Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No. 05/2021/TT-BTP
Hanoi, June 24,
Pursuant to the Lawyer Law dated June 29, 2006;
the Law on amendments to the Lawyer Law dated November 20, 2012;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.
96/2017/ND-CP dated August 16, 2017 defining functions, tasks, entitlements and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No.
123/2013/ND-CP dated October 14, 2013 on elaboration and implementation of the
Lawyer Law; the Government's Decree No. 137/2018/ND-CP dated October 8, 2018 on
amendments to the Government's Decree No. 123/2013/ND-CP dated October 14, 2013
on elaboration and implementation of the Lawyer Law;
At the request of Director of Department of
Judicial Assistance;
The Minister of Justice promulgates a Circular
on guidelines and implementation of the Lawyer Law, Decree on elaboration and
implementation of the Lawyer Law.
Chapter I
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Article 1. Scope
This Circular set forth recognition of overseas
lawyer training; proof of exemption from law practice training and exemption
from or reduction in legal traineeship period; revocation, reissuance of the
law practice certificate; law practicing certificate; head of branch, change in
operation registration of branch and notice of establishment of transaction
office of law-practicing organization; reissuance of establishment license,
operation registration certificate of foreign law-practicing organization,
foreign lawyer practicing certificate in Vietnam; the Lawyers’ Congress of Bar
Association, National Congress of Bar Delegates; inspection, reporting, and
certain forms on lawyer-related activities and operation.
Article 2. Regulated entities
This Circular applies to applicants for recognition
of overseas lawyer training, applicants for issuance or reissuance of law
practicing certificates, lawyers, law-practicing organizations,
socio-professional organizations of lawyers, regulatory agencies in charge of
lawyers and law practice, and related individuals, agencies and organizations.
Chapter II
Article 3. Recognition of
overseas law training
1. The certificate of completion of the overseas
lawyer training program is recognized in the following cases:
a) The certificate of completion of the overseas
lawyer training program which issued by the foreign training institution within
the scope of application of the agreement on equivalence of diplomas or mutual
recognition of qualifications; or international treaty related to the diploma
to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has signed;
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2. Those who have completed the lawyer training
program abroad and wish to be recognized in Vietnam, must submit their
applications online via the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Justice or
via the postal system or in person at the Ministry of Justice. The application
a) Application for recognition of overseas law
b) A copy of the certificate of completion of the
overseas lawyer training program; or any document proving that he/she falls
into one of the cases specified in Clause 1 of this Article;
c) A copy of the performance result of the overseas
lawyer training.
The documents specified in Points b and c of this
Clause must bear consular authentication in accordance with law and translated
into Vietnamese; the Vietnamese translation must be notarized or authenticated
in accordance with Vietnamese law.
3. Within 15 days after receiving a duly completed
application, the Minister of Justice shall issue a decision on recognition of
overseas lawyer training; in case of refusal, it shall provide explanation in
Article 4. Proof of exemption
from law practice training and exemption from or reduction in legal traineeship
The proof demonstrating that a person is exempt
from lawyer training as prescribed in Article 13 of the Lawyer Law or is
exempted or reduced from his/her legal traineeship period as prescribed in
Article 16 of the Lawyer Law is one of the following documents:
1. A copy of the decision on appointment or
re-appointment of a judge, procurator, investigator, or the resolution of the
People's Council, the minutes of judge election of the People's Council, for a
case where the judge is elected by the People’s Council at the district or
province level.
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3. A copy of the decision on appointment or
re-appointment of senior examiner of the court branch, senior examiner of the
Procuracy branch, principal examiner of the Court branch, principal examiner of
the Procuracy branch or decision on appointment of senior official, senior
researcher, senior lecturer, principal official, principal researcher,
principal lecturer in the field of law.
4. A copy of the hiring decision, the contract to
work in the legal field.
5. Other lawful documents proving that the person
is exempt from lawyer practice training; exemption from or reduction in legal
traineeship period.
