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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
QCVN 07:2023/BXD is compiled by Vietnam Association of Civil Engineering Environment
with professional cooperation of Technical Infrastructure Agency, proposed by
Technical Science and Environment Agency, appraised by Ministry of Science and
Technology, and promulgated by the Ministry of Construction under Circular No.
15/2023/TT-BXD dated December 29, 2023.
QCVN 07:2023/BXD replaces the QCVN 07:2016/BXD attached under Circular No.
01/2016/TT-BXD dated February 1, 2016 of the Minister of Construction.
QCVN 07-1:2023/BXD
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1.1.1 This Regulation prescribes
technical requirements and mandatory management requirements in investment,
construction, renovation, and upgrade of water supply works.
1.1.2 This Regulation applies to:
Surface water, groundwater extraction works;
Water treatment plants for water from water extraction works to clean water
pump stations;
Pipeline network and booster pump stations, auxiliary works on the network.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to all organizations and individuals engaging in operations
related to investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of water supply
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documents below are integral to the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning;
07-3:2023/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Technical Infrastructure
System - Trench and Tunnel Works;
40:2011/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Industrial Wastewater;
50:2013/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Thresholds for
Sludges from Water Treatment Process;
08-MT:2023/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Surface Water Quality;
09-MT:2023/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Groundwater Quality;
01-1:2018/BYT, National Technical Regulation on Domestic Water Quality.
1.4 Definitions
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Water supply system
to a combination of water extraction works, pump stations, treatment plants,
water plants, storage tanks, water towers, pipeline networks, and auxiliary
works that provides water of adequate quality, flow rate, and pressure for all
Water extraction works
to works for receiving water from sources to tanks or wells for transportation
to treatment plants. Where difference in water level is significant enough,
floating or rail-mounted water extraction works are allowed.
Raw water pump station
to works for pumping water from water extraction works to water treatment
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Water treatment station, water plant
to a combination of works for treating water in a manner satisfactory to clean
water quality.
Clean water tank
to works for regulating water intake and outtake, water reservation for water
treatment stations, water plants, and firefighting.
Clean water pump station
to works for transporting clean water from clean water tanks to water supply
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
to a network of pipelines carrying clean water from clean water pump stations
to point of consumption and consists of tier I network, tier II network, tier
III network, and related auxiliary works.
Raw water pipes
to pipes carrying water from raw water pump stations to water treatment
stations, water plants.
Looped water supply network
to a water supply network where water is delivered from two directions and the
pipes form a closed loop.
Tree-type water supply network
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Tier I supply network (transmission network)
to pipes carrying water to areas where water consumption takes place.
Tier II supply network (distribution network)
to pipes regulating flow rate of tier I supply pipelines, ensuring safe
operation of water supply system, and carrying water to users with great water
consumption demand.
Tier III supply network (service network)
to pipes carrying water from tier II pipelines and other water pipes to water
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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Subregional meter
to an instrument for measuring amount of water intake and amount of water
consumed in a subregion.
Regional meter
to an instrument for measuring amount of water intake and amount of water
consumed in a region.
Pressure relief valve
to a valve for reducing pressure of tier II pipeline segments after the valve
when pressure in pipeline segments before the valve reaches 30 m of water gauge
or more.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
to a valve installed on booster pipes of pump stations and on pipeline network
where pressure build-up may lead to water collision in order to relieve
pressure in booster pipes.
Water tower
to works for regulating water flow rate and pressure, accommodating
firefighting when fire pumps have not been started, and reserving water for
cleaning filter tanks.
Booster pump station
to a pump station for providing sufficient flow rate and pressure for network
after it or areas with varying elevations in order to reduce stress of main
pump stations.
Inline booster pump
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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Drain-based water extraction works
to works for extracting shallow groundwater via water collection system or
horizontal drains to transmit water to collector wells.
Frequency converter
to a device for changing frequency in order to adjust revolution per minute of
pumps depending on flow rate and pressure on water supply network.
to a device consisting of plates with varying shapes used to generate layered
flow in clarifiers in order to further improve characteristics of the clarifiers.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 Investment in construction of
water supply system must conform to planning approved by competent authority
and ensure reasonable, safe, and sustainable use of water sources in climate
2.1.2 Structure and construction
materials of water supply works must meet strength and integrity requirements
throughout their useful life (design lifespan) under effect of natural
conditions, surrounding environment, and other effects during operation. Chemicals,
materials, and equipment in treatment, transportation, and storage of domestic
water must not affect water quality and human health.
2.1.3 Clean water quality for domestic
purposes must meet requirements under the QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT and local
2.1.4 Capacity of water supply system
shall be calculated in order to accommodate days with peak water consumption in
a year; domestic water calculation shall take into account daily water demand
variation coefficient; water for road washing, plant watering, public structures,
commercial and service purposes, special structures, industrial activities,
runoff, and water used by water treatment stations, water plants shall conform
to the QCVN 01:2021/BXD.
2.2 Water sources
2.2.1 Raw water quality shall meet
requirements under the QCVN 08-MT:2023/BTNMT and QCVN 09-MT:2023/BTNMT. This
Regulation does not apply to other water sources such as water affected by
saltwater intrusion. Where a water source does not meet requirements under the
QCVN 08-MT:2023/BTNMT and QCVN 09-MT:2023/BTNMT and treatment solutions have
been taken to achieve post-treatment water quality defined under 2.1.3, this
water source is allowed for use.
2.2.2 Measures must be taken to ensure
sanitary conditions of water sources; zoning measures must be taken to protect
hygiene, prevent contamination by domestic wastewater, production wastewater,
and other risks of contamination.
2.2.3 Water sources from which water is
provided for water treatment stations and water plants must conform to planning
relevant to the use of water sources and approved by competent authority,
ensure water source safety and security, be capable of providing sufficient
water for phases of water use planning, and be capable of meeting water demand
during dry seasons.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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Surface water extraction works Surface water extraction works
Have sufficient design capacity for all project phases;
Be operated safely, stably, sustainably and without affecting hydrograph of
water sources or waterway traffic;
Take into account rising sea level and saltwater intrusion in coastal areas,
lowering water level during dry seasons, and impacts of climate change. In respect of location, surface
water extraction works must:
Be located upstream relative to water consumption areas according to approved
planning. If direction of flow cannot be determined or changes from time to
time or water sources suffer from saltwater intrusion, the collecting works
shall be located at appropriate positions in order to ensure technical and
economic norms;
Be located in areas with good geology construction conditions where the works
are protected from other hydrograph events, river banks and beds are stable,
less prone to erosion and/or deposition and/or change in current, sufficient
depth is always provided even when water level is at the lowest, and the works
are maintained stable over long periods of time;
Not be located downstream and close to hydroelectricity plants. Minimum
separation distance is 1 000 m.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Water intake:
Water intake process must not create surface swirl; the highest point of intake
must be at least 0,5 m away from the lowest water level;
Water intake must not be installed within navigation channels or areas where
weeds and algae grow.
Groundwater extraction wells Groundwater extraction wells
must meet technical regulations, have stable flow rate, quality, and water
level decrease during extraction, and conform to groundwater extraction laws. Quantity of primary wells shall
be determined on the basis of extraction quantity, supply availability of
aquifers and permissible decrease in water level; quantity of backup wells
shall be determined on the basis of quantity of primary wells and level of
water supply safety. Gaps between casings, between
casings and tubes shall be filled with clay or similar materials in order to
prevent intrusion of surface water thereby contaminating the water sources. Where a well is unused, the well
must be sealed by watertight materials so as to prevent contamination of water
sources. Where geological conditions are favorable, water extraction via filter
drains buried underground is allowed.
2.4 Pump station
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Pump stations must be designed in
a manner that takes into account characteristics of each type of pump station
and facilitates renovation and expansion according to planning. Dimensions of pump stations must
be able to accommodate primary pumps, backup pumps, pumps for washing filter
tanks, blowers, control equipment, pipes, lifting equipment, and installation,
repair work. Underground sections of pump
stations shall be built from watertight materials. Where walls of pump stations
are located below groundwater level, a layer of watertight materials shall be
applied to the bottom floor, the inside and outside of the walls of the pump
Placement of suction pipes of pump stations
pipes of pumps shall be inclined towards the pumps and designed in a way that
gas buildup does not occur at any point in the suction pipes.
Placement of booster pipes
pump station shall consist of 2 general booster pipes of which 1 pipe is
installed in advance for the next phase. Where a pump station with total
capacity below 10 000 m3/d or multiple pump stations supply water in
the same network, it is permissible to install just 1 booster pipe. Machine compartment must contain
lifting equipment. The type of lifting equipment shall be selected depending on
weight of the largest pump group in the pump stations.
Well pump station
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Roof of the stations shall be
fitted with openings for pipe removal. Where a station is built in an
area prone to flood and/or inundation, elevation of the floor on which machine
compartment is located shall be at least 0,5 m above the highest water level. Well openings shall be at least
0,3 m above the floor. Wells fitted with pumps shall be
required as backup wells. Operation shall alternate between backup wells and
well groups.
2.4.3 Raw water pump stations (for
surface water extraction) Design of raw water pump
stations shall adhere to operating mode of water treatment stations and water
plants. Raw water pump stations shall
transmit raw water to water treatment stations, water plants, including
domestic water pumps and backup pumps. Where construction of collecting works
and integrated pump stations takes place in phases, construction of collecting
works and station facilities of two stages shall be built in the first phase
whereas equipment shall be built in appropriate stage.
Clean water pump station Pump stations shall ensure safe
and stable operation regardless of design; be convenient for management,
operation, maintenance, and repair; accommodate equipment serving management purposes;
be fitted with ventilation and lighting systems; be fitted with machinery and
equipment transport solutions; be fitted with gutters, water collector pits,
and pumps to drain leakage.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Each pump group shall include
backup pumps. If fire pumps and pumps serving domestic purposes are of the same
type, backup pumps shall be selected for both pump groups. Flow rate of pumps serving
domestic purposes shall be sufficient to provide water for design areas in peak
hours. Flow rate of fire pumps shall be sufficient to provide water for
domestic purposes and firefighting during peak hours. Pump pressure shall be
determined on the basis that outlet pressure measured at the most disadvantaged
position in peak hours and in case of fire during peak hours is 10 m. Clean water pump stations of
water supply stations and water plants of minimum capacity of 10 000 m3/d
are required to be fitted with frequency converters. Control of frequency
converters shall be automated depending on actual pressure on the network,
water entering the network, and water level in tanks.
2.5 Water treatment plans, water plants
General requirements Each structure shall contain a
minimum of 2 units in order to ensure working conditions around the rock where
each work of the station can be halted for cleaning and/or repair. Where a
station‘s capacity is less than 3 000 m3/day and the station is
allowed to be halted for specific hours for cleaning and/or repair, it is
permissible to build a single unit. Water treatment stations and
water plants shall include water treatment system for removing sludges from
clarifiers, cleaning clarifiers, or discharging into clarifiers while adhering
to requirements under the QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT and other environmental protection
Water treatment technology
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Intake chamber, aeration chamber Raw water intake and
distribution chambers must be able to facilitate full utilization of capacity
according to approved projects. Aeration chambers are required
if reactors with suspended solid, clarifiers with suspended solid, contact
filters are used.
Flocculation reactors
treatment technology that utilizes coagulation chemicals, mixing tanks and
reactors shall be required. If water pipes are required from reactors to sedimentation
tanks, water velocity in the pipes shall not exceed 0,3 m/s.
Preliminary clarifiers, preliminary sedimentation ponds
clarifiers, preliminary sedimentation ponds shall be required where the highest
particle density exceeds 1 000 mg/L. Where land area permits and the highest
particle density is less than 1 000 mg/L, clarifiers capable of storing large
quantities of water shall be built and provide water supply in case water
sources are incapable of providing water. The minimum duration of water
retention is 1 day; where land conditions permit a higher water retention
period for the purpose of water supply in case water sources are incapable of
providing water, sludge removal system for preliminary clarifiers and sludge
dredging solutions for preliminary sedimentation ponds shall be required.
Particle density after clarifier
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 In respect of groundwater
treatment technology, where total particle density after aeration exceeds 20
mg/L, contact clarifiers shall incorporate sedimentation function. Contact
clarifiers shall be designed on the basis that minimum duration of water
retention in the tanks is 90 minutes without the use of coagulants. Where pH
and alkalinity of water is high and effective sedimentation solutions are
employed or where Lamella clarifiers are used, minimum duration of water
retention is 60 minutes. Clarifiers of all types shall
be fitted with sludge removal system that utilizes hydrostatic pressure or pumps.
Dissolved gas flotation unit Dissolved gas flotation unit
is allowed as an alternative for clarifiers if suspended solid in water is
insignificant in content, solid is fine in size, water has high color quality,
water contains algae, or economic and technical conditions allow so. A system for surface
collection shall be required and designed in a way that quality of water
transmitted to filters is not affected when the system is operating.
Rapid gravity filter Rapid gravity filter shall be
calculated in order to facilitate 2 working modes, a normal working mode and
intensive working mode. Where number of filters in a station is at most 20, 1
filter shall be expected to be temporarily suspended for repair; where number
of filters in a station exceeds 20, 2 filters shall be expected to be simultaneously
and temporarily suspended for repair. A system for cleaning sand
filter of the tanks shall be design in a manner where system specification
allows sand in all positions to be cleaned without losses.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Membrane filter Membrane filtration technology
is allowed for the purpose of treatment of surface water, groundwater, brackish
water, desalination of seawater, and filtration of purified water. Preliminary treatment
solutions prior to membrane filtration shall be required to reduce stress,
extend useful life of membrane filters; membrane filters shall be of decreasing
size prior to reverse osmosis.
Iron and Manganese Removal Contact materials shall be
allowed inside of tanks to remove Manganese where contact materials do not harm
human health and are allowed by inspecting bodies; Manganese removal via
chemicals is also allowed.
Iron removal via simple aeration and filtration
total content of iron in water is less than 6 mg/L, content of Fe2+
accounts for at least 80%, water sources are not contaminated by NH4+,
pH is greater than 7, and other conditions permit, simple aeration technology
and filtration technology via water distribution system on top of filters or
overflowing grates prior to the filters shall be allowed.
Aeration by aeration tubes
is permissible to use aeration tubes for the purpose of Iron and Manganese
removal as long as no structures obstruct and/or affect the wind.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Design of air blowers shall incorporate
calculation of thickness of contact materials; contact materials that jam air
blowers must not be used; system for cleaning contact materials shall be
required. Air blowers of appropriate
capacity shall be selected to restrict the formation of Fe(OH)3
residue in the air blowers.
Arsenic removal from water Filter materials and contact
materials used for the purpose of Arsenic treatment shall not contain
components that affect human health. Filter materials and Arsenic
adsorbents shall, upon being discarded, shall be managed and treated as
hazardous wastes.
Sludge treatment Sludge of water treatment
stations shall be collected, dried, reused or transported to waste treatment
facilities for treatment compliant with environmental hygiene and safety as per
the law. Sludge treatment of water treatment process shall meet requirements
under the QCVN 50:2013/BTNMT. Sludge treatment technology
shall be simple, effective and ensure that treated water is available for
reuse; stations of minimum capacity of 5 000 m3/d shall be included
in the first works of primary treatment sequence of water treatment stations,
water plants.
Clean water tank
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Tanks shall contain partitions
to create circular current with retention duration greater than 30 minutes and
with sufficient contact duration for sterilization (except for tanks serving
urban areas if Chlorine is not added to the tanks).
Water sterilization Chemicals selected for sterilization
shall be highly effective, safe for human health, especially operators of
sterilization system. Chemical storage shall contain
PPE, ventilation system, Chlorine leak detectors, Chlorine neutralizers or
absorption systems that utilize chemicals in case of emergencies to ensure
safety of operators, staff members of the stations, and the locals.
Other conditions Internal roads of a water
supply station or water plant shall have minimum width of 3,5 m, be capable of
supporting load of a vehicle transporting the heaviest equipment in the
station, and contain turning heads. Power supply of water supply
stations and water plants shall be top priority power supply; water supply
stations and water plants of level 1 reliability shall be outfitted with backup
generators. Backup generators shall have sufficient power to energize primary
production works of water supply stations and water plants.
2.6 Water supply network
Transmission pipelines
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Materials of transmission pipes
shall have mechanical, chemical strength, be resistant to stress and mechanical
impact, and ensure that the pipes are not destroyed in all working conditions. Markers of pipelines and safety
corridors shall be required to avoid damage to the pipes in case of road expansion
or construction of other works.
Water supply pipelines Water supply network of new
urban areas shall be placed in trench or tunnel works in accordance with the
QCVN 07-3:2023/BXD. Water supply pipe network of
class III urban areas or higher shall be divided into 3 levels. Connection
between pipes of end users and pipes of level I or level II network shall be
prohibited. Users of minimum usage of 500 m3/d are allowed to be
connected to level II network. Water supply network shall be of
a looped type. Branch type network is only allowed when:
Manufacturing facilities are allowed to suspend operation for repair;
Water supply network serves level V urban areas or residential areas when
population is below 3 000 people;
Construction phase dictates so prior to compete installment of looped network according
to planning.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Pipe materials shall be able to
resist pressure and mechanical force caused by vehicles of massive load, inner
coatings shall have sufficient mechanical and chemical strength, shall not
affect water quality, shall not affect human health, and shall be authorized by
health authority. Where pipes are installed in corrosive ground or water,
anti-corrosive measures must be applied to the pipes. Pressurized gravity-flow pipes
shall be outfitted with energy absorption devices or other protective devices
so that the pipes operate within permissible pressure limit. Inspection shafts shall be
required for non-pressurized gravity-flow pipes. Where the terrain is
excessively steep, backdrop manholes shall be required to reduce water
velocity. Depth of underground pipe
installation shall be determined by load applied at the top of the pipe, pipe
strength, ambient temperature, and other conditions and shall not be less than
0,7 m from ground level where pipe diameter is less than or equal to 300 mm or
not be less than 1 m from ground level where pipe diameter is greater than 300
mm. Pipe segments installed in poor soil conditions shall be braced by supporting
elements to prevent displacement and damage to connectors.
Minimum depth of underground pipe installation may be reduced by 0,3 m if the
pipes are installed below sidewalks or technical measures are taken to protect
the pipes. Following installation of each
section of the network, pressure test shall be conducted to examine
airtightness of pipes and connectors where test pressure equals 1,5 times the
working pressure of the pipes. Pressure test procedures shall adhere to
national standards on pressure test for water supply pipes following
2.6.3 Equipment serving safe water supply Relief valves and air intake
valves shall be outfitted at the highest points of water supply network. Bottom discharge valves shall be
outfitted at the lowest points in each section of the network.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Monitoring devices shall be
installed in water treatment stations to monitor water quality and on
transmission, distribution pipes to monitor murkiness and residual Chlorine
where minimum capacity is 10 000 m3/d.
2.6.4 Network zoning Water supply network of class
III urban areas and higher shall be zoned to reduce water loss and outfitted
with zone and sub-zone meters. Each sub-zone meter shall not
serve more than 5 000 users or 8 000 users in case of special urban areas and
class I urban areas; each zone meter shall consist of at least 3 sub-zones.
2.6.5 Pipes crossing rivers, expressways, railways Inverted siphon pipe for water
The minimum number of siphons for water crossing shall be 2; siphon materials
shall be ductile, resistant to pressure and mechanical force;
Depth measured from river bed to the top of the siphons, when determined in
accordance with erosion of river basins and the greatest load of anchoring
vessels on the water shall not damage the siphons. Siphon bedding materials
shall be gravels and chippings with dimensions ranging from 20 mm to 40 mm;
minimum bedding depth shall be 0,5 m; anchorage shall be required to prevent
Inspection shafts on both sides of rivers and warning signs for watercrafts
traversing the rivers shall be required.
