Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, 14 July 2009
Pursuant to the Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP
dated 22/4/2008 of the Government on management of security service business;
Pursuant to Decree No. 136/2003/ND-CP dated
14/11/2003 of the Government defining the functions, duties, power and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security;
The Ministry of Public Security guides the
implementation of some articles of Decree No. 22/4/2008 of the Government on
management of security service business (hereafter referred to as Decree No.
52/2008/ND-CP) as follows:
1. The scope of security service business
permitted to do in accordance with the provisions in Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP
and guidelines in this Circular includes:
1. Scope of security service business
permitted to do.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b) The protection services of assets, goods,
houses, business production establishments, head offices of bodies and
organizations including the safety protection activities of assets, goods
(including asset and goods delivery), houses, business production
establishments, head offices of bodies and organizations under agreements in
c) The order and security protection services
of sports, entertainment and festivals activities including the safety
protection, maintenance of security and order for such activities under
agreements in contract;
2. The establishment and registration of
business and all security service activities must be done in accordance with
the provisions of Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP and guidelines in this Circular and
other laws.
1. For domestic organizations and
individuals, the provisions in Clause 1 and 2, Article 9 of Decree No.
52/2008/ND-CP must be complied;
2. In case of association with foreign
security service enterprises, the provisions in Clause 5, Article 3 and Clause
3, Article 9 of Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP, the provisions of Investment Law 2005
and the guiding documents must be complied; at the same time, the dossier for
establishment and registration of security service business must have the
following papers and documents:
a) Certification of technology and science
management body from provincial level or higher level certifying that the
foreign equipment used for association with domestic enterprises is the one
with high tech requirements Vietnam has not yet manufactured.
b) Documents evidencing such foreign
enterprises are the ones which are specialized in security service business and
do not carry out any other activities;
c) Documents evidencing such foreign
enterprises have their capital and total asset value from USD 500,000 or more
and have the continuous business activities from five years or more as of the
date of association registration with domestic enterprises.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Dossier and procedures to request the
issue of Certificate of eligibility for security and order
a) For enterprises:
- Present the original and submit the enterprises’
photocopied Certificate of business registration or investment Certificate and
- Curriculum vitae (with photo and
certification of communal People’s Committee of the residence) stating that
they have had previous conviction and previous offence or not or been applied
by other administrative sanctioning measures as stipulated by the Ordinance on
sanction of administrative violation or are under prosecution, investigation,
prosecution and criminal adjudication, are serving the execution of non-custodial
reform, ban on residence, probation, suspended sentence or are banned from
practice of security service business; notarized and certified copy of
documents: college or university degree; decision on retirement, demobilization
or resignation (if any) and the criminal record of the enterprise leadership
and management specified in Clause 1, Article 11 of Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP.
- The person sent by enterprise for contact
must present the valid identity card or passport; in case of foreigner, present
the valid passport or valuable paper for substitute of passport and submit the
photocopied temporary residence card or permanent resident card.
b) For branch and representative office:
- Curriculum vitae (with photo and
certification of communal People’s Committee of the residence) stating that
they have had previous conviction and previous offence or not or been applied
by other administrative sanctioning measures as stipulated by the Ordinance on
sanction of administrative violation or are under prosecution, investigation,
prosecution and criminal adjudication, are serving the execution of
non-custodial reform, ban on residence, probation, suspended sentence or are
banned from practice of security service business of the head of branch and
representative office.
- Present the original, submit the
photocopied Certificate of operation registration, Certificate of eligibility
for security and order and official recommendation letter of enterprise.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Authority to issue Certificate of
eligibility for security and order
a) The Police Department on administrative
management of social order shall
receive and deal with the issue of Certificate of eligibility for
security and order to the enterprises with foreign investment capital and the
enterprises permitted to provide the training of security guard as stipulated
under Point b, Clause 2, section VII of this Circular and the branches and
offices directly under such enterprises;
b) The Police Division on administrative
management of social order of
Police of provinces and centrally-run cities shall receive dossiers and handle
the issue of Certificate of eligibility for security and order to
the enterprises doing the security service business and the branches and
offices directly under such enterprises at localities (except for the
enterprises under the management authority of the Police Department on administrative management of
3. The time limit for the issue of
Certificate of eligibility for security and order
Within 07 working days after receipt of valid
dossier, the police body receiving the dossier shall review it and handle the
issue of Certificate of eligibility for security and order to the enterprise
(under the form BV1 issued with this Circular) or reply in writing to the
enterprise stating the reasons in case of ineligibility for the issue of
4. The fees for the issue of Certificate of
eligibility for security and order shall comply with the provisions of the
Ministry of Finance.