Article 5. Revocation of law
practicing certificates
1. If there are grounds to determine that a lawyer
falls into one of the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of the Lawyer
Law, the Minister of Justice shall issue a decision on revocation of the law
practicing certificate.
2. When there are grounds to determine that a
lawyer falls into one of the cases specified at Points a, b, c, d, dd, e, h, i
and k, Clause 1, Article 18 of the Lawyer Law, the Bar Association to which that
person is a member or other agencies or organizations shall request the
Minister of Justice, in writing, to revoke such person's law practicing
certificate, enclosed with papers proving that the lawyer falls into the case
of revocation of the law practicing certificate.
In case a lawyer is disciplined by removing his/her
name from the list of lawyers of the Bar Association as prescribed at Point g,
Clause 1, Article 18 of the Lawyer Law, within 07 working days from the date on
which a decision to discipline the lawyer is issued, the Executive Board of the
Bar Association shall send a written request to the Minister of Justice to
revoke the law practicing certificate enclosed with the decision on
disciplining the lawyer. The person whose law practicing certificate is revoked
must cease practicing law from the date of issuance of the decision on
discipline against the lawyer by removing his/her name from the list of lawyers
of the Bar Association.
On the annual basis, the Vietnam Bar Federation and
the Department of Justice shall review the persons who fall into the cases
specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of the Lawyer Law to propose the Minister of
Justice to revoke their law practicing certificates.
3. Within 15 days after receiving a written request
for revocation of the law practicing certificate, the Minister of Justice shall
issue a decision on revocation of the law practicing certificate, except for
the case that the disciplinary decision by removing the name from the list of
lawyers of the Bar Association is complained and being resolved in accordance
with law.
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4. Within 07 working days of receiving the decision
on revocation of the law practicing certificate, the Vietnam Bar Federation
shall issue a decision to revoke the lawyer's card of the person whose law
practicing certificate has been revoked. The decision on revocation of the
lawyer's card is posted on the portal of the Vietnam Bar Federation.
5. The person whose law practicing certificate has
been revoked is responsible for returning the original law practicing
certificate and lawyer’s card to the Bar Association of which he is a member. The
Executive Board of the Bar Association shall retrieve and invalidate the law
practicing certificate and lawyer’s card.
In case a person has his/her law practicing
certificate revoked because he/she does not join the Bar Association as
prescribed at Point d, Clause 1, Article 18 of the Lawyer Law, the person whose
law practicing certificate is revoked shall return the original law practicing
certificate to the Department of Justice where the application for the law
practicing certificate was submitted. The Department of Justice shall retrieve
and invalidate the law practicing certificate.
6. Law practicing certificates and lawyer’s cards
are invalidated by cutting off the left corner.
Article 6. Reissuance of law
practicing certificates
1. The reissuance of a law practicing certificate
shall comply with Article 19 of the Lawyer Law. An applicant for reissuance of
a law practicing certificate who passes the test for legal traineeship
performance shall submit an application for reissuance of a law practicing
certificate to the Executive Board of Bar Association as prescribed in Clause
1, Article 17 of the Lawyer Law. An applicant for reissuance of a law
practicing certificate who is exempt from the legal traineeship shall submit an
application for reissuance of a law practicing certificate to the Department of
Justice of province where he/she permanently resides as prescribed in Clause 2
Article 17 of the Lawyer Law.
2. In case the law practicing certificate is lost,
torn, burned or changed due to objective causes, the law practicing certificate
shall be re-issued.
3. The reissuance of a law practicing certificate
shall comply with Article 17 of the Lawyer Law.
