TCVN 11278:2015
The TCVN 11278:2015 is
drafted by Sub-committee for National Technical Regulation TCVN/TC98/SC4 Design
basis for gasoline - petroleum structures, appraised by Commission for the
Standards, Metrology and Quality of Vietnam, and published by Ministry of
Science and Technology.
This Standard prescribes
design, manufacturing, and installation of primary equipment in liquefied
natural gas (LNG) terminals with a storage capacity up to 200 tonne connected
to gas pipes or gas consuming households (hereinafter referred to as “LNG
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Referencing document
The following documents are
necessary for application of this document. If a reference document is
mentioned together with its publishing year, only the referenced edition shall
prevail. If a reference document is not mentioned together with its publishing
year, the latest version and all its amendments and revisions (if any) shall
TCVN 5334:2007, Electrical
apparatus for petroleum and petroleum product terminal - Requirements on safety
in design, installation, and operation.
TCVN 6700 (ISO 9606) (all
parts), Qualification testing for welders - Fusion welding.
TCVN 7473 (ISO 14731), Welding
coordination - Tasks and responsibilities.
TCVN 7507:2005, Non-destructive
examination of fusion welds - Visual examination.
TCVN 7508:2005. Non-destructive
examination of welds – Radiographic examination of welded joints – Acceptance
TCVN 8366:2010, Pressure vessels
- Design and manufacturing requirements.
TCVN 8610:2010, Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG) - Equipment and installations - General characteristics of
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TCVN 8612:2010, Liquefied
natural gas (LNG) - Equipment and installations - Design and testing of
loading/unloading arms.
TCVN 8613:2010, Liquefied
natural gas (LNG) - Equipment and installations - Ship to shore interface.
TCVN 8614:2010, Liquefied
natural gas (LNG) - Equipment and installations - Suitability testing of
gaskets designed for flanged joints used on LNG piping.
TCVN 8615-1:2010, Design
and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed steel tanks
for the storage of refrigerated, liquefied gases with operating temperatures
between 0 °C and -165 °C - Part 1: General.
TCVN 8615-2:2010, Design
and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed steel tanks
for the storage of refrigerated, liquefied gases with operating temperatures
between 0 °C and -165 °C - Part 2: Metal parts.
TCVN 8615-3:2010, Design
and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed steel tanks
for the storage of refrigerated, liquefied gases with operating temperatures
between 0 °C and -165 °C - Part 3: Concrete parts.
TCVN 8616:2010, Liquefied
natural gas (LNG) - Requirements for production, storage and handling.
ISO 15607-1:2003, Specification
and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Part 1:
General rules.
ISO 15609-1:2004, Specification
and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding
procedure specification - Part 1: Arc welding.
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ISO/IEC 60079 (all parts), Electrical
apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres.
Terms and definitions
This Standard uses terms and
definitions under TCVN 8611:2010 and the following terms and definitions:
3.1. Above ground tank
Means a tank that is
entirely or partially above the ground. This type of tank may or may not be
covered in sand/soil.
3.2. Underground tank
Means a tank that is
entirely buried below the general grade plane of equipment system.
3.3. Boil-off gas
Means gas resulting from evaporation
of LNG near its equilibrium state.
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Means a system for safely
and effectively shutting down the entire stations or individual equipment/area
in case of emergency.
3.5. Flash gas
Means gas recovered from
sudden evaporation of LNG outside of balance state.
3.6. Impounding area
Means an area limited by embankment
or structures of similar shapes for the purpose of preventing LNG overflow in
case of emergency.
3.7. LNG fuelling station
Means a system consisting of
LNG tanks which provide LNG fuel in liquid or gas form.
3.8. Operating personnel
Means authorized individuals
capable of controlling station operation remotely or locally.
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3.9. Unloading area
Means an area in which LNG
is delivered from transport vehicles and transferred to tanks in terminals.
3.10. Quick
connect/disconnect coupler (QCDC)
Means a mechanical-hydraulic
mechanism or manual operation that connects loading/unloading arms with
reception/distribution system without the use of bolts.
3.11. Radiant flux
Means a unit measured by the
amount of heat transmitted to an object which absorbs the heat energy over a
period of time and over a surface area of the object.
NOTE: Radiant flux is
expressed in Watt per square meter (W/m2).
3.12. Flammable gas detector
Means a detector that
activates where concentration of combustible gas in the air reaches a preset
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Means the minimum
concentration limit of combustible gas or vapor in the air at which the mixture
can combust at a specific temperature and pressure.
3.14. Lower flammability
limit contour
Means a line limiting the
area around a location from which volatile liquid, combustible gas or vapor is
leaking. The concentration of combustible gas or vapor in the air on the
contour line reaches the lower flammability limit (3.13).
General requirements
This Article prescribes
general requirements pertaining to materials that make direct contact with LNG.
Regulations pertaining to materials for foundation or thermal insulation shall
be specified under corresponding articles.
Materials used in LNG
equipment must be maintain absolute safety at the highest pressure possible
according to design of the equipment. Materials used must be appropriate to the
type and size of equipment and capable of withstanding physical and chemical
effect caused by liquid at supercooling temperature. Materials for used with
LNG can be selected among those specified in Schedule 3 and Schedule 4 of TCVN
Boiling point of LNG at
atmospheric pressure must be examined so as to establish appropriate operating
conditions of pressure elements, especially elements that make direct contact
with LNG.
Materials of LNG tanks and
of steel class must meet requirements pertaining to stress, welding methods,
elasticity modulus, etc. for the purpose of safe operation.
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4.2.1. General provisions
Equipment and parts must be
designed so as to be able to withstand external and internal factors in normal
operation conditions.
The following factors shall
be taken into consideration:
Noise levels;
Vibration levels;
Night working, effect of light;
Gas flaring and venting;
Warming or cooling of local water sources.
Loads that must be taken
into consideration during design of LNG system include (but are not limited
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Liquid load: caused by liquid in containment and
transportation system (tanks, pipes);
Internal pressure load: caused by the maximum operating
pressure of the system;
Thermal load: caused by thermal expansion of materials;
Environmental load: caused by external factors such as snow,
frost, earthquake, wind.
NOTE: Earthquake-resistance
design of tanks is specified under 7.14 of TCVN 8615-1:2010. Wind-resistance
design of tanks is specified under of TCVN 8615-1:2010.
4.2.2. Pressure elements
Pressured elements must be
designed in accordance with solution therein, storage capacity, maximum working
pressure, maximum and minimum temperature during operation.