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2.6.6 Pressure test, cleaning, disinfection of pipelines Installed pipelines shall
undergo pressure test according to technical standards. Water supply network
shall, prior to use, shall be cleaned with clean water. Following cleaning with clean
water, the network shall be disinfected and then cleaned until the content of
residual Chlorine in water does not exceed 1,0 mg/L.
2.6.7 Water meter Pipes carrying water to location
of use shall be outfitted with water meters; valves shall be outfitted before
the meters and the opening, closing of which shall only be implemented by water
network authority. Water meters shall be outfitted
at clean water pump stations, connection between water supply stations, and at
the beginning of pipes of level II and level III network. Water users shall be equipped
with water meters. Meters of household shall have a maximum diameter of 15 mm
and minimum accuracy level of B; in case of villas with swimming pools, meters
of a diameter of 20 mm shall be allowed; Users with minimum water usage of 10
m3/d shall choose meters depending on calculation and water meters shall be
inspected in accordance with metrology laws.
2.7 Maintenance
2.7.1 Water supply works and work items
shall be periodically maintained and/or replaced in order to perform design
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2.7.3 Duration of water cut for pipe cleaning
of each region in a network shall not exceed 8 hours.
Transition clauses
3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior
to the effective period of this Regulation shall adhere to regulations
applicable as of the date on which said projects are approved; individuals
deciding on investment reserve the right to apply this Regulation.
3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry of Construction is
responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on application of this
Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise during implementation
of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical Infrastructure
Department, Ministry of Construction.
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Regulation prescribes technical requirements and mandatory management
requirements in investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of sewerage
and drainage works.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to organizations and individuals relevant to investment,
construction, renovation, and upgrade of rainwater, wastewater drainage works
and wastewater treatment works.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning;
05:2023/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality;
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the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
to water with properties and characteristics altered by usage or human
activities and released into water drainage system or the environment.
Domestic wastewater
to wastewater produced by human activities such as: eating, drinking, cleaning,
washing, personal hygiene, and similar activities.
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to wastewater created by various sources in urban areas.
Drainage basin
a specific location where rainwater and/or wastewater is collected to drainage
system and transported to wastewater treatment plants or released into
receiving waters.
Drainage system
to drainage network (pipes, sewers, channels, canals, detention basins, etc.),
drainage pump stations of rainwater and wastewater, wastewater treatment works,
and other auxiliary works serving collection, transmission, drainage of
rainwater, wastewater, flood prevention, and wastewater treatment. Drainage
system shall be divided into levels below:
Combined drainage system where wastewater and rainwater are collected in the
same system;
Separate drainage system where wastewater drainage system is separate from
rainwater drainage system;
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Rainwater drainage system
to the network of sewers, channels, canals for collection and transmission,
detention basins, rainwater pump stations, inlets, storm drains and intake
shafts, outlets, and other auxiliary works serving rainwater collection and
Wastewater drainage system
to a network of sewers and pipes for wastewater collection and transmission,
wastewater pump stations, wastewater treatment plants, outlets; diversion
chambers and combined sewers (if any) and other auxiliary works serving
wastewater collection, drainage, and treatment.
Combined sewer
to sewer that collects and transports wastewater in absence of rainwater and
parts of rainwater mixed with wastewater in combined drainage system from
difference basins to pump stations and wastewater treatment plants.
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Drainage network
Level 1 sewers are primary sewers for collecting and carrying water from drainage
basins to wastewater treatment plants or releasing into receiving waters;
Level 2 sewers are sewers for receiving and carrying water from level 3 sewers
to level 1 sewers;
Level 3 sewers are sewers for collecting and carrying rainwater and wastewater
from households to level 2 or level 1 sewers.
Receiving waters of wastewater
to regular or periodic moving waters such as rivers, streams, channels, lakes,
lagoons, ocean, and aquifers.
Detention basins
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to water that meets quality requirements and satisfies environmental
regulations and/or standards prior to being released into receiving waters. For
example, cooling water in heat exchangers which is only heated up within
permissible temperature parameters and is not contaminated by pollutants.
Reclaimed water
to wastewater that has been treated to a certain extent and suitable for use in
various purposes.
to organic or inorganic slurry dredged and collected from septic tanks,
drainage network, detention basins, drainage pump stations, and wastewater
treatment plants.
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Drainage system connection
to connection of drainage sewers of households to drainage system.
Aerobic treatment of wastewater
to wastewater treatment process that utilizes microorganisms in the presence of
Anaerobic treatment of wastewater
to wastewater treatment process that utilizes microorganisms in the absence of
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to wastewater treatment process that utilizes microorganisms where the content
of dissolved oxygen in water is less than 0,5 mg/L.
Gravity drainage
to a drainage mechanism that relies on gravity.
Mechanical or pressure drainage
to a drainage mechanism that relies on pumps and pressurized pipelines.
Municipal wastewater treatment station, plant
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Mechanical treatment of wastewater
to a wastewater treatment process that utilizes mechanical processes in works
and equipment such as: garbage grates, mesh, sand settling tanks, clarifiers,
grease separators, filters, etc. to remove large impurities or non-soluble
solids from wastewater.
Biological and biochemical treatment of wastewater
to a wastewater treatment process that utilizes microorganisms to decompose
contaminants and/or filth.
Chemical treatment of wastewater
to a wastewater treatment process that utilizes chemicals. Filth shall react
with chemicals, solidify and sink to the bottom or form non-toxic soluble or
volatile gas and then be separated from water. Examples of chemical treatment
are coagulation, flocculation, neutralization, oxidation.
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Physicochemical treatment of wastewater
to a wastewater treatment process that utilizes physiochemical factors such as:
flotation, adsorption, absorption, extraction, distillation, etc.
Onsite wastewater treatment works
to treatment works located at households, grounds of apartment buildings,
offices, service and mercantile buildings, and other structures.
2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 Investment and construction of drainage
works shall conform to planning approved by competent authority and take into
account the impact of climate change and rising sea level. Separate drainage
system shall be required for new urban complexes and urban areas.
2.1.2 Pipelines, inspection shafts, and
auxiliary works on drainage network shall meet technical requirements below:
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They are capable of carrying wastewater and rainwater regularly with minimum
pressure loss;
Appropriate technical measures are taken to prevent leak and groundwater
Materials of pipes, inspection shafts, and auxiliary works on drainage network
shall have sufficient strength and resistance against the environment.
2.1.3 Detention basin Detention basins shall be built
in accordance with approved planning. Where combined drainage system
is regulated by detention basin, rainwater shall, prior to entering detention
basins, go through combined sewer overflows. Water storage and regulation in
detention basins shall be tasked with regulating rainwater. Appropriate ration between area
of detention basins over total area of drainage basins and depth shall be
required to prevent flooding and inundation. Examination and collection of
meteorology and hydrology parameters, determination of calculated flow shall be
done in accordance with sewer spill frequency and compliance with regulations
on detention basins under QCVN 01:2021/BXD. Where rain intensity and flow
rate exceed calculated value in regard to selected sewer spill frequency,
appropriate measures for limiting, reducing inundation and moving towards
sustainable drainage model shall be required.
2.1.4 Connectors for wastewater shall be
required to connect household drainage to drainage network. Connectors shall be
easily accessibly at all time and facilitate inspection, dredging, clearing,
and repair.
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2.2.1 Flow rate of rainwater and
wastewater shall be determined in accordance with QCVN 01:2021/BXD.
2.2.2 Minimum diameter of rainwater
drainage pipes, sewers, combined sewers in dwelling units shall be 300 mm; in
the streets shall be 400 mm. Minimum diameter of wastewater drainage pipes and
sewers in residential units shall be 150 mm; in the streets shall be 200 mm.
2.2.3 Flow velocity Minimum flow velocity in a
drainage network shall be sufficient to avoid sedimentation. Minimum flow velocity in
compressed sludge pressure pipes (fresh sludge, decomposed sludge, activated
sludge, etc.) shall be sufficient to avoid sedimentation. Maximum flow velocity in gutters
of rainwater and production greywater allowed to be released into receiving
waters shall be sufficient to avoid failure, damage, and erosion of gutters
depending on gutter materials or type of gutter reinforcement.
2.2.4 Minimum slope Minimum slope of sewers shall be
selected on the basis of minimum flow velocity intended for each type of sewers
and sewer dimensions. Minimum slope of street gutters
shall be 0,3 %.
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2.2.6 Minimum installation depth (from
the top of the pipes) shall be:
In case of areas not occupied by motor vehicles: 0,3 m;
In case of areas occupied by motor vehicles: 0,5 m for pipes of all diameter
from street elevation. Where installation depth is less than 0,5 m, pipe protective
measures shall be required.
2.2.7 Where pipes and drainage works
travel through soil with poor conditions, appropriate technical measures shall
be taken to ensure that the pipes and works are stable and not prone to
depression, deformation.
2.2.8 Connectors of pipes and socket
sewers shall be in form of rubber washers whereas connectors of smooth pipes
shall be in form of belts. Such forms of connection are only applicable to
sewers whose diameter is equal to or smaller than 300 mm. Connection of pipes
and sewers of PVC, uPVC, HDPE, and other materials shall conform to
manufacturers’ instructions.
2.2.9 Storm drain Storm drains shall be situated
along streets and squares to drain all storm water. Rainfall frequency shall be calculated
in accordance with QCVN 01:2021/BXD. Pipes connecting inspection
shafts and storm drains shall not exceed 40 m in length. diameter of the
connecting pipes shall be determined depending on area of rainwater collection
in dwelling units and shall not be less than 300 mm.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 In respect of combined drainage
system in dwelling units, storm drains shall be outfitted in a way that
prevents odor and allow uninterrupted flow. In respect of rainwater drainage
network where difference in height between grade plane of pipes is equal to or
less than 0,5 m, pipe diameter is less than 1 500 mm and flow velocity does not
exceed 4 m/s, connection in form of inspection shafts shall be allowed. Where
height difference in grade plane is greater than 0,5 m, backdrop manholes shall
be required.
2.2.10 Inspection shaft In respect of wastewater
drainage network, inspection shafts shall be located:
Where different pipelines are connected;
Where sewers change direction, slope, or diameter;
Spaces between inspection shafts along straight pipe segments shall facilitate
convenient operation and vary depending on pipe dimensions and installation
Inspection shafts that are connected to pipes of a minimum diameter of 700 mm
may have working platforms installed to one side of the drain. The platforms
shall not be les than 1 000 mm away from the opposite wall. Where inspection
shafts contain sewers of a minimum diameter of 2 000 m, working platforms may
be supported by outrigger beams; dimension of clear section of the drain shall
not be less than (2 000 x 2 000) mm. Dimensions of inspection
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Where sewer’s diameter is greater than 800 mm, inspection shafts shall be 1 200
mm in length and 500 mm greater than pipe diameter in width;
Shaft openings shall be circular in shape where the smallest inner diameter is
600 mm; shaft openings of square or rectangular in shape shall only be used in
special circumstances;
Where shafts facilitate working platforms, height of working platforms of the
shafts (from working platforms to supporting structures) shall not be less than
1,8 m. Ladders for traversal of the
shaft shall be required for maintenance purposes where depth of inspection
shafts exceeds 1,2 m. In respect of areas where
construction has complete, shaft opening shall be located at street elevation.
In respect of areas where trees are planted, shaft opening shall be at least
100 mm above ground elevation; in respect of areas where construction is not
implemented, shaft opening shall be at least 200 mm above ground elevation. Inspection
shafts of rainwater drainage system shall share a similar structure to those of
wastewater. The bottom of inspection shafts of rainwater drainage system shall
include sedimentation basins. Sedimentation basins shall be 0,3 m to 0,5 m in
depth. Anti-damp solutions shall be
applied to shaft walls and floor appropriately. Where bricks are used as shaft
construction materials, anti-damp layers shall be 0,5 m higher than groundwater
level. Cover of inspection shafts and
backdrop manholes shall be made of materials and structures that are capable of
withstanding loads in a similar fashion as roads or sidewalks.
2.2.11 Backdrop manholes and other wells
manholes, rainwater collection wells, cleaning shafts, inspection shafts,
wastewater outlets, rainwater outlets, and combined sewer overflows shall
conform to technical requirements of selected and applied technical standards.
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a general principle, water crossing is not implemented. Inverted siphon pipes
shall only be used where necessary, such as when crossing rivers of great depth.
If this is the case:
A minimum of two siphons shall be installed for maintenance purposes where one
pipe is congested;
Horizontal pipes shall slope in the direction of the flow beneath them;
Flow velocity of horizontal pipe segments shall be 20 % ÷ 30 % greater than
that of upstream pipes to prevent sedimentation;
Inspection shafts shall be located before and after these pipe segments.
Inspection shafts before the inverted siphons shall include sedimentation
2.2.13 Wastewater and rainwater outlets, combined sewer overflows Treated wastewater outlets
discharging into receiving waters:
Positioning of sewers and wastewater outlets shall be selected so that
discharged wastewater combines with receiving waters, does not cause bank
erosion, and does not affect scenery, environment, nearby structures, and
waterway traffic in the area;
Structure of sewers and outlets shall facilitate the most effective mixing of
treated water and receiving waters. Outlets shall not affect operation of
nearby watercrafts, geological and hydrographic conditions of receiving waters;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Rainwater sewers and outlets
can be:
An open type where embankment is not implemented;
A closed type where embankment is implemented.
Where water level of receiving waters is higher than that of sewers, backflow
prevention devices shall be installed in outlets. Combined sewer overflows of
combined drainage system shall include sewer regulators. Dimension and design
of sewer regulators shall depend on flow rate of discharged water and water
level in sewers, receiving waters. Gas extraction in water drainage network
drainage network shall be outfitted with gas extraction solutions.
2.2.14 Wastewater pump stations and tanks
Schedule 1 - Pump station reliability
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Operational characteristics of pump
or reduction of capacity is not allowed
pumps are allowed to be suspended for up to 6 hours
pumps are allowed to be suspended for up to 1 day Depending on level of
reliability, positions, and functions, wastewater and sludge pump stations
shall be classified in accordance with Schedule 1. Gate valves shall be installed
on pipes carrying wastewater to pump stations.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 It is permissible to install
one pressure pipe in level II and level III pump stations. Each pump must have
a separate suction pipe. In respect of sludge pump
stations, solutions for cleaning suctions and booster pipes shall be required. Water intake chambers shall be
outfitted with garbage grate. Solutions for preventing sedimentation in water
intake chambers shall be required. Water intake chambers shall be
designed in a way that they prevent wastewater from seeping into the ground;
solutions for preventing corrosion of structures and equipment shall be
required. Solutions for ventilation and
ensuring safety for tank, pump station operators shall be required. In respect of high capacity
pumps, installation of overhead lifting equipment shall be taken into consideration
for the purpose of installing the pumps.
2.2.15 Construction of underground
drainage pipes carrying wastewater to wastewater treatment stations and
treatment plants utilizing pipe jacking method shall conform to separate
2.3 Wastewater treatment works
2.3.1 Wastewater treatment stations, treatment plants
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2.3.2 Unit work items in wastewater treatment stations, treatment
plants Garbage grates shall be
installed in all wastewater treatment stations regardless of treatment
capacity. Clarifiers shall be installed in
all wastewater treatment stations where sand and/or gravel is introduced. Grease collectors shall be
required where grease content exceeds 100 mg/L. Detention basins shall be
required to control flow rate and content of contaminants in wastewater. Basin
volume shall be determined by graphs illustrating flow rates and graphs
illustrating changes to contaminant contents in wastewater. Where data is not
available, data of other active similar stations and plants shall be used as
reference. Preliminary clarifiers are not
required not be installed in wastewater treatment stations and treatment plants
where content of suspended matters of input wastewater is less than 150 mg/L. Above-ground wastewater
treatment works such as constructed wetlands may be located in areas with
sufficient hydrogeology conditions (particle compositions, elevation of bottom
of the works which must be at least 0,5 m above ground water level) and must
meet local hygiene requirements. In other situations, appropriate technical
solutions shall be required. Construction and operation of gravel filter and
filter trenches shall adhere to relevant regulations. Biological wastewater treatment
works that utilize attached growth methods such as biological filtration tanks
or suspended growth of activated carbon such as aerotanks, CAS, MBBR, SBR, AO,
A2O, etc. may be used as secondary or tertiary wastewater treatment. Construction and operation of
works for biological treatment of wastewater shall depend on components,
characteristics, and capacity of wastewater. Contents of toxic substances in
wastewater shall be below the permissible threshold so as to ensure normal operation
of microorganisms in biological treatment works.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Disinfectant equipment and
works shall be installed in wastewater treatment stations. Sludge gravity thickeners shall
be located in wastewater treatment stations and treatment plants that utilize
sludge activated wastewater treatment (in CAS, MBBR, SBR, AO, A2O, etc.). Where
capacity of wastewater treatment stations and treatment plants is below 1 000 m3/d,
sludge gravity thickeners shall not be required depending on technical and
economic comparison results. Depending on use purpose of treated
water and technical, economic conditions and where treated water meets specific
requirements, it is permissible to use advance water treatment technologies. Methane fermenters:
Methane fermenters shall be considered as a solution for disposing
biodegradable organic sediments of domestic and manufacturing wastewater. It is
permissible to introduce grinded and biodegradable organic matters to methane
fermenters (garbage collected by grates, and wastes of organic origin);
Fire prevention and fire safety solutions for methane fermenters shall be
Upon receiving materials and wastes of organic origin from outside of wastewater
treatment plants, components, harmful substances, and size of grinded particles
shall be carefully taken into consideration and pre-treated where needed so as
to not affect treatment efficiency;
Solutions for strengthening fermentation process shall be required so as to
effectively utilize fermentation gas. Sludge drying or separating
works and equipment:
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Drying process shall utilize mechanical equipment so as to negate natural
phenomena (heavy rain, high humidity) or poor land conditions;
Sludge incinerators may be used for total decontamination and reduction of
sludge quantity as long as emission treatment is implemented in accordance with
the Law on Environmental Protection;
Dewatered or dried or incinerated sludge and ashes shall be controlled using
appropriate solutions and reused effectively in a manner compliant with the
QCVN 50:2013/BTNMT.
In order to negate the effect of precipitation, drying grounds shall be
outfitted with roofs. Gas supply stations:
Buildings of gas supply stations may be outfitted with air filters, pumps for
technical water pump and aerotank drainage, activated sludge pumps, central
control equipment, distribution equipment, transformers, common rooms, and
other auxiliary equipment;
Gas supply stations shall be outfitted with fire safety and prevention
equipment in accordance with fire prevention and firefighting laws.
2.3.3 In respect of new residential
areas, residential clusters, new development areas with low population density,
it is necessary to adopt on-site or distributed (non-centralized) wastewater
treatment works (such as gravel filters, filter trenches, constructed wetlands)
on the basis of technical-economic advantages over centralized wastewater
2.4 Maintenance
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
2.4.2 Construction and operation of
water drainage network and wastewater treatment network shall adhere to
occupational safety and fire safety laws; employees constructing and operating
water drainage network and wastewater treatment network shall be adequately
equipped with PPE.
Transition clauses
3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior
to the effective period of this Regulation shall adhere to regulations
applicable as of the date on which said projects are approved; individuals
deciding on investment reserve the right to apply this Regulation.
3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry of Construction is
responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on application of this
Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise during implementation
of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical Infrastructure
Department, Ministry of Construction.
QCVN 07-3:2023/BXD
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Regulation prescribes technical requirements and mandatory management
requirements in investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of trench and
tunnel works.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to organizations and individuals relevant to investment in
construction, renovation, and operation of trench and tunnel works.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning;
02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Physical Natural and Climatic
data for Construction;
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01:2020/BCT, National technical regulation on Electric safety.
