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THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT. Mọi hành vi sao chép, đăng tải lại mà không có sự đồng ý của
THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT là vi phạm pháp luật về Sở hữu trí tuệ.
THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT has the copyright on this translation. Copying or reposting it without the consent of
THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT is a violation against the Law on Intellectual Property.
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Nơi ban hành:
Bộ Công thương
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Nguyễn Việt Tấn
Ngày ban hành:
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Đã biết
Kính gửi:
- Sở Công Thương các tỉnh/thành phố trực thuộc
Trung ương;
- Ban Quản lý an toàn thực phẩm: Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Đà Nẵng, Bắc Ninh.
Từ năm 2022, theo quy định của Tổng cục Hải quan
Trung Quốc (GACC), việc đăng ký doanh nghiệp sản xuất xuất khẩu vào Trung Quốc
được thực hiện trực tuyến trên website của Tổng cục Hải quan Trung Quốc (https://cifer.singlewindow.cn).
Theo đó, doanh nghiệp xuất khẩu các sản phẩm thực phẩm[1]: chất béo và dầu thực vật; sản phẩm bột ngũ
cốc và mạch nha chế biến; các loại bánh có nhân phải đăng ký mở tài khoản và có
thể bắt đầu thực hiện đăng ký sản phẩm mong muốn xuất khẩu vào Trung Quốc sau khi
tài khoản được lập tại website trên.
Để có cơ sở công bố, xác nhận sự đáp ứng của doanh
nghiệp xuất khẩu với quy định an toàn thực phẩm của Trung Quốc và Việt Nam (Phụ
lục 1), Bộ Công Thương đề nghị Sở Công Thương/Ban Quản lý an toàn thực phẩm các
tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc Trung ương hướng dẫn doanh nghiệp xuất khẩu thực phẩm
trên địa bàn gửi văn bản đề nghị kèm theo Bản thuyết minh (Phụ lục 2) về Bộ
Công Thương (Vụ Khoa học và Công nghệ[2]).
Trong thời gian 7 ngày làm việc kể từ ngày nhận được
đề nghị, Bộ Công Thương sẽ rà soát thông tin, công bố với Tổng cục Hải quan
Trung Quốc về sự đáp ứng của doanh nghiệp đối với quy định an toàn thực phẩm của
Trung Quốc và Việt Nam. Trong trường hợp cần thiết, Bộ Công Thương tiến hành kiểm
tra việc chấp hành quy định an toàn thực phẩm[3], lấy mẫu kiểm nghiệm sản phẩm trong quá
trình sản xuất thực phẩm xuất khẩu. Doanh nghiệp trực tiếp theo dõi quá trình
đăng ký và nhận phản hồi của Bộ Công Thương và Tổng cục Hải quan Trung Quốc
trên website.
Bộ Công Thương thông báo để Sở Công Thương/Ban Quản
lý an toàn thực phẩm các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc Trung ương biết, hướng dẫn
doanh nghiệp./.
Nơi nhận:
- Như trên;
- Bộ trưởng (để báo cáo);
- TT. Nguyễn Sinh Nhật Tân (để báo cáo);
- Các đơn vị: XNK; AP;
- Lưu: VT, KHCN, thangngm.
Nguyễn Việt Tấn
(Kèm theo Công
văn số 1179/BCT-KHCN ngày 09 tháng 03 năm 2022)
Declaration of Conformity of ________ (Exporting
Country or Regional Authority) to Recommend Manufacturers to Register in China
General Administration of Customs of the People's
Republic of China (GACC):
________ (name of exporting country or
regional authority) hereby recommends ________ (product category)
manufacturing enterprise(s) to register in China and provides relevant
It is hereby declared that the information of the
recommended manufacturer(s) is true and complete, and can meet the relevant
regulations of China and ________ (name of exporting country or region)
and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration
and Administration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Food. Please
register them.
Thanks for your cooperation.
________ (name of exporting country or
regional authority)
(Kèm theo Công
văn số 1179/BCT-KHCN ngày 09 tháng 03 năm 2022)
Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
........., ngày ...
tháng ... năm.../Date
Điều kiện bảo đảm an toàn thực phẩm của cơ sở sản
xuất thực phẩm
Document of
compliance with food safety regulations
(Điền bằng tiếng
Việt và tiếng Anh)
1. Tên cơ sở sản xuất/Name of manufacturer
(Tiếng Việt và Tiếng Anh theo Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký kinh doanh hoặc Giấy chứng
nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp):
2. Giấy đăng ký kinh doanh hoặc quyết định thành lập/
Business registration certificate or establishment decision:
Mã số doanh nghiệp/Registration number:
Số đăng ký doanh nghiệp (Mã số thuế):
4. Địa chỉ nơi đặt trụ sở/Address of head office:
5. Địa chỉ cơ sở sản xuất/Address of production
6. Năm bắt đầu hoạt động/Time to start operating
7. Công suất thiết kế/Design capacity:
8. Sản lượng sản xuất (thống kê 3 năm trở lại đây)/Production
output (last 3 years statistics): .....
9. Thị trường tiêu thụ chính/Main consumer
market: ............................................
10. Loại hàng hóa dự định đăng ký xuất khẩu và mã
HS tương ứng: ..................
11. Đính kèm bản sao (có xác nhận của doanh nghiệp)
Giấy chứng nhận cơ sở đủ điều kiện an toàn thực phẩm hoặc một trong các loại giấy
chứng nhận theo Điểm k, Điều 12 của Nghị định số 15/2018/NĐ-CP ngày 02 tháng 02
năm 2018 của Chính phủ quy định chi tiết thi hành một số điều của Luật An toàn
thực phẩm tương ứng với loại sản phẩm mong muốn đăng ký.
Tên sản phẩm /Name
of product
Nguyên liệu/Input
Cách thức đóng gói
và thông tin ghi trên bao bì/ Packing method and information on the
Nguyên liệu (Material name)
Nguồn gốc xuất xứ (Origin)
1. Nhà xưởng, trang thiết bị/ Factory, equipment
- Tổng diện tích các khu vực sản xuất/Total area
of production ......................m2, trong đó/in which:
+ Khu vực tiếp nhận nguyên liệu/Material receiving
area: ......................m2
+ Khu vực sản xuất/Production area:
+ Khu vực đóng gói thành phẩm /Finished product
packing area: ......................m2
+ Khu vực bảo quản thành phẩm /Finished product
storage area: ......................m2
+ Khu vực sản xuất khác /Other production areas:
- Sơ đồ bố trí mặt bằng sản xuất/Layout plan of
production site:
2. Trang thiết bị chính/Main equipment
Tên thiết bị/Name
of equipment
Số lượng/ Quantity
Nước sản xuất/The
Tổng công suất/ Total
Năm bắt đầu sử dụng/
Year started using
3. Hệ thống phụ trợ/Auxiliary system
- Nguồn nước đang sử dụng/Water source in use
Nước máy công cộng/Public tap water □
Nước giếng khoan /Well water □
Hệ thống xử lý/Treatment system: Có/Yes
□ Không/No □
Phương pháp xử lý/Treatment method:
- Nguồn nước đá sử dụng (nếu có)/ Source of ice
used (if any)
Tự sản xuất/Self-produced □ Mua ngoài/Purchased
Phương pháp kiểm soát chất lượng nước đá/Method
of controlling ice quality:
4. Hệ thống xử lý chất thải /Waste treatment
Cách thức thu gom, vận chuyển, xử lý/Method of
collection, transportation and treatment:
5. Người sản xuất/Manpower
- Tổng số/Total: ...........................người /person(s),
trong đó/in which
+ Lao động trực tiếp /Direct labor:
+ Lao động gián tiếp/Indirect labor:
- Số người (chủ cơ sở, người trực tiếp sản xuất,
kinh doanh) được kiểm tra sức khỏe theo quy định/Number of people (owners of
establishments, people directly engaged in production and business) who are checked
for health according to regulations:
- Số người (chủ cơ sở, người trực tiếp sản xuất,
kinh doanh) được cấp giấy xác nhận kiến thức về ATTP/Number of people
(owners of establishments, people directly engaged in production and business)
who are granted certificates of knowledge about food safety:
- Số người (chủ cơ sở, người trực tiếp sản xuất,
kinh doanh) được miễn cấp giấy xác nhận kiến thức về ATTP/ Number of people
(owners of establishments, people directly engaged in production and business)
exempted from issuance of certificates of food safety knowledge:
6. Vệ sinh nhà xưởng, trang thiết bị/Cleaning
factory, equipment
- Tần suất làm vệ sinh/Cleaning frequency:
- Nhân công làm vệ sinh/ Cleaning workers:
.....................người/person(s); trong đó/in which:
Nhân công của cơ sở/Employees of the
establishment: .......................