1. Implement, guide, urge and inspect the
security guards in compliance with the provisions of Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP
and guidelines in this Circular and other relevant laws during the time to do
the security service business.
2. Implement the monthly reporting regulation
(under the form BV2 issued with this Circular) to the Police body issuing the
Certificate within 05 days, from the end date of month; for enterprises
associated with foreign enterprises and the enterprises permitted to provide
the training of security guards, make report to the Police Division on administrative management of
order where the enterprise’s head office is located. In case of sudden
occurrence of incidents related to the security and order, notify the nearest
Police body for timely settlement.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
One day prior to the official implementation
of the contract of security or rotation of security guards, the enterprises,
branches and representative offices must give a written notice (enclosed with
the list of employees working at the protection targets) to the Police Division on administrative management of
order and the Police of communes, wards and towns where there are the
protection targets.
Each protection target must have a person in
charge to report and coordinate with the police body where there are the protection
4. Abide by the decision of Director of
Police of provinces
and centrally-run cities on mobilizing the security guards to strengthen the
security and order assurance in case of necessity as prescribed by law.
1. Types of equipped assistive tools and
procedures and authority to issue the Permit for purchase of assistive tools.
The security service enterprises are equipped
with the types of assistive tools such as: rubber stick, iron stick, rubber rod
and electric rod. Based on the number of security guard and practical needs,
the enterprises shall submit document to the Police body issuing the
Certificate of eligibility for security and order to request the issue of
Permit for purchase of assistive tools stating the number, type of assistive
tool need to be equipped. The person sent by enterprise for contact must have
letter of introduction and present his/her identity card.
2. Management and use of assistive tool
a) After purchasing the assistive tools, the
enterprise must request the Police body issuing the Permit for purchase of
assistive tools to issue the Permit for use of assistive tools; submit the copy
of Permit for purchase of assistive tools and present the original, submit the copy
of invoice of purchase of assistive tools.
b) The assistive tools must be centrally
managed at the enterprise and equipped for the security guards upon their duty.
After finishing duties, they must hand over the assistive tools to the
management division of enterprise.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
c) The security service enterprises must
closely manage the assistive tools and must take responsibility before law for
the equipment, management and use of assistive tools of their enterprises.
In case of serious violation of requlations
on management and use of assistive tools or the security guards of the
enterprise use the assistive tools to perform the acts of infringing upon the
life, health and properties of others, in addition to be handled under
regulations of law, depending on the seriousness of violation, the security
service enterprise shall be revoked its Permit for use of assistive tools for
3, 6 months or with indefinite time. The revocation of Permit shall be decided
by the Police body issuing such Permit or the superior Police body.
1. Uniform and shoulder strap
a) Spring summer uniform: European style
black green trousers with 02 pleats in the front part, diagonal pocket; the
back part has a slit pocket with flap. Blue short or long-sleeved shirt, folded
collar, the front part has two patch pockers with a trim in the middle of
pocket; 2 flaps have edges in the middle, the back part has yoke across
shoulders, the left sleeve has a shield-shape logo 5-6cm from the edge of
should-strap; the left front chest has a round logo 2-3cm from the pocket
b) Autum winter uniform: Trousers are the
same as spring summer ones; long sleeved vest style overcoat the same color as
trousers, the front part has 04 patch pockets, the left front chest has a round
logo 2-3cm from the pocket mouth, the left sleeve has a shield-shape logo 5-6cm
from the edge of should-strap, the buttons are plastice and in black color; a
long-sleeved shirt inside as summer one, upright collar with black green tie.
c) Hard shoulder-straps the same color as
trousers with yellow felt bar, 02 edges along shoulder strap have red trim, the
small head of shoulder strap has silvery white metal button (with a pentagram
and 02 crossed ears of rice embracing the pentagram). The size of shoulder
strap and bar is regulated as follows:
- The length of shoulder strap = 125mm; the
width: the big head = 50mm, pointed head = 40mm.