4.2.3. Brackets
Bracket strength must be
corresponding to load that the brackets support throughout normal operation. Design
of brackets must take into account movements of relevant elements (during
operation) such as working platforms, stairs, etc.
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4.3.1. Material confirmation
Materials must be thoroughly
inspected and cross-checked against design before being processed to ensure
adequate quantity and type. Non-destructive examination methods shall be
4.3.2. Processing Cutting and rounding
Material cutting and
rounding shall be implemented via methods appropriate to the type of materials.
Cutting and rounding can be done by machine or manually.
Cut and rounded work piece
must not contain cracks, peelings, etc. Cut and rounded surface must not
contain elements such as iron rust, grease, slag that hinder welding or
subsequent processing steps. Cut and rounded surface must be protected from
corrosion and rust until subsequent process steps are performed. Casting
Materials must be cast using
appropriate methods without affecting physical and chemical properties of
materials. Surface of cast products must not contain scratches.
4.3.3. Installation
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4.3.4. Welding
Metal parts must be welded
in accordance with certified procedures. See AS 3992 for metal welding
Welders and welding
supervisors must possess welder certificate and welding supervisor certificate
respectively in accordance with TCVN 6700 (ISO 9606) and TCVN 7473 (ISO 14731)
or under training appropriate to the equipment to be welded.
See Article 7 and Article 8
of TCVN 8615-2:2010 for welding procedures for LNG tanks.
Examination and test
4.4.1. Materials
Materials must be thoroughly
examined so as to ensure physical, chemical properties and other properties
according to design.
4.4.2. Processing
Parts/equipment must be
examined so as to ensure that previous processing steps are accurate and to
verify technical specifications.
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4.4.3. Welding
Welded parts/equipment must
be examined so as to ensure that technical specifications are compliant with
All welded joints must be
examined and evaluated in accordance with TCVN 7507:2005 and TCVN 7508:2005.
Welded joints of LNG tanks
and pipes shall be examined by ultrasound and liquid penetrant.
NOTE: In respect of
materials such as stainless steel or austenitic steel or areas where
examination using ultrasound is not feasible, the outermost welded layer can be
examined using liquid penetrant.
Where non-destructive
examination methods are not feasible , other approved examination methods shall
be adopted.
4.4.4. Assembly
Assembled parts/equipment
must be examined so as to ensure that technical specifications are compliant
with design.
4.4.5. Pressure test
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WARNING: Upon cooling a
piece of equipment without completely drying said piece of equipment, frosting
must be taken into consideration.
Pressure test conducted
using hydraulic load shall conform to 5.10 of TCVN 8366:2010.
Pressure test conducted
using compressed air shall conform to 5.11 of TCVN 8366:2010.
Pressure test of LNG pipes
shall conform to 9.4 of TCVN 8611:2010.
4.4.6. Airtightness
Pressure parts/equipment
must undergo airtightness examination following pressure test so as to prevent
A minimum of 2 manometers
shall be required for testing. Manometers must be of an appropriate and
certified type.
Thermal insulation system
4.5.1. General provisions
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4.5.2. Materials
Thermal insulation materials
of thermal insulation system must meet all physical and chemical requirements
in accordance with system design. Materials shall be evaluated by minimum
criteria below:
Thermal conductivity;
Physical, chemical properties;
Resistance against water and steam;
Ability to interact with supercool liquid (LNG) in tanks and
Materials below and thermal insulation
materials of similar characteristics can be considered for use individually
and/or in combination with each other in thermal insulation system of LNG tanks
and pipes:
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Granule or block lightweight concrete;
Conventional concrete;
Glass wool;
PVC foam;
Phenolic foam;
Where primary materials that
do not make direct contact with LNG in normal operating conditions, see
Schedule 4 of TCVN 8610:2010. Thermal insulation materials must have low
concentration of chlorine to prevent corrosion of stainless steel materials.
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Where different types of thermal
insulation materials are used, materials with appropriate thermal conductivity
shall be evaluated and selected.
Coating of thermal insulation
layers (usually of metal) shall be evaluated by the following criteria before
being selected:
Weather durability, heat resistance, corrosion resistance,
abrasion resistance;
The ability to reshape depending on installation location;
The ability to interact with thermal insulation materials and
supercool liquid in tanks or pipes;
Secondary materials of thermal
insulation system such as glue, paint, sealant, coagulant, desiccant, etc.
shall be thoroughly evaluated so as to ensure compliance with thermal insulation
materials in normal operating conditions.
4.5.3. Structure and design
Thermal insulation system
shall be designed and structured in accordance with type and characteristics of
thermal insulation materials, installation location, and characteristics of
contained liquid.
NOTE: In respect of
high-volume LNG tanks, as thickness of thermal insulation layers is significant
thus the difference in temperature on the inside and outside surface of the
thermal insulation layers is also significant, insulation system should consist
of multiple layers to avoid damage to the system caused by thermal stress.
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Thermal insulation system at
joints shall be continuous to guarantee thermal insulation property of the
materials. Thickness of thermal insulation layers shall be designed on the
basis of:
Economic characteristics: compare costs for manufacturing
thick thermal insulation layers with costs for cooling and loss of liquid fuel
inside in case of thin thermal insulation layers;
Amount of heat emitted to the environment shall correspond to
surface area of thermal insulation layers;
Difference between the innermost surface temperature (that
makes contact with tank/pipe) and outermost surface temperature (that makes
contact with the environment/protective layer) of thermal insulation layers.
4.5.4. Manufacturing and
Prior to manufacturing,
materials shall be examined for technical specifications as per design.
Manufacturing process shall
adhere to regulations of the law and be appropriate to characteristics of
thermal insulation materials so as to retain their physical and chemical
For the purpose of
preventing dampness, wetness, and damage during transportation, thermal
insulation materials shall be safely packed if necessary.
During installation,
physical and chemical properties of thermal insulation materials shall be taken
into consideration.
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Thermal insulation layers
shall be installed in accordance with procedures and regulations of the law and
Damp proofing and protective
solutions for thermal insulation materials shall be implemented at the same
time as installation of thermal insulation materials.
4.5.5. Examination and test
During installation, visual
inspection shall be conducted to ensure that previous installation does not
damage thermal insulation system.
Thermal insulation layers
after installation shall undergo examination for any signs of deformation,
cracks, perforations, bending on the outside.
Technical specifications of
thermal insulation layers shall also be examined in accordance with technical
procedures so as to ensure that these specifications are compliant with the
Types of paint shall be
considered, evaluated, and selected depending on painted surface, ambient
temperature in normal operating conditions, and local weather conditions.
