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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No: 07/2025/ND-CP

Hanoi, January 09, 2025




Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization of Vietnam dated June 19, 2015; Law on amendments to some Articles of the Law on Government Organization of Vietnam and Law on Local Government Organization of Vietnam dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the Civil Code dated November 24, 2015;

Pursuant to the Law on Civil Status dated November 20, 2014;

Pursuant to the Law on Vietnamese Nationality No. 24/2008/QH12 dated November 13, 2008; and the Law on amendments to the Law on Vietnamese Nationality No. 56/2014/QH13 dated June 24, 2014;

At the request of the Minister of Justice;

The Government issues a Decree on amendments to a number of articles of decrees in the field of civil status, nationality and authentication.




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1. Amendment to point a of clause 2 of Article 5:

 “a) Certify true copies from originals of any paper, document issued or certified by Vietnamese competent authorities; competent foreign authorities and organizations; competent Vietnamese authorities and organizations in association with competent foreign authorities and organizations;".

2. Amendment to clause 1 of Article 36:

 “1. Applicants must present their unexpired original or a certified copy of the 9-digit Identity Card/Citizen Identity Card/12-digit Identity Card/Identity Certificate or Passport, entry and exit document/International laissez-passer, or present their electronic identification and submit an application for authentication which includes:

a) Draft contracts;

b) A copy with the original for comparison of the certificate of ownership, use rights, or a replacing document as prescribed by laws on property where it is required to register ownership or use right for contracts related to such property, except in cases where the testator’s life is under threat.”.

3. The phrase “bản chính hoặc bản sao có chứng thực Giấy chứng minh nhân dân hoặc hộ chiếu còn giá trị sử dụng” (“originals or any certified true copy of unexpired 9-digit ID card or passport”) in Clause 1 of Article 17, Clause 1 of Article 24, Clause 2 of Article 31, Clause 2 of Article 40 is replaced with the phrase “bản chính hoặc bản sao có chứng thực Giấy chứng minh nhân dân/Thẻ căn cước công dân/Thẻ căn cước/Giấy chứng nhận căn cước/Hộ chiếu/giấy tờ xuất nhập cảnh/giấy tờ có giá trị đi lại quốc tế còn giá trị sử dụng hoặc Căn cước điện tử” (“original or certified copy of unexpired 9-digit ID Card/Citizen ID Card/12-digit ID Card/ID Certificate/Passport/entry and exit document/International laissez-passer or electronic identification”).

4. The phrase “Giấy chứng minh nhân dân hoặc Hộ chiếu” (“9-digit ID card or passport”) in Clause 2 of Article 25, the phrase “Giấy chứng minh nhân dân/hộ chiếu” (“9-digit ID card/Passport”) in the Appendix of specimen testimonies and specimen authentication books with the phrase “Giấy chứng minh nhân dân/Thẻ căn cước công dân/Thẻ căn cước/Căn cước điện tử/Giấy chứng nhận căn cước hoặc Hộ chiếu/giấy tờ xuất nhập cảnh/giấy tờ có giá trị đi lại quốc tế.” (“9-digit ID Card/Citizen ID Card/12-digit ID Card/ID Certificate/Passport/entry and exit document/International laissez-passer or electronic identification.”).

Article 2. Amendments to a number of articles, sections of Decree No. 123/2015/ND-CP dated November 15, 2015 of the Government elaborating the Law on Civil Status




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 “Article 1. Scope

This Decree provides guidelines for the Law on Civil Status in terms of registration of birth, marriage, management and use of vital records in the stage that database of electronic civil status and national database of inhabitants has not been commenced nationwide (hereinafter referred to as transitional stage); birth registration for abandoned children, children whose parents have not yet been identified, children born from surrogacy; registration of birth, marriage, recognition of parent-child relationship, registration of death at border areas; issuance of certificates of marital status; registration of guardianship supervision, registration of termination of guardianship supervision; birth registration for children who were born overseas without birth registration and reside in Vietnam; marriage registration with foreign elements at the People’s Committees of districts; document in vital records marriage, divorce, marriage annulment of Vietnamese citizens that have been processed at competent authorities overseas, re-registration of birth, marriage, death; placement of justice and civil status public employees in charge of full time job and measures for implementing the Law on civil status.”

2. Amendments to clauses 1 and 2 of Article 2:

 “1. Applicants for civil status registration or issuance of copies of civil status documents shall present the original of one of the following documents: unexpired passport, 9-digit ID card, citizen ID card, 12-digit ID card, electronic identification or another document containing photo and personal information that has been issued by a competent authority (hereinafter referred to as identity paper) for the identity verification purpose.

2. Applicants for birth registration shall submit the original of certificate of live birth or an equivalent document as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 16 of the Law on Civil Status; applicants for death registration shall submit the original of death notice or an equivalent document as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 34 of the Law on civil status and Clause 2 Article 4 hereof;

In case the applicant has submitted an electronic copy of the certificate of live birth or death registration, or the civil status registration agency has extracted the digitally signed electronic data of the certificate of live birth or death registration, it is not necessary to submit a physical copy.”.

3. Amendment to Article 3:

Amendment to name of Article 3: Forms of submission and receipt of application for civil status registration, verification when processing household registration applications

b) Amendment to clause 1 of Article 3:




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The application for civil status registration shall be made in 1 copy.”

c) Amendment to clause 5 of Article 3:

 “5. For a birth registration applications where the parents of the child have registered their marriage, depending on the information on the Marriage Certificate provided in the Birth Registration Form, the civil status registration agency shall look up the information on the marital status of the parents of the child on the Provincial information system for handling administrative procedures through connection with the Electronic Civil Status Database and the National Population Database.

For marriage registration applications, the civil status registration agency shall look up information about the marital status of the applicant on the Provincial information system for handling administrative procedures through connection with the Electronic Civil Status Database and the National Population Database.

The lookup results are in electronic or paper form, fully and accurately reflecting the information at the time of lookup and attached to the applicant's application.

In case the marital status cannot be looked up because there is no information in the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database, the civil status registration agency shall request the People's Committee of the commune where the applicant permanently resides/where the marriage was registered for verification and provision of information. Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the verification request, the People's Committee of the commune receiving the request shall check, verify, and send the results on the marital status of that person.".

4. Amendment to point c of clause 1 of Article 4:

 “c) The personal identification number of the person whose birth is registered shall be issued upon the birth registration. The issuance of personal identification numbers shall comply with the Law on Identification and its elaborating documents, in accordance with the Law on Civil Status and this Decree;”.

5. Amendment to clause 2 of Article 9:




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6. Amendment to clause 4 of Article 22:

4. If the applicant for certificate of marital status has registered permanent residence in multiple places, he/she must provide documents proving marital status at the previous place of residence (if any). Based on the information provided, the civil status registration agency looks up information about the marital status of the applicant on the Provincial information system for handling administrative procedures through connection with the Electronic Civil Status Database and the National Population Database. If there is no information in the Database, the civil registration agency shall cooperate with relevant agencies to carry out the verification. The time limit and method for submitting verification requests shall comply with the Clause 5 of Article 3 hereof.”.

7. Amendment to clause 2 of Article 23:

 “2. The certificate of marital status shall be used for the purpose of marriage at overseas Vietnamese representative missions, or at overseas competent authorities, or for other purposes.”.

8. Addition of Section 3 to Chapter 3:

 “Section 5


Article 28a. Authority to register supervision of guardianship, register termination of supervision of guardianship

1. The People's Committee of the commune where the person under guardianship resides shall register the supervision of guardianship.




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Article 28b. Procedures for registration of supervision of guardianship

1. The applicant for registration for guardianship supervision shall submit the Registration Form for Guardianship Supervision in accordance with the prescribed form and the document as the basis for proving the agreement to appoint/select a supervisor of guardianship in accordance with the Civil Code to the competent civil status registration agency.

2. Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the application, if the conditions prescribed by law are satisfied, the judicial-civil status officer shall record it in the Civil Status Book and report to the Chairman of the commune-level People's Committee to issue a vital record to the applicant.

In case verification is required, the processing time shall be extended but not exceeding 05 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

Article 28c. Procedures for registration of termination of supervision of guardianship

1. The applicant for registration for termination of guardianship supervision shall submit the Registration Form for termination of guardianship supervision in accordance with the prescribed form and the document as the basis for termination of guardianship supervision.

2. The procedures for registration of termination of guardianship supervision shall be carried out as regulated in Clause 2 of Article 28b of hereof.

3. Application form, Book forms, and Vital record forms related to registration of guardianship supervision and registration of termination of guardianship supervision are issued in the Appendix attached hereto”.

9. Amendment to clause 3 of Article 30:




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10. Clause 1 of Article 10 of Decree No. 123/2015/ND-CP dated November 15, 2015 of the Government elaborating the Law on Civil Status shall be annulled.

Article 3. Amendments to a number of articles, sections of Decree No. 87/2020/ND-CP dated July 28, 2020 of the Government on electronic civil status database and online civil registration

1. Amendment to clause 2 of Article 2:

 “2. Common electronic civil registration and management software shall be the basis of electronic civil status database, including civil registration and management software and software, applications and services developed, designed and provided to civil registration and management agencies by Ministry of Justice to register civil status, develop, update, digitalize, standardize and manage civil status data, extract and use electronic civil status database.

The Common electronic civil registration and management software is connected and integrated with the National Public Service Portal, the information system for handling administrative procedures of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Provincial information system for handling administrative procedures to support the reception, settlement, monitoring of the reception, settlement, and results of settlement of administrative procedures in the field of civil status.”.

2. Amendment to clause 2 of Article 8:

 “2. The Ministry of Justice shall connect and share data between the Electronic Civil Status Database and other databases of ministries, central and local authorities; extract and use the Electronic Civil Status Database to carry out state management activities in the field of civil status in accordance with law.”.

3. Amendment to point c of clause 3 of Article 12:

 “c) An application for civil registration shall be officially received for processing on common civil registration and management software only when it is adequate as per the law.




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4. Amendments to clauses 1 and 2 of Article 13:

Competent authorities specified under Clauses 1, 3 and 4 Article 8 hereof shall issue copies of vital records at request of individuals regardless where civil registration is performed and residence of the applicants.

2. Competent agencies specified under Clauses 3 and 4 Article 8 hereof shall issue verification of civil status information in case of individuals wishing to extract information from multiple civil registration affairs or verify their varying civil status information; agencies and organizations requesting to extract varying civil status information of an individual or extract civil status information of multiple individuals.”.

5. Amendment to clause 7 of Article 19:

 “7. Issuing documents instructing, operating and guiding timely solutions for difficulties related to extraction and use of electronic civil status database for civil registration on a nationwide scale.”.

Article 4. Amendments to a number of articles of Decree No. 16/2020/ND-GOVERNMENT dated February 3, 2020 of the Government elaborating to Law on Vietnamese Nationality

1. Amendments to a number of points and clauses of Article 10:

Amendment to the name of clause 1 of Article 10:

 “1. Documents specified in Points b, d, dd, e and g of Clause 1 of Article 20 of Law on Vietnamese Nationality include:”.




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 “c) Copies of birth certificates of juvenile children who will be naturalized in Vietnamese nationality with their parents or other valid documents proving parent-child relationship, in case the receiving agency cannot extract information proving the parent-child relationship from the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database.

In case only one of the parents is naturalized in Vietnamese nationality and their juvenile children are also naturalized in Vietnamese nationality with them, written agreements bearing both signatures of the parents on naturalization of Vietnamese nationality for the children must be present. Signature authentication is not required for the agreements; a parent whose name is on the application for naturalization of Vietnamese nationality of the children shall be responsible for authenticity of signature of the other parent.

In case parents are deceased, lost legal capacity or having limited legal capacity, the agreements shall be replaced with documents proving deceased parents, parents with lost legal capacity or parents having limited legal capacity.

c) Addition of point e to clause 1 to Article 10:

 “e) The Department of Justice shall proactively request the agency managing the judicial record database to issue a judicial record card to the applicant for Vietnamese nationality during their residence in Vietnam to complete their application, except in cases where the applicant already has a Criminal Record Card at the time of application submission.

This regulation also applies to applications for restoration of Vietnamese nationality and applications for renunciation of Vietnamese nationality submitted to the Department of Justice.”.

d) Amendments to point a of clause 2 of Article 10:

a) In case an applicant has a spouse who is a Vietnamese citizen, submit copies of marriage certificates or marital status certificates; in case an applicant has parents and children who are Vietnamese citizens, submit copies of birth certificates or other valid documents parent-child relationship in case the receiving agency cannot extract information proving the marital relationship, the parent-child relationship from the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database;”.

2. Amendments to clauses 1 and 4 of Article 15:




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a) Documents proving renunciation by the President or denaturalization of Vietnamese nationality;

b) Previous documents issued and verified by competent agencies and organizations which specify Vietnamese nationality or equivalent documents certifying Vietnamese nationality of the applicants.

In case previous information about the Vietnamese nationality status of such can be extracted in the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database, the receiving agency shall not request the applicant to submit the above documents.

 “4. Copies of birth certificates or other valid documents proving parent-child relationship are required for juvenile children whose Vietnamese nationality shall be restored with their parents in case the receiving agency cannot extract information proving the parent-child relationship from the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database. In case only one of the parents is restored with Vietnamese nationality and their juvenile children are also restored with Vietnamese nationality with them, written agreements on restoration of Vietnamese nationality for the children must be present. The agreements must bear both signatures of the parents, signature authentication is not required for the agreements; a parent whose name is on the application for restoration of Vietnamese nationality of the children shall be responsible for authenticity of signature of the other parent.

