What are packaging, transportation and transit of radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, what are packaging, transportation and transit of radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials? In Vietnam, what are general provisions for applications for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?

In Vietnam, what are packaging, transportation and transit of radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials?

Pursuant to Article 13 of Decree 142/2020/ND-CP stipulating packaging, transportation and transit of radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials:

1. Human resources

a) In case of transportation on roads and railways (except for cases of transporting exempt packages): Transport vehicle operators or escorting individuals must obtain certificates for radiation safety training;

b) In case of transporting class 1, class 2 and class 3 radiation sources according to QCVN 06:2010/BKHCN: Individuals in charge of responding to accidents must obtain certificates for radiation employees. 

2. Safety and security assurance

a) Shipment must be packed and labeled according to regulations and law on safe transportation of radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials;

b) Equip exposure dose rate meter to monitor safety throughout transportation process;

c) Fully satisfy requirements for security assurance under Annex I of this Decree;

d) Develop response plans for facility-level radiation incidents according to Annex II of this Decree.

In case of transporting class 1 and class 2 radiation sources according to QCVN 6:2010/BKHCN and high-level radioactive wastes according to National Standards on Radiation safety – Management of radioactive wastes – Classification of radioactive wastes (TCVN 6868:2001): Response plans must be approved according to Article 36 of this Decree;

dd) Road vehicles and railway carriages must be labeled hazardous radiation commodities as per the law when transporting radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials; 

e) In case of road transportation: May only employ automobiles and must not carry passengers (except for cases of transporting exempt packages).

3. In addition to aforementioned requirements, organizations and individuals which transport radiation sources, radioactive wastes, source materials and nuclear materials must also comply with Decree No. 42/2020/ND-CP dated April 8, 2020 of the Government on list of dangerous commodities and transportation thereof by road motor vehicles and on inland waterway.

In Vietnam, what are general provisions for applications for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?

Pursuant to Article 14 of Decree 142/2020/ND-CP stipulating general provisions for applications for issuance of radiation-related affair permit:

1. Information in applications must be accurate. Certificates, degrees or other documents must remain valid for at least 45 days from the date on which applications are received.

2. In case copies are not certified, verified or copies are produced from master registers, competent agencies capable of issuing permit may request applicants to present master registers for comparison.

3. In case applicants conduct multiple radiation-related affairs simultaneously, only 1 copy of similar documents is required for all radiation-related affairs.

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Chủ quản: Công ty THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT. Giấy phép số: 27/GP-TTĐT, do Sở TTTT TP. HCM cấp ngày 09/05/2019.
Chịu trách nhiệm chính: Ông Bùi Tường Vũ - Số điện thoại liên hệ: 028 3930 3279
Địa chỉ: P.702A , Centre Point, 106 Nguyễn Văn Trỗi, P.8, Q. Phú Nhuận, TP. HCM;
Địa điểm Kinh Doanh: Số 17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q3, TP. HCM;
Chứng nhận bản quyền tác giả số 416/2021/QTG ngày 18/01/2021, cấp bởi Bộ Văn hoá - Thể thao - Du lịch
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