Independence - Freedom - Happiness
July 29, 2016
Pursuant to
the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
Pursuant to
Law No. 57/2014/QH13 on Organization of the National Assembly;
Pursuant to
Law No. 17/2008/QH12 on Promulgation of Legal Documents and Law No.
80/2015/QH13 on Promulgation of Legal Documents;
the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Report No. 08/TTr-UBTVQH14 of July
23, 2016, on tentative adjustments to the 2016 law- and ordinance-making
program and the 2017 law- and ordinance-making program, and the National
Assembly Standing Committee's Report No. 14/BC-UBTVQH14 of July 28, 2016, on
explanation and assimilation of National Assembly deputies' opinions on
tentative adjustments to the 2016 law- and ordinance-making program and the
2017 law- and ordinance-making program,
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To adjust
the 2016 law- and ordinance-making program as follows:
1. To add
the following drafts to the 2016 law- and ordinance-making program:
- The draft
Resolution amending and supplementing a number of articles of Resolution No.
55/2010/QH12 on agricultural land use tax exemption and reduction (to be
discussed and adopted at the 2nd session in accordance with the
process of a session);
- The draft
Law on Planning (to be discussed at the 2nd session);
- The draft
Ordinance on Court Fees and Expenses (to be submitted to the National Assembly
Standing Committee in November 2016);
- The draft
Ordinance Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Ordinance on
Preferential Treatment toward People with Meritorious Service to the Revolution
(to be submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee in November 2016).
2. To
withdraw the following drafts from the 2016 law- and ordinance-making program:
- The
(amended) draft Law on Atomic Energy;
- The draft
Law on Certification;
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- The draft
Law on Blood and Stem Cells;
- The
(amended) draft Law on National Defense (to be transferred to the 2017 law- and
ordinance-making program for discussion at the 4th session).
To approve
the 2017 law- and ordinance-making program as follows:
1. At the 3rd
a/ To
submit to the National Assembly for passage the following 15 drafts:
1. The
draft Law on the Communal Police Force;
2. The
(amended) draft Law on Railways;
3. The
(amended) draft Law Against Corruption;
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5. The
draft Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools;
6. The
draft Law on Supports for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises;
7. The
(amended) draft Law on Management and Use of State Assets;
8. The
draft Law on Irrigation;
9. The
(amended) draft Law on State Compensation Liability;
10. The
draft Law on the Guard Force;
11. The
(amended) draft Law on Tourism;
12. The
(amended) draft Law on Legal Aid;
13. The
draft Law on Planning;
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15. The
National Assembly’s draft Resolution on the 2018 law- and ordinance- making
program (in accordance with the process of a session).
b/ To
submit to the National Assembly for discussion the following 8 drafts:
1. The
draft Law on Protection of State Secrets;
2. The
(amended) draft Law on Competition;
3. The
(amended) draft Law on Public Debt Management;
4. The
draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Labor Code;
5. The
(amended) draft Law on Forest Protection and Development;
6. The
(amended) draft Law on Fisheries;
7. The
draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on
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2. At the 4th
a/ To
submit to the National Assembly for passage the following 9 drafts:
1. The
draft Law on Protection of State Secrets;
2. The
(amended) draft Law on Competition;
3. The
(amended) draft Law on Public Debt Management;
4. The
draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Labor Code;
5. The
(amended) draft Law on Forest Protection and Development;
6. The
(amended) draft Law on Fisheries;
7. The
draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on
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9. The
draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on
Overseas Representative Missions of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (in
accordance with the process of a session).
b/ To
submit to the National Assembly for discussion the following 6 drafts:
1. The
(amended) draft Law on National Defense;
2. The
draft Law on Cybersecurity;
3. The
draft Law on Public Administration;
4. The
draft Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on
Physical Training and Sports;
5. The
(amended) draft Law on Judicial Records;
6. The
draft Law on Topography and Cartography.
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Competent agencies, organizations and persons shall create favorable conditions
for National Assembly deputies to exercise their right to introduce law
initiatives in accordance with the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.
3. The
Government, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and related agencies
shall promulgate in a strict manner documents detailing the implementation of
laws and resolutions of the National Assembly and ordinances and resolutions of
the National Assembly Standing Committee so that such documents could take
effect simultaneously with the effective time of relevant laws, ordinances and
4. The
Government shall:
a/ Assign
agencies to take charge of studying and summarizing current regulations and
proposing the amendment, supplementation or formulation of drafts in order to
further institutionalize the Party’s resolutions, organize the implementation
of the Constitution, resolve pressing issues facing the people, and implement treaties
to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party;
Expeditiously prepare the draft Law Amending and Supplementing the Laws on
Investment and Business, and the draft Law on Demonstration, and submit such
drafts to the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and
addition to the law- and ordinance-making programs that will be submitted to
the National Assembly when the prescribed conditions are fully met in
accordance with the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents;
c/ Assign
agencies to take charge of studying the necessity to promulgate documents and
preparing dossiers of draft laws already proposed by the Government, agencies,
organizations or National Assembly deputies but not yet passed by the National
Assembly under this Resolution, and report such draft laws to the National
Assembly Standing Committee for submitting them to the National Assembly for
consideration and addition to the law- and ordinance-making programs when the
prescribed conditions are fully met;
d/ Increase
funds for lawmaking activities; and decide as soon as possible to allocate
funds for draft laws, draft ordinances and draft resolutions already included
in the 2016 law- and ordinance-making program and the 2017 law- and
ordinance-making program.
Resolution was adopted on July 29, 2016, by the XIVth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam at its first session.-
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Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan