Central fire alarm panels, fire alarm call points, and
firefighting apparatuses must receive adequate lighting to facilitate easy
navigation and, if they are not located on escape route or in open area, must
receive at least 5 lux at surrounding floor surface (see Figure A.4).
5.2 Exit
Exit sign
Additional exit signs
are required at all entrances and exits of evacuation staircases, escape routes
on all storeys, and all exits of rooms having at least 2 escape routes;
Installation of exit
signs is not required in:
- Rooms
equipped with emergency lighting and also satisfying any of the following
+ There is only one
way in or out; or
+ There is one exit
leading to single-loaded corridor or outdoor space.
- Rooms
not equipped with emergency lighting and also satisfying any of the following
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+ Maximum distance
from any point of the room to the way in or out is 13 m, at least 50% of wall
segment adjoining corridor is glass, and at least one of the following
conditions is met:
. Doors opened into
corridors are outfitted with emergency lighting;
. Doors opened into
single-loaded corridor or directly outside.
- Single-storey
buildings where floor area does not exceed 200 m2, area of openings
on exterior wall takes up at least 80%.
Direction escape route sign
Direction escape
route signs must be installed along escape route, in rooms, and areas where
visibility to escape route is obstructed.
Direction escape
route signs are not required in:
- Roofless
courtyards and rooftops.
- Single-storey
building with only roofs (with no surrounding walls) where floor area does not
exceed 200 m2 and area of openings takes up at least 80% of total
exterior wall area.
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Low-level exit signs
and direction escape route signs are required on storeys where lounges are
located in hotels of at least 7 storeys or minimum total volume of 5.000 m3
having exit corridor longer than 10 m.
The lowest point of
low-level signs must be 150 mm to 200 mm above the floor surface. Each
low-level sign must be at most 10 m away from one another. In respect of
emergency exit doors, safety signs must be positioned above or adjacent to the
doors where sides of the signs that are nearest to the doors are at most 100 mm
away from door frame (see Figure A.5).
Low-level safety
signs are designed to guide inhabitants and employees in buildings to reach exit
accesses in case smoke obscures exits or direction escape route signs above
doors and are not meant to replace standard safety signs.
Luminance of safety
signs must meet requirements below:
- During
normal operating mode: luminance must conform to ISO 3864-1.
- Emergency
operating mode: minimum luminance of signs regardless of direction is 2 cd/m2;
where visibility is potentially affected by smoke produced by the fire, minimum
luminance must be 10 cd/m2 (see Figure A.8).
- Uniformity
of colors: Uniformity of luminance within range of safe color and contrasting
color is measured by the ratio between maximum and minimum luminance of the
color which must be greater than 1:5.
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- Uniformity
between colors: The ratio between luminance Lcontrasting color and
adjacent luminance Lsafe color must not be lower than 5:1 and must
not be greater than 15:1 (see Figure A.8).
Safety signs installed along escape routes must meet TCVN
8092:2009 (ISO 7010:2003); TCVN 5053:1990; ISO 3864-1.
Each safety sign (not
including low-level safety signs) must be at most 25 m away from one another.
Height of safety signs corresponding to viewing distance
Minimum height of safety
signs is determined using the formula below:

h -
minimum height of safety sign (m);
L -
viewing distance (m);
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determination of viewing distance in accordance with this technical parameter
demands that the ratio between height of safety sign and height of lettering
complies with ISO 3864-1.

3 - Minimum height of sign
Installation height of safety sign
Safety signs (not
including low-level safety signs) must be installed at between 2 m to 2,7 m
above floor level or above the door if the door is taller than 2,7 m. In
respect of areas that are not protected by smoke protection causing accumulated
smoke to obscure safety signs, safety signs should be at least 0,5 m below the
ceiling and must not be externally illuminated.
Evacuation plan
plan is required on storeys larger than 1000 m2 or having at least 2
escape routes (see Figure A.6).
- Evacuation
plan is also required in lounges of hotels, accommodations, and rooms for rent
(see Figure A.7).
- Evacuation
plan consists of 2 parts: instruction in writing and instruction in diagram. Evacuation
plan must be posted in visible, logical, and frequented locations (see Figure
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+ Written instruction
consists of course of actions to be taken in case of fire.
- Dimension
of evacuation plan depends on characteristics of activities; area of storey,
rooms; exit plan and is not lower than:
+ 600x400 mm - for
evacuation plan of storey;
+ 400x300 mm - for
evacuation plan in rooms.
- Evacuation
plan must be installed in a way that the lowest point of the evacuation plan is
between 1,5 m ± 0,2 m from floor level.
illustrations regarding emergency lighting and exit sign
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A.1 - Externally illuminated safety sign

A.2 - Illuminance of emergency lighting on escape route

A.3 - Emergency lighting for open area (anti-panic)

A.4 - Lighting for firefighting and rescue apparatus

A.5 - Low-level safety sign
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A.6 - Evacuation plan for storey

A.7 - Evacuation plan for room

A.8 - Characteristics of safety sign
[1] ISO 30061:2007 Emergency
[2] QCVN 06:2021/BXD National
Technical Regulation on Fire Safety for Buildings and Constructions;
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[4] TCVN 3890:2009 Firefighting
Facilities for Buildings and Constructions - equipment,
installation, inspection, maintenance;
[5] ISO 16069 Graphical
symbols - Safety signs - Safety way guidance systems (SWGS);
[6] Code of Practice for
Fire Precautions in Buildings 2018.
1 Scope
2 Reference documents
3 Definitions
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5 Design and
installation requirements
5.1 Emergency
5.2 Exit instruction
Appendix A
(reference): Example illustrations regarding emergency lighting and exit sign