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Số hiệu: 39/2013/TB-LPQT Loại văn bản: Điều ước quốc tế
Nơi ban hành: Chính phủ Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, Chính phủ Cộng hoà Ấn Độ Người ký: Phạm Bình Minh, Saiman Khurshid
Ngày ban hành: 11/07/2013 Ngày hiệu lực: Đã biết
Ngày công báo: Đã biết Số công báo: Đã biết
Tình trạng: Đã biết


Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

Số: 39/2013/TB-LPQT

Hà Nội, ngày 30 tháng 07 năm 2013



Thực hiện quy định tại Luật Ký kết, gia nhập và thực hiện điều ước quốc tế năm 2005, Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng thông báo:

Biên bản Thỏa thuận Kỳ họp lần thứ 15 Ủy ban hỗn hợp về hợp tác kinh tế, văn hóa, khoa học kỹ thuật Việt Nam - Ấn Độ, ký tại New Delhi ngày 11 tháng 7 năm 2013, có hiệu lực kể từ ngày 11 tháng 7 năm 2013.

Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng gửi bản sao Biên bản Thỏa thuận theo quy định tại Điều 68 của Luật nêu trên./.


Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hà



(New Delhi, 11 July 2013)

1. The Fifteenth Meeting of the India-Viet Nam Joint Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation (hereinafter called Joint Commission) was held in New Delhi on 11 July 2013, in accordance with the Agreed Minutes of the Fourteenth Meeting of India-Viet Nam Joint Commission held in Ha Noi on 16 September 2011.

2. The Indian delegation for the Joint Commission was led by H.E. Mr. Salman Khurshid, Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of India and the Vietnamese delegation was led by H.E. Mr. Pham Binh Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

3. The Fifteenth Meeting of the Joint Commission was preceded by a preparatory meeting of Senior Officials of the two sides on 10 July 2013. The Indian delegation was led by Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharyya, Joint Secretary (South) in the Ministry of External Affairs of India and the Vietnamese delegation was led by Mr. Vuong Hai Nam, Director General of the Department of Southeast Asia, South Asia and South Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam. The lists of the two delegations are at ANNEX I and II respectively.

4. Prior to the Plenary Session of the Joint Commission, leaders of the two delegations held a restricted meeting to exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the expanding and deepening strategic partnership and agreed to strengthen the relationship further.

5. The Fifteenth Meeting of the Joint Commission was held in an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding, warmth and cordiality. The texts of the opening statements by the leaders of the Indian and Vietnamese delegations are at ANNEX III and IV respectively. The Agenda of the Joint Commission Meeting is at ANNEX V. The two sides reviewed the implementation of the "Plan of Action for 2011-2013 for implementing the Joint Declaration on the Comprehensive Cooperation Framework" (which appears as ANNEX VI) and agreed on a Plan of Action for 2013-2015 (which is at ANNEX VII).

High Level Exchanges

6. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the sustained momentum of high-level visits from both sides which reflected their mutual desire to strengthen bilateral ties. The President of Viet Nam visited India in October 2011, the Prime Minister of Viet Nam visited India in December 2012 for the ASEAN India Commemorative Summit and the Vice President of India visited Viet Nam in January 2013. The Indian side welcomed the visit of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam to India in November 2013. The Vietnamese side welcomed an early high-level visit from India to Viet Nam in 2014.

7. The two sides welcomed the successful conclusion of the "India - Viet Nam Friendship Year" in 2012 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of establishment of full diplomatic relations and 5th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries.

Defence Cooperation

8. Both sides agreed that Defence Cooperation has emerged as a significant pillar of the strategic partnership between the two countries. After the signing of the MoU on Defence Cooperation in 2009, both sides have strengthened exchanges on capacity building, training, exchange of think tanks, academic exchanges and Navy and Coast Guard ship visits. Both sides welcomed the forthcoming visit of the Chief of General Staff of the Viet Nam People's Army to India. Both sides agreed to hold the 8th Defence Dialogue in Viet Nam in the second half of 2013 to further cooperation and exchanges in the field of defence including cooperation in defence industry. Both sides agreed to expedite implementation of the Line of Credit of US$ 100 million in the field of defence.