Chapter III
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Article 7. Method of numbering
operation registration certificates of law-practicing organizations,
registration of lawyer in private practice
Operation registration certificate of
law-practicing organization, certificate of registration of lawyer in private
practice shall be numbered as follows:
The first two digits are the province code
(Appendix I promulgated together with this Circular); the next two digits are
the code of the law practice form (Appendix II issued together with this
Circular); the next four digits are the registration ordinal number that is
shared to all types of law-practicing organizations, branches of law-practicing
organizations and lawyers in private practice.
In the case of conversion of the form of a
law-practicing organization or changes to its operation registration, the
registered ordinal number of the law-practicing organization shall remain the
same upon reissuance of the operation registration certificate.
Article 8. Heads of branches of
law-practicing organizations
1. Law offices and law firms appoint a member or a
lawyer working under an employment contract as the head of the branch, except
for a foreign lawyer practicing in Vietnam. The head of a law office, the
director of a law firm, and a member lawyer may only act as the head of a
branch affiliated to that law office or law firm. A lawyer working under
employment contract may only act as the head of a branch of a law-practicing
2. The head of a law office and the director of a
law firm are responsible for all activities of the law-practicing organization
and its affiliates.
Article 9. Branches and
transaction offices of a law-practicing organization
1. If a law-practicing organization changes the
operation registration of its branch according to Clause 2, Article 41 of the
Lawyer Law, it shall be re-issued with an operation registration certificate by
the Department of Justice where its branch’s operation is registered.
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Article 10. Establishment
license of branch or foreign law firm; operation registration certificate of
branch or foreign law firm; foreign lawyer practicing certificate in Vietnam
1. In case the establishment license of branch,
foreign law firm, operation registration certificate of branch or foreign law
firm, or foreign lawyer practicing certificate in Vietnam is lost or torn, is
burnt or changed due to objective reasons, the procedures and application for
reissuance shall comply with Article 78, Article 79, and Article 82 of the
Lawyer Law.
2. Branches and foreign law firms registered to
operate at the Department of Justice shall enclose a list of foreign lawyers
working at the foreign law firms or branches. Within 07 working days from the
date of signing or terminating an employment contract with a foreign lawyer,
the branch or foreign law firm must notify in writing of the conclusion or
termination of the employment contract to the Department of Justice where its
operation is registered for the Department of Justice to record it in the
appendix form attached to the operation registration certificate of the branch
or foreign law firm.
Chapter IV
Article 11. Lawyers’ Congress
of Bar Association and National Congress of Bar Delegates of Vietnam Bar
1. Lawyers’ Congress of Bar Association is the highest
leading body of the Bar Association. Based on the number of members of the Bar
Association and the Charter of the Vietnam Bar Federation, the Bar Association
may organize a plenary meeting or a congress of Bar Delegates. The structure
and number of delegates attending the Congress of Bar Delegates shall be
decided by the Bar Association on the basis of the Charter of the Vietnam Bar
Federation and must be approved by the People's Committees of the provinces and
central-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as provinces) for approval.
The allocation of delegates to the Bar Association's Congress of Bar Delegates
is based on the number of delegates expected to be convened, ensuring that
there are representatives of law-practicing organizations, gender and age
structure, ethnicity, and structure of the district, town, city where the
lawyers reside. The selection of delegates to the Bar Association's Congress of
Bar Delegates must ensure equality, democracy, publicity, and transparency. The
Vietnam Bar Federation shall guide the selection and allocation of delegates
attended the Bar Association's Congress of Bar Delegates.
2. The National Congress of Bar Delegates is the
highest governing body of the Vietnam Bar Federation. The National Congress of
Bar Delegates is convened by the National Bar Council. The National Bar Council
shall provide specific guidance on the number and allocation of delegates to
the National Congress of Bar Delegates. The allocation of delegates to the
National Congress of Bar Delegates is based on the number of delegates expected
to be convened, ensuring that there are representatives of Bar Associations,
structure of gender and age structure, ethnicity, and regions. The selection of
delegates to the National Congress of Bar Delegates must ensure equality,
democracy, publicity, and transparency and from Bar Associations.