Nhân công thuê ngoài/Outsourced workers:
7. Danh mục các loại hóa chất, phụ gia/ chất bổ
sung, chất tẩy rửa-khử trùng sử dụng/ List of chemicals, additives /
supplements, detergents-disinfectants used:
Tên hóa chất / Product
Thành phần
chính/ Main ingredient
Nước sản xuất/The
Mục đích sử dụng/ Purpose
of use
Nồng độ/ Concentration
8. Hệ thống quản lý chất lượng đang áp dụng (HACCP,
ISO,....)/ Quality management system being applied (HACCP, ISO,...):
9. Phòng kiểm nghiệm/Testing Laboratory
- Của cơ sở/Establishment’s Lab □
Các chỉ tiêu PKN của cơ sở có thể phân tích/ The
criteria can be analyzed: ......................
- Thuê ngoài/ Outsourced Lab □
Tên những Phòng thử nghiệm gửi phân tích/Name of
Lab: ................................................
10. Kiểm soát dịch hại/ Pest control
- Phân tích, xác định mối nguy dịch hại trong quá
trình sản xuất và lưu giữ, hoặc ủy thác cho các tổ chức chuyên môn thực hiện/ Identification
of possible harmful organisms in the process of production and storage, or
entrustment of professional institutions to carry out this work
- Các biện pháp trong quá trình sản xuất và bảo quản
để sản phẩm không bị nhiễm dịch hại, theo dõi kiểm dịch dịch hại/ Measures
during production and storage to prevent products from being infected by pests,
monitor quarantine pests
11. Doanh nghiệp sẵn có và cam kết tuân thủ các yêu
cầu về an toàn thực phẩm của Trung Quốc/ Availability and commitment to
comply with China's food safety requirements
Tên tiêu chuẩn/Name of standard
1. Tiêu chuẩn An toàn Thực phẩm Quốc gia Sản xuất
Thực phẩm Quy tắc Vệ sinh Chung (GB14881-2013).
National Food Safety Standard Food Production
General Hygiene Code (GB14881-2013)
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
2. Tiêu chuẩn Quốc gia của Cộng hòa Nhân dân
Trung Hoa: Tiêu chuẩn Vệ sinh Nước uống (GB5749-2006).
National Standard of the People's Republic of
China: Sanitation Standard for Drinking Water" (GB5749-2006).
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
Không cần/ NA □
3. Giới hạn tiêu chuẩn an toàn thực phẩm quốc gia
của vi khuẩn gây bệnh trong thực phẩm (GB29921-2013) Bảng 1
National Food Safety Standard Limits of
Pathogenic Bacteria in Foods (GB29921-2013) Table 1
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
4. Tiêu chuẩn An toàn Thực phẩm Quốc gia về Sử dụng
Phụ gia Thực phẩm (GB2760-2014).
National Food Safety Standard for Use of Food
Additives (GB2760-2014).
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
Không cần/ NA □
5. Giới hạn tiêu chuẩn an toàn thực phẩm quốc gia
của độc tố nấm mốc trong thực phẩm (GB 2761-2017).
National Food Safety Standard Limits of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761-2017).
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
6. Tiêu chuẩn An toàn Thực phẩm Quốc gia Giới hạn
của Chất gây ô nhiễm trong Thực phẩm (GB2762-2017)
National Food Safety Standard Limits of
Contaminants in Food (GB2762-2017)
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
7. Tiêu chuẩn An toàn Thực phẩm Quốc gia về Giới
hạn Dư lượng Tối đa của Thuốc trừ sâu trong Thực phẩm (GB 2763-2021).
National Food Safety Standard for Maximum
Residue Limits of Pesticides in Foods (GB 2763-2021).
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
8. Hệ thống phân tích mối nguy và điểm kiểm soát
tới hạn (HACCP) Yêu cầu chung đối với doanh nghiệp sản xuất thực phẩm"
(GB / T 27341-2009)
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
(HACCP) System General Requirements for Food Production Enterprises"
(GB/T 27341-2009)
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
9. Tiêu chuẩn quy định cho từng nhóm thực phẩm/nông
sản đăng ký xuất khẩu/ Standards specified for each group of
food/agricultural products registered for export.
(Liệt kê/List)
Có/Yes □
Không/No □
Không có/ NA □
Chúng tôi cam kết các thông tin nêu trên là đúng sự
thật/We undertake that the above information is true.
(Ký tên, đóng dấu/Signature and seal)
conditions and Key Points of Control Inspection for
Registration of Overseas Production Enterprises of Imported Edible Oils and Oil
Registration No.:
Enterprise Name:
Date of Filling:
1. In accordance with the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs), the overseas edible oils and oil seeds production
enterprises applying for registration with China shall establish effective food
safety and hygiene management and protection system to ensure that the food
exported to China complies with the relevant laws and regulations of China and
the national food safety standards, and meets the relevant inspection and
quarantine requirements agreed upon by the General Administration of Customs
and the competent authorities of the countries (regions) where they are
located. This form is for the foreign edible oils and oil seeds to conduct
official inspection on edible oil and oil seeds production enterprises
according to the listed main conditions and basis and against the inspection
points. At the same time, edible oil and oil seeds production enterprises shall
fill in and submit information to support the application form according to the
listed main conditions and basis, and can also conduct self-inspection against
the inspection points for self-evaluation before applying for registration.
2. Foreign competent authorities and foreign edible
oil and oil seeds production enterprises must make a truthful judgment of
conformity according to the actual situation of the control inspection.
3. The submitted materials shall be truly filled
out in Chinese or English. The Appendix shall be numbered, and their numbers
and contents shall accurately correspond to the item numbers and contents in
the column of "Filling Requirements and Supporting Materials". The
list of supporting materials shall be attached.
4. Edible oils refer to the single products or
mixtures of vegetable oils prepared from edible vegetable oil seeds for
processing or consumption as well as vegetable oils processed in one or several
ways in refining and extraction. Oil Seeds refer to the kernels of oil seeds
vegetables used to squeeze edible vegetable oil, such as Arachis hypogaea for
oil and sesame seeds.
Conditions and
requirements and supporting materials
Key points for
1. Enterprise Overview
1.1. Enterprise Overview
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
2. Relevant Inspection and Quarantine Protocol
signed between the competent authority of the applicant country and the
General Administration of Customs.
1.1.1 Fill out the: 1. form of basic information
of overseas production enterprises of imported edible oils and oil seeds; and
1.1.2 An enterprise shall provide the production
and operation information in the past 2 years (or information since the
establishment of the enterprise in case of establishment for less than 2
years), including the production capacity, annual actual output (by variety),
export volume (if any, by variety and country), etc.
1. Enterprises should truthfully fill in the
information. The basic information should be consistent with that submitted
by the competent authority of the exporting country and with the actual
production and processing.
2. The edible oils and oil seeds to be exported
to China shall conform to the product scope stipulated in relevant
agreements, protocols, and memorandums on inspection and quarantine.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
1.2 Management system
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General Administration
of Customs)
2. Relevant Inspection and Quarantine Protocol
signed between the competent authority of the applicant country and the
General Administration of Customs.
1.2 Enterprises shall provide management system
documents in terms of phytosanitary prevention and control, food safety
management, personnel management, chemical use, raw material acceptance,
storage management, finished product export inspection, recall of unqualified
products, traceability management, etc.
The enterprise shall establish and effectively
implement management procedure documents covering but not limited to the
phytosanitary prevention and control, food safety management, personnel
management, use of chemicals, acceptance of raw materials, warehouse
management, an inspection of the finished product for export purposes, recall
of nonconforming products, and traceability management.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
1.3 Management organization
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
2. Protocol on Inspection and Quarantine of
Edible Grains Exported to China signed by the competent authority of the
applicant country and the General Administration of Customs.
1.3 Provide the information on the personnel
assigned by the enterprise management organization and the departments or
posts related to phytosanitary and food safety management.
The enterprise shall set up a department or post
responsible for the management of plant health and food safety, and shall
have management personnel with the background of these professions.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
2. Enterprise
Location and Workshop Layout
2.1 Site Selection and Plant Environment
1. Articles 3.1 and 3.2 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 3.2 in the National Food Safety Standard
- Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and Its
Product (GB 8955)
2.1.1 Provide a plant plan, indicating the names
of different operation areas.
2.1.2 The ground used for stacking and drying oil
seeds shall not pollute food vegetable oil seeds, such as asphalt ground.
1. The plant layout meets the needs of production
and processing.
2. There is no pollution source around the plant.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
2.2 Workshop Layout
1. Article 4.1 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Articles 4.2 and 4.3 in the National Food
Safety Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable
Oil and Its Product (GB 8955)
2.2 Provide workshop plan. The edible oil filling
area shall be separated from other operation areas to prevent cross
1. There shall be no factors that may cause
contamination to products around the growing area of the enterprise
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
3. Facility and
3.1 Production and Processing Equipment
1. Article 5.2.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 5.4 in the National Food Safety Standard
- Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and Its
Product (GB 8955)
3.1 Provide a list of main production equipment
and facilities and design production processing capacity.
1. The enterprise should be equipped with
production and processing equipment suitable for the production and
processing capacity.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
3.2 Storage Facility
Article 10 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 in the National
Food Safety Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible
Vegetable Oil and Its Product (GB 8955)
3.2 Provide information on storage tank,
warehouse or goods yard.
1 Enterprises shall establish relatively independent
and closed storage facilities suitable for production. The temperature,
humidity, sanitation, and other conditions in the storage facilities shall be
suitable for product storage.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
Water/ice/steam for production and processing (if
1. National Food Safety Standard - Standard for
Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749)
2. Article 5.2 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and
Its Product (GB 8955)
3. Articles 5.1. of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
4.1.1 Provide the required materials for steam
condensation used in edible oil processing in direct contact with the
product. (If applicable)
The enterprise shall inspect the water quality of
production water (if used) to ensure it meets safety requirements.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
5. Raw and
Auxiliary Materials and Packaging Materials
5.1 Acceptance of Raw and Auxiliary Materials
1. Article 7 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
5.1 Provide the acceptance measures, acceptance
criteria, acceptance records, and harm-elimination records of raw materials.
1. The enterprise shall carry out plant
quarantine and plant safety inspection of raw materials, or take necessary
harm-elimination measures before they are delivered to the factory.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
5.2 Source of Raw Materials
1. Table 1 in the National Food Safety Standard -
Limit of Pathogens in Food Products (GB 29921)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
3. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
5. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
6. National Food Safety Standard - Vegetable Oil
(GB 2716)
7. National Food Safety Standard - Edible
Vegetable Oil Seeds (GB 19641)
8. Regulations on Administration of Agricultural
Genetically Modified Organisms Safety
9. Measures for the Administration on the
Inspection and Quarantine of the Genetically Modified Organism Entering and
Exiting the Territory
5.2.1 Provide the evidentiary material for the
compliance of raw materials.
5.2.2 Provide materials to demonstrate that the
raw materials purchased for the enterprise's production shall come from any
area without the reporting of quarantine pests under close supervision of the
Chinese government, and raw material suppliers shall have the qualification
required by the local regulations.
5.2.3 Raw material types are genetically modified
or non- genetically modified. Provide relevant evidentiary materials.
1. The raw materials used shall meet the
requirements stipulated in Chinese laws and regulations, national food safety
standards, relevant agreements, protocols, and memorandums on inspection and
quarantine, and other provisions.
2. Whether the enterprise has established raw
material conformity assessment and implemented traceability management for
the purchased raw materials in accordance with the requirements of the
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
5.3 Packaging Materials
1. Article 8.5 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 7.4 in the Specification for
Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and Its Product (GB 8955)
5.3.1 Provide proof that the inner and outer
packaging materials are suitable for product packaging.
5.3.2 Provide label styles for finished products
to be exported to China. (If applicable)
1. Packaging materials do not affect food safety
and product characteristics under specific storage and use conditions.
2. Packaging labels shall meet the requirements
of bilateral inspection and quarantine agreements, memorandums, and
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
6 Production
and Processing Control
6.1 Operation of food safety and hygiene control
1. Article 8 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 8.1 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and
Its Product (GB 8955)
3. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) System - General Requirements for Food Processing Plant (GB/T 27341).
6.1.1 Provide the manufacturing process flow,
indicate the critical control points (CCP) and the hazard control measures
being taken.
6.1.2 If the HACCP system is adopted, provide
hazard analysis worksheet and HACCP Schedule, CCP monitoring record,
deviation correction record, and verification record sample sheet (if
1. The production and processing technology and
flows and major relevant process parameters of the enterprise shall be
scientific and standardized to ensure product safety. Moreover, special
hazard control measures shall be taken, or critical control points (CCP)
shall be set, for any and all processes crucial to controlling safety risk.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
6.2 Temperature Control
1. Article 7.3 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and
Its Product (GB 8955)
6.2.1 Temperature and moisture records during
1. Silos and storage tanks storing bulk raw
materials shall be placed by separate warehouses and tanks according to
different varieties and different quality grades. The temperature and
moisture shall be inspected and recorded for oil seeds during storage.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
6.3 Use of food additives and nutritional
fortification substances (if applicable)
1. Article 7.3 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 7.2 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and
Its Product (GB 8955)
3. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
4. National Food Safety Standard for the Use of
Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods (GB 14880)
6.3 List of food additives and nutritional
fortification substances used in production and processing (including
designation, application, the volume of addition, etc.) (if applicable)
1. The food additives and nutritional
fortification substances used in the production conform to China's
regulations on the use of food additives.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
7.CIeaning and
7.1. Cleaning and Sanitizing
1. Article 8.2.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
7.1 Provide cleaning and disinfection equipment,
washing and disinfectants adapted to production (provide lists) and provide
use records and storage records.
1. Cleaning and disinfection measures should be
able to eliminate cross contamination and meet hygiene requirements.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8 Safety risk
8.1 Chemical Pollution Control
1. Article 8.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 8.4 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and
Its Product (GB 8955)
3. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
5. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
6. National Food Safety Standard for the Use of
Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods (GB 14880)
7. National Food Safety Standard - Vegetable Oil
(GB 2716)
8. National Food Safety Standard - Edible
Vegetable Oil Seeds (GB 19641)
8.1.1 Provide food safety risk control measures
and relevant monitoring records for heavy metals, pesticide residues, and
food additives (if used) in the product.
8.1.2 Records of monitoring the key process
parameters during the processing of edible oils and their products
1. Ensure compliance with the requirements of
China and of the country of origin.
2. Monitoring of process parameters
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
8.2 Physical contamination control
1. Article 8.4 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 8.5 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and
Its Product (GB 8955)
8.2 Provide control measures for foreign matter.
1. Screens, filters, metal detectors, etc. shall
be equipped to control foreign matters, formulate operating specifications,
and conduct monitoring effectively. The source of foreign matter found shall
be analyzed in a timely manner and relevant control measures shall be taken.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8.3 Biocontamination control
1. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
2. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Pathogens in Food Products (GB 29921)
8.3 Provide the control measures for microbial
risks in the product as well as the relevant monitoring records.
1. The product complies with the requirements of
China and the country of origin.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
8.4 Disease- prone vector control
1. Article 6.4 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Articles 6.2 and 7.3 in the National Food
Safety Standard - Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable
Oil and Its Product (GB 8955)
8.4.1 Vector control measures against mosquitoes,
mice, and other vectors established by enterprises throughout all production
8.4.2 Photos of the installed protective
facilities such as screens, rat guards, air curtains, etc. in the closed
production and storage places such as filling workshops and warehouses
8.4.3 Pest inspection records of oil seeds during
storage, and corresponding treatment measures taken for mildew and worm-eaten
1. Insect and rat pests such as mosquitoes and
flies shall be avoided to affect production safety and health.
2. Pest records of the oil seeds during storage
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8.5 Waste Management
1. Article 6.5 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.5 Provide waste management system and relevant
disposal records.
1. Edible product containers and waste storage
containers in the workshop shall be clearly marked and distinguished.
