back to wall WC pan
pedestal WC pan whose back is in
contact with the wall
wash-out WC pan
WC pan in which
excrement falls first into a shallow water filled bowl, before being removed
by the flushing water

wash down WC pan
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siphonic WC pan
WC pan in which
excrement is removed by siphonage induced by the flushing water

close-coupled suite
combination of a WC
pan and flushing cistern directly coupled into a functional unit

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one-piece WC pan
WC pan manufactured
with an integral flushing cistern

independent WC pan
WC pan suitable for
the connection with a flushing cistern or a pressure flush valve

WC suite
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children WC pan
WC pan with a front edge between 300
mm and 380 mm high
baby WC pan
WC pan with a front edge below 260 mm
flushing device
device fitted to a cistern to provide
controlled measured volume(s) of water to a WC pan or suite for flushing
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valve - type
flushing cistern
cistern with
integral valve outlet device for the storage and discharge of a defined
volume(s) of flushing water for the removal of excrement from a WC pan

pressure flush
valve directly
connected to the water supply which delivers a pre-determined volume of
flushing water for the removal of excrement from a WC pan

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water seal that prevents backflow of
foul odour from a drain
inlet valve
valve that controls and shuts off the
flow of water into a flushing cistern, usually by an arm connected to a float
outlet valve
mechanism for opening and closing the
outlet orifice of the flushing cistern
flush pipe
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device enabling release of excess
water from a flushing cistern when water reaches a pre-determined level
overflow level
water level corresponding to the upper
edge of the overflow or to the lower edge of the overflow notch
flush volume
volume of water discharged from the
flushing device during a flush cycle
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after - flush volume
volume of flush water remaining after
the last test specimen has left the outlet of the bowl
warning level
level of spill over of a vertically
mounted warning pipe connection or the invert of a horizontally mounted warning
pipe connection, or the level at which an equally effective (warning) device
would operate
meniscus level
level resulting from surface tension
of water during overflowing
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water level when a cistern is filled
to the nominal flush volume, e.g. 4 l, 5 l, 6 l, 7 l or 9 l
nominal flush volume
volume of water indicated, when a
flushing cistern is filled to the nominal water level
maximum water level
highest water level reached after flow
stabilization, in the event of continuous supply, as a result of malfunction of
the inlet valve
critical water level
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residual water level
water level, after a full flush is
adjustable residual
water level
residual water level in a cistern,
after (uninterrupted) flushing, which can be altered by adjusting the outlet
short term leak test
leak test consisting of a 15 min wait
after flushing then positioning paper designed to change colour when wet, under
the flushing device for 10 min.
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long-term leak test
leak test consisting of a 2 h wait
after flushing then positioning paper designed to change colour when wet, under
the outlet for 15 min
NOTE: A leak is defined as being
visible discharge of water amounting to more than three separate drops.
safety margin -
safety margin c
distance between the nominal water
level determined by the manufacturer, and the overflow level
impact force
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test height
distance between the seat of the
flushing device and the horizontal axis of the flush pipe
flush rate
volume of water flowing out of a
flushing cistern as a function of time
product type
set of representative performance
levels or classes of a construction product, in relation to its essential
characteristics, produced using a given combination of raw materials or other
elements in a specific production process
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WC pans and suites are classified as
described below:
Type 1:
WC pans and suites
designed for use with and tested using a nominal full flush volume of either
4 l, 5 l, 6 l, 7 l or 9 l and in case of a reduced flush not less than those
in accordance with Table 2 and Table 3. The requirements of type 1 are given
in Clause 5.
Type 2:
WC suites designed
for use with a pressure flushing valve or a flushing cistern incorporating
some other flushing device, and tested as described in Clause 6, using a
maximum flushing volume of 6 l, or a dual-flush combining a maximum flush of
6 l and a reduced flush not greater than two-thirds of the maximum flush
volume. The requirements of type 2 are given in Clause 6.
5 Functional
characteristics and test methods for type 1 products
5.1 Depth of water
When tested in accordance with 5.7.1,
the depth of the water seal shall be not less than 50 mm.
5.2 Flushing
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Table 1 correlates the flushing
characteristics to the WC pan sub-type and flushing volume.
Table 1 -
Flushing characteristics
of WC pan in accordance with Table 2 and Table 3
Wash of
bowl (5.2.2)
of toilet paper (5.2.3)
of 50 plastic balls (5.2.4)
volume (5.2.6)
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The efficiency of flushing is
demonstrated by the following characteristics.
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When tested in accordance with, the arithmetic average of any unflushed area below the rim and above
the surface of the water in the trap shall not be more than 50 cm2
after five flushing operations.
In case of rimless WCs, the surface to
be tested is the area between the water surface and a horizontal line 85 mm
below the top edge of the bowl.
5.2.3 Flushing of
toilet paper
When tested in accordance with, 12 sheets of toilet paper shall be flushed out of the WC pan a minimum
of 4 times out of five tests.
For baby WC pans, 6 sheets of toilet
paper shall be flushed out of the WC pan a minimum of 4 times out of five
5.2.4 Flushing of
fifty small plastic balls
When tested in accordance with
after five tests, each with 50 balls, a minimum of 85 % of the balls shall be
flushed out of the WC pan.
5.2.5 Oversplashing
When tested in accordance with, flushing water shall not splash beyond the rim of the bowl and wet the
floor. Only a few small drops are permissible.
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When tested in accordance with, an after-flush volume of 2,5 l or 2,8 l as appropriate is required.
5.3 Water absorption
When tested in accordance with 5.7.3,
the arithmetic average for water absorption of glazed ceramic WC pans shall not
exceed 0,5 % by mass.
5.4 Static load
When tested in accordance with 5.7.4,
wall-hung and non-ceramic WC pans and WC suites shall withstand a force of
(4,00 ± 0,05) kN without showing any evidence of cracking or permanent
Experience has shown that pedestal
ceramic WC pans and WC suites comply with this characteristic.
5.5 Additional
characteristics of flushing cisterns for close-coupled suites and one-piece WCs
5.5.1 General
If close-coupled suites and one-piece
WCs comprising a flushing cistern and a WC pan supplied or specified by the
manufacturer as a unit, the following characteristics shall be fulfilled.
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Flushing cisterns shall have an inlet
valve complying with EN 14124.
5.5.3 Supply piping
All materials of the supply piping
which could be in contact with drinking water shall not be danger to health. They
shall not change the taste, aroma or visual appearance of the drinking water.
The use of elastomeric flexible supply
hoses complying with EN 13618 is permissible inside the assembly.
5.5.4 Flush volume(s)
of the flushing cistern
The flush volume(s) for one-piece and
close-coupled flushing cisterns supplied with a WC pan shall conform to the
value(s) specified by the manufacturer according to Table 3, when measured as
described in
Flushing cisterns or their components
shall be marked to allow the correct volume(s) of flush to be achieved.
5.5.5 Leak-tightness
between flushing cistern and bowl
When tested in accordance with, there shall be no leakage between the WC pan and the flushing cistern.
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When tested in accordance with, the outlet shall not show any leakage greater than three drops within
15 min.
5.5.7 Outlet valve
When tested in accordance with, the outlet mechanism functions shall be ensured.
The flushing device shall not show any
failure or permanent distortion of any component including linkages that
prevents normal operation of the mechanism.
The outlet of the flushing device
shall not show leakage greater than three drops within 15 min.
5.5.8 Overflow
When tested as described in,
the overflow shall meet the requirements specified below (see Figure 1):
a) the distance between the maximum
water level and the overflow level shall be ≤ 20 mm;
b) the distance between the critical
water level and the overflow level shall be ≤ 10 mm;
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in millimetres

1 Overflow pipe
2 Overflow level
3 Maximum water level
4 Critical water level
5 Meniscus level
Figure 1 -
Maximum, critical and overflow level
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When tested as described in,
dimension “c” (see Figure 2) corresponding to the distance between the
overflowing level and the maximum nominal water level indicated by the
manufacturer shall be ≥ 20 mm.

