Length of blind
≤ 3,0
The leftmost limit
of road segment obstructed by the pole
≤ 7,0
Distance from
projection of the vehicle’s cabin and projection of K on the road (K is
placed on the overhead visibility line, 5 m from the road surface)
≤ 10,0
Width of road
segment obscured by the pole
≤ 1,2
Distance from the
leftmost limit of obscured road segment to the left side of the vehicle
≤ 2,0
Distance from the
rightmost limit of obscured road segment to the right side of the vehicle
≤ 6,0
2.4.5. If the
driver’s compartment is open top, protective measures must be taken to protect
driver from breeze, rain, and dust.
2.4.6. If the
driver’s compartment is separate or not leading to passenger’s compartment,
driver’s compartment must have 2 exits located on different sides of the
vehicle; if one of the exits is a window, regulations on emergency exit windows
under 2.5.4 must be complied with.
2.5. Passenger’s
2.5.1. Passenger’s
compartment must be designed to ensure safety for passengers.
2.5.2. Effective
area for each standing passenger must not be lower than 0,125 m2.
Space for standing passengers shall be the space where seats are not located on
floor area for passengers mentioned under 2.1.6 and must satisfy the following
+ Minimum effective height is 1800 mm;
+ Minimum effective width is 300 mm;
+ Handrails and grips are equipped for
standing passengers.
2.5.3. Service door
and stairs
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Number of
service doors:
a) Minimum number of service doors is
specified under Schedule 3;
b) In case of articulated vehicles,
minimum number of service doors of the front car is 2, minimum number of
service doors of the back car is 1;
c) If double doors serve as service
doors, each double door is equivalent to 2 single doors for the purpose of
calculating service doors;
d) In case of double deck vehicles:
- Each stair is considered an access
passage of the second deck;
- If the number of passengers occupying
the second deck exceeds 50, at least 2 stairs or at least 1 stair and 1
emergency exit stair are required.
Schedule 2
- Minimum effective dimensions of service doors
of passengers
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Width (1)
Width (1)
17 to 40
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than 40 passengers
(1) This
dimension can be reduced by 100 mm if it is measured at the furthest
protruding point of the door handle.
3: Minimum number of service doors
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17 to 45
46 to 90
Above 90
number of service doors
3 Other
a) Service doors must be positioned on
the sides of the vehicles;
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c) At least one door at the back of
the vehicle or the sides of the vehicle is allowed to be designed specifically
for wheelchair accessibility;
d) Service doors must be opened easily
from inside of the vehicle, outside of the vehicle, and prevented from being
opened when they have been locked; designed to ensure safety for passengers in
normal use conditions. Requirements
for coupling sections of articulated vehicles:
a) The gap(1) that is not
covered and located between floor of a car and floor of the turn table or
similar mechanisms must be:
- No more than 1 cm: When all wheels are
on the same plane;
- No more than 2 cm: When wheels of the
axle adjacent to the coupling are parked 15 cm above other axles;
Note:(1) Is
measured when the vehicle is not loaded and parked on horizontal surface
b) Difference in height between floor
of a car and floor of the turn table measured at the coupling must be:
- No more than 2 cm: When all wheels are
on the same plane;
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2.5.4. Emergency door
Vehicles must be equipped with
emergency doors; service doors are not considered emergency doors. Emergency
doors must meet the following requirements: Minimum
dimensions of emergency doors:
Width x
height = 550 mm x 1200 mm. Emergency
doors must be opened with ease from the inside or outside when the vehicles are
not moving. Emergency
doors must be locked from the outside as long as they must also be open from
the inside via regular mechanisms in any circumstance. Emergency
doors must not be sliding door or powered doors (electricity, pneumatic, etc.). All
mechanisms and equipment required to open emergency doors from the outside
(emergency doors on the first deck in regard to a double-deck vehicle) must be
within a height of 1000 mm to 1500 mm from the parking surface and no more than
500 mm from the emergency doors that they control. All mechanisms and
equipment required to open emergency doors from the inside must be within a
height of 1000 mm to 1500 mm from the floor of the vehicle or the closest step
and no more than 500 mm away from the emergency doors that they control. This
does not apply to mechanisms and equipment located in driver’s compartment. Emergency
doors on the sides of automobiles must be hinged on the side that is closest to
the front of the vehicle; emergency doors must be out-swinging doors. Braces,
chains, or other restraint devices are allowed if they do not obstruct the
opening of emergency doors and emergency doors must still be able to open to at
least 100o. If inspection gauges can easily reach emergency doors
from access passages, the minimum angle of 100o is not mandatory. Emergency
doors must be protected from unintentional opening. This requirement does
not apply to emergency doors that are automatically locked when the vehicles
move at a velocity greater than 5 km/h.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Emergency
windows must have minimum area of 0,4 m2 and must be able to fit a rectangle of
500 mm in height and 700 mm in width (in this case, emergency windows are
considered emergency doors). Emergency
windows at the back of the vehicle must satisfy requirements under or
must be able to fit a rectangle of 350 mm in height and 1550 mm in width with
round corners where radius curvature does not exceed 250 mm (in this case,
emergency windows at the back of the vehicle are considered emergency doors). Hinged
emergency windows must be out-swinging. Emergency
windows must be opened easily from the inside and outside by appropriate
mechanisms or must be made of highly durable glass. Emergency
windows that can be locked from the outside must be opened easily from the
inside at any time. In regard
to top-hinged emergency windows, appropriate mechanisms for holding doors in
completely opened state without obstructing access passages to emergency
windows from the inside or outside of the vehicle. The height
from the lower edge of emergency windows on the side of the vehicle to the
vehicle floor below the emergency windows (excluding wheel sections) must not
exceed 1200 mm and must not be lower than 650 mm in case of hinged emergency
windows or 500 mm in case of emergency windows made of highly durable glass.
