessment team is responsible for survey, evaluation and determination of the level
that pre-school may meet the criterion in the standard of assessing the quality
of education; the request for accrediting or not accrediting the preschool
achieving the standard of education quality;
b) The team head is responsible
for executing the activities of the external assessment team and assigning
tasks to members;
c) Secretary prepares
the reports, minutes, synthesizes external assessments, and helps the team head
to deploy the external assessment activities;
d) Other members
perform the tasks assigned by the team head.
4. The external assessment
team shall keep secret all information related to job content and evaluation
result before the official result is sent to preschool to be externally
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1. The draft of assessment
report must be sent to the pre-school to be evaluated externally for
consultation. Within 10 working days after receiving the draft of assessment
report, if the pre-school has no feedback, it is considered as agreed.
2. Within 10 working
days after receiving the feedback of the pre-school to be evaluated externally,
the external assessment team shall send written notice to the preschool the
opinions to be accepted or reserved. In case of reserving their opinions, the
external assessment team must clearly state the reason.
3. Official external
assessment report of the preschool is posted up to the website of department of
the education and training.
14. Accreditation of preschool achieving standards for education quality
1. The preschools are
evaluated and accredited achievement of standards of education quality according
to standards of evaluating preschool education quality, issued together with
Circular No.07/2011/TT-BGDDT dated February 17, 2011 of Minister of Education
and Training.
2. Preschools are accredited
achievement of standards of education quality by two levels:
a) Level 1: Preschools
have at least the following criterion meeting the requirements:
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- Standard 2 comprises
of the following criterion: 1, 2, 3.
- Standard 3 comprises
of the following criterion: 3, 6.
- Standard 4 comprises
of the criterion: 1.
- Standard 5 comprises
of the following criterion: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
b) Level 2: Preschools
have at least 80% of criterion meeting the requirements, which must meet the
criterion defined at level 1.
3. The criterion is
accredited as satisfactory when all the indicators of criteria are satisfactory.
15. Grant of certificates of the appraisal of education quality and publication
of the results of the appraisal of preschool education quality
1. Based on the results
of external assessment, within 15 working days, the directors of departments of
education and training submit dossiers to request the Presidents of People’s Committees
of provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as the
provincial-level president of People's Committees) for making decision to grant
certificates of the appraisal of education quality for preschool.
2. Dossier of
application for granting certificates of the appraisal of education quality
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b) The external assessment
report of preschool.
3. Within 15 working
days, the President of the provincial-level People's Committee makes decision on
granting certificate of the appraisal of education quality for preschool. Form
of certificate of education quality appraisal is under the Appendix of this
4. The result of
preschool education quality appraisal is publicly available on the websites of
the departments of education and training.
16. Revocation of certificate of education quality appraisal
1. Where a
certificate of education quality appraisal is still valid but the pre-school is
no longer to meet the standards of education quality assessment, the
certificate of education quality appraisal shall be revoked.
2. Within 10 working
days after the conclusion of the education management agency is asserted that preschool
is no longer to meet the standards of education quality assessment, director of
department of education and training completes dossier and submits to President
of the provincial-level People's Committee for making decision to withdraw its the
certificate of education quality appraisal.
3. Dossier of
application for revocation of the certificate of education quality appraisal includes:
a) The statement of
the director of department of education and training;
b) The written conclusion
of education management agency.
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17. The responsibility of departments of education and training
1. To build up the
plans to appraise preschool education quality, guide, direct, inspect and
supervise district-level sections of education and training to appraise the
quality of preschool education in accordance with provisions of the Ministry of
Education and Training.
2. To organize the
professional training for the units and individuals performing the appraisal of
preschool education quality.
3. Periodically,
report to the President of provincial-level People's Committee, Ministry of
Education and Training the number of pre-schools completed self-evaluation
report, the number of preschools to be accepted external assessment, external
assessment plan, external assessment results and activities related to the appraisal
of preschool education quality for guidance, direction, examination, inspection
and supervision.
18. The responsibility of district-level sections of education and training
1. To build up the
plans to appraise preschool education quality, guide, direct, supervise and
inspect the preschools on the implementation of documents related to pre-school
education quality appraisal issued by departments of education and training,
Ministry of Education and Training.
2. To monitor the
pre-schools that have been accredited or have not been accredited achieving
standards of education quality in implementing plans to improve the quality of
education formulated in the self-assessment report and the recommendations of
the external assessment team to overcome their existences, continue to improve
the quality of education.
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19. Responsibilities of the preschools
1. To perform
self-assessment process under this Regulation.
2. To perform the quality
improvement plans formulated in the self-assessment report and the
recommendations of the external assessment team.
3. To prepare
completely dossiers, data related to school’s activities, other necessary conditions
to serve the external assessment; reply timely the opinions on draft external assessment
4. To strengthen and
promote the results of appraising the preschool education quality, and
constantly improve; innovate the quality of education.
20. Funds for operation
1. Operation of
appraising preschool education quality is done by state funds and assistant resources
of domestic, abroad organizations and individuals under the current regulations
of the State Budget Law and the other relevant provisions.
2. Every year, Departments
of education and training and district-level sections of education and training
establish state funds to spend for the activities of appraising preschool
education quality./.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66