- The width of bar = 7mm, this bar is 2.5mm
from the other bar. The shoulder strap of security guard: 1 bar; commander at
team level: 2 bars; commander at departmental level: 3 bars; Vice Chairman of
the Board, Deputy Director: 4 bars; Chairman of the Board, Director: 5 bars;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. Shoes, hat, nameplate, security guard
a Black leather shoes with short boot and
b) Cap the same color as trouser with star
surrounded by 02 white metal laurel branches all in one piece 54mm high, 64mm
wide. The round star is made of metal 36mm in diameter with a yellow pentagram
in the middle on the red background, adjoining the red background is the deep
blue with 02 surrounding yellow ears of rice. Below the star there is a half
rim with the word “SECURITY”. The outer ring of the star is in yellow color.
c) The nameplate of security guard is 9cm x
6cm in size, light blue background with pattern. The top line is the name of
enterprise (in capital letter in brick red color), below is the full name of
security guard (in capital letter in black color) and the photo of nameplate
holder; the last line is the nameplate number;
d) The security guard certificate is 9cm x
6cm in size, the front side has blue background wth patterns, with capital
letter in brick red color, above is the name of enterprise, in the middle is
the words “SECURITY GUARD CERTIFICATE”, below is certificate number and its
validity duration. The back side has the color of half-baked brick, above is
the words “DIRECTOR OF… COMPANY”, the next line is the word “CERTIFIES”
(letters in bright red color). The below lines of words are in black color
specifying the full name of security guard, date of birth, place of permanent
residence registration and the next line of word is “Is the security guard of
the Company”; the last line is the date of issue and signature and seal of
company Director; on the left is the photo of Certificate holder.
1. Annually, upon the need of training of
security guard, the enterprise must contact the Police body or organization
permitted to provide the training of security guard to plan the training to
ensure the compliance with regulations of law.
2. Bodies, units and organization permitted
to provide the training of security guard:
a) People’s police schools, Police profession
re-training and training Center;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Before opening the training course, the enterprises
permitted to provide the training must send document to the Police Department on administrative management of
order stating the starting and ending time of training course (enclosed with
the list of learners) to request the examination and issue of security
professional Certificate to the people trained by such enterprises; for the Police
profession re-training and training Center, report to the Director of Police at
the same level.
3. Content, program and time of training
a) The bodies, units and organizations
permitted to provide the training of security guard must develop the content
and program of training to ensure the compliance with laws and practical needs
of security service activities in which there must be the contents and basic knowledge
about politics, law, ethics, professional manner; security skills and
techniques; regulations on management, use and skills of using the assistive
tools, basic knowledge and skills about fire prevention and fighting and rescue
of people in despair.
The textbook and content of training program
must be sent to the General Department of Police (through the Police Department on administrative management of
order) before putting into use for monitoring and management. Where the General
Department of Police requests the modification or addition of contents, follow
its requirements.
b) The staff of security service must ensure
the time of at least 30 days for each training course.
4. Examination Board
a) For the People’s Police school: The Head
of school shall decide the establishment of examination Board whose Chairman is
the school leader and other members including the representative of functional
units of school and representative of the Police Department on administrative
management of social order;
b) For the Police profession re-training and
training Center of the Police of provinces and centrally-run cities: Director
of Police of provinces and centrally-run cities shall decide the establishment
of examination Board with its composition: Leader of Police profession
re-training and training Center as Chairman of the Board and other members
including the representative of Police Division on administrative
management of social order,
Division of Legal Affairs or Office of Police of provinces and centrally-run
c) In case the security service enterprises
provide the training by themselves: Director of Police Department on administrative management of
order shall decide the establishment of the examination Board whose Chairman is
the leader of the Police Department on administrative
management of social order and
other members including the representative of Department of Legal Affairs and
representative of training enterprise.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
a) The Head of the People’s Police schools
and the Police profession re-training and training Centers shall sign and issue
the security professional Certificate to the persons provided with the
b) The Director of Police Department on administrative management of
order shall sign and issue the security professional Certificate to
the persons provided with the training and examined by the Department.