In case of hinged emergency windows,
height of the lower edge can be reduced to 500 mm if the windows are equipped
with protective measures up to a height of 650 mm in order to prevent falling
hazards. In regard to these protected windows, dimensions of window sections
above the protected sections must not be lower than the minimum dimensions
applicable to emergency windows. Minimum
number of emergency doors is specified under Schedule 4.
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of passengers(1)
17 ÷ 30
31 ÷ 45
46 ÷ 60
61 ÷ 75
76 ÷ 90
> 90
emergency doors(2)
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(1) In regard to
double deck vehicles/articulated vehicles, number of passenger means the
number of passengers, drivers, and attendants on each deck/car.
(2) Service doors
are not considered emergency doors;
Emergency doors in
this schedule include emergency doors and emergency windows. Toilets,
kitchens, liquor bars (if any), areas connecting cars shall not be included
when calculating number of emergency doors as described above.
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emergency door and emergency window must be notified by the phrase “CỬA THOÁT
KHẨN CẤP” or “EMERGENCY EXIT” or both together with necessary instructions. Glass
breakers must be provided in areas close to emergency windows made of highly
durable glass. Access
passages to emergency doors and emergency windows must meet requirements under
QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT.
2.5.5. Seat other
than driver’s seat Seats must
be firmly installed in order to ensure safety for seated passengers in normal operation. Seat
+ Width: ≥ 400 mm
+ Depth: ≥ 350 mm
+ Height (H): 400 ÷ 500 mm
Seats above fender and engine block
can have its height reduced to 350 mm as long as passenger comfort is
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Distance
between the front of seat-back of 2 facing seats (L0) must not be
lower than 1250 mm.
Distances are specified under Schedule
5 and illustrated under Figure 2.
Schedule 5
- Distances between seats
Unit: mm
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Figure 2 -
Distance between seats
2.5.6. Gangway
- Width: ≥ 400 mm
- Height
from floor to ceiling, measured on gangway:
+ First deck: ≥ 1800 mm
+ Second deck: ≥ 1680 mm
- Slope of gangway: ≤ 8 %.
- The space along gangway must be
designed to facilitate movement of a gauge consisting of 2 concentric cylinders
connected by a cone. Dimensions of the cylinders are described under Figure 3.
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(*) This
dimension shall be 1680 mm in regard to gauge deployed on the second deck of a
double deck vehicle
Figure 3 -
Gangway measurement gauge
2.5.7. Floor
Vehicle floor must be made of non-slip
2.5.8. Steps Surface of
the steps must be rough or covered with materials that have a lot of friction. Maximum
riser height and tread depth of service doors, stairs, emergency doors, and
inside the vehicle are illustrated under Figure 4 and described under Schedule

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Figure 4 -
Riser height and tread depth
Schedule 6
- Permissible riser height and tread depth
Unit: mm
first step (from the parking surface)
riser height (L1)
tread depth
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riser height (L1)
tread depth
riser height (L2, L3)
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riser height (L2, L3)
effective tread depth(4)
(1) 200 in
case of vehicle with capacity of up to 40 passengers;
(2) 700 in
case of a single-deck vehicle;
(3) 300 in
case of access steps of doors positioned behind the last axle;
Effective depth is determined by the surface area on which a person can rest
their foot on without slipping;
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Riser height (L2,
L3) of each step may vary. Riser
heights (L1,
L2, L3) under Schedule 6 do not apply to service doors
designed to fit infrastructures at stops and allow passengers to embark and
disembark on separate lane. Width and
surface of steps must be large enough so that when a rectangular gauge of 400
mm x 300 mm is placed on the first surface and a rectangular gauge of 400 mm x
200 mm is placed on other steps, part of the gauge that protrudes from the
steps must not exceed 5% of the gauge area. In regard to double
doors, each half of access steps must satisfy this requirement. Slope of
steps in any direction must not exceed 5%. In case of
double doors, steps of each half of access passages must be considered separate
2.5.9. Grips and
handrails Grips and
handrails must be sturdy to allow passengers to firmly, safely grip. The handle
of grips must have minimum length of 100 mm; dimensions of cross sections of
grips must range from 20 mm to 45 mm. Suspension rope is considered a grip if
they are appropriately installed. Grips and
handrails must be adequately equipped, reasonably distributed, and located at a
height ranging from 800 mm to 1800 mm without affecting movement of passengers
in the vehicle and when embarking, disembarking the vehicle. Both sides
of service doors must be fitted with grips and handrails. In regard
to a double door, a grip pole can be positioned in the middle.