2. Waste should be stored separately and disposed
of in time to avoid pollution to production.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
9. Product
9.1 Traceability and Recall
1. Article 11 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
9.1. Describe the product traceability procedure
in a brief manner and take the batch number of a batch of finished products
as an example to illustrate how to trace raw materials from finished
1. Traceability procedures should be established
to realize the two- way traceability of the whole chain from raw materials,
production, and processing processes to finished products.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
9.2 Warehouse - in and out management
1. Article 11 and 14.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
9.2 Provide product warehouse-in and
warehouse-out management.
1 Products shall be inspected before entering the
warehouse, and the records of incoming inspection, storage, and delivery shall
be well maintained and kept for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10. Personnel
Management and Training
10.1 Personnel Health and Hygiene Management
1. Article 6.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.1 Provide pre-employment health management and
medical examination requirements for employees.
1. Employees should have a medical examination
and prove that they are suitable for working in food processing enterprises
before employment.
2. Employees shall have regular physical
examinations and keep records.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10.2 Personnel Training
1. Article 12 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.2 Provide annual training plans, contents,
assessments and records for employees.
1. The training shall cover relevant inspection
and quarantine memorandums, agreements and protocols, Chinese regulations and
standards, etc.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10.3 Requirements for management personnel
1. Article 13.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.3 Provide the training records of management
personnel on the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations on
phytosanitary and food safety of the country/region where the exported
products are located and of China and conduct on-site sampling inspection and
Q&A when necessary.
1. The business competence of the production and
management personnel of the enterprise shall be adapted to the post
requirements, familiar with the relevant provisions of phytosanitary and food
safety laws and regulations in the country/region where it is located and
China, and the requirements of the protocol and the Specification concluded
by the two sides.
2. Have qualifications and capabilities suitable
for their work.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
Self-inspection and Self-control
11 Product inspection
1. Article 9 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 9 in the National Food Safety Standard
- Specification for Production Hygiene of Edible Vegetable Oil and Its
Product (GB 8955)
3. National Food Safety Standard - Vegetable Oil
(GB 2716)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Edible Oil
Products (GB 15196)
5. National Food Safety Standard - Edible
Vegetable Oil Seeds (GB 19641)
6. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
7. National Food Safety Standard for the Use of
Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods (GB 14880)
8. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
9. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
10. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
11. National Food Safety Standard - General Rules
of Pre-packaged Food Labels (GB7718)
12. National Food Safety Standard - General Rules
for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods (GB 28050)
13. National Food Safety Standard - Limited
Concentrations of Radioactive Materials in Foods (GB 14882)
11.1 Provide the items, indicators, inspection
and quarantine methods, and frequency of plant quarantine and food safety
11.2 If the enterprise has its own laboratory,
please submit the laboratory capability and qualification certificates; if
the enterprise entrusts a third-party laboratory, please provide the
qualification certificates of the entrusted laboratory.
11.3 Inspection and testing records
1. The enterprise shall carry out plant
quarantine, food safety, and other tests on the products, ensuring that the
results of tests meet the requirements of China. The test records shall be
kept for no less than 2 years.
2. The enterprise shall be capable of inspecting
and testing the phytosanitary and food safety or may entrust a qualified
institution with such inspection and testing.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
12 Pest Control
12.1 Prevention and control of quarantine pests
of concern to China
Bilateral inspection and quarantine memorandum,
agreement, and protocol
12.1 Provide the list of quarantine pests of
concern to China and the monitoring system and records.
1. The enterprise shall take effective measures
during production and storage to prevent products from being infected by
harmful organisms, monitor the quarantine pests of concern to China, and keep
the monitoring records for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.2 Identification of Pests
Bilateral inspection and quarantine memorandum,
agreement, and protocol
12.2 Provide the records of pests found during
production and storage as well as the records of identification made by
itself or entrusted professional institutions.
1. The enterprise shall be capable of identifying
pests found during the processing of production and storage or entrust a
professional organization with the identification, and establish work
records, which shall be kept for no less than 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.3 Pest control
Bilateral inspection and quarantine memorandum,
agreement, and protocol
12.3 Provide the records of implementation of
pest control measures in production and storage areas.
1. The enterprise shall implement pest control
measures in production and storage areas on a regular basis or when
necessary. Relevant control measures shall be documented, and the records
shall be kept for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.4 Fumigation treatment (if necessary)
Bilateral inspection and quarantine memorandum,
agreement, and protocol
12.4 Provide the fumigation treatment method as
well as the qualification of the fumigation institution and personnel.
1. Fumigation treatment method shall meet the
requirements of China, and the institution and personnel conducting
fumigation shall have relevant qualifications or conditions.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
13. Statement
13.1 Declaration by Enterprise
1. Articles 8 and 9 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
1. Signature of legal person and company seal
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
13.2 Confirmation by Competent Authority
1. Articles 8 and 9 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
1.Signature of principal and seal of competent
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
Conditions and Control Inspection Points for Registration
of Foreign Enterprises Stuffed pastry products
Registration No.:
Enterprise Name:
Date of Filling:
1. According to the Regulations on the Registration
Administration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Food (Decree No.248 of the
General Administration of Customs), the sanitary conditions of overseas
manufacturers of Stuffed pastry products applying for registration in China
shall conform to Chinese laws, regulations, standards and norms, and the
requirements of the protocol on inspection and quarantine of Stuffed pastry
products to be exported to China. This form is for the official inspection of
Stuffed pastry products production enterprises by overseas competent officials
of imported Stuffed pastry products according to the listed main conditions and
basis against the review points; At the same time, the overseas Stuffed pastry
products production enterprises shall fill in and submit supporting materials
according to the listed main conditions and basis, and carry out self -
inspection against the key points of review for self - assessment before the
enterprise applies for registration.
2. Foreign competent authorities and foreign
Stuffed pastry products production enterprises must make a truthful judgment of
conformity according to the actual situation of the control inspection.
3. The submitted materials shall be truly filled
out in Chinese or English. The Appendix shall be numbered, and their numbers
and contents shall accurately correspond to the item numbers and contents in
the column of "Filling Requirements and Supporting Materials". The
list of supporting materials shall be attached.
4. "Stuffed pastry products" refers to
triticum or flour products. The skins of such products are processed with wheat
flour or other starch-rich raw material flour and their stuffing is made of one
or several raw materials such as livestock and poultry meat, fruits and
vegetables, aquatic products, egg products, and dairy products from registered
enterprises in China, with or without independently packaged seasoning bags.
Such products are produced with processing technologies such as preparation,
heating (or not heating) followed by quick- freezing, and cold (freezing)
storage and can be consumed through simple treatment.
Conditions and
requirements and supporting materials
Key points for
1. Enterprise
1.1. Enterprise Overview
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
2. Protocol on Inspection and Quarantine of
Stuffed pastry products Exported to China signed by the competent authority
of the applicant country and the General Administration of Customs.
1.1.1 Fill out the: 1. form of basic information
of overseas production enterprises of imported Stuffed pastry products.
1.1.2 An enterprise shall provide the production
and operation information in the past 2 years (or information since the
establishment of the enterprise in case of establishment for less than 2
years), including the production capacity, annual actual output (by variety),
export volume (if any, by variety and country), etc.
1. Enterprises should truthfully fill in the
information. The basic information should be consistent with that submitted
by the competent authority of the exporting country and with the actual
production and processing.
2. Stuffed pastry products to be exported to
China shall conform to the product scope stipulated in relevant agreements,
protocols, and memorandums on inspection and quarantine of Stuffed pastry
products to be exported to China.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
1.2 Management system
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
1.2 Enterprises shall provide management system
documents in terms of phytosanitary prevention and control, food safety
management, personnel management, chemical use, raw material acceptance,
storage management, finished product export inspection, recall of unqualified
products, traceability management, etc.
The enterprise shall establish and effectively
implement management procedure documents covering but not limited to the
phytosanitary prevention and control, food safety management, personnel
management, use of chemicals, acceptance of raw materials, warehouse
management, an inspection of the finished product for export purposes, recall
of nonconforming products, and traceability management.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
1.3 Management organization
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
2. Protocol on Inspection and Quarantine of
Stuffed pastry products Exported to China signed by the competent authority
of the applicant country and the General Administration of Customs.
1.3 Provide the information on the personnel
assigned by the enterprise management organization and the departments or
posts related to phytosanitary and food safety management.