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
to an underground line works with small dimensions for installations of cables,
wires, and ducts.
to a vertical underground work within trench system for installation and
connection of wires, telecommunication cables, electric cables, public lighting
cables, water supply pipes, energy supply pipes (if any) and backup supply
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
to an underground line works with sufficiently large dimensions to allow humans
to perform installation, repair, and maintenance of equipment and pipelines.
Technical connection
to connection between wires, cables, underground pipes, trenches, and tunnels.
Underground wires, cables, pipelines
to water supply pipes, energy supply pipes, water drainage pipes, electric
wires, communication wires constructed underground.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
to works that allow employees to exit from tunnels to ground level in case of
Refuge chamber
to a part of tunnel that is outfitted with independent ventilation system and
serves as temporary refuge for employees in case of emergencies.
Control station
to works built for installation of control system and control of operation of
technical equipment in tunnels.
General requirements
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2.1.2 Design and construction of trench
and tunnel works shall take into account effects of natural conditions, useful
life, climate change, and rising sea level. Including:
Load-bearing capability of construction elements;
Terrain, hydrographic geology conditions, and rising sea level of local area;
No impact on adjacent structures and other works which the trench and tunnel
works intersect with;
Advanced construction technologies (if any);
Convenience and effectiveness in construction and operation.
2.1.3 Materials and design of trench and
tunnel works shall meet requirements regarding strength, fire safety, antidamping,
and stability during useful life while under the effect of load and natural
conditions, and technical requirements under selected and applied regulations.
2.1.4 Dimensions of trench and tunnel
works shall meet design functionalities, safety, and convenience in operation
and reserve for future growth.
2.1.5 Depth and position of trench and
tunnel works shall rely on technological, terrain, geographic, and hydrographic
geological conditions. It is also necessary to take into account depth of technical
infrastructure network and other works which the trench, tunnel works intersect
as well as construction methods and load applied.
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2.1.7 Fire safety, water drainage,
lighting, and ventilation systems in trench and tunnel works shall facilitate
convenient construction, repair, and maintenance.
2.1.8 Technical solutions ensuring
safety for trench and tunnel works shall be required in areas where mining
activities take place and areas prone to depression.
2.1.9 Trench and tunnel works shall be
kept clean and dry at all time.
2.1.10 Trench and tunnel works shall be
marked on the ground.
2.1.11 Geotechnical - environmental
monitoring, geological environment monitoring, trench and tunnel work
monitoring, monitoring of connecting works of underground technical
infrastructures, monitoring of adjacent works shall be implemented during
construction and operation of tunnel works.
2.2 Trench
2.2.1 Structure of trench Trench works consist of:
manholes, brackets, and separate chambers (if any) for installation of wires,
cables, pipes. Dimensions and shapes of
trenches shall meet demands (with 10% reservation) for installation of wires,
cables, pipes of all types and sizes and separation distances between them in
accordance with regulations applicable to specific type of pipes situated in trenches.
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Load-bearing capability of construction elements;
Terrain, hydrographic geology conditions, and rising sea level of local area;
No impact on adjacent structures and other works which the trench and tunnel
works intersect with;
Advanced construction technologies (if any);
Convenience and effectiveness in construction and operation. Where trenches are situated
below sidewalks and outside of carriageways, edges of trenches shall not be
less than 1,0 m away from building walls. Trench branches in residential
areas may be located below carriageway. Horizontal distance between trenches
and urban underground technical infrastructures outside of trench and tunnel
works shall adhere to the QCVN 01:2021/BXD. Layout of trenches in
residential areas shall anticipate construction process in phases and
expansion, repair thereof. Depth measured from the top of
trenches to the surface of sidewalks shall not be less than 0,3 m and to the
surface of carriageways shall not be less than 0,7 m.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Manholes shall be located where
trenches intersect, change direction, and travel on a straight line where
manholes shall be situated at most every 100 m.
2.2.2 Wires, cables, and pipes in trenches Trench may contain wires,
telecommunication cables, electric cables, public lighting cables, water supply
pipes, and energy supply pipes. Wires, cables, and pipes contained in trenches
shall be marked as per applicable laws. Arrangement and underground
installation of wires, cables, and pipes shall be implemented on the following
Connection to general wires, cables, and pipes of urban areas must be guaranteed;
Where wires, cables, and pipes are placed together in trenches to
subscribers, regulations on common use of sewers and tanks in the area and
other relevant professional regulations must be adhered to;
Positioning of wires, cables, pipes and spacing thereof must be clearly
defined so as to prevent interference and maintain safety throughout operation
in a manner compliant with QCVN 01:2020/BCT, QCVN 33:2019/BTTTT, and relevant
law provisions;
Horizontal arrangement of wires, cables, and pipes must adhere to
type-specific technical requirements, facilitate operation, maintenance, and
ensure fire safety. Separation distance from pipes to the edge of trenches
shall not be less than 0,05 m. Wires, cables, and pipes in
trenches shall be placed on brackets or separate channels. Supporting brackets
of pipes and contact points between pipes and supporting pads shall meet
strength, stability, safety, and convenience requirements in management and operation
of the system.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Wires, cables, pipes,
connections in trenches shall meet mechanical, physical, chemical, electrical,
anti-damping, anti-corrosive, and strength requirements. Pipes, lining materials, coating
materials, accessories, and parts of pipes must conform to use purposes and
maximum operating pressure. Regulations of relevant industries shall be adhered
to. Anti-interference solutions
shall be taken where communication wires are placed in the same trench as
electric wires. Minimum vertical clearance
between beams supporting wires, cables, and pipes in trenches shall be:
At least 0,15 m between the beams supporting communication lines; at least
0,2 m between beams supporting communication lines to overhead beams supporting
electric lines;
At least 0,15 m between beams supporting technical equipment lines to the
top and bottom of the trenches;
At least 0,2 m from water supply pipes or other technical system and beams
supporting electric supply lines to the top and bottom of the trenches.
2.2.3 Manholes Minimum clearance of manholes in
trench system shall be sufficient to facilitate operation. Minimum length of
manholes shall be 1,5 m where depth and width of manholes shall be at least 10%
greater than depth and width of trenches.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Manhole cover shall:
Be on the same elevation as finished surfaces of streets and sidewalks;‘
Be at least 0,05 m higher than elevation of areas where trees are planted;
Be at least 0,2 m higher than elevation of areas where no construction
activities take place;
Be able to withstand load under any circumstances;
Be able to prevent solid matters from falling in the manholes. Areas where water collection is
positioned, a minimum of 2 submersible pumps shall be required (where one pump
acts as primary pump and the other acts as backup pump). Where gravity drainage system is
used from manholes or water intake along pipes or channels, diameter of pipes
or channels shall not be less than 0,2 m where minimum slope from manholes or
water intake to combined drainage system shall be 0,5%.
2.3 Tunnel
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Tunnels consist of: specialized
rooms, refuge chambers, control stations, entry doors, egress doors, water
intake, structural elements for installation of lighting fixtures, drainage,
ventilation, communication, signaling, security, automatic alarm equipment in
case of emergencies. Dimensions, shapes, and
structures of tunnels shall be determined on the following basis:
Facilitate demand for installation of wires, cables, and pipes of all types and
sizes and separation distance between them and adhere to regulations applicable
to specific type of wires, cables, and pipes in tunnels;
Ensure safety, effectiveness, and convenience in operation, maintenance, and
repair of wires, cables, and pipes in tunnels;
Reservation for future expansion shall be made. Minimum clear height of tunnels
shall be 1,9 m; minimum clear width of tunnels shall be 1,6 m. Minimum clear
width and height of walkway in tunnels shall be 0,8 m and 1,8 m respectively. The bottom of tunnels shall have
minimum longitudinal slope of 0,1% towards water intake. Tunnels shall be kept
dry at all time. Each refuge chamber in tunnels
shall be outfitted with independent ventilation equipment. Length of each
refuge chamber and positioning of refuge chamber shall be calculated on the
basis of urban construction conditions, technical solutions, and general
planning. Doors shall be situated where
tunnels intersect and at most every 500 m if tunnels travel in a straight line
where minimum clear length shall be 1,5 m and minimum clear width shall be 1 m.
Doors shall be accompanied by ladders leading to the tunnels.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Tunnels shall be outfitted with
signs indicating direction and egress.
2.3.2 Wires, cables, pipes in tunnels Arrangement of wires, cables,
and pipes in tunnels shall adhere to design dossiers approved by competent
authority. Tunnels may contain
telecommunication, electricity, public lighting wires and cables, water supply
pipes, energy supply pipes, water drainage pipes (if any). Wires, cables, and
pipes contained in tunnels shall be marked as per applicable laws. Arrangement and installation of
wires, cables, pipes in tunnels shall meet all requirements below:
Safety for humans, installed structures, adjacent structures, and relevant infrastructure
system must be guaranteed;
Connection to general wires, cables, and pipes of urban areas must be
Where wires, cables, and pipes are placed together in tunnels to subscribers,
regulations on common use of sewers and tanks in the area and other relevant
professional regulations must be adhered to;
Positioning of wires, cables, pipes and horizontal spacing thereof must be
clearly defined so as to prevent interference and maintain safety throughout
operation in a manner compliant with QCVN 01:2020/BCT, QCVN 33:2019/BTTTT, and
relevant law provisions. Minimum clearance from pipes to walls of tunnels shall
be 0,05 m.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Spacing, dimensions, and
quantity of brackets of electric pipes and cables shall conform to design of
each works and adhere to 2.3.1. Where electric wires and cables with varying
voltages are placed on the same brackets, these wires and cable shall be
physically separated or 0,05 m away from one another. Wires, cables, pipes,
connections in tunnels shall meet mechanical, physical, chemical, electrical,
anti-damping, anti-corrosive, and strength requirements. Pipes, lining materials, coating
materials, accessories, and parts of pipes must conform to use purposes and
maximum operating pressure. Regulations of relevant industries shall be adhered
to. Anti-interference solutions
shall be taken where communication wires are placed in the same tunnel as
electric wires. Minimum vertical clearance
between beams supporting wires, cables, and pipes in tunnels shall be:
At least 0,15 m between the beams supporting communication lines; at least 0,2
m between beams supporting communication lines to overhead beams supporting
electric lines;
At least 0,15 m between beams supporting technical equipment lines to the
top and bottom of the trenches;
At least 0,2 m from water supply pipes or other technical system and beams
supporting electric supply lines to the top and bottom of the tunnels.
At least 0,25 m between beams supporting electric supply lines of a voltage of
up to 35 kV.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Pipes made of combustible
materials in tunnels shall be contained in separate compartments. Gas pipes and pipes carrying
combustible and flammable materials must not be placed in the same space as
cables in tunnels.
2.3.3 Technical requirements of tunnels Tunnels should be placed along
road strips and main roads when possible; tunnels may be placed under sidewalks
or carriageways. Minimum horizontal clearance
from tunnels to urban underground infrastructures shall adhere to QCVN
01:2021/BXD. Depth measured from ground
elevation to the top of tunnels shall be sufficient so as to withstand force
imposed by adjacent structures and temporary load on the ground and shall not
be less than 0,7 m under all circumstances. Where tunnels are deeper than
foundation of buildings or foundation of adjacent technical network, technical
solutions shall be taken to ensure safety for these structures. Tunnels shall not intersect
other line-type works (metro lines, railways, carriageways, tramways, etc.) at
an angle lower than 60o. Separation distance between the
intersection to equipment of aforementioned works shall maintain safety in operation. Technical system: lighting,
ventilation, water supply, water drainage, electricity supply, fire prevention
and firefighting, egress, and operation control in tunnels shall meet safety
requirements, not cause accidents during structure construction and operation,
and adhere to selected and applied regulations. Electricity of tunnels shall be
provided by two separate sources in a manner complaint with QCVN 01:2020/BCT.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Tunnels shall be outfitted with
gravity-flow water collection system which direct water to water intakes at low
positions in tunnels. Where separate pump stations of
tunnels are used or water is pumped from water intakes, a minimum of 2
submersible pumps (where one pump acts as primary pump whereas the other acts
as backup pump). Where gravity drainage system
is used from water intake along pipes or channels, diameter of pipes or
channels shall not be less than 0,2 m where minimum slope from water intakes to
combined drainage system shall be 0,5%. Protection from infiltration of
saltwater, groundwater, and other liquid into tunnels shall be implemented;
anti-corrosive measures for tunnels shall be required. Technical solutions shall be
implemented to ensure hygiene and safety for employees during construction and
2.3.4 Construction elements Design of tunnel elements shall
take into account impact of load, natural factors according to QCVN 02:2022/BXD
and interaction of the works and surrounding geological environment and
adjacent works. Solutions for sealing gaps on
exterior of tunnels and tunnel walls in order to meet anti-damping requirements
according selected and applied standards or approved design tasks. Where tunnels are situated in
areas prone to earthquakes, depression, or mining activities, additional
solutions for improving stability, preventing depression, damping, and ensuring
fire safety for tunnels and pipes therein shall be required.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Installation depth of submerged tunnel segments shall take into account
specific conditions of each area and shall not be less than 0,5 m in all
circumstances from design grade plane of the river bed to the top of the
tunnels; or not be less than 1 m in navigation channels;
Protective coatings on top of tunnels shall be reinforced and protected
against corrosive effect of the flow;
Connection between joints of tunnels shall be protected against dampness. Anti-damping
materials used for joints shall be elastic and durable.
2.3.5 Ventilation Ventilation of tunnels (whether
artificial or natural) shall take into account climate change. Conditions
regarding temperature and wind velocity in tunnels shall adhere to applicable
occupational safety and hygiene laws. Spacing and dimensions of air outlets
shall be calculated depending on cross-sectional area of tunnels, specific
local conditions to ensure safety for repair and maintenance personnel in
tunnels when ventilation equipment is turned on. Spacing between air outlets in
all circumstances shall not exceed 150 m, cross-sectional area of air outlets
shall not be less than 0,2 m. Solutions for maintaining safety, security and
preventing infiltration of rainwater into tunnels shall be required. System for monitoring and
examining content of carbon monoxide (CO), toxic gas. combustible gas in areas
where tunnels intersect underground gas pockets and gas pipes.
2.3.6 Warning signs Equipment system for issuing
warnings regarding operation of energy supply sources and contents of toxic
gases in tunnels. Automatic fire alarm system
shall be required in tunnels.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Warning information and signals
shall be transmitted to control stations.
2.3.7 Fire safety
shall meet fire safety requirements in accordance with fire prevention and
firefighting laws and other relevant law provisions.
2.4 Maintenance
2.4.1 Trenches and tunnels shall be
periodically maintained or replaced throughout operation so as to maintain
design functionalities.
2.4.2 Trenches and tunnels shall be
maintained in accordance with construction maintenance laws.
Transition clauses
3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior
to the effective period of this Regulation shall adhere to regulations applicable
as of the date on which said projects are approved; individuals deciding on
investment reserve the right to apply this Regulation.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry of Construction is
responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on application of this
Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise during implementation
of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical Infrastructure
Department, Ministry of Construction.
Regulation prescribes technical requirements and mandatory management
requirements in investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of urban
transportation works.
Regulation does not apply to transportation works such as municipal railway,
sea ports, inland waterway ports, airports.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Regulation applies to organizations and individuals relevant to investment,
construction, renovation, and upgrade of urban transportation works.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning;
07-2:2023/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Technical Infrastructure
System - Sewerage, Drainage Works;
07-7:2023/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Technical Infrastructure
System - Lighting Works;
10:2014/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction for Accessibility
for persons with disabilities.
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Urban road
to a road within an administrative division of a city, town, commune and is
determined under urban planning approved by competent authority.
to an urban area with open space serving as an urban landscape and combination
between architectural works and traffic system; is accessed by roads, pathways
and surrounded by large-scale structures with varying functions.
Flow rate
to the number of vehicles (or people) moving through a cross-section area of
the road in a unit of time (hour or 24 hours).
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to number of cars converted from number of other vehicles moving through a
cross-section area of the road in a unit of time for a future year. The future
year is the 20th year in respect of city-level roads, 15th
year in respect of reconstructed roads and upgraded, renovated roads in an
urban area, and from the 3rd year to the 5th year in
respect of repaired roads and roads subject to traffic rearrangement.
Traffic capacity
to the peak vehicle count moving through a cross-section (a lane, lanes) under
specific road, traffic, and environment conditions.
Peak vehicle count
to the peak vehicle count of a rush hour which is counted every 15-minute interval
of the hour (vehicle flow rate of 15 minutes of a rush hour x 4).
Maximum capacity
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Possible capacity
to traffic capacity determined under design prevailing conditions of roads.
Possible capacity is determined by reducing maximum capacity based on popular
correction factors and design parameters that do not reach ideal conditions.
to speed that is used to calculate geometry limitations of road in unfavorable
to a transport system serving urban transportation via the use of public means
of transport such as: buses, rapid buses, urban railway, etc.
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to public transportation model that uses buses that have high transport
capacity, high service speed, operate on separate lane, have modern and
synchronized infrastructure system.
transportation works
of urban roads, overpasses, underpasses in cities; road warning systems; water
drainage system; works serving public transportation, and other auxiliary
works, equipment of urban roads.
2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 Urban transportation works shall
meet traffic safety requirements, fulfill travel demands appropriate to the
selected service level, ensure equality for all traffic participants, and
create diversity in choice of modes of transport.
2.1.2 Investment and construction of
urban transportation works shall adhere to planning approved by competent
authority and regulations on road traffic infrastructure management.
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2.1.4 Urban transportation works shall
allow fire engines to access constructions and fire department connections.
2.1.5 Urban transportation works shall
facilitate access by persons with disabilities in accordance with QCVN
2.2 Contour map, longitudinal section, cross section of urban roads
Contour map of urban roads Minimum visibility depicted on
contour map and longitudinal section of roads:
Stopping sight distance is guaranteed under all circumstances;
Structures and trees taller than 0,5 m shall not be allowed in areas where
visibility is required;
Visibility values in Schedule 1 may be reduced where urban roads are renovated
or new roads are built on disadvantageous terrain and technical - economic basis
is provided as long as speed limit signs and other measures for speed control
are implemented.
Schedule 1 - Limit design parameters of
contour maps and longitudinal section of roads
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Design speed, km/h
1. Radius of horizontal curve 1), m
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Limit minimum
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Regular minimum
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Non-superelevation minimum
4 000
2 500
1 500
1 000
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2. Stopping sight distance2), m
3. Overtaking sight distance 3), m
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4. Maximum longitudinal gradient 4), %
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5. Maximum superelevation rate 5),%
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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6. Minimum length of change in grade line slope 6), m
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7. Minimum radius of vertical curve 7), m
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Summit type:
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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- Regular
10 000
4 500
2 000
1 200
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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- Limit
6 500
3 000
1 400
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Valley type:
- Regular
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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3 000
1 500
1 000
- Limit
3 000
2 000
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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8. Minimum length of vertical curve, m
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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1) Radius of horizontal curve under
Schedule 1 only applies to curved road segments and does not apply to
2) Two-way sight distance equals
twice the stopping sight distance.
3) Overtaking sight distance is
not required in respect of expressways, roads with medians, and one-way
4) Maximum longitudinal gradient in
areas with disadvantageous terrain (mountainous regions) may be increased by
2 % in respect of regional roads, internal roads and by 1 % in respect of
urban roads.
5) In respect of simple junctions,
superelevation is not required or superelevation gradient may equal road
6) Where roads are renovated and/or
upgraded, values contained in brackets shall apply.
7) Radius of horizontal curve and
vertical curve dictate 2 values: limit radius refers to the minimum radius
applied in areas with disadvantageous terrain; regular radius refers to
minimum and recommended radius applied in areas with non-disadvantageous
terrain. In all circumstances, the greater the radius the better.