Security and Juridical Cooperation

9. The two sides called for early completion of procedures on both sides for the Entry into Force of the Extradition Treaty. They urged concerned authorities to expedite finalization of necessary procedures for the signing of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance on Civil Matters and the Memorandum of Understanding on Transfer of Sentenced Persons.

10. Both sides called for greater cooperation between the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs and Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security and proposed a Ministerial meeting later in the year. Both sides agreed to expeditiously conclude procedures for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the Indira Gandhi Hi-Tech Criminal Forensic Laboratory in Ha Noi. Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation and coordination in maintaining security and safety through exchange of delegations and information on combating crime and to assist in training, capacity building and police modernization efforts.

Trade and Investment

11. The two sides reviewed bilateral economic and trade cooperation since the 14th meeting of the Joint Commission. They noted that bilateral trade has shown marked progress in 2012-13 and is on track to achieve the target of US$ 7 billion by 2015.

12. Both sides called for an early establishment of the Joint Trade Sub-Commission between Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India and Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam, under the umbrella of the Viet Nam - India Joint Commission, to discuss ways and means to enhance the trade relations between the two sides.

13. The two sides agreed to continue facilitating trade flows between the two countries and to minimize imposition of trade barriers and step by step to remove/abolish trade barriers. Both sides also agreed to work closely to narrow the trade deficit.

14. The two sides agreed to continue the exchange of business delegations participating in trade fairs in either country and to support the activities of chambers of commerce and industry of both countries and the Viet Nam - India Business Forum. The Vietnamese side also agreed to actively support the “ASEAN - India Business Council".

15. Both sides agreed to continue efforts to promote investment flows between the two countries. The Vietnamese side suggested that India could increase investment in Viet Nam and agreed to create favourable conditions for Indian enterprises investing in Viet Nam, particularly in processing and hi-tech industries and industries using materials and products originating in ASEAN countries as well as in sectors such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, leather and others. The Indian side welcomed the nomination of Tata Power as the developer of the 1320 MW Long Phu 2 power project on BOT basis, which would be the largest Indian investment in Viet Nam to date. The Vietnamese side suggested the Indian side to grant credit-lines with favourable terms for the energy sector.


16. Both sides welcomed the signing of the MoU between the Reserve Bank of India and the State Bank of Viet Nam on 16 November 2012. Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in the fields of supervision and inspection, payment system and information technology in banking sector. The Vietnamese side agreed to expedite the approvals for the opening of branch offices by Bank of India and Indian Overseas Bank in Ho Chi Minh City.

Concessional Credit and Grant Assistance

17. The two sides welcomed the successful completion of the 2x100 MW Nam Chien hydropower project executed by the Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited under the Line of Credit of US$ 45 million extended by India to Viet Nam. Both sides welcomed the signing of the US$ 19.5 million Line of Credit Agreement between India and Viet Nam at this meeting.

18. The Indian side informed the Vietnamese side that it has noted its request for revised guidelines under which India would extend concessional Lines of Credit to Viet Nam for projects in infrastructure, power generation and transmission projects. The Indian side invited the Viet Nam side to continue technical discussions between respective authorities to finalize the terms and conditions. The two sides also agreed to entrust their respective authorities to meet and discuss utilization of India’s Buyer’s Credit facility.

19. The two sides noted with satisfaction the successful operation of the Advanced Resource Centre in Information and Communication Technology in Ha Noi set up with India's assistance. They called on relevant departments on both sides to examine ways for better utilization of the Centre.

20. The Indian side requested Vietnamese side to expedite its clearances for setting up of the 'Centre of Excellence in High Performance Computing' in Ha Noi University of Science and Technology, which includes gift of a PARAM High Performance Computer from India.