6. The expenses for training shall be born by
the enterprise having the needs of security.
7. The security professional Certificate
issued by the competent Police body is valid for use nationwide.
8. The security professional Certificate
issued by the competent unit before the issue date of this Circular is still
valid for use but within 12 months after the effective date of this Circular,
the enterprises must make a list and revoke such Certificates and send them to
the Police
Division on administrative
management of social order of the
provincial Police where the Certificate of eligibility for security and order
to the enterprise or the place where the enterprise’s head office is located
for change under the prescribed form.
Any act of violation of provisions of Decree
No. 52/2008/ND-CP and of this Circular and other laws related to the
organizations and security service activities, in addition to being handled
under the regulations of law, the security service enterprise whose Certificate
of business registration and Certificate of eligibility for security and order shall
also be revoked as follows:
1. To be revoked Certificate of business
registration in one of the following cases:
a) Violate the provisions specified in Clause
2, Article 165 of the Enterprise Law 2005;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2. To be revoked Certificate of eligibility
for security and order in one of the following cases:
a) The enterprise whose Certificate of
business registration has been revoked;
b) Violate the provisions in Article 4; in
Clause 1 and 2, Article 22 of Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP.
c) Borrow the name of other person to
establish the security service enterprise or establish the security service
enterprise under the business management by another person.
d) Conduct the military activities,
investigation and private detection activities in any form.
dd) Use the security guards of the enterprise
to do or through other persons the infringement acts to the life, health,
honor, dignity, personal freedom right and other legitimate rights and
interests of organizations or individuals;
e) Use the security guards of the enterprise
to use force or threaten to use force in order to hinder or cause difficulty to
the normal activities of organizations or individuals;
g) Fail to make periodcal report on reality
of security and order to the Police body as stipulated in 12 consecutive
h) Fail to regularly maintain the legal
capital during the enterprise’s operation.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
a) Revocation authority: The Head of Police
body issuing the Certificate of eligibility for security and order or the Head
of superior Police body shall decide the revocation.
b) Duration of revocation:
- From 3 to 6 months in case of first or less
serious violation.
- Indefinite revocation in case of repeated
violation or violation of many acts at the same time as stipulated in Clause 2,
section VIII of this Circular.
1. This Circular takes effect from 28/8/2009
and supersedes the Circular No. 07/2001/TT-BCA(V19) dated 18/9/2001 of the
Ministry of Public Security guiding the implementation of Decree No.
14/2001/ND-CP dated 25/4/2001 on management of security service business.
2. The General Director of General Department
of Police is responsible for directing, guiding, inspecting and urging the
implementation of this Circular.
3. Director of Police of provinces and
centrally-run cities must direct the Police Division on administrative
management of social order and
Police of districts, towns and provincial cities and relevant police units
in implementation of this Circular.
4. In every quarter, the Police of provinces
and centrally-run cities must report to the Ministry (through the General
Department of Police on the implementation of Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP and this
Circular under the prescribed form.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Any problem arising during the implementation
should be promptly reported to the Ministry of Public Security (through General
Department of Police) for timely guidelines.
Le Hong Anh
(Issued with Circular
No. 45/2009/TT-BCA dated 14/7/2009)
1. Certificate of
eligibility for security and order for security service business
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
- (1): name of direct superior Police body;
- (2): name of Police body issuing the
- (3): full name of enterprise or Branch or
representative Office of the enterprise;
- (1, 2 and 3) mentioned above are written in
capital letter;
- This Certificate is issued to the enterprises
operating in security services without definite time. When going bankrupt, the
enterprise must return this Certificate to the issuing Police body.
2. Report on reality and result of security
service business (Symbol BV2)
This Form is used for the security service
enterprises to make their monthly report on the reality and result to the
Police body issuing the Certificate of eligibility for security and order; A4
paper size.