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minimum, regular minimum, and non-superelevation minimum radius of curves shall
adhere to Schedule 1. Turning radius for dead-end
Turning radius of turn-arounds shall be at least 10 m;
Area of turning facilities other than turn arounds shall be at least 12 m x 12
m. Turning radius of medians:
All openings along medians shall be of sufficient dimensions to facilitate
turn-around of vehicles;
Where road width is insufficient for turning around, other measures must be
taken to enable vehicles to safely turn around without affecting other vehicles
on the road. Transition curve:
Where design speed of road is equal to or greater than 60 km/h, a transition
curve shall be required between a straightaway and a curve;
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 In respect of expressways, urban
arterial roads, urban collectors, and other roads with at least 4 lanes and
medians, superelevation segment shall be outfitted with rainwater and runoff
collection system at the medians and where water ponding occurs. Verticality planning of urban
roads (carriageways, medians, sidewalks); connection between verticality of
urban roads and roadside functionalities shall be designed so as to fulfill
rainwater drainage.
Longitudinal section of urban roads Longitudinal section of roads
depicts design elevation of carriageway surface based on the center or edge of
carriageways. Where tramways are situated in the middle of the road,
longitudinal section shall be determined along the center of tramways where the
tramways share the same elevation as the roads. Design elevation of roads shall
conform to planning for grade plane elevation and surface runoff drainage of
urban areas and general architecture of urban roadside constructions while
maintaining vertical clearance in accordance with use demands. In respect of roads in mountainous
regions, renovated urban roads and roads in areas with disadvantageous and/or
restrictive terrain, where technical - economic basis is sufficient, it is
permissible to increase maximum gradient under Schedule 1 by an extra 1% in
case of urban roads and 2 % in case of regional roads and internal roads.
Longitudinal gradient of roads in tunnels (except for tunnels that are less
than 50 m in length) and roads leading up to overpasses shall not exceed 4 %
where non-motorized vehicles operate on such roads. Where each direction of a
road has a separate longitudinal section, the maximum gradient of downslope
segment may be increased by 2 % compared to the maximum longitudinal gradient
under Schedule 1. Where curve radius ranges from
15 m to 45 m, longitudinal gradient under Schedule 1 shall be reduced in
accordance with Schedule 2.
Schedule 2 - Gradient reduction on curves
Curve radius, m
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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25 ÷ ≤ 30
20 ÷ ≤ 25
15 ÷ ≤ 20
≤ 15
gradient reduction, %
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where longitudinal gradient of
urban roads is less than 0,3 %, grating of minimum gradient of 0,3 % shall be
required and rainwater collectors shall be required where water ponding occurs. Where roads intersect with
railways, longitudinal gradient of the crossing shall not exceed 4%;
longitudinal gradient of roads within railway safety corridor shall not exceed
2,5 % (exceeding sections between 2 railways). Vertical curves shall be
designed where elevation on longitudinal section changes where the difference
in the sum of two adjacent elevations is equal to or greater than 1 % if design
speed is equal to or greater than 60 km/h or equal to or greater than 2 % if
design speed is lower than 60 km/h. Vertical curves can be parabolic or
circular in shape. Minimum radius of vertical
curves shall conform to Schedule 1; in special circumstances where technical -
economic basis is present, it is permissible to lower minimum radius by one
Cross section of urban roads Cross section of urban roads
shall be sufficient and meet all technical requirements in order to facilitate
different modes of transport according to current or future demand which may
include: sections for motorized vehicles, sections for public transportation,
sections for non-motorized vehicles, auxiliary lanes, parking spaces, reserved
land fund for renovation and expansion (if any) and sections for structures,
equipment serving traffic operation.
Carriageways of urban roads
of carriageway of expressways (number of lanes, lane width, safety width, road
width) are specified under Schedule 3.
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Road level
Road level
Design speed, km/h 1)
Number of two-way lanes
Width of one lane, m
Median width, m2)
Minimum road width, m
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1. Urban expressway
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2. Urban arterial road
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3. Urban collector road
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4. Inter-regional road
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5. Regional collector road
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6. Regional road
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Internal -level
7. Sub-regional road
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8. Residential road, dead-end road
20, 30
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10. Footpath
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1) Design speed of 60 km/h in respect of urban-level road shall be
applied to mountainous regions.
2) Minimum median width of urban expressway under Schedule 3 refers to
width of medians. Minimum width of breakdown lanes (reinforced sidewalks) of
urban expressways with design speed of equal to or less than 80 km/h shall be
2,5 m, design speed of 100 km/h shall be 3 m; width of sidewalk section with
vegetation shall be 0,75 m.
Urban-level road
Width of lane and road is specified under Schedule 3;
Section of roads that runs throughout an urban area shall be separated from
section of roads that serve a localized area;
Where road section serving traffic purpose has at least 4 lanes, medians of
minimum width of 2 m for separating lanes of opposing directions shall be
required. In respect of upgraded and/or renovated roads with difficulty
regarding land fund, it is permissible to use medians or barriers.
Regional-level road
of lanes, width of lane, and width of road are specified under Schedule 3.
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Number of lanes, width of lane, and width of road are specified under Schedule
In respect of roads in residential areas of existing urban areas that face
difficulty regarding construction conditions, number of lanes, width of lane,
width of road may be reduced to meet current conditions. In respect of renovated urban
roads, road width of all levels may be reduced to meet current conditions. Regulations on parts of
carriageway of urban roads:
Minimum geometry regulations are specified under Schedule 3;
Actual number of lanes shall be determined by design vehicle flow rate of rush
hour in the future year Nh, possible capacity of a lane Ptt and use
coefficient of possible capacity Z:
Number of lane: n = Nh/Z x Ptt
Design vehicle flow rate in rush hour of future year shall be determined on the
basis of forecast. Where actual data is insufficient, take approximation equaling
0,10 to 0,15 of daily vehicle flow rate;
Use coefficient of possible capacity is determined by dividing design vehicle
flow rate by possible capacity in accordance with Schedule 4;
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Sidewalk width is specified under Schedule 6 depending on the type of road and
level of road;
Where curve radius is less than 250 m, expansion section shall be incorporated
in carriageway.
Schedule 4 - Use coefficient of possible capacity of urban roads
Road level
Design speed, km/h
Urban-level road
0,6 ÷ 0,7
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0,7 ÷ 0,8
Regional-level road
0,8 ÷ 0,9
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Internal road
0,8 ÷ 0,9
Schedule 5 - Lateral gradient of carriageway
Type of road surface
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Urban road
Square, coach station
1. Asphalt concrete, cement concrete
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2. Prefabricated cement concrete
3. Other asphalt surface
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4. Stone paved and flat surface
5. Chippings, aggregates
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Sidewalk Sidewalk is a part of urban
road and serves a multitude of functions: for use by pedestrians, for use by
cyclists, for planting trees, for construction of urban technical
infrastructures, for public spaces, or for land reservation. Sidewalk width is specified
under Schedule 6 depending on the type of road and level of road. Sidewalk sections to be used
by pedestrians shall be layered with hard materials to accommodate travel on foot,
drainage, ensure environmental hygiene, and adhere to general aesthetic. Where open rainwater gutters
are installed on sidewalks, safety measures shall be taken to protect humans and
means of transport. Minimum width of a pedestrian
lane on sidewalks shall be 0,75 m. Where sidewalk sections are
indented to accommodate bus lay-bys, width of the remaining sidewalk section
shall be at least 2 m and sufficient to accommodate foot travel.
Schedule 6 - Minimum width of roadside sidewalk
by type of urban road
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Roadside sidewalk width, m
1. Urban-level road, urban road adjacent to entrance to shopping
malls, markets, cultural centers, etc.
6,0 (4,0)
2. Regional-level road
4,5 (3,0)
3. Urban internal road
3,0 (2,0)
Values contained in brackets shall apply to circumstances where construction
conditions are difficult. Traffic capacity of a pedestrian lane is
specified under Schedule 7.
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Foot travel conditions
Traffic capacity, person/h
1. Stores and houses are situated along the sidewalk
2. Stores and houses are distant from sidewalk
3. Sidewalk in vegetation strip
1 000
4. Scenic route
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5. Crosswalk
1 200
Lateral gradient of sidewalk
gradient of sidewalk shall be at least 1 % and at most 3 %.
Top of curb shall be at least 12,5 cm and at most 30 cm above carriageway; top
of curb shall be at least 30 cm above carriageway in respect of medians and
traffic islands;
Slant curbs of a height ranging from 5 cm to 8 cm shall be used turns leading
to residential areas;
Curb height on internal roads, renovated and upgraded roads may be reduced to a
minimum of 8 cm when taking to account elevation of existing residential areas. Sidewalks shall accommodate
accessibility of persons with disabilities in accordance with QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Minimum number of pedestrian
lanes, width of lane, and width of footpaths are specified under Schedule 3. Lateral gradient of footpaths
shall be at least 1 % and at most 3 %. Where longitudinal gradient of
footpaths and sidewalks exceeds 40 % and length of the paths exceeds 200 m,
stairs shall be incorporated into the paths. Pedestrian paths that cross
carriageways on the same level shall have more than 6 (4) m in width in case of
urban roads and more than 4 (3) m for regional roads. Distance between 2
pedestrian paths that cross carriageways outside of junctions shall exceed 300
m in respect of urban roads and exceed 200 m in respect of regional roads.
Values contained in brackets only apply in limited conditions where number of
crossing pedestrians is insignificant. Where safe crossing of
pedestrians on level grounds via means of traffic lights cannot be implemented,
overpasses or underpasses shall be built to accommodate pedestrian crossing
where traffic density exceeds 2 000 equivalent cars/h and pedestrian density
exceeds 100 people/h (during rush hours). Width of pedestrian overpasses
and underpasses shall depend on calculated pedestrian density during rush hours
and shall be greater than 3 m. Footpaths shall accommodate
accessibility of persons with disabilities in accordance with QCVN 10:2014/BXD. Footpaths shall meet aesthetic
requirements and be designed to increase connectivity of pedestrians with
destinations or public transportation hubs.
Bicycle paths
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Bicycle lanes shall meet
criteria regarding geometry, level, and lateral gradient similar to that of
adjacent carriageways. Independent bicycle paths shall
meet geometry criteria that are at least equivalent to those of urban roads
rated for design speed of 20 km/h. Maximum longitudinal gradient
of bicycle paths shall be 4 %. Minimum number of bicycle lanes, width of a bicycle
lane, and width of bicycle paths are specified under Schedule 3. Where density
of bicycle traffic is low, minimum width of bicycle paths shall be 2,5 m. Where
specialized vehicles periodically use bicycle paths or bicycle paths are shared
with pedestrians or other non-motorized vehicles, minimum width of bicycle
paths shall be 4,0 m. Where design speed of urban
roads is equal to or greater than 80 km/h, medians shall be required to
separate roads for motorized vehicles and roads for bicycles. Bicycle paths shall meet
aesthetic requirements.
2.2 Junction
Junction arrangement Arrangement of junctions
consisting of urban roads is specified under Schedule 8.
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Level crossing of urban roads Minimum angle of crossing
shall be 60 o. Urban roads within a minimum
radius of 16 m (or 10 m where circumstances are disadvantageous) from the
outermost rail shall have lateral gradient of 0 % or lateral gradient
conforming to superelevation gradient of the railway. Subsequent urban roads
shall have maximum gradient of 3 % over a minimum length of 20 m; in respect of
mountainous regions and areas with difficult terrain, gradient of these
sections shall not exceed 6 %. Crossings shall be located
outside the vicinity of railway stations, railway tunnels, and railway station
signal posts. Traffic safety measures shall
be in place at crossings. Where safety at crossing is not guaranteed, grade-separated
crossing shall be required.
Schedule 8 - Type of junctions in special urban areas and level I
urban areas
Types of urban roads
Urban expressway
Arterial roads, urban collector
roads, inter-regional roads
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Internal road
Grade-separated and disconnected
roads, urban collector roads, inter-regional roads
Grade-separated or at-grade with signal
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with signal lights or grade-separated
with signal lights or grade-separated
Grade-separated and disconnected
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NOTE 1: Grade-separated junctions may or may not
include connection routes depending on traffic arrangement.
NOTE 2: In respect of level II or lower urban areas, type of
junctions shall be selected depending on traffic and construction conditions.
Requirements of at-grade junction
General requirements Minimum angle created by roads
leading to junctions shall be 60 o. Junctions shall be located on
straightaway. Where junctions must be located on curves, curve radius shall be
greater than the regular minimum radius. Junctions shall be situated on
roads where longitudinal gradient does not exceed 4 %. Where this requirement
cannot be fulfilled, design solutions shall be taken in order to maintain
traffic safety. Junctions shall not be located
immediately after summit-type vertical curve where visibility of vehicles
entering the junctions is limited.
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Visibility Vehicle operators on all roads
entering the junctions shall have clear sight of the junctions and road signs
relevant to the junctions from a stipulated distance according to applicable
junction design. Stopping sight distance
depends on design speed of roads leading into junctions and is specified under
Schedule 1. Where calculated visibility
cannot be guaranteed, speed control measures shall be taken.
Design speed of at-grade junctions In respect of straightaway,
design speed shall match that of respective road sections outside of junctions However,
in special circumstances, it is permissible to consider reduction in design
speed as long as measures are taken to ensure traffic safety of the junctions. Where roads turn either left
or right, design speed depends on spatial conditions and traffic conditions but
in all circumstances:
Where roads turn right, design speed shall not exceeds 0,6 times the design
speed of road sections outside of the junctions; where roads turn left, design
speed shall not exceed 0,4 times the design speed of road sections outside of
the junctions and shall not exceed 25 km/h;
In all circumstances, minimum design speed of all turning roads (either left or
right) shall be 15 km/h.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 In respect of new design, curb
radius in junctions shall conform to QCVN 01:2021/BXD. In respect of renovated urban
areas, curve radius of junctions may be reduced where applicable to a minimum
of 5 m. In respect of internal roads
of residential areas, it is permissible to reduce minimum radius along the curb
to a minimum of 3 m.
Traffic island Traffic island is a structure
intended to remove excess area between turning lanes, define turning lanes,
stabilize conflict areas, create dedicated turning lane, create merging lanes,
serve as refuge island, and accommodate traffic control equipment. Traffic islands shall be
positioned in a way that is convenient for priority traffic and facilitate
coherent traffic arrangement. Shapes of islands shall
conform to vehicle motion in the turns. Minimum dimensions of a side
of a traffic island shall be 2 m to serve as refuge for cyclists and
pedestrians. Traffic islands shall be
visible regardless of time of day.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Speed-change lane shall be
situated where vehicles turn left or right. A speed-change lane is called
an acceleration lane through which vehicles enter a higher speed road from a
lower speed road; a deceleration lane through which vehicles enter a lower
speed road from a higher speed road. Technical regulations on road
design in respect of speed-change lane shall adhere to applicable regulations
on urban road design depending on design speed.
Grade-separated junctions Grade-separated shall be
selected via technical economic analysis. Type of junctions shall conform to
Schedule 8. Technical regulations on turns
of grade-separated junctions depend on design speed of turns; minimum radius,
superelevation gradient, length of transition, cross-sectional dimension,
maximum gradient of turns shall conform to limits set forth under Schedule 1.
2.4 Square
2.4.1 Squares shall be divided in 3
categories by functions: Central square, public structure square, and transportation
square. Central squares refer to spaces
in front of urban architectures where meetings, ceremonies, holiday parades,
etc. are held.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Transportation squares refer to
spaces in front of transportation works such as bridges, tunnels, stations,
airports, waterports, large-scale junctions.
2.4.2 Squares shall be designed
appropriate to functionalities and characteristics of each category and meet
urban design requirements, scenery architecture regulations of the area. Traffic
in square vicinity must be simple, coherent, and fast-moving.
2.4.3 Squares shall accommodate
accessibility of persons with disabilities in accordance with QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
2.5 Road base
2.5.1 Urban road base shall be designed
for the entirety of road width, including carriageways, medians, sidewalks, and
trees and within property line.
2.5.2 Design elevation of urban road
base shall guarantee minimum elevation of construction planning, urban planning,
ensure drainage of urban roads appropriate to precipitation frequency in
construction design, and facilitate convenient traffic from urban roads to
roadside residential areas.
2.5.3 Road base shall meet stability and
strength requirements to withstand vehicles, impact of natural factors, meet
scenic, ecology, and environmental requirements of each region according to
technical regulations applicable to road base.
2.5.4 Investigations shall be carried
out to determined the highest inundation level on both sides of fill slope, duration
of inundation in the most unfavorable season, the highest groundwater level
below cut slope and fill slope for the purpose of forecasting humidity (the
most unfavorable humidity) within area affected by road base and select design
solutions so as to limit infiltration of humid sources and implement rapid
drainage for layers of pavements, reinforce the bottom layer of pavements to
prevent groundwater from permeating pavements.
2.5.5 Where area of hill or mountain
slopes leading down to major roads or where height of fill slope is equal to or
greater than 12 m.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where risks of slope barrier
collapse or slip are present, elevated gutters in form of concrete or stones to
facilitate rapid drainage, prevent ground seepage, and keep roadside slopes
2.5.6 Where height of cut and fill
slopes leading to and from road bases exceeds 12 m, calculation shall be made
to prevent slope failure.
2.5.7 Where road bases are established
on poor ground or over river basins, valleys, or under the effect of rising
tide, or running along sloped rivers or channels or roads are inundated,
calculation shall be made to stabilize slopes descending from road bases and
prevent erosion and take into account hydraulic forces caused by water
2.6 Pavement structures
2.5.1 Carriageways, speed-change lanes,
safety lanes, breakdown lanes, squares, and parking lots shall be layered with pavements.
2.6.2 Pavement structure shall be
appropriate to traffic flow rate, traffic compositions, road level, use
characteristics of works, and urban hygiene requirements. Pavement structures
shall have sufficient strength, stability, shall not produce dusts, shall meet
level, grip, drainage requirements in accordance with technical regulations on
pavement design.
2.7 In respect of specialized carriageways
accommodating transportation to industrial parks, factories, storage
facilities, ports (vehicle composition includes heavy-duty vehicles, hauling
units, container trucks):
- Maximum longitudinal gradient shall be 4
Maximum superelevation gradient shall be 6 %;
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Solutions for damping noise (walls, tree strips, etc.) and reducing
environmental pollution shall be required where specialized roads cross densely
populated areas.
2.8 Works serving public transportation
General requirements Bus network and number of buses
shall be determined under scheme for general urban planning. Minimum length of a bus line
shall be 5 km. Public transportation that
utilizes urban railways with moderate to high passenger transportation capacity
shall, as a result of large investment and complicated construction process, be
studied from regional planning and provincial planning phases. Construction of public
transportation networks shall be considered in a comprehensive manner,
incorporate support for infrastructures, accommodate safe, convenient access to
multimodal services of the network, and facilitate easy access from other
public transportation modes and individuals. Accessibility to public
transportation for persons with disabilities shall be guaranteed in accordance
with QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
Bus stop
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Minimum distance between two bus
stops on the same traffic direction shall be 300 m. A bus stop shall not be
placed opposite from another bus stop where medians are not installed. Bus stop design shall be
friendly for persons with disabilities and accessible, convenient, and safe for
Bus terminal It is recommended to incorporate
bus terminals with urban coach stations or terminals of other public
transportation such as rapid buses, urban trams to increase connectivity and
reduce costs. The following functions shall be
integrated in bus terminals in parts or in whole: bus parking lots, connected
parking lots, walkways within parking lots, waiting terminals, ticket booths
and checks, departments responsible for safety, security, scenery, and other
amenities. Design speed of buses in bus
terminals shall be less than design speed of roads turning into the bus terminals
and generally below 20 km/h. Width and area of bus parking
lots shall vary depending on parking arrangement (45°, 60°, 90°). Width of a
parking space shall be 3 m which include width of a bus and empty spaces on
both sides. Minimum right-turning radius of buses in parking lots shall be 15
m. Entrance to bus terminals shall be at least 7,5 m in respect of two-lane
roads and 15 m in respect of four-lane roads.