1 Maximum water level
2 Overflow level
3 Maximum
nominal water level
a distance
between overflow level and the point of the air inlet orifice of the inlet
c safety
Figure 2 -
Safety margin dimensions
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When tested as described in,
the dimension “a” (see Figure 2) between the overflow level and the
lowest point of the air inlet orifice of the inlet valve shall be 20 mm minimum
as required in EN 1717, to prevent backflow. In the case of an adjustable
overflow, the adjustment shall provide a dimension “a” of 20 mm minimum.
5.6 Durability
Type 1 products conforming to the
requirements of 5.2 to 5.4 and 5.5.5 to 5.5.10 are deemed to be durable.
5.7 Test methods
5.7.1 Depth of water
Install the WC pan in accordance with Flush the WC pan and measure the height from the invert of the
trappage back plate to the surface of the water.

Firgure 3
- Water seal
5.7.2 Flushing tests
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Independent WC pans are to be tested
with one or both of the following separate flushing devices:
Valve-type flushing
Type A (see Annex
A, Figures A.1, A.2, A.4 and A.5, Tables A.1 and A.2)
Pressure flush
Type C (see Annex
B, Figures B.1, B.2 and B.3, Table B.1)
Close-coupled suites and one-piece WC
pans shall be tested with flushing cisterns provided or specified by the
manufacturer. Preparation
to test
Independent WC pans
Use the flushing volumes in accordance
with Table 2 with the full flush as indicated by the manufacturer:
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Close-coupled suites
and one-piece WC pans
Use the flushing volumes in accordance
with Table 3 with the full flush as indicated by the manufacturer:
Install the close-coupled suite or the
one-piece WC pan on a firm flat horizontal or vertical surface as appropriate
using the flushing device provided or specified by the manufacturer. Sawdust test Test
20 g of fine dry wood sawdust. Procedure
Moisten the complete inner surface of
the WC pan below the flushing rim and above the surface of the water in the
trap. Immediately afterwards, sprinkle the sawdust as evenly as possible over
the moistened surface. Flush the WC pan and measure any unwashed area. Repeat
this procedure 5 times.
In the case of rimless WCs, the
surface to be tested is the area between the water surface in the trap and a
horizontal line 85 mm below the top edge of the bowl.
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Single layer toilet paper with a
saturation time of
verified by the basket method in accordance with Annex D.
Individual sheets shall have a size of
(130 ± 10) mm × (100 ± 10) mm. The mass per unit surface of the toilet paper
shall be (30 ± 10) g/m2. Procedure
Individually loosely crumple 12 sheets
of toilet paper or 6 sheets in case of baby WCs and drop them separately one
after the other into the WC pan within a time of 14 s to 18 s. Activate the
full flush within 2 s of the last sheet being dropped into the WC pan. Record
and remove any paper not flushed out of the bowl and the trap. Repeat this test
5 times. Fifty plastic
balls test Test
50 balls of non-absorbent material,
each having a mass of (3,7 ± 0,1) g and a diameter of (20 ± 0,1) mm. Procedure
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test Test
Paper of a type which shows surface
change when wet. Procedure
Lay the paper around the WC pan to be
tested projecting 200 mm beyond the plan of the bowl projected onto the floor. Flush
the WC pan and record evidence of water on the paper. The test shall be made
with the flushing volume for which the WC pan will be approved. After-flush
volume test Test rig
A test rig in accordance with Annex C.
NOTE: Other test rigs may be used, if
the tolerance for after flush volume, related to 6 l, does not exceed ± 0,1 l
when the same WC pan is used.
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Test specimens prepared in accordance
with Annex E. Procedure
Place four test specimens, or in case
of baby WC pans two test specimens, one after the other into the WC pan as
shown in Figure 4 and flush the WC pan.
To obtain 10 measures, repeat the test
9 times.

1 water trap
a placement of the four specimen in
adults' wash-out WC
b placement of the two specimen in
baby wash-out WC
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The result of flushing operations when
not all test specimens have been evacuated shall count as 0 l.
The test is positive, if:
a) in 8 out of 10 flushes all test
specimens are evacuated and the after-flush volume is on each occasion ≥ 2,5 l,
b) the arithmetic average of the
after-flush volume of the 10 flushing operations is ≥ 2,8 l.
If the WC pan does not provide results
according to a) or b), repeat the procedure again for an additional 20 flushing
The test is then positive, if
c) in 16 out of 20 flushes all test
specimens are evacuated and the after-flush volume is on each occasion ≥ 2,5 l,
d) the arithmetic average of the
after-flush volume of the 20 flushing operations is ≥ 2,8 l.
5.7.3 Determination
of water absorption
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- A balance
accurate to 0,05 g;
- an
oven, controlled at a test temperature of (110 ± 5) °C;
- a
desiccator with fresh prepared silica gel;
- a
chamois leather;
- a
heated bath with temperature control;
- Distilled or
deionized water;
- a pair of fine
- a fine brush. Procedure
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- Dry the samples at a temperature of
110 °C for (180 ± 5) min.
- Allow the samples to cool in a
- Weigh each sample to an accuracy of
0,05 g; the mass is m0.
- Using the fine tweezers place the
samples in the bath and fill with demineralised water. Ensure they do not touch
the sides or the bottom of the bath.
- Heat the water to boiling point for
(120 ± 5) min. Afterwards stop the heating process and leave the samples
immersed for a further (20 ± 1) h.
- Using the fine tweezers take the
samples immediately from the water and dry them with slightly damp chamois
- Any cavities or holes shall be dried
using a fine brush.
- Weigh each sample immediately; this
mass is m1.
- The coefficient of water absorption
in percentage shall be calculated for each sample using Formula (1).
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WA is the
coefficient of water absorption, in %;
mo is the
mass of the dry sample, in g;
m1 is the
mass of the sample after immersion in water, in g.
Calculate the arithmetic average of
the water absorption coefficient for the three samples. Report each individual
value and the calculated arithmetic average.
5.7.4 5.7.4 Load test
Wall-hung WC pans
shall be fixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions onto a