NOTE: Welded joints between
steel materials located in coastal areas are prone to corrosion due to high
concentration of salt in the air. Paint types shall be selected on the basis of
the environmental conditions.
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Paint coatings shall be of
appropriate thickness as per regulations of the law. In case of multiple layers
of pain, inner layers shall be of appropriate dryness before applying the next
Upon applying paints,
weather conditions shall be taken into consideration. Paint application shall
not be allowed:
Where temperature is lower than 5 oC and humidity
is greater than 85%; if paint is applied in this weather conditions,
construction contractors shall prove that protective properties of paint are
not affected relative to standard conditions.
During rain;
Where the air contains high concentration of dust;
Where surface to be painted is wet due to dew.
LNG reception
5.1. General provisions
Signs that read “CẤM LỬA”
(NO FIRE) shall be erected in reception areas of LNG and other gas products. Combustion
sources such as sparks (from arc welding) or unclassified electrical equipment
must not be present at reception areas during reception process.
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Product loading/unloading
procedures shall be developed and issued in form of physical copies at LNG
Product reception areas
shall be physically isolated via appropriate means.
5.2. Pipes and valves
Gauge valves shall be
installed at the end of each reception area. Emergency valves shall be
installed at easily areas that are easily accessible in case of emergency.
Where multiple products are
being unloaded simultaneously (such as LNG and liquefied nitrogen), signs and
symbols shall be required to distinguish pipes serving each type of product.
Where there are more than
one pipe, valves shall be located in a designated area.
Other than electric
operation, all valves must be designed for manual operation.
Gauge valves and discharge
valves shall be installed at liquid and gas return pipes so as to ensure that
pressure of reception system is at safe level upon connection and before
Liquid and gas shall be
discharged at safe positions when necessary.
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5.3. QCDC
Connection between LNG
carriers and reception system at LNG terminals primarily uses:
Flanged joints;
Manual QCDC;
Hydraulic QCDC.
All 3 methods above must
allow flanged connection with loading/unloading system of
vehicles/ships/trains. Calibration and centering equipment shall be provided
depending on dimensions of flanges.
Where QCDC is used,
requirements below must be met:
Clamp bars shall be designed appropriately to prevent
excessive tension of connection flanges of loading/unloading system from tanks
in both connected and disconnected state;
QCDC must facilitate connation and fastening of flanges and
allow safe goods unloading process without external forces (manpower,
hydraulic, etc.);
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Pressure of liquid inside
shall be at least 1,9 MPa or equal to specific design pressure, whichever is
higher. See 4.7.2 of TCVN 8612:2010 regarding analysis of load applied to LNG
loading/unloading system.
Safety coefficient shall be
determined to orient the clutch so that the number of rings affected by torque
is at the minimum. See Article 6 of TCVN 8612:2010 for safety coefficients of
QCDC between carriers and receiving system.
Hydraulic QCDC shall be
operated from control center on piers or hanging remote control and can be
manually deactivated.
5.4. Pumps and air
In addition to on-site
equipment for pump or air compressor deactivation, remove control devices that
are easily accessible shall be required to shut down pumps or air compressors
in case of emergency. Minimum separation distance of remote control devices
shall be 8 m.
Control devices for shutting
down pumps and air compressors shall be required at product reception areas.
Signal lights shall be
required at loading/unloading areas to indicate working state of pumps or air
5.5. LNG delivery
LNG delivery procedures
between ships and docks/ports shall conform to TCVN 8613:2010.
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Brackets of receiving pipes
or other equipment shall be of non-combustible materials.
Loading areas of vehicles
shall be large enough to accommodate vehicles when they are turning.
Pipes, pumps, and air
compressors shall be located in appropriate locations or protected by
protective sheets to prevent damage during transportation.
5.6. Communication and
Communication system shall
be installed at loading/unloading areas to allow operating personnel to
communicate with relevant individuals.
Loading/unloading areas in
LNG loading/unloading structures shall be illuminated while working at night.
A minimum of one ship-port
communication system and an independent emergency ship-port communication
system shall be required in LNG loading/unloading areas for waterway transport.
Communication system shall
be under constant monitoring from ship and from land.
LNG tank
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Metal parts, concrete parts,
and warning devices for LNG tanks of steel alloy resistant to cold temperature,
of vertical cylinder in shape and flat bottom with maximum operating pressure
of 50 kPa (500 mbar) shall conform to TCVN 8615:2010 (parts 1 through 3);
Thermal insulation system shall conform to BS EN 14620-4:2006; Test, drying,
cleaning, and cooling process shall adhere to EN 14620-5:2006.
Materials, design,
manufacturing process, and test of steel tanks with operating pressure greater
than 50 kPa (500 mbar) shall consult BS EN 13445:2009 (parts 1 through 5).
See Appendix B for types of
LNG tanks.
LNG evaporators
7.1. General provisions
See 8.1 of TCVN 8611:2010
for general requirements of LNG evaporation system.
It is possible to adopt the
following evaporation system or system(s):
Evaporation system using circulated water;
Evaporation system using open cycle water;
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Evaporation system using other fluid as heat exchangers.
See Appendix E of TCVN
8611:2010 for specific requirements for common LNG evaporation systems.
7.2. Materials
Materials used in LNG
evaporation system must meet general requirements under 4.1.
7.3. Design and
LNG evaporation system must
be designed and manufactured in accordance with load applied to the system. Combined
load in normal operation of the system must be calculated. Schedule 1 provides
a combination of load applied to the system. Irregular load (earthquake, wind,
frost) must be included in combined calculation with regular loads.
Evaporation systems shall be
designed in accordance with lower temperature of evaporating LNG. The lowest
operating temperature of evaporation system must be lower than boiling point of
LNG at atmospheric pressure.
Capacity and dimensions of
LNG evaporation system must be designed and manufactured in accordance with
capacity, pressure, and operating conditions of LNG terminal.
1 - Combined load applied to the system
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1. Regular
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- Hydraulic
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- Thermal
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2. Load
in case of earthquake
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4. Load
caused by frost
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LNG evaporation system shall
be installed in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions and general
provisions under 4.3.
LNG evaporation system shall
undergo test and examination in accordance with procedures so as to ensure
operating capacity of the system.
NOTE: All welded joints
shall undergo test and examination in accordance with procedures for welded
joint examination under relevant standards.
7.5. Auxiliary equipment
7.5.1. General requirements
Auxiliary equipment of LNG
evaporation system shall be designed, manufactured, installed, tested, and
examined in accordance with manufacturers' procedures and operating conditions
of LNG terminals.
7.5.2. Auxiliary pipes
Auxiliary pipes (if any) of
LNG evaporation system must be appropriate to functions of the system and
general operating conditions of the system.
Auxiliary pipes shall be
designed, manufactured, and installed in a manner that ensures thermal
expansion of the pipes does not negatively affect evaporation system.
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Minimum measuring
instruments that must be outfitted to LNG evaporation system include (but are
not limited to):
Instruments for measuring flow capacity, pressure, and
temperature of evaporated gas;
Instruments for measuring flow capacity and temperature of
fluid entering and exiting heat exchangers;
7.5.4 Emergency discharge
For the purpose of safety,
evaporation system shall be outfitted with at least one emergency discharge
valve. Technical specifications of these emergency discharge valves shall be
calculated on the basis of the following elements (included but are not limited
Installation location of evaporation system;
Installation location of emergency discharge valve. Emergency
discharge valve may discharge directly to the air at safe locations. Where
safety is not guaranteed, discharge of the valve shall lead to general
flaring/venting system of LNG terminal.
Operating conditions (capacity, temperature, pressure) of
evaporation system.
7.5.5. Warning devices
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Pressure in the event of evaporation is higher or lower
operating pressure range according to design;
Flow capacity of fluid (liquid and gas) in heat exchangers is
higher than the maximum flow capacity according to design;
Temperature of evaporated gas is lower than minimum
temperature according to design;
Temperature of heat exchanger fluid (water, air) is higher
than the maximum temperature according to design.
7.5.6. LNG leak prevention
LNG evaporation system must
be outfitted with equipment for preventing and preparing for leak of liquefied
and gas LNG.
Technical specifications of
leak prevention equipment shall conform to operating conditions of LNG
evaporation system.
7.5.7. LNG condenser
LNG condenser shall be
installed to adjust temperature inside evaporator of evaporation system. In
case of emergency of evaporators, LNG condensation will lessen the impact of
the leak.
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NOTE: Other equipment in LNG
terminals such as heat exchangers (not included in evaporators) or air
compressors must also be outfitted with condensers.
Treatment of evaporated gas
LNG station must also be
outfitted with vapor recovery and treatment system for vapor resulting from
heat absorption of LNG during transport and LNG evaporation in tanks.
Evaporated gas shall not be
directed to flaring/venting system of LNG terminal in a continuous manner to
reduce emission to the environment.
Evaporated gas can be:
Re-liquefied and introduced to LNG storage system;
Used as fuel gas;
Compressed and transported to gas distribution network to
distribute to consuming households.
Evaporated gas recovery and
treatment system shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with
practical operating conditions. Such system shall also be insulated.
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9.1. Materials
Materials of LNG pipes and
equipment installed directly on the pipes which brace, connect, branch pipes
must adhere to general requirements under 4.1.
9.2. Design and structure
9.2.1. General principles
Pipes shall be designed in
accordance with working conditions of the system such as temperature, pressure,
load, etc. Combined load is specified under Schedule 1.
Minimum operating
temperature of parts that make contact with LNG must be lower than boiling
point of LNG at atmospheric pressure.
LNG pipes shall be designed
on the basis of calculation of flow of liquid at supercooling temperature. See
9.3.2 of TCVN 8611:2010 for flow characteristics.
LNG Pipes shall be designed
on the basis of thermal expansion characteristics of pipe materials. Pipe
system shall also be designed so as to absorb thermal expansion at a maximum
extent and affect joints at a minimum extent.
In principle, LNG pipes
shall be joined by welding. However, in respect of points at which pipes are
connected to specific equipment or at specific locations, appropriate
connection method shall be considered in order to facilitate future maintenance
and replacement.
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See 9.5.2 of TCVN 8611:2010
for requirements of pipe segments and joints. The following details should be
taken into consideration:
Connection between pipe segments, including branching pipes
and primary pipes shall either be welded or of flanges;
Where pipe segments have varying thicknesses and diameters,
fittings and welding methods shall be considered for adoption depending on
materials and pipe shape;
Where flanged connection is used for two pipe segments of
different materials, washers of appropriate materials shall be adopted so as to
negate the difference in thermal expansion characteristics. See TCVN 8614:2010
for compatibility test of washers.
Bolts and threaded screws used for flanged connection must
also be of types that can be used in low temperature environment;
In respect of branching pipes: the angle created by
centerline of primary pipes and centerline of branching pipes shall be between
45o and 90o depending on flow direction of fluid. Valve
Requirements for valves on
LNG pipes shall be compliant with 9.6 of TCVN 8611:2010.
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See 9.7 of TCVN 8611:2010
for requirements for relief valves. Pipe brackets
LNG pipes shall be placed on
brackets and braces in accordance with operating conditions.
Brackets shall allow pipes
to displace due to thermal expansion without exceeding stress limit. Design of
brackets shall conform to functions of the pipes and must not become a cold
bridge between pipes and structures on which brackets are attached to or hung
Design of relevant brackets
and pipes must take into account load caused by movement and wave of fluid flow
in the pipes. Values for calculation shall be maximum value and not operational
In respect of areas
susceptible to vibration during operation, vibration damping structures shall
be required. Vibration damping structures must be able to accommodate pipe
displacement caused by thermal expansion.
Where structure(s) of
brackets must be welded onto guide pipes, such structures shall be Pipe way
See 9.9 of TCVN 8611:2010
for pipe way requirements.
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9.3.1. General requirements
LNG pipes shall be
manufactured and installed in accordance with manufacturers’ procedures. Entities
manufacturing and installing pipes must have sufficient capability, powers, and
quality control system.
9.3.2. Material confirmation
Prior to manufacturing,
materials shall be verified for conformance to design. Where necessary,
labeling shall be implemented in order to distinguish different types of material.
9.3.3. Pipe cutting
Pipe cutting process shall
adhere to general requirements under
9.3.4. Shaping
Pipe shaping shall be
implemented via appropriate solutions so as to minimize influence on material
characteristics and structure surface.
9.3.5. Pipe welding
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9.3.6. Installation
Installation of pipes,
valves, and fittings shall conform to regulations of manufacturers. The
following details shall be taken into account:
Prior to installation, materials and types of pipes,
fittings, accessories shall be examined for compliance with design; Examination
can be done visually via labels on surface of the equipment.