Rapid bus road and lane Roads for rapid buses shall be
arranged in form of: separate lanes along medians; separate lanes along
sidewalks; separate routes.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Rapid buses shall be prioritized
in junctions via automatic system for signaling and controlling other
intersecting traffic. Minimum width of a rapid bus
lane shall be 3,5 m; minimum width of safety separators shall be 0,5 m.
Rapid bus stop Maximum distance between two
stops on a rapid bus line shall be 500 m. Minimum distance from a stop to
a junction shall be 30 m from the edge of crosswalk to the rear of rapid bus at
the nearest stop (where the stop is placed after the junction) or from stop
line to the front of rapid bus at the nearest stop (where the stop is placed
before the junction). Minimum length of rapid bus stop
shall be 23 m. Design of waiting area in rapid
bus stop shall ensure unobstructed vision from and to the rapid bus stop. Passenger
amenities such as seats with 6 to 8 seats at the minimum in each bus stop;
rapid bus line schedule in real time; map of rapid bus system; map of other
public transportations connected to the rapid bus system; automatic ticketing
system; security system. Areas where rapid bus stops are
built shall utilize rigid pavement whose width equals that of rapid bus road
and length equals total length of stopping places and 30 m of reinforced
pavement in both directions.
Transit stations and terminal station of rapid bus system
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Terminal stations of rapid bus
system shall ensure turning radius and number of parking rapid buses in
off-peak hours. Public service utilities and
restrooms shall be required.
Traffic connection requirements
Park-and-ride facilities Refer to parking lots that
connect personal vehicles such as bicycles, motorcycles, automobiles with
public transportation such as buses, rapid buses, urban trams to improve
service of urban public transportation network. Park-and-ride facilities shall
be prioritized for integration in public parking lots, bus terminals, rapid bus
terminals, and urban railway stations. Areas of park-and-ride
facilities include: parking lots for personal vehicles, access to public
transportation, traffic amenities such as direction signs, information panels,
lighting and sanitary fixtures. Maximum walking distance from
the furthest point in a park-and-ride facility to gateways leading to public
transportation shall be 500 m.
Connected passenger pick-up and drop-off points
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 It is recommended to design in
form of a separate one-way straightaway or curve lane in order to maximum
length and minimize occupied area, ensure coherent traffic, and avoid
congestion. Direct connection to entrance
and exit of terminals and station shall be required to allow passengers to meet
drivers as fast as possible. Maximum walking distance from entrance of terminal
and station to connected passenger pick-up and drop-off points shall be 500 m.
2.9 Bridges in urban areas
2.9.1 Traffic safety on and under
bridges shall be guaranteed.
2.9.2 Location and architecture of
bridges shall conform to construction planning, urban planning, and urban
design approved by competent authority.
2.9.3 Road surfaces on bridges shall
have grip, gradient, camber, superelevation, etc. conforming to selected and
applied standards.
2.9.4 Abutments shall be protected
against collision caused by vehicles and watercrafts travelling below the
2.9.5 In respect of bridges that cross a
river or a sea, the minimum vertical clearance from the highest water level
(design water level) to the lowest point of span elements shall be 0,5 m (where
drifting trees are possible, this minimum value shall be 1 m); to support of
bearing pads shall be 0, 25 m; and shall be sufficient for navigation of water
crafts with appropriate dimensional limits depending on river category in
accordance with waterway traffic laws.
In respect of overpass
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where paths intended to be used
by cyclists and pedestrians are physically separated from carriageways of
automobiles, the minimum vertical clearance shall be 2,5 m.
2.9.7 Where urban roads cross railways
and/or tramways, vertical clearance shall conform to dimensional limits of
railway and tramways.
2.9.8 Guardrails and barriers shall be
required on both sides.
2.9.9 Bridges that are designed to
accommodate pedestrians shall also accommodate accessibility for persons with
disabilities in accordance with QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
2.9.10 Pedestrian paths on bridges shall
be at least 0,3 m higher than the carriageways. Minimum height of guardrails on
bridges shall be 1 070 mm.
2.9.11 Drainage system on bridges shall
facilitate rapid collection of rainwater in drainage pipes and transmission to
rainwater drainage system of urban areas. Lateral gradient (on
non-superelevation sections) shall be 2 %. Minimum cross sectional area of
drainage pipes shall be 1,0 cm2/1 m2 of bridge surface. Minimum clear diameter of
drainage pipes shall be 150 mm.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where roads are located below
bridges, gutters and drainage pipes directing water away from the roads.
2.9.12 Bridge structures shall be able
to withstand all types of load and the most disadvantageous load combinations
throughout structure useful life.
2.9.13 Lighting and traffic requirements
on bridges shall be met.
Underground urban transportation works
Requirements of underground urban transportation works
2.10.11 Underground urban transportation
works shall ensure reasonable, efficient, and effective land use; ensure
reasonable and synchronous connectivity with underground works and connection
between underground transportation works and above-ground works; meet traffic
safety and environmentally friendly requirements; meet safety requirements for
adjacent above-ground works. Underground urban
transportation works shall be prioritized in city centers, areas with limited
land fund for transportation, or junctions with large traffic density and
regularly prone to congestion. Construction of underground
urban transportation works shall rely on geography and geomorphology
characteristics; location of existing above-ground works, network of
underground technical infrastructures; geology and hydrogeology conditions.
Construction space of urban tunnels
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Dimensions of the tunnel shall
retain dimensional limits of roads while facilitate future expansion,
installation of auxiliary equipment and underpass operating and maintenance
system. In respect of urban pedestrian underpasses,
underpass spaces shall be considered for integration with other functions. Accessibility
for persons with disabilities shall be required in accordance with QCVN
10:2014/BXD. In respect of urban tunnels: it
is permissible to build roads, public structures such as parks, parking lots,
other public structures on the ground without affecting safety and usage of
adjacent works.
Regulations on geometric design of urban tunnels Tunnel layout shall conform to
2.2.1 and limits under Schedule 1 regarding visibility and minimum radius of
horizontal curve. Longitudinal section of tunnels
shall adhere to 2.2.2 and limits under Schedule 1 regarding minimum radius of
horizontal curve, minimum length of change in grade line slope, minimum radius
of summit-type vertical curve and valley-type vertical curve, minimum length of
vertical curve, minimum longitudinal gradient for natural drainage of roadside
Cross section of tunnel Cross section of tunnels
shall adhere to 2.2.3 and regulations on minimum dimensions under Schedule 3
regarding number of carriageways, width of a lane, width of medians, and
Schedule 5 regarding lateral gradient of carriageways. Cross-sectional dimensions in
tunnels shall be determined so as to guarantee traffic flow rate appropriate to
design road level and placement of ventilation, lighting, emergency aid, and signaling
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Emergency exit system Urban tunnels that are equal
to or greater than 500 m in length, emergency exit tunnels shall be required. Where a minimum of 2 tunnels
are built for a single route, separate emergency exit tunnels shall not be
required as one of the tunnels also serves as emergency exit for the other. Lateral tunnels connecting
main tunnels and emergency exit tunnels shall be at most 400 m in length for
pedestrians and 1 600 m for automobiles.
Emergency stops in tunnels
minimum of one emergency stop shall be required for every 400 m of carriageway
in each direction.
Fire safety
shall meet fire safety requirements in accordance with regulations on fire
prevention and firefighting and other relevant law provisions.
Ventilation system
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Schedule 9 - Maximum content of noxious gases
1. Carbon Oxides (CO)
2. Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5)
3. Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
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5. Methane (CH4)
6. Carbonic (CO2)
5,000 Where natural ventilation of a
tunnel does not fulfill noxious gas content requirements, mechanical
ventilation shall be required. Smoke volume that obstructs
visibility and emission shall be controlled to adhere to transportation works
construction laws.
Lighting system
system shall be required in tunnels to maintain coherent traffic and safety for
vehicles and people. Lighting system of tunnels shall adhere to QCVN
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signally system and signs shall be required in tunnels to maintain safety for
people and vehicles. Technical requirements of such systems shall conform to
selected and applied standards.
Water supply and drainage system Water supply and drainage
system shall be required in tunnels and enable safe operation of tunnels. Water drainage system shall be
able to fully drain surface runoff and water used for tunnel cleaning. Water
drainage system in tunnels shall conform to QCVN 07-2:2023/BXD. Water supply system shall
provide sufficient flow rate and pressure to meet use, industrial sanitation,
and firefighting demands in tunnels.
Traffic supervision stations
2.11.1 Refer to works collecting traffic
data to serve research and design of effective and synchronous traffic control
management system while satisfy national and local traffic data demands.
2.11.2 Traffic supervision equipment
shall be located at specific locations on roads or junctions (especially
junctions with large traffic capacity and frequent congestions). These
positions usually represent characteristics of specific routes. Collected data
under this Point shall be extrapolated for the entire roads.
2.11.3 Traffic supervision equipment
shall be integrated in smart traffic system of urban areas, assist in improving
management and operation of city traffic.
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2.11.5 Location of traffic cameras shall
be selected based on coverage and maintenance demands.
2.11.6 Traffic supervision stations are
affiliated to a traffic management coordination center which uses technology to
control traffic network, supervise traffic signal, deploy traffic management
strategies to reduce congestion, and coordinate other traffic managing entities
during special events, emergencies, or daily traffic.
2.11.7 Where urban roads are subject to
tolls, stopless tolling technology shall be applied.
2.12.1 Maintenance of traffic works
shall conform to regulations, standards on road works selected and applied by
competent authority.
2.12.2 Transportation works shall be
regularly, periodically, and irregularly inspected throughout use in order to
facilitate maintenance and guarantee design functionalities.
2.12.3 Where transportation works show
sign of damage, danger, or loss of safety in operation and/or use, quality
inspection shall be required to produce evaluation regarding quality and causes
of damage in order to develop timely maintenance and repair plans.
2.12.4 Maintenance of transportation
roadworks shall conform to annual plans and approved maintenance procedures.
2.12.5 Promote application of new
technologies and materials to improve effectiveness, efficiency of maintenance
costs, application of science technology in regular quality monitoring and
inspection in transportation works.
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Transition clauses
3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior
to the effective period of this Regulation shall adhere to regulations
applicable as of the date on which said projects are approved; individuals
deciding on investment reserve the right to apply this Regulation.
3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry
of Construction is responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on
application of this Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise
during implementation of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical
Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Construction.
QCVN 07-5:2023/BXD
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Regulation prescribes technical requirements and mandatory management
requirements in investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of
electricity supply works.
under this document apply to electricity supply works, including power
stations, transmission and distribution substation, transmission and
distribution grid.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to all organizations and individuals engaging in operations
related to investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of electricity
supply works.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Construction Regulations on Construction Planning;
02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Physical Natural and Climatic
data for Construction;
07-3:2023/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Technical Infrastructure
System - Trench and Tunnel Works;
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QTD QTD-6:2009/BCT, National technical regulation on electrical engineering.
Volume 6: Operating and Maintenance Power system facilities;
QTD QTD-7:2009/BCT, National technical regulation on electrical engineering.
Volume 7: Installation Power Network;
QTD QTD-8:2010/BCT, National technical regulation on electrical engineering.
Volume 8: Low-voltage electricity;
01:2020/BCT, National technical regulation on Electric safety.
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
to an element in electricity supply system and can be a supply station, an
electrical substation, a switching station, or reactive power compensation
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transmission and distribution grid
to above-ground or underground electrical wires with voltage ranging from 0,4
kV to 500 kV, providing electricity to households and residential areas in
tunnels, public structures, manufacturing facilities, mining facilities,
transportation works, parks - tree parks, public lighting.
to a combination of elements of power plants, electrical stations, and
electrical grids continuously connected throughout electricity production,
transformation, and distribution process.
supply works
to elements of electrical system that provide electricity to households,
residential areas, public structures, manufacturing facilities, mining
facilities, transportation works, parks - tree parks, and public lighting
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2.1.1 Investment and construction of
electricity supply works shall adhere to planning approved by competent
authority and meet requirements defined under QCVN 01:2021/BXD.
2.1.2 Construction elements such as
buildings, doors, pillars, girders of electricity supply system shall meet
stability and integrity requirements under load and natural conditions
throughout useful life of the works. Data on natural
conditions used in construction shall conform to QCVN 02:2022/BXD.
2.1.3 Construction of electricity supply
works shall meet requirements defined under QCVN QTD-05:2009/BCT, QCVN QTD-07:2009/BCT,
and QCVN QTD-08:2010/BCT.
Electrical grid
requirements for electrical distribution and transmission grid shall adhere to
Regulation on Electrical Equipment.
Transmission substation and distribution substation Electrical substations of 500 kV
and 220 kV shall be planned for in the outskirts. Where such electrical
substations must be built in cities, they must not be built in city centers and
be accompanied by adequate safety perimeters for installation of incoming and
outgoing feeder bays in the substations. Electrical substations of 110 kV
and 220 kV located inside level II to special urban areas shall be placed
indoors. In respect of small and confined spaces, it is advised to use enclosed
or semi-enclosed GIS stations. Distribution substations in
cities can be placed either indoors or outdoors depending on actual scales.
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Line accessories In respect of electrical grids
of at least medium voltage, their lines shall have technical specifications
conforming to those of regional and national electrical grids. Electric cables leading to city centers
shall utilize underground cables with technical characteristics conforming to
applicable electricity laws. Electric cables leading to
residential areas and underground works shall be placed underground and
compliant with QCVN 07-3:2023/BXD. Where minimum voltage is 110 kV,
underground cables shall be contained in trench or tunnel works and compliant
with Regulations on Electrical Equipment and QCVN 07-3:2023/BXD. Cables of medium-voltage and
low-voltage network in cities shall be underground cables. Underground cable
markers made of ceramic and indicating voltage values shall be required along
underground cable lines. Underground medium-voltage and
low-voltage cables in cities shall be placed underground, contained in trench
or tunnel works, and compliant with QCVN 07-3:2023/BXD and Regulations on
Electrical Equipment. Warning signs shall be required
where overhead high-voltage transmission lines, underground cables intersect
railways, roads, inland waterways. Where underground cables are
placed underground, contained in other works, or sharing the same direction as
other technical infrastructures, or intersecting other technical
infrastructures, separation distance under Regulation on Electrical Equipment
must be guaranteed. Separation distance between electricity supply lines and
other technical infrastructure lines must be fulfilled in accordance with QCVN
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Overhead lines shall meet
vertical clearance requirements according to applicable laws. Poles, pole foundation, pole
stay wires, girders, ceramics, meter boxes, distribution panels of overhead
Electric poles and foundation thereof shall meet strength, stability, and
useful life requirements under the effect of load and natural conditions;
Pole stay wire, girders, ceramics, meter boxes, and distribution panels shall
meet technical requirements in accordance with applicable electricity laws;
Channels and connectors of underground cables shall meet technical requirements
as per applicable electricity laws.
Electricity meter Instruments for measuring active
power and reactive power shall be required in electrical substations,
transmission and distribution lines delivering electricity to households. Electricity measuring
instruments shall conform to technical requirements regarding metrology and be
inspected, sealed as per the law. Electricity measuring
instruments shall be installed in management areas of the buyers, unless
otherwise agreed upon.
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2.2.1 Electricity engineering safety and
supply requirements of electricity supply works shall adhere to QCVN QTD-5:2009/BCT,
QCVN QTD-6:2009/BCT, QCVN QTD-7:2009/BCT, QCVN QTD-8:2010/BCT, and QCVN
Automatic protection Automatic protection devices in
electricity supply works shall facilitate remote control, accurately detect
incidents and promptly isolate faulty elements from the system in order to
maintain safe operation of electrical system and satisfy other relevant applicable
laws. Automatic protection devices
shall be reliable, capable of fulfilling working modes of electrical equipment,
fast, sensitive, accurate within permissible tolerance, and compliant with
other relevant applicable regulations. It is permissible to utilize
fuses or circuit breakers to protect electrical equipment and low-voltage
electrical grid from overloading and short circuit. High-voltage fuses and
circuit breakers shall only be used to protect lines and transformers of a voltage
of 110 kV or lower. Circuit breakers of a minimum voltage of 22 kV shall be
integrated with monitoring and remote control functions. Protective relays
shall be required to protect important elements of electrical system of a
voltage of 110 kV or lower such as transformers, busbars, and loads serving
type I and type II households. Reclosers shall be required
where active electricity supply experiences short interruption; devices for
automatically activation of back-up supply shall be required where electric
grid experiences blackout. These devices shall support remote monitoring and
control functions and be compliant with applicable regulations.
Type I and type II households are defined under Regulation on Electrical
Grounding system of electricity supply works Electrical equipment connected
to directly earthed neutral medium-voltage grids shall be safely grounded. Grounding
resistance shall meet requirement defined under Regulation on Electrical
Equipment. In respect of isolation terre medium-voltage electrical network,
connectors shall adhere to specialized regulations of the industry (if any).
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Casing of low-voltage electrical
equipment shall be safely grounded and appropriate to protective equipment. Grounding
resistance shall meet requirements defined under Regulation Electrical
Lightning protection system Outdoor electrical substations,
lines, and distribution devices with voltage values of 500 kV, 220 kV, 110 kV,
and 22 kV shall be protected against lightning. Lightning protection and grounding
equipment, system of transmission and distribution grids shall meet
requirements defined under applicable laws. All metal
elements in the works shall be connected to grounding system for lightning
protection. Where cables intersect each other
or are close to one another, metal belts and cases of said cables and
conductive cases of equipment in the works shall be connected to grounding
system. Transmission lines with a
voltage below 1 kV shall be contained in insulated cables. Cable boxes of electrical substations shall be outfitted with
low-voltage lightning protective devices. Metal belts and cases of cable ends
that are connected to the works shall be connected to grounding elements of
low-voltage lightning protective devices.
Electricity supply system safety Safety must be guaranteed in
installation, connection, and operation. Protective mesh, partitions and
hanging safety warning signs shall be installed for each type of equipment.
Separation distance from protective mesh, partitions to equipment shall be
maintained and not be lower than distance determined by technical
characteristics and protection requirements of each equipment type.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where combustible substances are
present, all electrical equipment and systems shall be designed and installed
in accordance with fire safety laws. Only specialized fire safety and
firefighting equipment compliant with applicable laws shall be used in
electricity supply works. Internal electrical substations,
power stations, electrical equipment, high-voltage and medium-voltage and
low-voltage lines shall be installed and managed in a manner compliant with
requirements and applicable laws. Branches of transmission lines
leading to houses and structures shall meet safety requirements, not obstruct
operation of traffic vehicles, emergency vehicles, firefighting vehicles.
Fire safety
supply works shall be outfitted with on-site and remote emergency shutdown
plans for regions and households when necessary to maintain safety for
firefighting and rescue efforts while maintaining continuous electricity supply
for outdoor lighting, indoor firefighting and rescue facilities in case of
supply works and work items shall be periodically maintained or replaced throughout
useful life in order to perform design functionalities.
Transition clauses
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3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry
of Construction is responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on
application of this Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise
during implementation of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical
Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Construction.
QCVN 07-6:2023/BXD
Regulation prescribes technical requirements and mandatory management
requirements in investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of petroleum
and gas supply works.