smooth surface with a layer of mortar or other facing material used for
pointing between the back of the WC pan and the smooth surface.
Pedestal WC pans of
non-ceramic materials shall be fixed onto a solid smooth horizontal surface
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
A force of (4,00 ±
0,05) kN shall be applied for a period of 1 h by means of a beam with a cross
section of 100 mm × 100 mm positioned across the centre of aperture of the
bowl (see Figure 5).
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Figure 5
- Load test
5.7.5 Tests for
flushing cisterns of close-coupled suites and one-piece WCs Flush
volume(s) for flushing cisterns of close-coupled suites and one-piece WCs Determination
of the full-flush volume
- Install the close-coupled suite or
one-piece WC on a firm flat horizontal or vertical surface as appropriate.
- In case of a close-coupled suite,
fit the flushing cistern to the WC pan.
- Fill the flushing cistern via an
inlet valve.
- Fill the water trap of the WC by
activating the flushing mechanism.
- Fill the flushing cistern via an
inlet valve to the level indicated by the manufacturer.
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- Operate the full flushing mechanism
control and collect the water delivered.
- Measure the volume using a
calibrated container.
- Perform the test three times.
- If there are differences in the
volumes delivered, calculate the arithmetic mean for the three volumes.
- Repeat for all full-flush volumes.
Determination of the reduced flush volume
- Install the close-coupled suite or
one-piece WC on a firm flat horizontal or vertical surface as appropriate.
- In case of a close-coupled suite,
fit the flushing cistern to the WC pan.
- Fill the flushing cistern via an
inlet valve.
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- Fill the flushing cistern via an
inlet valve to the level indicated by the manufacturer.
- Shut-off the supply.
- Operate the double-control flushing
mechanism for the reduced flush volume and collect the water delivered or in
cae of double-action flushing mechannism stop the flush after 1,5 s whilst
collecting the water delivered.
- Measure the volume using a
calibrated container.
- Perform the test three times.
- If there are differences in the
volumes delivered, calculate the arithmetic mean for the three volumes.
- Repeat for all full-flush volumes. Leaktightness
test of close-coupled suites
- Install the flushing cistern on the
WC pan.
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- Fill the flushing cistern to the
maximum nominal water level.
- Flush the close-coupled suite and
observe the connection between the WC pan and flushing cistern for any leakage
during the complete flush. Outlet valve
leaktightness test
- This test is done with the flushing
cistern only. In the case of a one-piece WC, the flushing cistern shall be cut
from the bowl for the verification.
- Fill the flushing cistern to the
water level corresponding to the nominal flush volume indicated by the manufacturer.
In the case of flushing cisterns with adjustable levels, the minimum level
shall be used. In the case of flushing cisterns with adjustable levels, the
minimum level shall be used.
- Actuate
the flushing mechanism and allow the flushing cistern to fill again.
- Leave the
flushing cistern for a period of 2 h.
- Wipe the outlet orifice dry.
- Place a piece of paper under the
flushing cistern.
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ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66 Outlet valve
reliability test Test
The test apparatus comprises:
- A flushing cistern into which the
outlet valve is mounted and which shall be filled through an inlet valve or an
alternative filling device to acccelerate the test;
- An automatic system allowing the
flushing mechanism to be activated with a controlled force in the range of 25 N
to 30 N with a velocity of 5 cm/s in a period of 0,5 s to 1 s for the duration
of the test. The system shall ensure that the oulet valve is fully closed
before the flushing cistern is refilled
- a water supply with a temperature of
7 °C to 25 °C. Procedure
One cycle is carried out as follows:
- Fill the flushing cistern via an
inlet valve to the level indicated by the manufacturer.
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- Allow the mechanism to close again.
- Refill the flushing cistern.
- In the case of single-flush
mechanism, submit the cistern to 50 000 of these cycles (category I) or 200 000
of these cycles (category II).
- In the case of double-control
mechanisms the test is carried out:
+ either: with three reduced flushes
followed by a full flush for a total of 50 000 flushes (category I) or 200 000
flushes (category II);
+ or: with 37 500 reduced flushes
followed by 12 500 full flushes (category I) or 150 000 reduced flushes
followed by 50 000 full flushes (category II).
- Record any failure or permanent
distortions of the outlet valve during and at the end of the test,.
- 2 h adter finishing of the cycles,
verify the leak-tightness in accordance with Determination
of the overflow capacity
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- Supply the flushing cistern with a
flow rate of 0,28 l/s for 60 s. In the case of a combined mechanism (filling
valve + flushing mechanism), supply the combined mechanism at a pressure of 0,6
MPa (6 bar) and force the inlet valve to be open for 60 s.
- Measure the maximum water level in
accordance with Figure 2.
- Shut off the water supply.
- Measure the water level 2 s after
the water supply is shut-off (critical water level).
- Measure the meniscus level after
stabilisation in accordance with Figure 1. Determination
of dimension c
Fill the flushing cistern using an inlet
valve to the highest water level indicated by the manufacturer.
Measure dimension c representing the
safety margin (see Figure 2) between the maximum nominal water level and the
overflow level. Determination
of dimension a
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5.8 Sub-types of
independent WC pans, close-coupled suites and one-piece WCs
5.8.1 Nominal flush
Sub-type and test volume for a full
flush shall be defined by the manufacturer.
Baby WC pans belong to sub-type 5 or
sub-type 4.
The nominal flush volume of
independent WC pans shall correspond to one of the sub-types given in Table 2.
Table 2 -
Sub-types of independent WC pans
flush volume
flush volume
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The nominal flush volume of
close-coupled suites and one-piece WC pans shall correspond to one of the
sub-types given in Table 3.
Table 3 -
Sub-types of close-coupled suites and one-piece WC pans
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flush volume
flush volume