Prior to installation, inspection shall be conducted so as to
verify that the inside of pipes does not contain foreign objects that affect
construction process;
Upon pipe installation, symbols indicating flow direction of
fluid shall be paid attention to;
Valves shall only be installed if all joints on the pipes are
completely airtight;
Operating levers of valves shall be perfectly horizontal or
pointing upwards relative to horizontal plane;
Installed valves shall not apply irregular stress and load
onto the pipes. Where necessary, brackets and vibration-damping devices shall
be outfitted to valves;
- Voltage
of valves shall be examined prior to examination;
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9.3.7. Pipe cleaning
Prior to cleaning, the
inside of pipes shall be inspected upon:
Receiving pipe segments;
Receiving processed pipe segments;
Completing pipe installation.
Pipe cleaning methods that
avoid negative impact on the inside of pipes and effectiveness of meters
installed on the pipes shall be selected.
Temperature of cleaning gas
or liquid shall be within design temperature range of the pipes. Pressure
inside pipes during cleaning process shall be within design range of the pipes.
Following cleaning process,
if necessary, solutions shall be taken to prevent foreign objects from entering
or contaminating the pipes.
9.4. Examination and test
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Be examined for treatment and installation process;
- Be
examined to verify that installation process of valves, flanges, bolts, screws,
meters, fittings, brackets, pipe trenches adheres to manufacturers’ procedures.
9.5. Pressure test
All pipe system shall
undergo pressure test in accordance with standards applicable to industrial
pipes. See 9.4 of TCVN 8611:2010 for requirements of LNG pipe pressure tests.
9.6. Thermal insulation
LNG pipes shall be outfitted
with thermal insulation system.
In addition to general
requirements under 4.6, specific provisions pertaining to thermal insulation
system installed on LNG pipes are also specified under 9.8 of TCVN 8611:2010.
Thermal insulation system of
pipes shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers’ procedures and in a
manner that ensures:
Construction surface is clean and does not contain water,
salt, or grease;
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LNG pumps
10.1. General requirements
Types and quantity of pumps
(for continuous and backup operation) shall be calculated on the basis of
capacity and operating conditions of LNG terminals.
Where LNG terminals utilize
multiple pumps simultaneously, suspension of a pump for periodic repair or
maintenance may not drastically affect LNG supply capacity of the terminals. In
this case, backup pumps shall not be required.
10.2. Materials
LNG pump materials shall
adhere to general requirements pertaining to materials under 4.1. All elements
of pumps shall be able to operate normally at low temperature and shall not be
affected by LNG.
10.3. Design and structure
10.3.1. General requirements
LNG pumps shall be designed
so as to withstand loads and conform to continuous operating conditions of LNG
terminals. See Schedule 1 for load combination.
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LNG pumps shall be designed
so as to be easily repaired and maintained. Such requirement also means that
the pumps can be easily cleaned by inert gas during repair, maintenance and
pump shell can be ventilated.
Where necessary, thermal
absorption capability of pumps shall be taken into account. Pump structures
shall be designed in a manner that takes into account thermal expansion.
10.3.2. Pump body
Moving parts such as main
motor, cooling fans shall be able to withstand loads and moving speed.
Potential buckling or
bending of rotating shafts at low temperature shall be taken into
In respect of pumps that
utilize ball bearings, operating capability of ball bearings while being cooled
and lubricated by LNG shall be taken into account. Ball bearings must not
withstand excessive load.
Motors must always be able
to operate at maximum capacity when necessary. Motors shall be cooled by LNG to
prevent overheating.
LNG must not affect signal
transmission cable and other electrical components of pumps.
10.3.3. Fittings
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Pipes of pumps shall be of
materials that suit functions and capacity of pumps and that are of design that
can be easily repaired and maintained.
Thermal expansion of pipes
shall not affect functions of pumps.
Pipes attached directly to
pumps are also elements that must be insulated.
When necessary, filter
system and check valves shall be outfitted to outlets of pumps.
Gas outlet pipes shall be
designed so as to extract gas easily. Gas extracted from pumps shall be carried
to safe discharge locations. Meters
Pumps shall be outfitted
with meters that read the following parameters (including but not limited to):
Propulsion pressure;
Suction pressure;
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and ESD
Warning devices shall be
able to issue warnings where flow rate of pumps dip below the minimum value or
input and output pressure of pumps fall out of safety range.
ESD shall be able to safely
and rapidly shut down pumps when:
Flow rate of pumps dips below the minimum design value in a
specified period of time;
Input and output pressure of pumps fall out of safety range;
Load of electric motor exceeds the permissible value within a
specified period of time;
Other emergencies such as fire, gas leak, etc. occur
10.3.4. Manufacturing and
LNG pumps shall be
manufactured in accordance with relevant standards and installed in accordance
with 4.3.
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10.3.5. Examination and test
The following examination
and tests shall be conducted in full:
Processing (cutting, welding);
Brackets and hanging loops for pump (for hanging pumps);
Airtightness and pressure;
Design functionalities of pumps and fittings, including
warning devices and EDS. Where a supercool fluid is used to test
functionalities of pumps (such as liquefied nitrogen), compatibility of pump
materials with this fluid shall be taken into consideration;
Electric motor: resistance, current intensity, speed, and
temperature during continuous operation.
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11.1. General provisions
In order to not hinder LNG
terminal operation, the system shall be divided into smaller systems/zones to
facilitate examination, repair, and maintenance.
Electrical equipment shall
be of types that can be easily maintained and have high reliability.
11.2. Power source
11.2.1. Primary power source
LNG terminals can be powered
from national power grid or separate generator stations. Minimum requirements
for primary power source shall be:
Power must be provided to terminals continuously;
Required capacity for continuous operation of terminals at
maximum capacity, including allowing activation of high-power electric motor or
electrical equipment at anytime without causing voltage drop is met.
11.2.2. Emergency power
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Emergency power source shall
be able to bring all equipment in terminals to a complete shutdown as per safe
shutdown procedures.
Emergency generators must be
able to be refueled in the middle of operation.
11.2.3. Uninterruptible
power supply (UPS)
LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with UPS.
UPS shall be able to power
control systems and important safety systems so as to maintain terminals in
safe condition for at least 30 minutes.
11.3. Electrical equipment
in dangerous areas
11.3.1. General provisions
Electrical equipment installed
in areas subject to strict safety requirements or areas with high humidity
shall be explosion-proof. Depending on characteristics of ambient gas,
electrical equipment shall be able to prevent sparking at an appropriate
extent. See TCVN 8610:2010 for flashpoint of natural gas in the air.
11.3.2. Design and
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11.4. Electrical equipment
in area with low temperature
11.4.1. Materials
Electrical equipment and
wires in areas with load temperature shall be able to withstand low temperature
in normal operating conditions.
Examples regarding
electrical wires for use in low temperature are specified under Schedule 2.