3. Delegates attending the Bar Congress of the Bar
Association or the National Congress of Bar Delegates must be a lawyer and
satisfy the following criteria:
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b) Having good moral character, exemplary
observance of the law, the Charter of the Vietnam Bar Federation, the Code of
ethics and professional conduct of Vietnamese lawyers;
c) Having prestige, solidarity, responsibility, and
ability to contribute to the decisions of the Congress.
Article 12. The scheme for
organization of the Bar Congress of the Bar Association and the National
Congress of Bar Delegates
The scheme for organization of the Bar Congress of
the Bar Association and the National Congress of Bar Delegates is formulated in
accordance with the law on lawyers and guided in the Charter of the Vietnam Bar
Federation, including the following contents:
1. Purposes and reasons for organizing the
2. The process of preparing the Congress;
3. Time, venue, participants, expected list of
delegates; in the case of a congress of delegates, the number and mode of
selection of delegates to attend the meeting shall be clearly specified;
4. Personnel scheme, personnel building plan;
5. Scenario of the Congress, the scenario of
presiding over the Congress and working methods;
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7. Tentative list of the Presidium, the Presidium
President, the Secretary of the Congress, the Supervisory Board of the Congress
and the Vote Counting Board;
8. Internal regulations of the Bar Association or
the Charter of the Vietnam Bar Federation (amendments, if any);
9. Security issues of the Congress.
Article 13. Personnel building
1. The personnel development plan specified in
Clause 4, Article 12 of this Circular shall at least contain:
a) Organizational structure, number of personnel to
be elected;
b) Process of building personnel;
c) Specific criteria for each title;
d) A list of specific personnel to be introduced
into the titles;
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2. Candidates for the Chairman, the Managing Board,
the Reward, and Disciplinary Council of the Bar Association or the President,
Vice President, Standing Committee, and National Bar Council of the Vietnam Bar
Federation shall meet the following basic standards:
a) Loyalty to the Fatherland and observance of the
Constitution and laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
b) Having strong political will, good moral
character, and exemplary observance of the law, the Charter of the Vietnam Bar
Federation, and the Code of ethics and professional conduct of Vietnamese
c) Having prestige, professional qualifications,
job handling capacity, solidarity and responsibility;
d) Having time and other conditions to participate
in regular activities of the Bar Association or the Vietnam Bar Federation.
Article 14. Minutes of
ratification of the Charter of the Vietnam Bar Federation, the Internal
Regulations of the Bar Association
1. The minutes of ratification of the Charter of
the Vietnam Bar Federation and the Internal Regulations of the Bar Association
have the following main contents:
a) Time and venue of Congress; number and
composition of delegates attending the Congress;
b) Opinions expressed at the Congress;
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2. Minutes of ratification of the Charter of the Vietnam
Bar Federation, the Internal Regulations of the Bar Association, signed by the
Presidium President and Secretary; in case the minutes have many pages, the
Secretary shall sign each page of the minutes.
Article 15. Election minutes
1. The election minutes have the following main
a) Time and venue of Congress; number and
composition of delegates attending the Congress;
b) Number of titles to be elected;
c) List of candidates;
d) Results of counting votes;
dd) List of elected candidates.
2. The election minutes are signed by the Head of
the Vote Counting Board and the head of the supervisory board; in case the
minutes have many pages, the Head of the Vote Counting Board and the Head of
the Supervisory Board shall sign each page of the minutes.
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1. A resolution of the Congress has the following
principal contents:
a) Time, place and participants of the Congress;
b) Contents of the Congress;
c) Results of voting on each issue of the Congress
and results of voting to ratify the Resolution of the Congress.
2. Resolution of the Congress is signed by the
Presidium President; in case the Resolution has many pages, the Presidium
President shall sign each page of the Resolution.