2/3 of the nominal flush volume as specified by the manufacturer
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5.8.2 Flushing
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Valve-type cistern
Type A (for
calibration see Annex A)
Pressure flush
Type C (for
calibration see Annex B)
5.8.3 Verification of
1) Connect the flushing cistern to a
water supply of (0,2 ±0,1) Mpa and adjust the flush volume in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.
2) Flush the flusing cistern 3 times
and measure the flush volume to an accuracy of ±0,1 L. The water supply shall
be closed during the flushing operation.
3) The WC pan shall be classified on
the arithmetic average resulting from three flushing operations referring to
Table 2 or Table 3.
4) The flushing tests in accordance
with this standard shall be carried out on the basis of the WC pan sub-type
(see Table 1).
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6.1 Inlet valve
Either the first inlet valve or, in
the event of this failing, all four of the remaining inlet valves shall comply
with BS 1212: Part 2, 3 or 4 subject to the amendments listed below:
- The water hardness during tests
shall not exceed the range specified under QCVN 02:2009/BYT during the course
of the test.
- The supply pressure for the
endurance test described in Parts 3 and 4 shall be (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa.
- Part 2 valves shall be subject to an
endurance test as described in Parts 3 and 4 using a supply pressure of (0,15 ±
0,01) MPa.
- The endurance test shall be undertaken
for 200 000 cycles and if the first inlet valve fails the test, the four valves
subsequently tested shall all satisfy the requirements.
6.2 Backflow
When tested in accordance with the
backflow prevention requirements of BS 1212-3:1990 or BS 1212-4:2016, Clauses
15 or 17 respectively there shall be no evidence of backflow.
6.3 Marking of
flushing cistern
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6.4 Warning pipe and
overflow provision
When tested as described in 6.17.2,
every flushing cistern, not being a pressure flushing cistern, shall be fitted
with a warning pipe connection arranged with the discharge level between 25 mm
to 32 mm above the marked water level, or a no less effective device shall be
provided. The top edge of any internal overflow shall be not less than 10 mm
above the warning level.
6.5 Flush volume
6.5.1 Full flush
When tested as described in 6.17.3
with any adjustable flushing device set to deliver the maximum flush volume,
the measured discharge shall on no occasion exceed 6 l.
6.5.2 Reduced flush
When tested as described in 6.17.3
with any adjustable flushing device set to deliver a reduced flush volume, the
measured discharge shall on no occasion exceed two-thirds of the full-flush
6.6 Flush rate
When tested as described in 6.17.4,
the mean flush rate of discharge per flush shall be ≥ 1,85 l/s for the full
flush and ≥ 1,6 l/s for the reduced flush, if provided.
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When tested as described in 6.17.5,
the flushing device shall not undergo any failure or permanent distortion of
any components including linkages that prevents normal operation of the
No more than two instances of leakage
are permitted. A leak is defined as being visible discharge of water amounting
to more than three separate drops. If the first flushing device fails the test,
the four devices subsequently tested shall all satisfy the requirements.
6.8 Chemical
endurance of flushing device
When tested as described in 6.17.6,
there shall be:
- no dimensional alteration of any
component greater than 1 mm or 5 % whichever is the lesser;
- no weight loss of any component
greater than 1 g or 5 % whichever is the lesser;
- no visible sign of physical change
such that performance is impaired;
- no deterioration in performance.
The flushing device shall not leak
after undergoing a 3 000 cycle physical endurance test and the longterm leakage
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When tested as described in 6.17.7,
for the first six flush cycles, or for a minimum of eight out of ten flush
cycles, each of the four test specimens shall be completely evacuated from the
WC bowl and pan's outlet. The recorded after-flush volume in each flush cycle
shall be no less than 40 % of the full-flush volume.
6.10 Paper discharge
for reduced-flush volume
When tested as described in 6.17.8,
for the first six flush cycles, or for a minimum of eight out of ten flush
cycles, all six sheets of toilet paper shall be flushed out of the WC pan and
6.11 Liquid
contaminant dye retention
- When tested as described in 6.17.9,
for the first five flush cycles, or for a minimum of nine out of ten flush
cycles at full-flush volume, the contaminate level shall be ≤ 1 %. For the
first five flush cycles, or for a minimum of nine out of ten flush cycles at
reduced-flush volume, when provided, the contaminate level shall be ≤ 6 %.
6.12 Wash of bowl
When tested as described in 6.17.10,
the arithmetic average of any unflushed area below the rim and above the
surface of the trap shall be no greater than 50 cm2 after five flushing
6.13 Depth of water
When tested twice at random as described
in 6.17.3, the depth of water seal shall be no less than 50 mm on either
occasion. If any alternative trap seal device is utilised, a no less effective
comparable seal shall be in operation.
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When tested in accordance with 5.7.4,
type 2 products shall meet the requirements of 5.4.
6.15 Water absorption
When tested in accordance with 5.7.3,
type 2 products shall meet the requirements of 5.3.
6.16 Durability of
type 2 products
Type 2 products conforming to 6.1 to
6.15 are deemed to be durable
6.17 Test methods
6.17.1 Inlet valve
tests Apparatus
Apparatus as specified in BS 1212-2,
BS 1212-3 or BS 1212-4, subject to the additional requirements specified in
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Subject the inlet valve to the tests
as specified in BS 1212-2, BS 1212-3 or BS 1212-4 as appropriate. In testing
against Clause 17 of BS 1212-2:1990, BS 1212-3:1990 or BS 1212-4:2016 (modified
in 6.1) if the first inlet valve fails, four further valves shall be tested. Expression
of results
Record whether the inlet valve
complied with the requirements of BS 1212-2, BS 1212-3 or BS 1212- 4 as
modified by 6.1. For the test under Clause 17 of BS 1212-2:1990, BS 1212-3:1990
or BS 1212- 4:2016 (as modified in 6.1), record whether the first inlet valves,
or all four of the subsequent inlet valves, met the requirements.
6.17.2 Warning pipe
and overflow provisions Apparatus
a) Flushing system with warning pipe
connection or a device deemed to be no less effective and internal overflow, if
provided, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
b) measuring device with an accuracy
of ± 0,1 mm;
c) water supply controlled by a stop
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Set the flushing system level. Fill
with water to the nominal static water level marked by the manufacturer. Measure
the distance from the water level to the warning level, i.e. the invert of a
side connection warning pipe connection or the top of a bottom connection
warning pipe connection. If appropriate, measure the distance from the warning
level to the top of any internal overflow. Expression
of results
Record compliance or any failure to
comply with the requirements of 6.4.
6.17.3 Flush volume
and water trap seal tests Apparatus
a) Flushing cistern, complete
with fitments including flushpipe and cover, installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, on a firm, flat, vertical surface;
b) measuring vessel capable of
collecting the flush volume;
c) water supply controlled by a
stop valve;
d) water seal depth measuring
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Set the dual-flush control or setting
if provided, to the full-flush volume in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Connect the water supply to the flushing cistern and fill to the
marked water line Operate the flushing mechanism three times, completing three
flushing cycles. Fill the cistern to the water line. Shut off the water supply,
unless essential for the normal operation of the flushing device.
Where a water supply is essential for
the normal operation of the device, the supply should be maintained at a
hydraulic pressure of (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa or the minimum required to operate the
device, whichever is the greater.
Operate the flushing device and
collect the water in the measuring vessel. Record the volume of water
collected. Repeat the procedure a further four times.
Record the water trap seal depth on
two occasions at random by measuring the height from the invert of the trappage
back plate to the surface of the water.
Reset the dual-flush control or
setting, if provided, to the reduced-flush volume and repeat the procedure 5
times. Expression
of results
Measure the volume of water collected
in the measuring vessel after each flush cycle and record any compliance or
failure so as to comply with the requirements of 6.5. Also, record any failure
of the trap seal depth to conform to the requirements of 6.13.
6.17.4 Flush rate
test Apparatus
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b) calibrated measuring container;
c) fluid level sensing devices;
d) electronic timer;
e) water supply controlled by a
stop valve;
f) power supply Procedure
Set the dual-flush control or setting
if provided, to the full-flush volume in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Connect the water supply to the flushing cistern and fill to the
marked water line.
Where a water supply is essential for
the normal operation of the device, the supply should be maintained at a
hydraulic pressure of (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa or the minimum required to operate the
device, whichever is the greater.
Operate the flushing device completing
one flushing cycle. On completion of the flush, using the calibrated measuring
container, add 0,5 l of water to the cistern. Locate and position a fluid
sensing device at the water level in the cistern. Using the calibrated
measuring container add further water to the cistern equivalent to the volume
of full-flush recorded in less 1,0 l. Locate and position a second
fluid sensing device at the water level in the cistern. Add further water to
the cistern up to the marked water level for the full-flush volume. Connect the
two fluid level sensing devices to the electronic timer and connect to the
power supply. Operate the flushing device and on completion of the flush record
the time taken to discharge the volume of water between the fluid level sensing
devices as displayed on the timer. Repeat the procedure a further four times. If
the flushing device is provided with a reduced flush facility, shut off the
water and power supplies and operate the flushing mechanism. Using the
calibrated container, add to the cistern a volume of water equivalent to the
difference between the full-flush volume and reduced-flush volume as recorded
in Add a further 0,5 l. Locate and position a fluid level sensing
device at the water level in the cistern. Using the calibrated measuring
container add further water to the cistern until it is filled to a volume
equivalent to the volume of full-flush recorded in 6.17.3 less 1,0 l. Locate and
position a second fluid sensing device at this water level in the cistern. Add
further water to the cistern, up to the marked water level for the full flush
volume recorded in 6.17.3. Turn on the power supply. Set the dual-flush
controller or setting to the reduced-flush volume in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Operate the flushing device and on completion of
the flush record the time taken to discharge the volume of water between the
fluid level sensing devices as displayed on the timer. Repeat the procedure a
further four times. Expression
of results
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For the full-flush