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Regulation applies to organizations and individuals related to investment,
construction, renovation, and operation of petroleum and gas supply works.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning;
02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Physical Natural and Climatic
data for Construction;
29:2010/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Effluent of Petroleum
Terminal and Stations;
01:2020/BCT, National Technical Regulation on Design Requirements of
Petroleum Stations;
02:2020/BCT, National Technical Regulation on Safety of Liquefied Petroleum
10:2012/BCT, National Technical Regulation on Safety for Liquefied Petroleum
Gas Filling Plants;
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the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
Petroleum station
petroleum retail is implemented via pumps to road and waterway vehicles. Petroleum
stations may also accommodate sale of bottled liquefied petroleum gas,
lubricants, and utility services for traffic participants and vehicles.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
to a hydrocarbon product of petroleum origin where primary components are
propane (C3H8) or butane (C4H10) or
a mixture of both, is abbreviated as LPG. At normal temperature and pressure,
these hydrocarbons stay in gas form; when compressed to a defined pressure or
cooled to an appropriate temperature, these hydrocarbons will change to liquid
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to a hydrocarbon product in gas form and compressed at a high pressure where
primary component is methane (CH4).
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
to a hydrocarbon product in liquid form, of a natural gas origin where primary
component is methane (CH4) and is abbreviated as LNG; at normal
temperature and pressure, LNG stays in gas form and when cooled to a definite
temperature, LNG changes to liquid form.
to a movable storage unit of LPG (with a volume below 150 L), CNG, LNG with a
low volume.
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tank (LPG, CNG, LNG) on transportation (LPG, CNG, LNG tank truck)
to a tank containing fuel (LPG, CNG, LNG) on transportation.
Maximum permissible working pressure
to the highest pressure at which a tank or equipment can sustain without
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General requirements
2.1.1 Petroleum and gas supply works
shall be determined from initial stage of planning in order to guarantee
stable, safe, effective petroleum and gas supply and fulfill energy demand of
projects in accordance with infrastructure planning requirements under QCVN
01:2021/BXD. Requirements regarding land fund, position of stationary petroleum
stations, location of gas supply stations shall conform to QCVN 01:2021/BXD.
Selection of technologies, materials, equipment, and accessories shall
guarantee the use of advanced technologies satisfactory fire safety, fire
prevention, firefighting, lightning protection, static protection, and
environmental protection laws.
2.1.2 Data selected as the basis for
designing petroleum and gas supply works shall be up to date, taking into
account climate change forecast and demand outlook during project operation,
and compliant with QCVN 02:2022/BXD.
2.1.3 Structure and materials of
petroleum and gas supply works shall meet load-bearing capacity, stability, and
fire safety requirements throughout their useful life under the effect of load,
natural conditions, and operation process. Data on natural conditions shall
conform to QCVN 02:2022/BXD.
Petroleum station
2.2.1 Location of petroleum station
shall conform to QCVN 01:2021/BXD, QCVN 01:2020/BCT.
2.2.2 Technologies and equipment in
petroleum stations shall conform to QCVN 01:2020/BCT.
2.2.3 Petroleum stations shall meet
general requirements regarding fire safety and be outfitted with firefighting
plans approved by competent authority.
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Buildings of petroleum stations Separation distance of buildings
of petroleum stations to other work items, fire resistance categories of
structures of point-of-sale and other work items shall conform to QCVN
01:2020/BCT. Petroleum stations adjacent to
other constructions shall be surrounded by walls in accordance with QCVN
01:2020/BCT. Where petrol stations also
accommodate sale of bottled LPG within the stations, safety regulations must be
adhered to.
Petroleum tank Location, separation distance,
and materials of tanks shall conform to QCVN 01:2020/BCT. Petroleum tanks must not be
Water supply and drainage system of petroleum stations Petroleum stations shall be
provided with adequate water for domestic and firefighting purposes. Water
sources and supply pipes shall conform to QCVN 01:2020/BCT.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Oil-contaminated tools and
wastes shall be segregated, stored, collected, delivered, and treated in
accordance with hazardous waste management laws.
2.2.8 Petroleum stations outfitted with
charging stations for electric vehicles shall adhere to regulations on danger
zoning under QCVN 01:2020/BCT and relevant electricity safety regulations.
Gas supply works
Urban gas supply demand
gas supply system shall continuously satisfy demand and pressure of users in
normal operating conditions and during peak hours considering specific demand
type (residential, commercial, industrial) and future development demand.
Regulation on design of gas distribution system from outside of gas supply
works to structures using gas Gas distribution pipes start
from the boundary outside of gas supply works to the exterior of structures
using gas and do not include pipes inside buildings or works using gas. Working
pressure of distribution pipes shall not exceed 7 bar. Other pipes and works along
gas supply works that have working pressure above 7 bar shall adhere to
applicable regulations on Safety of Petroleum Works on Land. Distribution systems may be
designed for pressure categories below:
Low pressure where pressure is less than or equal to 0,1 bar;
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Moderate-high pressure where pressure is greater than 2 bar and less than or
equal to 7 bar.
Regulations on design of gas supply network It is permissible to design
distribution where supply network is circular or parallel in design. Gas supply system shall be
divided into zones and sections that can be isolated from one another by gauge
valves and standby valves so that an area can be isolated while constant supply
to other areas is maintained where an area must be suspended for repair,
inspection, or fire safety purposes.
2.3.2 Gas supply stations shall be
categorized by the type of gas involved:
LPG supply station;
CNG supply station;
CNG supply station;
Depressurization station (where supply is provided by high-pressure gas
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LPG supply station Storage by cylinders: LPG supply
stations that utilize cylinders shall meet requirements applicable to LPG
supply stations with cylinder storage system under QCVN 10:2012/BCT. Storage by tanks: LPG supply
stations that utilize tanks shall meet requirements applicable to LPG supply
stations with tank storage system under QCVN 10:2012/BCT. Regulations on separation
distance of LPG supply stations to protected entities shall adhere to QCVN
CNG supply station CNG supply stations shall meet
separation distance to protected entities under field-specific regulations
depending on storage capacity. Regardless of situation, CNG tanks shall be at
least 15 m away from footpaths, at least 25 m away from civil buildings, at
least 50 m away from important public structures. CNG supply stations shall
accommodate isolated areas to allow CNG tank trucks to park and resupply CNG. Isolated areas accommodated to CNG tank trucks shall be easy to
access while maintaining safety for people and other work items in the
CNG supply stations that utilize stationary cylinders for storage Where multiple adjacent
storage clusters are used, minimum distance between storage clusters shall be 2
m; where vertically stacked CNG cylinder clusters are used, the cylinder
clusters shall be limited to a maximum space of 1,1 m in width, 5,5 m in
length, and 1,6 m in height; where horizontally stacked cylinder clusters are
used, the cylinder clusters shall be limited to a maximum space of 1,8 m in
height, 7 m in length, and width of that of a cylinder up to 2 m.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where horizontally stacked
cylinder clusters are parallel to one another, cylinder accessories shall be
arranged in a way that they are not interfering with accessories of other
cylinders. Minimum separation distance
between horizontally stacked cylinders in a cluster shall be 30 mm. Requirements regarding pipes,
accessories, tanks and cylinders, pipe and tank and cylinder accessories shall
meet technical requirements under selected and applied standards.
LNG supply station Arrangement of building premise,
technology equipment, other work items and parts shall accommodate operation,
security and safety monitoring, supervision, maintenance, and incident handling
within LNG storage. Buildings, equipment, work items, and other parts shall be
arranged in a manner dependent on prevailing wind direction in the area and
sources of sparks. Location of LNG supply stations
shall maintain separation distance to protected entities and be compliant with
Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 - Minimum separation
distance from LNG tanks to protected entities and between tanks
Tank volume, V (m3)
Separation distance from outer edge
of overflowing barrier of tanks to protected entities, m
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Underground tank
Above ground tank
Underground tank
Above ground tank
≤ 0,5
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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1 < V ≤
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3,8 ≤ V
< 7,6
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68,1 ≤ V
< 114
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the sum of diameter of two adjacent tanks and not lower than 1,5 m
≤ V < 379
379 ≤ V < 454
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454 ≤ V < 757
757 ≤ V ≤ 4
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V > 4 000
times the tank diameter and not lower than 30 m
2.3.8 Depressurization station (where
supply is delivered through high-pressure gas pipeline) Design pressure of system before
depressurization stations shall be greater than or equal to maximum operating
pressure of the system before depressurization stations. Design pressure of
system after depressurization stations shall be greater than or equal to
maximum operating pressure of the system after depressurization stations. Factories and equipment shall be
arranged in a way that guarantee safe separation, inspection, maintenance, and
testing. Systems shall be adequately outfitted with gauge valves, purge valves,
and discharge outlets to depressurize the system or carry out inspection where
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 The system must meet reliability
and functionality requirements, including requirements regarding operation
safety, connection to temporary supply system to maintain constant supply,
possibility of defects and backup of equipment. Possibility of gas discharge via
operation control system to the environment must be minimized. Gas outlets must
be located in clear area that meets regulations on separation distance to
power, communication lines and sources of sparks.
Regulations on pipelines General provisions:
Land fun planning and allocation shall be required for gas supply stations and
gas distribution pipelines depending on urban demands;
Gas transmission pipelines with a maximum working pressure above 7 bar must not
be planned to travel through centers of urban areas;
Planning for gas distribution pipelines shall take into account shared
placement in trench or tunnel works;
Where maximum working pressure of a pipeline is equal to or lower than 7 bar,
velocity of gas moving in the pipeline must not exceed 30 m/s;
Gas transmission pipes shall be placed underground; above-ground pipe placement
is only allowed to cross water bodies or other man-made structures. Underground
steel pipes must be protected from corrosion. Underground gas transmission pipe
segments that cross roads on which motorized vehicles operate shall be
contained in protective casings;
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Posts and markers signifying pressure and contact phone number shall be
installed along underground gas transmission pipes.
Underground pipes in urban areas Gate valves shall be required
at the following positions on pipelines: before connection to supply pipes of
buildings; before and after depressurization valves; before and after pipe
segments crossing water and railways or pipe segments intersecting with other
work items whose operation may affect integrity of the intersecting pipe
segments. Gate valves shall be installed in a way that areas can be isolated
for the purpose of maintenance, repair (gas discharge, installation, airtight test),
or incident handling. Where underground pipes are
placed below footpaths, the minimum spacing from the topmost point of pipes to
footpath surface shall be 0,6 m. Where underground pipes are
placed below roads or intersecting with roads on which motorized vehicles
operate, the minimum distance from the topmost point of pipes to road surface
shall be 0,8 m. Where the required depth of
pipe placement is not met, extra protection measures shall be taken in form of
placing pipes in casings or other external protective structures. Underground gas pipes shall be at least 0,3 m away
from domestic water supply pipes, electricity pipes, and communication pipes.
Pipes parallel to railroad Minimum separation distance
from the outermost point of pipes to the centerline of railroad shall be 4 m.
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The pipes are located where they are not affected by train load;
The pipes are protected by appropriate protective structures to minimize the
effect caused by train load;
Railroad load has been taken into account and integrated in calculation of pipe
Pipes intersecting with railroad Gas supply pipes can be placed
underground or on overpass for the purpose of intersecting railroad. Minimum separation distance
from the topmost point of pipe segments protected by casings to railroads shall
be 1,7 m.
Pipes crossing rivers For the purpose of crossing
rivers, pipes can be placed on bridges. Where placement of pipes on bridges is
in possible, pipes can be placed below bridges in a manner that minimum
separation distance from the outermost point of pipes to depth of river bed
shall be 4 m. the aforementioned separation distance shall be at least 2,5 m
where pipes cross waterways. Where pipes cross rivers or
waterways, the pipes must be placed in casings or appropriate protective structures
depending on gas pressure and protected from destruction caused by buoyancy of
casings/protective structures or anchoring of watercrafts.
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Electricity supply and lightning protection system
Electricity supply Electric wires, cables, and
equipment in petroleum stations and gas stations must conform to QCVN
01:2012/BCT and QCVN 01:2020/BCT. Mini generators are allowed as
backup power supply. Exhausts of generators must be outfitted with spark
arrestor and insulated coatings. Electric cables installed in
petroleum and gas stations shall meet fire safety requirements appropriate to
fire risk zoning; electric cables must not be placed in the same trenches where
petroleum and gas transmission pipes are installed. Grounding system of petroleum
and gas stations shall have maximum grounding resistance of 4 Ω. All metal
non-charged components of electrical equipment and pump columns shall be
connected to safe grounding system.
Lightning protection
2.4.2 Tank clusters shall be protected
against direct lightning strikes. Where breather valves are installed at a defined
elevation and beyond coverage of lightning protection of adjacent works,
breather valves shall be protected from direct lightning strikes by equipotentially
connected lightning arresters where lightning rods are at least 5 m away from
breather valves. Other work items of petroleum
and gas stations must also be protected by direct lightning strike protection
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Where petroleum and gas are
transferred to tanks, cylinders in petroleum and gas stations, grounding and
station protection shall be provided for all equipment involved in the transfer
process. For the purpose of protection
against lightning-induced surge and static, grounding system shall be outfitted
with protection against lightning-induced surge and static. Grounding
resistance of said system shall not exceed 10 Ω. Grounding resistance of safe
grounding system shall not exceed 4 Ω. All metal non-charged components of
electrical appliances and pump columns shall be connected to safe grounding
system. Grounding system shall be at least
5 m away from direct lightning strike protection system. Where safe grounding system is
connected to direct lightning strike system, grounding resistance shall not
exceed 1 Ω.
and gas supply works and work items shall be periodically maintained or
replaced throughout useful life in order to perform design functionalities.
Transition clauses
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3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry of Construction is
responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on application of this
Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise during implementation
of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical Infrastructure
Department, Ministry of Construction.
QCVN 07-7:2023/BXD
1.1.1 This Regulation prescribes
technical requirements and management requirements that must be adhered to in
investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of lighting works of urban
roads, tunnels, underpasses, conflict areas, roads in residential areas,
parkways, gardens, passenger pick-up and drop-off points in stations, ports,
coach stations, outdoor parking lots.
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1.1.3 Equipment of lighting works
include: electrical substations, lamp poles, wires, control cabinets, and other
lighting works not regulated by this document.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to organizations, individuals relevant to investment in
construction, renovation, upgrade, and operational management of lighting
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Physical Natural and Climatic
data for Construction.
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
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to lighting that is maintained during an emergency, such as failure of
electricity supply.
Luminous intensity
to a ratio of luminous flux of a light source transmitting in a solid angle
containing a given direction (α direction) to function of the solid angle.
to a ratio of luminous intensity emitted from a point on the surface of a light
source (or secondary light source) to area projected perpendicular to the
direction of observation.
Average road surface luminance
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Overall luminance uniformity
to a ratio of minimum luminance (Lmin) to average luminance (Ltb)
of the entire road surface.
Longitudinal luminance uniformity
to a ratio of minimum luminance (Lmin) to maximum luminance (Lmax)
along the length of road surface.
to a ratio of luminous flux of the light falling toward a surface to area of
the surface.
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Illuminance uniformity of the road surface
to a ratio of minimum illuminance (Emin) to average illuminance (Etb)
of road surface.
Vertical hemicylindrical illuminance or hemicylindrical illuminance
to the average illuminance on the surface of a vertical semicylinder. In
respect of footpaths, vertical illuminance is measured at a height of 1,5 m
from the surface.
Average illuminance of the road surface
to the average illuminance calculated on road surface.
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to percentage increase in contrast required between an object and its
background for the object to be seen equally well with a source of glare
to traffic consisting solely of motorized vehicles (automobiles, motorbikes).
to traffic consisting of motorized vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Luminous efficacy
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Stopping distance
to a distance necessary to bring a vehicle moving at design speed to a complete
stop in front of tunnel entrance. Stopping distance is the length of tunnel
access zone.
Discomfort glare
to glare that causes discomfort without necessarily impairing the vision of
objects due to appearance of high brightness in field of view.
to number of vehicles passing a specific position in a single direction in a
selected hour.
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Luminous flux
to a measure of the total amount of light a light source puts out.
to a change in light sensitivity or perception of the human eyes when moving in
spaces with varying luminance. Light adaptation occurs when moving to places
with higher luminance. Dark adaptation occurs when moving to places with lower
to maximum speed allowed on a definite road segments.
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to speed selected for a specific purpose when designing a road.
Surround illuminance ratio
to a ratio of average illuminance on sidewalks (up to 5m in width) to average
illuminance of neighboring lanes.
to an area where flows of motorized vehicles intersect (junctions) or an area
where motorized vehicles meet pedestrians, cyclists, or other road users
(squares, public playgrounds in urban areas).
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luminance, cd/m2
average road surface luminance, cd/m2
overall luminance uniformity
longitudinal luminance uniformity
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illuminance, lx
vertical hemicylindrical illuminance or
hemicylindrical illuminance, lx
average illuminance of the road surface, lx
threshold increment, %
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stopping distance, m
surround illuminance ratio
General requirements
2.1.1 Lighting works shall conform to
approved construction planning, urban planning, urban or residential design;
ensure safety for traffic and security in urban and residential areas,
convenient in management and operation of lighting works, fire safety and
efficient energy consumption.
2.1.2 Equipment and materials used in
lighting works shall meet quantitative and qualitative standard parameters
defined in regulations depending on subjects of lighting.
2.1.3 Lighting works shall meet
strength, stability, and safety requirements throughout useful life under the
effect of natural conditions in accordance with QCVN 02:2022/BXD.
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2.2.1 Road lighting requirements Road lighting must reveal all
characteristics of roads and traffic and enable vehicle operators to visually
perceive information from constantly changing scenery and safety operate
vehicles at design speed. Lighting system shall, in
addition to providing adequate light as per the law, be directional to enable
vehicle operators to be aware of directions.
2.2.2 Criteria of road lighting system Lighting requirements for roads
for motorized vehicles are specified under Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 - Lighting requirements for road types for motorized
Road level
Average luminance (Ltb), cd/m2
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Longitudinal luminance uniformity (Ud)
Maximum threshold increment (TI), %
Surround illuminance ratio (SR)
Urban expressway
speed, high traffic flow, no non-motorized vehicles
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Arterial roads, urban collector roads, inter-regional roads
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Regional roads accompanied by mercantile activities
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Regional-level roads
conditions on sidewalks:
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- light
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Internal roads
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0,5 For the purpose of preventing
discomfort glare caused by light reflecting from wet road surface, only lights
whose maximum luminous intensity (Imax) is limited to 0o
to 65o are used for road lighting.
2.3 Tunnel lighting for motorized vehicles and mixed traffic
Lighting for tunnels of varying lengths Lighting demands for long and
short tunnels are different and dependent on whether vehicle operators can see
tunnel exits through the tunnels from tunnel access zones. Artificial lighting during
daytime is not required where tunnels are shorter than 25 m in length. Lighting during daytime equivalent
to 50 % of the lighting at tunnel threshold zone (see shall be required
where tunnels are 25 m to 75 m in length. Artificial lighting during
daytime shall always be required where tunnels are greater than 75 m in length.
Requirements for daytime lighting of tunnels are specified under 2.3.2, 2.3.3 and
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lighting demands in tunnels are classified into 4 levels dependent on traffic
characteristics (only motorized vehicles or mixed traffic) and traffic flow in
Schedule 2. Traffic flow is determined by number of vehicles per hour per lane
during rush hours and is categorized into high, moderate, or low according to
Schedule 3.
2 - Daytime lighting levels in tunnels
Lighting level
Traffic flow
Mixed traffic
Motorized vehicle traffic
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Motorized vehicle traffic
Mixed traffic
Motorized vehicle traffic
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The symbol (x) indicates lighting level corresponding to traffic
characteristics and flow.
Schedule 3 - Classification of traffic flow
Traffic flow level
Vehicle/hour 1)
One-lane road
Two-lane road
> 1 500
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≥ 500; ≤ 1 500
≥ 100; ≤ 400
< 500
< 100
1) Number of vehicles per hour per
lane in rush hours.