Chapter V
Article 17. Tasks and powers
of the Ministry of Justice, People's Committees of provinces in inspection of
lawyer-related operation
1. The Ministry of Justice and the People's
Committee of the province shall inspect lawyer-related operation according to
their competence.
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3. The Department of Justice shall assist the
People's Committee of the province to inspect lawyer-related operation in the
province. Every year, based on the actual circumstances, the Department of
Justice shall prepare a plan to inspect the lawyer-related operation in the
province, clearly defining the entities to be inspected, the time and contents
of the inspection; duties and powers of the chief inspector and inspectorate
members; rights and obligations of inspected entities; inspection procedures.
The Department of Justice shall carry out a
surprise inspection at the request of the Ministry of Justice or the People's
Committee of the province, or in case of any signs of violation in the
lawyer-related operation.
4. The plan for inspection of lawyer-related
operation shall be notified in writing to the inspected entity no later than 07
working days before the expected inspection date.
5. Within 15 days from the date of completion of
the inspection, the Department of Justice shall send a report to the People's
Committee of province and the Ministry of Justice on the inspection results or
Article 18. Principles of
inspection of lawyer-related operation
1. Openness to the public, objectivity,
transparency and as per approved plan, except for surprise inspection.
2. Confidentiality in law practice in accordance
with the Lawyer Law and other relevant laws.
3. Compliance with the law on lawyers and law
practice, and relevant provisions of law.
Article 19. Matters to be
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a) Receipt of applications for the issuance or
reissuance of law practicing certificates; applications for revocation of law
practicing certificates; tests for legal traineeship performance; registration
and supervision of legal trainees;
b) Registration to join the Bar Association;
issuance, replacement, and revocation of lawyer's cards;
c) Compulsory restitution related to professional
d) Settlement of complaints and whistleblowing
reports within competence;
dd) Compliance with the law on finance, accounting,
and statistics;
e) Routine reports, ad-hoc reports; forms of
records and keeping of records and documents in accordance with the Lawyer Law
and other relevant laws;
g) Implementation of the law on international
h) Performance of other duties and powers of the
socio-professional organization of lawyers in accordance with the law on
lawyers and law practice, relevant laws and the Charter of the Vietnam Bar
2. Regarding Vietnamese law-practicing
organizations and foreign law-practicing organizations in Vietnam, the
inspection focuses on the following principal matters:
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b) Compliance with the labor law in case of hiring
c) Compliance with the law on tax, finance,
accounting, and statistics;
d) Conclusion and performance of legal service
contracts in accordance with the law;
dd) Receipt, supervision of and mentorship to law
e) Routine reports, ad-hoc reports; forms of
records and keeping of papers and documents in accordance with the Lawyer Law and
other relevant laws;
g) Purchase of professional liability insurance for
lawyers of law-practicing organizations in accordance with the law on insurance
h) Participation in compulsory professional
training and legal aid by lawyers practicing at the organizations;
i) Compliance with other provisions of the law on
lawyers and law practice.
3. Regarding lawyers in private practice, the
inspection checklist focuses on the matters stated in the certificate of lawyer
registration of the lawyer in private practice and the compliance with
regulations of the law on lawyers and law practice, and relevant provisions of
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a) Issuance, change to, and revocation of operation
registration certificates of Vietnamese law-practicing organizations and
foreign law-practicing organizations in Vietnam;
b) Routine reports, ad-hoc reports; forms of
records and keeping of papers and documents in accordance with the Lawyer Law
and other relevant laws;
c) Receipt and verification of applications for
issuance of law practicing certificates;
d) Compliance with regulations on inspection of
actions against violations, settlement of complaints and whistleblowing
dd) Implementation of measures to support the
development of the legal profession;
e) Compliance with other provisions of the law on
lawyers and law practice.
Article 20. Tasks and powers
of the inspectorate
1. The inspectorate is composed of the team leader
and members. The chief inspector of the inspectorate is the leading
representative of the regulatory agency in charge of lawyers and law practice.