For the reduced-flush

6.17.5 Physical
endurance and leakage test of flushing device Apparatus
a) Cistern, complete with
fitments including flushing device, flushpipe and cover, installed in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
b) means of operating the
flushing limiter activator automatically in accordance with the manufacturer's
c) a water supply maintained at
a hydraulic pressure of (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa, or the minimum pressure required to
operate the flushing device whichever is the greater; having maintained water
hardness not greater than the range (230 ± 20) ppm as calcium carbonate during
the course of the test;
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Connect the water supply. For a single
flush flushing device operate the flushing device and, if appropriate, allow
the flushing cistern to refill. Carry out the long-term leak test. Three drops
or more observed on the paper shall be considered a leak. Initiate automatic operation
of the flushing device. Carry out the short-term leak test and inspect the
flushing device after a further 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1 000, 10 000 and every
subsequent 10 000 cycles. If a leak is detected, the leak test interval, but
not the test itself, shall restart (e.g. the short-term leak test shall be
undertaken after a further 1, 2, 5, 10…cycles). Continue until 200 000 test
cycles have been completed, and then subject the flushing device to the
long-term leak test. If, at any point during the test, three leaks have been
detected, the test terminates and four further flushing devices shall be
subjected to the same test, which again terminates if three leaks have been
detected for any one of the flushing devices. For
flushing devices with reduced flush option, operate the flushing device for a
full-flush and, if appropriate allow the cistern to refill. Carry out the
long-term leak test. Three drops or more observed on the paper shall be
considered a leak. The test then continues with the sequence three reduced
flushes activated followed by a maximum flush. The flushing device shall be
subject to the short-term leak test after 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1 000, 10 000
and every subsequent 10 000 flushes (maximum and reduced flushes each counting
as one flush). If a leak is detected, the leak test interval, but not the test
itself, shall restart (e.g. the short-term leak test shall be undertaken after
a further 1, 2, 5, 10…cycles). Continue until 200 000 test cycles have been
completed, and then subject the flushing device to the long-term leak test. If
at any point during the test, three leaks have been detected, the test
terminates and four further flushing devices shall be subjected to the same
test, which again terminates if three leaks have been detected for any one of
the flushing devices. The flushing device shall be inspected for wear at the
same frequency as the short-term leak test. If the flushing device or any of
its operating linkages suffers structural failure that affects operation, the
test terminates. Expression
of results
Record compliance, or any failure to
comply, with the requirements of 6.7.
NOTE 200 000 cycles = category II
flush limiter.
6.17.6 Chemical
endurance test of flushing device Apparatus
a) Weighing scales with a
resolution of 0,1 g and an accuracy of ± 0,05 g;
b) micrometer with a resolution
of 0,1 mm and an accuracy of ± 0,05 mm;
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d) container. Procedure
Dismantle the flushing device and
weigh all seals, plungers, pistons or other components that initiate and stop
water discharge and measure and record the principle dimensions; e.g. external
diameter and thickness. Reassemble the components and place the complete
assembly in the container filled with test solution. Ensure that the assembly
is covered by at least 100 mm depth of test solution. Leave for a period of (90
± 2) d. Remove from the test solution and rinse under clean water. WARNING: Appropriate precautions should be
taken when using chlorine based agents. Do not touch raw crystals or the stock
solution, or allow these to come into contact with clothing or easily
combustible materials.
Subject the flushing limiter to a 3
000 cycle endurance test using the long-term leak test after the first and last
cycles, and check for leaks. Expression
of results
Record compliance, or any failure to
comply with the requirements of 6.8.
6.17.7 Solids
discharge and after-flush volume for maximum flush volume test Apparatus
a) WC pan with associated
flushing cistern and/or flushing device, or a close-coupled/one-piece suite,
installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions on a firm, flat
horizontal/vertical surface, as appropriate. The flushing device shall satisfy
the requirements of this specification;
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c) measuring vessel;
d) electronic test rig with sensor
for measuring the volume of water discharged after the last test specimen (b)
has been discharged from the WC (a suitable test rig is described in AS
e) container capable of collecting
test specimens and discharge volume;
f) timing device having an
accuracy of ± 0,05 s;
g) directing device (see Figure
h) water supply.
in millimetres

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2 surface of water sea
Figure 6 -
Directing device Procedure
Set the dual-flush control or setting
if provided, to the full-flush volume in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Fill any flushing cistern to the marked water level. Shut off the
water supply, unless essential for the normal operation of the flushing device.
Where a water supply is essential for
the normal operation of the device, the supply should be maintained at a
hydraulic pressure of (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa or the minimum required to operate the
device, whichever is the greater.
Operate the flushing device and
measure the total flush volume. Using the direction device in Figure 5, drop
the four test specimens into the WC pan. Operate the flushing device to
evacuate the test specimens and record the after flush volume. Repeat the
procedure a further 5 times or 9 times as appropriate (see 6.9). Expression
of results
Record compliance or any failure to
comply with the requirements of 6.9.
6.17.8 Paper
discharge for reduced-flush volume test
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a) WC pan with associated
flushing cistern or flush valve, or a close-coupled/one-piece suite, installed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions on a firm, flat
horizontal/vertical surface as appropriate. The flushing device and cistern
shall satisfy the requirements of this specification.
b) Sheets of toilet tissue with
a saturation time of (15 ± 10) s as verified by Annex D, having an approximate
size of 140 mm × 100 mm, and a mass per unit surface of (30 ± 10) g/m2.
c) Water supply maintained at a
hydraulic pressure of (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa or the minimum required to operate the
flushing device, whichever is the greater. Procedure
Fill any flushing cistern in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Operate the flushing mechanism
twice, completing two flush cycles. Set the dual-flush control or setting to
the reduced-flush volume in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.
Loosely crumple six individual sheets of toilet tissue and drop them separately
into the WC pan within a period of 14 s to 18 s. Operate the flushing mechanism
within 2 s of the last sheet being dropped into the WC pan. Check for any paper
not flushed out of the bowl and the trap, and remove, if necessary. Repeat the
procedure a further 5 (9) times as appropriate (see 6.10). Expression
of results
Record compliance or any failure to
comply with the requirements of 6.10.
6.17.9 Liquid
contaminant dye retention test Apparatus
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b) liquid contaminant dye (5
g/l potassium permanganate (KMnO4));
WARNING: Potassium
permanganate is an oxidant and appropriate precautions should be taken when
preparing the solution.
c) calibrated spectrophotometer
with prepared glass cuvettes;
d) fluid suction device;
e) water supply Procedure
Set the dual-flush control or setting,
if provided, to the full-flush volume in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction. Fill any cistern to the marked water level suitable for the WC
pan. Shut off the water supply, unless essential for the normal operation of
the flushing device.
Where a water supply is essential for
the normal operation of the flushing device, maintain the supply at a hydraulic
pressure of (0,15 ± 0,01) MPa or the minimum required to operate the device,
whichever is the greater.
Using the fluid suction device, remove
any water from the WC's trap. Fill the WC's trap with liquid contaminant dye to
the trap seal depth. Operate the flushing device. On completion of the flush,
place a sample of the liquid remaining in the trap in the spectrophotometer
cuvette. Measure and record the concentration of potassium permanganate in the
sample. Repeat the procedure a further 4 (9) times as appropriate (see 6.11). Reset
the dual-flush control or setting, if provided, to reduced-flush volume and
repeat the procedure 5 (10) times as appropriate (6.11).
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Record compliance or failure to comply
with the requirements of 6.11.
6.17.10 Wash of bowl Apparatus
a) WC pan with associated flushing
cistern and/or flushing device, or a close-coupled/one-piece suite, all meeting
the appropriate requirements of this standard, installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions on a firm, flat horizontal/vertical surface as
appropriate. The flushing device and cistern shall satisfy the requirements of
this specification;
b) supply of fine dry wooden sawdust;
c) 2 mm sieve;
d) water supply. Procedure
Set the dual-flush control or setting,
if provided, to the full-flush volume in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction. Fill any cistern to the marked water level. Shut off the water
supply, unless essential for the normal operation of the flushing device.
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Moisten the complete inner surface of
the WC pan below the flushing rim and above the water in the trap. Immediately
afterwards, sprinkle 20 g of sieved sawdust as completely and evenly as
possible over the moistened surface. Operate the flushing device and record any
area of unflushed surface.
Repeat the procedure a further four
times. Expression
of results
On completion of the five test
procedures calculate the arithmetic average of the unflushed area between the
water level in the trap and the underside of the rim. Record compliance or any
failure to comply with the requirements of 6.12.
6.17.11 Summary of
requirements for compatibility testing of type 2 products
This clause provides further
background notes on the testing and compatibility of elements of the WC suite
for the purposes of this standard.
The expectation of 6.1 to 6.17 is that
any element of a WC suite offered for sale independently should enable other
associated elements to meet the performance characteristics of type 2 of this
specification when combined to form a WC suite. Nonetheless, it is clearly
unreasonable for the manufacturer of an independent component of a suite to
ensure that the product would satisfy the requirements, if installed with every
other available part that could make up a WC suite. Therefore, manufacturers
need to complete those tests relevant to their product and ensure that when
installed as part of a whole WC suite their product would be capable of
fulfilling the complete set of tests. Whoever selects the components to form a
WC suite should ensure that they form a compliant suite which satisfies the all
the tests in this specification. Inlet
valves shall satisfy BS 1212 as modified in 6.1.
Flushing devices shall satisfy the
requirements with regard to physical and chemical endurance. They shall also be
capable of satisfying the flush volume test at full and, if appropriate,
reduced-flush volumes. They should also be capable of contributing towards the
other requirements when tested in combination.
Cisterns shall consist of compliant
components and so satisfy warning pipe and overflow provisions and the flush
volume test They should also be capable of contributing towards the other
requirements when tested in combination.
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The whole WC suite shall comprise of
fully compliant components which, when installed together, satisfy all the
tests. This shall include a cistern suitably marked for the intended full and,
if appropriate, reduced flush volume of the WC pan.
It should be noted that when
undertaking tests involving more than one component of a WC suite, components
which could adversely affect the results of the whole test should not be
changed without re-starting that test.
7 Dangerous
National regulations on dangerous
substances may require verification and declaration on release, and sometimes
content, when construction products covered by this standard are placed on
those markets.
In the absence of European harmonized
test methods, verification and declaration on release/content should be done
taking into account provisions in the place of use.
NOTE An informative database covering
European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at the
Construction web site on EUROPA accessed through:
8 Marking
The intended use of close-coupled
suites, one-piece and independent WC pans with integral trap is personal
hygiene in accordance with the scope of this standard.
A schematic drawing of the product may
optionally follow the abbreviation for personal hygiene.
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Example 2: Use of
abbreviation: PH
Example 3: Use of
the abbreviation and the optional schematic drawing: PH