2 - Electrical wire used in low temperature
of electrical wires
limit, oC
1. Vinyl
sheath - vinyl insulation
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3. Vinyl
sheath - polyethylene insulation
4. EP
rubber sheath - EP rubber insulation
5. Polyethylene
sheath - polyethylene insulation
6. FEP+polyethylene
sheath - Teflon insulation
(can be used in LNG)
7. Polyethylene
sheath - Teflon insulation
11.4.2. Installation
Electrical boxes shall be
adopted to connect external wires at ambient temperature with electrical
equipment inside at low temperature.
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11.5 Other provisions
11.5.1. Lighting
Lights shall be installed at
LNG terminals and in areas where activities with certain safety requirements
take place.
Backup lighting system
powered by cells/batteries shall be required to allow employees to evacuate in
case of failure of electrical and lighting system or in case of emergency.
11.5.2. Electrical equipment
Rooms containing electrical
equipment shall be divided into specific areas and in a manner that facilitates
operation, examination, and maintenance. Rooms containing electrical equipment
shall be so designed that:
Floors, pillars, columns, girders, and roofs shall be of
fire-resistant materials;
Doors shall be easily opened and closed and of fire-resistant
materials according to Article 4;
Windows shall be of glass.
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11.5.3. Grounding system
(anti-static equipment)
Requirements pertaining to
grounding system or electrical equipment connected to the national grid shall
adhere to applicable regulations of the law [1].
Elements that must be
Tanks, evaporators, heat exchangers, moving parts, vent
Pipelines carrying fluids, pipes refilling tanker trucks, and
tanker trucks entering terminal for loading/unloading.
Operating personnel of the
aforementioned equipment shall also be provided with appropriate PPE.
NOTE: Where several
consecutive equipment is joined by metal welding joint, only one of the
equipment is required to be grounded.
11.5.4. Lightning protection
LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with appropriate lightning protection system to maintain safety of
primary equipment. Requirements pertaining to lightning protection system
serving equipment in terminals shall adhere to applicable regulations [1].
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Examine technical
specifications of electrical equipment in accordance with design and in a
manner compliance with relevant regulations of the law.
Measuring instruments and warning devices
12.1. General provisions
Measuring instruments and
warning devices shall have high reliability and be designed, manufactured, and
installed depending on types of fluid, operating conditions and locations and
in a manner that facilitates operation, maintenance, and replacement.
Measuring instruments and
warning devices shall be so designed to minimize system down-time when these
instruments and devices are repaired or replaced.
12.2. Liquid level gauge
Depending on liquid
characteristics, LNG tanks shall be outfitted with two independent liquid
gauges which complement reading of each other.
Liquid gauges shall consist
of warning schemes for high liquid level, very high liquid level, low liquid
level, and very low liquid level. The warning schemes shall be able to transmit
siren and light warnings to operating personnel. Equipment interrupting inflow
in tanks shall be used in tandem with warning devices but not considered a part
of liquid level gauge.
12.3. Manometer
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Manometers in LNG terminals
shall be of types that measure pressure continuously.
High pressure and low
pressure warning devices shall be used independently from manometers.
12.4. Thermometer
Thermometers shall be able
to read all temperature values possible during operation of the system.
All equipment in gas
processing sequence shall be outfitted with at least one functioning
Where LNG terminals are
located in areas with low temperature where freezing and soil freezing and
expansion occur, temperature monitoring system shall be outfitted to supporting
foundation of tanks.
12.5. Flow meter
Primary pipes and
inlets/outlets of LNG tanks shall be outfitted with flow meters so as to
continuously monitor flow rate of fluid.
These meters shall be used
in tandem with warning devices and check valves.
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Gas treatment and
transportation sequence shall be outfitted with gas leak detector in accordance
with 14.4.1.
Efficiency of detection and
warning equipment shall not be changed in case source voltage fluctuates by
approximately 10%.
Where warning is issued, the
system shall not terminate the warning signal even if gas concentration changes
until personnel verify, acknowledge, and deal with the incidents.
Warning signals shall be in
form of sound and light.
12.7. Fire detectors
LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with devices that detect fire and issue fire alarm.
Fire detectors and fire
alarms shall be capable of operating continuously. Warning signals shall be in
form of sound and light.
12.8. Other measuring
instruments and warning devices
When necessary, LNG
terminals shall be outfitted with seismographs and anemometers.
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13.1. General provisions
Foundation materials
(concrete, steel, etc.) shall adhere to relevant standards.
See TCVN 8615-3:2010 Article
B.7 Appendix B for requirements for concrete foundation of LNG tanks.
Foundation of equipment in
LNG terminals shall be designed, built, examined, and tested in accordance with
environmental conditions, locations, and relevant technical regulations.
13.2. Design
Foundation design shall meet
regulations pertaining to stress, stability, integrity, etc. in case of events
such as storm, earthquake, etc.
NOTE: Load in fundamental
design shall also take into account environmental load such as earthquake load,
storm load. Elements that make contact with seawater shall be protected from
saltwater corrosion.
13.3. Construction,
examination, and test
Detail construction plans
and solutions shall take into account characteristics of soil base, climate
conditions, environment conditions, and influence on adjacent structures, etc.
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Premise layout
14.1. General provisions
Placement of LNG terminals
relative to surrounding area shall be decided via evaluation of premise and
other locations in the premise which is prepared at the same time as terminal
construction feasibility report.
LNG terminals shall be
arranged in terms of layout in a way that construction, operation, maintenance,
and emergency operation are implemented safely and compliant with relevant
Separation distance between
systems and equipment shall take into account relevant factors, to be specific:
Radiant flux levels. Thermal radiation limits under Appendix
A of TCVN 8611:2010;
Lower flammability limit contour;
Noise levels;
Explosion effect.
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Workshops shall be located
outside of areas prone to danger or shall be so designed to withstand these
risk scenarios. Density of employees in the buildings is also a part of the
aforementioned evaluation.
Central control rooms shall
be located outside of gas processing areas and dangerous areas. In addition,
control rooms shall be so designed to withstand the effect of dangers in the
In respect of equipment such
as air compressors, incinerating equipment, fire pumps operating on diesel
fuel, and emergency generators, air pipes shall be located outside of zone 0
and zone 1 according to classification of hazardous zones under of
TCVN 8611:2010. Air inlets shall be outfitted with automatic gas detectors so
as to automatically shut down the equipment.
Regulations on safe
approaches, paths, stairs, and floors in LNG terminals shall be imposed.
Internal roads of LNG
terminals shall be so designed to allow fire trucks and other emergency
vehicles to approach.