21. The Vietnamese side thanked the Indian side for its offer to set up the second Viet Nam-lndia Centre for English Language Training in Ha Noi to be established at the National Defence Academy of Viet Nam. The two sides agreed to work out the modalities to set up this centre in the near future. Both sides entrusted relevant officials to examine the functioning of the Viet Nam - India Centre for English Language Training in Da Nang and the Viet Nam - India Entrepreneurship Development Centre in Ha Noi and examine ways to improve their capacity. Both sides agreed to consider setting up a Vocational Training Centre in Ho Chi Minh City.

22. The Vietnamese side welcomed the establishment of the India-CLMV Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) Fund with a contribution of US$ 250,000 for Viet Nam, under which short gestation projects would be undertaken with grant assistance from India to directly benefit local communities in a visible and immediate manner in accordance with current Vietnamese laws and regulations. QIP Fund projects would focus on socio-economic development like creation or upgradation of physical infrastructure including capacity building in education, health, sanitation, or community development. Both sides agreed to expedite implementation of this Fund at an early date.

Oil and Gas

23. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the dose ties between ONGC Videsh Ltd and Petrovietnam and urged the two national oil companies to further expand cooperation within the framework of the MoU between the two organizations for exploration of oil and gas in Viet Nam, India and in third countries. Both sides also welcomed the cooperation between Indian and Vietnamese services and oil and gas companies. They expressed the hope that concrete cooperation would be stepped up in this important sector for mutual benefit.


24. The Vietnamese side reaffirmed its support for India’s regional initiatives on connectivity between India and South-East Asian countries. Both sides agreed to make efforts to promote experience sharing in private investment in infrastructure development, including in roads and railways.

25. Both sides welcomed the signing of the Maritime Shipping Agreement during the visit of the Minister of Shipping of India to Viet Nam on 24 May 2013. This agreement would provide the framework for future cooperation. Both sides emphasized enhanced cooperation in areas such as maritime shipping, ship-building and repair, ports, connectivity, inland waterway management and human resource development.

26. The two sides agreed to encourage the aviation authorities of the two countries to exchange views to facilitate cooperation. Both sides welcomed the plans of SpiceJet and Jet Airways to operate scheduled flights to Viet Nam and hoped their flights would commence at an early date They welcomed the finalization of the revised Air Services Agreement between the two sides and hoped that this would facilitate air connectivity, including direct flights to operate between the two countries.


27. The two sides noted that the successful visit of Minister of Agriculture of India to Viet Nam in October 2012 has created a strong momentum for bilateral cooperation in agriculture. Both sides agreed to expand cooperation in the field of agriculture, fisheries, agricultural research and education, veterinary, piant bio-technology, horticulture, post-harvest technology and farm mechanization.

28. Both sides underlined the need to implement the Work Plan for 2011-2013 in agricultural and aquaculture research and education under India - Viet Nam Memorandum of Understanding on Agricultural Research and Education. Both sides shall endeavour to organize a conference on India - Viet Nam cooperation in agriculture with participation of agriculture and rural development institutions from the two countries. Both sides welcomed cooperation between the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) of India and aquaculture research institutions of Viet Nam including establishing a Panagasius production farm in India.

29. With the signing of Memorandum of Understanding on Plant Quarantine Cooperation in February 2012, Indian side has satisfactorily addressed Viet Nam’s Plant Quarantine requirements in respect of animal feed ingredient exports from India. The Indian side requested the Vietnamese side to de-list soya bean meal and yellow corn from the Pest Risk Analysis List of Viet Nam; and to permit disinfection of animal feed consignments at Vietnamese ports in case any residual infestations are found, as this was also the international practice and also followed in India. The Vietnamese side noted the efforts of India in controlling infestations and requested the Indian side to continue implementing the above-mentioned MoU.

30. Both sides welcomed the establishment of the Ngon Coffee Manufacturing Plant, an investment of US$ 50 million by M/s CCL Group in Cu Kuin District of Daklak Province and agreed to take measures to further promote Indian investments in agriculture in Viet Nam.

31. Both sides welcomed the growth in Indian exports of bovine meat to Viet Nam and agreed to expedite the finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries of India and Department of Animal Health of Viet Nam which would further boost bilateral trade.

