Independence- Freedom- Happiness
December 21, 1999
Pursuant to Article 84 of the 1992
Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
After examining the report of the Government, the reports of related agencies
and the opinions of the National Assembly deputies,
To approve the report of the Government and the
reports of related agencies on evaluating the implementation of the tasks of
1999 and the orientation of the tasks, targets and solutions for the year 2000.
The National Assembly lays emphasis on the
following questions:
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Nevertheless, our country is still facing many
difficulties and challenges. Natural disasters have occurred successively,
drought early in the year and heavy floods at the year�s end in Central Vietnam. The
economy still shows many defects and weaknesses, the growth rate
continues to decrease, efficiency and competitiveness remain low. Consumption
of products remains difficult and the purchasing power has fallen while the
market is not buoyant. We still have a large unused capital. Some
irrationalities remain in the investment structure. Investment is still
overspread and has low efficiency. Change is slow in the sector of State
enterprises. Underemployment is still sizeable. Social evils and crimes have
shown complicated developments and tend to increase.
The above-said weaknesses are mainly due to the
fact that the State administrative apparatus remains cumbersome and
ineffective. Corruption, bureaucratism and authontativeness have not been
pushed back; the mechanism of macro policies and the guidance and management
from the enter to the grassroots still have many deficiencies. We must soon
overcome these weaknesses to achieve better results in the year 2000.
YEAR 2000
Overall objective:
To strongly promote economic development at a
higher rate than in 1999, to check the fall of the growth rate. To create a
powerful change in efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, in the
development of science and technology, in fostering manpower and settling of
imperative social issues. To improve the material and cultural life of various
strata of the population. To assure socio-political stability. To broaden
external relations. To consolidate national defense and security.
Main targets:
1. Gross Domestic Product shall rise by 5.5% -
2. Value of agricultural production shall rise
by 3.5% - 4%;
3. Food output in paddy equivalent shall reach
33.5 - 34 million tons;
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50. Value of services shall rise by 5% - 5.5%;
6. Total export value shall rise by 11% - 12%;
7. Inflation shall be kept at around 6%;
8. Budget deficit shall not exceed 5% of GDP;
9. Jobs shall be created for 1.2 million - 1.3
million working people;
10. Job training for 780,000 persons;
11. Rate of poor households shall be reduced to
12. Birth rate shall be reduced by 0,05%.
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a/ To continue to increase investment in
agriculture and rural economy with priority given to water conservancy, plant
seeds and livestock breeds of good quality and high productivity. To promote
afforestation and regeneration of forests, to protect and plant new forests. To
develop processing industries and the mechanical engineering industry in
service of agriculture, to encourage the development of the cooperative economy
in various forms, the household economy and the farm economy. To issue the
mechanism and policies and to concentrate on guiding the good settlement of the
consumption of commodity farm produce.
b/ To urgently consolidate and further broaden the
right to autonomy and the right to self assumption of responsibility of the
State enterprises aimed at raising the efficiency of production and business.
To quickly promote the equitization, sale, assignment and lease of part of the
State enterprises. To strongly develop the medium and small enterprises to draw
a large labor force. To adopt policies to support those branches manufacturing
competitive products, especially export products of large scale, such as crude
oil, textiles and garments, leather shoes, farm products and aquatic products.
c/ To readjust the investment structure in order
to raise the quality and competitiveness of the economy. To halt those
investment projects with ineffective production and no prospect of capital
recovery. To concentrate capital on key projects. To remove immediately the
irrationalities in the investment and construction management regulation and
the mechanism of bidding. To assign the localities to directly manage and
organize the implementation of the national target programs. The ministries and
branches at central level shall have to closely guide and control this process.
To adopt policies to encourage all the economic sectors and the people to
invest their idle capital in developing production. To urgently solve difficulties
and obstacles in order to attract foreign direct investment. To make an overall
review of the use of the Official Development Assistance fund; to accelerate
the disbursement process and closely manage the use of this fund.
d/ To continue to exploit and expand the market,
to give due attention to the domestic market, especially the rural areas. To
promote export. To encourage and create conditions for the enterprises of all
economic sectors to seek markets for direct export. To expand and diversify the
forms of services and raise their quality. To resolutely fight smuggling and
trade fraud.
e/ To attach special importance to development
investment and the application of scientific and technological advances to
production, especially biological technology and the technologies in processing
farm, forest and marine products and the post-harvest technology. To raise the
quality of evaluation and assessment of technologies, particularly the imported
technologies and equipment. To intensify the management of the investments in
science, technology and the environment and make their effective use.
f/ To organize the good implementation of the
Resolution of the National Assembly on the State budget draft for the year
2000. To increase the initiative and to raise the role of responsibility in the
management of finance and budget at various levels of local administration.
To continue to comprehensively reform and
strengthen the banking system. To fully exercise autonomy and self assumption
of responsibility in the credit activities of the banks. To put an end to the
issue of administrative orders to force the commercial banks to make loans. To
perfect soon the organization and operations of the policy bank, to separate
the preferential credits from commercial credits.
To renovate the mechanism of interest rates. To
manage the exchange rates flexibly in conformity with demand and supply. To
introduce a mechanism for capital generation in order to assist the settlement
of overdue debts. To overcome the freezing of capital at commercial banks.
2. To effect a powerful change in cultural and
social activities, to use effectively the State budget capital combined with
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To care for training children of ethnic
minorities, of the mountainous areas and other difficult areas. To apply the
regime of selection- assignment according to the stipulations of the
legislation on education. To adopt policies to encourage trainees to return and
work for their name places.
