Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, August 13,
Pursuant to the Decree No. 60/2003/NĐ-CP dated
June 6, 2003 by the Government providing guidance on the implementation of the
Law on State budget;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 116/2008/NĐ-CP dated
November 14, 2008 by the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and
organizational structure of the Ministry of Planning and Investment;
Pursuant to the Decree No. 215/2013/NĐ-CP dated
December 23, 2013 by the Government defining the functions, tasks, entitlements
and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance
Pursuant to the Decree No. 56/2009/NĐ-CP dated
June 30, 2009 by the Government on assistance to the development of small and
medium enterprises
The Minister of Planning and Investment and the
Minister of Finance promulgate the Joint Circular providing guidance on
cultivation of human resources for small and medium enterprises:
Chapter I
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
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Article 1. Scope of regulation
This Joint Circular provides guidance on the
planning, organization and management of assistance program for the cultivation
of human resources for small and medium enterprises (hereinafter referred to as
training assistance); estimate, management, use and finalization of funds from
the state budget for training activities.
Article 2. Regulated entities
1. Any enterprise owners, administrative officers
of small and medium enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) specified in
Article 3 of the Decree No. 56/2009/NĐ-CP dated June 30, 2009 by the Government
on assistance to the development of medium and small enterprises; and any
individuals/organizations wishing to start up an enterprise.
2. Ministries, regulatory bodies and People’s
Committees of provinces.
3. Any Central socio-professional organizations,
political-social-professional organizations, enterprise associations and trade
associations (hereinafter referred to as associations) that is established
according to the law for cultivating human resources and assisting the
development of SMEs.
4. Any universities, colleges, junior colleges,
educational service organizations operated according to the law that is
eligible and satisfies the requirements specified in Clause 1 Article 7 of this
Circular (hereinafter referred to as educational service providers)
5. Any officers providing assistance to the
development of SMEs.
Article 3. Training assistance
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2. Formulate, compile, modify and publish course
books and documents serving the cultivation of human resources for SMEs.
3. Provide training serving cultivation of human
resources for SMEs, including:
a) Provide training courses serving the cultivation
of human resources for SMEs (hereinafter referred to as training courses),
including training courses in business start-up, business administration and
specialized business administration.
b) Provide SMEs with training online or via
Article 4. Funds for training
Regarding training assistance for SMEs on private
sector involvement principle:
1. Funding from the State (central budget, local
budget) via the Ministries, regulatory bodies, People’s Committees of provinces
and the associations.
2. Funding from SMEs, individuals participating in
the training.
3. Funds that agencies providing the training
assistance for SMEs mobilize from Vietnamese and foreign
organizations/individuals and international organizations according to the law
to run the training assistance program.
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Article 5. Scope and contents
of training courses
1. Scope of training:
a) Business start-up training for
individuals/organizations wishing to start up an enterprise and SMEs (not
exceeding 30% of the total courses)
b) Business administration training for
entrepreneurs and SMEs administrative officers.
c) Specialized business administration training for
entrepreneurs and SMEs administrative officers in a number of fields and areas
according to the orientation of the state.
2. Contents of training courses:
a) On the basis of the majors specified in Appendix
1 enclosed with this Circular, the training provider may organize training in
majors according to the demand of learners and the actual situation in local
b) The training content based on the chosen majors
shall be formulated according to the syllabus and documents serving cultivation
of human resources for SMEs published by the Ministry of Planning and
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. Training management authority is a unit
affiliated to a Ministry, a regulatory body, People’s Committee of provinces or
an association in charge of carrying out the plan on training assistance for
SMEs and funds from the state budget.
2. Training providers are the organizations that
directly provide training for SMEs, including training management authorities
(that organize training courses as prescribed in point “a” clause 3 of this
Article); or educational service providers (that sign the contract with
training management authorities as prescribed in point “b" clause 3 of
this Article).
3. On the basis of the assigned plan, the request
of the training courses and the actual capacity, the training management authority
may choose any of the following forms:
a) Directly organize training courses.
b) Choose educational service providers and sign
training providing contract on the basis of the applicable regulation and
according to the regulation in Article 8 of this Circular.
4. Responsibilities of training management
a) Provide training courses conformably to the plan
assigned by competent agencies and according to the regulation in this
Circular. Conduct inspection and assessment of the provision of training to
adjust the training program so that the future training courses can satisfy the
requirements of quality and effectiveness.
b) Assign officers to conduct inspection and
supervision of the training course under the contract with educational service
c) Apart from the responsibilities specified in
points “a” and “b” clause 4 of this Article, training management authorities
affiliated to Ministries, regulatory bodies and associations shall:
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- Send written notification to Services of Planning
and Investment of provinces about the plan to run training courses for SMEs in
local area (programs, contents, time, location of specific course) at least 03
working days before organizing.
- Biannually send Services of Planning and
Investment the report on assessment of the current training courses and the
coming plans in local area.
Article 7. Educational service
1. Allocated educational service providers shall
satisfy the following conditions:
a) Have a function of providing educational service
specified in the Certificate of Enterprise registration, or writing of
competent agencies defining functions and tasks of educational service
b) Have facilities and equipment satisfying the
requirement for organizing training courses SMEs.
c) Already organized training courses in terms of
business start-up and business administration.
d) Have training proposal conformable with the
requirements for training courses for SMEs;
dd) Have lecturer staff or permanent freelance
collaborator satisfying the following conditions:
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- Be proficient and have experience in cultivation
of human resources for enterprises.
e) Teaching materials (including lesson plans,
presentation materials and relevant training documents) shall conform to the
training majors and shall be drawn up according to the syllabus and documents
serving cultivation of human resources for SMEs published by the Ministry of
Planning and Investment. Contents of teaching materials shall be agreed by
training management authority before organizing the training course.
2. On the basis of the contract signed with the
training management authority, the educational service provider shall directly
carry out the assignment, must not transfer the task to another educational
service provider.
3. At the request of a functional agency, the
educational service provider shall cooperate with training management authority
in providing information and documents and take responsibilities for the
accuracy, honesty and legality of documents according to the regulation.
Article 8. Training contract
The training contract shall include the following
1. Content of training majors; scale and time of
2. Expenditure, enclosed with detailed estimate
(according to the form in Appendix 3.2 and the regulation in Articles 13 and 14
of this Circular)
3. Responsibilities and authorities of each party.
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5. Handling of the breach of contract and the
violations against the implementary clauses.
Article 9. Organization of
training courses
1. Duration and minimum amount of learners per
training course:
a) Regarding business start-up training courses:
training in 03 days with at least 30 learners per course.
b) Regarding business administration training
courses: training in 05 days with at least 30 learners per course.
c) Regarding specialized business administration
training: the training providers shall decide the duration of course according
to the content of course provided that the course lasts at least 07 days with
at least 20 learners
d) On the basis of the actual condition of the
course, the training provider shall spend 30% of the amount of time per course
to provide the learner with guidance on studying about the situations and
applying their experience to the reality.
2. Any organizations/individuals/SMEs wishing to
take part in the training course shall fill in the Registration form in
Appendix 2.1 or 2.2 enclosed herewith and submit it to the training provider.
3. Responsibilities of training providers:
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a) Formulate the plan for specific training course
(time, location and majors of training, lecturers, learning entities and
tuition fees, etc.)
b) Post announcements about the training plan on
means of mass media or send writing or other form of enrolment to
organizations/individuals and SMEs at least 15 days before the course starts.
The announcements shall state that the course is supported from the state
budget and specify the supporting policy for learners in extremely
disadvantaged areas.
c) Formulate detailed estimate for each course
(using the form in Appendix 3.2 and the regulation in Articles 13 and 14 of
this Circular)
d) Leaders of the training provider are responsible
for giving decision on organization of training course (including time,
location, content of training, lecturers, list of learners, budget estimates
and training course managing officers, etc) and steer the organization
according to the approved contents and the implementation of this Circular.
3.2. During the training course:
a) Provide sufficiently materials for learners.
b) Provide training according to the approved
program/plan, ensuring the content and amount of time according to the
regulations in this Circular.
c) Control the
amount of time the learners participate in the course; conduct inspection and
assessment to issue the learners with the Certificates as prescribed in Article
10 of this Circular.
d) Request the learners to complete the form in
Appendix 2.3 enclosed herewith; formulate a collection of opinions of learners
as the basis for the assessment of the training course and to increase the
quality of the future ones.