Science and Technology

32. Both sides noted with satisfaction the signing of the Programme of Cooperation (POC) in Science and Technology for 2013-14 at the 9th meeting of the Viet Nam - India Subcommittee on Science and Technology Cooperation took place in Hanoi in November 2012. The POC provides for joint projects, seminars, workshops and exploratory visits of experts in the fields of biotechnology, material science, ICT, marine sciences, oceanographic research, pharmaceuticals and medical research. Both sides welcomed the initiation of a Joint Project for leather research and tannery waste recycling between Central Leather Research Institute of India and the Viet Nam Leather Research Institute.

33. Both sides welcomed the Program of Cooperation between MOST of Viet Nam and DBT of India in the area of biotechnology, signed in New Delhi in March 2012. The Viet Nam - India Biotechnology Workshop, held in Ha Noi on 27-28 February 2013, created a forum for Vietnamese and Indian scientists to exchange views and academic knowledge leading to formulating joint research projects.

34. Both sides agreed to promote scientific and technological cooperation including development of High-Tech Parks in Viet Nam between Indian and Vietnamese public and private sector organizations.

Information and Communication Technology

35. Both sides expressed desire to foster bilateral cooperation between ICT regulatory agencies and authorities, and welcomed the signing of the MoU of cooperation Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Viet Nam Telecommunications Authority (VNTA) and the MoU in the field of spectrum management.

36. Both sides welcomed the decision for the creation of a Joint Task Force, at the meeting between the Ministers for ICT of both countries in New Delhi in July 2013, for furthering cooperation in the ICT sector. Both sides agreed to further promote activities on exchanging information, and cooperation on ICT human resource development, to encourage ICT organizations and companies of both countries to explore business opportunities and promote partnerships in ICT.

Education, Training and Research

37. The Vietnamese side requested the Indian side to continue its support in the field of education and training. Presently, the Indian side offers 16 scholarships under the General Cultural Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) and 14 scholarships under the Educational Exchange Programme (EEP) to Vietnamese students each year. An additional 10 scholarships are granted under the Mekong Ganga Cooperation MGC Scholarship Scheme. The Indian side informed the Vietnamese side that candidates from Vietnam are also eligible to apply for scholarships offered under the ICCR/AYUSH scheme for those wishing to study traditional Indian medicine. Starting from 2012-13, the Indian side has offered 150 slots under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Scheme (ITEC) to Viet Nam. The Indian side requested the Vietnamese side to expedite the process of sending nominations under this Scheme and to fully utilize the slots.

38. Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in education, training and research between the two countnes, especially in university education, information technology, teacher and student exchanges through scholarship programes, bilateral cooperation programes between universities, English language, management and other fields that India has advantages in. Both sides agreed to facilitate the discussion on the signing of the agreement on academic degrees equivalence. The two sides welcomed the first meeting of the India - Viet Nam Joint Working Group on Educational Exchange held in May 2012 in New Delhi. The meeting discussed measures to strengthen cooperation in the field of education between the two countries. The Vietnamese side noted the proposal of the Indian side on the early convening of the next meeting of the JWG in September 2013 in Viet Nam to explore the possibility of cooperation in learning from India's experiences in English language based education in academic institutions, including schools and colleges. The two sides would explore the possibility of experience sharing, training the trainers and also teacher exchange programmes. Both sides agreed to explore the possibility of introducing CBSE course content in Vietnamese schools.

39. Both sides welcomed growing cooperation between Research and Academic institutions and Think Tanks in the two countries. In particular they welcomed cooperation between the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) and IDSA on Indian side and Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam (DAV). The Indian recalled is commitment in supporting the works and activities of the Institute for India and Southwest Asian Studies under the Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences. Both sides welcomed the establishment of the Tagore Chair in the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City.


40. Both sides agreed to request their respective Ministries of Health to initiate a dialogue between the two countries for cooperation in the Health sector and direct trade in drugs and pharmaceuticals. They also agreed to explore private sector participation in the healthcare sector. The Vietnamese side hoped that India transfers modern technologies in pharmaceutical compounds, synthesizing extract and synthetic and natural compounds from India to Viet Nam.