The enterprise shall set up a department or post
responsible for the management of plant health and food safety, and shall
have management personnel with the background of these professions.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
2. Enterprise
Location and Workshop Layout
2.1 Site Selection and Plant Environment
1. Articles 3.1 and 3.2 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 4.2 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice (GB 19295)
2.1.1 Provide a plant plan, indicating the names
of different operation areas.
2.1.2 Provide pictures of the environment of the
area where the plant is located, indicating the ambient information (urban,
suburban, industrial, agricultural, and residential areas).
1. The plant layout meets the needs of production
and processing.
2. There is no pollution source around the plant.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
2.2 Workshop Layout
1. Article 4.1 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2.2 Provide a workshop plan, indicating people flow,
material flow, water flow, processing flow, and different cleaning areas.
1. The workshop shall be adapted to the
production capacity and the arrangement of the equipment in terms of its area
and height, conform to the technological process and safety and hygiene
requirements of the processed products, and prevent cross contamination.
2. Openable doors and windows in the workshop and
access to the outside shall be provided with facilities for preventing
insects, rats, birds, and bats.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
3. Facility and
3.1 Production and Processing Equipment
1. Article 5.2.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
3.1 Provide a list of main equipment and
facilities and design processing capacity.
1. The enterprise should be equipped with
production and processing equipment suitable for the production capacity.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
3.2 Storage Facility
1. Article 10 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
3.2 Please describe the temperature control
requirements and monitoring methods if there is a cold storage. (If
1. Storage facilities shall meet the basic
requirements for product storage as well as the requirements for preventing
insects, temperature control, and humidity control.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
4.1 Water/ice/steam for production and processing
(if applicable)
1. National Food Safety Standard - Standard for
Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749)
2. Articles 5.1.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
4.1.1 Provide photos of self-provided water
sources or secondary water supply facilities and explain whether there are
food protection measures such as assigning specific persons for management
and locking, (if applicable)
4.1.2 Provide a monitoring plan for water used in
production and processing and ice/steam (where applicable) in direct contact
with food, including bacteriological inspection items, methods, frequency,
records, inspection results.
4.1.3 Provide boiler additives used in the
production of steam in direct contact with food and explain whether they meet
the requirements of food production and processing.
1. The production water monitoring plan shall
cover all water outlets in the plant.
2. Whether the projects and methods conform to
the requirements of the National Food Safety Standards for Drinking Water
Quality (GB 5749)
3. Hygiene control procedures shall be formulated
and implemented for the secondary water supply facilities, and appropriate
food protection measures shall be in place.
4. Boiler additives used in the production of
steam in direct contact with food shall meet the requirements of food
production and processing.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
5. Raw and
Auxiliary Materials and Packaging Materials
5.1 Acceptance and control of raw materials and
1. Article 7 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 3.1 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice (GB 19295)
5.1 Provide acceptance measures for raw materials
and additives, including acceptance standards and methods.
1. Acceptance standards for raw materials and
additives, and their compliance with the requirements of Chinese laws and
2. Before the raw materials are allowed to enter,
the enterprise shall check the plant quarantine and plant safety of the raw
materials, or take necessary pest control measures to ensure that the raw
materials meet the requirements of work safety, and establish the records of
acceptance and pest control, which shall be kept for no less than 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
5.2 Source of Raw Materials
1. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Pathogens in Food Products (GB 29921)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
3. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
5. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
6. National Food Safety Standard - Grains (GB
5.2.1 Provide the test report on the latest
product conforming to China's national food safety standards. (If applicable)
5.2.2 Provide materials to demonstrate that the
raw materials purchased for the enterprise's production shall come from any
area without the reporting of quarantine pests under close supervision of the
Chinese government, and raw material suppliers shall have the qualification
required by the local regulations.
1. The raw materials used shall meet the
requirements stipulated in Chinese laws and regulations, national food safety
standards, relevant agreements, protocols, and memorandums on inspection and
quarantine, and other provisions of Stuffed pastry products exported to
2. Whether the enterprise has established raw
material conformity assessment and implemented traceability management for
the purchased raw materials in accordance with the requirements of the
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
5.3 Food additives (if applicable)
1. Article 7.3 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
5.3 List of food additives used in production and
processing (including the name, purpose and added amount, etc.).
1. The food additives used in the production
conform to China's regulations on the use of food additives.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
5.4 Packaging Materials
1. Article 8.5 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 4.1 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice (GB 19295)
3. Relevant bilateral inspection and quarantine
agreements, memorandums and protocols
5.4.1 Provide proof that the inner and outer
packaging materials are suitable for product packaging.
5.4.2 Provide label styles for finished products
to be exported to China.
1. Packaging materials do not affect food safety
and product characteristics under specific storage and use conditions.
2. Packaging labels shall meet the requirements
of bilateral inspection and quarantine agreements, memorandums, and
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
6 Production
and Processing Control
6.1 Establishment and Operation of HACCP System
1. National Food Safety Standards General
Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) System - General Requirements for Food Processing Plant (GB/T 27341).
6.1.1 Provide the production and processing flow
chart, hazard analysis worksheet, and HACCP schedule of all products to be
exported to China.
6.1.2 Provide sample tables of CCP monitoring records,
correction records, and verification records.
1. Biological, physical and chemical hazards
should be analyzed and effectively controlled in the HACCP program.
2. The production process flow should be
reasonable to avoid cross contamination.
3. The setting of CCPs should be scientific and
feasible, and corrective and verification measures should be appropriate.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
6.2 Mycotoxins control
1. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
2. Article 4.2 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice (GB 19295)
6.2 Provide the sampling inspection report that
the mycotoxins in the products produced, processed, and stored meet the
national food safety standards of China.
1. Whether the control system of mycotoxins in
the products after production and processing and of the stored products is
reasonable in the processing plant.
2. The test results shall conform to China's
national food safety standards.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
6.3 Use of food additives and nutritional
fortification substances (if applicable)
1. Article 7.3 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
3. National Food Safety Standard for the Use of
Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods (GB 14880)
6.3 Provide the manufacturing process, product
monitoring plan, and monitoring results.
1. The test results shall conform to China's
national food safety standards.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
7. Cleaning and
7.1 Cleaning and Disinfection
1. Article 8.2.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
7.1 Provide cleaning and disinfection measures,
including cleaning and disinfection methods and frequency, and verification
of cleaning and disinfection effects.
1. Cleaning and disinfection measures should be
able to eliminate cross contamination and meet hygiene requirements.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8. Control of
Chemicals, Waste and Damage by Insects and Rats
8.1 Control of Chemicals
1. Article 8.3 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.1 Briefly describe the chemical use and storage
1. The chemical management system is reasonable
and can effectively prevent the chemicals used from contaminating the
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
8.2 Management of physical contamination
1. Article 8.4 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Article 3.5 in the National Food Safety
Standard - Quick-frozen Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice (GB 19295)
8.2 Provide the management system to prevent
physical contamination and relevant treatment records.
1. A management system for preventing foreign
matter contamination shall be established to analyze possible pollution
sources and pollution routes and corresponding control plans and control
procedures shall be developed.
2. Measures such as equipment maintenance,
hygiene management, on-site management, migrant management, and processing
supervision shall be taken to the greatest extent to reduce the risk of food
contamination by foreign matters such as glass, metal, and plastic.
3. Effective measures such as setting screens,
collectors, magnets, and metal detectors shall be taken to reduce the risk of
food contamination by metals or other foreign matters.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8.3 Control of Damage by Insects and Rats
1. Article 6.4 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.3 Provide control methods and layout plans for
damage by insects. If the control is undertaken by a third party, provide the
qualification of the third party.
1. Insect and rat pests such as mosquitoes and
flies shall be avoided to affect production safety and health.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8.4 Waste Management
1. Article 6.5 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.4 Provide waste management system and relevant
disposal records.
1. Edible product containers and waste storage
containers in the workshop shall be clearly marked and distinguished.
2. Waste should be stored separately and disposed
of in time to avoid pollution to production.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
9. Product
9.1 Traceability and Recall
1. Article 11 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
9.1. Describe the product traceability procedure in
a brief manner and take the batch number of a batch of finished products as
an example to illustrate how to trace raw materials from finished products.
1. Traceability procedures should be established
to realize the two- way traceability of the whole chain from raw materials,
production, and processing processes to finished products.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
9.2 Warehouse - in and out management
1. Article 11 and 14.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
9.2 Provide product warehouse-in and
warehouse-out management.