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a) Within 20 days since a training course finishes,
the training provider shall formulate the reports according to the forms in
Appendixes 4.1 and 4.2 enclosed herewith. In case of multiple training courses,
within 30 days since the last course finishes, the training provider shall make
the report according to the form in Appendix 4.3 enclosed herewith.
With regard to training provider being an
educational service provider, the forms mentioned in points 3.2.d and 3.3 of
this Article are included in bases for the payment for training contract;
finalization of funds to the training management agency.
b) The training providers shall remain all the
documents shorted by courses of training.
Article 10. Training
evaluation and issuance of Certificates of Attendance
1. The training provider may evaluate the result of
learners in form of multiple choice testing or combine the multiple choice
testing and practical exercises.
2. The training management agencies (including the
ones signing a contract with educational service providers) shall issue the
Certificates of Attendance to the learners who satisfy the following
a) Attend at least 85% of the duration of the
training course.
b) Pass the examination.
Leaders of the training management agency are
responsible for signing the Certificates for learners participating in the
training courses.
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Article 11. Retention of
1. Training providers shall retain all the relevant
documents of each training course according to the applicable regulation on
retained documents.
2. With regard to training management authority,
apart from the documents above, these following documents shall be also
a) If the training
management authority signs a contract with an educational service provider:
- A contract with the educational service provider,
contract finalization record enclosed with the report on the payment for
expenditure on the organization of training course, financial invoice for the
provision of training service according to current regulations.
- Documents proving the payment for expenditure to
educational service providers.
- Other relevant documents.
b) A general report on the organization and the
statement of expenditure on organization of training courses within the
responsibilities of training management authority.
Chapter III
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Article 12. The activities
eligible for assistance from government budget and the rate of assistance
1. Central budget:
1.1. 100% of expenditure for the following
activities shall be covered by central budget:
a) The formulation, compilation, amendment and
publication of course books and documents for the cultivation of human
resources for SMEs.
The spending contents and spending amount are specified
in the Circular No. 123/2009/TT-BTC dated June 17, 2009 by the Ministry of
b) Surveys and assessment of demand for training
assistance; surveys and assessment of the impacts and effects of training
assistance activities nationwide.
The spending contents and spending rate are
specified in the Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BTC dated May 11, 2011 by the Ministry
of Finance.
c) The inspection and assessment of the
implementation and the conferences and meetings about the development of
training assistance program nationwide; the organization of training in
training assistance in Vietnam; organization of survey, study and exchange of
experience in training assistance from other countries for officers in charge
of assisting the development of SMEs that work for Ministries, regulatory
bodies and People’s Committees of provinces.
The spending contents and spending rate are
specified in the Circular No. 97/2010/TT-BTC dated July 06, 2010 by the
Ministry of Finance and the Circular No. 102/2012/TT-BTC dated June 21, 2012 by
the Ministry of Finance.
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The Ministry of Planning and Investment preside
over the development project. Spending contents and spending rate shall conform
to the contract with service providers, propagating agencies and mass media
agencies in form of bidding; if the service is provided in form of order,
spending contents and spending amount shall conform to the unit price approved
by the competent authority.
1.2. Expenditure on
the organization of training courses specified in clause 1 Article 5 shall be
partially covered. Contents and rate of expenditure are specified in Article 13
and Article 14 of this Circular.
2. Local budget:
2.1. 100% of expenditure for the following
activities shall be covered by local budget:
a) Surveys and assessment of demand for training
assistance in local area.
The spending contents and spending rate are
specified in the Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BTC dated May 11, 2011 by the Ministry
of Finance.
b) Inspection and assessment of the implementation
and the conferences and meetings about the development of training assistance
program in local area.
The spending contents and spending rate are
specified in the Circular No. 97/2010/TT-BTC dated July 06, 2010 by the
Ministry of Finance
2.2. Money shall be financed partially for the
expenditure on the organization of training courses specified in points a and b
clause 1 Article 5 of local SMEs included in the spending from local budgets
according to spending contents and spending rate regulated in Articles 13 and
14 of this Circular.
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1. Spending on the organization of a training
a) Spending on the classes:
- Spending on lecturers: salaries; allowances for
meals; spending on travel and housings for lecturers;
- Spending on learning materials according to the
syllabus (excluding the reference books);
- Spending on award for good and excellent
- Spending on lease of halls, class rooms and
equipment for teaching and learning;
- Spending on stationery;
- Spending on the preparation of exam questions,
invigilation and marking;
- Spending on beginning and closing ceremonies of
the courses;
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- Spending on organization of field study for
learners (if any), including hire of vehicles for transporting learners.