The members of the inspectorate include representatives of agencies and
organizations involved in inspection of lawyer-related operation.
2. The chief inspector has the following duties and
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b) Report the inspection decision-maker to extend
the inspection time limit where necessary;
c) Request the inspected entity to provide
information and documents related to the matters to be inspected;
d) Make an inspection record; prepare a report on
inspection result and take responsibility for the accuracy, truthfulness, and
objectivity of such record and report;
dd) Make administrative offense report and impose
administrative penalties within his/her competence or propose the competent
person to make a decision on administrative penalty against violations in
lawyer-related operation.
3. The inspectorate members shall perform tasks as
assigned by the chief inspector and be responsible for keep confidential information
related to the inspected entities.
Article 21. Rights and
obligations of inspected entities
1. An inspected entity has the following rights:
a) Requesting members of the inspectorate and
relevant agencies and organizations to keep information confidential in
accordance with law;
b) Receiving the inspection record and request
explanation of the inspection record's content;
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d) Refusing the inspection without an inspection
decision; refusing to provide information and documents unrelated to the
inspection checklist, unless otherwise provided for by law;
d) Whistleblowing illegal acts during inspection;
e) Other rights as prescribed by law.
2. An inspected entity has the following
a) Complying with the inspection decision of the
competent regulatory agency;
b) Preparing fully reports and records as
prescribed in this Circular, other relevant documents and records as prescribed
by law;
c) Providing timely, complete, and accurate
information and documents related to inspection checklist at the request of the
inspectorate; be held liable for the accuracy and truthfulness of the given
information and documents;
d) Signing the inspection record after finishing
the inspection;
d) Abiding by the decision of the inspectorate;
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Article 22. Procedures for
1. Announce the inspection decision upon launch of
the inspection of lawyer-related operation.
2. Compare, examine, and evaluate the contents of
report and records, papers and documents presented in accordance with law.
3. Make an inspection record on the lawyer-related
operation after the inspection finishes.
4. Take actions according to their competence or request
competent authorities to take actions against violations of the law.
Chapter VI
Article 23. Reporting
1. Annually, every Vietnamese law-practicing
organization and lawyer in private practice shall send reports on lawyer-related
operation to the Bar Association and the Department of Justice of province/city
where the Vietnamese law-practicing organization is located or with which the
lawyer in private practice registers. Every foreign law-practicing organization
in Vietnam shall send a report on lawyer-related operation to the Ministry of
Justice and the Department of Justice of province/city where it is located.
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Vietnamese law-practicing organizations shall
update data on their operation every six months according to the form
promulgated together with the Circular No. 03/2019/TT-BTP dated March 20, 2019
of the Minister of Justice on statistical activities of the Justice sector; or
send ad-hoc reports on their operation at the request of the Ministry of
Justice or the Department of Justice.
2. Annual reports of socio-professional
organizations of lawyers shall comply with Articles 22 and 25 of the
Government's Decree No. 123/2013/ND-CP dated October 14, 2013 on elaboration
and implementation of the Lawyer Law. The annual report of the Bar Association
shall be sent no later than the 10th day of the last month of the reporting
period; the annual report of the Vietnam Bar Federation shall be sent no later
than the 15th day of the last month of the reporting period.
3. The Department of Justice shall send annual
reports on lawyer-related operation in the province/city to the Ministry of
Justice and the People's Committee of province. The content of the report of
the Department of Justice sent to the Ministry of Justice is shown in the
annual report on judicial work performance in accordance with Circular No.
12/2019/TT-BTP dated December 31, 2019 of the Minister of Justice on routine
reports under the management of the Ministry of Justice.
Ad-hoc reports on lawyer-related operation in the
province/city shall be sent at the request of the Ministry of Justice or the
People's Committee of the province.
4. Report forms and data closing time shall conform
to 12/2019/TT-BTP dated December 31, 2019 of the Minister of Justice on routine
reports under the management of the Ministry of Justice.
