In Vietnam, what documents are included in a program or project file in management and use of aid?
What documents are included in a program or project file in management and use of aid in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 8 of the Decree 80/2020/NĐ-CP stipulating documents are included in a program or project file in management and use of aid in Vietnam as follows:
1. A program or project file consists of the following documents:
a) A program/project proposal;
b) A written agreement on the provision of aid by the aid donor.
c) Program or project documents;
d) Documents proving legal status (not applicable to aid donors being diplomatic missions, governmental agencies, foreign local governments).
For foreign non-governmental organizations registered in Vietnam: A copy of the registration certificate issued by the Vietnamese competent authority;
For individual aid donors: submit a certified true copy of the passport;
For other aid donors: submit certified true copies of the organization's legal status.
What documents are included in a non-project file in management and use of aid in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 8 of the Decree 80/2020/NĐ-CP stipulating documents are included in a non-project file in management and use of aid in Vietnam as follows:
2. A non-project file consists of the following documents:
a) A non-project proposal;
b) A written agreement on the provision of aid by the aid donor;
c) The non-project aid document, which is formulated by the aid owner in coordination with the aid donor, including the following main contents: Purpose, content, list of goods (for aid in form of goods or objects), expected results of the aid; time performance; value of non-project aid; implementation method and coordination mechanism in the implementation process; obligations to report results after receiving and using aid;
d) Documents proving legal status (not applicable to aid donors being diplomatic missions, governmental agencies, foreign local governments).
For foreign non-governmental organizations registered in Vietnam: A copy of the registration certificate issued by the Vietnamese competent authority; For individual aid donors: submit a certified true copy of the passport;
For other aid donors: submit certified true copies of the organization's legal status.
dd) For non-project aid provided in the form of providing experts, the aid dossier comprises: documents stated at Points a, b, c and d of this Clause; resume of experts with commitment to be responsible for the information supplied; operational program; work permit and legal documents on professional practices of experts in accordance with relevant laws.
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