- Spending on Certificate issuance;
- Spending on enrolment: invitation (over the phone
or on the letter), announcement on means of mass media.
- Other spending serving directly the class
(electricity, water, sanitation, parking).
b) Spending on the management of a training course
(not exceeding 10% of total expenditure on a training course), including:
- Spending on business expenses for officers in
charge of managing the training course of training provider in case the course
is organized far from the training provider’s office.
- Spending on the payment for overtime works of
officers in charge of managing the training course (if any); on the
organization of meetings about training courses.
- Other spending serving the management of the
training course (if any);
2. Spending on the activities of training
management authority in Ministries, regulatory bodies and local government,
associations (hereinafter referred to as general spending on management):
spending on inspection on site for assessment of the organization of training
courses for SMEs, including the inspection by officers of training management
authority of the training courses organized under the contract with educational
service providers.
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1. With regard to the spending specified in clause
1 Article 13 of this Circular:
1.1. Regarding the cases the government budget covers partially the expenditure:
a) The state budget shall cover not more than 50%
total expense on a course
b) Reasonable spending on an issue in a training
course shall conform to the regulation in the Circular No. 139/2010/TT-BTC
dated 21/9/2010 by the Ministry of Finance and shall be determined according to
the principle:
- Regarding the
spending under specific regulations in terms of standards/norms (spending on
salary of lecturers; drinks; awards for learners; spending on the preparation
of exam questions, invigilation and marking; business expenses): spending shall
be conformable with the regulations.
- Regarding the spending without specific
regulations in terms of standards/norms: the spending shall be determined
according to the contract and the actual invoices that are reasonable and
lawful according to the legislation.
1.2. The remaining spending is recovered by:
- Funds from Vietnamese or foreign enterprises,
organizations and individuals (if any).
- Tuition fee collected from learners. Training
providers are encouraged to reduce the tuition fee by calculating the funding
from government budget and taking full advantage of sponsorships.
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a) Apart from the support for the organization of
training courses as prescribed in point 1.1 clause 1 of this Article, the funds
from government budget are used for supporting the tuition fee of extremely
disadvantaged learners, specifically as follows:
Tuition fee
support for 01 extremely disadvantaged learner
Amount of funds
from the state budget for the organization of training courses
Amount of funds
from sponsors (if any)
Number of learners
The extremely disadvantaged learner shall pay the
difference (if any) between the payable fee and the supported amount from the
state budget. On the basis of the budget estimates for the organization of
training course, the training provider shall issue announcement about the
tuition fee of learners; the amount supported from the state budget and the
remained payable amount for extremely disadvantaged learners.
b) Extremely disadvantaged learners prescribed in
this Circular include:
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- Learners without permanent residence in extremely
disadvantaged area that are working constantly for at least 6 months in an area
facing extreme socio-economic difficulties until the day of registration for
the training course.
List of extremely disadvantaged areas are specified
in Appendix II enclosed with the Decree No. 108/2006/NĐ-CP dated 22/9/2006 by
the Government.
c) To receive tuition fee support, extremely
disadvantaged learners participating in the training course shall submit the
following documents to the provider:
- The forms in Appendix 2.1 and Appendix 2.2
enclosed herewith that are completed.
- A copy of ID card.
2. Not more than 03% total funding for
assistance in running training courses shall be used to cover general
administrative expenses prescribed in Clause 2 Article 13 of this Circular.
Specific rates of assistance are specified in the Circular No.
97/2010/TT-BTC dated 06/7/2010 by the Ministry of Finance.
Article 15. Plan formulation
and estimate distribution
1. Formulation of plan and budget estimates.
1.1. At the time of formulation of socio-economic
plan and state budget estimates every year, the Ministry of Planning and
Investment shall send the Ministries, regulatory bodies, People’s Committees of
provinces and associations written guidance on the development of plan on
training assistance for SMEs according to the respect and the prioritized areas
according to the developing orientation of the Government.
