TCVN 13625:2023 corresponds to ISO
TCVN 13625:2023 is developed by the
National Technical Committee TCVN/TC/F3 General principles of food hygiene,
appraised by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality and
promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The purpose of this document is to
provide the technical criteria for foods and food ingredients suitable for
vegetarians [including vegetarians who consume eggs and milk (ovo-lacto-vegetarians),
vegetarians who consume eggs (ovo-vegetarians) and vegetarians who consume milk
(lacto-vegetarians)] or vegans for use by the food and beverage industry at a
global level, as well as technical criteria for food labelling and claims.
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Conformity to this document helps to
ensure a level-playing field and fair practices in business-to-business
relationships, international trade, and food labelling and claims.
NOTE Legally required information,
food labelling or claims, or other applicable legal requirements can apply.
1 Scope
The document specifies the definitions
and technical criteria to be fulfilled for foods and food ingredients to be
suitable for vegetarians (including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and lacto-vegetarians) or
vegans as well as for food labelling and claims.
It is applicable to
business-to-business communication (B2B), to the food trade, and to food
labelling and claims. The definitions and technical criteria apply only
It does not apply to human safety,
environmental safety, socio-economic considerations (e.g. fair trade, animal
welfare), religious beliefs and the characteristics of packaging materials.
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There are no normative references in
this document.
3 Terms and
For the purposes of this document, the
following terms and definitions apply.
Any being belonging to the taxonomic
classification, that is all vertebrates and all multi-cellular invertebrates
Substances used to dissolve, dilute,
disperse or otherwise physically modify a food additive (3.5) or a flavouring,
food enzyme, nutrient and/or other substance added for nutritional or
physiological purposes to a food (3.4) without altering its function (and
without exerting any technological effect themselves) in order to facilitate
its handling, application or use
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Any representation which states, suggests
or implies that a food (3.4) has particular characteristics relating to its
origin, nutritional properties, nature, production, processing, composition or
any other quality
[SOURCE: CODEX CXG 1‑1979 [3]]
Any substance, whether processed,
semi-processed or raw, which is intended for human consumption, and includes
drinks, chewing gum and any substance which has been used in the manufacture,
preparation or treatment of “food” but does not include cosmetics, tobacco or
substances used only as drugs
1-1985, with Amendment 2010) [3]]
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Any substance not normally consumed as
a food (3.4) by itself and not normally used as a typical ingredient (3.7) of
the food, whether or not it has nutritive value, the intentional addition of
which to foods for a technological (including organoleptic) purpose in the
manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport
or holding of such foods results, may be reasonably expected to result (directly
or indirectly) in it or its by-products becoming a component of or otherwise
affecting the characteristics of such foods.
NOTE 1: The term does not include
contaminants or substances added to foods for maintaining or improving
nutritional qualities.
1-1985, with Amendment 2010) [3]]
food business
Organization or individual responsible
for ensuring that the requirements of food law are met within the food business
under their control
[SOURCE: EU Regulation 178/2002 [4]]
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Substance, including a food
additive (3.5), used in the manufacture or preparation of a food
(3.4) and present in the final product although possibly in a modified form
1-1985, with Amendment 2010) [3]]
Tag, brand, mark, pictorial or other
descriptive matter, written, printed, stencilled, marked, embossed or impressed
on, or attached to, a container of food (3.4)
1-1985, with Amendment 2010) [3]]
Written, printed or graphic matter
that is present on the label (3.8), accompanies the food (3.4) or
is displayed near the food, including that for the purpose of promoting its
sale or disposal
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processing aid
Any substance or material, not
including apparatus or utensils, and not consumed as a food ingredient by
itself, intentionally used in the processing of raw materials, foods
(3.4) or its ingredients (3.7), to fulfil a certain technological
purpose during treatment or processing, and which may result in the
nonintentional but unavoidable presence of residues or derivatives in the final
1-1985, with Amendment 2010) [3]]
4 Technical criteria for foods and food ingredients
suitable for vegetarians and vegans
4.1 General
Foods and food ingredients shall be
considered suitable for vegetarians (including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and
lacto-vegetarians) or vegans provided the technical criteria given in 4.2 to
4.5 are fulfilled.
4.2 Foods and food
ingredients suitable for ovo-lacto-vegetarians
These are foods and food ingredients
(including additives, flavourings, enzymes and carriers) or processing aids
that are not products of animal origin and in which, at no stage of production
and processing, use has been made of food ingredients (including additives,
flavourings, enzymes and carriers) or processing aids that are of animal
origin, except for the following and/or their components or derivatives:
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- eggs or egg products obtained from
living animals;
- honey or bee products (e.g. beeswax,
- products derived from the wool of
living animals (e.g. lanolin).
In the case of compound food ingredients,
each food ingredient shall meet the technical criteria of this document to be
suitable for ovo-lacto-vegetarians.
To avoid the unintended presence of
non-ovo-lacto-vegetarian substances, all stages of production, processing and
distribution shall be designed to take the appropriate precautions in
conformity with good manufacturing practices (GMPs).
If the same production line is shared
with non-ovo-lacto-vegetarian products/ingredients, thorough cleaning or
comparable measures in conformity with GMPs shall be carried out before
starting the production of ovo-lacto-vegetarian products. This extends to all
associated machinery, equipment, utensils and surfaces. Appropriate precautions
in conformity with GMPs shall be taken before ovo-lacto-vegetarian products are
prepared, produced or packaged.