3. Report on reality and result of security
service business management (Symbol BV3)
This Form is used for the competent units of Police
of provinces and cities to summarize the reality and result after the security
service enterprises have made their reports; A3 paper size.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
This Form is used for the Police body upon
inspection of security and order towards the security service enterprises; A4
paper size.
(Issued with Circular
No. 45/2009/BCA(C11) dated 14/7/2009)
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Pursuant to Article 11 of Decree No.
52/2008/ND-CP dated 22/4/2008 of the Government on management of security
service business.
Reviewing the dossier and recommendation of:
Certificate of business registration and
tax registration (or Certificate of Investment):
No.: ....................... date ........ month
...... year ............Issuing body: ..................................
Head office: ........................................................................................................................
Legal representative: ............................................................................................................
Title: ....................................................................................................................................
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Issuing body: .......................................................................................................................
Permanent residence: ...........................................................................................................
Temporary residence: ...........................................................................................................
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
date ....... month ........ 20.......
(1) Name of direct superior body
(2) Name of Police body issuing the
(3) Security service enterprise
(4) Title of person signing the Certificate.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
(Issued with Circular
No. 45/2009/BCA(C11) dated 14/7/2009)
(From date…month….year 20…….to
date…month….year 20…….)
1. Reality
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
(Within province, city:…………., outside
province, city:………………)
- Total representative office: .................................................................................................
(Within province, city:…………., outside
province, city:………………)
- Security fields:....................................................................................................................
+ Human protection services:.................................................................................................
+ Protection services of properties, goods,
houses, business and production establishments, head offices of bodies and
+ Security and order protection services for
sports, entertainment, festivals:............................
- Protection targets:...............................................................................................................
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
- Being equipped with assistive
tools:………(rod, rubber stick:……………; electric rod:……; iron stick: ………..; other
types: ………………….).
2. Personnel
- Executive Board: ………(Foreigner:……..);
- Board of Directors: ………(Foreigner:……..);
- Employees: ……….
(increase:…………decrease:……..) in which: security guards: ……., employees issued
with training Certificate:………).
3. Change of head, location of head office,
branch, representative office and change of charter capital of security service
4. Cases related to security and order
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
5. Enterprise’s opinions and recommendations
(1) Enterprise’s name
(2) Head office
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
(Issued with Circular
No. 45/2009/BCA(C11) dated 14/7/2009)
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
- Pursuant to Decree No. 52/2008/ND-CP dated
22/4/2008 of the Government on management of security service business;
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
At…………o'clock on date…………………
We consist of:
Conducted our inspection: ..................................................................................................
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Enterprise’s representative:
- ..........................................................................................................................................
- ..........................................................................................................................................
I. Inspection result
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
II. Detection and handling of violation
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
III. Enterprise’s opinions and
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
IV. Opinions of inspection team
The record is made on date……..and read to the
persons present to confirm its accuracy.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
(Issued with Circular
No. 45/2009/BCA(C11) dated 14/7/2009)
1. Sample of uniform of security guard
a. Sample of spring and summer uniform
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
b. Sample of autumn and winter uniform


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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
3 x 4 (cm)
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Size of end
product: 60 x 90 (mm)
Photo: 30 x 40 (mm)
Date: 28/7/2009
C13TC II -
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Valid until: date….
month…. year….
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
3 x 4 (cm)
Size of end
product: 60 x 90 (mm)
Bạn phải
đăng nhập hoặc
đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Date: 28/7/2009
C13TC II -
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Valid until: 14/07/
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đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
3 x 4 (cm)
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đăng nhập hoặc
đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Full name: NGUYEN VAN BA
Date of birth: 02/10/1970
Permanent residence:
56A Hang Bài - Hanoi
Is the security guard of our Company
(Signature and seal)
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Size of end
product: 60 x 90 (mm)
Photo: 30 x 40 (mm)
Date: 28/7/2009
C13TC II -
Bạn phải
đăng nhập hoặc
đăng ký Thành Viên
TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66