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Plans and budget estimates for assistance to the
organization of training courses are formulate in accordance with:
a) Demand of SMEs for training in respects and
areas under the management of Ministries, regulatory bodies, People’s
Committees and associations.
b) The prioritized respects/areas of training
according to the guidance of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
c) The balance and combination of the funds for
human resources cultivation for SMEs from other programs/policies of the state,
d) The number of business start-up training courses
shall not exceed 30% of total courses.
1.3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall
collect the demand for budget plans and estimates for training assistance for
SMEs of Ministries, sectors, localities and associations (according to the form
in Appendix 7.1 enclosed with this Circular) and submit them to the Ministry of
Finance within the July of the year before the planned time. Pursuant to the
balancing ability of the state budget, the Ministry of Finance shall request
the National Assembly to decide the funds for training for SMEs from central
2. Distribution of budget estimates.
2.1. With regard to the central budget:
Pursuant to the central budget estimates
distributed to training assistance for SMEs approved by a competent authority,
the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall formulate a plan and discuss with
the Ministry of Finance to send a written notification about human resources
training assistance for SMEs and the amount of funds to each Ministry, sector
and association.
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a) The provisions of points 1.2.a, 1.2.b, 1.2.c and
1.2.d clause 1 of this Article.
b) Total funds from central budget for the training
assistance for SMEs approved by a competent authority
c) The results of
previous programs human resources training assistance for SMEs of Ministries,
sectors and associations.
2.2. With regard to local budget:
On the basis of budget estimates distributed to the
training assistance activities in local areas, the People’s Committees of
provinces shall decide to assign the plan on SMEs' human resources training
assistance and funds from the budget for training management agencies according
to the regulation in the Law on Budget and the applicable guiding documents.
Article 16. Management, use
and payment for expenditure on training assistance for SMEs
1. Regarding the plans on training assistance for
SMEs assigned from a Ministry/regulatory body/local government:
1.1. The training management agencies may receive
the estimate from the State Treasuries. The State Treasuries shall carry out
the spending control, ensuring the reasonable use of funding from the budget
for training assistance for SMEs that is conformable with the applicable
regulations on financial spending and the regulations in this Circular.
1.2. If the training management agencies sign a
contract with educational service providers to organize training courses for
SMEs, documents used as the basis for imprest and payment for the expenditure
shall include:
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b) The documents from the competent authority about
the assignment of plans on human resource training assistance for SMEs and the
supporting budget to the training management agency.
c) The training contract between the training
management agency and educational service providers as prescribed in Article 8
of this Circular.
d) The record on finalization of contract between
the training management agency and the educational service provider, enclosed
with the report on total payment for the expenditure on training courses and
the detailed report on payment for specific course made by the educational
service provider;
dd) The financial invoice of the educational
service provider for the provision of training service according to current
e) Other relevant documents.
2. Regarding the associations receiving funds from
the budget for organizing the training courses:
2.1. Imprest funding:
On the basis of the documents sent by the Ministry
of Planning and Investment about the plan on human resources training
assistance for SMEs and funds from the budget, the association shall formulate
a plan on development and a detailed estimate for the program, formulate an
application for imprest and submit it to the Ministry of Finance, including:
a) A written notification from the Ministry of
Planning and Investment about the plan on assistance to the cultivation of
human resources for SMEs and the funding from the budget for the associations.
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
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Within 10 working days from the day on which the
conformable application is received, the Ministry of Finance shall conduct
inspection and provide supportive budget imprest (not exceeding 70% of the
estimate) for the association to carry out the tasks.
2.2. Finalization of funds:
Not later than December 20 after the training
finished, the association shall submit the documents about finalization of
supportive budget funds to the Ministry of Finance, Including:
a) A Official Dispatch of the association reporting
about the organization result and applying for supportive funds after the
b) The form in Appendix 4.3 enclosed with this
c) The decision of Leader of the association
approving the finalization of funds for the organization of training courses
for the training management agency, enclosed with the form in Appendix 4.2
enclosed with this Circular.
Within 15 working days from the day on which the
conformable application is received, the Ministry of Finance shall conduct
inspection and provide the remaining supportive budget or collect the amount of
unused funds.
2.3. The provision of supportive budge for the
associations for organizing the training courses for SMEs shall comply with the
regulation in point 7.1.a. clause 7 Chapter IV of the Circular No.
59/2003/TT-BTC dated 23/6/2003 by the Ministry of Finance.