1 Products shall be inspected before entering the
warehouse, and the records of incoming inspection, storage, and delivery
shall be well maintained and kept for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10. Personnel
Management and Training
10.1 Personnel Health and Hygiene Management
1. Article 6.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.1 Provide pre-employment health management and
medical examination requirements for employees.
1. Employees should have a medical examination
and prove that they are suitable for working in food processing enterprises
before employment.
2. Employees shall have regular physical
examinations and keep records.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10.2 Personnel Training
1. Article 12 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.2 Provide annual training plans, contents,
assessments and records for employees.
1. The training shall cover the memorandum,
agreement, and protocol, Chinese regulations, and standards of inspection and
quarantine of Stuffed pastry products exported to China.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10.3 Requirements for management personnel
1. Article 13.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.3 Provide the training records of management
personnel on the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations on
phytosanitary and food safety of the country/region where the exported
products are located and of China and conduct on-site sampling inspection and
Q&A when necessary.
1. The business competence of the production and
management personnel of the enterprise shall be adapted to the post
requirements, familiar with the relevant provisions of phytosanitary and food
safety laws and regulations in the country/region where it is located and
China, and the requirements of the protocol and the Specification for the
Stuffed pastry products concluded by the two sides.
2. Have qualifications and capabilities suitable
for their work.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
Self-inspection and Self-control
11. Finished Product Inspection
1. Article 9 of National Food Safely Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. National Food Safety Standard - Quick-frozen
Food Made of Wheat Flour and Rice (GB 19295)
3. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
5. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
6. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
11.1 Provide items, indicators, methods and
frequency of finished product inspection.
11.2 If the enterprise has its own laboratory,
please submit the laboratory capability and qualification certificates; if
the enterprise entrusts a third-party laboratory, please provide the
qualification certificates of the entrusted laboratory.
1. The enterprise shall carry out plant
quarantine, food safety, and other tests on the products, ensuring that the
results of tests meet the requirements of China. The test records shall be
kept for no less than 2 years.
2. The enterprise shall be capable of inspecting
and testing the phytosanitary and food safety or may entrust a qualified
institution with such inspection and testing.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
12 Pest Control
12.1 Prevention and control of quarantine pests
of concern to China
12.1 Provide the list of quarantine pests of
concern to China and the monitoring system and records.
1. The enterprise shall take effective measures during
production and storage to prevent products from being infected by harmful
organisms, monitor the quarantine pests of concern to China, and keep the
monitoring records for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.2 Identification of Pests
12.2 Provide the records of pests found during
production and storage as well as the records of identification made by
entrusted professional institutions.
1. The enterprise shall be capable of identifying
pests found during the processing of production and storage or entrust a
professional organization with the identification, and establish work
records, which shall be kept for no less than 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.3 Pest control
12.3 Provide the records of implementation of
pest control measures in production and storage areas.
1. The enterprise shall implement pest control
measures in production and storage areas on a regular basis or when
necessary. Relevant control measures shall be documented, and the records
shall be kept for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.4 Fumigation treatment (if necessary)
12.4 Provide the fumigation treatment method as
well as the qualification of the fumigation institution and personnel.
1. Fumigation treatment method shall meet the
requirements of China, and the institution and personnel conducting
fumigation shall have relevant qualifications or conditions.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
13. Statement
13.1 Declaration by Enterprise
1. Articles 8 and 9 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
1. Signature of legal person and company seal
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
13.2 Confirmation by Competent Authority
1. Articles 8 and 9 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
1 .Signature of principal and seal of competent
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
Conditions and Key Points of Control Inspection for Registration
of Imported Grain milling industrial products and Malt Overseas Manufacturers
Registration No.:
Enterprise Name:
Date of Filling:
1. According to the Regulations on the Registration
Administration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Food (Decree No.248 of the
General Administration of Customs), the sanitary conditions of overseas
manufacturers of grain milling industrial products and malt production
enterprises applying for registration in China shall conform to Chinese laws,
regulations, standards and norms, and the requirements of the Protocol on
Inspection and Quarantine of Grain milling industrial products and malt
production to be exported to China. This form is for the foreign competent
authorities of imported Grain milling industrial products and Malt to conduct
official inspection on production enterprises of Grain milling industrial
products and Malt according to the listed main conditions and basis and against
the examination points. At the same time, foreign production enterprises of
Grain milling industrial products and Malt shall fill in and submit information
to support the application form according to the listed main conditions and
basis, and can also conduct self-inspection against the examination points for
self-evaluation before applying for registration.
2. Overseas competent officials and overseas grain
milling industrial products and malt production enterprises shall truthfully
determine the conformity according to the actual situation of the control
3. The submitted materials shall be truly filled
out in Chinese or English. The Appendix shall be numbered, and their numbers
and contents shall accurately correspond to the item numbers and contents in
the column of "Filling Requirements and Supporting Materials". The
list of supporting materials shall be attached.
4. Grain milling industrial products and Malt refer
to the fine powdered products edible by grinding and screening the seeds or
root crops or tubers of cultivated plants such as cereals and potatoes, or malt
products formed through hydrolytic processing.
Conditions and
requirements and supporting materials
Key points for
1. Enterprise
1.1. Enterprise Overview
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General Administration
of Customs)
2. Protocol on Inspection and Quarantine of Grain
milling industrial products and Malt to Be Exported to China signed by the
competent authority of the applicant state and the General Administration of
1.1.1 Fill out the: 1. form of basic information
of overseas production enterprises of imported Grain milling industrial
products and Malt.
1.1.2 An enterprise shall provide the production
and operation information in the past 2 years (or information since the
establishment of the enterprise in case of establishment for less than 2
years), including the production capacity, annual actual output (by variety),
export volume (if any, by variety and country), etc.
1. Enterprises should truthfully fill in the
information. The basic information should be consistent with that submitted
by the competent authority of the exporting country and with the actual
production and processing.
2. The Grain milling industrial products and Malt
to be exported to China shall conform to the product scope stipulated in
relevant agreements, protocols, and memorandums on inspection and quarantine
of Grain milling industrial products and Malt to be exported to China.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
1.2 Management system
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
2. Protocol on Inspection and Quarantine of Grain
milling industrial products and Malt to Be Exported to China signed by the
competent authority of the applicant state and the General Administration of
1.2 Enterprises shall provide management system
documents in terms of phytosanitary prevention and control, food safety
management, personnel management, chemical use, raw material acceptance,
storage management, finished product export inspection, recall of unqualified
products, traceability management, etc.
The enterprise shall establish and effectively
implement management procedure documents covering but not limited to the
phytosanitary prevention and control, food safety management, personnel
management, use of chemicals, acceptance of raw materials, warehouse
management, an inspection of the finished product for export purposes, recall
of nonconforming products, and traceability management.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
1.3 Management organization
1. Articles 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of
Overseas Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
2. Protocol on Inspection and Quarantine of Grain
milling industrial products and Malt to Be Exported to China signed by the
competent authority of the applicant state and the General Administration of
1.3 Provide the information on the personnel
assigned by the enterprise management organization and the departments or
posts related to phytosanitary and food safety management.
The enterprise shall set up a department or post
responsible for the management of plant health and food safety, and shall
have management personnel with the background of these professions.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
2. Enterprise
Location and Workshop Layout
2.1 Site Selection and Plant Environment
1. Articles 3.1 and 3.2 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2.1.1 Provide a plant plan, indicating the names
of different operation areas.
2.1.2 Provide pictures of the environment of the
area where the plant is located, indicating the ambient information (urban,
suburban, industrial, agricultural, and residential areas).
1. The plant layout meets the needs of production
and processing.
2. There is no pollution source around the plant.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
2.2 Workshop Layout
1. Article 4.1 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2.2 Provide a workshop plan, indicating people flow,
material flow, water flow, processing flow, and different cleaning areas.
1. The workshop shall be adapted to the
production capacity and the arrangement of the equipment in terms of its area
and height, conform to the technological process and safety and hygiene
requirements of the processed products, and prevent cross contamination.
2. Openable doors and windows in the workshop and
access to the outside shall be provided with facilities for preventing
insects, rats, birds, and bats.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
3. Facility and
3.1 Production and Processing Equipment
1. Article 5.2.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
3.1 Provide a list of main equipment and
facilities and design processing capacity.