In case parents are deceased, lost legal capacity or having limited legal capacity, the agreements shall be replaced with documents proving deceased parents, parents with lost legal capacity or parents having limited legal capacity.”.

3. Amendments to clause 1 of Article 16:

 “1. In case identity of applicants for restoration of Vietnamese nationality must be verified according to Clause 3 Article 26 of Law on Vietnamese Nationality, the Ministry of Justice shall issue documents stating contents that need to be verified by Ministry of Public Security.”.

4. Amendments to Article 18:

a) Addition of clauses 1a after clause 1 of Article 18:




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b) Amendments to clause 3 of Article 18:

 “c) Copies of birth certificates of juvenile children who will be renounced in Vietnamese nationality with their parents or other valid documents proving parent-child relationship, in case the receiving agency cannot extract information proving the parent-child relationship from the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database. In case only one of the parents is renounced in Vietnamese nationality and their juvenile children are also renounced in Vietnamese nationality with them, written agreements bearing both signatures of the parents on renunciation of Vietnamese nationality for the children must be present. Signature authentication is not required for the agreements; a parent whose name is on the application for renunciation of Vietnamese nationality of the children shall be responsible for authenticity of signature of the other parent.

In case parents are deceased, lost legal capacity or having limited legal capacity, the agreements shall be replaced with documents proving deceased parents, parents with lost legal capacity or parents having limited legal capacity.”.

5. Amendment to Article 30:

 “Article 30. Authority to issue certificates of Vietnamese nationality

Applicants for issuance of certificates of Vietnamese nationality shall apply at Departments of Justice or representative bodies where they reside at the time of submission of application.”.

6. Amendment to point b of clause 1 of Article 31:

 “b) Documents proving Vietnamese nationality according to Article 11 of Law on Vietnamese Nationality or equivalent documents issued by previous government, including birth certificates where nationality section is left empty or full name sections are filled with full name of the applicant and his/her parents in Vietnamese, in case the receiving agency cannot extract information proving Vietnamese nationality of the applicant from the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database;”.

7. Amendment to Article 32:




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Applicants for issuance of certificates of Vietnamese origin shall apply at Departments of Justice or representative bodies where they reside at the time of submission of application.”.

8. Amendment to point b of clause 1 of Article 33:

Documents previously issued proving that the applicant once held Vietnamese nationality and at birth their nationality was determined by their bloodline or documents proving he/she has parents or grandparents who hold Vietnamese nationality in case the receiving agency cannot extract such information from the Electronic Civil Status Database or the National Population Database.

In case none of the documents above are available, on a case-by-case basis, applicant may submit copies of documents on personal record, nationality or civil status issued by former southern government before April 30, 1975; documents issued by former government of Hanoi from 1911 to 1956; guarantees of associations and groups of overseas Vietnamese where the applicant is residing that confirm Vietnamese origin of the applicant; guarantees of Vietnamese nationals which confirm Vietnamese origin of the applicant; documents issued by foreign competent agencies that specified Vietnamese nationality or Vietnamese origin.”.

9. The phrase “Thẻ căn cước, Căn cước điện tử” (“12-digit ID card, Electronic identification”) shall be added after the phrase “Thẻ căn cước, Căn cước điện tử” (“Citizen ID card) in Clause 2 of Article 4, Clause 2 of Clause 3 and Clause 4 of Article 24, Clause 1 and Clause 2 of Article 26, Point a of Clause 1 of Article 29, Point a of Clause 1 of Article 31, Point a of Clause 1 of Article 33, Point e off Clause 1 of Article 35 and Clause 3 of Article 36.

Article 5. Implementation clauses

1. This Decree comes into force from the date which it is signed.

2. Applications related to civil status, nationality and authentication received before the effective date of the Decree but not yet resolved shall continue to be handled in accordance with the regulations of Decree No. 23/2015/ND-CP, Decree No. 123/2015/ND-CP, Decree No. 87/2020/ND-CP, Decree No. 16/2020/ND-CP.

3. The Ministry of Justice shall provide guidance on the implementation of this Decree.




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Le Thanh Long


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Decree No. 07/2025/ND-CP dated January 09, 2025 on amendments to a number of articles of decrees in the field of civil status, nationality and authentication
Official number: 07/2025/ND-CP Legislation Type: Decree of Government
Organization: The Government Signer: Le Thanh Long
Issued Date: 09/01/2025 Effective Date: Premium
Gazette dated: Updating Gazette number: Updating
Effect: Premium

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Decree No. 07/2025/ND-CP dated January 09, 2025 on amendments to a number of articles of decrees in the field of civil status, nationality and authentication

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