Where lanes on a road are not physically separated, number of vehicles per
hour per lane can be determined by dividing number of vehicles during rush
hours by total number of lanes. Where actual traffic distribution of a
direction on two-way roads cannot be defined, it is possible to assume the
worst situation where the direction with more traffic accounts for two-thirds
of the total traffic flow. The traffic flow is then divided by number of
lanes in these roads.
Zoning for daytime lighting in tunnels
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Figure 1 - Six lighting zones in tunnels Access zone is located in front
of the tunnel and of a length equal to stopping distance which is dependent on
design speed under Schedule 4.
4 - Stopping distance (SD) by design speed
Design speed, km/h
Stopping distance, m
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1: Design speed means speed that is in effect while the tunnel is used
normally. In respect of irregular situation, such as congestion, design speed
does not apply.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Tunnel threshold zone refers to
the first tunnel segment after entering the tunnel and equals stopping distance
in length. Length of other zones in a tunnel shall be determined depending in
luminance requirements under and
Luminance requirements of tunnel zones during daytime
requirements in tunnels shall be determined by luminance of zones and walls of
tunnels (L). Zones inside tunnels shall be subject to overall luminance
uniformity (Uo) and longitudinal luminance uniformity (Ud)
of road surface. These criteria are not fixed but instead dependent on traffic
characteristics of the tunnel and outside lighting environment.
Luminance of tunnel access zones (L20)
of tunnel access zones must be measured during the time of the year in which it
is at the highest and in a field of view in cone shape with 20o of
apex angle originating from vehicle operator’s eyes while the operator is
looking at the center of tunnel entrance at the beginning of tunnel access
zone. Luminance of tunnel threshold zone (LCV) Luminance of tunnel entrance
shall be reasonably proportionate to luminance of tunnel access zone in order
to match visual adaptation of vehicle operators passing through tunnel entrance
and determined by luminance of tunnel access zone and by using formula (1).
LCV = k x L20
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Value of k conforms to
Schedule 5 depending on lighting level in tunnels and speed limit of traffic in
Schedule 5 - Value of k depending on lighting level in tunnels and
speed limit of traffic
Lighting level in tunnel
k corresponding to speed limit, km/h
50 ÷ 70
80 ÷ 100
110 ÷ 120
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If speed limit is below 50 km/h, value of k is determined by speed limit of (50
÷ 70) km/h Luminance of tunnel threshold
zone shall be maintained during daytime throughout a length equal to 0,5 SD
from tunnel entrance as depicted in Figure 2. From a distance equal to half of
SD, luminance will reduce in a linear fashion to the value at the end of tunnel
threshold zone which is 0,4 LCV. Reduction of luminance in the later
half of tunnel threshold zone can be done in steps. However, luminance must not
be lower than values corresponding to the curve in Figure 2.
Luminance of transition zone (LCT)
will gradually reduce from the beginning of transition zone to the interior
zone in a manner that matches dark adaptation of humans. Average road surface
luminance at any point in transition zone shall not be lower than luminance in
Figure 2.
NOTE: Transition zone immediately follows tunnel threshold

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50% the length of tunnel threshold zone equal to 0,5 SD
Entirety of length of tunnel threshold zone equal to SD
Length of transition zone
Figure 2 - Luminance distribution curve
on road surface of threshold zone and transition zone Luminance (LTR) and luminance
uniformity (Uo and Ud) of interior zone. Average value of road surface
luminance in interior zone must not be lower than values under Schedule 6
corresponding to lighting level of tunnels and speed limit of traffic.
Schedule 6 - Road surface luminance in interior zone (LTR)
Lighting level in tunnel
Average luminace, cd/m2 by speed limit, km/h
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80 ÷ 100
110 ÷ 120
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If speed limit is below 50 km/h, value of LTR is determined by
speed limit of (50 ÷ 70) km/h
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Schedule 7 - Luminance uniformity of road surface in tunnel interior
Tunnel lighting level
Overall uniformity, Uo
Longitudinal uniformity, Ud
≥ 0,4
≥ 0,7
≥ 0,4
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≥ 0,4
≥ 0,6
- Overall luminance uniformity
(Uo) must be calculated for the entire width of road in the direction of
traffic and emergency lanes (if any). Longitudinal luminance
uniformity (Ud) must be calculated for each lane, including
emergency lane. Luminance of exit zone (LCR)
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Lighting demands for walls of tunnels In respect of tunnels with
lighting level 4, average luminance of tunnel walls at a height of 2 m or lower
must not be lower than average road surface luminance at the same position. In respect of tunnels with lighting
level 2 or 3, average luminance of tunnel walls at a height of 2 m or lower
must not be lower than 60 % of average road surface luminance at the same
position. In respect of tunnels with
lighting level 1, luminance requirement for tunnel wall is not imposed. However,
average illuminance requirement of tunnel walls at a height of 2 m or lower
must not be lower than 25 % of the average road surface illuminance at the same
Required luminance in tunnels at nighttime
nighttime, lighting conditions are the same inside and outside of tunnels; the
required lighting in tunnels during nighttime is lower than that during
nighttime and all zones must be equally lit. Road surface luminance during
nighttime in tunnels must at least equal luminance of tunnel access in Schedule
Lighting for outdoor footpaths and bicycle paths
2.4.1 Lighting for footpaths and bicycle
paths shall take into account speed, flow, characteristics of the paths in
different positions in urban areas or residential areas.
2.4.2 Required lighting is depends on
average and minimum road surface illuminance (En,tb and En,min)
and hemicylindrical illuminance (Ebt) under Schedule 8.
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Road type
Road surface illuminance, lx
Hemicylindrical illuminance (Ebt),
Average, En,tb
Minimum, En,min
1. Mercantile street with mixed traffic
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- Type
III, type IV, and type V urban areas
2. Mercantile street for foot travel
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- Special
urban areas and type I and type II urban areas
- Type
III, type IV, and type V urban areas
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- High
(> 6 people/10 m2 of road surface)
- Average
(3 ÷ 6 people/10 m2 of road surface)
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- Low
(≤ 2 people/10 m2 of road surface)
4. Stairs and overpasses
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2.5.1 Tunnels for pedestrians and
cyclists shall have separate lighting regulations for daytime and nighttime.
2.5.2 Required lighting is depends on
average and minimum road surface illuminance (En,tb and En,min)
and hemicylindrical illuminance (Ebt) under Schedule 9.
Schedule 9 - Required tunnel illuminance for pedestrians and
En,tb, lx
En,min, lx
Ebt, lx
En,tb, lx
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Ebt, lx
Lighting in conflict areas
2.6.1 Conflict areas under this
regulation where lighting is required include junctions, walkways in squares,
and public playgrounds in urban areas.
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2.6.3 Luminance of conflict areas must
be one level higher (0,5 cd/m2 more) than the highest luminance of
roads leading to the conflict areas.
2.6.4 Illuminance of conflict areas is
determined by average road surface illuminance (En,tb), illuminance
uniformity, Uo(E) and hemicylindrical (Ebt) under
Schedule 10.
2.6.5 Squares and public playgrounds are
not required to be entirely lit, even during festivals, holidays, and crowded
Schedule 10 - Required road surface illuminance in conflict areas
Location of conflict area by road
Average illuminance (En,tb), lx
Illuminance uniformity, Uo(E)
Hemicylindrical luminance (Ebt),
- Road
of level A
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- Road
of level C
- Road
of level D
- Road
of level E
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2.7.1 Lighting in areas close to
airports must not be mistaken as take-off and landing signals of airports.
Lighting at railway crossings Sufficient lighting must be
provided so that vehicle operators are able to, while at a stationary position,
be able to discern vehicles, paths, obstacles, and pedestrians. Vertical illuminance must be
adequate to enable identification of signs according to Schedule 10. Color of
traffic lights must not be mistaken as that of railway signals. Within 30 m to both sides of
crossings, luminance and luminance uniformity of road surface must be 10 %
higher than those of adjacent road surfaces according to Schedule 1.
Lighting of parkways and gardens
2.8.1 Lighting in parkways and gardens
must serve urban security and safety and crime prevention.
2.8.2 Footpaths and bicycle paths in
parks and gardens must receive lighting with average road surface illuminance
(En,tb), minimum road surface illuminance (En), and
hemicylindrical illuminance (Ebt) under Schedule 8 depending on
people density.
Lighting for station platforms, ports, coach stations, and outdoor parking lots
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Schedule 11 - Lighting requirements in
station platforms, ports, coach stations, and outdoor parking lots
Lighting subjects
Road surface illuminance (En),
Hemicylindrical luminance (Ebt),
1. Inside of urban areas
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2. Outside of urban areas
Lighting for subway stations and elevated tram stations
requirements where passengers wait and board trains depend on average and
minimum horizontal surface illuminance for both daytime and nighttime when
station building is closed or open to daylight according to Schedule 12.
Schedule 12 - Average and minimum horizontal surface illuminance in
tram stations
Characteristics of station building
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En,tb, lx
En,min, lx
En,tb, lx
En,min, lx
1. Open to daylight
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Energy effectiveness and environment
must have high luminous efficacy and bear energy rating label as per the law.
Lighting fixtures that use solar power or wind power are recommended.
works and work items must be periodically maintained throughout use period in
order to perform design functionalities.
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3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior
to the effective period of this Regulation shall adhere to regulations
applicable as of the date on which said projects are approved; individuals
deciding on investment reserve the right to apply this Regulation.
3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry of Construction is
responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on application of this
Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise during implementation
of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical Infrastructure
Department, Ministry of Construction.
QCVN 07-8:2023/BXD
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Regulated entities
Regulation applies to organizations and individuals relevant to investment,
construction, renovation, and upgrade of telecommunication works.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Physical Natural and Climatic
data for Construction;
06:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulations - Fire safety for buildings and
1:2023 of QCVN 06:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Fire Safety of
Buildings and Constructions;
07-3:2023/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Technical Infrastructure
System - Trench and Tunnel Works;
08:2010/BTTTT, National Technical Regulation on Electromagnetic Exposure
from Public Land Mobile Base Stations;
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32:2020/BTTTT, National Technical Regulations on Lightning Protection for
Telecommunication Stations and Outside Cable Network;
33:2019/BTTTT, National Technical Regulation on Installation of outside
telecommunication cable network;
78:2014/BTTTT, National Technical Regulation on Electromagnetic Exposure from
Radio and Television Stations.
1.4 Definitions
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
Cable jointing chamber
to an underground chamber serving installation of cables, storage of sleeves,
and cable reserve.
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to structures consisting of passive telecommunication infrastructures
(building, station, mast, duct, chamber) and network equipment installed
Cable duct
to pipe segments connected to one another and buried underground to protect and
carry cables.
Antenna mast
to a pole structure built to accommodate antennae for transmission and
reception of radio frequency (not including antennae for radio and television
signal reception of households).
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Cable vault
to a chamber with adequate dimensions to accommodate personnel installing,
repairing, and performing maintenance (and usually consists of tapered top
section, shoulders, chute, and cover).
Cable manhole
to a chamber with smaller dimensions and without tapered top section and is
usually built on branching lines to accommodate connection to cable cabinets,
cable boxes, and subscribers.
to a building or a similar structure built to accommodate installation of
communication equipment.
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to an underground line works with sufficiently large dimensions to allow humans
to perform installation, repair, and maintenance of equipment and pipelines.
General requirements
2.1.1 Telecommunication works must
adhere to planning approved by competent authority.
2.1.2 Tunnel and trench works
accommodating telecommunication network system must adhere to QCVN
2.1.3 Distance from ducts, chambers,
manholes, vaults, trenches accommodating telecommunication network to other
underground works must meet requirements under QCVN 33:2019/BTTTT.
2.1.4 Structure and materials of
telecommunication works must maintain sufficient strength and stability
throughout their useful life under the effect of natural conditions and load
applied. Natural data used in design and construction must adhere to QCVN
2.1.5 Telecommunication works must be
identifiable as per applicable laws.
Telecommunication buildings and stations
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2.2.2 Facility and foundation structures
must be calculated using the most unfavorable load and load combinations,
including prolonged destructive load.
2.2.3 Telecommunication buildings and
stations must have at least fire resistance category II in accordance with QCVN
06:2022/BXD and Amendment 01:2023 of QCVN 06:2022/BXD.
2.2.4 Lightning protection and grounding
requirements shall adhere to QCVN 09:2016/BTTTT and QCVN 32:2020/BTTTT.
Antenna mast
2.3.1 Antenna structures must be calculated
using the most unfavorable load and load combinations, including prolonged
destructive load.
2.3.2 Height of antenna masts must meet
aviation safety requirements in accordance with relevant laws.
2.3.3 Distance and positioning between
antenna masts shall adhere to passive telecommunication planning of provinces
and cities.
2.3.4 Antenna masts on sidewalks, in
parks, squares, playgrounds, areas with high environmental and scenery
requirements, etc. must be decorated (as trees, clock towers) or integrated in
multipurpose poles (lamp poles, advertising poles) in a manner appropriate to
scenery and environmentally friendly.
2.3.5 Signal transmission and reception
system installed on antenna masts must meet electromagnetic exposure
requirements under QCVN 08:2010/BTTTT, QCVN 78:2014/BTTTT.
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Cable chambers, ducts, vaults
2.4.1 Minimum depth from surface of
roads, sidewalks, medians to the topmost plastic pipe must conform to QCVN
2.4.2 Minimum distance from the bottom
of cable chambers to the lowest point of the bottommost plastic pipes must be
200 mm.
2.4.3 Minimum separation distance
between adjacent plastic pipes must be 30 mm.
2.4.4 Chamber covers must be at the same
elevation as roads and sidewalks and safe for humans and transportation.
Cable network in urban areas
2.5.1 The design and construction of
cable network in urban areas must accommodate communication and television
2.5.2 Cable network system must be
undergrounding. Underground cable ducts, chambers, vaults, manholes shall share
infrastructures. A minimum of 2 cable feeder bays entering urban areas and
communication (telecommunication and television) cable distribution panels must
be installed and calculated to adequately provide services.
2.5.3 Cable networks must accommodate a
minimum of 1 standby optic cable in each household (cables are installed at
standby position in living room with an excess of 3 m or a minimum excess of 20
m at a convenient position in a dwelling unit), be connected to panels,
cabinets, boxes, technical rooms of apartment building (and connected to
internet service providers depending on use demand of the household) in case of
households in apartment buildings or connected to cable cabinets, boxes of
telecommunication enterprises in residential areas, urban areas, and roads in
case of households in new residential areas, urban areas.
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2.6.1 Telecommunication works and work
items must be periodically maintained and repaired during useful life in order
to perform design functionalities.
2.6.2 Actions must be promptly taken
where works show signs of dangers and/or loss of safety in operation, use, or
structural failure as per relevant law provisions.
Transition clauses
3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior
to the effective period of this Regulation shall adhere to regulations
applicable as of the date on which said projects are approved; individuals
deciding on investment reserve the right to apply this Regulation.
3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
Ministry of Construction is responsible for publicizing and providing
guidelines on application of this Regulation for relevant entities.
Difficulties that arise during implementation of this Regulation shall be
submitted to the Technical Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Construction.
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QCVN 07-9:2023/BXD
Regulation prescribes mandatory technical requirements and management
requirements to be met in investment, construction, renovation, and upgrade of
solid waste collection, treatment works and public toilet.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to organizations and individuals relevant to investment,
construction, renovation, and upgrade of solid waste collection, treatment
works and public toilet.
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
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07:2009/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Waste Limit;
25:2009/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Wastewater of Solid Waste
61-MT:2016/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Municipal Solid Waste
01:2011/BYT, National technical regulation on Hygienic conditions for
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
waste collection and treatment system
to a combination of works serving consolidation, transportation, recycling,
treatment, and burial of solid wastes.
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Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
to a stationary transfer station capable of receiving wastes, segregating,
retrieving recycled components of wastes, and transferring the remaining parts
to treatment areas or landfills.
Municipal solid waste transfer station
to a facility where municipal solid wastes are directly loaded onto oversized
vehicles or pressed by compressing equipment to be loaded on large vehicles or
into parcels for transportation to treatment areas or landfills.
Solid waste treatment facility
to a combination of land, factory, technology line, equipment, and auxiliary
works serving solid waste treatment and recycling.
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to an area where concentrated treatment of waste type or types occurs,
including municipal solid wastes, regular industrial solid wastes, hazardous wastes,
and other solid wastes except for co-incineration of waste and grouping
treatment of biomedical wastes. Concentrated waste treatment sites can be waste
treatment facility or facilities, landfill or landfills.
Hygienic solid waste landfill
to an area that is planned, designed, and built in accordance with regulations
and functionalities in order to bury regular solid wastes. Landfills consist of
burial sites, buffer zones, and auxiliary works such as: wastewater treatment
stations, electricity and water supply stations, weighing stations,
coordinating offices, and other work items.
Hazardous solid waste landfill
to an area planned, design, and built to bury hazardous wastes that are
discarded or preliminarily treated to fit burial purposes.
Public toilet
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General requirements
2.1.1 Investment and construction of
solid waste collection, treatment works must conform to planning approved by
competent authority and take into account the impact of climate change and
rising sea level.
2.1.2 Public toilet must conform to
planning approved by competent authority and general scenery of the area. Where
areas have special urban aesthetic value or limited land fund, stationary
transfer station for solid wastes and underground public toilet are allowed.
2.1.3 Solid waste treatment works and
public toilets must meet quality requirements and environmental protection
requirements throughout useful life as per applicable laws.
2.1.4 Location of public toilets must
facilitate septic tank emptying.
2.1.5 Traffic system in solid waste
treatment facilities must allow vehicles in treatment sites to operate
conveniently, turn around easily, avoid collision, reach functioning areas in
treatment facilities and meet fire safety requirements as per the law.
2.1.6 Firefighting and fire suppression
system in solid waste transfer station, solid waste treatment facilities,
concentrated solid waste treatment sites must meet regulations on fire safety
for buildings and constructions.
2.1.7 Works serving solid waste
collection and treatment must adhere to lightning protection requirements in
accordance with applicable laws.
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Municipal solid waste transfer station
2.2.1 Transfer stations in urban areas
must accommodate waste reception areas with sufficient space to allow vehicles
to park and unload wastes. Reception areas must be enclosed to minimize
contamination, odors, and insects.
2.2.2 Non-stationary transfer stations
must accommodate waste reception areas with sufficient space to allow vehicles
to park and unload wastes in a manner that minimize contamination and odors.
2.2.3 New stationary transfer stations
in inner city of special urban areas and urban areas of type I must be placed
in central districts that allow subterranean or semi-subterranean investment
and construction of work items (compressing and storage areas below basements,
work platforms above-ground, etc.).
2.2.4 Stationary transfer stations must
have the following basic work items:
- Weighbridges;
- Technical infrastructures: roofs, walls,
yards, internal roads, vehicle washing areas, water supply, wastewater
collection and treatment; electricity supply, and other technical
- Segregation and storage areas for
recycled materials;
- Storage areas for solid wastes, bulk
wastes, hazardous wastes (if any);
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2.2.5 MRFs must be incorporated with
dust deodorizing and processing system.
2.2.6 Height of stationary transfer
stations must not be lower than that of the tallest equipment. Minimum distance
from the bottom of bridge crane to the top of objects, equipment shall be 0,5
2.2.7 Architectural materials in
stationary transfer stations and structure, arrangement thereof must conform to
regulations on environmental hygiene and fire safety.