1. The enterprise should be equipped with
production and processing equipment suitable for the production capacity.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
3.2 Storage Facility
1. Article 10 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
3.2 Please describe the temperature control
requirements and monitoring methods if there is a cold storage. (If
1. Storage facilities shall meet the basic requirements
for product storage as well as the requirements for preventing insects,
temperature control, and humidity control.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
4.1 Water/ice/steam for production and processing
(if applicable)
1. National Food Safety Standard - Standard for
Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749)
2. Articles 5.1.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
4.1.1 The enterprise shall ensure that the water
quality complies with the requirements for production and processing, and
shall provide the test report of water for production and processing as
4.1.2 Water for food processing and other water
not in contact with food (such as indirect condensate, sewage, or wastewater)
shall be conveyed in completely separated pipelines to avoid cross
The enterprise shall inspect the water quality of
production water (if used) to ensure it meets safety requirements.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
5. Raw and
Auxiliary Materials and Packaging Materials
5.1 Acceptance and control of raw materials and
1. Article 7 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
5.1 Provide acceptance measures for raw materials
and additives, including acceptance standards and methods.
1. Acceptance standards for raw materials and
additives, and their compliance with the requirements of Chinese laws and
2. Before the raw materials are allowed to enter,
the enterprise shall check the plant quarantine and plant safety of the raw
materials, or take necessary pest control measures to ensure that the raw
materials meet the requirements of work safety, and establish the records of
acceptance and pest control, which shall be kept for no less than 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
5.2 Source of Raw Materials
1. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Pathogens in Food Products (GB 29921)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for the
Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
3. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
5. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
5.2.1 Provide the test report on the latest
product conforming to China's national food safety standards. (If applicable)
5.2.2 Provide materials to demonstrate that the
raw materials purchased for the enterprise's production shall come from any
area without the reporting of quarantine pests under close supervision of the
Chinese government, and raw material suppliers shall have the qualification
required by the local regulations.
1. The raw materials used shall meet the requirements
stipulated in Chinese laws and regulations, national food safety standards,
relevant agreements, protocols, and memorandums on inspection and quarantine,
and other provisions of the grain milling industrial products and malt
2. Whether the enterprise has established raw
material conformity assessment and implemented traceability management for
the purchased raw materials in accordance with the requirements of the
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
5.3 Food additives (if applicable)
1. Article 7.3 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
5.3 List of food additives used in production and
processing (including the name, purpose and added amount, etc.).
1. The food additives used in the production
conform to China's regulations on the use of food additives.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
5.4 Packaging Materials
1. Article 8.5 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Relevant bilateral inspection and quarantine
agreements, memorandums and protocols
5.4.1 Provide proof that the inner and outer
packaging materials are suitable for product packaging.
5.4.2 Provide label styles for finished products
to be exported to China.
1. Packaging materials do not affect food safety
and product characteristics under specific storage and use conditions.
2. Packaging labels shall meet the requirements of
bilateral inspection and quarantine agreements, memorandums, and protocols.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
6 Production
and Processing Control
6.1 Operation of food safety and hygiene control
1. Article 8 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) System - General Requirements for Food Processing Plant (GB/T 27341).
6.1.1 Provide the manufacturing process flow,
indicate the critical control points (CCP) and the hazard control measures
being taken.
6.1.2 If the HACCP system is adopted, provide
hazard analysis worksheet and HACCP Schedule, CCP monitoring record,
deviation correction record, and verification record sample sheet (if
1. The production and processing technology and
flows and major relevant process parameters of the enterprise shall be
scientific and standardized to ensure product safety. Moreover, special
hazard control measures shall be taken, or critical control points (CCP)
shall be set, for any and all processes crucial to controlling safety risk.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
6.2 Mycotoxins control
1. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
6.2 Provide the sampling inspection report that
the mycotoxins in the products produced, processed, and stored meet the
national food safety standards of China.
1. Whether the control system of mycotoxins in
the products after production and processing and of the stored products is
reasonable in the processing plant.
2. The test results shall conform to China's
national food safety standards.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
6.3 Use of food additives and nutritional
fortification substances (if applicable)
1. Article 7.3 of National Food Safety Standards
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
3. National Food Safety Standard for the Use of
Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods (GB 14880)
6.3 List of food additives and nutritional
fortification substances used in production and processing (including
designation, application, the volume of addition, etc.)
1. The test results shall conform to China's national
food safety standards.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
7. Cleaning and
7.1 Cleaning and Disinfection
1. Article 8.2.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
7.1 Provide cleaning and disinfection measures,
including cleaning and disinfection methods and frequency, and verification
of cleaning and disinfection effects.
1. Cleaning and disinfection measures should be
able to eliminate cross contamination and meet hygiene requirements.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8. Control of
Chemicals, Waste and Damage by Insects and Rats
8.1 Control of Chemicals
1. Article 8.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.1 Briefly describe the chemical use and storage
1. The chemical management system is reasonable
and can effectively prevent the chemicals used from contaminating the
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
8.2 Management of physical contamination
1. Article 8.4 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.2 Provide the management system to prevent
physical contamination and relevant treatment records.
1. A management system for preventing foreign
matter contamination shall be established to analyze possible pollution
sources and pollution routes and corresponding control plans and control
procedures shall be developed.
2. Measures such as equipment maintenance,
hygiene management, on-site management, migrant management, and processing
supervision shall be taken to the greatest extent to reduce the risk of food
contamination by foreign matters such as glass, metal, and plastic.
3. Effective measures such as setting screens,
collectors, magnets, and metal detectors shall be taken to reduce the risk of
food contamination by metals or other foreign matters.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8.3 Control of Damage by Insects and Rats
1. Article 6.4 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.3 Provide control methods and layout plans for
damage by insects. If the control is undertaken by a third party, provide the
qualification of the third party.
1. Insect and rat pests such as mosquitoes and
flies shall be avoided to affect production safety and health.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
8.4 Waste Management
1. Article 6.5 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
8.4 Provide waste management system and relevant
disposal records.
1. Edible product containers and waste storage
containers in the workshop shall be clearly marked and distinguished.
2. Waste should be stored separately and disposed
of in time to avoid pollution to production.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
9. Product
9.1 Traceability and Recall
1. Article 11 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
9.1. Describe the product traceability procedure
in a brief manner and take the batch number of a batch of finished products
as an example to illustrate how to trace raw materials from finished
1. Traceability procedures should be established
to realize the two-way traceability of the whole chain from raw materials,
production, and processing processes to finished products.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
9.2 Warehouse - in and out management
1. Article 11 and 14.1 of National Food Safety
Standards - General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
9.2 Provide product warehouse- in and
warehouse-out management.
1 Products shall be inspected before entering the
warehouse, and the records of incoming inspection, storage, and delivery
shall be well maintained and kept for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10. Personnel
Management and Training
10.1 Personnel Health and Hygiene Management
1. Article 6.3 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.1 Provide pre-employment health management and
medical examination requirements for employees.
1. Employees should have a medical examination
and prove that they are suitable for working in food processing enterprises
before employment.
2. Employees shall have regular physical
examinations and keep records.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10.2 Personnel Training
1. Article 12 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.2 Provide annual training plans, contents,
assessments and records for employees.
1. The training shall cover the memorandum,
agreement, and protocol, Chinese regulations, and standards of inspection and
quarantine of Grain milling industrial products and malt exported to China.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
10.3 Requirements for management personnel
1. Article 13.3 of National Food Safety Standards
- General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
10.3 Provide the training records of management
personnel on the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations on
phytosanitary and food safety of the country/region where the exported
products are located and of China and conduct on-site sampling inspection and
Q&A when necessary.
1. The business competence of the production and
management personnel of the enterprise shall be adapted to the post
requirements, familiar with the relevant provisions of phytosanitary and food
safety laws and regulations in the country/region where it is located and
China, and the requirements of the protocol and the Specification of the
grain milling industrial products and malt production Exported to China
concluded by the two sides.
2. Have qualifications and capabilities suitable
for their work.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
Self-inspection and Self-control
11. Finished Product Inspection
1. Article 9 of National Food Safety Standards -
General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB 14881)
2. National Food Safety Standard - Maximum
Residue Limits for Pesticides in Food (GB 2763)
3. National Food Safety Standards - Standard for
the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760)
4. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Mycotoxins in Foods (GB 2761)
5. National Food Safety Standard - Limit of
Contaminants in Foods (GB 2762)
11.1 Provide items, indicators, methods and
frequency of finished product inspection.