3. Any establishment using the funds from the state
budget for the training assistance shall take legal responsibility for the use
of such money according to the regulation; for the accuracy, reliability and
lawfulness of the documents; take responsibility for the conformable receipt,
expenditure, the accounting and finalization and shall be wholly responsible
for the violations or shortcomings according to the legislation.
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Article 17. Responsibilities
of the People’s Committees of provinces
1. On the basis of the local budget, the People’s
Committee of provinces shall initiatively distribute the funds for the
organization according to the plans for training assistance for SMEs in local
area. Funds for training assistance are regulated in annual budget estimates of
local areas.
2. The People’s
Committees of provinces shall request the Service of Planning and Investment
a) Preside over and cooperate with the relevant
Services and regulatory bodies and the representative organizations of the
enterprises in local area in conducting inspecting, carrying out assessment of
the demand, collect and draw up plans, organizing the human resources training
courses for SMEs in local area according to the regulation in this Circular.
Take responsibility for the result of the implementation of plans on training
assistance for SMEs included in the spending of local budget.
b) Preside over, cooperate with relevant agencies
in conducting periodic or irregular inspection and assessment of the
implementation and the conferences and meetings about the development of
training assistance program in local area.
c) Biannually formulate reports on the implementation
and synthesize the funds from local budget for training assistance for SMEs in
local area (according to the form in Appendix 6 enclosed herewith) then request
the People’s Committees of provinces to request the Ministry of Planning and
Investment to synthesize within 1 month after a period of 6 months.
d) Supervise, cooperate and assist the training
management agencies affiliated to Ministries, regulatory bodies and
associations and educational service providers during the organization of training
courses for SMEs in local area.
Article 18. Responsibilities
of Ministries, regulatory bodies and associations
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If the training management agency fails to fulfill
the responsibilities specified in this Circular, Ministries, regulatory bodies
and associations shall consider assigning another eligible agency to take such
responsibilities. The modification of the list of training management agencies
shall be notified to the Ministry of Planning and Investment within 15 days
from the date of modification.
2. Draw up plans on the organization of Business
Start-Up and business administration training courses (as prescribed in points
a and b clause 1 Article 5) and the budget estimates as prescribed in point 1.2
clause 1 Article 15 of this Circular.
3. On the basis of the documents from the Ministry
of Planning and Investment, make announcement about plans on human resources
training assistance for SMEs and the funds from the budget for the organization
of training courses as prescribed in this Circular. Periodically or
irregularly, initiatively or in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning and
Investment and the Ministry of Finance, conduct inspection and assessment of
the completion of tasks and take responsibility for the result of the assigned
training assistance programs.
4. Biannually draw up reports on the implementation
and synthesize the funds from local budget for training assistance for SMEs in
local area (according to the form in Appendix 6 enclosed herewith) then submit
them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment to synthesize within 1 month
after a period of 6 months.
At the end of financial year, provide the funds
from budget for training assistance for SMEs calculated in the report on
Article 19. Responsibilities
of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the
Ministry of Finance shall fulfill the responsibilities specified in Article 18
and the following tasks:
1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment:
a) Preside over the implementation of the
regulations in points 1.1 and 1.3 clause 1, point 2.1 clause 2 Article 15 of
this Circular.
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c) Preside over and cooperate with the Ministry of
Finance and relevant agencies in conducting periodic or irregular inspection
and assessment of the implementation of plans on training assistance for SMEs.
d) Collect
information about the training assistance for SMEs nationwide (according to the form in Appendix 7.2 enclosed
herewith). Report the Prime Minister about the implementation and advise the
amendments to the regulations on training assistance for SMEs when necessary.
2. The Ministry of Finance:
a) On the basis of the documents received from the
Ministry of Planning and Investment, synthesize the planned demand for funds
for training assistance for SMEs from Ministries, sectors, localities and
associations and the balancing ability of the state budget of the year, preside
over and report to the Government to request the National Assembly to decide
the amount of funding from central budget for training assistance for SMEs
according to the Law on the State budget and the applicable guiding documents.
b) Preside over the implementation of provisions
within the functions and tasks prescribed in clauses 1 and 2 Article 16 of this
Chapter V
Article 20. Effect
1. This Circular comes into effect from September
26th, 2014 and replaces the Joint Circular No. 05/2011/TTLT-BKHĐT-BTC dated
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TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ:
ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Tran Van Hieu
Dang Huy Dong