Close-coupled suites, one-piece and
independent WC pans with integral trap belong always to one type and sub-type
at least. For each type and sub-type a set of characteristics to be tested (see
9.2.2) is defined. Due to this a close-coupled suite, one-piece and independent
WC pan with integral trap can be described with a designation code which
includes all fulfilled essential characteristics.
The relevant product characteristics
and the Essential Characteristics for close-coupled suites, onepiece and
independent WC pans with integral trap including their abbreviations are given
in Tables 4 and 5.
Table 4 -
Characteristics and abbreviations for type 1 products
TCVN ....
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CL 1-X
Type 1 product with
fixed flush volumes (9 l, 7 l, 6 l, 5 l or 4 l)
Minimum supply
pressure (optionally)
Flushing cistern
Pressure flush
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Capacity of flush
Backflow prevention
(foul air)
Valve reliability
(type 1 close-coupled suites and one-piece WC pans only – category I or II)
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Table 5 -
Characteristics and abbreviations for type 2 products
TCVN ....
Number of this
standard for WCs and WC suites for product description
CL 2-Z
Type 2 product with
flush volume ≤ 6 l and optionally minimum full flush volume (as Z)
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Water tightness /
leak tightness
Capacity of flush
Backflow prevention
(foul air)
Valve reliability
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Load resistance
All close-coupled suites, one-piece
and independent WC pans with integral trap shall be designated in accordance
with the following system:

EXAMPLE 4 Type 1 independent WC pan
for a flush volume of 5 l and 4 l when flushed by a flushing cistern, and for a
flush volume of 6 l when flushed with a pressure flush valve. All Essential
Characteristics specified for type 1 products are satisfied:
........ CL 1 - 5/4 A ‒ 6C
EXAMPLE 5 Type 1 close coupled suite
or one-piece WC pan with a flush volume of 6 l when flushed with a flushing
cistern equipped with a valve of reliability category II. The requirements for
type 2 products are also satisfied:
TCVN .......
- CL1 - 6 - VR II + CL2
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EXAMPLE 6 Type 2 WC suite for use with
designated flushing cistern(s). All Essential Characteristics specified for
type 2 products are satisfied:
TCVN .........
- CL 2
EXAMPLE 7 Type 1 close coupled suite
for a flush volume of 6 l when flushed with a flushing cistern equipped with a
valve of reliability category II. The minimum supply pressure is specified by
the manufacturer with 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar) optional. All Essential
Characteristics specified for type 1 products are satisfied. The requirements
for type 2 products are also satisfied:
TCVN ........
- CL 1 - 6 / 0,5 - VR II + CL 2
EXAMPLE 8 Type 2 WC suite for use with
designated flushing cistern(s). Minimum full flush volume 5,2 l is shown in the
designation code as an option. All Essential Characteristics specified for type
2 products are satisfied:
TCVN ........
- CL 2 - 5.2
9 Assessment and
verification of constancy of performance (AVCP)
9.1 General
The compliance of close-coupled
suites, one-piece and independent WC pans with integral trap with the
requirements of this standard and with the performances declared by the
manufacturer in the DoP shall be demonstrated by:
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- factory production control by the
manufacturer (FPC), including product assessment (see 9.3).
The manufacturer shall always retain
the overall control and shall have the necessary means to take responsibility
for the conformity of the product with its declared performance(s).
9.2 Type testing
9.2.1 General
All performances related to
characteristics included in this standard shall be determined when the
manufacturer intends to declare the respective performances unless the standard
gives provisions for declaring them without performing tests (e.g. use of
previously existing data, CWFT and conventionally accepted performance).
Assessment previously performed in
accordance with the provisions of this standard, may be taken into account
provided that they were made to the same or a more rigorous test method, under
the same AVCP system on the same product or products of similar design,
construction and functionality, such that the results are applicable to the
product in question.
For the purposes of assessment, the
manufacturer's products may be grouped into families, where it is considered
that the results for one or more characteristics from any one product within
the family are representative for that same characteristics for all products
within that same family.
Products may be grouped in different
families for different characteristics.
Reference to the assessment method
standards should be made to allow the selection of a suitable representative
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- at the beginning of the production
of a new or modified close-coupled suites, one-piece and independent WC pans
with integral trap (unless a member of the same product range), or
- at the beginning of a new or
modified method of production (where this may affect the stated properties), or
- they shall be repeated for the
appropriate characteristic(s), whenever a change occurs in the modified
close-coupled suites, one-piece and independent WC pans with integral trap
design, in the raw material or in the supplier of the components, or in the
method of production (subject to the definition of a family), which would
affect significantly one or more of the characteristics.
Where components are used whose
characteristics have already been determined, by the component manufacturer, on
the basis of assessment methods of other product standards, these
characteristics need not be re-assessed. The specifications of these components
shall be documented.
Products bearing regulatory marking in
accordance with appropriate harmonized European specifications may be presumed
to have the performances declared in the DoP, although this does not replace
the responsibility on the close-coupled suites, one-piece and independent WC
pans with integral trap manufacturer to ensure that the close-coupled suites, one-piece
and independent WC pans with integral trap as a whole is correctly manufactured
and its component products have the declared performance values.
9.2.2 Test samples,
testing and compliance criteria
The number of samples of close-coupled
suites, one-piece and independent WC pans with integral trap to be
tested/assessed shall be in accordance with Table 6 and/or Table 7.
Table 6 -
Type testing for type 1 products
to be tested
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Number of
and Compliance criteria
Depth of water seal
Wash of bowl
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Flushing toilet
Flushing of 50
plastic balls
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After-flush volume
Water absorption
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Static load
Flush volume(s) for
flushing cisterns of suites
between cistern and bowl
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Outlet valve leak
Outlet valve
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Safety margin -
dimension c
Safety margin -
dimension a
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Clause 7
a Where
an outlet valve is used in several cisterns, the outlet valve need only be
tested once unless there are design changes.
Table 7 -
Type testing for type 2 products
to be tested
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of samples
Inlet valve
Backflow prevention
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Flushing cistern
Warning pipe and
overflow provision
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Flush volume
Flush rate
Flushing device:
Physical endurance and leakage
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Flushing device:
Chemical endurance
Solids discharge
and after flush volume for maximum flush
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Paper discharge for
reduced flush volume
Liquid contaminant
dye retention
Wash of bowl
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Water seal depth
Static load
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Water absorption
Clause 7
a Foul air
and water
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9.3.1 General
The manufacturer shall establish,
document and maintain an FPC system to ensure that the products placed on the
market comply with the declared performance of the essential characteristics.
The FPC system shall consist of
procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use of the
results to control raw and other incoming materials or components, equipment,
the production process and the product.
The results of inspections, tests or
assessments requiring action shall be recorded. The action to be taken when
control values or criteria are not met shall be recorded.
NOTE Manufacturers having an FPC
system which complies with EN ISO 9001 and which addresses the provisions of
the present European Standard are considered as satisfying the FPC
9.3.2 Equipment Testing
All weighing, measuring and testing
equipment shall be calibrated and regularly inspected in accordance with the
documented procedures, frequencies and criteria. Manufacturing
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9.3.3 Raw materials
and components
The specifications of all incoming raw
materials and components shall be documented, as shall the inspection scheme
for ensuring their compliance. In case supplied kit components are used, the
constancy of performance system of the component shall be that given in the
appropriate harmonized technical specification for that component.
9.3.4 Product testing
and assessment
The manufacturer shall establish and
document procedures to ensure that the stated values of all of the
characteristics are maintained.
9.3.5 Non-complying
The manufacturer shall have written
procedures which specify how non-complying products shall be dealt with. Any
such events shall be recorded as they occur and these records shall be kept for
the period defined in the manufacturer’s written procedures.
Where the product fails to satisfy the
acceptance criteria, the provisions for non-complying products shall apply, the
necessary corrective action(s) shall immediately be taken and the products or
batches not complying shall be isolated and properly identified.
Once the fault has been corrected, the
test or verification in question shall be repeated.
The results of controls and tests
shall be properly recorded. The product description, date of manufacture, test
method adopted, test results and acceptance criteria shall be entered in the
records under the signature of the person responsible for the control/test
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9.3.6 Corrective
The manufacturer shall have document
procedures that instigate action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities in
order to prevent recurrence.
Annex A
test flushing cistern
A.1 Valve-type test
flushing cistern (Figures A.1 to A.3)
in millimetres