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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Stair must
be fitted with guardrails and grips. Coupling
sections (in case of articulated vehicles) must be fitted with handrails and/or
guardrails/partitions to prevent passengers from accessing:
+ Floor section with uncovered gap and
not satisfactory to requirements under 2.5.3;
+ Floor section not intended for
passenger transport;
+ Areas where movement of the sides of
the coupling sections can cause danger to passengers; Guardrails
are required in areas close to the front windshield on the second deck of
double-deck vehicle. Height of the upper side of this guardrail
must be within 800 mm to 900 mm from the floor. The guardrails must satisfy
requirements relating to guardrails under QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT and this Circular
2.5.10. Lighting in
passenger’s compartment
Passenger’s compartments must be
fitted with lights to illuminate:
- Gangway;
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- If a double-deck vehicle is open top,
at least one light must be installed as close as possible to the top of the
stairs leading to the second deck.
2.5.11. Passenger’s
disembarkation signal
Passenger’s compartment must be fitted
with devices that inform drivers about passengers wishing to disembark or
two-way communication devices between drivers and passengers if passenger’s
compartment is separate from driver’s compartment.
2.5.12. Airtightness
of passenger’s compartment and driver’s compartment
Vehicles must be inspected for
airtightness in order to prevent water from leaking into the vehicles. The
floor must not allow passage smoke and dust from engine block and from beneath
the floor into the vehicle.
This requirement does not apply to
open top deck.
2.6. Requirements for
protective measures for open top vehicles
An open top vehicle must meet the
following requirements:
2.6.1. A board
going along the vehicle’s width and covering the front of open top section of
the vehicle is required. Height of the board must not be lower than
1400 mm from the floor.
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sections of the handrails must not be lower than 20 mm or larger than 45 mm at
any point. Gaps
between adjacent handrails and gaps between handrails and adjacent glass panels
must not exceed 200 mm. They must
be firmly attached to the vehicle structures. Doors of
exits must be considered parts of these protective structures and must satisfy
the aforementioned requirements.
2.6.3. Visibility and
communication aid
In case of open top vehicles, drivers
must be provided with visibility aid such as mirrors, periscopes, or video
recorders and monitors in order to monitor activities of passengers in open top
areas and communication devices to allow drivers to communicate with these
2.7. Other
2.7.1. Rear-view
mirrors Rear-view
mirrors must satisfy requirements under the QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT.
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2.7.2. Windshield,
side glass, rear glass, roof glass used on any deck of vehicles must satisfy
requirements under the QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT.
2.7.3. Tyres and
headlight of vehicles must satisfy requirements under the QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT.
2.7.4. Onboard heat
Provide thermal insulation for all
heat sources which cause safety loss to fuel system, electrical system, and
other flammable components.
2.7.5. Fire
extinguishers and first-aid kits must satisfy requirements under the QCVN
2.7.6. Regulations on
environmental protection
Emission, noise, and refrigerant
limits in air conditioners of vehicles must satisfy requirements under the QCVN
3.1. Testing and examination
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+ Technical dossiers and testing
samples: Manufacturing facilities, importing organizations and individuals are
responsible for providing technical dossiers and samples for testing in
accordance with applicable regulations of the Ministry of Transport.
3.2. Test report
Testing facilities must produce test
reports that include details under this document.
4.1. The
Vietnam Register is responsible for the implementation of this document during
technical safety and environmental protection inspection of urban buses.
4.2. Roadmap for
4.2.1. This
Regulation shall apply to manufactured, assembled vehicles for which the
certification for technical quality, safety and environmental protection has
been issued and imported vehicles which have been examined and issued with
certification for technical quality, safety and environmental protection before
the effective date hereof after 18 months from the effective date hereof.
4.2.2. This
Regulation shall apply to manufactured, assembled vehicles for which the
certification for technical quality, safety, and environmental protection is
issued for the first time and imported vehicles which have not been examined
nor issued with the certification for technical quality, safety, and
environmental protection from January 1, 2017.
4.2.3. Requirements
pertaining to testing of parts and examination, testing or exemption from
testing of vehicle emission shall conform to the QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT.
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4.3. If
Regulations referred to under this document are amended or replaced, the new
versions shall prevail. Roadmap for implementation shall conform to
roadmaps specified under respective Regulations.
Vehicles must be able to turn in both
directions within a plane limited by 2 concentric circles (forming a
napkin-ring shape) where radius of the outer circular is 12,5 m and radius of
the inner circle is 5,3 m (see Figure 5).

Figure 5 -
Turning radius
When a vehicle moves in a straight
line into the napkin-ring shape, any part of the vehicle must not protrude from
the vertical plane limited by the outer ring by more than 0,6 m (see Figure 6a
and Figure 6b).

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6b - Turning radius of articulated vehicle