14.2. Locations of LNG tanks
In respect of LNG tanks of a
volume of 3,8 m3 and lower:
Separation distance from tanks of 0,47 m3 or lower
in volume to boundary line is not mandatory;
Separation distance from tanks of up to 3,8 m3 in volume to
boundary line shall be 3 m.
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Adjacent structures:
Boundary lines;
Other tanks.
Separation distance from the
foot of embankment to buildings or building walls of bricks or concrete can be
lower than values under Schedule 3 as long as competent authority approve the
separation distance and shall not be lower than 3 m.
Underground tank shall be
installed in accordance with Schedule 4.
An empty space of at least
1,5 m in area shall be reserved to facilitate access to gauge valves of
multiple tanks.
LNG tanks of a storage
capacity greater than 0,5 m3 shall not be located indoor.
Product unloading/loading
areas shall be at least 7,6 m away from:
The nearest important buildings that are not related to LNG
loading/unloading activities;
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Placement of LNG tanks and
relevant equipment shall adhere to applicable regulations on electrical grid
safety [1].
Minimum separation distance
from LNG tanks to locations where LNG is unloaded from tanker trucks shall be
15 m.
14.3. Means of egress
Means of egress shall be
implemented in areas of LNG terminals where dangers to employees are present. Means
of egress shall be so designed to be best distinguishable so as to guide
personnel from areas with a higher danger level to areas with a lower danger
level even in emergency situations. Designing personnel shall take into account
events in which overflowed LNG creates fog due to condensation at atmospheric
3 - Separation distance between floating tanks and from floating tanks to
adjacent structures
separation distance from the outside of embankment (or wastewater outlets of
embankment) to adjacent structures, m
separation distance between tanks, m
3,8 to less than 7,6
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7,6 to less than 56,8
56,8 to 400
total diameter of two adjacent tanks (at least 1,5 m)
4 - Separation distance between underground tanks and from underground tanks to
adjacent structures
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separation distance between tanks, m
than 15,8
15,8 to 114,0
than 114,0
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Risk prevention
15.1. General security
LNG terminals shall be
surrounded by general-purpose fences and may be outfitted with trespassing
detector system.
Specific areas such as
electrical stations can be outfitted with fences or no trespassing warning
Warning signs/identification
signs shall be installed to important equipment such as LNG tanks and
evaporators. Such signs shall be so designed to be visible from afar and in
limited lighting condition.
Warning signs regarding
prohibition on the use of fire and other causes of fire shall be installed in
LNG tank areas.
15.2. Prevention of
operational errors
Arrows indicating direction
of operation shall be required for all valves.
Panels indicating valve
number and operation shall be installed for important valves.
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Arrows indicating flow
direction and name of fluid shall be installed where pipes and important valves
make contact.
Sufficient space shall be
reserved around location of valves to facilitate easy valve operation.
15.3. Valves of gas
processing and transport equipment
Valves of gas processing and
transport equipment shall be installed in appropriate locations where the
valves can be repaired, maintained, and replaced when necessary.
NOTE: In respect of
frequently used gas pipes and frequently operated valves, parallel by-pass
pipes shall be installed if necessary to ensure continuous operation of the
system in case primary pipes and/or primary valves fail.
Valves for filling and
discharging these equipment shall be installed in places such that they can be
operated easily.
Discharge valves of
equipment containing gas shall be installed in such locations that gas will be
discharged to the environment or into terminal-wide gas collection system. Discharge
valves shall be non-return valves.
Discharge valves of
equipment containing gas shall be outfitted with devices for warning and
automatic or manual shutdown in case discharge rate or gas concentration around
discharge location exceeds the limit. This limit usually equals 1/4 the lower
flammability limit of natural gas at atmospheric pressure. See TCVN 8610:2010
for flammability range of natural gas mixture.
15.4. Leak prevention
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LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with leak detection system that relies on concentration (flammable
gas detectors). The warning value usually equals 1/4 the lower flammability
limit of natural gas at atmospheric pressure. See TCVN 8610:2010 for
flammability range of natural gas mixture.
Gas leak prevention system
shall be used in combination with overpressure protection system. Gas
discharged via regular discharge system or overpressure protection system is
recommended to be directed to general flaring/venting system of LNG terminals
(in some cases, discharged gas can be returned to LNG tanks). Where discharged
gas is not directed to general flaring/venting system, the gas shall be
discharged to the environment at safe discharge locations. Such safe discharge
locations shall be prescribed under LNG terminal design.
Gas discharge/venting system
for combustible gas shall be located at appropriate elevation so as to maintain
gas concentration at ground level within safety range. Gas discharge/venting
valves for combustible gas shall be located at locations that are safe for
terminal employees.
LNG flaring system of LNG
terminals shall be of appropriate elevation so as to ensure the level of
thermal radiation reaching the ground is within safety range. See Appendix A of
TCVN 8611:2010 for thermal radiation limits.
Adding odorants to natural
gas provided to consuming households is considered a method for minimizing
incidents. See Appendix N of TCVN 8611:2010 for odorant system requirements.
15.4.2. Liquid leak
Liquid (especially LNG) leak
shall be limited by any of the following solutions (including but not limited
Embankment system shall be installed to prevent liquid from
overflowing and to contain liquid within collection areas. Volume of
embankments for preventing overflow shall equal at least 110% the volume of LNG
tanks that they protect. Embankment areas shall contain foaming agents so as to
limit LNG evaporation;
Measures shall be taken to control overflow, leak and
minimize dissipation zone of vapor cloud. See 5.4 of TCVN 8610:2010 for
characteristics of leaked LNG and LNG cloud;
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LNG unloading, evaporation,
and transport areas shall also be outfitted with leak LNG collection system. Storage
capacity of collection system shall be calculated on the basis of total volume
and flow velocity of LNG in gas processing and transport equipment.
15.5. Overpressure
Overpressure protection
equipment (pressure relief devices) shall be installed in all equipment,
including when fire risks are present.
NOTE: In case of fire or in
case of high external and/or internal temperature of equipment causing internal
pressure to rise drastically, overpressure protection equipment must be able to
operate normally.
Emergency pressure relief
system shall be installed when necessary. This solution serves to:
Rapidly relieve internal pressure, especially when equipment
or pipes are susceptible to abnormally high thermal radiation.
Reduce risk of gas leak.
relief devices shall be able to relieve pressure of a piece or pieces of
equipment to rapidly. Pressure relief devices shall be used in combination with
gauge valves so as to isolate a piece or pieces of equipment when necessary.