Article 24. Report contents
1. A report of the Department of Justice shall at
least contain:
a) Summary of lawyer-related operation in the
b) Achievements, difficulties, problems and causes
related to the development of lawyers and law-practicing organizations;
practice activities of lawyers; performance of tasks of regulatory agencies of
lawyers and law practice in the province/city; evaluation of the autonomy
performance of the Bar Association; Party organizations in the Bar Association;
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2. A report of a socio-professional organization of
lawyers shall at least contain:
a) Summary of lawyer-related operation in the
socio-professional organization of lawyers;
b) Achievements, difficulties, problems and causes
for the development of lawyers and law-practicing organizations; law practice
activities; operation of the Bar Association, the Vietnam Bar Federation;
autonomy performance of the socio-professional organization of lawyers; Party organizations,
new Party members in the Bar Association, the Vietnam Bar Federation;
international cooperation of the socio-professional organization of lawyers;
c) Proposals, recommendations.
3. A report of a Vietnamese law-practicing
organization, a lawyer in private practice or a foreign law-practicing
organization in Vietnam shall at least contain:
a) Summary of lawyer-related operation in the
law-practicing organization;
b) Achievements, difficulties, problems and causes;
c) Proposals, recommendations.
Article 25. Obligations of
law-practicing organizations, lawyers, and socio-professional organizations of
lawyers in reporting and keeping records
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Vietnamese law-practicing organizations shall keep
records according to the forms specified in Clauses 35, 36, 37 and 38, Article
26 of this Circular, according to the law on labor and taxation, finance,
accounting, statistics and other relevant laws.
Foreign law-practicing organizations in Vietnam
shall keep records according to the forms specified in Clauses 35, 36 and 37,
Article 26 of this Circular, according to the law on labor and taxation,
finance, accounting, statistics and other relevant laws.
2. Socio-professional organizations of lawyers
shall fully perform the reporting obligations as prescribed in Articles 23 and
24 of this Circular.
Socio-professional organizations of lawyers shall keep
records according to the forms specified in Clauses 35, 38, 39 and 40, Article
26 of this Circular and according to other relevant laws.
3. Law-practicing organizations, socio-professional
organizations of lawyers may keep electronic records. At the end of the year,
the law-practicing organizations and the socio-professional organizations of
lawyers must print and bind records in volumes and affix fanstamps thereon as
prescribed by law. The archiving of reports and records shall conform to the
law on archiving.
Article 26. Forms of documents
and records
1. Application for issuance, reissuance of lawyer
practicing certificate (Form TP-LS-01);
2. Application for registration of operation of law
office, single-member limited liability law firm (Form TP-LS-02);
3. Application for registration of operation of law
firm partnership, multiple-member limited liability law firm (Form TP-LS-03);
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5. Application for registration of lawyer in
private practice (Form TP-LS-05);
6. Application for change of operation registration
of law-practicing organization (Form TP-LS-06);
7. Notice of establishment of transaction office
(Form TP-LS-07);
8. Operation registration certificate of a law
office, single-member limited liability law firm (Form TP-LS-08);
9. Operation registration certificate of law firm
partnership, multiple-member limited liability law firm (Form TP-LS-09);
10. Operation registration certificate of branch of
law-practicing organization (Form TP-LS-10);
11. Certificate of registration of lawyer in
private practice (Form TP-LS-11);
12. Application for establishment of branch of
foreign law-practicing organization in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-12);
13. Application for establishment of wholly
foreign-owned limited liability law firm in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-13);
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15. Application for establishment of law firm
partnership between a foreign law-practicing organization and a Vietnamese law
firm (Form TP-LS-15);
16. Application for the establishment of branch of
foreign law firm in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-16);
17. Application for re-issuance of or change in the
establishment license of branch or foreign law firm (Form TP-LS-17);
18. An application for issuance of license to
practice law in Vietnam to a foreign lawyer (Form TP-LS-18);
19. An application for re-issuance or extension of