11.2 If the enterprise has its own laboratory, please
submit the laboratory capability and qualification certificates; if the
enterprise entrusts a third-party laboratory, please provide the
qualification certificates of the entrusted laboratory.
1. The enterprise shall carry out plant
quarantine, food safety, and other tests on the products, ensuring that the
results of tests meet the requirements of China. The test records shall be
kept for no less than 2 years.
2. The enterprise shall be capable of inspecting
and testing the phytosanitary and food safety 01- may entrust a qualified
institution with such inspection and testing.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
12 Pest Control
12.1 Prevention and control of quarantine pests
of concern to China
Memorandums, agreements, and protocols of
inspection and quarantine of Grain milling industrial products and Malt
exported to China
12.1 Provide the list of quarantine pests of
concern to China and the monitoring system and records.
1. The enterprise shall take effective measures
during production and storage to prevent products from being infected by
harmful organisms, monitor the quarantine pests of concern to China, and keep
the monitoring records for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.2 Identification of Pests
Memorandums, agreements, and protocols of
inspection and quarantine of Grain milling industrial products and Malt
exported to China
12.2 Provide the records of pests found during
production and storage as well as the records of identification made by entrusted
professional institutions.
1. The enterprise shall be capable of identifying
pests found during the processing of production and storage or entrust a
professional organization with the identification, and establish work
records, which shall be kept for no less than 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.3 Pest control
Memorandums, agreements, and protocols of
inspection and quarantine of Grain milling industrial products and Malt
exported to China
12.3 Provide the records of implementation of
pest control measures in production and storage areas.
1. The enterprise shall implement pest control
measures in production and storage areas on a regular basis or when
necessary. Relevant control measures shall be documented, and the records
shall be kept for at least 2 years.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
12.4 Fumigation treatment (if necessary)
Memorandums, agreements, and protocols of
inspection and quarantine of Grain milling industrial products and Malt
exported to China
12.4 Provide the fumigation treatment method as
well as the qualification of the fumigation institution and personnel.
1. Fumigation treatment method shall meet the
requirements of China, and the institution and personnel conducting
fumigation shall have relevant qualifications or conditions.
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
□ NA
13. Statement
13.1 Declaration by Enterprise
1. Articles 8 and 9 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas Imported
Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General Administration of
1. Signature of legal person and company seal
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
13.2 Confirmation by Competent Authority
1. Articles 8 and 9 of the Provisions of the
People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Overseas
Imported Food Production Enterprises (Decree No. 248 of the General
Administration of Customs)
1. Signature of principal and seal of competent
□ Conforming
□ Non-conforming
[1] Tra cứu theo mã HS tại tính năng “Product
type query” để biết về phân loại hồ sơ đối với mặt hàng dự kiến đăng ký xuất khẩu.
Đối với sản phẩm được phân loại “Yes” đối với yêu cầu "Official
recommendation”, hồ sơ sẽ cần phải đăng ký thông qua Bộ Công Thương
[2] Thông tin chi tiết liên hệ: Ông Nguyễn Mạnh
Thắng-Vụ Khoa học và Công nghệ, Bộ Công Thương (Điện thoại: 02422.202.412;
email:[email protected]).
[3] Luật an toàn thực phẩm Việt Nam và các
văn bản hướng dẫn; Appendix5-2-1; Appendix5-2-2; Appendix5-2-4.
Công văn 1179/BCT-KHCN năm 2022 hướng dẫn doanh nghiệp sản xuất thực phẩm thuộc trách nhiệm quản lý nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm của Bộ Công Thương thực hiện đăng ký xuất khẩu vào Trung Quốc
Văn bản này chưa cập nhật nội dung Tiếng Anh
Công văn 1179/BCT-KHCN ngày 09/03/2022 hướng dẫn doanh nghiệp sản xuất thực phẩm thuộc trách nhiệm quản lý nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm của Bộ Công Thương thực hiện đăng ký xuất khẩu vào Trung Quốc
Văn bản bị thay thế
Văn bản thay thế
Chú thích
Chú thích:
Rà chuột vào nội dụng văn bản để sử dụng.
<Nội dung> = Nội dung hai
văn bản đều có;
<Nội dung> =
Nội dung văn bản cũ có, văn bản mới không có;
<Nội dung> = Nội dung văn
bản cũ không có, văn bản mới có;
<Nội dung> = Nội dung được sửa đổi, bổ
Click trái để xem cụ thể từng nội dung cần so sánh
và cố định bảng so sánh.
Click phải để xem những nội dung sửa đổi, bổ sung.
Double click để xem tất cả nội dung không có thay
thế tương ứng.
Tắt so sánh [X] để
trở về trạng thái rà chuột ban đầu.
Địa chỉ:
17 Nguyễn Gia Thiều, P. Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP.HCM
Điện thoại:
(028) 3930 3279 (06 lines)
inf[email protected]
Mã số thuế:
TP. HCM, ngày 31/05/2021
Thưa Quý khách,
Đúng 14 tháng trước, ngày 31/3/2020, THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT đã bật Thông báo này, và nay 31/5/2021 xin bật lại.
Hơn 1 năm qua, dù nhiều khó khăn, chúng ta cũng đã đánh thắng Covid 19 trong 3 trận đầu. Trận 4 này, với chỉ đạo quyết liệt của Chính phủ, chắc chắn chúng ta lại thắng.
Là sản phẩm online, nên 250 nhân sự chúng tôi vừa làm việc tại trụ sở, vừa làm việc từ xa qua Internet ngay từ đầu tháng 5/2021.
Sứ mệnh của THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT là:
sử dụng công nghệ cao để tổ chức lại hệ thống văn bản pháp luật,
và kết nối cộng đồng Dân Luật Việt Nam,
Giúp công chúng “…loại rủi ro pháp lý, nắm cơ hội làm giàu…”,
và cùng công chúng xây dựng, thụ hưởng một xã hội pháp quyền trong tương lai gần;
Chúng tôi cam kết dịch vụ sẽ được cung ứng bình thường trong mọi tình huống.
về Lưu trữ, Sử dụng Thông tin Khách hàng
Kính gửi: Quý Thành viên,
Nghị định 13/2023/NĐ-CP về Bảo vệ dữ liệu cá nhân (hiệu lực từ ngày 01/07/2023) yêu cầu xác nhận sự đồng ý của thành viên khi thu thập, lưu trữ, sử dụng thông tin mà quý khách đã cung cấp trong quá trình đăng ký, sử dụng sản phẩm, dịch vụ của THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT.
Quý Thành viên xác nhận giúp THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT được tiếp tục lưu trữ, sử dụng những thông tin mà Quý Thành viên đã, đang và sẽ cung cấp khi tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ.
Thực hiện Nghị định 13/2023/NĐ-CP, chúng tôi cập nhật Quy chế và Thỏa thuận Bảo về Dữ liệu cá nhân bên dưới.
Trân trọng cảm ơn Quý Thành viên.
Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý Quy chế và Thỏa thuận Bảo vệ Dữ liệu cá nhân
Tiếp tục sử dụng

Cảm ơn đã dùng ThuVienPhapLuat.vn
- Bạn vừa bị Đăng xuất khỏi Tài khoản .
Hiện tại có đủ người dùng cùng lúc,
nên khi người thứ vào thì bạn bị Đăng xuất.
- Có phải do Tài khoản của bạn bị lộ mật khẩu
nên nhiều người khác vào dùng?
- Hỗ trợ: (028) 3930.3279 _ 0906.229966
- Xin lỗi Quý khách vì sự bất tiện này!
Tài khoản hiện đã đủ người
dùng cùng thời điểm.
Quý khách Đăng nhập vào thì sẽ
có 1 người khác bị Đăng xuất.
Tài khoản của Quý Khách đẵ đăng nhập quá nhiều lần trên nhiều thiết bị khác nhau, Quý Khách có thể vào đây để xem chi tiết lịch sử đăng nhập
Có thể tài khoản của bạn đã bị rò rỉ mật khẩu và mất bảo mật, xin vui lòng đổi mật khẩu tại đây để tiếp tục sử dụng