15.6. Safety in LNG loading
and unloading
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15.7. Emergency power
Emergency power sources
(11.2.2) upon activation in case of emergency shall be able to:
Power a pump to pump LNG directly into tanks; operate tanks
and other auxiliary equipment;
Allow safe and procedure-compliant LNG loading/unloading from
tanker trucks and tanker vessels;
Activate and operate fire pumps;
Maintain normal operation of measurement, communication,
supervision, warning, and means of egress lighting systems.
15.8. Fire prevention
15.8.1. General requirements
and solutions
LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with appropriate fire prevention and firefighting equipment and
solutions. Quantity, type, capacity, and location of fire prevention and
firefighting equipment shall be evaluated and determined during preparation of
terminal construction feasibility report.
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Protective measures for
equipment in gas processing and transport sequences such as thermal insulation,
thermal dampening, fireproofing (via isolating materials, fire-retardant paint,
water misting, submersion) shall be adopted. Thickness of thermal insulation
layers shall be calculated on the basis of maximum thermal radiant flux that
the equipment can withstand. See Appendix A of TCVN 8611:2010 for thermal
radiation limits.
Rooms in which electrical
equipment and measuring instruments are located shall be continuously
ventilated. Temperature in these rooms shall be regulated by air-conditioning
system (recommended).
Where gas leak is detected
in gas processing and transport areas, ventilation system of such areas shall
be remotely deactivated so as to prevent gas spread to other areas.
Where gas leak is detected
in general ventilation system, external exhaust fans shall be activated while
air inlets of rooms where electrical equipment and measuring instruments are
located shall be closed.
15.8.2. Fire detection and
alarm system
LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with fire, smoke, and gas leak detection systems.
Warning signals shall be in
form of sound and light. Concentration of combustible gas at which detectors
emit warnings shall be 25%, emit alarms shall be 50% of lower flammability
Where terminal employees do
not verify the situation, activation of fire alarm system shall also activate
ESD after a preset period of time.
ESD buttons shall be located
in different areas of LNG terminals. In case of emergency and under approval of
management personnel, terminal operating terminal may activate ESD manually.
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15.8.3. Active firefighting
LNG terminals shall be
outfitted with the following firefighting solutions:
Fixed water supply for firefighting (including water supply
system for firefighting via hoses, fire hydrants for the entirety of LNG
terminals, and water supply system for automatic firefighting for tanks);
Firefighting foam supply system for embankment;
Initial firefighting facilities such as powder extinguishers,
foam extinguishers, etc.;
Mobile firefighting facilities such as mobile pumps;
Supervision and control
LNG terminal supervision and
control system must allow operating personnel to:
Supervise and control gas processing and transport process
and other auxiliary systems;
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Supervise and control actions taken to remediate the
emergencies and ensure terminal safety;
Supervise and control access and exit of the terminals;
Continuously communicate internally within the terminal and
externally in all conditions.
Primary systems in charge of
supervision and control functionalities include (but are not limited to):
Control system for technology sequence (processing,
transport, evaporation);
- Control
system for safety (gas detection, overflow detection, fire detection, ESD);
Control system for anti-trespassing;
Communication system.
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LNG terminal examples
In these examples, LNG is
provided by tanker trucks. LNG loaded into tanks shall be provided to gas
system (gas network) or vehicles.
1) LNG is pumped from tanker
trucks to tanks of terminals.
2) For the purpose of
balancing volume of liquid extracted from tanker trucks, a small amount of LNG
is evaporated via evaporators at atmospheric pressure and directed to tanker
trucks. Flow velocity in this sequence is controlled by pressure in tanker
3) During periods in which
tanks of terminals are not filled with liquid at which point gas pressure is
high enough, gas can be directed via gas grid. Prior to entering gas grid, gas
shall be heated via heat exchangers at atmospheric pressure.
4) Liquid is evaporated via
heat exchangers and distributed to gas grid.
5) Liquid is pumped at high
pressure, evaporated via heat exchangers, and filled in pressure tanks of
tanker trucks.
6) LNG if filled into tanks
of vehicles at supercooled liquid state. It is possible to use liquefied
hydrogen to supercool LNG.
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8) Liquefied nitrogen can be
used to supercool LNG in tanks and chill gas transport system.
9) LNG is evaporated via
heat exchangers to increase pressure in LNG tanks.
A.1 - Example of typical LNG terminal
Appendix B
Types of LNG tank

Above ground vertical tank. Thermal insulation system: Perlite or rockwool in
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Above ground horizontal tank. Thermal insulation system: Perlite or rockwool in

Underground tank. Thermal insulation system: Perlite or rockwool in vacuum
B.1 - Types of cylinder tanks used in LNG terminals of storage capacity of 200

Underground tank Thermal insulation system: Perlite or rockwool in atmospheric

Underground tank. Thermal insulation system: Perlite or rockwool in vacuum
B.1 (end)
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Primary tank (of steel)
Cover (of steel)
Secondary tank (of steel)
Insulation layer
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Underside insulation layer
Concrete cover
Outer tank of prestressed
concrete (secondary tank)
Foundation heating system
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Gap sealant, flexible, and
Inside insulation of outer
tank of prestressed concrete
Suspended cover
B.2 - Example of complete, flat-bottom, above ground cylindrical tank
[1] QCVN 01:2020/BCT,
National technical regulation on Electric safety.
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[3] QCVN QTD-6:2008/BCT,
National Technical Regulations on Electricity Engineering.
[4] BS EN 13445-1:2009, Unfired
pressure vessels - Part 1: General.
[5] BS EN 13445-2:2009, Unfired
pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials.
[6] BS EN 13445-3:2009, Unfired
pressure vessels - Part 3: Design.
[7] BS EN 13445-4:2009, Unfired
pressure vessels - Part 4: Fabrication.
[8] BS EN 13445-5:2009, Unfired
pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and testing.
[9] EN
13645:2002, Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Design of
onshore installations with a storage capacity between 5 tons and 200 tons.
[10] TCVN 5307:2009, Petroleum
and oil product storage - Specifications for design.
[11] TCVN 6008:2010, Pressure
equipments - Welds - Technical requirements and testing methods.
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[13] AS 3992:2015, Pressure
equipment - Welding and brazing qualification.
1. Scope
2. Referencing
3. Terms
and definitions
4. General
5. LNG
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7. LNG
8. Treatment
of evaporated gas
9. LNG
pipe system
10. LNG
11. Electrical
12. Measuring
instruments and warning devices
13. Foundation
14. Premise
15. Risk
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Appendix A (reference)
Example LNG terminal
Appendix B (reference) Types
of LNG terminal