license to practice law in Vietnam to a foreign lawyer (Form TP-LS-19);
20. Application for registration of branch of
foreign law firm in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-20);
21. Operation registration certificate of branch of
foreign law-practicing organization in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-21);
22. Operation registration certificate of wholly
foreign-owned limited liability law firm in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-22);
23. Operation registration certificate of limited
liability law firm in form of joint venture in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-23);
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25. Operation registration certificate of branch of
foreign law firm in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-25);
26. Application for re-issuance of or change in the
operation registration certificate of branch or foreign law firm (Form
27. Application for recognition of overseas lawyer
training (Form TP-LS-27);
28. Application for consolidation or merger of
Vietnamese law firm (Form TP-LS- 28);
29. Application for conversion of the form of
Vietnamese law-practicing organization (Form TP-LS-29);
30. Application for consolidation or merger of
foreign law firm (Form TP-LS-30);
31. Application for conversion of branch of foreign
law-practicing organization into wholly foreign-owned limited liability company
in Vietnam (Form TP-LS-31);
32. Application for conversion of foreign law firm
into Vietnamese law firm (Form TP-LS-32);
33. Report on organization and operation of
Vietnamese law-practicing organization (Form TP-LS-33);
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35. Record of outgoing/incoming documents (Form
36. Employment record (Form TP-LS-36);
37. Legal service contract record (Form TP-LS-37);
38. Record of participation in criminal proceedings
at the request of presiding agencies/free legal aid providers (Form TP-LS-38);
39. Record of commendation, discipline, and actions
against violations (Form TP-LS-39);
40. Record of complaints, whistleblowing reports,
and handling thereof (Form TP-LS-40);
41. Operation register (Form TP-LS-41).
Chapter VII
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1. This Circular comes into force as of August 10,
2. Circular No. 17/2011/TT-BTP dated October 14,
2011 of the Minister of Justice on guidelines for the Lawyer Law, the Decree on
elaboration of and guidelines for the Lawyer Law, the Decree on guidelines for
the Lawyer Law on socio-professional organizations of lawyers and the Circular
No. 02/2015/TT-BTP dated January 16, 2015 of the Minister of Justice on forms
related to lawyers and law practice shall cease to be effective from the
effective date of this Circular.
Article 28. Implementation
The Director of the Department of Judicial
Assistance, the heads of affiliates of the Ministry of Justice, the Directors
of the Departments of Justice and relevant agencies, organizations and
individuals shall implement this Circular./.
Le Thanh Long
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Province or
central-affiliated city
Province or
central-affiliated city
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Hai Phong
Quang Ngai
Hai Duong
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Hung Yen
Phu Yen
Ha Nam
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Nam Dinh
Kon Tum
Thai Binh
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Ninh Binh
Dak Lak
Ha Giang
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Cao Bang
Lam Dong
Lao Cai
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Bac Kan
Binh Phuoc
Lang Son
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Tuyen Quang
Binh Duong
Yen Bai
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Thai Nguyen
Binh Thuan
Phu Tho
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Vinh Phuc
Long An
Bac Giang
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Bac Ninh
An Giang
Quang Ninh
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Dien Bien
Vinh Long
Son La
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Hoa Binh
Kien Giang
Thanh Hoa
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Nghe An
Tra Vinh
Ha Tinh
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Quang Binh
Bac Lieu
Quang Tri
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Thua Thien Hue
Lai Chau
Da Nang
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Hau Giang
(Issued together with Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BTP dated June 24, 2021 of the
Minister of Justice)
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TVPL Pro Membership to see English documents.
Law office
Single-member limited liability law firm
Law firm partnership
Branch of law office
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Branch of single-member limited liability law
Multiple-member limited liability law firm
Branch of multiple-member limited liability law
Lawyer in private practice