Culture, Tourism and People to People exchanges

41. The two sides called for an early conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Project to Restore the Cham Temples at My Son Relics. They also agreed to support activities related to furthering research on the Cham culture and research on My Son, including between the National Museum Institute of India and the Danang Museum who had signed an MoU on 10 June, 2013.

42. Both sides agreed to step up activities on exchanges and cooperation in the cultural and sports arena. It was proposed to increase the exchange of delegations of leading Art officials and troupes, referees, coaches and sports persons.

43. Both sides welcomed an early opening of the Indian Cultural Centre in Ha Noi.

44. The Indian side welcomed the commitment of the Vietnamese side to maintain the integrity and sanctity of the three Hindu temples in Ho Chi Minh City that are a symbol of the enduring India - Viet Nam cultural exchanges, in accordance with the rules and regulations of Viet Nam.

45. The two sides noted the increasing potential and opportunities in two-way tourism and agreed to discuss a Cooperation Program in Tourism to focus on tourism promotion, human resource development, application of IT in tourism and facilitation of travel. The Indian side expressed its interest in popularising the Buddhist Pilgrimage Circuit through greater promotional and publicity efforts. In this regard, both sides recalled the successful visit of the Indian Minister of State for Tourism to Viet Nam in January 2013. They called on relevant departments to redouble their efforts to improve tourist linkages and effectively disseminate information in both countries.

46. Both sides agreed to explore the possibility of establishing Twinning or Sister City agreements between important cities in the two countries.

Regional and International Issues

47. The Indian side reaffirmed its support for Viet Nam's candidature for the membership of the Human Rights Council for the term 2014-2016. The Vietnamese side expressed its appreciation for India’s support to its application for membership of the International Hydrographic Organization.

48. The two sides welcomed successes of ASEAN - India Summits and ASEAN - India Commemorative Summit. They welcomed the elevation of ASEAN - India relations to a Strategic Partnership and the conclusion of negotiations on ASEAN - India Trade in Services and Investment Agreements. They expressed the hope that these agreements would have a positive impact on achieving the trade target of US$ 100 billion by the year 2015 agreed at the 10th ASEAN - India Summit in Phnom Penh. Both sides welcomed the decision to co-chair the Expert Working Group on Humanitarian Mine Action under ADMM+.

49. The two sides reiterated their desire and determination to work together to maintain peace, stability, growth and prosperity in Asia. They agreed that freedom of navigation in the East Sea/South China Sea should not be impeded and called for parties concerned to exercise restraint, avoid threat or use of force and resolve disputes through peaceful means in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS and DOC. The Vietnamese side expressed strong support for India's Look East Policy envisaging more active role for India in Asia Pacific and the world.

50. The two sides strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and agreed to increase cooperation in the fight against this global scourge. Both sides also agreed to further strengthen cooperation for an early conclusion of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, for which India has presented a draft at the United Nations.

Diplomatic properties in New Delhi and Ha Noi

51. The two sides welcomed the signing of the lease agreements in New Delhi and Ha Noi on 23 May, 2013 for diplomatic properties. The Indian side agreed to assist the grant of construction permits so that Viet Nam could commence the building of the premises and residential quarters for the Embassy. The Vietnamese side noted the Indian side's request for a 10,000 sq m piot at an appropriate location for construction of a new chancery and residences for the Indian Embassy and agreed to assist in grant of construction permits.

52. The Head of the Vietnamese delegation expressed his appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality accorded to his delegation, as well as for the excellent organization of the 15th Meeting of the Joint Commission.

53. The two sides agreed to organize next meeting of the Viet Nam - India Joint Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation in Viet Nam on mutually convenient dates in 2015.

Done and signed in New Delhi on the 11 July 2013 in two originals in English.

For the Government of the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Pham Binh Minh
Minister of Foreign Affairs

For the Government of the
Republic of India

Salman Khurshid
Minister of External Affairs

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