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1 water level for the total test
2 pressure sensor (pick-off), see NOTE
3 residual water
4 flow rate and impact force in
accordance with Table A.1, related to the nominal flushing volume 6 l
5 flush pipe in accordance with Figure
6 outlet valve of the test flushing
cistern, for examples see Annex F (Figures F.1, F.2, F.3 and F.4)
V1 starting volume (see Table A.2)
V2 measuring volume (see Table A.2)
V3 finishing volume (see Table A.2)
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Test flush volume V1 + V2 + V3
Total test flush volume V1 + V2 + V3 +
Figure A.1
- Valve-type test flushing cistern
in millimetres

1 bedstop for flush pipe with 50 mm
2 bedstop for flush pipe with 56 mm
Figure A.2
- Detail X
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NOTE 1 The measurement with an upper
and lower water level sensor connected to a level control unit and an
electronic timer instead of the pressure sensor (2) is possible.
in millimetres

1 flush pipe “type B” for floor
standing WC’s, for examples see Annex F, (Figures F.1, F.2, F.3 and F.4)
2 flush pipe “type C” for wall mounted
WC’s, for examples see Annex F, (Figures F.1, F.2, F.3 and F.4)
Figure A.3
- Flush pipes for valve-type test flushing cistern
A.2 Calibration of
the valve-type test flushing cistern
Use the procedure to test the flush
rate, detailed in A.3, with a total test flush volume of 6 l to calibrate the
test flushing cistern and the procedure to measure the impact force, detailed
in A.5, to verify the impact force. Adjust the flush pipe(s) to achieve the
flush rate(s) in accordance with Table A.1. This is usually achieved by cutting
the flush pipe.
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WC pan
to be equipped with type of flushing cistern
of the flush pipe
force from
0,35 s
to 0,5 s after start of the signal
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2,3 ± 0,1
pipe “type C”
2,1 ±
3,8 ± 0,1
4,0 ±
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pipe “type C”
2,1 ±
3,8 ±
4,0 ±
Table A.2
- Test volumes of the test flushing cistern
flush volume
test flush volume
volume V1
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volume V3
volume V4
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a For
nominal flushing volumes less than 6 l, use the total test flush volume of 6
l, decrease the finishing volume (V3) and increase the residual volume (V4)
accordingly. In this case the test flushing cistern can be equipped with a
closing unit at the outlet valve. Other equipment, e.g. limitation ring, is
A.3 Procedure to test
the flush rate of the test flushing cistern
Use a calibrated container for all
water to be added.
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2) Fix the pressure sensor at the
bottom of the test flushing cistern.
3) Connect the pressure sensor to a
measuring device (e.g. an oscilloscope).
4) Fill the test flushing cistern to
the total test flush volume in accordance with Table A.2 and mark this.
5) Flush the test flushing cistern.
6) Add V3 l water to the residual
water and document the voltage of the pressure sensor for this water level.
7) Add V2 l water and document the
voltage of the pressure sensor for this water level.
8) Add V1 l water to reach the total
test volume.
9) Flush the test flushing cistern and
use the oscilloscope to record the pressure decline during the flush.
10) Determine the time t between the
voltages of point 6 and 7 of the procedure.
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12) The required flush rate according
to Table A.1 is verified by the arithmetic average of five flushing operations.
13) The outlet valve shall be closed
in such a way, that the relevant nominal flush volume is submitted.
A.4 Procedure to test
the flushing requirements of the WC
a) Fix the applicable flush pipe to
the bedstop of a calibrated test flushing cistern and connect the WC to be
tested with a flush pipe according Table A.1.
b) Fill the flushing cistern to the
total test volume in accordance with Table A.2. In case of nominal flushing
volumes less than 6 l, use the total test flush volume of 6 l and increase the
residual volume (V4) accordingly.
c) Flush the flushing cistern for
executing the flush test.
A.5 Procedure to
measure the impact force of the test flushing cistern
A.5.1 General
The impact force of the test flushing
cistern complete with the flush pipe in accordance with Table A.1 shall be
measured with the test device shown in Figure A.4. The flushing water from the
flush pipe shall be directed against the sensor plate (90 mm diameter) to
create an impact force. This impact force shall be measured with a load cell
and expressed in Newton. The test procedure consists of the measurement
procedure and the calculation procedure using calibrated test equipment.
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The test device shall meet the
following requirements:
- The test device shall be in
accordance with Figures A.4 and A.5.
- The centre axis of the flush pipe
shall be in line with the centre axis of the sensor plate.
- The mechanical connection between
the sensor plate and the load cell shall be suitable for the correct function
of the load cell. It is recommended to have short distances to the load cell
and sufficient adequate bearings.
- The load cell shall have an accuracy
of 0,2 g (C3 (OIML)) and a load capacity of 3 kg regardless of the mounting position.
- Measurement amplifier and load cell
shall form one system.
- The measurement amplifier shall work
with a sampling frequency of 600 Hz and a 100 Hz Bessel filter.
- The system (consisting of the
measurement amplifier and load cell) shall have a tare function.
- The water used for the test shall
have a temperature between 7 °C and 25 °C.
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1 Flush pipe of the flushing cistern
2 Splash guard (for details see Figure
3 Load cell unit
4 Measurement amplifier for data
5 Computer for recording and
evaluating the measurement data (with suitable software)
6 The centre axis of the flush pipe
7 The mechanical connection between
the sensor plate and the load cell
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Figure A.4
- Test device to measure the impact force
in millimetres

1 hole diameter: (35 ± 1) mm for
fixing the sensor plate including the mechanical connection to the load cell to
the front of the splash guard
2 hole diameter: (58 ± 1) mm for
fixing the flush pipe (position 1 of Figure A.4) to the back of the splash
3 wall thickness minimum 5 mm
Dimensions shown are internal
Figure A.5
- Splash guard
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A.5.3 Procedure for
calibrating the load cell unit and the measurement amplifier
The test device (see Figure A.4 except
position 1) with all its components assembled shall be calibrated in its
testing position with a force of 4 N.
A.5.4 Measurement
1. Check and record the correct
horizontal alignment of the flush pipe and the vertical alignment of the
flushing cistern (see position 6 of Figure A.4).
2. Record the water temperature.
3. Set the load cell unit and the
measurement amplifier to zero by using the tare function of the system.
4. Start the recording of the impact
force measurement values with a resolution of 600 Hz.
5. Activate the flushing device for
full flush with an activating speed of 14 cm/s. In the case of nonmanually
(e.g. electronic) activated outlet valve, the activating speed is not
6. Stop the recording of the
measurement data after the complete flush.
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8. Repeat the procedure 3) to 6) a
further 9 times (10 measurements).
A.5.5 Calculation
procedure for fixed time frame 0,35 s to 0,5 s
1. Open the recorded measurement data.
2. Set the time point zero of the
flush where the force signal exceeds 0,5 N for the first time and number this
point with 1.
3. Number the data sets to point 299
beginning with the time point zero.
4. Calculate the average of the 90
force values from point 210 (0,35 s) to point 299 (0,5 s).
5. Record average of the 90 force
values as the impact force of this measurement.
6. Evaluate the impact force for each
test by repeating the procedure 1) to 5) a further 9 times.
7. Calculate the average of the 10
measurements of 6) to two decimal places the result of which is the impact
force of the flushing cistern.
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A.5.6 Calculation
procedure for maximum impact force
1. Open the recorded measurement data.
2. Set the time point zero of the
flush where the force signal exceeds 0,5 N for the first time and number this
point with 1.
3. Determine the arithmetic average
value of each of the possible 60 consecutive measuring values.

