In Vietnam, is it against the Law if the traffic police impose a fine without making a record?
In Vietnam, is it illegal if the traffic police impose a fine without making a record?
Pursuant to Article 56 of the Law on Handling Administrative Violations in 2012 stipulating administrative sanction without record taking as follows:
1. Administrative sanction without record taking is applicable in cases of warning or fines of up to VND 250,000 for individuals, VND 500,000 for organizations and the persons with sanctioning competence must make decisions of administrative sanctions on the spot.
In case administrative sanctions are detected thanks to using technical, professional equipment, means, the record must be taken.
2. Decisions of administrative sanctions on the spot must be written clearly the information of date of decisions; full name, address of violators or name, address of violating organizations; acts of violations; venues of violations; evidences and details related to the violation settlement; full name, position of persons who make sanctioning decisions; articles, clauses of applicable legal documents. In case of fines, there must be the fine levels in the decisions.
As regulation above, the traffic police was not against the Law for not making a record as your administrative sanction was under VND 250,000.
In Vietnam, how many copies of an administrative violation record must be made?
Pursuant to Clause 29, Article 1 of the Amendments and Supplements to Certain Articles of Law on Handling Of Administrative Violations in 2020 stipulating as follows:
A administrative violation record must be made into at least 2 copies and signed by the record maker and the violator or the representative of the violating organization, unless the record is made under the provisions of Clause 7 of this Article.
In case the violator or the representative of the violating organization does not sign the record, the record must bear the signature of the representative of the local authority of the commune where the violation occurs, or of at least 01 witness certifying the violating person or organization has not signed the record; In case there is no signature of the representative of the commune-level local authority or the witness, the reasons for this must be clearly stated in the record.
Best regards!
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