Solid waste treatment facilities
2.3.1 Land use ratio in a solid waste
treatment facility is determined under Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 - Land use area in solid waste treatment facility
Type - work item
Land percentage, %
1. Solid waste recycling facility
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Solid waste storage + segregation area before recycling
≤ 30
Solid waste recycling area
≤ 20
Coordinating building and other auxiliary works
≤ 20
Traffic land
≥ 15
Tree land and water surface
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2. Solid waste treatment facility utilizing biological technology
Treatment sites + composting sites + storage units
≤ 60
Coordinating building and other auxiliary works
≤ 15
Traffic land
≥ 10
Tree land and water surface
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3. Solid waste incinerator
Incinerators and environmentally friendly works
≤ 50
Ash, slag landfill
≤ 10
Coordinating building and other auxiliary works
≤ 15
Traffic land
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Tree land and water surface
≥ 15
4. Hygienic solid waste landfill
Solid waste burial spots
≤ 40
Garbage leechate treatment areas.
≤ 15
Coordinating building and other auxiliary works
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Traffic land
≥ 10
Tree land and water surface
≥ 20
5. Hazardous waste landfill
Solid waste burial spots
≤ 40
Garbage leechate treatment areas.
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Coordinating building and other auxiliary works
≤ 20
Traffic land
≥ 15
Tree land and water surface
≥ 15
6. Concentrated solid waste treatment site
Functioning works:
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- Solid
waste treatment facility utilizing biological technology;
- Solid
waste incinerator;
- Hygienic
solid waste landfill;
- Hazardous
waste landfill;
- Other
treatment facilities.
≤ 65
Coordinating building and other auxiliary works
≤ 10
Traffic land
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Tree land and water surface
≥ 15
1: Requirements under Schedule 1 apply to new investment and construction
projects. In respect of renovation, upgrade, investment, construction
projects of existing treatment facilities, requirements under Schedule 1 can
serve reference purposes.
2: Buffer tree strips are not required according to QCVN 01:2021/BXD between
landfill treatment facilities in concentrated solid waste treatment sites.
2.3.2 Selection of solid waste treatment
technologies shall rely on analysis of physical and chemical components of
solid wastes. Analysis data must be updated within a year until the date on
which investment project is produced.
2.3.3 Recycling facilities in
concentrated solid waste treatment sites must adhere to regulations applicable
to concentrated solid wastes treatment sites.
Solid waste treatment facility utilizing biological technology Scale and capacity of solid
waste treatment facilities utilizing biological technology are determined by
weight and percentage of organic components in wastes. Main functioning areas include:
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- Administrative buildings: office,
storage, chemical laboratories, guest rooms, sanitary areas;
- Treatment areas: Dry garbage storage,
cutting, grinding, segregating, mixing, fermenting, composting, packaging
equipment, storage of products retrieved or recycled from solid wastes;
- Technical infrastructures: gates, fences,
roads, parking lots, wash racks, repair workshops, water supply, wastewater and
leechate collection and treatment, lighting, trees, water surface, scenery. Land use percentage in solid
waste treatment facilities utilizing biological technology is determined under
Schedule 1.
Municipal solid waste and regular solid waste incinerators Scale and capacity of solid
waste incinerators are determined in continuous incineration mode. Solid waste incinerators must be
designed and operating on the basis of weight, components, and nature of solid
waste, compliant with requirements regarding environmental protection and
adaptability of incineration technology. Main functioning areas:
- Garbage weighing stations and reception
areas. Garbage weighing system must include weighbridges, data processing
departments, transportation mechanisms;
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- Areas where incinerator system and
environmental protection works are installed: smoke, dust processing facilities,
ash and slag storage;
- Ash and slag recycling areas;
- Technical infrastructures: gates, fences,
roads, yards, parking lots, wash racks, water supply, wastewater collection and
treatment, lighting, trees, water surface, scenery, vehicle maintenance facilities,
other technical infrastructures. Number of incinerators are
calculated depending on scale, type of incinerators, and technical level of
operators and specified under Schedule 2.
2 - Classification of municipal solid waste, regular solid waste incinerators
Capacity, tonne/day
Number of regularly operating
large scale
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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≥ 3
> 500; ≤ 1 000
≥ 2
> 100; ≤ 500
≥ 1
≥ 7,0; ≤ 100
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Municipal solid waste
incinerators must meet requirements regarding the environment under QCVN
61-MT:2016/BTNMT. Ashes and slags produced by
incineration of municipal solid waste and regular wastes that meet requirements
regarding environmental protection can be recycled, solidified, and reused. Land use percentage in municipal
solid waste and regular solid waste incinerators is determined under Schedule
2.3.6 Other solid waste incinerators (hazardous
biomedical wastes and hazardous industrial wastes) Solid waste incinerators must be
designed and operating on the basis of weight, components, and nature of solid
waste, compliant with requirements regarding environmental protection and
adaptability of incineration technology. Main functioning areas:
- Garbage weighing stations and reception
areas. Garbage weighing system must include weighbridges, data processing
departments, transportation mechanisms;
- Coordinating buildings: offices, storage,
chemical laboratories, guest rooms, sanitary areas, resting lounges;
- Areas where incinerator system and
environmental protection works are installed: smoke, dust processing
facilities, ash and slag storage;
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- Technical infrastructures: gates, fences,
roads, yards, parking lots, wash racks, water supply, wastewater collection and
treatment, lighting, trees, water surface, scenery, vehicle maintenance
facilities, other technical infrastructures. Requirements for incinerators:
- Incinerators of hazardous biomedical
wastes and industrial wastes must adhere to requirements regarding
environmental protection according to applicable laws;
- Ashes, slags, and other solid wastes
produced by incinerator operation must be segregated in accordance with QCVN
07:2009/BTNMT in order to managed by appropriate measures as per applicable
laws. Land use percentage in other
solid waste incinerators (hazardous biomedical wastes and hazardous industrial
wastes) is determined under Schedule 1.
Hygienic solid waste landfill Scale of hygienic solid waste
landfills is determined under approved planning. Main functioning areas:
- Garbage weighing stations including
weighbridges, data processing departments, transportation;
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- Landfill sites: reception and burial
- Technical infrastructures: weighing
stations, electromechanic workshops, gates, fences, roads, yards, parking lots,
wash racks, water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, lighting, trees,
water surface, scenery. Hygienic solid waste landfills
must be designed and built in accordance with applicable documents. Garbage leechate from treated
burial spots must meet environmental regulations under QCVN 25:2009/BTNMT. Emission collection system must
be installed at hygienic burial spots of organic solid wastes or both organic
and inorganic solid wastes. Land use percentage in regular
solid waste landfills is determined in accordance with Schedule 1.
Hazardous waste landfill Scale of hazardous waste
landfill is determined in accordance with planning. Main functioning areas:
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- Administrative buildings: office,
storage, chemical laboratories, guest rooms, sanitary areas;
- Treatment areas: reception areas, burial
- Technical infrastructures: weighing
stations, electromechanic workshops, gates, fences, roads, yards, parking lots,
wash racks, water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, lighting, trees,
water surface, scenery.
Burial spots for hazardous wastes can be incorporated in regular solid waste
landfills. Hazardous waste landfills must
be designed and built in accordance with applicable regulations. Garbage leechate from treated
burial spots must meet environmental regulations under QCVN 25:2009/BTNMT. Land use percentage in hazardous
solid waste landfills is determined under Schedule 1.
Concentrated solid waste treatment site Scale of concentrated waste
treatment sites is determined in accordance with approved planning based on
weight of solid wastes to be processed, technology employed to process and
dispose solid wastes.
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- Weighing stations installed in each
treatment site include: weighbridges, data processing departments;
- Administrative buildings: office,
storage, chemical laboratories, guest rooms, sanitary areas;
- Treatment areas: reception, segregation,
biological treatment, recycling, storage, incineration, landfills;
- Technical infrastructures: weighing
stations, electromechanic workshops, gates, fences, roads, yards, parking lots,
wash racks, water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, lighting, trees,
water surface, scenery. Land use percentage in
concentrated waste treatment sites is determined under Schedule 1.
Public toilet
Stationary public toilet requirements Ratio of window area to floor
area must not be lower than 1:8. Materials and structure must
meet strength and stability requirements during operation and use. Floor and
walls must be made from anti-absorbent materials. Public toilet must be outfitted
with septic tanks prior to being connected to external drainage system.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 In special circumstances, public
toilet can be built underground.
Mobile public toilet requirements Materials and structure must
meet strength and stability requirements during operation and use. Minimum clear height of toilet
stall must be 2,1 m. Continuous and adequate water
supply system is required. Adequate sanitary, ventilation,
and lighting equipment satisfactory to use demand and environmental hygiene is
required. Accessibility for persons with
disabilities is required in accordance with QCVN 10:2014/BXD. Requirements under
QCVN01:2011/BYT must be met.
2.4.3 Management of sludge from public toilet
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2.5 Maintenance
waste collection and treatment works, work items, and public toilets must be
periodically maintained and repair throughout useful life in order to perform
design functionalities.
Transition clauses
3.1.1 Investment projects approved prior to the effective period of
this Regulation shall adhere to regulations applicable as of the date on which said
projects are approved; individuals deciding on investment reserve the right to
apply this Regulation.
3.1.2 Investment construction projects
that are approved from the effective date hereof shall conform to this
3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry
of Construction is responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on
application of this Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise
during implementation of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical
Infrastructure Department, Ministry of Construction.
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Regulation provides for limits of technical specifications and mandatory
management requirements to be adhered to in construction, renovation, and upgrade
of cemeteries, crematories, and funeral homes.
Regulated entities
Regulation applies to organizations and individual relevant to investment,
construction, renovation, and upgrade of cemeteries, crematories, and funeral
Reference documents
documents below are necessary for the application of this Regulation. If
reference documents are amended or replaced, the new versions shall prevail.
01:2021/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction Planning;
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10:2014/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Construction for Accessibility
for persons with disabilities;
02:2012/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Solid Health Care Waste
07:2009/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Waste Limit;
14:2008/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Municipal Wastewater;
26:2010/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Noise;
28:2010/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Biomedical Wastewater;
50:2013/BTNMT, National Technical Regulation on Hazardous Thresholds for
Sludges from Water Treatment Process.
1.4 Definitions
the Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:
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to a place where the remains of dead people are buried or otherwise interred
and is managed, built as per planning.
Final disposition
to the process of storing remains or cremains of the dead.
to the process of storing remains or cremains of the dead underground.
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to permanent burial of the dead.
Temporary burial
to burial of the dead for a period of time after which the dead body is
to a removal of remains from a temporary burial grave for another forms of
final dispositions.
Interment of ashes
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to where remains or cremains of the dead are buried.
to the process of incinerating (at a high temperature) the remains or bone
remains of the dead at crematoriums.
to what remains of the dead following cremation of remains or bone remains.
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to a facility consisting of cremators and other auxiliary works (offices,
technical areas, cremains storage areas, funeral homes, technical
Crematoriums are situated independently or as attachment to works such as
cemeteries, religion establishments as long as environmental separation
distance is maintained as per the law.
to works, equipment cremating remains and bone remains of the dead.
Funeral home
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Funeral homes are situated independently or as attachment to works such as
cemeteries, crematoriums, religion establishments as long as environmental
separation distance is maintained as per the law.
2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 Investment and construction of
cemeteries, crematoriums, and funeral homes must adhere to planning approved by
competent authority and take into account the impact of climate change and
rising sea level.
2.1.2 Cemeteries, crematoriums, and
funeral homes must enable accessibility for persons with disabilities in
accordance with QCVN 10:2014/BXD.
2.1.3 Environmental separation distance
of cemeteries, crematoriums, and funeral homes must adhere to QCVN 01:2021/BXD.
New crematoriums and funeral homes in existing cemeteries (planning for
continuous use) may have environmental separation distance determined by the
use of environmental impact assessment tools.
2.2 Cemetery
2.2.1 Cemeteries include: cemeteries for
burial and cemeteries for multiple forms of final disposition.
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2.2.2 Main functioning areas Burial sites may, depending on
the type of cemeteries, include one or multiple of the following areas:
- Areas for temporary burial;
- Areas for permanent burial;
- Areas for interment of ashes. Other functioning areas include:
- Funeral sites or funeral homes in cemeteries;
- Crematoriums in cemeteries (if any);
- Long-term cremains storage facilities;
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- Ceremonial and worshipping areas (if
- Auxiliary works: offices, waiting
lounges, storage units, main buildings;
- Sanitary areas and other service
- Technical infrastructures: trees, water,
scenery, gates, fences, yards, roads, parking lots, runoff drainage works,
water supply works, wastewater collection and treatment works, solid waste
collection and treatment works, electricity supply works, lighting works, audio
works, communication works.
Functioning structures can be situated in a single building as long as
environmental and fire safety requirements are met.
2.2.3 Requirements regarding land use in cemeteries Percentage of land use of
functioning areas in a cemetery (over total land area of a cemetery):
- Minimum area for burial is 50 %, in
which, maximum area for temporary burial is 5 %;
- Minimum area for technical
infrastructures and auxiliary works is 40 %, in which, minimum area for trees
and surface water is 25 % and minimum area for primary traffic is 10 %.
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In respect of grave vault (double graves or family graves), maximum area equals
area of each single grave multiplied by the number of remains, bone remains, or
cremains therein. Percentage of land dedicated to grave vault must not exceed
50 % of total land area for burial. Area for trees, surface water, internal
roads, and auxiliary works attached to each grave in a cemeteries can be
excluded from land use area of corresponding grave. Maximum volume of plot for
placement of urns in cremains storage facilities is 0,125 m3/plot.
2.2.4 Spatial and scenery requirements Depending on area scale,
cemeteries are divided into grave sections or grave lots limited by roads. Each
grave section is further divided into grave lots each of which is divided into
grave groups each of which contain grave rows. Signs providing instructions for
visitors are required in each grave group, grave lot, and grave section. Forms of graves, headstones,
fences in grave sections (if any), and grave orientation in a cemetery must be
consistent in design under approved construction investment projects.
2.2.5 Technical infrastructure and environment requirements Traffic arrangement in
- Primary traffic and traffic connecting
cemeteries to outside traffic shall adhere to QCVN 07-4:2023/BXD;
- Minimum width of roads between grave
sections is 7 m;
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- Minimum width of footpaths in grave lots
is 1,2 m;
- Minimum spacing between two grave rows is
0,8 m;
- Minimum spacing between two graves on the
same row (if any) is 0,6 m;
- Parking lots matching demands of
cemeteries are required. Solid waste collection and
- Cemeteries must be outfitted with public
trash bins and solid waste consolidation grounds to collect all solid wastes
that emerge. Collected solid wastes must be periodically transported to
treatment sites;
- Wastes related to the dead whose cause of
death is infectious diseases or decayed remains must be treated in accordance
with regulations of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment on biomedical waste management. Wastewater collection and
- Cemeteries must have separate drainage
systems for surface water and wastewater generated by other activities in
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- Wastewater from cemeteries must be
collected and treated to QCVN 28:2010/BTNMT before discharging into receiving
2.2.6 Scenery and environmental requirements for closed cemeteries
in urban areas Closed cemeteries in urban areas
that are not planned for relocation must be renovated and improved in order to
increase tree indicators in line with regulations applicable to parks. Funeral service areas; technical
areas: remains cleaning areas, remains preservation areas; crematoriums in
cemeteries (if any) must be repurposed. Fences and trees are required
around cemeteries to maintain urban aesthetics.
2.3 Crematorium
2.3.1 Crematoriums include: independent
crematoriums and crematoriums incorporated with other works (cemeteries,
religion establishments).
2.3.2 Main functioning areas:
- Cremation areas: cremators, remains
preservation areas, funeral service areas;
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- Ceremonial and worshipping areas (if
- Auxiliary works: offices, waiting
lounges, storage units, main buildings, sanitary areas, and other service
- Technical infrastructures: trees, water,
scenery, gates, fences, yards, roads, parking lots, runoff drainage works, water
supply works, wastewater collection and treatment works, solid waste collection
and treatment works, electricity supply works, lighting works, audio works,
communication works.
Functioning structures can be situated in a single building as long as
environmental and fire safety requirements are met.
2.3.3 Land use requirements in crematorium
of area of technical infrastructure: at least 35 %, in which, minimum area for
trees and surface water is 20 %, minimum area for traffic (including parking
lots) is 10 % (on total land area of a crematorium).
Where crematoriums are incorporated with other structures, it is permissible to
share technical infrastructures and auxiliary works of said structures as long
as aforementioned indicators are met.
2.3.4 Spatial and scenery requirements
of crematoriums must fit natural conditions and local customs; have reasonable
spatial arrangement, be convenient for cremation process, and have natural
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Traffic arrangement in
- Primary traffic and traffic connecting
crematoriums with outside traffic must conform to QCVN 07-4:2023/BXD;
- New crematoriums must have separate
entrances and exits; parking lots appropriate to demands for the crematoriums. Crematorium emission collection and treatment
must be outfitted with emission treatment system prior to releasing emission to
the environment in accordance with QCVN 02:2012/BTNMT. Solid waste collection and
- Ashes, slags, sludges, and other solid
wastes produced by incinerator operation must be segregated in accordance with
QCVN 07:2009/BTNMT in order to managed by appropriate measures as per
applicable laws;
- Solid wastes must be collected and
transported to treatment sites in a manner compliant with environmental hygiene
standards. Wastewater collection and
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- Sludges produced by wastewater treatment
system must be managed in accordance with QCVN 50:2013/BTNMT and collected,
transported to treatment sites in a manner complaint with environmental hygiene
2.4 Funeral home
2.4.1 Funeral homes include: independent
funeral homes and funeral homes incorporated with other structures (cemeteries,
crematoriums, religion establishments, hospitals).
2.4.2 Main functioning areas:
- Funeral areas: walkways, waiting lounges,
funeral rooms, cold storage for body preservation, casket placement, embalming
- Auxiliary works: offices, waiting
lounges, storage units, main buildings, sanitary areas, and other service
- Technical infrastructures: trees, water,
scenery, gates, fences, yards, roads, parking lots, runoff drainage works,
water supply works, wastewater collection and treatment works, solid waste
collection and treatment works, electricity supply works, lighting works, audio
works, communication works.
Functioning structures can be situated in a single building as long as
environmental and fire safety requirements are met.
2.4.3 Land use requirements in funeral homes
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Where funeral homes are incorporated with other structures, it is permissible
to share technical infrastructures and auxiliary works of said structures as
long as aforementioned indicators are met.
2.4.4 Spatial and scenery requirements Structure of funeral homes must
conform to natural conditions, local customs, and nearby scenery, have
reasonable spatial arrangement and be convenient for funeral process; receive
natural ventilation. Funeral homes incorporated with
hospitals must be separate from other functions in the hospitals, have separate
access, and be outfitted with noise-dampening solutions.
2.4.5 Technical infrastructure and environment requirements Traffic arrangement in funeral
- Primary traffic and traffic connecting
funeral homes with outside traffic must conform to QCVN 07-4:2023/BXD;
- New funeral homes must have separate
entrances and exits;
- Parking lots appropriate to demands for
funeral homes are required.
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- Solid wastes must be collected on a daily
basis and transported to treatment sites in a manner compliant with environmental
hygiene standards;
- Wastewater must be collected and treated
to meet QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT before being discharged to receiving system. Noises in funeral activities
homes must be outfitted with noise-dampening solutions in accordance with QCVN
2.5 Maintenance
crematoriums, and funeral homes must be periodically maintained and repaired
throughout their useful life in order to perform design functionalities.
Transition clauses
Investment projects approved prior to the effective period of
this Regulation shall adhere to regulations applicable as of the date on which
said projects are approved; individuals deciding on investment reserve the
right to apply this Regulation.
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3.2 Local construction authorities are
responsible for inspecting compliance with this Regulation in production,
appraisal, approval, and management of building design and construction.
3.3 Ministry of Construction is
responsible for publicizing and providing guidelines on application of this
Regulation for relevant entities. Difficulties that arise during implementation
of this Regulation shall be submitted to the Technical Infrastructure
Department, Ministry of Construction.