is the arithmetic mean of the impact force
calculated out of the measurement point 1 to 60, in N;
is the arithmetic mean of the impact force
calculated out of the measurement point 2 to 61, in N;
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is the specific impact force of a measuring
point, in N.
4. The impact force of this
measurement is the maximum of all the average values.
5. Record the impact force of this
6. Evaluate the impact force for each
measurement by repeating the procedure 1) to 5) a further 9 times.
7. Calculate the average of the 10
measurements of 6) to two decimal places the result of which is the maximum
impact force of the flushing cistern.
8. Record the impact force of the
flushing cistern.
Annex B
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B.1 Test rig (Figure
in millimetres

1 Main water supply
Integrating/differentiating instrument
2 Pressure
7 Control valve
3 Centrifugal-pump
with frequency meter
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4 flow meter
9 test pressure
flushing valve (Figure B.2)
5 amplifier
10 flush pipe
Main supply (1) or tank with pump (3)
are alternatives.
Figure B.1
- Test rig
The test pressure flush valve shall
deliver the hydraulic values specified in Table B.1.
Table B.1
- Test pressure flush valve
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force measured at the end of the flush pipe

5,0 ±

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6,5 ± 0,2

6,5 ±

1 air inlets
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B.2 Procedure to
measure the impact force
The impact force in newtons (N) of a
pressure flush valve complete with the flush pipe shall be measured with the
test device shown in Figure B.3. The flushing water from the flush pipe shall
be directed against the disc (50 mm diameter) to create an impact force. This
impact force shall be measured with a load cell and expressed in newtons (N).
in millimetres

1 load cell
2 measuring box
3 flush pipe
Figure B.3
- Test device to measure the impact force
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Annex C
Test rig
for after-flush volume test
C.1 Test rig for
after-flush volume test for independent WC pans (Figures C.1 and C.2)

1 Test flushing
cistern in accordance with Annex A
2 Outlet device of
test flushing cistern
3 WC pan to be
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5 Sensor
6 Measuring vessel
1 WC pan to be
2 Discharge bend
(if needed)
3 Sensor
4 Measuring vessel
5 Test pressure
flush valve in accordance with Annex B
C.1 - Test rig for independent WC pan and flushing cistern
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C.2 Test rig for
after-flush volume test for one-piece WC pans, close-coupled suites and WC
suites (Figure C.3)

1 WC pan to be tested
2 Discharge bend (if needed)
3 Sensor
4 Measuring vessel
5 One-piece WC pan, close-coupled
suite or WC suite
Figure C.3
- Test rig for one-piece WC pans, close-coupled suites and WC suites
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Annex D
The saturation time of single-layer
paper is measured using the basket method.
A sufficient number of sheets of paper
are stacked and cut to a size of 75 mm × 250 mm. Approximately 5 g are weighed
out, rolled up and put into the basket in accordance with Figure D.1.
Place the inverted basket containing
the paper into a cylindrical glass vessel in accordance with Figure D.2
containing water that does not deviate more than ± 3 °C of the temperature of
the water used for flushing. Measure the time in seconds from placing the
basket into the water until it is completely immersed. Repeat the test 3 times
and record the arithmetical average time taken.
The test shall be carried out under
the same conditions of relative humidity and temperature of air as for the
flushing test.
in millimetres

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Diameter of wire 0,75 mm
Mass 3 g
D.2 - Placing the basket
Annex E
of test specimens
1) Moisten
the artificial sausage skin and cut it to length in accordance with Figure E.1.
Tie the bottom end with string of 1 mm diameter in accordance with Figure E.2.
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3) Verify whether the specimen is
completely filled with water in accordance with Figure E.3.
4) For protection the test specimen
shall be covered with a tubular bandage and tied with strings in accordance
with Figures E.4 and E.5.
5) Check finally the test specimens
with a template in accordance with Figure E.6.
in millimetres

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37 ml water
water level before
artificial skin
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water level after
metal detector ring
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E.1 - Measuring template
E.2 - Tie position of test specimen
Dimensions in millimetres
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E.3 - Verifying position of test specimen

E.4 - How to roll the tubular bandage over the test specimen
in millimetres

E.5 - Protected test specimen with tubular bandage

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E.6 - Template to check the final configuration of the test specimen
Annex F
of flush pipes and outlet valves for test flushing cisterns
in millimetres

Figure F.1
- Drawing of the flush pipe type B
in millimetres
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Figure F.2
- Drawing of the flush pipe type C
in millimetres

The calibration shall be made without
the collar.
Figure F.3
- Drawing of horizontal pipe of the flush pipe type C
in millimetres

1 connection to the automatic
actuator/closing unit
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Annex ZA
of this standard with Construction Products Regulation (EU)
ZA.1 Scope and
relevant characteristics
This European Standard has been
prepared under standardization request M/110 "Sanitary Appliances" as
amended by M/139 given to CEN and CENELEC by the European Commission (EC) and
the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
When this European Standard is cited
in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), under Regulation (EU) No
305/2011, it shall be possible to use it as a basis for the establishment of
the Declaration of Performance (DoP) and the CE marking, from the date of the
beginning of the coexistence period as specified in the OJEU.
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, as
amended, contains provisions for the DoP and the CE marking.
Table ZA.1.1
- Relevant clauses for close-coupled suites, one-piece and independent WC pans
with integral trap of type 1 for personal hygiene
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suites, one-piece and independent WC pans with integral trap of type 1
in this European Standard related to Essential Characteristics
and/or threshold levels
Capacity of
flushing water
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Backflow prevention
(of foul air)
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Load resistance
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Valve reliability
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ZA.1.2 - Relevant clauses for close-coupled suite of type 2 for personal
suites of type 2
in this European Standard related to Essential Characteristics
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Capacity of
flushing water
Backflow prevention
(of foul air)
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Load resistance
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ZA.2 System of
Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP)
ZA.2.1 AVCP system
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The AVCP system(s) of close-coupled
suites, one-piece and independent WC pans with integral trap in Tables ZA.1.1
and ZA.1.2 is defined in Table ZA.2 resulting from application of the clauses
of this or other European Standards indicated therein. The content of tasks of
the notified body shall be limited to those Essential Characteristics, if any,
as provided for in Annex III of the relevant standardisation request and to
those that the manufacturer intends to declare.
Taking into account the AVCP systems
defined for the products and the intended uses, the following tasks are to be
undertaken by manufacturer for the assessment and verification of the constancy
of performance of the product.
Table ZA.2
- Assignment of AVCP tasks for close-coupled suites, one-piece and independent
WC pans with integral trap under system 4
of task
clauses to apply
Task for the
An assessment of
the performance of the construction product on the basis of testing,
calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of that product
Characteristics of Table ZA.1.1 or Table ZA.1.2 relevant for the intended use
which are declared
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Factory production
control (FPC)
Parameters related
to Essential Characteristics of Table ZA.1.1 or Table ZA.1.2 relevant for the
intended use