To build and develop the clusters of
To organize well the celebrations of major
anniversaries in the year 2000.
b/ To step up the program of job settlement. To
pay attention to developing the schools and other forms of job training
associated with the broadening of the labor market.
To carry out well the policies toward persons
with meritorious deeds for the revolution. To promote the movement of showing
gratitude to persons who gave their lives, for the motherland. To care for and
adopt policies toward the victims of Agent Orange during the war.
To take the initiative and deploy harmonious
measures to prevent and handle in time the social evils, especially drug
addiction, prostitution and trading of women and children. To step up the
prevention and light against the proliferation of HIV and AIDS.
c/ To raise the effect of health care for the
population and carry out well the national medical program. To step up the
diversification of the forms of medical examinations and treatment, to continue
selling of health insurance cards and the reduction or exemption of hospital
fees for the poor.
To bring down the rate of natural population
growth, particularly where the birth rate is still high.
d/ To effectively carry out the program of
socio-economic development in the communes with exceptionally difficult
situation in the mountain areas, remote and deep-lying areas (known as Program
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3. To carry out wide open external relations, to
raise the effect of external economic relations
On the basis of an independent and sovereign
foreign policy, to promote the relations of friendship and cooperation with
other countries, first of all the neighboring countries and countries in the
region. To actively promote the talks on the border and territorial waters with
concerned countries. To raise further the effect of external economic
relations, to pay attention to the major markets and partners, to consolidate
the regional and traditional markets. To continue negotiations to sign
bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. To take the initiative in
integrating with the regional and world economy. To heighten the position of
Vietnam in the international arena.
4. To strengthen national defense and security
To permanently keep high vigilance, to take the
initiative in checking and dealing in time and effectively with all complex
situations that may arise. To continue to build up and raise the fighting
strength of the armed forces, to defend independence, sovereignty and
territorial integrity, to firmly preserve political security and stability of
the country. To promote the mass movement in defense of the security of the
Motherland and social order and security. To mobilize the entire society to
take part in the National Program of fighting against crimes. To associate the
national defense and security task with socio-economic development. To develop
the role of the armed forces in taking in part in the prevention and fight
against natural disasters and overcoming their consequences.
5. To step up the administrative reforms, to
raise the effect of the activities of the State apparatus, the breakthrough to
the successful realization of the tasks in the year 2000.
a/ The State managing agencies at all levels
shall rearrange their apparatuses, reduce and strengthen their staff, improve
guidance and management, ensure practicality, expeditiousness, resoluteness and
effectiveness. To revise and readjust the assignment of responsibilities among
the administrative levels in each domain, first of all between the central
level and the provinces, devolve right away to the local levels whatever job
possible. To pay importance to training, retraining and rationally assign officials
and public employees. To heighten the sense of law observance and personal
responsibility in the organization of the implementation of tasks. To detect in
time and resolutely punish those State officials or employees in whatever
position who show an attitude or take acts of harassing for bribes or cause
inconvenience and troubles to the people.
b/ To increase the capabilities and raise the
quality of the activities of the local administration in the new term of
office, especially at the commune level. To fully exercise the powers and
responsibilities of the People's Councils at all levels, to democratically
discuss and decide the affairs of the localities, first of all the tasks in the
year 2000 and the orientation for the activities in the whole term.
c/ To step up the realization of the regulation
on practice of democracy at the grassroots. Officials at all levels shall have
to go regularly among the grassroots to have a firm grasp of the situation and
listen with attention to the population, detect and deal in time with the
arising questions. To strictly abide by the regime of the higher echelon making
observations about the lower echelon and the lower echelon making criticism of
the higher echelon.
To handle in time the citizens' complaints and
denunciations. To concentrate on resolving definitively long overdrawn affairs.
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To raise the quality of investigation,
supervision, trial and execution of verdicts.
To detect in time and handle promptly and
seriously all kinds of crimes, especially corruption and smuggling.
e/ To issue in time documents guiding the
implementation of the laws and ordinances adopted by the National Assembly and
the Standing Committee of the Nation Assembly.
To intensify the popularization and education of
law among the people.
6. To concentrate on overcoming the consequences
of floods in Central Vietnam, to take measures in full initiative for timely
prevention and fight against national disasters in the whole country
a/ To make preferential investment in restoring
and strengthening the socio-economic infrastructure with special attention to
water conservancy, communication, electric works, schools and medical
establishments, to conduct environmental hygiene and to handle the farm soil
filled up by flood or immersed by salt water.
b/ Let the population in Central Vietnam
heighten their sense of initiative in overcoming difficulties in order to early
stabilize life and production. To develop the sense of mutual aid and mutual
love of the entire people including overseas Vietnamese, to turn to full account
the assistance of other countries and international organizations for the
population the flood stricken areas.
c/ To review and draw the necessary lessons in
the prevention and fight against natural disasters and overcoming their sequels
in 1999, on which basis to elaborate plans to raise the capacity of forecasts,
ensure technical means and material conditions in order to stand ready to cope
with all contingencies during natural disasters.
The National Assembly calls on the people and
armed forces in the whole country and compatriots living abroad to develop the
tradition of solidarity, hard working and creativeness, step up the patriotic
emulation movement, and strive to successfully carry out the tasks for the year
2000, a year of paramount importance, in order to advance the country into the
new millenium.
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Nong Duc Manh