Food business operators (FBOs),
companies working on their behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective
control shall not have carried out tests of any kind on animals for the final
product available to the consumer bearing an ovo-lacto-vegetarian claim.
However, for single ingredient foods
and individual ingredients including processing aids, FBOs, companies working
on their behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not
have carried out tests of any kind on animals, except when required by public
authorities’ regulatory procedures.
4.3 Foods and food
ingredients suitable for ovo-vegetarians
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- eggs or egg products obtained from
living animals;
- honey or bee products (e.g. beeswax,
- products derived from the wool of
living animals (e.g. lanolin).
In the case of compound food
ingredients, each food ingredient shall meet the technical criteria of this
document to be suitable for ovo-vegetarians.
To avoid the unintended presence of
non-ovo-vegetarian substances, all stages of production, processing and
distribution shall be designed to take the appropriate precautions in
conformity with GMPs.
If the same production line is shared
with non-ovo-vegetarian products/ingredients, thorough cleaning or comparable
measures in conformity with GMPs shall be carried out before starting the
production of ovo-vegetarian products. This extends to all associated
machinery, equipment, utensils and surfaces. Appropriate precautions in
conformity with GMPs shall be taken before ovo-vegetarian products are
prepared, produced or packaged.
FBOs, companies working on their
behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not have
carried out tests of any kind on animals for the final product available to the
consumer bearing an ovo-vegetarian claim.
However, for single ingredient foods
and individual ingredients including processing aids, FBOs, companies working
on their behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not
have carried out tests of any kind on animals, except when required by public
authorities’ regulatory procedures.
4.4 Foods and food
ingredients suitable for lacto-vegetarians
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- milk or dairy products or colostrum;
- honey or bee products (e.g. beeswax,
- products derived from the wool of
living animals (e.g. lanolin).
In the case of compound food
ingredients, each food ingredient shall meet the technical criteria of this document
to be suitable for lacto-vegetarians.
To avoid the unintended presence of
non-lacto-vegetarian substances, all stages of production, processing and
distribution shall be designed to take the appropriate precautions in
conformity with GMPs.
If the same production line is shared
with non-lacto-vegetarian products/ingredients, thorough cleaning or comparable
measures in conformity with GMPs shall be carried out before starting the
production of lacto-vegetarian products. This extends to all associated machinery,
equipment, utensils and surfaces. Appropriate precautions in conformity with
GMPs shall be taken before lacto-vegetarian products are prepared, produced or
FBOs, companies working on their
behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not have
carried out tests of any kind on animals for the final product available to the
consumer bearing a lacto-vegetarian claim.
However, for single ingredient foods
and individual ingredients including processing aids, FBOs, companies working
on their behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not
have carried out tests of any kind on animals, except when required by public
authorities’ regulatory procedures.
4.5 Foods and food
ingredients suitable for vegans
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In the case of compound food
ingredients, each food ingredient shall meet the technical criteria of this
document to be suitable for vegans.
To avoid the unintended presence of
non-vegan substances, all stages of production, processing and distribution
shall be designed to take the appropriate precautions in conformity with GMPs.
If the same production line is shared
with non-vegan products/ingredients, thorough cleaning or comparable measures
in conformity with GMPs shall be carried out before starting the production of
vegan products. This extends to all associated machinery, equipment, utensils
and surfaces. Appropriate precautions in conformity with GMPs shall be taken
before vegan products are prepared, produced or packaged.
FBOs, companies working on their
behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not have
carried out tests of any kind on animals for the final product available to the
consumer bearing a vegan claim.
However, for single ingredient foods
and individual ingredients including processing aids, FBOs, companies working
on their behalf or companies over which the FBO has effective control shall not
have carried out tests of any kind on animals, except when required by public
authorities’ regulatory procedures.
5 Labelling and
Prepackaged food shall not be
described or presented on any label or in any labelling in a manner that is
false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression
regarding its character in any respect [2],[3].
If the food and/or food ingredients
(including additives, flavourings, enzymes and carriers) or processing aids are
labeled as "vegetarian product", "vegan product",
"suitable for vegetarians (including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and
lacto-vegetarians)”, or “suitable for vegans”, or any other similar words, they
must meet the technical criteria given in 4.
The unintended presence of non-vegetarian
or non-vegan substances should not be an obstacle to labelling a product as
vegetarian (including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and lacto-vegetarians) or vegan,
provided that appropriate precautions in conformity with GMPs have been taken. The
allergen cross-contact claims applicable to non-vegetarian and non-vegan
ingredients should not be an obstacle to claiming a product as vegetarian
(including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and lacto-vegetarians) or vegan.
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[1] Codex Alimentarius. Codex Alimentarius
Commission Procedural Manual. 27th Edition. Joint FAO/ WHO Food Standards
Programme. FAO, Rome, Italy, 2019
[2] CODEX CXG 1-1979, General
Guidelines on Claims
[3] TCVN 7087:2013 (CODEX STAN 1-1985,
with Amendment 2010), Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
[4] Regulation (EC] No 178/2002 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the
general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food
Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety. Official
Journal L. 31,1.2.2002, p.1-24
[5] Regulation [EC] No 1333/2008 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives.
Official Journal L. 354, 31.12.2008, p. 16-33.