Is the mother-in-law of a police conscript eligible for a health insurance card in Vietnam?
Is the mother-in-law of a police conscript in Vietnam eligible for a health insurance card?
Pursuant to Article 39 of the Law on People's Public Security Force 2018:
Article 39. Healthcare for People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted members, cadets, workers and relatives thereof
- People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers, men and cadets shall be provided with healthcare; when suffering injuries, sickness, accidents or professional risks in localities far away from medical establishments of the People’s Public Security Force or suffering diseases which cannot be treated by these medical establishments, they shall be entitled to medical examination and treatment services provided by other medical establishments, coverage of their hospital charges and other regimes prescribed by law.
- Natural parents or lawful caretakers; natural parents or lawful caretakers of spouses; spouses; natural children or adopted children under 18 years old of People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers, enlisted members and cadets, who are not covered by the health insurance regime, shall be provided with health insurance policies by the People’s Public Security Force and with medical examination and treatment at medical establishments as prescribed by law.
Pursuant to applicable laws, in case you are the mother-in-law of a police conscript in Vietnam and not covered by the health insurance regime,you will be issued with an insurance card.
What is the policies on training and education of People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted members?
Pursuant to Article 37 of the Law on People's Public Security Force 2018:
Article 37. Policies on training and education of People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted members
- People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted members shall be trained and educated in politics, law, professional operations and skills and other knowledge necessary for performing their assigned tasks; shall be entitled to incentives and advantages given by the State to develop their talent to serve in the People’s Public Security Force.
- The State shall adopt policies to prioritize the training and education of People’s Public Security officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted members being ethnic minority people.
Best regard
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